ISI Inspection Report Highlights - February 2024 - Junior King's

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ISI Inspection Report

February 2024

“Leaders foster an environment that celebrates kindness“


In February 2024 Junior King’s School was inspected under the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) new framework, which came into effect from September 2023.

We are thrilled to meet all the standards and regulations in every section of the inspection. This, along with the positive feedback in the report, reflecting the strengths of our school, our values and the care of our pupils, is excellent affirmation and validation of everything that we do at Junior King’s.

The new framework has two strands. The first ensures compliance with the standards, regulations and legal requirements of an independent day and boarding prep school, while the second evaluates the quality of education, with a specific focus on the pupils’ academic achievements and personal development which support the wellbeing of pupils.

pupils, staff and leaders of the school.

We are delighted to share the latest ISI inspection report on our website. This booklet outlines the many positive and encouraging highlights within the report, which reflect the high standard of teaching and learning and emotional wellbeing at Junior King’s.

The success of our inspection is testament to the hard work and dedication of my staff team. Together we have fostered an environment where every child can thrive, both academically and personally.

Inspectors observed lessons and extra-curricular activities, examined samples of pupils’ work and held discussions with the

“Leaders have created an inclusive community where pupils feel safe to speak up to express concerns or challenge and explore their own opinions and those of others. Groups have been set up to support these discussions which helps pupils to be involved, valued and welcomed.”
“The welfare, health and safety of pupils are actively promoted”
“Leaders plan a stimulating and broad curriculum which... enables pupils to flourish and make good progress”
“Skilled teachers provide imaginative ways to engage and sustain pupils’ interest in their learning”
“Teachers’ effective questioning probes pupils’ understanding... while developing independence, collaboration and confidence”
“In the early years, leaders’ proficient planning, combined with staff knowledge of the needs and interests of the children, creates a welcoming environment that promotes children’s development”
“Many high-quality musical activities provide further opportunities to develop skills”
“There is a rich provision of extra-curricular activities which extends the skills of pupils while providing inclusive opportunities to take part”
“The aims of the school to nurture individual talents and interests are understood by all”
“Many opportunities are provided for pupils to develop their self-esteem and selfconfidence”
“Pupils across year groups develop their leadership skills and are encouraged to make suggestions to improve the school environment. They feel a sense of achievement when one of their suggestions is taken forward.”
“High-quality teaching across the curriculum promotes social interaction”
“Leaders adapt the curriculum so that it is appropriate for pupils with varying needs”
“The food provision is varied, nutritious and of high quality”
“Caring and committed staff take time to listen to pupils and encourage them to speak out if they are worried”
“Boarding house staff work as a cohesive team, creating a nurturing environment ensuring that pupils are well looked after, secure and happy.”
“Teachers encourage pupils to be proud of their individuality, while being part of a community”
“Leaders are responsive to any concerns or potential issues and take prompt action when these are identified. This approach...supports pupils’ welfare effectively”
“Leaders welcome freedom of expression while pupils are taught to accept responsibility for their words and actions”
“The positive safeguarding culture is embedded in the school”
“Pupils and staff understand that kindness is central to the culture of the school and pupils’ positivity reflects this”

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