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Executive Board Meeting Highlights

OSFA Executive Board Highlights

July 16, 2020

Roll Call: Eric Harlow, present; Cliff Davidson, present; Jim Ed Nimmo, video call; Tony Lopez, present; Mike Kel ley, present; George Fina (ORFA), present.

Others Present: Tippy Pierce, Gene Brown, Sheri Nickel, Trisha Chain, Bert Norton, Bob Allen, Dean McFadden (video call), Don Armes, Eric Hamilton.

Correspondence: Thank you card from Stavros Scholar ship winner Breanna Guthrie

OEM Report: Allen

Allen thanked Davidson for bringing his concerns to his attention and encouraged others to report any issues they encounter. After review, it was found that a breakdown occurred through miscommunication and an ineffective policy with many discrepancies. Allen stated OEM would like to review their policies with representation and input from the OSFA Board and utilize the OSFA’s reach by helping educate the fire service on policies. OEM is working toward approved task force unit reim bursement, where OEM will reimburse the unit within two weeks of their return and OEM will file for reimburse ment from FEMA. Board expressed their thanks for OEM’s willingness to meet, discuss, and incorporate them in a solution.

Legislative Report: Armes

The final approved interim study list will be published soon and will be monitored as needed. The coronavirus is affecting state government, but they must still find a way to govern.

Museum Report: Brown

Brown reported the quotes received for memorial lights needed, Harlow recommended obtaining an additional quote from Elliot in Stillwater. Maintenance has included refreshing paint jobs, replacing memorial ground lights with LEDs, powerwashing concrete, rewaxing floors, and restoring the Ward LaFrance. Brown received a quote for 12 7-gallon bushes from Greenstock Nursery and will plant in late September. The mowing contractors broke a window and are replacing it. Sharon FD donated surplus airpacks and gear, some of which will be dispersed to Yuba FD. Webbers Falls FD will be donating surplus they received. Poteau FD donated a ladder to the Museum.

Museum Expansion Committee: Pierce

There was a pipeline not shown on the original site plans that will require the location of the storage building to be altered; the proposed new plans feature the building facing north and the small parking lot doubling. Board discussed the current storage building can stay temporarily but will need to either be moved to the south of the new building on an extension of the pad or torn down. County Commissioner Carrie Blumert has expressed interest in the project and will be assisting with items like dirtwork and paving. Board discussed eliminating the cur rent parking lot to create one continuous parking lot, but cited elevation changes.

FST Report: McFadden

There are some classes still continuing with training, but several are postponing again. There is a Grain Bin/Farm Rescue program that is being offered throughout the state that is sponsored by Oklahoma Farm Bureau. FST is hosting as many classes as they can safely.

Volunteer Recruitment & Retention Report: Nickel

Three Firefighter 1 classes have finished in Poteau, Du rant, and Ponca City; two in Dewey and Shawnee have just started. Nickel is working with FEMA to release remaining money in the travel budget into the training budget. There is a Firefighter 2 in Ardmore starting; Nickel is working with FEMA to get login privileges to access the second grant online.

NVFC Report: Nickel

Events are cancelled but NVFC is still giving out sti pends.

OFCA Report: Norton

The OFCA Board met recently; discussed planning the Winter Workshop January 20-22 and the Conference in 2021, partnerships, and increasing membership. Norton requested working with Pension’s Administrative Rules Chairman to discuss certified CPAT testing sites. Harlow stated they will be picking new committees soon and will let him know of the new chair.

ORFA Report: Fina

Fina discussed continuing work started by the Cornerstone Committee and would be willing to begin visiting groups that would like to start chapters, if requested. Members present discussed the importance of staying in the habit of communicating and can potentially utilize video conferencing to interact with ORFA chapters.

Executive Director’s Report: Pierce

Pierce discussed purchasing a paid video conference package via Zoom with OSFA, ORFA, and the OFCA, and will look into options. OSFA membership: 534 departments, 1 new (Strother) with 11,826 members. For the 2019 membership year, there were 23 departments that dropped membership and 55 that added. Pierce discussed possibly visiting with some departments that dropped member ship. ORFA membership: 4,415; ORFA Museum expansion fundraiser has raised $1,225; 2020-2021 ORFA and OFCA membership renewals were sent; Brent Hatcher membership 251; digital Oklahoma Firefighter 966 subscriptions. 2020-2021 Associate Membership renewals were mailed, so far there are six returned for OSFA and eight for OFCA. Board reached consensus to keep the Museum and offices closed to public and will revisit the topic next month. The Paycheck Protection Program was extended by 16 weeks; Pierce inquired about a timeframe of hiring a receptionist, Board stated it will be discussed in Executive Session; The Ride to Remember is still scheduled to occur September 12; Chris Neal would like to work with OBI to see if a program can be developed for firefighters to receive free heart scans if they donate blood so many times a year. Consensus reached for Pierce to attend Chamber of Com merce meetings on behalf of the organization. Pierce gave updates on Federal bills, PCG contract, and deliveries of the 100 year plaques. Pierce thanked Nimmo for attending the department citation presentation for Webbers Falls; they were very appreciative. An AD&D benefit check was delivered, slightly delayed due to no beneficiary named.

Old Business

MASA enrollment for staff; Pierce discussed he will bring a proposal to next month’s meeting.

New Business

Pierce discussed an all-digital Oklahoma Firefighter may be an opportunity to save money, but is not feasible at this time and cost-saving would not be significant. The discussion can be revisited if things change. Board reviewed OSFA/Museum/Memorial challenge coins that can be sold or given to dignitaries. Board requested pricing for 500 and 1,000 pieces; Chain will follow up with pricing and final artwork before ordering. Board reviewed proposed sponsored email from Ring; consensus reached to deny a sponsored email and offer advertising opportunity in the Oklahoma Firefighter. Nickel discussed benefits of having a 5- to 10-minute video highlighting history of the organization and mem bership benefits; recommending Caleb Marcum.

Selection of Committees:

Financial Advisory: Mike Kelley (Chair), Ret. OKC; Mike Bower, Ret. Midwest City; Larry Bogges, Ret. Lawton; Herb Bradshaw, Ret. Warr Acres; T. Dick Cagle, Ret.


Sept. 12, 2020

Ride to Remember OKC 2020

Sept. 16, 2020

24th David Bain Memorial Golf Tournament at Lincoln Park West Golf Course

Oct. 4, 2020

21st Statewide Oklahoma Firefighters Memorial Service at Firefighters Museum & Memorial

Tulsa; James Crawford – Fort Supply; Steve Douglas – Ret. Choctaw; Clifford Lewis, Ret. OKC; Joe Marlow, OKC; Jim Minx, Ret. OKC; Tippy Pierce, Ret. Moore; Mike Smith, Ret. Laverne; Nick Terhune, Norman; Terrell Thompson, El Reno; Mark Zeckser, Ret. Midwest City.

Museum Expansion: Mike Bower (Chair), Ret. Midwest City; Chis Bain, Ret. Nichols Hills; Jesse Bain, Broken Arrow; Gene Brown, OSFM; David Buckles, Ret. Moore; Mike Caniglia, McAlester; Dereck Cassady, Ponca City; Mike Duncan, Ret. Dewey; Eric Harlow, Guthrie; Kenneth Helms, Enid; Jordan Hughes, El Reno; Clifford Lewis, Ret. OKC; Gary Marrs, Ret. OKC; Jim Minx, Ret. OKC; Casey Morrison, Claremore; Tom Smith, Ret. OKC; Nick Terhune, Norman; David Thompson, Slaughterville; Scott VanHorn, Ret. OKC; Tony Young, Ret. OKC.

Legislative: Brady Bond (Chair), Garber; David Carter (Vice Chair), OKC; Eric Acosta, Tulsa; Cory Beagles, Deer Creek FPD; Justin Beard, OKC; Herb Bradshaw, Ret. Warr Acres; Ricky Burns, Choctaw; T. Dick Cagle, Ret. Tulsa; Dereck Cassady, Ponca City; Yogi Cole, Ret. Tulsa/Keys; Dana Cramer, Ret. Norman; Cliff Davidson, Ringwood; Mike Duncan, Ret. Dewey; George Fina, Ret. OKC; Brian Foughty, Ret. Moore; Larry Hansen, Ret. OKC; Eric Har low, Guthrie; James Heap, Frederick; Richard Kelley, OKC; Scott Kirby, Mill Creek; Matt Lay, Tulsa; Travis Miller, Tahlequah; Tony Morgan, OKC; Jim Nance, Tulsa; Tippy Pierce, Ret. Moore; Cary Provence, Yukon; Randy Rose, Ret. OKC; John Soos, Ret. OKC; David Thompson, Slaugh terville; Terrell Thompson, El Reno.

Memorial: Scott Van Horn (Chair), Ret. OKC; Yogi Cole (Vice Chair), Ret. Tulsa/Keys; Jesse Bain, Broken Arrow; Eric Biedermann, OKC; Larry Bogges, Ret. Lawton; Mike Bower, Ret. Midwest City; Herb Bradshaw, Ret. Warr Acres; T. Dick Cagle, Ret. Tulsa; John Craig, OKC; Sammye Cravens, Civilian; Robert Doke, Ret. Chickasha; Jordan Hughes, El Reno; Clifford Lewis, Ret. OKC; Cody Middick, Frederick; Jim Minx, Ret. OKC; Bert Norton, Midwest City; Phil Ostrander, Ret. Tulsa.

Safety & Health: Justin Hackworth (Chair), Tahlequah; Rick Chisum (Vice Chair), Okmulgee; Kenny Barone, McAlester; Donnie Bennett, OKC; Eric Biedermann, OKC; Brian Christy, Midwest City; Yogi Cole, Ret. Tulsa/Keys; Melanie Colvin, Lexington; Steve Day, Ret. Woodward; Mike Duncan, Ret. Dewey; Leslie Feerer, Fargo; Clint Greenwood, OKC; Larry Hansen, Ret. OKC; Tony Lopez, Midwest City; Tom Low, Stillwater; Richard Smith, Rolling Hills; Tony Stewart, Kingfisher; Terrell Thompson, El Reno; Bryan West, OSU-FST.

Volunteer Fire Service: Cory Beagles (Chair), Deer Creek FPD; Brady Bond (Vice Chair), Garber; Joe Bennett, Sooner; Eric Carranza, Springer; Colton Castle, Jet; Melanie Colvin, Lexington; Cliff Davidson, Ringwood; Mike Duncan, Ret. Dewey; Travis Fortune, Fairview; Bryon Fox, Rolling Hills; Craig Hannan, Perkins; Travis Harris, Kildare; Richard Hines, Granite; Scott Kirby, Mill Creek; Tom Marcum, Mooreland; Nicholas Nadeau, Strother; Lin Newton, Valley View; Charlie Starbuck, Slapout; Evan Stevens, Tipton; Randal Sullivan, Eufaula; Mike Weinkauf, Orlando.

Receiving new bunker gear for fulfilling the requirements of the OSFA’s SAFER grant were firefighters from Aline FD and Waukomis.

El Reno Firefighter 1 began Aug. 21. This was the first of the LAST three classes that will be funded by the 2015 SAFER grant. Enrollment opened Aug. 25 for the Tahlequah class and the Woodward class starts Sept. 8.

Webbers Falls FD received the OSFA Department Citation on July 14 for dedication to serving their community despite the obstacles they have faced.

Congratulations to the Ponca City online FF1 class that graduated July 22. The graduating firefighters will soon reap the rewards of the OSFA’s SAFER grant.

Seeing You Around

If you are out and about and see a firefighter car tag, snap a pic of it and email it to osfa@osfa.info.

We don’t need an exact location, just a city or neighborhood.

Students began the Ardmore area online Firefighter 2 class July 21, thanks to the 2018 FEMA SAFER grant awarded to OSFA for the Recruitment and Retention of volunteer firefighters in the state of Oklahoma. Students will receive reimbursement for their mileage and per diem for the three skills days required for this class.

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