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Music at King’s has a distinguished history with the finest reputation for performances of outstanding quality and variety.
Up to 12 Music Scholarships (10%) and 3 Music
Exhibitions or Choral Awards (5%) are available. Successful candidates also receive free tuition in two instruments (Scholarships) or one instrument/voice (Exhibitions/Choral Awards).
Candidates should have outstanding ability/ potential for their age in one instrument and strong skills in at least one further study or voice. Although not obligatory, an approximate standard of Grade 6 is expected, and candidates are advised to attend a pre-audition with the Director of Music in order to assess suitability, ideally in Year 6 or 7 of Prep School.
Assessment Day is held in the Lent term with candidates presenting two contrasting pieces on the first choice study instrument. They will also undertake sight-reading and ear tests. There is no written paper.
One or more Music Scholarships for Sixth Form entrants are also on offer, together with free tuition in two instruments. Eligibility is in line with the criteria for 13+ awards, although the recommended level of achievement is in excess of Grade 7. Again, pre-auditions with the Director of Music are advised, ideally taking place in Year 10.
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Art Scholarships (10%) and Exhibitions (5%) are available to candidates of outstanding ability. The examination consists of two practical papers: Objective Drawing (2 hours) and Imaginative Composition (3 hours).
Candidates should provide examples of their work: a few specimens of a high standard are better than a portfolio filled just for the occasion. Portfolios are required one week before assessment. Three-dimensional work, such as pottery or sculpture, should not be sent, although photographs would be most welcome.
Art facilities at Blackfriars and King Street Studios are excellent. Regular visits are paid to London galleries and to many other venues, as well as overseas trips to galleries and exhibitions.
The department operates an Artist-in-Residence scheme, which gives an insight into the working methods of professional practitioners.
Art Scholarships are also available at Sixth Form entry.