The Chronic Magazine (Sept. 2020)

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Anniversary BONG APPÉTIT Edible Cake Bong with


EXCLUSIVE! Flower Review with world-renowned Beleaf Cannabis: White Truffle COVER PHOTO CREDIT: TERRISHA HARRIS



The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine

Therin Miller || Chief Operations Officer Instagram: @oklahomachronicmagazine


Dusty Hayes || VP of Sales Instagram: @OklahomaChronicKing

Kayla Johnson || Editor Instagram: @ladyofhousej

Veronica Castillo || Writer

Melissa Hall || Canna Critic

Instagram: @v2_traveling_veg_canna_writer

Instagram: @okcannacritic

Dr. Pepper Hernandez || Writer Instagram: @dr.pepperhernandez

Rachel Klubeck || Cannabis Attorney / Writer

Chef Buz Deliere || Canna Chef Instagram: @medibles_ok

Chynna Pearson || Writer Instagram: @chynnathewriter

Instagram: @roklubeck

Terrisha Harris || Graphic Designer Instagram: @smoke_tree_cannabis

Philip Rodriguez || Writer Instagram: @wheretosmokeokc














How the two go hand in hand



Cannabis-themed confections




Kristina Dunn - High Society


Well folks, we've made it to September. This month marks The Chronic's first anniversary of being in print. It's crazy to think that it's already been a year! These past 12 months have been filled with your cannabis stories, chats with industry leaders and community members, and we were lucky enough to catch up with a handful of celebrities, with more to come on the horizon.


Myself and the rest of the Chronic Crew are honored that you've entrusted us for the last year to share your stories and how cannabis has made such a positive impact on so many people and their communities. These last months have been especially challenging, as you all know, and we're grateful for the continued love from our readers. Be well, and keep watching the Oklahoma Chronic for cannabis news and more.


Have a story? Please let us know at!


“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” ― Bill Hicks



River floats and post-pizza Tokes


CANNABIS SURVIVOR Daniel 'Breadman' Essary

MONTHLY CANNABIS REVIEW Beleaf Cannabis White Truffle



Growing your own marijuana; I never actually thought that I would have the ability to walk into a store in Oklahoma, of all places, and ask the employees how to grow or how their own set of plants are doing. I personally can’t wait until there are little old pairs of grandparents watering their outdoor OG because marijuana helps with their aches and pains. In order to get to that point, we must actually make growing and harvesting your own plants seem like an accessible and relatively simple process. Right now, getting started on a homegrow can seem extremely intimidating and make consumers weary about giving it a try. In reality, it is easily done, and it’s always fun to reap the benefits of your own labor. (Especially when you can consume it!) Ever since marijuana has been medically legalized in Oklahoma, the idea of growing your own marijuana has been tantalizing, even more so now that going to stores at the moment can be dangerous for the medically compromised.

Since Covid-19 happened, the concept of growing your own food has boomed after most of the world had to go on lockdown. For some patients, getting their own plant was the first thing they did. As soon as lockdown began, some people thought dispensaries may not be deemed essential. To remedy that, many thought to start their own homegrow (it does seem to save money in the long run)! However, growing marijuana is not the easiest thing to do as it can be a sassy little plant that needs attention and discipline to get the most bang out of your buck. Marijuana isn’t just like the usual planted sustainable items like tomatoes, cucumbers, basil and thyme; growing your own marijuana needs some more precise attention.


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After you’ve bought your clone or planted your seeds, it takes anywhere from eight to ten weeks for your plant to begin to flower. During those weeks, trimming its leaves and shearing its branches are good ways to produce more usable and taller flower. Some people even tie the branches down to give the buds more room to expand. Remember: these steps are basic and you should probably take a moment to really solidify how to make the most out of your homegrow from the beginning all the way to the end.

STEP 1: Is it done yet? Determine if your plant is ready to harvest! If you’ve been seeing some beautiful buds on your plant, it’s possible that it’s time to get ready for harvesting. The time for harvesting depends on your strain: indica takes around eight weeks after flowering and sativa takes around ten weeks. Those are estimates, mind you, sometimes you just have to tell by how they look! It’s important to be sure of when to begin this process because it can determine the THC content; too early can mean a very low amount of THC and too late and the plant could get too old and wilt. When the plant is ready, you’ll be able to see pretty trichomes all over it; preferably they would look kind of clear with a tint of amber color.

STEP 2: Time to get sticky! Prepare to flush and get ready to trim! The week before you begin to harvest, it’s important to darken the room the plant is in, or cover it if it’s outside, then flush the plant's fertilizer from it’s system in order to give the user a smoother inhale and a less chemical flavor. After that is complete, it’s a good idea to trim off all the leaves and everything that isn’t flower before you set everything out to dry. A fresh leaf is easier to cut and less likely to be left on than a dry one.


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The next thing to do is to pull them out from their pots and let them dry out for a day or two to make it easier to trim into the smokable flower. Once you are able to trim, be sure to use gloves or your hands will be so sticky that you could climb the walls. Trimming the marijuana can be done many ways, too. This all depends on what you like your buds to look like. Remember to keep all your trimmings so that you can use it as the THC for homemade edibles (the magazine actually has a great chef that can give you some great advice on that too) or even concentrates if you have the right tools.

STEP 3: Patience is a virtue! Once the trimming is finished, the only thing left to do is to let all the bud dry! This drying process should have them hanging evenly to prevent molding while in a dark humidity controlled room. Unfortunately, drying can take up to six whole days. You must be strong and not try to sample anything that's not quite dry enough, no matter how excited you are. The saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” always helped me when I wanted something I had to wait for (thanks, Grandma!) so pick a mantra and keep away from your drying buds.


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Hopefully, these three simplified growing steps can help you out on your next adventure in cultivating your own medical marijuana. I actually ended up getting myself a clone to try outdoor growing while I researched this topic, it just seems like too much fun to miss out on. Also, be sure to take a look into different methods and products when getting into a lengthy process such as this. There are a million ways to do something, and it’s always important to do it the way that feels the best for you and your plants! For example, indoor growing will take some extra dough, so everything can go smoothly; new lights, tarps, and different fertilizers are all a part of this beautiful process. Outdoor has some expenses too, but a few of my friends were able to grow some pretty potent bud just by trimming the branches as it grew in a pot on their front porch. The miracle of consuming a successfully grown plant is always amazing and well worth the wait. I am very excited to say that I expect, by the time I turn 60, that this process will gradually become less intimidating, and one day, we all can have our own confidently planted homegrow.




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We don’t have a society that looks at parents that consume alcohol with eyes of disgust. Instead, our society in general, considers parents that smoke/consume Cannabis, bad. Even when medicinally and recreationally legal, in the eyes of some, Cannabis is still the devil’s lettuce. The government did quite the job making the masses fearful of a plant. A plant with thousands of years of medicinal history and one that grows wild. The government created the “devils’ lettuce” stigma and all these years later, even with legalization, that stigma continues to stick. Many states have laws that don’t allow someone to have both a medicinal Cannabis card and a license to carry a gun. Many states still take kid out of the home because their parents consume Cannabis. Many states are keeping families separated over Cannabis offense.The masses, that support the governments mission in keeping a plant prohibited, don’t help matters any. These are the people that judge the canna-mom for consuming Cannabis, while holding wine/gin/tequila. The dad that says the canna-dad consuming Cannabis oil is bad, while holding an opioid bottle in his hand. The teacher that wants to report the canna-teacher to the union because she is consuming CBD oil in the teachers’ lounge, while taking his/her valium

Cannabis and Threats- Separation of Family Even in a legal state like California, Cannabis can still separate a family. According to Dr. Charles Sophy, the medical director of the Department of Child and Family Sezvices in Los Angeles County:· “Even though marijuana is legal in California, it's still possible for the Department of Children and Family Services to remove kids from the home for parental marijuana use”.


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Jacob Margolis, from Take Two (published on states that:· A report on DCFS in L.A. County described situations in which families have had their children removed from their homes when parents tested positive for THC, without the homes being investigated for abuse or neglect. Cannabis and people of color have been the modernday slave trade. People of color are in jail and prison for Cannabis at a rate that would make many throw up. states and reports the following:· Even in states where use is decriminalized, child welfare systems continue to treat it as a sign of neglectful parenting, particularly among families of color.· Despite ample evidence that Black and Latinx people use cannabis at much the same rates as white people, parents of color are much more likely to be targeted, surveilled, and policed for Cannabis than their white counterparts. Interestingly enough, there is not enough emphasis on the truth. The National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, reports:· In the past three decades, the United States has experienced at least three major shifts in substances of abuse that have had dramatic effects on children and families. However, the increase of opioid misuse has been described by long-time child welfare professionals as having the worst effects on child welfare systems that they have seen.

Relatable Stories Ms. D, a mother of two living in the Bronx, smoked Cannabis occasionally. She never smoked in front of her children, and her casual use never affected her ability to parent. So, when a child protective investigator asked her if she smoked, Ms. D was forthcoming. After all, her children were healthy, happy, and well cared for, and Cannabis use was decriminalized in New York and legal in many other states. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

To Ms. D’s surprise, she was brought into court and charged with child neglect in part on the basis of her cannabis use. The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) agreed that Ms. D’s children could remain in her care only if she entered into a daily drug treatment program. Savannah Lackey, who had a legitimate prescription for Cannabis and was cultivating a small amount of Cannabis on her land in northern California, had her children removed from the home after a raid. Law enforcement seized her legally grown marijuana and forcibly took their

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children at gunpoint.




In Idaho a mother of three children suffers from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and uses Cannabis to treat her symptoms. According to her, it’s the only thing that works. When her 10-year-old boy was accused of bringing pot to school, the charges were quickly found to be baseless, but that didn’t stop child protective services from raiding their home and seizing all three of the children. I spoke with Ms. Craig, who reports that she hasn’t lost her kids, but is in an active custody case for one of the children. She consumed while pregnant with all of her children, and they have all tested positive at birth. She has had home visits and case managers in both Kansas and Missouri. And though a legal patient of Missouri, she is still fighting for custody.

Cannabis vs. Alcohol Cannabis is a plant and of course, not lethal, but the systems and masses that be sure push it that way. Here are some studies, perspective, and insight into the truth from American Addiction Centers: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that people can't ingest a lethal dose of Cannabis.· Alcohol is legal in all 50 states but is responsible for 88,000 deaths every year and 2.5 million years of potential life lost.· Studies have shown drinking too much, either in a single instance or consistently over time, can severely harm the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and can lead to several forms of cancer

Hear from Canna Parents about Their Day to Day with Cannabis Consumption as Parents: “I have been a Cannamom for about 10 years. My reasons for consuming THC over alcohol have more to do with wellness than to what people consider to be recreation. I use cannabis at home and away, always to help maintain authority over myself. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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THC helps to keep me aware of things I might not see if my anxiety is unchecked. THC will always be the healthiest choice for me." "Because of my physical issues, drunkenness is harder for me to hide than the average wineloving mama. Although I’ve stepped out of my canna closet a little bit, discretion is still part of my social strategy. I can either go all out with big blunts in the den and then emerge and effectively parent my children or I can slip a piece of CBD chocolate and quell my social anxiety without embarrassing myself." My children have seen me sick from alcohol. I always considered that to be a violation of our safety. So, I vowed to make better choices. THC is the safest and healthiest choice for me, and I will always advocate for it, especially for parents!”@Dom_thecannamom “I had to smoke while pregnant or lose him. I was getting up to 9 bags of IV fluid every two weeks just to keep hydrated. I kept nothing down.” – @K. Standley

“I used THC through my whole pregnancy, through breastfeeding as well. I have severe anxiety, bi-polar disorder, and PTSD from being raped at 6. My nearly 7-year-old is great at reading and math- even though I consumed cannabis throughout the pregnancy and even throughout labor”. – @T. Adam Woods. We must, as a society, be more informed than the basics that the government gives us. What has been outlawed and prohibited- has been so because the one plant fixing all issues- doesn’t work for the government. There are too many industries threatened by plant Cannabis and instead of being better and helping people, the power that be is more interested in money and greed. There is no separation of families over orchids, roses, or tea. There is no reason that we should be seeing this for Cannabis. Cannabis and parenting should be a concept accepted by everyone.

Cannabis and parenting should be a concept accepted by everyone.


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Cannabis and Yoga




The combination of cannabis and yoga is one that you’ve

Not long after cannabis legalization came with 788’s passing, I

likely heard of if you’ve dipped your toes into either

had the privilege to speak with Kendra Guthrie for one of my

community. Those who continue to spread negative

first cannabis-focused articles. Guthrie is a certified yoga

stereotypes about cannabis users may even double the

instructor who runs Ganja Yoga Tulsa and offers ‘wake-n-bake’

ridicule when it comes to cannabis consumers who also

classes during the weekend, and I’m lucky to count this gifted

practice yoga, as it continues to be looked down upon in some

and wise woman as a friend; she encouraged me to incorporate

circles as ‘nonsense’, just like cannabis has been for years.

cannabis into my practice, and it completely changed how I practice yoga, making it more beneficial than ever.

Even with any lingering (and slowly fading) stigmas lurking about, yoga and cannabis both have seen nearly meteoric

During these last several months with the effects of the

rises in popularity and prominence over the last decade as

pandemic still impacting our country, stress has been at an all-

all-natural ways to help improve your health, and it’s not

time high for many of us, and for some, a healthier way to deal

hard to figure out why; the two pair together as well as red

with it all has become a necessity. Guthrie was kind enough to

wine and dark chocolate, and if you’ve been looking for a new

answer a few canna-yoga focused questions, in her own words,

way to bring a little perspective or peace to your life, it may

in an effort to help people try a new way to relieve stress and

be just what you’re looking for.

regain a sense of balance in their lives.

Personally, when I first started out with yoga, like a lot of people are, I wasn’t entirely comfortable with it. I was stiff, and dealing with a lot, and most of the time, I just felt like I was going through the motions and poses, rather than really getting anything from it.

“It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self, and intelligence.” ~BKS Iyengar


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Q: What makes yoga such a powerful tool for stress relief? A: Yoga moves us through the entire body, relieving stiff joints and tight tissues while developing strength and stability. Taking a great class or following a good set of postures is like a total tune-up, but the practice goes beyond just the body.Yoga works as a powerful tool for stress relief because practicing yoga increases th amount of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) that your brain releases. This neurotransmitter assists in our vision and motor functions, but it also regulates mood and anxiety. That is how mindfulness methods like meditation, breathwork, and yoga are proven practices that reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, lower blood pressure,and improve mood. Studies have shown that yoga increases GABA more than other accessible forms of movement or exercise, like walking or tai chi. Yoga requires attention to the breath, body, and mind; creating space and unique situations where you are using all three synergistically together. This is how yoga also improves your focus, memory, and reaction time. The intention and literal meaning of yoga is to yoke: to create a union of body-mind-spirit. Yoga provides an energetic release of tension and stress through a physical practice, but yoga also develops energy management through breath work

It is a beautiful and natural progression from the physical practice to a more meditative and even spiritual practice. This is exactly as yoga was intended to work, a gradual practice that builds over time as it strengthens the mind-body connection. Q: Why do you think cannabis and yoga go hand in hand? A: Cannabis offers a wide range of health benefits, from reducing chronic pain,inflammation, stress, anxiety, and

and clear mental focus.

depression to improving appetite and mood. There are many

Tuning in and deeply connecting to yourself helps us

an enhanced experience by activating our body’s ECS, or

practice active relaxation. It affords us time for reflection and self-study. By gaining insight and building personal wisdom, maybe someday we will learn how to achieve peace under pressure, or at least a little more peace in reclining

parallels to the benefits of yoga and cannabis. Cannabis creates endocannabinoid system. Yoga activates your body’s lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, and energy systems. It seems like almost a no-brainer to use the two together, but it has also been found that adding coffee or caffeine to the mixture of

pigeon pose.

cannabis and exercise achieves a state of flow, much like an

Q: Do people have to commit to a full hour-long flow or class

performance enhancement for a more active yoga class like

athlete or ballerina performing. Think of it as hippie

to get the benefits of yoga?


A: Professionals recommend practicing four to six times a

Yoga helps to combat some of cannabis’ side effects, like motor

week for just 15 minutes per session to receive the benefits of yoga; greater results can be achieved by practicing for thirty to sixty minutes per session. Modern studio and online classes tend to last an hour, but traditional yoga practices were ninety minutes long.Shorter practices are great because they allow us to concentrate on breathwork and movement to maximize the physical benefits of yoga. This kind of practice is especially great for beginners. Once you become more comfortable with your breath and the asanas, your practices can gradually become longer as you

impairment andmemory function. Both cannabis and yoga enhance your self-awareness, which can attimes be challenging, especially if you’re having creative epiphanies during a meditationsession. Just be aware of where the journey is taking you and see the monkey mind asa challenge to sharpen your awareness and focus your attention. When your mindbegins to wander, or even stumble over itself, breathe, and remember, “These are notthe droids you’re looking for.” If you can’t get a handle on the monkey mind, let go andpick up a journal to jot down your inspiration or epiphanies.

begin to go deeper. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Cannabis and yoga have an ancient relationship. Cannabis is considered one of the five sacred herbs by Vedic texts, which are ancient Hindu texts written between 2000 to 1400 B.C. One myth tells that when the Hindu gods churned the cosmic ocean to obtain the elixir of immortality, cannabis plants grew wherever the drops of elixir landed on the ground. What also came out of the cosmic ocean was a poison that Lord Shiva, the Destroyer, swallowed. The goddess Parvati gathered the cannabis that had grown and whipped up bhang as an antidote. Bhang lassi is a popular Indian cannabis milkshake of sorts with milk, cannabis, butter, nuts and spices. That is why Lord Shiva is also the god of ganja, the Lord of Bhang. Every year for the Hindu festival known as the Shiva Ratri, over 1 million sadhu Shiva devotees (Shaivites) gather at the temple in Kathmandu to smoke the sacred herb together.



The festival is in celebration of the day Shiva married the goddess Parvati, saving the universe from eternal darkness. Even though cannabis is still an illegal substance in India, smoking at the Shiva Ratri festival and consuming bhang are legally permitted due to their religious purposes. Q: During the current pandemic and extraordinary stressors most people are facing,what are three ways they can use cannabis and yoga together to help manage their stress? A: Check in & Set an intention: ‘Today I choose to be authentic and listen with compassion’ When you wake up, before you bake, practice yoga (or both), it’s good to set an intention. An intention is more than goal; it is a guiding principle, a value, or an attitude about how you want to show up in the world. How do you wish to be and be seen?Pause a moment to check in with yourself. What kind of mood are you in? What is your energy level? What is your intention and what do you need to accomplish today? Why are you choosing cannabis and yoga today? Setting an intention allows you to guide the mindset you have about your experience. You hold the power to a more intentional practice! Needing to embrace change? Looking for balance? Wanting to open your heart? Seeking peace? Start the day, spark a J, and unroll your mat with great intentions. Once you begin and start to reap the rewards, you will want to keep setting intentions even more. You can use intentions to reconnect with your values before big meetings, tough phone calls, and anytime you need guidance or grounding. Choose your practice & medicine wisely with intent. What kind of mood are you in? What is your energy level? What is your intention and what do you need to accomplish today? You can use the same check-in questions that you did for setting an intention to be purposeful about which kind of yoga practice and which cannabis product is to best for the experience. Maybe you chopped wood yesterday and it’s a topical + yin yoga kind of day. You might have just picked up a lovely Tangie to wake & bake and you’re energized enough for a fun flow.What strains are you familiar with? It’s always best to start low and slow with a familiar flower. Do Si Dos is perfect for a gentle practice with a nice long meditation or even Yoga Nidra. Each cannabis cultivar offers a different experience, so it’s important to keep track or even journal about how certain farms, brands, strains, edibles, tinctures, or concentrates affect you.


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Create a self-care ritual: Self-care rituals help us stay mindful of our needs, work to ground and center us,and offer time to turn inwards and find quiet calm within ourselves. Set the mood you want to achieve for your practice. Where are you puffing or practicing? That is your setting. How will this setting enhance or impact your practice? What is the temperature like? Is the lighting too bright or just right? Would you like socks, blankets or pillows for some softness? Lighting a candle, sage, or some incense, choosing a specific lighter, partaking a special blunt or favorite strain, and putting on a certain record or curated playlist all contribute to cultivating the right setting for your self-care ritual. Preparing your setting and having the right environment are crucial elements for releasing tension and stress. Self-care is a definitely a vibe and it takes only a little time to create. Set your intentions -easy peasy Choose the best time to devote yourself to radical selflove. Are you a morning person, or does your schedule work better for a lunch practice? Set an alarm or mark it on your calendar. Timing is everything. TURN OFF YOUR PHONE OR PUT IT IN AIRPLANE MODE Breathe and move with gratitude; making space for whatever shows up and however the practice goes, returning to your intentions often for redirection and focus. Be mindful. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware in the present moment without judgment. Partake and reflect on life as a lived ritual Q: How can people utilize cannabis and yoga to help with feelings of grief or loss? A: Cannabis breaks through the veil of social conditioning and safety walls that we build to help us see things more clearly, that’s the beauty of salience. This deep meaning or salience allows us to become immersed in the present moment with an elevated understanding. Meditating and medicating helps you identify your feelings without being overwhelmed. This meaningful presence helps us to deal with the day to day tasks even while we are in our season of grief. Cannabis can also be used intentionally to move through our grief in a mindful physical practice, allowing those deep emotions to be processed out instead of internalized and trapped to later become issues in our tissues. I can’t tell you how many times I have grieved on my mat, even crying at times in a practice or meditation. Let go and let the feelings flow! Whatever comes, embrace it. There is a poem by the poet Rumi called The Guest House that explains this perfectly.

Q: What first got YOU to try yoga? What keeps you practicing? A: My friend Jennie and I reconnected over a summer. We were toddler moms making time for self-care and having play dates with our daughters. She inspired me try yoga. I had misconceptions, but I fell madly in love immediately.Yoga is a never ending journey. I love that it continues to connect me deeper to myself.I keep finding truths, strength and compassion with every practice. Preventative healthcare also keeps me practicing. When we shut down for COVID back in late March, I lost 6 classes a week. At first, it was almost like a mini-vacation. I just stretched here and there, but I wasn’t planning classes or practicing hours every day. That last about two and a half weeks before I noticed how much chronic pain I started feeling again.Between the stress of a pandemic and practicing less, my body began to tighten up.This contraction started causing headaches, neck stiffness, low back and hip pain. More than that, I had so much less time for that deep quiet and calm after a good practice,that my brain felt overloaded; my scalp tense, especially with all the new information and daily chaos in the media. Meditation was more difficult on its own.It took slow, gentle movements and targeted yin stretches to carefully build back up a full hour every day with stretching sprinkled in every hour. Simply put: I keep practicing because yoga is the movement medicine my body needs. For more information on cannabis and yoga, I recommend visiting to learn more from the creator of Ganja Yoga, but the best way to know about something is to experience it. Check out a few classes(online), find one you like, and get intentional, build a ritual, partake, and go with the flow. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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EMERALDELITETHC | 405-673-7585 | 4631 SE 29TH ST. DEL CITY, OK 73115



C ANNALEAN TH C SYRUP "TWIST ONE UP AND LET’S GET COOKING" By Chef Buz @medibles_ok Good day out there to all my canna chefs and welcome back. I can't believe it, it has been a year since my first recipe was published here and it feels like yesterday. I never would have thought a year ago that it would have led to so much more, like my cookbook. If you didn't know I just came out with a cannabis cookbook. In it, I went over how to infuse oils and butter, understanding proper dosing and it's filled with some of my favorite recipes from my travels and experiences. There's lobster, salmon, lasagna, country fried steak and lots more. If you like edibles and want to learn how to make your own, you need to check it out. So this month's recipe will help slow that time down so we can enjoy ourselves and relax. It’s my Canna Lean recipe, this THC syrup is a favorite with everyone, full of flavor and packed with a serious THC punch. So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up, and let’s get Cooking with a Buz!

INGREDIENTS 5 cups water 5 cup granulated sugar 1 pack Kool-aid or other flavoring of your choice (Jolly Rancher singles work great) 1-2 tsp MCT Coconut oil 8 grams 90% THC distillate ½ tsp citric acid

DIRECTIONS First combine sugar and water in a sauce pot and whisk until combined, this is the start of your simple syrup. Now bring it to a boil and reduce until a syrup consistency. This will take about 30 minutes or so, I like to keep a spoon in the freezer to check the consistency with. Just pour a little of the simple syrup on the frozen spoon and it will cool the syrup so you can tell the consistency. Once you've reached your desired consistency, remove from the heat, if you don't have a hand emulsifier you can use a blender for this next step. Using your emulsifier, mix the citric acid and kool Aid (or Jolly Rancher Single) starting with half the pack and then taste before adding more. Once you're happy with the flavor you can start adding the distillate one gram at a time, making sure you are constantly blending, I like to add a little of the MCT oil while doing this to help with combining the oil and water and help reduce the oil residue on the surface. Each gram will take around 10-15 minutes of emulsifying to ensure a good mixture that won't separate, so this process will take some time. Once it's all mixed well allow it to cool before you bottle and refrigerate it. A 1oz serving will be approximately 225MG, enjoy!


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SEPTEMBER 28, 2020




OCTOBER 16-17 2020





Cakes, Cannabis and Creating


When we sat down to figure out a game plan for our first anniversary in print here at the Chronic, cake was immediately on the table. After all, what would a first birthday be without cake? While Covid-19 certainly threw the king of all monkey wrenches into plans for a larger celebration, the plans for a custom sweet treat moved forward, and we stumbled upon Nicole England. Better known as the OKC Cake Lady, she's a skilled cake decorator who's built a reputation for her incredible cannabis-themed creations in particular. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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A native of Oklahoma City, England's first

For England, seeing her dream turning into

love wasn't baking at all, but art, something

reality has been one of the highlights of her

that paired well with her other passion, cars.

confectionery career.

"I always really liked cars that had the

"I knew this is what I wanted to do once I got

airbrushing work on them, and it made me

started, I knew I wanted to have a business,

really interested in pursuing that. When I was

and all that, but I never dreamed it would be

working at the grocery store, my manager

like it is now, I'm very thankful."

mentioned that they were offering more hours in the bakery, and that's how I got started,

While her clients undoubtedly enjoy indulging in

just decorating little cakes and practicing my

the cakes she creates, England stated that the

skills with the airbrush machine back there. It

best part of seeing her creations complete is

turned out to be so fun, and I honestly can't

simply seeing how her clients and customers

imagine doing anything else now."

react to them.

England first took the leap into cake

"To be honest, at times it's overwhelming. The

decorating back in 2006, and has been

customers get a little emotional sometimes,

running her own business, OKC Cake Lady,

which of course makes me tear up, but I love

since 2013. Like anyone pursuing a passion of

them all. I love how people react to seeing their

theirs, England acknowleded the amount of

vision in cake form, and it's always a good

effort it took to get from where she started to

feeling to see how my cake makes someone

where she is now.

smile, or makes an event a little more special. It makes all of those hours spent on that cake a

"It hasn't really hit me too much, but now and

little more worth it. I can remember every

then, there are times I look back, then look

reaction from every cake I've handed out, it's a

back to the present, and I've made a cake

very cool experience every time," she said. "The

that even surprises me, like 'wow, I did that'."

trust people put in me is cool, and inspiring." One of England's most recent creations even took her a little bit out of her comfort zone, when a client requested an animal cake, something that England doesn't do often. "That's the one thing that's just usually not my deal, because if you get animals wrong in cake form, it's almost always immediately noticeable, but these people ordered a shark cake. I know what sharks look like, though I definitely wouldn't consider myself an expert, but that's


what the customer wanted, so I went for it. I was

Those cannabis-themed cakes are becoming a

really nervous, and I let her know that I'd do my best,

staunch part of her frosted lineup. A medical-

but I offered to lower the price for her, and she just

card holder herself, England, who uses cannabis

turned into such a cheerleader for me, saying 'oh, you

on occasion to help with stressful days, has

can do it! I know you can do it, you're great', and

created at least seven of these cannabis

then it did turn out really well, and it's turned out to

confections, anything from bongs and blunts to

be one of my favorite cakes, honestly."

replicating little buds of flower from cake and icing.

That trust that her customers have put in her over the years to bring their vision and ideas to cakelife speaks

"To be honest, these are probably some of the

highly to England's reputation and quality of work

most fun ones that I do. I like the crowd that goes

that people associate with her. Though she doesn't

with them, the audience. Some people get

discriminate when it comes to cakes, she says her

offended when I've shared photos of them on my

favorite is definitely those of the 3-D variety.

Facebook page, and someone even made a snide comment about 'who wants to eat bong water?;

"I enjoy the challenge of trying to make things, like

like he doesn't know it's cake...People just can't

the corvette cake I made for a groom's cake, that

see the art behind it, it's funny how offensive it is

was such a challenge, or the bong-themed cakes I've

them. If it's not being served at their party, then

done. I like to be challenged, it's a good stressful for

why does it matter?" She said. "That applies to a


lot of things these days...people get involved and offended with things that have absolutely nothing to do with them, and I just don't get it. It's cake! You don't have to eat it if you don't like it." For England, another fun challenge she pushes herself with is to recreate cannabis, whether it's in the fake joints or the nugs of flower. "I've really enjoyed trying to make them as realistic as possible. I use chocolate covered strawberries, and I like to to hand them to people to see how well I pass that test," she said with a laugh. England's unabashed pursuit of her passion for decorating cakes is reflective of the passion of the growers and other industry members that have helped push Oklahoma's industry to new heights. Seeing cannabis become normalized, even in cake form, is a beautiful thing, and shows how far we've come in the last two years.



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5 Instagram Accounts to follow if you LOVE Oklahoma Cannabis! @okannamom_christa @grassbycass @dankblacksheep @fajitacologne @cannasseurofficial

Are you a cannabis artist?

Email us at: 405.310.0026



TOP TENDER Do you know a bud tender that deserves to be recognized? We want to know about them, they may end up in a future issue. Just email us and tell us why they deserve it.


SARAH FARRELL OKIE KUSH CLUB Sarah has been in the industry for 1 year and all that time has been with Okie Kush Club. I can tell within minutes of talking to her she is extremely passionate and really loves the industry, art and culture around the lifestyle that this amazing industry brings. Sarah is very knowledgeable and is always learning about how cannabis can help her patients and loves seeing people with ailments come in and getting the medicine that they need.


Sarah has smoked cannabis for many years and has always loved the way the cannabis community has helped her grow personally and professionally. Her best friend Nini (@niaxmone) and her are always going to different poetry nights, events and experiencing different art scenes. Sarah credits the industry with helping her get out of her shell and enjoy being around others, networking and making friends within the community. Sarah's favorite strain member berry which is an indica dominant and her favorite way to consume is smoking flower because she finds rolling therapeutic



Written By Dr. Pepper Hernandez Ph.D, NHP, NHC, CNHP, CTC

TERPINEOL As the summer comes to an end we look at the new season, harvest season. Which you could have guessed is my all-time favorite. The sweet smell of cannabis cultivation is right around the corner. And to celebrate that we move on with the next terpene on our list, Terpineol. The aroma of Terpineol can be best described as floral-like, apple blossom, reminiscent of lilacs, lime blossoms, eucalyptus sap, and pine trees. It can be a tad citrusy in some cultivars. Terpineol tastes like mint, highlighting the cooling pine flavors. This terpene can also be found in herbs such as thyme and chamomile. I personally love the cooling, calm effect in the heat.

Terpineol benefits include antibiotic and antioxidant properties. “It was found that Linalool and Terpineol were the active components

Terpineol relaxes heavily and it’s usually one of the terpenes responsible for the notorious couch lock effect. It is definitely potent when it comes to its medicinal properties.

of lavender and they had a depressing effect on the central nervous system (CNS)” stated by research found in Science Direct. The central nervous system controls most of the body's functions, including awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory, and consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain plays a central role in some reflex movements that can occur via the spinal cord pathways.


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All information in this article is for educational purposes only. The information provided is derived from research gathered from external sources. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change. Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, CTC, CNHP is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Cannabis Therapy Consultant, the Founder, and Education Director of the Cannabis Holistic Institute.

You can find terpineol in cultivars such as: White Widow Jack Herer Sour Diesel

Girl Scout Cookies OG Kush Fire OG

To find out more about her private practice, educational programs, videos and other offerings you can and find her on the massive interwebs, social platforms or at

Go forth, Go Cannabis...


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Where To Smoke In Oklahoma

Highlighting Cannabis Friendly Places to Medicate - Social distance edition WORDS BY PHILIP RODRIGUEZ


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It’s been a really weird summer, so it’s been difficult for me to figure out a specific format for my column. Now that things are (kind of) returning to normalcy, I figure I can start doing what I intended this column to be: reviews of places that are good for public smoking! Each month I’m going to do my best to highlight at least on spot in the Oklahoma City metro area, as well as a spot outside of OKC— this could be somewhere out in nature, a spot in a small town, or maybe even a trip to see what Tulsa has to offer.

Just Floatin' By Illinois River float trip Peyton's Place Resort Tahlequah, OK

It seems like it’s a rite of passage for virtually every Oklahoman; at some point or another, someone’s going to invite you to float the Illinois River in Tahlequah. To pass up this opportunity is, in my opinion, a travesty, and that’s coming from a self-described pompous contrarian intellectual who tends to avoid any area associated with “rednecks.” But now and then, even yours truly is fond of shedding the image I prefer in order to get down, dirty, drunk and stoned in the middle of the country. This wasn’t my first float trip, so I was somewhat prepared for how it would go down. I knew I would bring more appropriate shoes this time (it’s so important, y’all), and I would do my best to bring as many supplies as would end up being needed. I rolled a half dozen joints (this was honestly far less than what I had intended, but I ran out of filters), mostly made up of Jungle Cake and Peanut Butter Breath from No Time, but I had a few stuffed full of 16:20 from Farmer’s Market Buds as well. On top of that, I had to have as many of my solventless concentrates as I could bring along—double-bagged and kept in the cooler, of course—as well as a good chunk of edibles. My favorite live hash rosin the past month or so has got to be the GG#4 grown by Okie Cultivator Gardens that Leaf Logic processed. It’s got 7% terps and close to 80% THC, and the effect it has on me is second to none. And you can’t forget edibles! I brought along a 100mg Crispy cereal bar, a 500mg Crispy cereal bar, a pack of Yips (full-spec CBD oil in gel capsules, tell your dispo to order ‘em!), and a 200mg bag of Easy Street Gummies. Mind you, that was so that I’d have enough to share, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat about a gram’s worth of THC that day. Of course we also had plenty of sandwiches and snacks, as well as some bratwursts and hot dogs to grill for when we camped that night. But let’s not talk about the large bag of Powerade and bottled water that I left in my car (D’OH!). My accomplices on this trip were my lovely lady Sarah and two of my closest friends who, despite having their cards, preferred to be kept anonymous. We met up early on a Saturday morning and convoyed to Tahlequah, arriving at one of the MANY riverside resorts/camping locations—Peyton’s Place was our choice—a little bit before 10am. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Enter to Win: 1) Go to the @oklahomachronicmagazine Instagram find the giveaway post...looks like this page. 2) Tag 3 Friends 3) Share the post with #chronicgivebackgiveaway 4) Follow all 4 Grows, Tegridy and The Chronic Magazine



We went with the long float which, looking back on it, may have been a bad decision, because we were exhausted by the end of it and felt slightly rushed. However, this is not to say it wasn’t fun; we had a BLAST. It may not sound like the best time to some, just idly floating down a river with a couple of coolers full of drinks, but it’s about as relaxing and fun as it can get. We all got heavily stoned from a combination of edibles, concentrate, and joints, which contributed heavily to us having giggling fits over just about anything. It’s easy to fill the day: some riverside catch with a cheap football I bought at Wal Mart, a little desperate rowing around driftwood, a few stops to swim and gather ourselves, and a quick pick-up of a young woman whose group had left her behind (she said she was fine walking, but she had no shoes and the sun was setting so we didn’t take no for an answer) and we’d made it back to camp! We got plenty toasted according to both definitions of the word: those Crispy bars pack a PUNCH, and we all got sunburnt despite our liberal sunblock usage (y’all should see the tan lines on my legs, because it takes a concerted effort just not to laugh at myself). We got a fire going, set up my best friend’s tent (it’s got a mesh top so you can see the stars, and man you forget how many you can see out there), grilled up some bratwursts and smoked a couple more joints. I hadn’t camped in a tent outdoors since I went to Coachella in 2008, but it was much more comfortable than I had worried it might have been. After a good night’s sleep, we packed up and headed back to the city, our skin burnt a crispy red from the sun, but our brains nicely fried in the best and most relaxing kind of way.

Strange Brew Sauced on Paseo 2912 Paseo Oklahoma City Of all the popular hangouts/restaurants/watering holes I’ve frequented throughout my Oklahoma City residency, Sauced has to be the one I’ve spent the most time at. When I was underage, I could come here and hang both with my younger friends as well as those 21 and older, and try and steal a sip or two in between slices of pizza. I had, and still have, plenty of friends in the Paseo area, so it was always easy to find someone to come join you, or a place to party when the bars shut down. Ironically enough, on this afternoon it took only 10 minutes after I’d gotten there to see someone who I used to frequent Sauced with, back when I briefly dated her best friend literally 13 years ago. No matter how many times the ownership or pizza crust may change, it’s still the same delightfully hispstery pizza joint and bar that it’s always been, and we all find ourselves crawling back here again and again. But can we smoke there?


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When I tell you that I see music I like as a good sign for a smoking venue, it shouldn't be anything new. So when I sat down at Sauced, armed with a couple of slices to munch before I smoked a couple of joints, and heard one of my absolute favorite songs of all time come on (“Anenome” by The Brian Jonestown Massacre), I immediately regarded it as a good sign. I was surprised at how sparsely populated the patio was, given that, even if it was a bit hot, it was perfect patio weather. Maybe six or seven other patrons scattered about munched their pizza, smoked cigarettes, drank their beers and socialized. I felt that this was perfect for me, however: this was just enough people to gauge a reaction to my smoking, yet not so many that I was worried about COVID or blowing smoke in people’s faces. Of course, once I’d finished my pizza and prepared to light my first joint, the patio had added perhaps a dozen more patrons. Taking a deep breath (oh yes, I still get nervous), and reassuring myself that I’d already successfully smoked many a joint or blunt on this same patio during prohibition, I lit up my first joint and made sure I wasn’t enveloping anyone nearby in a cloud. And wouldn’t you know it: absolutely not a soul cared. I could see folks at a couple of tables crane their necks to see who was smoking cannabis, but certainly no one wrinkled their nose or complained. While not terribly surprising, you have to remember that it’s so rare for my expectations of what will happen to actually be the reality (I still think it’s insane you can’t smoke cannabis at Guyute’s, a self described “alternative” or hippie-esque restaurant). But I’m pleased to report that it seems Sauced is cannabis friendly; just mind the distance from the door!


For most people, especially in parts of the world like Oklahoma, cannabis was a dirty word for a long, long time. For some, it still is. For others, it's never been anything other than a word and a plant, something criminalized without good reason simply to keep certain communities and people beat down. For those who've never seen cannabis as anything but a positive thing, legalization was especially long overdue. Daniel Essary, better known as Breadman to many, is one of those people. A local from Sayre, Essary has been around cannabis for a large chunk of his life, and says it was just part of growing up for him. "I wasn't raised to be pro or against cannabis, really. It was just always in my life as I grew up, just always there," he said. "I've used cannabis for a big part of my life, too, everything from Reggie Bush to Purple Kush." Now an adult battling his own health issues, Essary has been involved in legal cannabis in Oklahoma since the movement to get 788 passed really kicked into gear. "I reached out to Green the Vote in 2018 and asked to get involved,

I felt like history was happening right in front of me, and that I was able to witness it firsthand, but that wasn't enough. I wanted to help the cause and push the revolution forward, because it was my health on the line, too." He stated that he was put into contact with Shelley Free, a staunch advocate for cannabis who's widely known within the industry for her Wonder Woman like determination, and once Free helped him get started, he immediately began pushing 788 out in western Oklahoma. "I was pushing for 788, 796, and 797 as much as I could. I even decided to join the Oklahoma Cannabis Trade Association and began networking with people all around the state, along with creating my own Facebook page, The Original Medicine Growers, to help support the new industry." OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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When 788, it was like someone kicked the door wide open for Essary. Like so many other Oklahomans, he deals with his own health concerns on a daily basis, concerns that cannabis plays a big role in managing. With legal cannabis on the table for the first time, Essary said it was incredibly surreal, being able to legally buy for the first time. "I use cannabis for a number of injuries and illnesses. Specifically, I deal with chronic pain from a severe spine injury. I have had several surgeries and procedures done to try and correct my spine, however, without undergoing another major procedure, I'm left to deal with my severe neuropathy, inflammation and pain," he continued. "Being able to walk into a dispensary for the first time, and buy a whole ounce of exactly what I wanted? That was incredible." He went further, explaining that his first purchase brought on a different kind of ease he hadn't experienced before with cannabis. "It was actually surreal, making that first purchase. I bought an ounce of Girl Scout Cookies from Sage Wellness in Oklahoma City. It felt like such incredible relief, knowing that I could now legally have and possess this incredible medicine, and that my access was no longer restricted to what I can find and when. It made me feel relieved for other Oklahoma medical cannabis patients, too; we now have this amazing choice and an alternative to dangerous opiates, which have claimed so many lives." Having a natural choice, and then being able to take it a step further and actually find strains and products that he needs has become one of Essary's favorite parts of the industry overall. "I finally have options to choose on how I treat my pain, and it's incredible to have so many Oklahoma-made products to choose from, for different needs." While Grand Daddy Purp is one of his favorite go-to strains, Essary counts himself among the myrcene fanclub, and encouraged patients to research more than just the strain name or types when it comes to picking their cannabis.


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"Each and every human being has an ECS, or endocannabinoid system for a reason. Cannabis should be a part of anyone and everyone's diet. I grew up and educated myself about medical cannabis and what terpenes have to offer, and I highly recommend others do the same. Specific terpenes can be used for specific issues, and nobody knows what you need or prefer better than you, so do your research and find it out for yourself." Essary and his wife, Danielle, celebrated their fifth year of marriage last month, and he says that her support, along with their three children, has pushed him to fully dive into the industry that he's supported since the beginning. "My friends and family are, luckily, very supportive of my involvement in the cannabis industry and community. Without my beautiful wife's support, it honestly wouldn't be possible for me to be as involved as I have been." Along with being a staunch advocate and community supporter, Essary has been a licensed transport agent since January of 2020, and has branched out to help distribute for or represent other companies as well, including for Cup winning brands like Infamous OG or Mr. Mack's. For Essary, legal medical cannabis in Oklahoma is only the beginning, with his eyes set on the ultimate green goal: universal use. "I would love for there to be universal access for every single person in the world. I feel everyone could benefit from this medicine in some way, whether it's something like depression or anxiety to H.I.V. or cancer. Cannabis is for everyone, and I hope we see that someday."

The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine Never Miss an Issue




White Truffle By Melissa Hall, M.Ed. To commemorate The Oklahoma Chronic Magazine’s first anniversary, I knew this review had to be simply spectacular. Something so exotic it’s shocking just to look at. Something so exclusive that it is not even on a shelf yet, something so outstanding that The Chronic was the only

seiko_detacidem_eht@ nosnikciD mailliW :tiderC otohP


one in the great State of Oklahoma to get an exclusive look at this amazing flower. Something so exquisite you simply will not BeLeaf it.

This truly exceptional flower has amazing genetics, and when you think of Genetics Gurus, you probably think of the grower. Across the Country and even around the world, he is known simply as BeLeaf Cannabis 2.0. The Man, the Myth, the Legend, and phenomenon, Beleaf Cannabis 2.0 is a powerhouse in the Cannabis Genetics, Cultivation and Processing industry known for bringing the real “fiyah.” His laid back Demeanor, solid character, and extreme perfectionist standard sets him apart distinctly. His reputation proceeds him as the Elite among the Elite. His following is loyal and grows bigger everyday as he makes monumental moves in the Oklahoma Cannabis Industry. As a tester for In House Genetics, Compound Genetics, Square One Genetics, Lit Farms, Gage Green Group, and Fresh Coast Seed Company, Beleaf Creates and tests the best of the best and is now bringing these exceptional genetics to Oklahoma growers. He has teamed up with Gaspac of Oklahoma to grow in a new state of the art facility, of course.


Now, onto the phenomenal strain that we were so lucky to

One of the most impressive things about this flower was

get to try from the Guru. White Truffle is actually a cut of

the cure. Every bud was cured perfectly and smoked

Gorilla Butter F2 by Fresh Coast Seed Company grown by

superbly. The perfect balance of moisture and time and the

BeLeaf himself of course. A double-cross of Gorilla Butter,

wonderful experience behind this cure demonstrate exactly

which is Peanut Butter Breath x Gorilla Glue, White Truffle is a simply stunning flower.

how cannabis should be cured properly. The effects will leave you super satisfied if you’re an Indica lover. The

The bag appeal is so extreme; trichomes hang on and are piled up heavily on the purple and snow-white buds. The fiery orange hairs are perfectly in place as if they were still on the plant. The attention to detail, extreme care, respect for the plant, immense patience and of course, love put into the White Truffle shine through in every aspect of this amazing flower. This extraordinary handling and presentation of the flower goes with the Guru’s philosophy: “At BeLeaf Cannabis, we let Love and Respect guide our

intense effects are proof of the true quality grow of the White Truffle. It’s a perfect strain for immediate needed relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia and many other ailments. It came on strong for sure but is not too heavy, and your cognitive process is not delayed or impaired. Your muscles instantly are relieved, and stress just melts away. With a high quality grow like this, one would expect intense effects, but to truly experience what I’m now calling the

cultivation’s from start to finish. It is all about Loving the

BeLeaf Effect, you simply must try this exquisite flower.

plants as much as possible and a never ending

She’s not just another pretty face with the punch to back

commitment to excellence

up that beautiful bag appeal. BeLeaf and his team are

” BeLeaf stated.

seriously putting out some of, if not THE best medicine in Still, as breathtaking as the photos of the White Truffle are,

Oklahoma. They are also bringing up the quality standard

you must see it in person to grasp the true beauty of this

across the state by offering these killer genetics to

flower. The aroma is reminiscent of the Truffle’s Gorilla

Oklahoma growers. It was such an honor to get an exclusive

Glue ancestry with smooth, gassy notes and also of the

look at this magnificent flower. Much Thanks to BeLeaf and

Peanut Butter Breath with creamy vanilla undertones. This

his team. The flower they grow will always be limited when

flower is so smooth you can smell it, with a flavor that packs quit the punch to continue to sweeten the deal. this is the cleanest, purest, smoothest flower I have ever consumed. The flavor is simply spectacular. The diesel notes are prevalent, but the vanilla and light fruity taste

it hits a shelf, but if you’re lucky enough to see it, do not pass it up. Hands down this is the most exquisite flower I have ever seen. Can’t wait to see what BeLeaf and the team come up with next.

combine to give the White Truffle a distinctive exotic flavor and aroma.

Always remember to medicate responsibly and Stay Lit Oklahoma.

White Truffle by Beleaf Cannabis Appearance: Aroma:


= Highest Rating Flavor:




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As of August 1st there are 5,845 growers within our state

Processors Dispensaries

We have 1,323 licensed processors in the state We currently have 2,073 dispensary licenses with this great state

Transport Laboratory Waste Disposal

We now have 29 Transportation icenses We have 23 licensed labs We have 10 licensed waste disposal faclities

Approved Licenses: 341,503 Patients & 2,426 Caregivers Received Licenses: 363,233 Patient & 3,249 Caregivers OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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Without any hard research, and the citizens of Colorado will probably agree, the average person could deduce that some money had to be going into the development of roads

I'm sure it won't come as a surprise to many of you, but being

and other infrastructure. During a summer job there, I had

a part of the marijuana industry is, or has been, considered a

to change routes three times due to construction, but the

quick way to make a lot of money. Even before it was

area is now beautifully done and traffic jams have actually

legalized, it was common to see a dealer with a flair for high

decreased in that area. Not only were roads getting better,

end items like big televisions or name brand clothing. Dealing

but it was pretty big news when Colorado revealed that

looked like easy money; if you omit the legality of it.

they had accumulated over one billion dollars in sales taxes from marijuana. (Yes, billion- with a “B”! Imagine if every

However, as the years went on and the sale of marijuana

state made that amount of money every few years just from

became legalized state by state, it was even more evident just

one industry!)

how much money it could bring in. Other states can see the difference that bringing in medical and/or legalized

It was a large step in the long road to national legalization

marijuana can make in both crime rates and dispersion of

as it can show the other states just how profitable this

funds. An influx of money for the state is a benefit in every

industry can be. We can’t mention Colorado without talking

aspect I can think of.

about Washington and California, two more states known for benefiting from marijana tax money; even though both

While we are in this tough moment in time, it seems to be a

states are medically and recreationally legal.

lasting and strong industry as well. The Covid-19 pandemic has already exposed how resilient marijuana companies are

Washington has a little bit of a different set up for their

and brought in mass amounts of money when other

medical patients than in other states as they can basically

industries had to close. Who knows where some of our great

go into dispensaries once approved instead of waiting they

states could be without its help.

seem to go and get their card. Even with that discrepancy, the money being raked in has been nothing to ignore.

With Oklahoma making medical marijuana legal in 2018, a question that has always been on my mind is where does all

While California is pretty much known for being a hot spot

this money go since we are getting so much of it? Because my

for recreational marijuana use, their medical industry is

mother lives in Colorado, I have seen the benefit of the extra

not being left in the dust either. Medical marijuana is

money a state can get first hand. Colorado has seen a drop in

profitable no matter the state. Michigan, Illinois, New

arrests, a near 50% drop in court filings related to marijuana,

Mexico, Connecticut, and Arizona are actually some of the

and an increase in graduation rates.

lesser known top selling states. Illinois actually generated over 75 million dollars in around two months after opening


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dispensaries in January of this year.


That 75 million includes selling over 3 million the first day alone. One can only imagine the changes that money can make for each state. Since the nation does have a substantial debt as a whole, adding legal marijuana sales to our tax dollars sounds like a great idea. So far more than half of the states have some sort of marijuana laws, the possibilities of what is to come is exciting and I, for one, am feeling good about it. As many states continued to legalize medical marijuana, it was a mere hope of mine that Oklahoma could do it too. When I had heard about State Question 788, I was immediately excited for the possibility of seeing Oklahoma grow as a state, both in tax revenue and with the other thirty states who have passed such laws. I remember feeling a little worried, but with the blatant success of multiple other states, I had no doubt Oklahoma could follow suit. The possibility of a Colorado type money influx was a fantastic opportunity that I’m thankful the majority voted for. The benefits of the money as well as the benefit to so many ill people in the state, in my opinion, can have no downside. As of right now, the medical marijuana industry here in Oklahoma is barely two years old. It’s a baby of an industry, but it seems to be doing really well. In fact, in 2020, the business basically doubled its profits from 2019, and it’s only September. Over those short two years, I’m proud to say that Oklahoma is doing great and seems to be growing at a fast rate. We had accumulated around 350 million dollars by the end of 2019. It’s been an incredible influx from around 5% of the total population of Oklahoma. Oklahoma’s marijuana market was a surprise cash cow for people on the outside looking in. There was a lot of talk that Oklahoma’s population wouldn’t vote for it or, once the law was in place, would make efforts to hinder its performance and flow. It has actually been projected that Oklahoma’s marijuana industry will soon be worth nearly 700 million dollars annually once it has matured fully.

To get a little deeper into the marijuana money coming into Oklahoma, I got in contact with the lovely Terri Watkins, the Communications Director at the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA).

Watkins stated that within their own department, "...have very specific guidelines in their spending budget as they are a division of the state health department." The OMMA is the center of everything that happens with marijuana in the state. They are responsible for all regulations and licencing so that everything can be held up to the standards of the state law and the Unity Bill. The Unity Bill, or House Bill 2612, is an act to protect medical marijuana and its patients by adding some more clear provisions for the process as a whole. The bill has created a safer and more secure environment for all parties involved. So far, the OMMA has done a great job managing all the waves of the industry. When I asked Watkins about how the money has been flowing through the OMMA system, she explained that they “set a budget for the operation of the agency. Our money is spent on equipment, personnel, and will soon be used to fund the Quality Assurance Lab for the new Seed to Sale program.” The Seed to Sale program is the OMMA’s new addition to aid in the regulation of medical marijuana. This new system is a way to track exactly where the marijuana goes from “seed to sale” by using this system it eliminates possibilities of unlawful sales and theft. From the moment the seed is purchased, investigators will be able to tell if any violations occur at any time. It’s honestly pretty impressive to employ that much vigilance when it comes to such a multitude of products. The Seed to Sale program is bound to be a solid way to target discrepancies and violations all over the state.


Aside from the OMMA facilities and departmental programs, Watkins relayed to me that, “money beyond that is set by the state question sending 75% to education and 25% [of a set amount] to drug and alcohol abuse.” Watkins stated, “Last session the legislature determined that $10 million in additional funds would go to the education system and another $10 million to the Mental Health Department. That was included in the state budget (House Bill 2612) that passed last May [2020].” Allocating the funds that come from marijuana taxes are technically decisions made by government members, but the OMMA makes certain that everything plays out smoothly. Balancing changing policies and mass amounts of licences from both patients and dispensaries is not an easy feat. The OMMA has approved over 135,000 licences in 2020 alone. As soon as Oklahoma began its journey in legal marijuana sales, the OMMA has not stopped being busy. Vendor and patient licenses alone, before any sales, made over 18 million dollars over the last two years. Watkins continued to inform me that “the larger percentage of money goes to the cities and the state for their sales tax.” Due to this, we can infer that a large amount of money is going into roads and other infrastructure as well as our fire departments. Replenishing our communities through sales taxes derived from marijuana is a good way to keep money flowing in Oklahoma for Oklahoma, especially after Covid-19. In Stillwater, there was a definite uptick in work on the roads. I’m sure college kids wouldn’t mind some more parking around campus. Throughout the state, there are plenty of roads and buildings that can use some handywork. The impact that a steady income from this budding industry can have and has already had on this great state is mind blowing. The examples that all the other legal states provide only encourage the impact that this will have for Oklahoma. It’s expected growth is bound to provide only the best for the population.

To think that my purchase of a pack of sour peach gummies and your purchase of an eighth of Sour Fire O.G. can ultimately help pay for new school desks, improved mental health facilities and treatment, and better roads and buildings is pretty crazy. It kind of feels like a kind of butterfly effect of good karma; I could be pushing it with the analogy but to have this money go to a genuinely good area for our own community is wonderful. And during this time of unprecedented gloom, having something so nice to look at is a blessing; on top of that, it paints a bright picture of the future that can otherwise look scarily different. As the money flows in, the OMMA does an amazing job at keeping everything going as smoothly as possible. Without them, there’s no telling how hard it would be to get anything done in the marijuana industry. Also, for any of you who are wondering about specific amounts being spent on things, Watkins also let me know that they “post the dollar figures on [their] website and Twitter when we receive it from the Tax Commission.” So if you’re really curious, all the way down to the penny, check out those numbers! So keep it up, Oklahoma, we can only get better from here. OKLAHOMA CHRONIC

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