1 minute read
Fear: something that lurks and waits to pounce. A pure kind of evil; a clown, of sorts. Sometimes it can make you laugh and be wowed, but it’s also something to be dreaded, for when it strikes, there is little you can do.
Fear is well trained. It’s not just as simple as hitting it away, because it’ll hit you back ten times harder. You can try and run, but you’ll never escape. It will forever be biting at your heels.
Sometimes it performs on stage for you. Helps you out; makes you laugh. It encourages, persuades and forces you places, both dark and light.
Perhaps it’ll help you say what you’ve been wanting to say, or make you do what you’ve been wanting to do?
There really is no escape. You might think sleeping is an escape, but you’re wrong! Sleeping is the worst, as it slowly tiptoes into your dreams, using all its might to ruin them.
Fear is a true kind of evil: pure evil.