2023 Leavers' Bursary Fund

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2024 Leavers’ Bursary Fund


Dear Parents,

As we approach the end of the summer term, I wanted to share my thanks for the extremely warm welcome I have received into this supportive and generous community. I feel extraordinarily fortunate to be playing my own part in the history of this great school, and to be giving my service to a place that can build brilliant futures for our pupils.

I am also delighted that I have had the opportunity to get to know your children before they strike out into the world beyond King’s. It has been a pleasure to see them excel and flourish whilst they have been with us and I wish them the best of luck for their future. We hope that their connection with King’s will be a lasting one.

The King’s pupil body is a caring community, full of ambition and aspiration. As such, it is no surprise that in recent years, those families leaving us have begun the tradition of a Leavers’ Fund in support of transformational bursaries. Every year, through their generous donations, they have helped to gift the opportunity of a King’s education to talented and motivated young people who could never experience it without full financial support.

I am now writing to you to ask whether you will join this tradition and support the 2024 Leavers’ Bursary Fund, this year in aid of the Charter Awards. You can do this by gifting the deposit you paid to us when your child entered the school, or by a one-off donation. All you need to do is fill in this form or email our Development Team by 12th July. Thank you for your consideration.

This Fund is an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on all that our leaving pupils have given to the school and that the school has given to them, and to contribute to a lasting legacy of learning and support. I have no doubt that these pupils will go on to fulfil their potential and in doing so, be brilliant ambassadors for the school. Thank you for your friendship and support.

I look forward to celebrating with you all at King’s Week and the Leavers’ Ball, and I offer you all my very best wishes for the future.

Donate your Deposit to Build Brilliant Futures: Supporting the Charter Awards


Bursaries at King’s change lives. They open doors to new experiences and help talented and motivated young people achieve more than they ever thought possible. The Charter Awards is our commitment to offer 50 free places, forever; where all of our pupils, from every background, belong, flourish and build the foundations for brilliant futures.

Increase the number of full bursary places to 50 by 2041


5% of the pupil body will receive a full bursary



Thanks to the fantastic support of our community, we have already achieved so much since we began the Charter Awards Campaign in 2022. To date, we have already:

Fund 50 King’s Scholars forever by increasing the King’s endowment to £50m FOUR

Welcomed our first Charter Awardee to the school, with another 3 about to join Shell


Achieved 41% of our Phase I Campaign target, which is to raise the Endowment to £7m

King’s is one of those places that is just magic. A Bursary gave me a chance to be a part of it. I’m so grateful for the donations that enabled me to come here and for the life that it has given me. A bursary allows you to dream about being someone different. It’s the idea that the sky is the limit, or not even the limit!”

ANNABEL Bursary Recipient and OKS (05-10)


To all those who have already supported, thank you! Your support means so much to us and to the pupils that we help.

If you are yet to commit, please join us in our mission to support more children who have the ability and determination to have their lives transformed by a King’s education.

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