We are deeply committed to supporting the local community and maintaining an outwardlooking approach and attitude. Our partnership programmes and activities are founded on the principle of mutual benefit, and include a number of long-standing relationships, such as the EKST (East Kent Schools Together Group). Our partnership and outreach work is supplemented by a steadfast commitment to widening access through the awards of bursaries, and this year has seen the launch of our campaign to fund 50 full bursaries through the Charter Awards.
We are delighted to be in a position to share this report which reviews our progress against these objectives. More than 2000 pupils from local schools have benefitted from our programmes this year alone, while we have exceeded our fundraising targets as we aim to build up an endowment fund which will enable us to support 50 full bursaries. We are delighted that 4 Charter Awardees will attend the school from September, demonstrating the tangible impact of the generosity of those who have donated to this campaign.
It is our aim to continue to develop our partnership and outreach programme and to grow our endowment fund. By focusing on the impact of our work to-date, we are able to ensure that the greatest possible benefit can be gained from these efforts, and to refine our strategies to underpin even greater impact in future.
Jude Lowson Head
The King’s School Canterbury has a long-standing tradition of excellence in education, fostering a community that values academic achievement, personal growth, and social responsibility. Central to this mission is our Partnership Programme, which embodies our commitment to making a positive impact beyond our school’s walls. This programme is designed to share the resources, expertise, and spirit of our institution to benefit the wider community, ensuring that the values of inclusivity, empathy, and service are woven into the fabric of our educational approach.
Our Partnership programme aims to create sustainable and meaningful connections with local schools, charities, and community organisations. Through collaborative projects, shared learning experiences, and volunteer initiatives, we strive to support educational advancement and promote social welfare. By engaging pupils, staff, and the broader school community in these efforts, we not only contribute to the public good but also enrich the educational experience of all pupils.
In this social impact report, we present the highlights of our recent partnership and outreach activities. We celebrate the achievements of our community and outline our vision for the future. Our goal is to demonstrate the tangible benefits of our engagement, inspire continued collaboration, and reaffirm our dedication to making a lasting difference in the lives of others.
We invite you to explore how The King’s School Canterbury is living out its commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. Together, we are building a stronger, more connected world – one partnership at a time.
Michael Mawby Head of Partnerships
Widening access to pupils from all backgrounds has always been of central importance to King’s. For many years means-tested partial bursaries have been awarded to support high-ability students to join or remain in the Senior School, in addition to emergency bursaries for families facing unexpected hardships. These bursaries vary in value depending on the family’s individual circumstances and are provided through an endowment supported by fee income. In 202324 we offered £2.06m of means-tested partial bursaries to families who needed extra support.
Today, through the newly-launched Charter Awards Campaign, King’s is building on this proud tradition of supporting bursaries with the provision of a separate, donor-funded endowment fund through which further full (100 or 110%) bursaries are
being awarded. With the support and generosity of our community, the School aims to provide 50 full means-tested places in perpetuity by 2041, 500 years after the first 50 scholars arrived at the School. Whether from underserved or deprived backgrounds, or suffering social or economic disadvantage, awardees are those for whom an education at King’s will be deemed to be of huge benefit but would otherwise be wholly out of reach.
We know that bursaries change lives. They open doors to new experiences and help talented and motivated young people achieve more than they ever thought possible. Through the Charter Awards we hope to enable all of our pupils from every background to belong, flourish, and build the foundations for brilliant futures.
4 £3m 187 167 64
Welcomed our first Charter Awardee, with another 3 about to join
Already reached 43% of our target of fundraising £3m in 3 years (2023–2026) for bursaries
Received 187 individual donations towards bursaries from our community
Offered 167 scholarships and 64 bursaries to pupils needing support
The success of the Charter Awards Campaign relies not just on donations. It is also critical that we can identify young people who would thrive at King’s, and that we are able to support them appropriately once they are here.
As we begin our journey, we have partnered with the Royal National Children’s Springboard Foundation (RNCSF) – experts in widening access to the opportunities available in independent schools for young people facing the greatest barriers to their development. To date, the Foundation has partnered with 170 schools and identified and supported 1073 pupils into bursary places across the country. This includes 66 children in care; 382 children who are classified as vulnerable, or given social care intervention; and 625 children identified through their partnerships in social mobility ‘cold spot’ areas.
As we plan to grow the number of pupils receiving a bursary at King’s, we also plan to utilise our existing networks and areas of expertise. Local networks, such as East Kent Schools Together,
We are delighted to be working in partnership with The King’s School Canterbury to ensure that many more children facing challenging circumstances can access the life-transformative opportunities that an education at King’s provides.
Ali Henderson CEO RNCSF
or our outreach programmes, like Sounding Out and Saturday Smarties could be crucial. For so many of these young people, a King’s education is unlikely to be on their radar; these partnerships make it possible. Likewise, our existing scholarship networks, especially in music and sport, will offer another avenue to identify those young people who show unique talent and promise, but who could never come to King’s without full financial support.
We recognise that, for our Charter Award recipients, the transition to King’s can be huge. We work closely with our partners, and the young people and their families, to assess their suitability, ambitions and needs to make sure King’s is the best fit for them. King’s already has an exceptional system of pastoral care in place for all our pupils. However, we know that young people on full bursaries often require additional help and support. That’s why we offer wraparound practical and emotional support, mentoring and peer groups with other King’s bursary recipients and Springboarders, not only during their time at King’s, but also before they join us and long after they have left.
It has been a joy to witness firsthand how truly transformational a Charter Awards Bursary can be, and how much these talented and motivated pupils contribute to our school.
Matt Thornby Head of Boarding
The King’s School Canterbury
In addition to widening our bursary programme in 2023-24, King’s has engaged in a range of partnership activities with the aim of providing opportunities to more young people in our community.
Partnerships to facilitate wide and diverse access to the unique education provided by The King's School
Pupil Development, Support and Experiences: Supporting and developing pupils in our local and partnership schools at primary and secondary level, we seek to enhance external pupil access within the local community to a broad range of experiences they might otherwise not benefit from.
Educational Access: Enhancing pupil experience by providing access to our facilities which otherwise might not form part of the local curriculum.
Staff Development and Support: Supporting our local schools and their staff in their educational aims and needs through diverse and imaginative approaches.
Community Benefit: Supporting the local community by working closely with local leaders to address their identified needs, through provision of facilities, staffing, donations and more.
Practical support with facilities have also been invaluable, the English Department appreciated the space off site to moderate coursework whilst the senior staff benefitted from an offsite environment to enable strategic development.
Mr D Elliott Headteacher, The Archbishop’s School, Canterbury
Running for over ten years at King’s, Sounding Out is a classical music programme involving pupils from five partner primary schools. The programme provides children with fully funded group lessons in the violin or trumpet each week, as well as masterclasses and concerts.
There are currently 17 primary school students across years 5 and 6 enrolled in the programme, with 10 students learning violin and seven learning trumpet
The Sounding Out children enjoyed their biggest performance yet at a showcase during the end of the 2023 – 2024 academic year: playing alongside King’s students in a piece relating to Dvořák’s superb 9th Symphony ‘From the New World.’ Thanks to donations from our community, and increasing demand, the Sounding out programme will be expanded from September 2024 to support more pupils than ever before. Plans include:
Doubling the number of children who can benefit from the programme. A new group of year 5 pupils will now have the chance to learn one of four instruments, with trombone and cello being added to the portfolio. In order to achieve this, two new teachers will be recruited and new instruments will be procured. Adding bass instruments to the programme will allow for more interesting chamber music options.
An extension of the current provision. Extending the Sounding Out programme into Year 7 will enable students who have been on the programme for two years to be able to continue their studies as they move into secondary school. This second stage of the Sounding Out programme will include an individual, rather than group, instrumental lesson and involvement in a chamber ensemble.
I wanted to say a massive thank you for the opportunity this scheme has presented for my daughter. My daughter has grown immensely in confidence, having been extremely shy with previous activities. She has now performed numerous times in front of an audience; confidently and with great enthusiasm, something that would not have been possible before. This would never have been an opportunity I could have provided for my daughter on my own.
Parent of Sounding Out participant
Over 500 pupils have been part of the Saturday Smarties programme in the past ten years. This programme offers fun and interactive science experiences with local state primary schools, enabling pupils to experience science in a laboratory setting. Our feedback has shown that many participants have been inspired to consider studying science at University as a result.
This is the day I became a scientist. Year 5 pupil after first Saturday Smarties Session
A series of performing arts workshops, activities and masterclasses.
Working with others I don’t know was great; the workshop really helped give a deep dive into how to make a production, even with little time.
Older King’s pupils volunteer at local primary schools to assist with language classes and reading, helping to raise oracy in schools and develop their own leadership skills. They also volunteer locally working with charities supporting events and generally being a positive presence in the wider community.
Two Minilympics events took place this year, run by King’s and involving our 6th form pupils. Sports included Cricket, Athletics, Touch Rugby and a Hockey masterclass from 3-time Olympian Sean Kerly. Over 120 Year 4 pupils from local primary schools attended. Never played cricket before and I smashed it.
Year 4 pupil from local primary school
25 pupils from Year 5 and 6 in local primary schools attended with parent or carer for a full morning of Science in June 2024. This included provision of transport to and from schools and a creche, as well as lunch for all in the Social Centre.
My favourite activity was the flame test for metal ions – the flames looked so cool and more wonderful than anything I have ever seen!
The King’s School conference programme provides high quality, free of charge Continuing Professional Development and INSET for local and national school staff from primary, secondary, independent and state schools.
71 41 25 17 8 18 62
41 attendees from 24 state schools and 10 independent in 2023; this rose to 71 attendees in 2024
62 attendees in 2023 (state and independent, from CEOs to teachers)
Participation increased from 17 state schools in 2023 to 25 in 2024, and from 8 independent schools to 18
The Archbishop’s school has been working closely with The King’s School for the last three years. The relationship is truly collaborative and the benefits to the Archbishop’s school are manifold.
Mr D
The Archbishop’s School, Canterbury
Scan the QR code to read more about partnerships and outreach
Scan the QR code to learn more about The Charter Awards
Michael Mawby Head of Partnerships mrm@kings-school.co.uk
Jenny Grant Director of Development jg@kings-school.co.uk
Edward Gibson Director of Admissions
The opportunities provided by King’s really do enrich the learning and enjoyment of pupils at St John’s, and the staff here are always buzzing and complimentary of the experiences and for the staff at King’s when they return from an event.
Martin Glancy Lead for Partnerships, St John’s Church of England Primary School, Canterbury
Christ’s Hospital School
City of London School for Girls
Cranleigh School
Kent College
The King’s School
Canterbury, International College
The King’s School
St Edmund’s School, Canterbury
Barton Manor School
Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School
Folkestone Acadamy
Hartsdown Academy
Homewood School
Maidstone Grammar School for Girls
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
Simon Langton Girls Grammar School
St Anselm’s
The Archbishop’s School
The Canterbury Academy
The Folkestone School for Girls
Kent College Junior School
Lorenden Prep
St Lawrence College Junior School
Littlebourne CE Primary School
Pilgrims’ Way Primary School
Rivermead Inclusive Trust
Spring Grove School
The Canterbury Primary School
The Stour Academy Trust
Walderslade Primary School
Development Office, The King’s School, 25 The Precincts, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2ES
Telephone: 01227 595 623
Email: development@kings-school.co.uk kings-school.co.uk
Registered Charity No. 307942