Twelfth Night programme King's Week 22

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K ing’s Week Senior Play nd Sat 2 – th Tues 5 July


Memorial Court

Cast list (order of appearance)


Bear Cochrane / Hal Kingsland


Bell Harding


Daisy Ledger & Lucinda Bower


Mattie Butler

Captain/ Priest

Kyan Cherwayko


Octavia Harris


Jago Bromley


Theo Outram/ Kamal Shahab-Kayali

Sir Toby Belch

Max Bondatti


Cecily Carter

Sir Andrew Aguecheek

George Gibbs


Ned Linforth


Zara Fish


Estelle Olcott


Serena Akgun & George Bersey

Orsino’s crew ‘Surfers’

Hal Kingsland, Jess Riggs, Kamal Shahab, Kayali, Benoit Normand, Eve Griffiths, Imo Melrose, Vansh Minocha, Fleur Rex, Serena Akgun

Olivia’s crew ‘Sailors’

Franciska Wagner, Libby Mullen, Jess Sugden, Kajsa Friberg, Cat Poddi, Alice Butt, George Bersey, Dev Harjani, Liza Barkova

Production Manager

Craig Newlyn

Set / Stage Manager

Steve Taylor

Assistant Stage Manager

Lauralyn Gibson

Backstage Crew/ operators

Lottie Karolyi, Sylvain Chan

Director/ Costumes/Props

Rebekah Beattie

Thanks to:

Rebekah Frances, Victoria Outram, Steffi Felton, Hollie Hands, Rob Gutteridge, Florence Walton

Our heartfelt thanks and sad farewell to Mr Peter Roberts; we thank you for all your support of our theatrical endeavours throughout your time with us.

Twelfth Night, or What You Will Our scene is set on fair Illyria’s shore, Upon whose gilded sands wash siblings, wracked; Believing each to other are no more, Twins being twain, seek comfort where they lack. To male disguise Viola now succumbs The dashing Count to honour and to serve; The while his messenger of love becomes, Herself is struck right to her heart with verve. Yet lo, the Countess, rapt by Viol’s disguise, Begets a tangled ‘love square’ to surmise.

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