Thc Kirgb School
r,l .X
with great
sadness that Clare Reed and peacefully on the afternoon ofthe 26th June.
have to inform you that Emily Hayward passed away
Emily had been fighting cancer bravely for the past 8 years and in her own words her body got tired and couldn't fight any longer.
Emily was an amazing friend and colleague to so many, especially at the Recreation Centre and she will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with her wife Aisha and the rest of her family and friends at this desperately sad and difficult time.
I thank you in advance for your support and consideration to Clare and her team.
It has certainly been a very busy term and as we head towards the end of it I have no doubt that you are looking forward to some time off and for some of you your holidays. Preparations for King's Week are well under way and I appreciate the hard work that goes on behind the scenes in readiness and which continues on throughout; a big thank you to all those involved, I for one, love the atmosphere around the School during this time but it is not lost on me just how hard everyone is still working.
Can I remind you all that I will be doing my normal Support Staffbriefing at Kingts on 6th September in the Shirley Hall at 10:00 and again at Junior King's on 7th September in the main dining hall at 10:30. The briefing will include a short update on Child
Protection. Ílom 12:00 midday on Thursday 28th June to Thursdry stn July inclusive there will be NO PARKING Íiom the Headmasters visitors' spaces up to Marlowe House. The reason for this is twofold, firstly to allow additional access around Green Court, and secondly there will be a large number of students cycling and in the past due to the restricted space on the Bursary side the odd Please note that
one has unfortunately caused damage to a vehicle.
In addition, please note there is NO PARKING ANYWHERE, (including minibuses), in Green Court from 15:00 to 17:30 on Tuesday 3"d July to allow for the Green Court Finals. Finally as in previous years a reminder that on School Commemoration Day, Thursday Sth Jtly, there will be NO PARKING (this includes minibuses) ANYTilHERE in the Green Court area and there will be limited access to Green Court from 09.30am to 5:00pm. In the meantime enjoy the rest of the term and hopefully some downtime and I look forward to working with you all again next term.
Mark Taylor Bursar
Commemoration of Benefactors will be held onThursday 6sh July in the Cathedral and the Preacher will be theThe Revtd Canon Nick Papadopulos. There are additional tickets to offer to support staff who would like to go to the Service. If you have already asked for a seat and now unable to attend please return the ticket .
The last lunch at King's School will be Friday 6th July at St Augustine's at 12 noon only, commencing again on Monday 3rd September in the main dining hall At Junior King's the last lunch will be on Wednesday July 4th commenc¡ng again on Monday 3rd September.
The Chums Social Centre at King's
be open to Support Staff
from Monday 9th to 20th July, a great place to buy your lunch and relax with colleaglles . Please let Andy or Chris know, before the end of term, what you would like to see in there as a choice i.e. sandwiches ,wraps, paninis etc.They would love to hear from you.
From 16th to 20th J,tly they will also be selling breakfast muffins
r E
The Pimms Tent (also serving Prosecco) will be back from 1 6'h to 20'h July 201 8, There was a terrific festival like buzz last year in the Plane Tree Lawn area for the UKC Graduation Ceremonies, pop over there and enjoy the atmosphere; ice creams, strawberries and smoothies will also be available to buy in Chums.
News from HR New Starters: We welcome the following new staff to King's; Senior Kingts:
Jayden Creed - Catering Assistant, Lucy Hutchinson - Lattergate Office Administrator, David King - Kitchen Porter, Dan Rogers - Deputy Bursar (Finance and Logistics), David Berwick - Squash Coach (Rec Centre), Christopher Ridley-Apprentice and Christina Fasoli-catering.
Leavers: We
say farewell and all the best
for the future, to
Kingts School: Cristina Hudson (EAL Tutor), Hayley Mathews (Domestic)
Tradesman, will be retiring on 13'h July after 8 years' service, we would like to take this opportunity to wish Rod a long and happy retirement.
Rod Jaconelli
Vacanciesz (Please checkyour HR Select ProfileJor any internal vacancies access or have any queries please contact the IIR department)
iJyou do not have
King's School LAMDA Teacher A well-qualified, inspirational and committed part time teacher is sought with the ability to teach the LAMDA syllabus on an individual or group basis to pupils who have enrolled in this co-curricular activity. Although there is some flexibility on timings, it is envisaged that between 4.30-7pm will be required two days a week (preferably Tuesdays and Thursdays). Candidates should be experienced in teaching secondary age students in verse & prose, acting, and public speaking as well as having technical knowledge and experience of LAMDA qualifications. Applications will be considered on receipt and so early completion is encouraged. Please contact Liz Worthington for further information.
Junior Kingts Part-Time Security Porter Required to work an average of 15.25 hours per week, over a 7 day period incorporating a 4 day on,4 day off roster and attendance schedule agreed with the Security Manager. We are looking for somebody who is reliable, well presented, diligent and flexible. The post primarily involves security, traffic marshalling, driving and other ad-hoc duties. A full UK driving licence with C 1 /D 1 is essential, as you will be required, on occasions, to drive a school minibus and car. Ideally, the suitable candidate will already hold a current Level 2 SIA security guard licence or be willing to work towards the qualifĂŻcation. Applications will be considered on receipt and so early completion is encouraged. Please contact Lee Connelly for further information.
First Aid Trainins: If you would be interested in becoming a First Aider, or would like lurther information, please contact member of the HR department so we can book you on a future training course.
Child Protection Trainins training is compulsory for all members of staff. If you have not yet received Child Protection training, or have any questions or concerns regarding Child Protection, please contact the HR Department.
-A reminder that Child Protection
The Centre is open for employees of the School and their families free of charge for use of all the facilities at the times shown below, term time only: Friday Sunday
Staff are welcome to continue to come in during the holiday period at the above times only if the facilities are available, please refer to the holiday opening times and check with reception. Please note to maximise the use of the facilities the above times are shared
with paying members, therefore any court usage required MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE. It will be allocated on a fìrst come first served basis. If you are new to the g¡rm then you would need to book a gym induction at reception so we can run through the machines and help support your training goals. All staff when they join are entitled to 3 personal training sessions which has a value of {,141, which you can book with your fitness instructor after your induction, or at reception. We can run your personal training sessions in small groups if you would prefer to train with a work colleague.
Junior Summer Activities Badminton
Monday 30th July
Wednesday 8th August
Wednesday 25th July Wednesday lstAugust
Monday I 3th August
Tuesday 3 lst July
Thursday 2nd August l2:30
agesT- 16yrs
(boys & girls)
Friday lOth August I l:00
2:30 (girls onty)
Wednesday lSth August I
3:00- l4:30 (boys & girls)
Wednesday l5th August
Monday 20th August
Wednesday 22nd August Begi nne r/l
Friday lTtlr August
I I :00- l2:30 (girls only)
Tuesday 7th August
ages 8-16 yrs
- 10:30 (6 - to yrs) - 12:00 (t I - t5 yrs)
Friday 27th July Friday 3rd August
Thursday 9th August
- l0:30 agesll-16yrs 09:00
Thursday l6thAugust
Monday 6th August
Wednesday 8th August
Thursday 23rd August 09:00
l0:00 (mini tots)
- | l:00 (mini
I I :00
12:00 (mini green)
l3:00 (¡unior¡
Friday l Tth August
Friday,24th August
ages5- l0yrs
County Standard 10:00
(break I l:30-12:30) 1 St. Stephen's Road,
Canærbur¡ CT2
Children's Swimming Crash Courses Beginners to Advanced (min
age: schoolyear R). Lessons
5 day course: Members
are 30 minutes and run between 09:00 & 11:00.
4daycourse: Members [30.40
| |
Non-Members Ê48.25 Non-Members €38.60
1 St Stephens Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7HU
01227 812921,
Monday 30th July - Friday 3rd August
Monday 6th - Friday 10th August
(Stroke emphasis for improrers & adranced swimmers is Br¡tterfly & Baclaûoke)
(Stroke emphasis for imprwers & adlanced swimmers is Ereasbboke)
Monday 13th - Friday 17th August
Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st August
(Stroke emphæisfor improlers & advanæd sr,vimmers is
& Bteastshole)
(Stroke emphasis for improvers & advanced swimmers is Butterf,y & Backsrcke)
You are advised to lookout for a new bogus email scarn, claiming to be from HMRC.
If you receive an email with a subject that reads "You have received new messages from HMRC", that also has an attachment, please send it to and then delete it.
HMRC will never ask for any personal, or financial details over emails or text
For more advice on scams, phishing and genuine HMRC contact, please visit GOV.UK and search 'phishing'.
BooksWe No Longer Need We are looking carefully as to how we can make best use of books we no longer need by collecting and giving to charity. Please look out for further communications regarding this but in the meantime if you could store any unwanted books until we make the necessary arrangements. Please help our school support worthy causes.
Fire Safety
very big thank you to HSMs, Deputy HSMs and Matrons for recently completing the Fire Warden training. Everyone worked very hard. Esther Marsh
Know your limits in the heat if )'ou are you working outside? a
Below are a few important tips the School would like you to take a few moments to read in order to make sure you are protecting yourself fully during periods of extended hot weather. If you're outside in hot
weather for most of the day you'll need to make an effort to drink
Please make sure you know where your nearest drinking water a
filling point is.
Eat healthy foods to help keep you energized and avoid drinking liquids in the heat that contain large
amounts of sugar. o
Make sure you are resting in shaded areas during your allotted break times so that your body's thermostat
will have a chance to recover. It is important that you stop working and contact your line manager should you experience breathlessness or severe muscle soreness a rapid pulse or sustained dizziness
- Plenty of high factor applications
HAT DRINK plenty of fluld at regular intervals
The Ki"g*
(t+pã{14 &aû,fûU
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fdnil 281, Cpntp^¡en f,r* 7p* {u, * 7.'30p* atlroJ,rnt",, K,a CM
Boffif r,otl bø p,,",r,fø .,o q
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fãlt Pu
{nl^fo wlf,/Lv
Pa¡ in advanrs fo æ,are fable booking via RaclBl Wicks on
I 04227 74 +023
@br¡sybees BgttflIt Call us on 03311333
inform¡linnôbusvbee*benefits, com
Do you pay for registered childcare? Did you know that by simply joining our Childcare Voucher scheme, you cän sävÊ uF to Ê933" per year on your childcare costs? DonT delay - start saving today!
CHILDCARE VOUCHERS VS TAX.FREE CHILDCARE As of the 4th October 20f 8, the Government is closing the Childcare Voucher scheme to new entrants, leaving parents with only one choice - Tax-free Childcare.
This tneans that unless you äre already registered to our scherne and had at least one deduction from your urages in return for Childcarê Vouchers, you will not be able to enjoy the savings available" For many working parents, Tax-free childcare doesn't provide the level of savings they can enjoy through using Childcare Vouchers.
To register for Childcare Vouchers use the link below and enter the password: URL: http ://bh bI oq i Req i ster/RQMTLMA,Z
Password: Judye{ 5 Should yru have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Je¡ Hadlow uk or Beverley Lickfold b. icHoldfôkinos-bu I