Important Tips On Forging A Leaf In The Professional Manner Have you recently joined a forging company? Then be prepared to face challenging situations when you will be asked to shape different metals. As it is a professional world, you have to learn everything on your own. You cannot depend upon your colleagues or seniors to help you with the task because that might show you are inexperienced. How will you tackle a situation like this then? We can come to your aid. Just follow this guideline on casting a metal in the form of a leaf in the most professional manner in which it is done in Forged Companies Dallas. We assure that you will feel much confident at the end of the process. So, start reading.
Step One Take the bar that you want to caste into a leaf and place it over the anvil. Remember to keep one ne of the rod protruded out so that this section can be cast into a leaf. Now give half the blow to the portion of the just below the protruding end which lies in contact with the anvil. A narrow neck will be formed as a result of this blow. Step Two: Turn the bar around without changing its position. Now you have to give another half blow on this other side of the rod in order to make a narrow neck at this side too. Remember to adjust your pressure carefully so that the neck does not become so narrow that it breaks. Step Three : At this stage, you are supposed to develop the preliminary shape of the leaf in the protruding part of the rod. For this, you need to apply another stroke of heated hammering at the tip of the protruding end. A caution here is not to make the tip so tapering that it becomes fragile.
Step Four: Heat this protruded section to such an extent that it can be hammered into the desired shape. When you reach this temperature, place the protruded section on the anvil, and give a blow from top to flatten lit like a leaf. You can hammer at the edges of this leaf shaped section in order to attain further precisions. Step Five: Now it is the time of fine tuning when you will add textures to the leaf in the manner the professionals at firms manufacturing Forged Rings Dallas or elsewhere do. Thus, one way of giving the vein like texture on the flattened section of this metal is to chisel it. Another way is to employ a cross-pein hammer for attaining the desired texture. Yet another way of making the metallic leaf full of veins is to use a specialized tool that is used at the forging companies for giving textures to metals. Step Six: This is the last stage when you will have to detach the leaf from the rest part of the rod. Heat the section from where you wish to detach the leaf from the rod, and cut it off with the help of a metal cutter when it gets soft. Now heat and bend the stalk section of the leaf, and you are ready with your project. CONTACT US: Oklahoma Forge, IncP.O. BOX 701500 Tulsa, OK 74170 Toll free:1-866-909-5553 Phone:918-446-5553 Fax: 918-446-4150 Email: SALESMGR@OKLAHOMAFORGE.COM Website: