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Cannabis & Fitness: Recovery
The healing powers of cannabis are becoming more known and sought after, not just for relief but especially for a faster recovery. From habitual gym goers to professional athletes, what’s more, fascinating is how doctors are using it for wound and tissue healing, and other medical ailments. The topical treatments are more well known, but there is growing interest and research that cannabis could help in healing and recovery on the inside of the body, like the walls of the intestinal tract.
CBD is known as a powerful anti-inflammatory, when applied topically. The antiinflammatory properties can assist in the swelling of injuries or stiffness in muscles from overuse, as well as gently soothe some pain. This would be ideal for habitual gym goers and athletes who tend to overwork themselves physically. There is another added benefit when adding in other cannabinoids to get the entourage effect, which some may suggest actually accelerates the healing process of sprains and minor strains. Interestingly enough, one analysis of CBD studies done to explore the anti-inflammatory and healing properties of CBD found that CBD alone could promote bone healing.

What’s impressive is the newer research showing that cannabis with the addition of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids helps with rapid wound closure of venous leg ulcers. Dr. Vincent Maida of Toronto is pioneering research in topical cannabis-based medicines for integumentary (skin) and wound management. Dr. Maida has been implementing cannabinoid topicals, which include terpenes and flavonoids to aid in the entourage effect on wounds and other skin disorders with amazing results. Some wounds that were deemed “unhealable” for months have shown to close or be healed within 2-3 months with the powerful cannabis topicals he has been using on his patients.
What’s impressive is the newer research showing that cannabis with the addition of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids helps with rapid wound closure of venous leg ulcers. Dr. Vincent Maida of Toronto is pioneering research in topical cannabis-based medicines for integumentary (skin) and wound management. Dr. Maida has been implementing cannabinoid topicals, which include terpenes and flavonoids to aid in the entourage effect on wounds and other skin disorders with amazing results. Some wounds that were deemed “unhealable” for months have shown to close or be healed within 2-3 months with the powerful cannabis topicals he has been using on his patients.
The healing powers of cannabis are not just topical, they may actually be helpful for the gastrointestinal tract as well. One study found that CBD oil can be effective in reducing inflammation of the gut, which can provide relief from irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders. This would make sense, as many cannabinoid receptors are housed within the gastrointestinal tract. The cannabinoid CBG is more well known to help specifically with gastrointestinal relief and digestive disorders, especially for Chron’s disease.
As used to cannabis as some are these days, cannabis legalization, acceptance, and therefore research is still in the beginning stages. But with so much promising research already, the future is looking very good for cannabis for relief and recovery for so many people.