The Boarding Parents’ Handbook
Page No.
Welcome to Junior King’s Boarding Aims and Objectives The Boarding Team Contact Details The Boarding Day Return from Exeats and Half-Term Holidays Travel to and from School Guardians Communication: Who to contact Routine information Keeping in touch with your child Keeping in touch with school life Boarding parents’ meetings Exeats and Half-Term Breaks Academic Information Meals and Snacks Tuck Pocket Money Village Leave Discipline Boarding House Rules Clothing and Equipment: Naming of uniform and home clothes Phones Electronic devices Toys and other equipment Posters, pictures and cushions Loss and damage Storage of belongings Health The Health Centre The school doctor The school counsellor 3
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Welcome to Junior King’s Boarding
Boarding at Junior King’s is happy, positive and busy. Boarders learn to be part of a community that is caring, respectful and constructive, where they have fun together and learn to support one another. Boarding for the first time is a great adventure and opportunity, but sometimes both parents and children can take time to settle and adjust. During this period, homesickness is common, and parents can also find themselves missing their children profoundly. Homesickness usually passes after a few weeks, as both parties adjust. Families can find it helpful to talk about homesickness before term starts, remembering also to focus on the benefits of, and reasons for, boarding. Our pastoral care is outstanding, and we work hard to look after and nurture all the children in our care throughout their time at Junior King’s. Here are a few tips which might help. Before they start: Make sure you have talked through with your child why they are going to boarding school. Play down reasons that are to do with parental convenience and emphasise the positive. Explain that homesickness is likely. Homesickness occurs at different stages, not necessarily over the first few days or even weeks. Reassure your child that most children settle very quickly and they should not feel ashamed if they ever feel homesick. Try to avoid telling your child that they can leave if they are unhappy, as they are likely to bring this up the next time they are feeling unsettled. Make a plan with your child as to when they will next see you or another familiar adult. Children find it helpful to have plans written in a diary/calendar as they can become confused with dates. Do try to stick to any plans! Agree plans for regular communication. Telephones can be difficult for both parties, especially at the start. An agreed telephone or Skype/FaceTime call can work well, either every day or every few days - whatever works best for the individual child and his or her family. Some families find it easier to communicate via email. Make a photo collage of favourite family members, friends and pets. Try not to do this at the last moment as it can cause a child to panic that time is running out. 5
Help your child to pack their suitcase. Ensure that their school uniform, sports kit and all casual clothes are clearly named and packed neatly. Help your child to be independent. They should be able to put on and take off duvet covers, for example. Teach your child about their basic personal hygiene needs. Ensure they can wash their hair and bodies, check their hair for head lice, and be able to trim their finger and toe nails. Leaving your child: On the day of arrival, after the Head has spoken and the Boarding Team has been introduced, parents are asked to leave promptly. Protracted departures can be very difficult for all parties. Please do not worry about leaving your child; he or she will be very well looked after and the Houseparents will be in touch with you within the first few days. Once they have started: Communicate with your child. Use e-mail, Skype/FaceTime and the phone. Try to discourage children from ringing just before bedtime as it is often a time when they can feel unsettled. You might like to write to them; nothing is better than receiving a regular letter or postcard from a family member. If you or your child are finding it difficult to talk to each other, you may benefit from sending text messages to one another. Please do ensure that your child has all key contact details with them (telephone numbers, email addresses, etc). Don’t sit at home and worry. If in doubt, do ring the Houseparents to enquire after your child. Try to avoid passing on any anxieties. Remember that, very often, a child can be tearful on the phone and then laughing with a friend shortly thereafter. Your child will be given a ‘buddy’. This is usually someone from their dormitory and form/year group, who has been at the school for a while. Buddies ‘shadow’ new children for the first few weeks. They help them to find their way around and to get used to the routines and expectations.
Encourage your child to talk to us first. There is always someone around at school to whom your child can talk. It may be their Form Tutor, their Houseparent, the Head of Boarding, a Boarding Tutor, the Chaplain, a Nurse, a Matron, an Assistant Tutor or a friend. Problems can usually be solved very easily by someone at school. It is very difficult for you to find lost games kit when you are on the other side of the world! Communicate with us. Tell us if there is a problem at home with a relative, friend or pet. Tell us if family circumstances change. We are unable to help or make allowances if we are unaware. Try to abide by our rules and expectations. If the calendar states boarders should return between 6.00pm-7.00pm, please endeavour to have your child back by this time. Please also collect your child on time too. This is extremely important at exeats, and at the beginning and end of each term. It prevents your child becoming upset. Remember, we are working together, and are part of the same team! I greatly look forward to welcoming you into our very special school and boarding community.
Emma Károlyi Head
Aims and Objectives Aims We aim to provide a modern boarding education of the highest quality, seeking to meet not only the academic needs of our pupils but also caring for their social, emotional, physical and spiritual development. Boarding at Junior King’s should offer a balanced education infused with values and warmth, security and a strong sense of community. Objectives To provide all boarders with a safe, supportive and comfortable environment in which to grow as members of a community. To help our boarders to: Be happy, safe and enjoy boarding at Junior King’s. Respect the boarding houses and the people and property within them. Be honest and trustworthy. Make and sustain friendships. Display good manners. Care for each other. Tolerate, accept and respect personal, religious and cultural differences. Be proud of their ability to manage their day-to-day lives. Be confident in their dealings with adults and each other. Eat well, work hard and play hard. Make the most of their time and opportunities in a calm, happy and purposeful working atmosphere. Be responsible, resilient and reflective. Make good choices and decisions in their day-to-day lives. Gain a sense of independence. Embrace a clearly defined and accepted code of conduct. Uphold and contribute positively towards the boarding community. To live by the whole school values and ‘Golden Rules’. 9
The Boarding Team The Head
Mrs Emma Károlyi
Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Head of Boarding
Mrs Liz Hutchings
Kipling Houseparents
Mr Ed Stevenson Ms Kerri North
Juckes Houseparents
Mrs Nancy Tugwell Rev. Rob Tugwell
Non-Resident Tutors
Mr Rob Stonier - Deputy Head (Academic) Mr Christopher Lapthorn - Head of Science and Senior Teacher Curriculum Ms Jeanette Sylvester - Head of Art Mrs Gaynor Marais - Year 4 Teacher Mr Juanfer Castro - Spanish Teacher
The team of Matrons is led by Mrs Julie Brown - Senior Matron
Assistant Tutors
The Houseparents are assisted by a team of six Assistant Tutors
Health Centre Team
The Health Centre team is led by Mrs Alex Hampson - Sister-in-Charge
Child Protection Officer
Mrs Liz Hutchings
School Doctor
Dr Tina Crook
Mrs Liz Hutchings Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Head of Boarding
Contact Details Useful phone numbers Out of hours contact number
07730 300467
Kipling Houseparents: Ed Stevenson and Kerri North
01227 714555
Juckes Houseparents: Rob and Nancy Tugwell
01227 714028
Health Centre
01227 714022
01227 714021
School Office
01227 714000
Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Head of Boarding: Liz Hutchings
01227 714035
Useful email addresses Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Head of Boarding
Kipling Houseparents
Juckes Houseparents
Health Centre
School Office
Kipling Houseparents - The Stevensons
Juckes Houseparents - The Tugwells
The Boarding Day
Please visit the following link to get an idea of what a typical day is like for a boarder at Junior King’s:
Return from Exeat Weekends and Half-Term Holidays*
Full boarders should return from exeat weekends no earlier than 6.00pm. They may return later, although no later than half an hour before their bedtime. If your child needs to arrive back at school after their usual bedtime, or even the following day, please inform the Houseparents. A snack will be provided for the children, but please note that there is no meal on exeat Sundays. Weekly boarders may keep to their normal arrangements but must inform the Houseparents of any changes. *Full boarders should return from half-term holidays by 6.00pm, when tea will be served.
Travel to and from School
Please note that all arrangements regarding travel go through Elizabeth Jerman in the Front Office. Parents are required to complete a travel form prior to exeats, half terms and the ends of terms. Any taxis required will be booked via the Front Office, and confirmation will be sent to both parents and Houseparents. It is helpful if parents let the Boarding Team know return times, particularly at the beginning of each term. We also request that travel forms are completed and returned promptly. Children travelling independently are expected to carry a mobile phone. Exeat weekend travel Please make all arrangements for travel at exeat weekends directly with the Front Office. A letter is emailed out in advance, asking you to confirm arrangements by a specified date. There is an escorted train service to London St Pancras on the Friday evening and returning on the Sunday evening. Passports and tickets All passports and tickets should be handed in to the Houseparents at the start of term, after half-term holidays and exeat weekends.
Junior King’s requires parents who are resident abroad to provide the name, email address, address and telephone number of a person authorised to act as a guardian for their child. Guardians are required to live within a one to two hour drive of the school and should be reasonably fit and healthy. It should be noted that parents, not the School, are responsible for the welfare of the child whilst they are staying with the nominated guardian. It is absolutely vital that the person named as a guardian is both accessible throughout the term and has the authority to take full responsibility for the pupil in the parents’ absence. We recommend that this person is over 25 years of age, is resident in the UK, and is not a student living in accommodation provided by another educational institution. Guardians must be able to take responsibility for the pupil: •
at the start and end of terms, by transporting to and from the airport. If travel arrangements do not coincide with beginning/end of term dates, guardians should provide stopover care;
during half-term holidays if the pupil is not returning home;
during exeat weekends;
in the event that the pupil has been asked to leave the school during term time for disciplinary reasons;
in the event of an illness when it is not possible for the pupil to remain at school.
Guardians are also encouraged to: •
maintain regular contact with the pupil’s Houseparents;
take an interest in the academic progress and well-being of the pupil;
attend parents’ meetings, school functions and events on behalf of the parents. 14
The school can provide, on request, prospective parents with a list of approved Guardianship Agencies. The school is not able to recommend a particular agency, nor does it take responsibility for the welfare of pupils while staying with a guardian organised by the agency. It is requested that the named guardian visits the school to meet the Houseparents before the end of the pupil’s first term at Junior King’s. If the guardian is out of the country during term time, he/she will need to inform the Houseparents of whom to contact should the need arise. The parents of any boarder requiring a guardian must complete, sign and return a guardianship form before the child joins the school. The form must also be signed by the nominated guardian.
Communication Who to contact What do you do if there is something on the boarding side of the school that you would like to talk about? The first point of contact is always your child’s Houseparents. The Head of Boarding or the Head are available for major concerns or worries or requests for absences, and the School Nurses may be contacted if there are specific medical concerns. Routine information Most of the routine information will be sent by e-mail. It would be helpful if you could ensure that we have details of current e-mail addresses. Please remember to keep us informed of any changes. Keeping in touch with your child These days, there are many ways in which we can keep in touch with each other. 1. By telephone The first points of call are the duty staff, who can be reached during the evenings or weekends on 07730 300467. In addition, the private numbers of the Houseparents are printed on page 11. Please phone before 10.00pm (UK time) unless there is an emergency. 2. By e-mail E-mail facilities are available to the pupils, and can be used throughout the week. All boarders will be given an e-mail address as soon as we have received the completed ICT pupil/school agreement. 3. By Skype or FaceTime Boarders are able to contact their parents through Skype/FaceTime, either via a personal device or by using their personal school account on a school computer. Mobile phones and electronic devices such as tablets are not essential. They are allowed, however, and certainly help to facilitate communication with home. They are used under strict conditions, and with the understanding that any abuse of their use could lead to their confiscation by the Houseparents. Mobile phones and electronic devices must be clearly labelled and protected with a PIN. They are stored safely by the Houseparents. The children may collect their phones from the House Staff on duty in the boarding houses after they have showered and are ready for bed. Children whose parents live overseas in Eastern Time Zones may call home between 12.30pm and 1.00pm (UK time) to avoid parents being contacted very late at night. 16
Keeping in touch with school life The main Parents’ Handbook provides details of the school website (, which is an invaluable source of information for boarding parents. Boarding parents’ meetings Special meeting dates are set every term for parents of boarders. These are designed to coincide with a natural collection time. The meetings provide parents with the opportunity to talk personally to all of the staff who teach their child(ren). The dates are printed in the termly calendar. Boarding parents’ meetings are typically held on Friday afternoon, between 4.00pm and 6.00pm, at the beginning of each half-term holiday. Sometimes a guardian will attend a meeting in place of, or together with, a parent.
Exeats and Half-Term Breaks
Term times, half-term holidays and exeats are published on the school website and in the termly calendar:
Academic Information
Academic information can be accessed on our website at the following link:
Meals and Snacks
Boarders have breakfast, lunch and tea in the Dining Room each day. Fresh fruit is always available at meals. There is a choice of food at each meal, and vegetarian and special diets are catered for. All boarders are offered a drink and a snack before bedtime and senior boarders are able to use the kitchen facilities in their respective houses.
The house staff run a tuck shop on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, when the children may spend a limited sum of their pocket money on sweets, chocolate bars, crisps and drinks. Healthy tuck options are also available. When returning after a holiday, half-term or exeat, pupils may return with a small amount of tuck which reminds them of home. It is important that tuck brought to school is minimal: large amounts are not necessary, create inequalities and unbalance a carefully planned diet. It must be remembered that we are a ‘nut-aware’ school.
Pocket Money
Boarders need pocket money for the tuck shop and excursions. Approximately £60 per term is recommended for full boarders. Cash must, please, be handed to the Houseparents in a named envelope at the start of each term. Boarders in Years 4-7 are not allowed to have money in their own possession and must bank it with Houseparents. The school will not be held liable for any money if this procedure is not followed. Please note that bank cards are not permitted. Year 8 boarders are given an allowance after each exeat in order for them to begin to budget and plan their spending.
Village Leave
The Year 8 pupils are given opportunities to visit the local Co-op, which is a short walk from the school. It provides them with an opportunity to purchase items and manage their allowance. We feel that it is an important part of being in Year 8. The pupils are accompanied by a member of staff.
We aim to create a happy, positive atmosphere in the boarding community, where children are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and one another. The emphasis is on encouragement and reward. During boarding time, school sanctions will not be applied. Boarders will be rewarded with ‘stars’ for positive behaviour and receive sanctions for minor misdemeanours. At the end of term, each boarder who reaches an agreed target for ‘stars’ will be given a treat. A visit to Kaspa’s, a Chinese takeaway, a laser trip or a visit to the cinema are all examples. House staff will use their discretion to apply ‘home-style’ sanctions to children if appropriate. Any continuing or serious problems will, of course, be discussed with parents.
Boarding House Rules
The boarding rules, which have been written in conjunction with the pupils, are displayed clearly on each floor.
Clothing and Equipment
We request that parents ensure that all possessions are clearly named. The School Shop offers a name-tape sewing service for any new items purchased there. The matrons’ department may be able to organise the naming of any further items of clothing by request. The staff team looks after the washing and maintenance of clothing and bedding. There is a fixed routine for laundry to ensure that the children’s clothes are kept clean. Please note that the children only have two drawers and some hanging space to store their clothes.
Naming of uniform and home clothes In order to reduce the amount of lost property, we kindly request that all clothes (home clothes and uniform) and shoes, bags and cases are clearly named. The School Shop has details of sewn-in name tapes and shoe labels. We advise that name tapes are positioned as follows: Trousers
Back of waistband
Back of collar
Back of waistband
Inside and vertically from elasticated top of neck
Back of neck
LARGE name tape along long edge, in the middle, with the loop positioned centrally for hanging
Duvet covers, pillow cases
LARGE sized labels to be used
Back of collar
Top: back of collar Trousers: back of waistband
Sun hats
Inside the rim at the back
60 small spare name labels for school uniform and home clothes 6 large spare name labels for sports kit Further name tapes may also be ordered by the Matrons as required, and the amount added to the extras bill
Games clothes should be labelled on the inside. Further details are contained in the New Parents’ Handbook.
Phones Mobile phones are an essential element of life these days. Boarders may bring their phones to school as they are an important means of communication. Phones are collected in each evening and locked away in the Houseparents’ office. The use of phones is limited so that boarders do not spend each and every evening playing games, etc. It is important for the boarding community that we monitor the use of the phones. We do have ‘screen-free’ times in the week. All boarders sign a mobile phone contract that stipulates what the phone may be used for. If boarders do not follow the guidelines then they may have their phones confiscated for up to a week. Electronic devices Boarders may bring clearly named, age-appropriate electronic devices but these need to be stored in a safe place (i.e. their lockable locker) and are only to be used according to the timetable. If, within these restrictions, a child seems to be spending too much time playing electronic games, the permitted use will be further restricted. Boarders are able to access computers within the boarding house to send and receive e-mails, for work and for playing games. Any electrical device that connects to the internet is not allowed in dormitories overnight. Parents should ensure that children do not have unrestricted/ unfiltered access to the internet on any electrical device, and that any downloads are age-appropriate.
Toys and other equipment Children are welcome to bring back inexpensive, durable toys and recreational equipment. Simple audio equipment may also be brought to school provided it is named, kept within the house and used in a reasonable way. Hairdryers are also permitted for use within the house. Please note, however, that all electrical equipment will be checked for safety by the school electricians before a child is able to use it.
Posters, pictures and cushions Children are encouraged to bring small posters and pictures in order to personalise their bed spaces and dormitories. These should be displayed on the pin-boards. Cushions will also help to make their areas more homely but must comply with current fire regulations. Loss and damage Whilst we make every effort to protect children’s belongings, the school cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged valuables. Please ensure that valuables are covered by your own domestic insurance arrangements. Musical instruments, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and iPods all come under this category. 24
Storage of belongings Storage space is very limited. All suitcases and belongings should be taken home or to guardians, wherever possible, at the end of each term. This enables us to clean the boarding houses thoroughly, and also helps to prevent the unnecessary or excessive accumulation of toys, personal possessions and outgrown clothes! At the ends of terms, we aim to send most clothes home clean, although this is not always possible for games kit in particular. Towels and bedding will be stored at school, along with one set of school uniform. During the summer holiday, we request that all suitcases and belongings, including those of overseas boarders, are taken home or to guardians in order for a full sortout of clothes and possessions to be made. 25
Please ensure that the School’s medical health record, consent form, NHS card and emergency consent form are sent to school before the beginning of your child’s first term. The Health Centre Pupils can access the Health Centre between 8.00am-9.00pm, Monday to Friday, and between 8.00am-4.30pm on a Saturday. During these times, a Registered Nurse is on duty. Out of these hours, boarding pupils have access to matrons who can dispense prescribed or over-the-counter medication as required. If your child is unwell, he/she will be admitted to the Health Centre to be cared for. Pupils that have highly contagious illnesses (e.g. chicken pox, diarrhoea and vomiting) will be asked to go home or to their appointed guardian. If your child requires medical intervention in an emergency or out of hours, this will be facilitated by the nurse on duty. Outside the hours where the nurse is available, medical advice will be sought via the out-of-hours GP service. The School Doctor The School Doctor is unable to see a child, or prescribe him/her medication, without the relevant documentation having been signed. The nurses will likewise be unable to dispense any medication. The School Doctor has a weekly clinic every Thursday, where any non-urgent medical concerns are addressed. Any treatment or referral will be communicated to the parent(s). All new boarders are given a medical examination by the school nurses shortly after joining us. The school nurses follow UK Regulations, Protocols and Guidelines for the administration of medicine and the care and referral of sick children. Please be aware this may be different from your experiences outside the UK. The School Counsellor We have a School Counsellor who visits the school twice a week to see children who have been identified as needing support of an emotional nature. She is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, with over 20 years’ experience. If you have any concerns about your child, you can contact the Health Centre, or speak to either your child’s Houseparent or the Deputy Head (Pastoral)/ Head of Boarding.