A very warm welcome to Junior King’s. I hope that you and your child will be very happy here. The aim of this handbook is to give you some key introductory notes and guide to our school. However, if you should be unclear about anything, please refer to our website and do not hesitate to get in touch.
At Junior King’s the children are at the centre of all we do at the School and each child is valued as an individual. We appreciate the partnerships we have with parents and children; all our staff are approachable and very happy to help in all aspects of your child’s education and development at Junior King’s. There are a range of people who will be working particularly closely with your child; the Form Tutors and the Section Heads are perhaps the most important who oversee the day-to-day running of the class and year group and every child’s wellbeing, social and academic progress. I do encourage you to get to know them early on. The Form Tutor is your first point of contact in case there is anything that is of concern to you. Beyond this, you can contact the subject teachers themselves. For specific queries you can email or meet a member of the Senior Management Team.
At the start of the Term, the boarders arrive the evening before, so that they have time to settle and unpack. Day children start the following morning.
On behalf of the whole Junior King’s team, we are looking forward very much to welcoming you to the School and to working with you and your child in the years ahead.

While this handbook contains useful information about the School you will find significantly more detail on our website, www.junior-kings.co.uk. A copy of this handbook is held on the Parent Portal, accessed via the School website, should you wish to refer to it at any future date. You will be sent details of how to access the Parental Portal at the start of your child’s first term in school.
The Structure of The School
All children in the Prep School are in one of three school sections:

Junior House
This is the name given to children in Years 3 & 4.
Middle School
This is the name given to children in Years 5 & 6.
Upper School
This is the name given to children in Years 7 & 8.
Pupil Absence
If a child is absent such as illness, please ring the School Office (01227 714000) on each day of absence between 8.30am and 9.15am.
Any requests for exceptional absence from school during term time must be made in writing at least 7 days in advance to the Head (head@junior-kings.co.uk) We ask that family holidays are please taken out of term time and in the school holidays, so as not to disrupt your child’s learning.
Please also, wherever possible, try to avoid routine doctor’s and dentist’s appointments during term time, or alternatively make the appointments for out of school hours.
Parents’ Absence
If you are going to be away for a few days or longer, it is helpful for your child’s Form Tutor to know this, since parental absences often affect a child’s behaviour or work in school. The Head and School Office should also be notified with whom your child will be staying in your absence, and who will be collecting him or her, and the School Office should be given any emergency telephone numbers, including those of guardians.
Change of contact details
Please notify the School Office immediately of any changes to phone numbers, email addresses or home addresses as it is vital that the School holds up-to-date information.

Communication is important throughout your child’s time at Junior King’s and it is vital that there is effective, two-way communication between home and school at all times.
Form Tutors are the first point of contact for matters of concern either in or out of the classroom. They may be contacted by email using a first initial followed by surname and then @junior-kings.co.uk A full list of names may be found on our website.
If there is something urgent to communicate or if you have a general query please contact the School Office: office@junior-kings.co.uk or by phone on 01227 714000.

For health-related matters please contact the Health Centre: health@junior-kings.co.uk or by phone on 01227 714032.
For major concerns or worries please contact: head@junior-kings.co.uk or contact the Head’s PA, Mrs Emma O’Brien, eobrien@junior-kings.co.uk or by phone on 01227 714008.
Please restrict emails after 7 pm during the week and also on Saturdays and Sundays to emergencies only.
Other contacts:
The School Website
You can find a great deal of information about the School on our website, including some of our school policies, term dates, the School calendar, photographs and news of recent events, and current and past copies of the weekly newsletter.

You will be able to access “My School Portal” via the parent link at the bottom of the home page on the School website. Here you will be able to access the following:
• School Reports (Academic, Music, EAL, SEN)
• Timetable Information
• Contact Information
• Sport results and fixtures
• School events
• Letters from the Head
Social Media

News, photos of daily school life and information on upcoming events can be found on our social media pages. We post regularly to Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and you can like or follow us on these platforms @JuniorKingsSch. We also have a LinkedIn company page and invite you to connect with us at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/juniorking-s-school-canterbury

Every Friday, a newsletter, ‘The Week’, containing information about the forthcoming week, is published and emailed to parents.
Letters home
From time to time letters are sent via email from various staff about school trips and other current issues.
Termly Calendar
A calendar of events is published each term. It tells you about meetings with the teaching staff, dates for assessments, sports fixtures against other schools, concerts, plays, future term dates and much more. This information is also available on the School website, My School Portal and on a weekly basis in our Friday newsletter.
Start of the School Day
Monday to Friday
The School is open from 8.00am and children may be dropped off at any time after this. Children should arrive in time for registration at 8.20am. If children arrive late, after 8.20am, they should go to the School Office where they will be registered.
Registration for Years 5-8 is at the later time of 8.50am on Saturday. Children may be in school by 8.30am.
Please note that day children in Years 3 and 4 do not have school on Saturday and activities are an optional in Year 4.
End of the School Day
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
All children finish school at 4.10pm. Optional activities start at 4.15pm and finish for Years 3-4 at 5.00pm and 5.15pm for all children in Years 5-8. A ‘Late Club’ is also available from 5.00 pm - 6.00pm for all Year 3 and 4 children. Children in Years 5-8 can stay until 6.00 pm where they will be able to complete any homework.
Late Club runs on a Wednesday until 5.00pm for all children in the Prep School.
We ask that all day children are collected no later than 6pm.
Please note that for day children: Years 3 to 8 finish at 3.15pm (depending on fixtures).
Day children and weekly boarders who are not involved with sport may leave after morning school at 12.20pm. Activities or sport will be organised for full boarders and those choosing to stay on in the afternoon. Day children staying on and not involved in sports matches will finish at 3.15pm.
Waiting with younger siblings
Parents with younger children in the Pre-Prep Department may of course choose to leave children in the ‘Pre-Prep late service’ collecting them by 6pm at the very latest. Alternatively, they may choose to collect them at 3.30pm and then use the Adventure Playground. It would be helpful if parents could refrain from allowing their children to play on the grass or trees outside Junior House and from waiting inside the main building of the Prep School as this can disturb lessons.
Sturry Library Hours
At the end of the School day, and particularly for those parents waiting for older siblings, the Sturry Library is open and provides an opportunity to spend time with your child sharing books. For opening times please call: 0300 04 13131
Exeats and Half Term Breaks
During each term there are two ‘mini-breaks’ taken over weekends at roughly quarter term points. Dates and times are provided in the calendar of events. During these times the boarders go home or to guardians and the School shuts down.
Half term breaks take place each term during which period the School closes. All dates are published in the calendar.

Prep (Years 3-8)
A prep timetable is published for children and parents at the start of the academic year. Children are given a planner in which to record details of the preps set. Parents are encouraged to use the planner or email to communicate with Form Tutors.
Day children may complete their prep in school after the end of the School day, between 5.15 and 6.00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (except on exeats and half terms).
Reading is actively encouraged in the School. The School has a Junior House library which focuses on books that are suitable for readers in Year 3 and Year 4. The main school library has a huge selection of books that are suitable for all standards of readers in Years 5 to 8.
Parents will receive written reports regarding their child’s progress. All reports are published via the “My School Portal” link which is accessible via the School website. Information on how to access the reports will be provided to all parents prior to the reports being available.
Form Tutors, Subject Teachers and the Deputy Head (Academic) are always happy to see parents by appointment to discuss any queries or concerns.
All children will need pencils, rubber, pencil sharpener, 15 & 30cm rulers, coloured pencils, felt pens, glue stick, highlighter pens and a named pencil case. Year 3 and above require an ink pen and cartridges. Equipment should be checked regularlyby parents and replenished as necessary!
Learning Support
Learning Support comprises Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and English as an Additional Language (EAL).
The Pre-Prep has a Learning Support Co-ordinator, who works with the Head of Learning Support, to monitor pupil progress and provide the appropriate intervention.
Children have diverse needs and many children experience additional barriers to learning at points during their education. These are often mild and do not need extra educational provision. This is where we consider how we can offer carefully differentiated opportunities or alternative approaches to learning to help them progress. Of course, parents will be kept informed and play a major role with any matters requiring extra support.
However, if after close observation and monitoring, a child appears to be experiencing a barrier to learning and is not making significant progress within differentiation, an additional educational need may be identified and Learning Support staff become involved to assess and provide appropriate intervention as is necessary. If progress is still not made and concerns remain, external agencies may be consulted. An Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be sought from the Local Authority in some situations.
Any queries about learning support should be addressed to the Head of Learning Support, Mrs Emma McCoubrie (emccoubrie@junior-kings.co.uk).
Parents’ Evenings
A Welcome Evening for all parents is held at the start of the academic year. The evening provides parents/guardians with the opportunity to meet their child’s/children’s Form Tutor(s) and other teachers. Further parent evenings take place during the year. The Parent meetings that follow the Welcome evening enable parents to get verbal feedback from either their Form Teachers and/or subject teachers. The dates for these meetings are published in the School calendar.
Assessments and Exams
Years 3 – 6: Children are formally assessed twice during the course of the year in November and May.
Years 7: Children have exams in English, Maths and Science in November umn Term and school exams in all academic subjects in June.
Year 8: Children will have exams in English, Maths and Science in November, mock exams in February and their Final Year 8 exams in June.
Year 8: We select Academic Scholarship candidates at the start of Year 8. Scholarship candidates for The King’s School, Canterbury and others follow a scholarship programme and have practice papers in English, Maths, Science and The General Paper in November, mock Scholarship Exams in February and Academic Scholarship exams in late April.
Year 8s are nominated for 13+ scholarships in Art, Drama, Dance, D.T., Music and Sport. These usually take place in the Lent Term.
Scholarship candidates for other schools will sit mocks in November and usually sit their Scholarship exams in March or May as determined by those schools.
Future Schooling
Pupils are admitted to King’s or other public schools at 13+ following their final Year 8 exams in June. These exams consist of Common Entrance Papers for English, Maths, Science and Latin. Spanish, French, History, Geography, Religion and Philosophy will be examined using internal assessments.
Parents are encouraged to discuss their intentions with the Senior Teacher, Curriculum, Chris Lapthorn (clapthorn@juniorkings.co.uk) at an early stage (usually during Year 5 or soon after joining the School). Parents are also advised to register for a place at King’s in plenty of time, and by the end of the Autumn Term of Year 6. Plenty of warning will be given if a King’s place is in doubt for your child. Schools make their offers by the Summer Term of Year 6.
Contact details for Admissions at The King’s School, Canterbury:
01227 595727 | admissions@kings-school.co.uk
Junior King’s Hymn Book
All children will require the official Junior King’s hymn book. This will be issued at the start of the year to those who do not have one and will be charged to your school account.
Maths Equipment
The Maths Department will supply each new child in Year 5 and above, with a Junior King’s Maths bag.
The Maths Department will also supply, to children in Years 7 and 8, a calculator which will be charged to the parents’ bill. It is recommended that a cheap calculator is purchased for Science use so that calculators are not taken from the Maths folder.
Children joining Year 5 and above are asked to supply the following equipment in a separate, named pencil case for use in Maths lessons:
1x15cm and 1x30cm ruler
1 pair of compasses
1 small HB pencil to fit compasses
1 eraser
1 clear 360º protractor
2 HB pencils
1 pencil sharpener
All Maths equipment should be clearly named and stored in the School Maths bag.
All children play games at least twice a week. This is in addition to their timetabled PE lessons.
Details of matches are listed in the termly calendar and all parents and guardians are welcome to attend both home and away fixtures. Full details to away fixtures can be obtained on the JKS Sports Portal (SOCS) via the School website. Many sporting activities are offered each term.
Boat Club
Children in the Upper School are able to start sculling using the facilities of The King’s School Boat House at Westbere. This takes place as an optional after school activity.
Music is central to the life of the School and children receive one hour of class music per week. Many learn one or two instruments and there are currently twenty-nine instrumental teachers who offer expert tuition in all instruments. We have a wonderful, spacious, purpose-built Music School where, as well as all the instrumental and class lessons, we hold many concerts, recitals and workshops.
There are around twenty instrumental ensembles that rehearse each week, including the orchestra, ensembles with strings, wind, brass and percussion and a variety of jazz and rock bands.

All children in Years 3 - 6 are expected to sing as Junior House and Middle School Choirs at events during the year. This includes the Carol Service in Canterbury Cathedral and at various concerts in the Summer Term. The Chapel Choir comprises children in Years 6 - 8 and is usually about 50-strong. The choirs perform regularly at the Cathedral and at some Sunday services in St Nicholas’ Church, Sturry, as well at other events in the local area. Every two years there is an European tour. Recent destinations have included France and Germany.
There are regular concerts, details of which are published in the School calendar. There will usually be one major concert including the orchestra and other ensembles, each term in the Barn, but also regular informal concerts. There is also a series of six instrumental workshops which take place during the year for piano, strings, wind, brass, singing and percussion. These feature a guest professional musician who helps the children improve their performances.
Individual Music Lessons
Details of these are posted on the Music Notice Board in the Music School. Lessons are, in most cases, rotated on a weekly basis across the term. Careful attention is paid to ensure that minimal disruption to learning is caused. Group theory lessons are also available. A music lesson request form should be filled in, in order to start instrumental or theory lessons.
Details of productions are listed in the School calendar. It is anticipated that all children will have an opportunity to participate in a small or larger scale performance at least once during each academic year. Rehearsals may be during lesson times, lunchtimes, after school activity sessions and some evenings for larger scale productions. Full details and schedules will be sent to parents well in advance. We offer a range of drama clubs and activities. There is also the opportunity for children to prepare for, and take, LAMDA exams if required.

Book Shop
The School operates a paperback bookshop for Years 3 and above. Each child is allowed to purchase three books each term, the cost of which will be added to the extras account. If you would like this allowance to be increased or you would rather your child did not buy books, please inform the Librarian via the School Office.
All children have timetabled Computing lessons. In addition, there are regular opportunities for children to use the facilities available in the Computing Suite. Increasingly, IT is being used directly in classrooms with our mobile suites of laptops and iPads. Please ensure that the IT Pupil/School Agreement is signed and returned before the start of term in order for your child to be given access to the School network.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Junior King’s offers a particularly wide range of activities both during the School day and in the evenings.
Optional Evening Activities
Evening activities take place after school between 4.15pm and 5.00pm for pupils in Years 3 and 4 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 4.15pm - 5.15pm for pupils in Years 5 - 8. On Tuesday priority is given to the School Orchestra. Details of these activities are emailed to parents prior to the start of each term. For some activities, outside specialists and coaches are used and a small charge is made, this is added to the end of term bill. Some activities are extremely popular and have to be limited in size for safety reasons.
Afternoon Activities
These take place for children in Years 5 - 8, on a Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, for those who are not involved in sports fixtures or training.
Positive Behaviour and Discipline
Good manners are very important at Junior King’s, as is using common sense. Bad language, and speaking rudely or inappropriately to others, is strictly unacceptable. Good manners are rewarded and valued; unacceptable behaviour will be challenged and sanctions will be given.
It is essential for the well-being of children that a clear understanding is given about the School’s behavioural expectations. This guidance is contained in the School Rules, which are displayed in every form room and are regularly revisited. Children are encouraged to positively observe the School’s expected standards of behaviour.
Please see the School’s Positive Discipline and Behaviour Policy on the School website for full details: https://www.junior-kings.co.uk/policies/
School Values and Golden Rules

Underpinning the ethos of the whole school are the School’s Values and Golden Rules, which children are expected to adhere to in order to help Junior King’s to operate in a safe and happy manner. We aim to treat other people as we would like them to treat us, and we strive to exercise common sense at all times.
Rewards and Sanctions
‘Stars’ and E-Praise points are awarded for positive behaviour, excellent effort and work. We like to encourage the positive. Sanctions are given for misdemeanours following verbal warnings. Full details are provided in the Positive Discipline and Behaviour Policy.
Safeguarding is of utmost importance at Junior Kings, ensuring the safety and well-being of our children. We are committed to creating a nurturing and secure environment where every child feels respected and protected. Our safeguarding policies cover various areas, including child protection, online safety, and emotional well-being. If you have any concerns, please contact Deputy Head Pastoral, Adam Pape, at apape@junior-kings.co.uk. Prompt action will be taken to address any issues and support our children. Thank you for trusting us with your child’s education and well-being. Together, we can foster an environment where every student can thrive.
Anti-Bullying Statement
The Junior King’s School is a caring and supportive learning community where all children are valued as individuals and a positive self-image is promoted. The School community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks, even if these are not intended to hurt.
Our policy supports this belief and ensures that all parents and children are aware that bullying complaints will be dealt with firmly, fairly and promptly. At Junior King’s, we have a zero-tolerance towards bullying. Please see the School’s Anti-Bullying, Beahaviour and Safeguarding policies on the School website for full details: https://www.junior-kings.co.uk/policies/

In accordance with The Children Act, the following confidential contacts of people who are not involved with the running of Junior King’s are provided.
1. The School Friends - Mr Philip and Mrs Elizabeth Lewis - 01227 719303
2. Childline - 0800 1111
3. The Children’s Commissioner for England - 0207 783 8330
4. NSPCC Helpline - 0808 800 5000
Trips and Visits
As part of the educational experience at Junior King’s we organise trips and visits that enhance the curriculum learning. Some trips take place overseas and are mostly optional (e.g. Sports Trip, Choir Trip, Classics/Languages Trips, Skiing Trip etc.). These are published well in advance to assist parents’ planning.
House System
All children are part of the School House system. Children are grouped into four houses, all named after parrots. These are called Macaws, Keas, Kakas and Cockas named after parrots. They meet together for regular House assemblies, take part in competitions for their House and gain house points for good behaviour and for good work.
Children are expected to be smartly attired at all times. Shoes should be black and kept polished and shirts should be tucked in. School dresses and kilts should be knee length. Children in Years 7 - 8 should wear blazers at all times, children in Years 3 - 6 will wear blazers for formal/special occasions only.
Unless specific permission has been given, children are not allowed to wear jewellery apart from plain gold or silver stud earrings. These should be removed before playing games.
Hair should not be dyed and extremes should be avoided. Long hair should be tied back using a navy, black or brown hair band or clip.
Please make sure that ALL items are clearly marked, including trainers and shoes. Your child’s name must be clearly visible on the outside of his/her P.E. bag.
King’s School Shop
The School Shop is open in term time daily from Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm (closed on Wednesdays) and on Saturday from 9.00am – 1.00pm. During the school holidays times vary so please contact the shop at your earliest convenience for specific details.
Telephone: 01227 595551 or Email: shop1@kings-school.co.uk
Please note the School Shop in Canterbury gets extremely busy, so outfitting for new and existing children is carried out by appointment only. Payment for outfits should be cleared by cash, or credit card on the day of purchase (They do not accept American Express).
The School Shop offers a sewing service for the name taping at a cost of £50.00 per uniform. The charge for this will be added to your first term school bill. We can also sew, store and deliver the uniform to the boarding house if required. All uniform and home clothes must have name tapes before the start of term. If you wish to make use of this service, please ensure that you have name tapes either ordered at the time of making an appointment, or previously sourced. If you wish to provide your own name tapes, please ensure labels include your child’s first and last name.
Please check deadlines for the purchase and sewing of name tapes with the School Shop. Parents must provide name tapes after the deadline date. The School shop recommends name tapes are purchased from www.cashnametapes.co.uk
The Friends of Junior King’s run a second-hand uniform shop. The shop is located in the Sports Hall at Junior King’s. Visits to the shop are by appointment only. Please contact the School Office: office@junior-kings.co.uk
School Bags
A bag, clearly named, is essential for all children from Year 5 upwards. Years 3 and 4 will be supplied with a reading folder and do not require an additional bag.
Meals and Snacks
Day children have lunch in the Dining Hall each day. There is a delicious, nutritious and wide choice of food at all meals, and vegetarian and special diets are catered for. Fresh fruit is always available as a dessert option. The School operates a ‘nut aware’ policy. Any communications about special diets should be sent to the Sister-in-Charge: health@junior-kings.co.uk All children have a snack and a drink mid-morning and mid-afternoon and fresh drinking water is always available from outside the Dining Hall and Sports Hall. Children should not bring their own food, tuck or sweets into school.
Sports Clothes and Equipment
ALL Sports clothes must be named.
Sports clothes should be brought to school at the start of a week in the School sports bag, clearly named. These are then stored in the changing rooms or storage room during the week. Although not essential, a small padlock is also recommended for safe storage of kit within the bag. Sports clothes should be taken home on Friday for washing over the weekend. Year 5-8 children can wear sports kit to school on Saturdays, but will be required to wear uniform on special Saturdays such as Open Mornings.
Mouthguards are required for rugby and hockey; no child will be allowed to train or play these sports without a mouthguard. We recommend that mouthguards are properly fitted by a dentist and arrange for ‘Opro’ to visit in September, and fit mouthguards for children with parental consent.
Lost Property
All lost property for Years 3 and 4 is stored in Junior House. All other lost property is stored in the cupboard in the main school corridor. All named items will be returned to their owner. Any unnamed and unclaimed items will, after a suitable period of time, be disposed of.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
Mobile phones and smart watches are now a feature of modern society and many of our children own them. We have clear rules about their use at school, however, and all children in the Prep school are required to sign the ‘Mobile Phone and Smart Watch Policy’ at the start of each academic year.
No pupil is permitted to wear a smart watch at Junior King’s. The rules surrounding mobile phones are dependent on year group.
Years 3-7
All children in Years 3-7 may not use or carry mobile phones within school hours for any purpose.
• Where a written request has been made by a parent, and accepted by the Deputy Head (Pastoral). These phones will be kept in the Staff Room
• Children who come to school on public transport (phone will be kept in the Staff Room)
• Boarders may use mobile phones within the boarding house at those times decided by the house staff.
Year 8
In Year 8, children will be allowed to bring mobile phones to school with the aim of educating them to use mobile phone technology responsibly, and to prepare them for their education at The King’s School, or other senior schools where mobile phones are allowed and responsible use is expected.
Any children allowed to have phones are requested to have them turned off during the day and will need to sign and abide by the School’s Mobile Phone Agreement. Mobile phone sanctions will apply for children who fail to comply with this agreement. Please refer to the Mobile Phone and Smartwatch Policy on the website www.junior-kings.co.uk/policies/
Health Care
Please see that all health forms and consent forms for your child are sent to school before the start of term. Parents are requested to notify the Health Centre of any changes to their children’s health as they occur, (immunisations received, childhood diseases, allergies, dietary requirements).
ALL medications, in their original packaging must be handed directly to the Health Centre, accompanied by a letter of consent from the parent or guardian stating the reason for administration, dosage & frequency. Prescribed medications MUST have the pharmacy label in situ showing clearly the child’s name and prescribing information. To prevent misuse, children are not allowed to have medicine in their possession. Please note that it is the child or parents’ responsibility to collect medicines at the end of the School day if they are required at home in the evening.
‘Over the counter’ medicines or remedies will only be administered with written parental or guardian consent. Any drugs that are brought in from abroad but not licensed for use in the UK, albeit licensed abroad, will not be administered or housed within School (Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971). Medication brought in from abroad that is licensed for use in the UK must have with it a doctor’s covering letter, stating why the medication has been prescribed, confirming the dose, frequency and the duration of the course, and all pharmacy labels must be intact and written in English.
Asthmatics should carry a clearly labelled reliever inhaler (usually a blue one) with them at all times. A spare named salbutamol inhaler should be stored in the Health Centre. Please note, that it is school policy not to allow asthmatic children off site for visits or matches, if they do not have their inhaler with them.
Off Games
If your child is unwell or incapacitated, you should send an email to the Health Centre, via the Form Tutor requesting that they should not play games. Please indicate in the note whether your child should be kept indoors and for how long this arrangement should last.
A child may also be put ‘off games’ by the School Nurse during the course of the day if needed. A child who receives a head injury will also be put off games for 24 or 48 hours depending on the severity and will not under any circumstances be allowed to play sport. If a concussion injury is suspected the child will have to follow a graduated return to play which would result in a GP consultation.
General illness
In order to prevent cross-infection, parents are requested to keep children away from school if unwell. Following an episode of diarrhoea or vomiting, a child should not return to school until 48 hours has elapsed since the last episode. Children should return to school when they are tolerating a normal diet without continued stomach cramps or discomfort, and feeling fit and well. Children with a high temperature and symptoms of a respiratory infection, should remain absent from school until they no longer have a high temperature, and feel well enough to return to school.
If parents have any queries, then they should telephone the Health Centre before the child returns to school.
Illness during the School day
If a child becomes unwell during the School day, non-prescribed medication may be given with parental consent from an established list of remedies. If a child remains unwell, parents will be contacted and the child sent home, if at all possible. In the case of more serious accidents and emergencies, every effort will be made to contact parents prior to a child being taken to hospital. If it is not possible to contact parents, the Head’s appointed representative would act ‘in loco parentis’.
Parents will also be notified if children present frequently at the Health Centre with the same problem.
Children with complex medical needs
Parents are asked to liaise closely with the Health Centre to devise an appropriate plan of care and protocol for their management.
School Counsellors
We have School counsellors who visit the School to see children who have been identified as needing support of an emotional nature. If you have any concerns about your child you can contact the Health Centre or speak to your child’s teacher or houseparent who will liaise directly with us.
Head Lice
This is a recurrent problem in any school environment! Parents are requested to check their child’s hair each week and to treat accordingly. In cases of serious infestation, parents may also be requested to take their child home for treatment.
Sun Protection
Every child must have their own named supply of sun screen with them during the summer months. The cream / lotion must be clearly named and be at least factor 15. Suncream will be available across the School during the Summer Term. Children will be encouraged to reapply suncreen throughout the day, particularly before sport. Please inform the Health Centre if you do not want your child to use the School suncream.
If a pupil is in contact with an infectious disease, the School must be informed. The Head will take the advice of the Health Centre and the Medical Officer on when the pupil should be allowed to return.

Boarding at Junior King’s Occasional Boarding for Day Children
Boarding lies at the heart of the Junior King’s community. Occasional or flexi boarding may be possible for day children from time to time, where space permits. Any requests should be made directly to the Houseparents.
Boys’ Boarding: Mr E Stevenson, estevenson@junior-kings.co.uk
Girls’ Boarding (Head of Boarding): Mrs L Hutchings, lhutchings@junior-kings.co.uk
Joining the Boarding Community
Boarders are members of either the boys’ house (Kipling) or the girls’ house (Juckes). Each boarder has their own bed, with space to keep their clothes and belongings. The boarding house is like an extended family: an all-age community with its own expectations which complement those of the School.
Parents who would like their day children to convert to boarding should contact the Registrar (registrar@junior-kings.co.uk) to check that space is available, well in advance of the intended start date.
Full Boarding
Full boarders are at school through the week and at weekends, and benefit from an extensive weekend boarding programme. Main events are published in the School calendar and described on the website.
Weekly Boarding
Weekly boarders normally go home after games or activities on Saturday afternoon at 3.30pm and return either on Sunday evening by bedtime or on Monday at 8.20am. Those not involved in sport may go home at 12.20pm on Saturdays.
Flexi Boarding
If you wish you child to do regular flexi boarding, please contact the Head of Boarding ahead of the term beginning for further details.
Invitations to Boarders at the Weekend
We are happy for boarders to be invited out for part of a weekend providing:
• the host family liaises with the child’s parents and has their permission
• that the Houseparents have at least 48 hours’ notice
The host family should contact the Houseparents directly to make the necessary arrangements.
Cars at Junior King’s
Please only enter the School grounds from Milner Lane via the Milner Gate and exit via Church Lane. Once on the School grounds do not exceed 5 mph to ensure the safety of all. Please drive carefully through the lane and be especially careful on entry to the Junior School. Please switch off your engine while you are stationary and do not park in the lane or obstruct the gates in any way. We have a one-way system for traffic, please avoid driving to the school from Church Lane as this can cause congestion.
We encourage parents to use the pick up/drop off zone at the front of the School in order to reduce congestion. Parents who wish to park may do so in front of the Manor House, and in the car parks by the Sports Hall and the Pre-Prep. There are a few spaces in front of the School but please do not park in the pick up/drop off zone; this must be kept clear to enable it to operate. The School Sergeant is usually available to assist with parking in the mornings and afternoons.
School Transport Services
The School operates a number of organised transport services including minibus and taxis in the mornings only and a train party for both mornings and afternoons. Further details are available from the School Office, office@junior-kings.co.uk. These services are not available on Saturdays.
Members of staff escort children on the train from Wye Station to Sturry on weekday mornings and accompany the children into school. The train is met by additional members of staff who also accompany the children into school. At the end of the day, the children are accompanied on the train from Sturry to Wye by one or two members of staff . There is no official train party on Saturdays, though the morning train is met at Sturry Station by one or two members of staff who accompany the children to school. The children are escorted to the station to catch the train to Wye but travel unaccompanied. All train times are subject to any timetabling changes. Further details are available from the School Office, office@junior-kings.co.uk.
Apart from the normal arrival and pick-up times and match afternoons, on arrival at the School all visitors (including parents) should report to the School Office where they will receive a visitor’s badge. All external doors to the main school buildings have electronic security codes. Please note that any ‘forgotten’ items should be dropped off at the School Office during the day and should be collected from there by the child concerned. The welfare of the children is paramount and parents should not be in the main school buildings during normal school hours.

Concerns and Complaints
The Junior King’s School has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its children. However, if parents do have a concern or complaint, they can expect it to be treated by the School in accordance with the Complaints Policy. Please contact your child’s form teacher, Head of Section or a member of SMT.
Please see the School website for full details: https://www.junior-kings.co.uk/policies/
Finance Payment of Fees
The Bursary will send out information about the School Fees, private medical, fees insurance and the School Fees Remission Scheme. Should a problem ever arise, please let the Bursary or the Head know as soon as possible. Such matters are treated in confidence.
The fees are inclusive of meals, textbooks, stationery and compulsory activities etc. Most extras are optional (for example instrumental tuition, evening activities) and have to be requested or agreed by parents in advance.
Personal Property and Insurance
The School does not accept financial responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal property. It is advisable to see that your own insurance policy provides necessary cover for items you consider to be of value, especially musical instruments.
The King’s School Recreation Centre
All children have free membership of the Recreation Centre in St Stephen’s Road, and parents can become members at a reduced rate. Application forms for parents can be obtained from the Centre.
Friends’ Association
The aim of the Friends’ Association is primarily to bring together parents, staff and others interested in the well-being of the School through social, cultural and other activities. We hope that you will be interested in supporting these events. Any surplus money raised is given by the Committee for the use and benefit of the School. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the Friends’ Association unless they specifically wish to opt-out and a number of parents act as Class Representatives. The Friends run a coffee morning on the first Friday of every month at 8.20am in the Dining Hall to which all parents are welcome. They also organise ‘Classlist’, a digital communication tool enabling parents to talk to each other with ease.