The Cantuarian September 1943 - September 1944

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Vol. XIX. No.6

September, 1943.

• THB KING'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY WAR RECORD No. 12-JULY. 1943. {\vrrection to Eleventh List: ,," , O. GOBLE: for Commander (E), R.N. read Commander R.N. liromotions and Transrers since March, 1943. ROYAL NAVY. , \ B. S. BEALE to Lieutenant. W. J. CHANDLER to Paymaster Lieutena nt, R.N,V.R. II. M. COCKREM to Paymaster Captain.

W. G. COLTHAM to Lieutenant, R.I.N. M. M. COURTNEY to Lieutenant. I, . CUMBEROATC H to A/Commander. I l", T. Foster to Capta in and T/ Major and Lieutenant·Colonel R.M. t F. W. HARVEY to Commander, R.I.N. (List I should read Lt.·Cdr.) . II T. HEALE, to Commander, R.N.R . I' It. HILL to Midshipman and to Sub~Lieutenant (A), R.N.V .R. I( M. HOOPER to Paymaster Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. It V , H. TsACKE to Commander.

I A. KENNY to Sub·Lieutenant, R .N.V.R. I 1\. R. MACDOUG ALL to Naval Airman, 2nd Class. M M OUNTSTEPHENS to Lieutenant, R.N .V.R. V I) , RAVENSCROFT to Lieutenant-Commander. It M. SANDFORD to A/ Lieutenant (E). , Il. S MITH to A/Captain (E .) Ii. SMITH to Lieutenant, R,N .V.R. I' S n nNMANN to Lieutenant, R.N.V.R . THE ARMY. to 2nd Lieutenant, Reconnaissance Corps. appointed G .S.O . III. II I'. DARTON to Lieutenant and transferred to K.S.L.1. I I" OAVINGTON JONES to Captain . • OLUNT to Major. , OLUNT to A/Brigadier. II I"\OWN to Lieutenant. N, ALDECOlT SMITH to Lieutenant. A. D, C. CUSSANS to O.C.T.U. Ii , I::ANSHAWE to T/ Major-General. I j , ALPIN to T/ Lieutenant-Colonel. I , G IOSON to T/Lieutenant-Colonel. I • A NDERSON


.... ::


C. H. C. GORE to A/ Brigadier, 1.A. W. D. Gulloch to O.C.T.V., LA. C. D. G. HEYMAN to T/ Lieutenant-Colonel. P. C. H. HOLMER to 2nd Lieutenant, R.A. O. K. JOHNSON to Lieutenant. L. W. R. LINNELL to Lieutenant and Captain aU. R.I.A.S.C. E . C. LINTON to T/CoioneJ. D. W. LLEWELLYN-EVANS to 2nd Lieutena nt, Baluch Regimen t, LA . D. S. LUCAS to Major. N. C. K INO. to Major. A. D. C. MACAtlLAY, to Lieutenant, Captain and Major. C. M. MALTny to A/ Major-General, LA. L. C. MANNERS,SMITH to T/Brigadier. A. D. PARSONS to Lieutenant. B. L. DE LA PERRELLE to Lieutenant, The Buffs. ' E . C. C. E. POWELL, to T/ Major, The Dorsetshire Regiment. 1. H. POWELL to 2nd Lieutenant, Mahratta L.l.. I.A. R . P. A. PIERCY to Captain. R. E. S. PRICE to 2nd Lieutenant. The Buffs. A. A. RANDALL to 2nd Lieutenant. I. A. D.1. ROBERTSON to T/ Major. D. H. Scon to Captain. J. A. G. SCOTT to Major and appointed Brigade-Major, R.A.C. P. H. G. Scott to Capta in. General List. P. H. SHORTHOUSE to Captain. F . M . SHORTHOUSE to T/Captain. C. C. SMYTHE to Lieu tenant-Colonel (List TV should read" Acti"g "). M. S. SPARK to O.C.T.U. and 2nd Lieutenant, R .E. O. M. STEVENS to O.C.T.U., R.A.C. A. R. THORNDIKE to 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant, R .A. D. J. R. THORNDIKE 10 Lieutenant, R.A. G. L. TOMK INS to Lieutenant-Colonel. F. TOUNSEND to T/Captain. R. l . TURK to O.C.T.U. , LA. M. WALSH to O.C.T.U. and 2nd Lieutenant, Punjab Regt., LA . R. WALTER appointed Staff Captain, 1st Army and promoted Staff Major. C . A. WEST to A/ Major-General. W. D. C. WIGGINS to Captain and T/ Major. R. J. WILBY to Captain and T/ Major, The Black Watch (T). R. G. WINGFIELD to T/Caplain, R.E.M.E. B. E. W rIT to T / Lieutenant-Colonel. 1. H. WOODS to A/ Br igadier. J. S. YOUNG to Lieutemmt. W . C. YOUNG to Captain.


• R.A.F. I'. G . P. ALLISTON to L/A.C. (Fitter). l~ . N. B. CANN to Pi lot Officer. 11, D. FINN to Captain, Kenya Auxiliary Air Force: transferred to R.A.F. as Flight-Lieutenant; promoted Squadron Leader and Wing Commander. A. J. B. H UGHES to Flying Officer. ct. L. SEABROOK to A/Wing-Commander. W. SIMPSON, D.F.C. to Sq uadron Leader. W. M. TILTON to Ai r Gunner. O . A. J. WOOD to P ilot Officer. J)ccorations and Ment ions. "liGHT-LIEUTENANT W. SIMPSON, D.F.C., Awarded Croix de Guerre. tlr.-CoMMANDER J. BYRON, R.N.R., Awarded D.S.C., and R.D. tlllNERAL SIR BERNARD MONTGOMERY, K.C.B., D.S.O., Chief Commander, Legion of Merit, U.S.A., and Mentioned in Despatches. 1\1 APTAIN N. c. KING, R .A.S.C., Ment io ned in Despatches. Nil( FREDERICK BOVENSCHEN, K.B.E., C.B., Joint Permanent U nder-Secretary for War, created K.C.B. /LDR. G . L. SEABROOK, Mentioned in Despatches. W/COMMANDER P. D. FINN, twice Mentioned in Despatches. TWELFTH LIST OF O.K.S. KNOWN TO BE SERVI NG. ROYAL NAVY. , P. CLOWES, 1939-43. O/Seaman. J. I). M. SUGDEN , 1940--42, O/Seaman. II . TILTON, 1933- 4 1, O/Telegraphist. THE ARMY .

K. F. ASHTON, 1936--40, Private, Midd lesex Regimen t. W. M. ENDERBY, 1933-42. I). H. FEARON, 1940-41, Lance-Corporal, Rifl(Brigade.

Ii, O. LEWIS, 1919- 25, Captain Pioneer Corps.

N. n.. H. SEMMENCE, 1939-42, Sapper, R .E. I, II. MIDDLETON, 1938-42, O.C.T.U., LA. O. C. WATSON, 1939-41, 2nd Lieutenant, RA. R.A.F. II. A. BETHELL, 1931-36, Pilot Officer, R.A.F.V.R. I . J. BERRY, 1939-42, AC/2, R.A.F.V.R. I', O. FINN, 1917- 26, 2nd Lieutenant, Kenya A uxi liary Air Force. • V.lONES, 1938-41, AC/2, R.A.F.V.R. ADM INISTRATIVE, ETC. 114. TnEODORE ADAMS, C.M.G., Chief Commiss ioner, Northern Province of Nigeria-Retired. , I)l.! LA M. NORR IS, 1935- 40. Aeronaut ical Student and Private, Home Gua rd . I , V. SCRIVENOR, transferred to Licutcnan t-Governor 's Offi ce, Ma lta. , P. VALPY (see List /I ) now Home Gua rd. I , S. WILLIS, 1906-15. Post Warden and Incident Officer, London.



AIR VICE.MARSHAL P. C. MALTBY, C.B., D.S.O. , A.F.e. 1901. Sumatra. L. O. VALPY, 1922-26, Missing since January. 1942, now reported Prisoner in Japanese hand,-

WOUNDED. LIEUTENANT D. L. MACLEAN, R.A., 1935-40. LIEUTENANT~COLONEL C. C. SMYTHE, M.C., 1909-14, Hampshire Regiment. LIEUTENANT M. C. 'fRouSDELL, 1936-40. Royal Irish Fusiliers.

ROLL OF HONOUR. LIEUTENANT W. A. P. S AMPSON, 1932-36 ; Previously reported Missing, now reported by " ,I Cross as'Killed in Action, Malaya. 2ND LIEUTENANT G. D. WOOD, 1929-30 ; Killed in Action, Middle F.ast. PRiVATE J. D E LA M. NORRIS, 1935--40, Home Guard ; Accidentally killed on Home GUII!!I Exercise. CAPTAIN J. R. BAVINGTON JONES, 1921-29; Durham L.I. Reported Missing March, 1943. III' reported Died of Wounds as Prisoner of War.

MASTERS. R. H. PRIOR promoted to Flight~Lieutenant and aVlarded D .F.C. R. P. TONG promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel.

SCHOOL STAFF. L. CURTIS to Able Seaman, R.N.V.R. J. WILCOX, AC/I , R.A.F.V.R. N.B.-This Record can be kept up-lo-date only by the help of O.K.S . and their relltll" Please send any information about yourself or others to Kenneth Thomas, Redbury. OUkW\llhl Avenue, Purley. Surrey.










































O.K .S.














Apri l 30. 1. May



I I. 15. 16.

18. 23.

Term Starts. S. PHILIP AN D S.


A.A. a nd M.M.

1ST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Preach er: The Rev. A. C. Don, 0 .0., Cano n of W CSIIllIIi I and Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons.

lIND. SUN DAY AFTER EASTER. Preacher: The Rev. W. E. Purcell , Vicar of S. 1)('111 Ma idstone. IstX[ v, FrankWoolley'sX I. 1st XI v. St. Au!'tcll e.e. Home. II rRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTE R. 2. 15 p.m. Empire Youth Service; J,T.C. and A.T. e. IMIIIII Preacher: The Headmaster. 1st Xl v. R.A .F. Home. Sq uas h Rackets v. R.A. F. Home. IVTH SUNDAY AFTE R EASTER. Preacher.- The Rev. F. S. Will iams.

Lecture: " Leave n of Life, "

~~:} 29.

30. June

3, 4. 5. 6. 9. 11.




Sir Frederick Keeble, C.B. E. , F.R.s. , Sc. D.

Scholarship Examinat ions. 1st X I v. Clifton Co llege. Away Tennis V I v. Benenden School. Home. R OOATION SUNDAY. Preacher ' The Chaplai n. Lecture: .. South Sea Isla nd<:." Commod ore L. C. P. Tudway, D.S.O. , D .S.C., I\ ,N ASCENSION D AY Lecture:" The Wa r Office." Sir Frederick Bovenschen, K.C.B ., K .B .E. , O.K.S., h", Permanent Under-Sec reta ry of State for War. 1st X I v. Gresham 's School. Away. Tenni~ V I v. Dan ford P.T. College. Home, SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION. Preacher: T he Rev. Clarence May, Vicar of S, Pd.-, Piccadilly Circus. 1st X I v. Plymollth Co llege. Away. S. BARNABAS, A. and M. 1st XI v. Kelly College, T avistock. Home. WHITSUN DAY. Preacher: The Rt. Rev. B. C, Roberts, Warden of SI. Augustine's (ill! • Canterbury. Lecture: The Rt. Hon. Lord Just ice Luxmoore, P.c., O.K.S., Lord Justice of AplW II

!t} Athletic Sports . 16.

19, 20. 22. 24. 26. 27,

28, 29. July

3. 4. 6, 9. 10. I I.

12. 17. 18,

19, 20,

24. 25. 26.

Lecture: The Rev. R . A. Ed wards, Author of " The Upper Room, " . • Tho WI' Adrift, " etc, Tennis VI v. Renenden Schoo l. Away, TRINITY SUNDAY. Preacher: The Rev. S. B-R, Poole, 1st Xl v R,A.F. Home. Squash Rac kets v. R.A.F. Home. S. JOHN BAPTIST. House M atches- Junio r. 1ST SUNDAY APTER TRINITY, Preacher : The Ven. the Archdeacon of Maidstonc , Lecture: Jeffrey Farnol , Esq, House Matches- Jun ior. S. PETER, A. a od M. 1st XI v. G resham'S School. Home. 1st XI v. R ,N.E.C., Keyham, Home. UND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Rev. C. G. Pearson, O xford MI_ It, Calcutta. Recita l: Muriel Bru nsk ill a nd Robert Ainsworth. House Matches- Jun ior. Lecture : " The Fleet Air Arm," Lt, (A). C. Lamb, D.S.O., D .S,C., R ,N, House Matches.:.....Senior. B IRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Rev. P. K. Thompson, Dean of M it ,I College, Oxford. Higher and School Certi ficate Examinat io ns begin. House Matches--Senior. IVTH SUNDAY APTER TR INITY. Preacher : Mr. E. T. Baldock. Lecture: The Rt. Hon . Lord Plender, G.B,E, School Examinat ions begin. Lecture: Arthur Bryant , Esq. House Matches-Senior, VTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. S. J AMES, A. and M. Preacher.' The H eadhutSl cl 2.30 p.m. Swimming Sport s, 10 a .m. Commemoration Service. Anniversary Preacher: Tbe Rev . R. F, ',UI II

O.K.S. 27.

2 p.m. Speeches.

Term End s,




A pri l May

30. 1. 2. 9.

Term Starts. S. PHILIP AND S. J AMES, A.A. and M. M. 1ST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Preacher: The

Rev. A. C. Don, D.O .. Canon of Wesllllill".· and Chapla in to the Speaker of the House of Commons. lIND. SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Preacher : The Rev. W. E. Purcell , Vicar of S. Pelll

Maidstone. I J. IS.


IIlRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. 2.15 p.m. Empire Youth Service; J.T .C. and A.T .e. Preacher: T he Head master.

18. 23.

1st X I v. R .A.F. Ho me. Sq ua sh Rackets v. R.A.F. H o me. !VTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Preacher: The Rev. F. S. W i ll iams. Lect ure : " Leaven of Li fe, , 0 Sir Frederick Keeble, C.B. E., F.R.S., Sc, D.

~~: } 29. 30. J une

1st X [ v. F rank Woolley's X L 1st X I v. St. Austell, C .C. Home.

3. 4.

5. 6. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Scholarship Exa minat ions. 1st Xl y, Cli fto n College. Away Tennis VJ v. Benenden School. R OGATION SUNDAY. Preacher' The C hapla in .


H ome .

Lect ure: .. South Sea I sla nd~ . " Commodore L. C. P. Tudway, D .S.O ., D.s .C.. R.N ASCENSION D AY Lecture:" The War Office, " Si r Frederick Bovensche n. K. C. B., K.B. E., O.K .S .. lim' Permanent U nder-Secreta ry of State for War. 1st X l v. Gresham 's School. A way. Tcnni .. V I v. D a rtford P .T . College. Home. SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION. Preacher : The Rev. C la rence May, Vica r of S. I't ,,, Piccadi lly C ircus. 1st X I v. Plymouth Co llege. Away. S. BARNABAS, A. and M. 1st Xl v. Kelly College, Tavistock. Home. WHITSUNDAY. Preacher: The Rt. Rev. B. C. Roberts, Warden of St. Augustinc's (1111 Canterbury. Lecture: T he R t. Han. Lord Just icc Luxmoore, P.c.. O. K .S., Lo rd J ustice of A I)f"',11

:t} A thle tic Sports. 16.

19. 20. 22. 24. 26.

27. 28.

29. July

3. 4. 6.


10. II . 12. 17. 18.

19. 20. 24. 25. 26.


Lecture : The Rev. R. A . Edwa rds, A uthor of" The U pper Room, " .. Til WI Addft , , . e tc. Ten nis VI v. Rcnenden Scho o l. A way. TRINITY SUN DAY. Preacher : The Rev . S. B-R. Poo le. 1st X l v R .A.F . H o me. Sq ua sh R ackets v. R.A.F. Home. S. J OHN BAPTIST. House Matches-Ju nior. 1ST SUNDAY AFTER TRIN ITY. Prcacher : Tile Ven. the Archdeacon of Ma idstonc. Lect ure : Jeffrey Fa rnol, Esq. House Matches- J un io r. S. PETER, A. and M. 1st Xl v. Gresham's School. H o me . 1st XI v. R.N.E.C., Keyham, H ome . lIND SUNDAY AFTER T RINITY. Preacher.' The Rev. C. G. Pearson, O xford MI .Ii ' Calcutta. Recital: Muriel Brunskill and Robert Ainsworth . House Matches-J un ior. Lecture:" The Fleet Ai r Arm,'· Lt. (A). C. Lamb, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N . H o use Matches!.....Sen ior. l URD SUNDAY AFT(m TRINITY. Preacher .' T he Rev. P. K . T hompson, Den n Or Mit College, O xford. Higher and School Certificate Exa mina tions begin. Ho use Matches--Senior. IVTH SUNDAY AFTER TR INITY . Preacher : Mr. E. T . Ba ldock. Lecture : The Rt. Hon . Lo rd Plender, G. B.E . Scho ol Examinatio ns begin . Lecture : Ar thur Bryant, Esq. House Ma tches-Senior. VTH S UNDAY AFTER TRINITY . S. JAMES, A. a nd M . Preacher: T he Headma sh.)1 2.30 p. m. Swimming Sport s. 10 a. m. Commemo ra tion Service. Allniversary Preacher : The Rev. R ..... 't'll

O.K.S. 2 p.m. Speeches. Term Ends.


;• .1\






" What is this life, if, full of care, We ha ve no time to sta nd and stare."

We are in the French cafe. Before LI S lie the re,llain s of a delightful tea. We sit II.wk farther into the cushions, feeling pleasantly co ntented . We have talked about hunks and discussed poetry.

Now we are in an introspecti ve mood.

Languidly we

"ll ' around the room. We notice the fresh check curta ins, the polished brass and IIJlHcstive china. OUf surroundi ngs seem to have felt the infinite peace of our mind.

11i~ harsh vigoro us villages a nd towns are dissolved in. the contentment of the soul.

1111' .• How green was Ill y va lley " atmosphere departs, leaving something almost f h'ol'gian in its refinement and air of happiness. We turn Ollr eyes back to OUf companion III II

Ihe oak settle and see that he too is silentl y thinking. We are glad we und erstand II ot her, and this adds to the deep warmth of our mood .

Now we indolently look back over the term, its vic lories, defeats and good fellowship. \\, ,'cmember with sa tisfaction how we have waded through numerous vo lumes, and ,III

del ight at discovering new authors.

It is Edmund Gosse who seems to have charmed

Reading his quiet pages we felt ourselves transported to an Edwardian hllwing room, where only a cab inlrudes on the stillness of the interi or. From Gosse • wu nder on to Our Own literary efforts and remember the ed itorial we have to write.



Wlla t shall it be about " - we think half to ourself.

We do not feel like the

I Illvcrbial editor who sits in a room more like a waste paper sorting shed than an office,

,"IIIS for the inspiration that never comes.

No r do we feel like being facetious, the

IV Ihought makes us stir in our chairs. No ! we have meditated often on what hull say in th e finite- moments of our life, just after light s out when th e 11100n anel II,. WfiVes have kept us awake, or before gett ing up when we ha ve been awakened by the , I morning bell, or was it a silent bell in Ou r dream? Now we know we have only to "11\1\' from many subjects. Our tea has had much to do with this mood of exuberant .III \IIHCenc y . Yet! Why shou ld we make the choice? W e are happy and we are

,hi liS our pen in hands which feel gorgeously clean .

Why should we soil (hem by We mean to enjoy this

,III"8 ? We put down the pen and sink down into reverie. "III

III for as long as possible.





EDITORIAL NOTES Tt is a matter of congratulatio.n in a way to the School, as well as to Mr. G rQv • that he shou ld have been appointed to the Headmastersbip of Campbell College, Belft'" Certainly it is a well-deserved promotion, and everyone in the School is glad for M, and Mrs. Groves' sake, and also pleased because of the implied tribute to the SChODI. Mr. Groves came witb the Headmaster in 1935, and at once undertook con\l lli of the new Walpole House. T hat he handled with great devotion and skill, and beyUllt1 doubt the boys will miss him and his wife a good deal .. Then he has played a splend II part in the Science work of the School, and has been one of the chief factors in cauHlliM Science to become almost the strongest subject in the School curriculum. All ro" "" Mr. Groves will be sadly missed, and so. wi ll his wife. The School is grateful to 'lil'I" for the large and loyal parts they have played, and wishes them every possible SUccI' • in their new life.

Through the generosity of Lord Plender, the School has been able to acqu ire a snllill but very beautiful 17th century Roundel of glass, in the centre of which are the """ of the Catbedral and the School, and above them the head of wbat may be a cha rm boyar a cherub! The surrounding is filled with flowers and foliage, almost attrac 'i v~ l ~ designed, and with the beautifu l yellows of that century. Its origin is unknown, but clearly it must have belonged to the Cathedral or Sch",,1


at some time or other.

When Peace comes, and we return once more to Canterblll ~

it should not be difficult to find a place for it in the Memorial Chapel. The School is grateful to Lord Plender for this further proof of his intereSi 111,,1 affection .









We congratulate Sir Frederick Bovenschen, K .C.B., K. B.E. (1897- 1903) on bl' ill awarded the K.C.B. in the Birthday Honours in June. Sir Frederick actually arJ l~ II at the School the day the good news was published. The Summer Term with its promise of good weather has brought us 1111111 distinguished visitors. Four Governors visited us-the Dean came on Speech , ),1 the Archdeacon of Maidstone (the Ven. Julian Bickersteth) preached in the S~h '".1 Chapel and spent a weekend with us early in June, whilst Lord Justice Luxmoo rc. 1' 1 O.K.S. was present at the Athletic Sports and gave an informal ta lk afterward N, 111111 Lord Plender, G.B.E., came and gave us a lecture in the middle of July. We ilr \ I grateful for the interest they continue to show in us and their unflagging e!foll ' I. promote the welfare of the School. Also a great number of O.K.S. came too and very welcome they were. 1111,1 Justice Luxmoore came in a double capacity and we were pleased to see Sir F retl II I Bovenschen, K.C.B., K.B.E. and had the good luck to have a visit and a lUl k I,,,,, Lieutenant Roberts, V.c., D.S.C., R.N. They both endeared themselves to. II I i. securing a half-holiday apiece. . The School has special cause to remember Lord Justice Luxmoore for his ~Ii' " a cup to the best all round House. A special sub-committee of the G.P.C. hu h set up to recommend the best way of awarding the cup, which is to be known 110 Iii Luxmoore Challenge Cup. There is great competition in all qua rters for lhll " honour and we are very grateful to Lord Justice Luxmoore. [94

tHE CANTUARIAN Another cup has also been presented t th S h


IlI ek~on of the Grange. It is intended f~' tI~ C. 00. through the generosity of M. P. MusIc Competitions. The School e wl nnJll!; Ho use In . the comlllg House ![liritedness which pro lnpted it. very much apprecIate thIS gIft and the public

'" L' '"t '"R 1- '" . Our cong ratulations to Flight awarded leu el13111 . 1. Pnor, who wa s ,on. the teaching li nd the Middle Ea st bu~ is now all lellsD .F·te He hahs spent most of hIS tIme in Malia t


111fT 1939-40, on bein



nearer ome.

'" '" '" * We welco me Mr C A Richmond as Ph' t ollege, Lo ndon wh~re' he' secured a Firs;eCw yHslcs master. He is graduate of King 's lass onours degree. , '" R B * kl d '"h' * Weare very sorry to lose Mrs IiiI' the past two years she has don~ n~uc~c an t IS t~rm. As an assistant to Dr. Phillips Il lId devoted teacher. We shall miss h for the mhuslc of tbe School and proved an able c er velY mue and, Wish her the best of luck.

'" '" h .'" h Mrs. Shirley has asked us *if we would . 11'11 this term for their kindness in sendin c~n vey el tanks to the SenIOr Boys who ~llve her great pleasure and she is ver g er a magmficent box of flowers. They '''" " k each one indi viduall y. y grateful. She much regrets that she could not

.. l~J

THE SCHOOL Captain of School : H. M . GREGSON Head of School House . .. . '" ... F. L. WHALLEY Head of the Grange Head of Walpole House A. G. GORDON Head of Meister Omers R. G. 0 .TA YLER H. M . GREGSON MONITORSGORDON, F. L. WHALLEY, T. H. BOULTBEE, L. A. MACLEAN R. G . O. TAYLER, A. C. J. Bo.WLES. ' J. PESCHEK, HOUSE PREFECTSSchool House: S. W. BROOKS, E. H. CORNELIUS, A. J. C. FAGG T. W. KlDD, G. C. MIDDLETON, G. A. F. RANDs' The Grange: J F D E. P. WALSH' . . ALRYMPLE, J. P. HUTTON, J. M. LAMPARD' A. G. OUSELEY-SMITH, P. B. POOLE, J. B. B. SHEPHERD' Walpole House: G . L. ACKERS C W BIRKETT R G LP , C. STEEL: .





SAO-SAO. MeI'st er 0 mers : J . C. COURY, O. W E . USTACE, M. T. M. EVANS Captain of C~icket G. F. M . PIERCE. ' Captain of Athletics G . L. ACKERS. Captain of Tennis and Sq~~sh Ra~kets'" ~ Po BOSHEPHERD Captain of Swimming ... H' M' Go.RDON ... ... ... ... . . REGSON. EDITORS OF •• 'THB CANTUARIAN "_ H. M. GREGSo.N, G . C. MlDOLETON, W. H . HANNAH. 19'

.. iii

.. ill




IS ' 38 ' S hool House House Prefect, Mil" Ii M. G. CHATTERTON-Entered Schoo ept. .' S h I H' Jan '43 ' Caplllill '42 ; School M,04n3'itor'l Sexp~ '~10; ,~ar;~l~ °l st cA~~etic~u~:'l, '42; l;t Hackl" of School Jan. , st , , " '42'H SHockey '41 '42, '43 ;' 1st Soccer, '42, '43 ; Captain of Rugger, ; on. ec. , C S M J T C Jan '43 ' Editor of Cantuanan .. ., . . " , , I S '38 ' Walpole House Prefect, Sept. '41 J. D. OMMANNEy- Entered Schoo ept. , , , h 43' I t XV '40 '41 '4J School Monitor, '41 ; ViceHCaktam ,~~ S,;~~0\4~ar~si So~ce/ '42 "43; O; PIIIIII 1st Cricket, '41, '42 ; 1st fOSc ey, '43' 'Hon'Sec of Rugger :42 ; lsI SII III of Cricket, '42; Captam 0 o~cer, , .' , Tennis; Sergeant J.T.e., Sept. 42. '42' Schlll,l M. T. DAVIES- Entered School, Jafn ' ' 39; JO a nra~~~ H~~~e l~ef~%i' 1st XV "I M 'tor Dec '42' Captam 0 O range, . , " 1\ 'I \ onH' k' '4'2 '4'3' 2nd Athletics '42 ; 2nd Soccer, '43 ; Sergeant, . , I st ac ey, " ' e.


,~j~iOrS~~~:;t SO~I:'I:"

BROWN- Entered School, Jan. '38 ; SMChool Hate ; '41 ' House Prefect, May '42 ; School omtor, an. , Sept '42' Han Sec. of Somner and Photographic Soc. . ,. S '38' W Ipole House Prefect, May '42 ; St'II" .. 1 J. D. PORRITT-Ent~red Sc ho ol ' Vep~41' "! st ~V '42' 2nd Soccer, '42; 1st SO\l" d X, Momtor, May 43 , 2n " '43; Sergeant, A.T.C. School House' House Prefect, Sept. ' IJ I BUTCHER-Entered School, Jan. '38; 1st Hockey, '42, '43; 1st Soccer, '42, ' ~I . ' 2nd XV, '4 1, '42 ; 1st Cricket, '42 ; Sergeant J.T.C. , Sept. '42 II Entered School Sept. ' 38 ; King's Scholar; School House; "" S. A. R. CAWSTONVI h' LIC I J T C Dec '42' Editor of CantuOll'lall . Prefect, '42; Upper t , .p. . . ., . , P f t '42' 1st " I J. W. S. SIMPSON- Entered SC?40201" 4S~Pt. ~~~ ~~IP~~~c~~tus~42re eC~ptai~ of 11 m I '41 , '42 ; 1st Hockey, , , . , , .J '43; 2nd XV, '41. I i Sept. ' 37', Meister Omers House Pit· , M. W. SWINHOE-PHELAN-Entere,d Sc h00, '42' Sergeant, J.T.e., Sept. 42. , M I H Meister Omcrs 11 1111 P. STUPART- Entered School , Sept. '38 ; a<; owe au so ; Prefect, '43; Leading Cadet A.T.C., Marcb 42.


VALETE J. P. Clowes.



S,i I"

A. O. Bartlett, R . A. Bedingfield, V. St. G. Brealy, E· le. ~. ~u~heliu~;e ~ .. G. A. Foulds,. D. GalitzFine , J. PM ' H1eFel~~h;;d;;;·nH~.seH. ·C.' R~utb, D'. \ I. P . R. B. LeWIS, W. J. . R ay, . . . , e. D. Smith, M . Watson. 196






SIR FREDERICK KEEBLE, e.B.E., F.R.S., Sc.D. On Sunday, May 23rd, the School had the great good fortune of hearing a lectu re, ""Iitled " The Leaven of Life. " 11 was delivered by Sir Frederick Keeble and was Illustrated with lantern slides. Sir Frederick is, perhaps, one of the greatest scientists III' our time, a)ld no one was better qualified to give such a lecture. Sir Frederick began with an account of the experiences he and a friend had had 0 11 the north coast of France when they were investigating a small green Turbellarian worm, COl1voluta Rosco//el/sis. It was found , he said, only in three areas in the whole WO rld- parts of tbe coast of Brittany, the shores of some of the Channel Islands, and "long a strip of coast in South Africa. It inhabits that part of the sand between high li nd low tide marks. The appearance of green bodies within the creature at a certain Inge of its life history was puzzling to scientists and it was this Si r Frederick was IlI vcs tigating. After much thought it occurred to him that it might be a case of passive lIymbiosis. By growing the worm in sterile water, the green bodies did not make their Il ppearance, and the animal died of starvation. Further, these bod ies were found to II· living microbes in a much degenerated and passive state, but related to the familiar I hlnl11 ydomonas. In connection with these experiments Sir Frederick lold us that he could think 01 no greater joy than to be able to prove certain suppositions correct that had been Ihought out in the armchair. We were next shown slides of such insectivorous plants as Sundew, Butterwort, IIhldderwort, and the Venus Flycatcher, and he spoke of them in connection with their lI~ hl for the essential element nitrogen. Leguminous plants, with their root nodules, IlI hnbited by nitrogen fixing bacteria were mentioned in the same respect, and he also Il lIuded to man made processes for fixing atmospheric nitrogen, and the economic value II I N uch processes particularly in war time. The Leaven of Life was nitrogen, we were told; and around this element was . ulred Sir Frederick 's inspiring lecture, which was of particular interest to the medical illdellts. Woven into the fabric of the lecture were the phenomena of symbiosis OIl1d . IIJ11Jllensalism, and the inter-dependence of plants a nd animals was stressed. We were told that if the country's nitrogen consumption were controHed, then at III! ~fl me time its war potential would also be controlled. If everyone was given more lIill ngcll, a millenium would result in which everyo ne would be much happier, as has \-1111 conclusively shown by experimental work. Stop old maids from drinking tea, 1111 give them more nitrogen, and their scandal talk would fall in intensity and the "hi maids became far happier and plcasanter people. We have to tbank Sir Frederick for a brilliant and entertaining lecture. COMMODORE TUDWAY, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N. The Scbool looked forward witb considerable anticipation to the arrival of an "JlI" lder of tbe mysterious veil surrounding the glamorous Soutb Sea Islands, and ," Ihus very pleased to see Commodore Tudway, D.S.O. , D.S.e. , R.N. on Sunday, M y JOth. 197

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THE CANTUARiAN N Z I d Commodore Tudway made his visit to ti ll Stationed at AuCkl~)d,. ew ?f9~9 'and he mentioned the great distances involvl'Il South Sea Islands at the egmnlng 0 . ' I fi I' 'ons in the north were covell'lI in this area of over a mIllIon squarc l:llIles. 'tITt~~e vn~iC~e~} experience in saying that 1111 with dense fo rests, but he was spea k IIl g W I 1 . hot strea ms cooked trout to the height of perfection.



He was taken to watch a rising of the hol y turtleSt:~ b~e s lf~~~' a~~~h~~\: \~ happened, although the na~ves s~'~ th,s ;~~ ~a~s~~m~~ents to ;'1ake except tha~ tli, who were there; Comma Ol e u way shark was considered a friendly a11 1111111 , turtles rose as soon as the boys te,~. had edefied the traditional marriage agrecmel,l' and on onc o~caslO n he met a gI l" v: 0 he distance was considerable but he was 1111 between two Islands, and escaped , t . 'ed her for the reater part of the jourllt V convinced by her stO(y that a Sh~~k bhfd vC: lt~lat the natives tnew instinctively whOIIi" It was some tIme before he wou Ide Ie I'se the extraordinarily human bond betWrl1l a shark was fncndly or not, 01 cou rea I


them. ffi' d . t as alluring as '111,,1 The South Sea Islands, Commodore Tudwa~ ~. ~i;~i;i;;~i~~~)ent he described tl" people thought, but to compensate bls aud·,ence °was fu ll of expression. The COCOIIII III magnificent danctng settmgs where the whole rO~y ould be used ' besides tbe food ",,,I was the most useful prodducrt as eVter~:a~!a~e~ f:r roofs and r~pe was made from 1\1 drink, the musk was use or ma 5, e . . ' d ~ fibre' the trees were in part the greatest assets III the Islan s. . . ~he Speaker bad made his subject fascinating and absorbmg, the School IS v,, grateful to him. SIR F REDE RICK BOVENSCHEN, K.C.B. , K.B.E., O.K.S. . '1 J e 4th of listening to Sir F rc<I\" II ~ T he School had the rare pn vl ege on un h' b' t" The War Office " '" Bovenschen, K. C.B., K.B.E., O.K.S. He chose as IS su jec which, of course, he i,s an authont~.. Mr Ham den Gordon in bis blll '~ the He began by u smg d dtefillltt'O~ ;~:~~Vi~yGov~rnmenf administering the mill '" . . The War Office \5 the epar men 0 ., " . 'AI ' " forces of the Crown which claim the proud utle The Bllhsh my. . II ' h h' f tl e War Office Although war Itse ' a co'm aratively modern 1111 "" Sir Frederick then traced t e Istory 0 . ) one of the oldest institutions the War o~ce ~ts~f ::r~ old Army Council w, ", ' The very title War Office Wt S less t~anl;' un I~h;;ehall w~s not completed until I'~ UI formed ulltil 1904 and the amfouSs t fo'rn~~r could not trace a pedigree beyon\1 III ' Even the office of Secretary 0 t a e years of the eighteenth century. .' to be found in the fact thlll I, , The reason for th is strange lack of contlnUl~{ Wt~~ King relying instead on HIli' 1 I centuries England dId not possess a sta7~~'I)~ ':{~v~lution of 1689 was a standins '"'' levies to meet partIcular needs. f Not tl ) grud gingly To thi s day pa rli nllWllloII permitted a nd then the .sandction °l~ ,t twa~o~'t~~~e the operation of the Army Act wl'l 1 consent has to. be obtame annua YO I'm In fact the Army had always b ' ' II II provides the dlSClplInary code fOI the A I ~'n umbrella to be brought out on II 1I1 1!· object of much pOlItlCa~ s USPlclObnls;~)1o;gotte n in the corner. It had also belli 1 , . , day but when the sun fS °lne to t e e between Kin g and Parliament as to who , I" ,,, , , stitu tionall y the field 0 a ong s I uggle




exercise the ultimate control, and this had resulted in a di yi sio,n of responsibilities between the Commander-in-Chief, the King's represen tative and the Secretary at W ar, or the

Secretary of State for War as Pa rlia ment's man. The conflict was not decided' fi nally until the Esher Report was ado pted in 1904. This abolished the office of Commanderin-Chief, placed the Secretary of State in fu ll control, wit h an Army Counci l of seven members (two civil parliamentary members and four military members in add ition 10 himself) over which he was to preside. Sir Frederick then turned to the actua l organisation of the Army Council. The constitution of the Arm y Co uncil is laid down by an Order in Co uncil and each time there is a change in the constitution a new Order in Council is made. Compared with the original constituti on the present Order in Council provides for the Army Council 10 consist of three ministerial members, five military members and two civil service mem bers. Of the five military members three are General Staff members and the post Ill' the Master-Gene ral of Ordna nce whic h was included in the ori ginal Council has now <lisappeared. The responsibility of the Master-General of Ordnance for providing lilunitions which in the las.t wa r, owing to the dimensions to¡ which the task had grown, was taken over by the Ministry of Mun itions, had just before the present wa r been tra nsferred to the newly created Min ist ry of Supply and the post Master-General of Ordnance had been abolished . The Secretary of State is President of the Council and is in his own person responsible to the King-the head of the Army- and to Parliament for the adm inistration of the Army. H e advises the King and takes His Majesty's pleasure in matters of the Royal PI'crogative, and he is responsible to Parliament to whom he presents the Army Estimates and tbe Army Annual Bill. He is assisted in all poli tical malleI'S by two IJnder-Secretaries, one (the Parliamentary Under-Secreta ry of State) in the Lords, and the other (the Financial Secretary) in the Commons. Of the five military members three are members of the General Staff and a re l \lncerned primarily wit h studying the theory and practice of operations, the collect ing Ill' military information a nd intelligence and the preparation a nd trainin g of the Army. I he Chief of the Imperial General Staff advises the Government on all operational mlllters. As much of his time is spent on the Chiefs of Staff Co mmittee which comdinates the operational work of all the three services and advises the Minister of Dofence and the Government in regard to such matters, he is relieved of departmenta l work in the War Office by the Vice Chief who deals with mili ta ry operat ions, intelligence lI11d training and by the Deputy Chief who has as his cha rge inter a lia slaff duties and weapon training and development. The two other military members are concerned with administration and Sir Frederick gave va rious facts and figures to illustrate the • Ie and extent of the problems wit h which they ha ve to deal. The Adjutant-General is responsible for man power in all its aspects, for seeing that ,r ru its are provided by the Ministry of Labour and trai ned to meet a ll the requirements III' the va rious branches of the Army, Artillery, R.A. C., In fa nt ry a ud a ll the various , orps and that the 160 or more Arm y trades receive their quota of tradesmen. He is ", ponsible for the records of the Arm y and also for its discipli ne, wel fare and health. II is also responsible for the A.T.S. Next is the Quarter-Master-General. He is the Army's universal provider. He IlInks after the special storage and distribution of clothing, general stores and mun itions, 1111 the feeding of the troops, for their accommodation and transportation. 199

THE CANTUAR IAN The Joint Permanent- Under Secretary (Finance) is responsible for the finance of the Army. The magnitude of his task ca n be ga uged from the fact that the Army accounts for the year 1942 showed an expenditure of ÂŁ669,735,153 9s. 6d., which does nOI include the cost of clothing, stores and munitions, which are borne on the Ministry f Supply votes. He is responsible for examining the plans of expend iture, for scein 8 that all expenditure is dul y a uth orised and brought to acco unt and for the Royal Army Pay Corps, the machinery through which disbursements are made. Finally there comes the Joint Permanent Under-Secretary of State. He has various responsibilities, but un li ke the other members of Council has no nicely defined logical sphere. H e is the general co-ord inating member of Council and ha s under hiln the Army Council Secreta ri at which provides for the secretarial work of the Army Council and its execu ti ve committee. H e is respon sible for aU office arran gements

and for the civi l staff of the Office. We are very grateful to Sir Frederick for his masterly exposition of a subject about which there is much general ignorance. THE REVE REND CLARENCE MAY, M.A . On Saturday, June 5th, the School assembled to hear the Rev. Clarence May upon " Freedom from Want. " We were indeed fortun ate, for he possessed to an unusunl degree that blend of ready wit and easy eloquence in dealing with a serious subject, which - if we are to judge by the applause-the School found extremely entertaining. Mr. May bega n with a quick survey of the outstand ing problems of the day, then took 1'0 1 his main illustra tion Priestley's production now running in London, They came to a city. The story was simple, concerning the reactions of va rious social types who find themselve, at sunrise outside an Utopian city, througb whicb they may wander a ll day. At evenin ~ must come the choice of whether they shall remain in the city, or return to the world . Ably illustrating his remarks with admirable mimicry, Mr. May contrived to maintain much interest and not a few laughs out of an apparently inauspicious subject. Passing with brilliant rapidity fro m criticism of the va rious social types to be found in the play, he touched lightly upon the School's performance of Macbeth at the Truro fes tival, which he praised highly. This he made his "excuse" for a remarkabl quotation of Henry V's speech before Agincourt. This was rendered especially significant by his interpretation of the last few lines, which he took to mean that as all were to SO through the same trial , all should be of the same status. Promising a continuation of his" Freedo m " subject- thi s time " From Fear "-Mr. May bade us ' Au Revoir I until his sermon of the following morning, after a series of quotations from Chari y Chaplin 's speech in " The Great Dicta tor. " LIEUTENANT P. S. W. ROBERTS, V.c., D.S.C., R.N., O.K.S. The School was delighted to ha ve an opportunity of welcoming Lieutenant RobcrlN on his first visit as an O.K .S. in June, and of bearing from him something 01 a Submariner 's life in war time. A Submarine, he said, had been described quite aptly as a mova ble mine, but I" movements were much restricted as it could move only at night, since in daylight it mutH dive and rely on battery power, and its batteries have only a limited capacity. MONI 200

THE CANTUARIAN ! ubmarines could do about 9 kn ots submerged , but could keep up that speed o nl y for Il_bout half-an-h?ur, so such a speed is not used except in the most extreme emergency. 1 he usual crUlsll1g speed was more like one-a nd-a- half knots. A trip might last from 14 to 28 days and durin g that time a submarine operated entirely on her own, out of louch with other ships a nd practically out of toucll with the base. The base can make signals to her, but she could not reply without disclosing her own position to the enemy. He gave a most interesting description of the way in which the submarine is kept on an even. keel by means of buoyancy tank s, and also of her armanent. M ost people were sUI:pnsed to learn th ~ t a submarine's gun is not protected in any way when the ~cssel ~lves;. also that, with few exce ptions, the crew never sees dayli ght o r brea thes Ir~ h air d~nllg a patrol. He commented all th e fact that o ne could always tell a crew

IVIHCh had Just come back to the depot ship fro m one that had been there a fortnight or '0. The newly-arrIved crew generally looked rather pale green after being confined in the submarine for perh a ps a mo nth . But they were well-fed on account of the concli tions in which they li ved. He also told us how the Davies escape apparatus is used, lind explamed ItS ad va ntages over the older type of apparatus such as that lised in H.M.S. r hetis, the ~hief of tbese being that the men were altogether, and so panic was much less likely than 111 the older escape chamber, where two men only were in the chamber at a time.



On June 14th, 1943; the Lord Justi ce Luxmoore ta lked informa ll y to the School nbo ut the school as it was in hi s day. He began by pointing o ut how incapable he felt of speakll1g before such an assembly, because his friends told him the three most necessary q ualities of a judge were blindness, deafness and dumbness. However, he spoke wit h un almost boyish enthusiasm for his subject. He mentioned how much smaller the School lVas then, how the ho use system was non-existent and the general lay-out of the bui ldings somewhat different. ¡ He then went on to speak of the various headmasters from Dr. Field to Dr. Shirley, for wbom he had a special word of tribute. . He strongly stressed the va lue of the Canterbury tradition and the affection for the place which grew through the years. This is why he was sorry that evacuatio n became " necessity. But he said that he was glad to see how the School had adapted itself to its new surroundings. True, the buildings meant much, but Canterbury meant something more than stone and mortar. That something had showed how it could survive in surroundings which were as different as could be fro m the Mother of English Cathedral ities. He ended by speaking of the duty which lay on everyo ne of us. It was up to cve r~ O.K.S. and present King's boy to li ve up to that trad ition which was unique among public schools. How were we to do it? We should put much into the School , and Ihus, what we put into it would correspond to the wealth of the memories of our Schooltlays. When be had finished, he invited the School to ask him questi o ns. This invitation wus taken advantage of; and he told us man y interesting and personal stories. Indeed, the School is very grateful for an entertaining and out-of-way afterno on. It is not often we are privileged to hear such a distin guished O.K.S .



THE C ANTUARIAN THE REVEREND R. A. EDWARDS, M.A. On June 16th the Reverend R. A. Edwards, Rector of Dartington and aut hOI III The Upper Room, The World Adrift, etc., visited the School. In the even ing he talkril to us about .. Christia nity as a social force. " His first words were .. Wh ll l I Christianity?" The answer seems familiar to most of us ; but is it ? Too Ill IlH~ thought it w~s a way to heaven a nd nothing more. But Mr. Edwards pointed oul hll~ important it was now on earth . The k1l1 gdom of God was an earthly as well II. II heavenly kingdom, though not the land of More's UtopIa. To the Jews It was '! 11';11 belief and fulfilling of the laws of Moses. ThIS was qUIte a natural Idea, and 111 th ., !tIl the uniqueness of Judaism in the Ancient World. The Jews looked for a MesSlflh III reveal these laws even more. It was Christ who was the Messiah and who thcrcltul fulfilled them. But Jesus did not come by his death on account of His Messian ic ciflilli' it was His attack on the social order which was the real cause of the Crucifixi on. J C~II was not a fanat ical patriot, nor was he hostile to Rome which then was in th~ role 1' 1111

aggressor nation. All he thought mattered was Life and people, he was fflendl y wllh everybody with whom he came in contact. For, men too read il y believe Christianity as so methi ng in the sky. Aged spinSll'1 he mentioned as examples. Christ said .. Love one another " and If H,s teacl ""~ meant anyt hing, that meant something definite. The Church was the one permanent fact of history. When it did do somcth lll important, people got annoyed and still do. Thus, as he put it: Dr. Temple had III the banking interest ' hopping mad. ' Ag~in, Niemoller had been sent to a concentrll! 1111 camp because he had stood OUl against HItler and hIS NatIO nal Soclahst ga ng: Chrl I message was" I am the bread of life '- ' As you s ee me, you seewhat real hfe IS- Ihlll was the key to His teaching. If he is in the fight, the Chn stlan should go agllill I convention, that is, once God was believed in. He then menlionc9 a few of t~e crl ll il of this present age such as the bombing of cotton mills and the burning of coffee 111 BIIIIII To remedy th is, everyone should take from the wo rl d no more than he reall y nCt'" Th is was "the only way, either this or world chaos. OtherWIse, the Idea of war 10 t'lIll war was absolute rot. After he had finished speaking, an interesting discussion followed .. Though 1111111 aid not agree with all he said or discussed, we are. all thankIul to hun for hIS most stunullli ing talk. We hope Mr. Edwards will come agam and carry the dlscusslOn further.


This recital, consisting almost entirely of highly-coloured romantic music, pI li. ,I to be as interesting and enjoya ble as we have come to .e~pect from these two " ,Iii The opening item, the Liszt Polonaise in E, contrasted vJVJdly: WIth the follOWIng HIIII or rather scena, by the same composer, Die Drei Zigeuller, whIch had all the Hu nglldll!' dash and philosophical brooding of its period. A deft performance of four '111'1'''' Waltzes in E-flat, D-flat, C-sharp minor and A-flat, was followed by two h llle- k~l" " opera arias which, as always wit h this artist, seemed to lack nothtng of t~elf hl p.liI. charged atmosphere and potency by being performed wi thout costume and decor ; IhI were ' Voce di Donne' from Ponchielli's Gioeonda a nd 11 segreto, a swaSSN III 202

THE CANTUARIAN Illvitalion to drink~pro ba bly from a I?oisoned cup- from Luerezia Borgia by Domzetti. \l ler a gay rendenng of a Rachmanmoff Polka we heard six well-contrasted modern I IIHlish songs, S!lver and Five Eyes of Armstrong Gibbs, two Delius songs, So slVeet is .til' and HelTlck s Daffodtls and fin ally two fine Bantock songs from the Chinese, YUl1g I 'IIlg and The Feast of Lanterns. The recital came to an end with two popular items Iht~ f~sci~a ti~g Polka from Weinberger's Schwanda and, by request, the famous: "defl vahve Warsaw ' concerto. Altogether a first-class evening. RUTH SPOONER, Piano.



JULY 7TH, 1943.

r he programme of this recita l, given to the musicians of the School was commendIltly of the ri ght lengt h, a bout forty-fi ve minutes, a nd was excellently 'chosen for 'con1111 t and instruction, all the music being ta ken from the early romantic period. A 1111'!lhulllous s on~ta in A minor, by Schubert, opened the concert, and, though little ~1I"wn to the a udIence, proved to be as full of taking melody as all the composer 's works. lin mter~tl!lg contr~ st, we had the dramatic, Beethovenesque sonata in E-fiat, ..I Il aydn, WIth Its seraphIC slow movement in the unusua l key of E major and its scherzoIIll' fina le. Chopin 's well-known A-flat prelude and a spirited performance of , hllma nn 's electrical FaschingsschlVallk aus Wiell brought th is pleasant programme to IIl1e finish. .


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LIEUTENANT e. B. LAMB, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N. Lieutenant Lamb was on H.M. S. Courageous when war was declared, and he Illp has ised that the Fleet Air Arm was a bra nch of the Na vy, and not a part of the R.A.F. IIIl1 ny of the public seemed to think. He went on to speak of the Swordfish and the II 'mely valuable part they had played; he convulsed his audience by showing how IIIVIIS and palOt had dIsgUIsed them successfully enough to bluff the Germans at 1IIIIIk irk into thinking they were fighters. , The Admiralty had been worried by the time ta ken in landing planes on an air111 11 carrier, which was proba bly keeping the rest of the convoy waiting while it steamed 111111 the wind for twenty minutes. Lieutenant Lamb was on the Illustrious when the IlL'riment was tried of raising a bauier across the deck to stop any 'planes wbich rill Icd the wIres; wben the 'plane had stopped, the barrier was temporarily let down "1 It't It go for ward, and tbe next 'plane could come do wn without waiting for the deck III h,' clea red, the time was reduced by three-quarters through this method. But the Germans were determined to get tbe lI/ustrious, and one day, three hundred IIlku bombers swept down out of the sky; Lieutenant Lamb 's 'plane crashed in the I, with one wi ng miSSing, but he was picked up unsoiled . Unfortunately, his triumph I IlIfIled into a disaster when tbe Admiralty asked him tOJefund the money given 1111 10 defray any expenses caused by the incident, after a B.B.e. broadcast which could ,I hlr bcar to mention that he escaped without even getting his feet wet. I he speaker finished by paying a tribute to the Swordfish; in comparison with the 11"'1 ' planes it had been given little publicity, but it had done its work doggedly and 1III II y successfully. A lecture which was as entertaining as it was interesting, earned III Iinpuiar approval it deserved. 203


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THE CANTUARiAN . Lieutenant Lamb, who served in the Greek, Cretan and Syrian campaigns and finllil y in Malta, and has personally sunk nine enemy ships including a destroyer, was lakl'II prisoner by the French in North Africa in September, 1941 when engaged on a speci,,1 mission and was not released from captivity until the Anglo-American invasion of Algi ." and Tunisia. :rhe School was thus pleased to see him benefitting from the Cornish s,,,, and looks forward to hearing more of his exploits. JEFFREY FARNOL, ESQ. It was a mosaic of life thai Jeffrey Farnol, the distinguished novelist, presenl '"


to us on Sunday, June 27th; there were no connected seasonings of a material alll l1 biography. He drew together, wit h a fine net, a thousand glowing ' cameos of li ~ "

life lived in diverse parts of the earth.

He spoke of India- India with its princes ","1

its poverty, its stars and its earth, its religion and its fanaticism, and beneath all, of ti ll

cold damp cellars which harbour the unlucky millions. He tol<J of Nelson, and he passl',1 to us the remembrance of him, translated in his Dirk. Then, as if to veer from 1111 impersonal, he plunged straighl into the intricacy of an obscure family history. II . spoke of his own experiences in a Northern town, of poverty and of a wealth that is born of this world, of a mere ghost story, of the Chinaman and his gratitude. Throu ~" out the whole, a higher thought ran through his conception of life like a golden vei" , and when he finally ceased, we felt that we had seen a man. The silence during his talk and the applause at the end of it testified to the spell M, Farnol put upon us. There is still nothing to charm like a story well told, and to M, Farnol himself all we can say is " Thank you and come again.'

, "I



On Sunday, July 18th Lord Plender lectured to the School. The Headm"",,, introduced him by mentioning the many services he had done for the School, servlll which include the gift of the beautiful reredos we use in our Chapel to-day, and II" recent gift of a seventeenth-century Roundel of glass with the arms of the Cathell, ,,1 a nd School in its centre. Lord Plender spoke on his own profession, that of Accountancy. He is tbe sonl'" partner in the firm of Deloille, Plender, Griffiths and Co. He told us how he ja il " ,I that firm in 1883 at a salary of ÂŁ100 p.a. and without any influence. He was then 1,"1 on to Continental work in which sphere he gained much experience and was involy,,1 in not a few curious He told us of a shooting episode in a Madrid cafl', "I bribery in the Ural Mountains, of commercial knavery in .France and of murder II' Batoum. These are only a few of his varied reminiscences. From personal anecdoh he went on to speak of accountancy as a profession . He detailed the various orS",,1 . sat ions, such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants, which it is necessary to 11111 before the would-be accountant is able to practise. He mentioned the type of WII' ~ and its rewards. His own stories, however, proved to us how worth while this cIIII II was. When he had finished, the School felt that they' had had new light thrown 0 11 I", career of accountancy. No longer it seemed to be merely a matter of figures and III' comfortable office stools. Indeed, we are very grateful to.Lord Plender for coming dllw" and entertaining us in such an interesting manner. 204


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SPEECH DAY On Monday, July 26th, the Speeches were held' th P pt'h'eseDnt a largfecnumber of distinguished visitors, inclu~ing ~h~eChai,~~~Pihe 1l'~r; were ( c ea~ 0 anterbury), many parents and old K.i • S . v rnors who preslded, introduced the Dean a nd said how gladnfh~ s~~ooloal' s. Tthe Hehadmaster, on Speech Day. . ' was 0 see liD agall1 205

T H E , C A NTl,JA RIA N On behalf of the Q overn ors of the School, the Dean of Canterbury tha nked IIII' masters, sta ff and boys of the School, for the magnificent way in which the School hlill been carried· on at Carlyon Bay during three difficult years of wa r: It reflects immense credit o n the Headmaster fo r his in sight in choosin g such a place as this, " said the Dean, •• and on the sta ff for supporting him a nd on the wholl' School for seeing that there has been no deterioration in this period of war. " I<

" But we of Canterbury lo ng to see yo u back, " he went o n.

" The Precincts fi r

lonely without the boys. We are re-pla nning Canterbury, and I can think of what vHI"" it would be to have the brains of Kin g's School helping the brains of the city in the r ' building of the city which has been so badl y blitzed that it has lost one-third of its properly in one night. We have to re- build this city, and it may be one of the finest modell' cities of the world. The Headmaster has projected the idea that Canterbury becolllc' a university city with a devotio n to the arts and the aesthetic side of life- music, drarnll, films and the like. It will be a wo nderful thing if that comes ; and I think it may cOllie. " Speaking with gratitude of the share which the Junior School of K ing 's a nd al," St. Edmund 's School has played du ri ng the period of evacuation, the Dean add ed lil \' ho pe that the friendly connection would not terminate ut terly when the war wa s oyel

a nd the schools were" back together as a great fa mil y in Canterbury." Dr. H ewlett .Johnson then read the School 's list of academical and other- mHII Y of them military-distinctions du rin g the year, and the list contained, among othel". the name of General Sir Bernard Mo ntgomery, Commander of the Eighth Arm y, whll was for a time a boy in the Junior School, a nd also that of Sir Frederick BovenschclI (created a K. C.B.), Joint Permanent U nder Secretary of State fo r Wa r, and Lord JUSI;U Luxmoore, P.C., recentl y elected Treasurer of Lincoln 's Inn. In a survey of the School's yea r, the H eadmaster stated that the School bad gai lled a State scholarship and two opcn scholarships at Oxford, two studentsbips II I Trinity College, Oxford , and two chora l scholarships to King 's College, Cambri dge, while the record in Higher School certificates and School certifica tes, between tholll numbering nearly 70, was such as the School could be proud of. Next term , in spite III the earlier call-Up, the School would be up in numbers, a nd so would be the JUll hu School. Of the School's war work, he said there were 173 boys in the J.T.e., 35 in the A.T.< a nd 35 in the H ome Guard; and of the 173 J .T .e. boys 78 had passed tbe certi lic,, 1 " A " examination.

In school, also, they were doin g wa r work, for owing to the shOll

age of staff and maids, the boys were doing many domestic jobs, such as laying table., clearing away, washing up and ma king themselves generally useful- much to II " .gratification of many of the parents. . . In cricket the School eleven had beaten Clifton by twO wickets in a two-day malch , a nd Frank Woolley had signed th~ School, as cricket coach, for a neither five yelll T he outstanding sports success was in swimming, for the School had been awarded II " Da rnell Excellence troph y of the Royal Life-Saving Society open to a ll the schools " I the country, and two of the three Sea-Water Diplomas gained last year in the whole " I the British Empire. The H eadmaster next mentioned the lectures and recitals which, as in Canterb", y, were a n important part of the school's activities .. Recently Mr. Arthur Bryant, 11 11 206

TH E C ANT U ARIAN h is:o~ia~ a n~ biographer, had visited the School, a nd other writers who had given lectures I~C u e Je ry Fern ol a nd MISS Phyllis Bottome, while Lord Justice Luxmoore Lord

I lender, Sir F reden ck Bovenschen, Sir Frederick Keeble and the Wa rd en of W~dha m Co:lege, Oxford, had also b~en to the School. Next term the distinguished visitors would Inc ude th ~ Lord Chief Justice.' Lady Ravensdale, Lady Fortescue a nd M r. Cyri l Ma ude. C: ~on Shirley, III hIS .expresslO ns of tha nks, specia ll y mentioned the practical kindness o d rofessdor Charles SlIlge!' who, at hIS h ouse, Kilmarth, Pa r, had equ ipped a laboratory ~ n was evotIn g much tIme to teachlllg the Sixth form boys science. He mentioned " Iso. that MI. Gl oves, Housemaster of Walpole H ouse and Bursa r of the School was Icav lllg to beco,me Headmasler of Campbell College, Bel fa st, after twelve years' as a master at K Ing s School. To the people of Carlyon Bay a nd many St. Austell eo Ie for theIr hd pfullllterest, the H eadmaster expressed thanks, a lld in particular to fhe ~t. Austell Cllcket Club fo r loanIng their cncket pitch, without the use of which the School wo uld be depnved of a n Importa nt part of its sport. The Anniversary P reacher at the morni ng service was the Rev. R. F. Cartwright, ~. A. , O.K.S. Followlllg p resent ~tlO n of the pri zes, the Sixth Form presented their peeches- G reek, French a nd English- as they have done for 400 yea rs past.


Bdelycleon Philocleon ... Xanthias D ogs


FRENCH SPEECH A SCENE FROM .. LE VOYAGE DE M. PERRI CHON " BY LABICHE AN D MARTI N Perrichon ... H. M. GREGSON Majorin A. J. e. FAGG Armand Desroches P. S. W. DAW Daniel Sava ry E. D . GREGSON Mme. Perrichon ... E. H. CORNELI US Henriette, sa fille J. P. RI CHARDSON Un Employe A. G . OUSELEy-SMtTH Un Facteur J. R. BRETI ENGLISH SPEECH A SCBNB FROM .. THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST" BY OSCAR WILDE Lane W. H. HANNA H Algernon Moncrieft· F. L. WHA LLEY John Worthing .. , A. G . GORDON Lady Bracknell ... ... M . A. S. BURGESS Han. Gwendolen Fairfax J. F. DALRYMPLE 207

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PRIZES 1942-1943 SENIOR SCHOOL. Captain's Prize (Mitchinson)


Classical (Broughton) Greek Prose (Dean Farrar) Mathematics (Mitchinson) Natural Science (Mitchinson) Modern Languages (Mitchinson) ... Reading and Elocution (Harvey Boys) Music (Ryley) ... .. (Courtney) Natural History ... .., • King' s School, Parra matta, PrIze History (Stanley) ... ... . .. Streatfield Prize for the Marlowe Society Gough Prize for Photography

.. . {M . G. Chatterton , H. M. Gregson ... S. W. Brookes J. K. Ebbutt P. Pollak T. H. Boultbee H. M. Gregson Senior :- J. F. Dalrymple Junior :- J. C. Caiger T. H. Boultbee ... J. Peschek N. J. F lower ... E. ·H. Cornelius G. C. Middleton J. A. Dalrymple C. R. B. Brown


D. A. Graham ... {J. C. Northway C. D . Smith ... J. F. Dalry mp~e (

Middle School (Lady Hertslet) ... Lower School (Elwyn) ... Church History (Lady Davidson) M ERTON COLLEGE PRIZES :

Classics Science



S. W. Brooks T . H. Boultbee F. L. Whalley M. A. S. Burgess P. D. Leighton

Middle School Lower School (Harrison) : Middle School Lower School FRENCH PRIZES (Greaves) : Upper School Middle School Lower School SCIENCE PRIZES (Hammonds) : Upper School ... . .. Middle School (Physics) ... (Chemistry) GERMAN PRIZES (Greaves) : Upper School Middle School MATHEMATICS PRIZES

E. D. Gregson D. T. Weatherill E. H . Cornelius E . D. Gregson B. H. Arnolds J. A. B. Heslop G. C. Ware D . K. Johnson H . J . Stern G. P. McMullin


D. A. Graham J . A. A. Price

Middle School (Galpin) Lower School (Evans) HISTORY PRIZE:

M; A. S. Burgess

Middle School (Gordon) 208

TH E CANTUARIAN After the Speeches the guests were received at the Cornish Riviera Club by the II cadmaster a nd Mrs. Shirley, supported by the Dean of Canterbury. Tea was served li nd the guests were entertained with music and members of the School gave a swimming li nd diving display in the Club Swimming Pool. Apart from one half-hearted shower, Ihe weather behaved itself very well and altogether it proved a most successful day.

SCHOOL SOCIETIES The Summer term is never a good one for the Societ ies as outdoor act ivi ties tend to I1 bsorb most people's interests. Thus, alt hough the School appea rs to possess no fewer than thirteen societies, OJl ly seven ha ve functioned this term.

TH E MUSI C CLUB. By far the most aclive, at least accordin g to its report, was Ihe Music Club. Perhaps has swallowed the Granwphone Society for there is no independent record this term or its senior partner 's activity.) Their progranune consisted of a paper from the President (Dr. C. H. Phillips) on the organ and its music, which he illustra ted by using lit Charlestown Church, and one from Mr. F . H . Voigt entitled" Opera- an art-or rllilure?" This was followed by a n explanation of the Armitude of Sibelius' Third lind Seventh Symphonies, again by Dr. PhiLlips. Then comes a formidable list of compositions -listened to during the term. They include : Bach 's Concerlo in C for three I)ionos, Graener's Suite The Flute oj SanssDuci, Vaughan-Williams' Falltasia on a theme fly Thomas Tallis. Also, of course, Beethoven 's Second Symphony, Schubert's C Major Symphony, Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in. E rnino!', Do hnan yi's Variations on a Nursery Theme, " and then, as a sop to the low-brow Cerberus, Bi zet 's Second Suite from his incidental music to Daudet 's L ' Ar/esienne and even TempleLon 's jazz-fugue IIlIch goes to town. The Society is very grateful to Mrs. Perry Morgan for affo rdin g Ihem the use of her house and for her genero us hospitality. II

THE MARLOWE SOCIETY. The Marlowe Society began the term with an oUlburst of vigour which took the lur m of inslalling a new Honorary Secretary, J. F . Dalrymple, and then it set tied down In its usual routine. Two plays, Sheridan's" The Ri vals" and Tchekov's "Cherry Orchard," provided more entertaining material than usual, but much more useful were Ihe two papers, one by Mr. G. P. Hollingworth and the other by A. D. H. Patterson, " \q., O.K.S. , now a Lieutena nt in The Cameronians. Mr. H ollingworlh spoke with Ills usual knowledge .and authority on the drama and gave an exposition of " Murder III the Cathedral." Among other interesting facts he pointed out that t1,e play had been . pecially written for the Canterbury Festival and that T. S. Eliol had wisely come down I() inspect the Chapter House where the play was first performed before he began writing. Mr. Paterson gave a good and interesting paper on the Faroe Islands of wh ich he had

lilsl-hand experience, having been slationed there for a year.





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THE CANTUARIAN THE PATER SOCIETY The Pater Society confined itself to two meeti"ngs, the upshot of which was III, election of a new Secretary, M. Corkrey, to replace S. W. Brooks who is leaving. THE SOMNER SOCIETY The Somner Society 's chief exploit was a visit, on Ascension D ay, to Lanhyd n>L ~ Viscount Clifden 's seat near Bodmin. Lord Clifden himself and his sisters, the Il u" Julia a nd the Hon. Edith Agar-Robartes, conducted the party round the house " ,"1 gro unds and entertained th em to tea afterwards. Much of the house is new, ow i ll ~ III a deva stating fire th ere in 188 1, but parts are early seventeenth century. There is 1111

imposing beech avenue leadin g to the old gatehouse, but the real treasures a re wili,," There is a beautiful long gallery with a magnificentl y carved ceiling, the wor k of lI allll" craftsmen, depicting some of the early history told in Genesis ; there is a fine li b"" , with autograph letters of George III and printing by Caxton stored in it and a g",,,1 set of fami ly portraits, mainly of the Restoration period. The Society is most grateful I" Lord Clifden for all his kindness. It was a red-letter day in the Society 's history. THE RAILWAY SOCIETY The Railway Society catered for more practical tastes. Tbey listened to a serie. III papers from members. The President (the Rev. A. D. R . Brooke) spoke of railwa y. III the Isle of Wight; J. H. Clarke ga ve information about signals and signalling, ","1 M. Carnes broke new ground witb a survey of the history of rai lways in Russia. 1111 term ended with an informal talk by T. W. Kidd on East Anglian railways.



For the Natural H istory Society the Summer term speUs field work and the collcetl,," of valuable data. But they were able to spare time for our organized expedition. 'I hll ' was on Ascension Day and they 'Went to the Luxul ya n Va lley. There they located I", buzza rds' nests and came back with some E mperor moth eggs. Miss Milwa rd 11,"1 N. J. Flower also brought back va rious botanica l specimens, but the honours of III term went to the entomologists. For they caught a female Striped-Hawk on May \I I and saw their first clouded yellow the previous day, six days ahead of their last Y'II ' schedule. THE WALPOLE SOCIETY The Walpole Society met regularly and hea rd a paper from P. H , Honour on Rill" " Brooke and two play read ings. But like their compeers they were attracted by Oult 1111' interests. One warm afternoon they paid a visit to tbe Cornwall Mi lls Limited, al I'" , Harbour, where they were the guests of Mr. Maurice Varcoe, the managing dire( III' There they saw the whole process of manufacture from the time .when the harp smll il was broken up and crushed un til it fin all y emerged as a fine white powder ready I" , dist,'ibution. The Society is very grateful to Mr. Varcoe, who is a n old friend 01 ,II School, for his kind ness in arra nging and a¡ccompanying th is welcome expedition.


J.T.C. W~R CERT'FICATE : ' A. " - The fo llowing cadets passed Part I (Individ ual) on June

24th .

fhe names are III alpha bet,eal order :_ D. B. Ainsw prt h L. A. Bassett A. D. M. Burl' G. A. Burtwell J. M C.WCaM'ger D C '. .



.all ns

K. H. M. Johnson A. A. Kneller J. O. N. Lawson D. R. M. Long C . S. Map Iet IlOrp D. M. Moreau

M. N. Carson A.. G. Pay ne J. D. Pugh P. H. Coury J . O. Cryan J . H . Sawtell M. J . D,tchburn D. G. S. Simpson E. D. Gregson J. J. Slaughter P. C. Hammond J. A. G. Smerdon D. C. Jenklll J . D. E. Watts . The f~l!ow~ ,~g cadets passed Part /I (Section Leading) and qualified for War f~~'S~~t~94t on .July 8th. They are appointed Lance-Corpora ls with effect from

The names are in order of merit :_ P. Pollak T. J. Mathews J. D.. Slimming J. D. Twells-Grosse C. J. Wa tson F. A. Middleton J. C. B. Coleman A. G. Payne C. S. Maplethorp J. C. Wright E. H. Lanham J. Corben W. G. C. Ferris G. A. Gordon J . D. E. Watts E. P. Walsh N. J. Flower B. P. Chadwick R. M. Moore J. P. B. Shepherd P. C. Steel G. P. McMullin PROMOTIONS.- The following promolions were made with effect from May 1st, 1943: Sgt. R. G. Leadbeater to be C.S.M . Cpl. J. S. Macartney to be Sgt. Cpl. A. J. C. Fagg to be Sgt. Cpl. J. P. H. Hutton to be Sgt. Cpl. O. W. Eustace to be Sgt. Cpl. L. A. Maclean to be Sgt. L/ Cpl. M. H. Slater to be Cpl. L/Cpl. J. C. Coury to be Cpl. L/Cpl. H. M. G regson to be Cpl. L/ Cpl. J. Peschek to be Cpl. L/Cpl. Sao Sao to be Cpl. L/Cpl. G. F. M. Pierce to be Cpl. L/Cpl. W. B. Steele to be Cpl. L/Cpl. M. T. M-Evans to be Cpl. L/Cpl. M. G. R. Ellis to be Cpl. L/Cpl. J. M . Lampard to be Cpl.


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· A:T.C. New features have marked th e work done thi s term:

we have been fortunat e ,n

securin g FlO Richardso n of " 8 " Flight for instructi o n in Navigati o n, and Mr. Well '" of St. Austell has come over to share the work in Morse with Mr. Hollingwort'l. Cpl" Tayler and Young returned from Easte r Holiday Courses equipped with sufficic,)1 knowledge and co nfidence to deliver discourses o n Officer-duties, Air Strategy, anti

Meteorology. All this meant a considerable revision of the term 's progr~ ml11e, and We' hope to improve on it next term . We have undertaken these changes In accordance.' with th e wishes ex pressed by the responsible authorities who want to see morc and 111 0 1 • of the instruction carried out by competent Cadets, an d for this sa me reaso n the Flighl has been divided into four groups of varyi ng abi lity for Ai rcra ft Recognition wor~ under Cadet Jnstructors. New features have marked the work done this term; we have been fortunate III securing FlO Richardso n of "B" Flight for instruction in Navigation,. and Mr. Wetle' of St. Austell has come over to share the work III Morse wi th Mr. HoJlmgworth. Cpl, . Tayler and Young returned from Easter Holiday Cou rses equipped with sufficienl knowled ge and co nfidence to deliver discourses on Officer-duties, Air Strategy, anll Meteorol ogy. AJl this meant a co nsiderable revision of the term 's progr~mme) and \1)\' hope to improve on it next term. We have undertaken th ese changes 111 accordanlo.' t' with the wishes expressed by the responsible authorities who w~nt to see more and I~ O I \' of the instruction ca rried out by co mpetent Cadets, and for thlS sa me reason the Flighl has been divided into four groups t)f vary ing ability for Aircraft Recogniti on wo, ~ under Cadet Instructors.

t ('

Early in the term we received the results of the March .exam inati o ~ for Proficien \

II Certificate, and were able to co ngratulate Sgt. J. D. POffitt and LeadlOg Cadet S, Brooks on successfully passing with an average of about seventy per cent. . Smce th ' 11



Cadet Brooks has taken an even morc difficult exa mination, and we awa it the rc:.-ull with interest.

uJ rin g the term members of the F light twice visited the usual R,A,F. Station, ","1 in the first week of the holidays will form part of a co nllngent spend111g thiS period 111 camp at the Station, The camp party from . • A" Flight is di sa ppointing in size, bein ~ only eight this year as against 28 last yea r, and this is perhaps a suitable occasion III

make one or two relevant observations. The steadily decreasing strength of this particular Flight is a ca use for regret. III number has gradually dropped by about twenty-five per cent. dunng the past twel ', months, which means that at the present time only about one eitglble boy m five In lill Senior School is a member of the AT.C. There is no need to embark on a long til, course about the importance of tile airborne services in thi~, war, since. everxonc :I~II daily read of it in the newspapers, In the A ,TC, we do not play at bemg a"men we are on the serious job of laying a fum foundation for the air servi~es <?f the tH'1I1 future o n whose efficiency the co urse of the war will largely depend. ThIS bemg so, 111'11 things stand out-first, that-a nyone who has a sincere preference for service m the R,A , i Fleet Air Arm, or Royal Navy if called up, should join the AT.C,; otherWISe II I better to stay out: second , that once in the A,T.C" every member should cons l "nJl ~ bear in mind why he has joined, and pull his weight. We have no t11ne or use 1111 slackers, The work does not pretend to be one co n sta ~t thrill, in fact there is much 11'111 grind to do; but the incentive to help win the wa r should be enough to, susta in II " determination of all to strive for ma ximum efficiency in all parts of the tram111g, 212


HOME GUARD , The outstandi!,g event of the term was the Annua l R a nge Practice a t Trenarren. 1,IllS was the first tllne t~at w~ had been .able to fire with our own rifles, but some good , ores were returned, Pte. B"kett head11l g the list with 90 out of 115. The Platoon ' II verage for the forty-I wo members who fired was 56 and the lowest sco re was 19. The worst scores were returned m the snap shooting and this is just th e type of shooting Ihllt would pro ve mos t va luable III Home Guard defence schemes. Fi ve shots on the lIu:get are ~eed ed and not just fi~c " s om~where on the penin sula. " The machine gun , l e WS had (\ usefu l amount of finn ~ pract ice and even the spigot crews had .a chance at

1"<1 and ate re ported to have obtamed o ne direct hil on the target. Perhaps it wi ll be jlosslble to e nter a crew for the Batta lio n Competition next term . The new regulations

lI H1~enl1ng ProficIency Bad~es ~a ve att~acted some attention, but the standard required 1 lugh and ca reful preparation IS essential to avoid disappointment.

THE LIBRARY Librarian.' THE REV . S. B-R, POOLE Assistant Librarian.' A . G, GORDON This has been the most successful te rm the Library has had since we have been down I" , 0rnwa U, Some forty-five new books were added, of which over half we re gifts, Iso, for the first time, the Li brary penodlCals were put up for sale by public a uction jlll<! rea lized much more this way than in any previous term.

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, Of the boo ks bought, the largest quota went to the Ph ys ics section, which is now 11\"le well stocked and up-to-date . T he Librarian is most grateful to a ll those who ha ve given books this term or se nt , It 'q ues and book tokens and has pleasure in acknowledging the followin g:- ' Comments and Characters, by J ohn Buchan ............ ,The Cbaplain On the Art of Writing by " Q . .............................. The Chaplain Hall;burton's Ha ndbook of Phys io logy .................... R, Groves, Esq. One of our Pilots IS Safe, by F1.-Lt. W. Simpso n, D,F.C., O,K.S ....................... ........................ . J. B, Harris, Esq Sir Richard Gren ville, by A. L. Rowse ............. ...... P . r" Kennaby, Q ,K,S. Letters of Napoleon to Marie Louise, ed. by p, .G uedalla ................ : .... , ........ ............ ,", ......... p , L. Kennaby, O,K.S, Life of Ffltz von Holstem, by J. vo n Kiirenberg.......... P. L. Kennaby, O.K,S. A H IStory of the English Corn Laws, by D. G .. Barnes .. .. .................. ·........................... , .... , ... P. L. K en naby, O.K .S. Story of the Bank of England, by W. D. Bowman .. , P. L. Kennaby, O.K,S. G ibbon, by R, M , Mowat. ................................... D, M , Hamilton, O,K,S. T he Engush Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries, by G . Baskerville .................... ..... ... G. A, H. Baker, OKS T he Years of Endurance, byA, Bryan!... .................. A. R. Brown, O,K,:;.· T he Threshold of the Victorian Age, by G. Mi lner ...... S, A. R, Cawston, O,K.S,




, THE CANTUA RI AN A Time for Greatness, by H. Agar. ........... .. ............ C. A. R. MacDouga ll, O. K Early Days of the Power Station Industry, by R. H . . Pa rso ns ...... ...................... : ...... ..... .......... ....... J. D. TWlOber row, O.K.S. A Sho rt History of Marine Engineering, by E. G. . Smith .... .......... .................................... .. ........ 1. D . TWlOberrow, O.K.S. The Last Enemy, by R. Hillary ............. .. .............. J. B. Clowes, O .K.S. History of Russia, by Sir B. Pares .. ......................... R. G . Leadbeater, O.K .S. Kant, by W . Wallace ...... .. .................................... P. L. Gurney, K.S. The English La nguage, by L. Pea rsall Smith ........ ...... P. L. Gurney, K.S. An Outline of Modern Kn owled ge, cd. Dr. W. Rose ... P. L. Gurney, K .S.

ATHLETIC CLUB Despite poor weather, the Athletics Club was a ble to have quite an enjoya blc sel",II' In additio n to the Annual Sports there was o ne match, agamst the R.N.E .C., at Keylll' "' The School made some good times, but was not able to escape defeat before a d1l"'" pour of rain put an end to the proceed lOgS. Cray, Middleton- Eva n, Da lrylOlpl and Lampard all put up good perfo rma nces, notably the first two. The School tellill I very grateful to their R .N. hosts for an excellent tea a nd numberless other klOdn es;(" . For once, weat her permitted the spo rts to be held on the days originall y fixed . 11111 14th and 15th, but a nasty wind, which_ blew d ow n the track, prevented any ,,,,,,,,1 being broken and had a considera ble effect upo n the limes. A new system of assessing points to take into, accoun t the .varying si,·, ,I the Houses had little effect t ha n to increase everyone s score, and did not m."'I'II,,1I affect the Jesuits. School House wo n easily with 178 points, their nearest l'I.vIII . lit Grange, securing 121. The C up was thus retained by School House for the t1111'd ) "

in succession. RESULTS (SENIOR) 100 Y ARDS.- Ist, A. G. G o rd o n ; 2nd, G. A . ' F. Rands; 3rd, J. D. Sli mlOl lli 4th, G . A. J. Evans; 5th, S. B. N ichols; 6th, A . G. Ouseley-S mith . Time: 11 .0 220 Y ARDS.- Ist, B. Milne r ; 2nd, J . M. Lampard; 3rd, G . A. F . Rands: III J. D. Slimming; 5th, A. G. Gordon ; 6th, M. H. A. Lova tt. Time: 25. 1 sec• . QUARTER MlLE.-1st, J. M. Lampard; 2nd, McK. C. C ray; 3rd, J . F. Dalryllll,l 4th, J. P. B. Shepherd; 5th, F . E. B. Brown; 6th, C. W. BIrkett. Tlffle: 57 .2 , 880 YARDs.-Ist, C. McK. Cray; 2nd, J. F. Dalrymple; 3rd, M . T. M. , "III 4th, M. W. C ha rley; 5th, J . .M. Lampard; 6t h, J . P . B. Shepherd. Time: 2 1111, 15.4 sees. MlLE.-1st. M . W. Charley; 2nd, M . T. M . Eva ns; 3rd , J . F. Dalrymple, II I M c. K. C. Cray; 5th, J. P. B. Shepherd ; 6t h, C. W. Birkett. Time: 4 mins. 59 . I " LONG JUMP. - Ist, G. A. F. Rands ; 2nd, M. W. Cha rley; 3rd , G. A. J. I .,111 4th, S. B. Nichols ; 5th, J. C. Coury; 6th, M. H. Smithers. Length: 18 ft . 5 ill, HIGH JUMP. - Ist, M. H. A. Lovatt; 2nd, B. Milner; 3,. G. A. J. EV\,11 S. B. Nichols; 5th, J . D . Twells-Grosse ; 6t h, J . Peschek. Height: 5 ft. 0 4 III. 214

tHE CANTUARIAN WEIGHT.- Ist, B. Milner; 2nd, J. C. B. Coleman; 3rd, J. C. Coury; 4th, F. V. I humas ; 5th, M. H. A. Lovatt; 6th, A. G. Ouseley-Sm ith. Distance : 30 ft. 3 ins. INTER-HOUSE RELAY (4 X. 220 YARDS).- Ist, Grange; 2nd, School House ; 3rd, ~ h'isler Omers; 41h, Walpole ; 51h, St. Edmund's. Time: I min. 43.2 secs. RESU LTS (JUNIOR) 100 YARDS.- Ist, M. J. Broo ks; 2nd, H . G . de Voil ; 3rd, J. H. Bloomberg; 4th, ' !.Cray. Time: 11. 5 sees. 220 YARDS.- Ist, H. 1. de Voil; 2nd, M. J . Brooks; 3rd, A. G. Payne ; 4th, I , P. Mallinso n. Time: 26. 5 secs. 440 YARDS.- Ist, M. N. Carson; 2nd, L. A. Bassett ; 3rd, A .. F. C ray; 4th, II G. S. Simpson. Time: 61. 8 secs . . HALF MlLE.- 1st, M. N. Carso n ; 2nd, D. G. S. Simpson; 3rd, A. F . Cray; 4th, I A. Basselt. Time: 2 mins. 2 1.2 sees. LONG 1uM P.- lst, A. A . Kneller ; 2nd, H . G . de Voil ; 3rd, J. H . Bloomberg; III!. O. Ga litzine. Length: 16 ft. 8 ins. IIIGH J UMP.- Ist. J. H. Bloom berg; 2nd, J. C. B. Colema n ; 3rd, H. I. D. John" " ; 4th, I. H . Sharp. Height : 4 ft. 8! ins. INTER-HOUSE RELAY (4 X 220 YARDs.)- l st, Walpole; 2nd, School House; 3rd, h'ISter Omers; 4th, G range; 5th, St. Edmund 's. Time: 1 min. 52.8 secs. FINAL ORDER.- l st, School House; 2nd, Grange; 3rd, Meister Omers; 4th, W" lpole; 6th, St. Edmund' s.

CRICKET RETROSPECT THE FIRST XI. The Cricket XI. has had a fairly successful season th is term, playing nine matches, .1 which fi ve were wo n and fou r lost. In addition, seven or eight members of the team It I" helped to make up F. E. Woolley's Xl. which has played two matches, one for the II , ,I ross a nd the o ther in aid of St. Austell 's" Wings for Victory " Week ; both were 1111 . Three of those lost were avenged in the return matches. We have lost against St. Austell C.c., R .A.F., - - , Plymout h College and the II N. E.C., Keyha m, a nd have beaten C lifton, Gresham'S, R.A.F., - - a nd Plymouth , " II 'ge. We have a very yo un g team in wh ich, 'Unfortunately, there is no old colour left fro m " , year 's successful side, but with the in valuable help of Woolley's excellent coaching "·•..rul team has been produced. I he tea m had one failing which it never quite overcame and that was the tendency ,.. , olla pse in the batti ng. However, they more than made up for this in their fielding It,d, was of a n exceptionally higb ~ tan dard throughout the term, in particular, close ,., Ih ' ,.icket where Brooks and Cushma n brought off some very good catches. The , 1111 was unfortunate in losing its Vice-Captain a nd Cap ta in for a number of weeks while 1111

y were in the throes of 111eas les~

. 215

,=• •

THE CANTUARiAN The chief credit for the batting must go to the opening pair, Bloomberg anti Cushman, at the beginning of the season, toget her with an unexpected 52 from Ack ' l against Cl ifton; and the harder- hitters, namel y Brealy and Stuart, towards the end III the season. -0

We are looking fo nyard to a very sliccessfu l season next year with the grea ter pUll of the team still here. COLTS' XI. The Colts, owing to the difficulties of war-time transport, were unlucky in h"vinK o nly one match which was lost agai nst Gresham 's at Newq ua y. The School wenl h, to make 96 runs, 51 of wbich were made by Polden. The bowltng was faIrly good, wIlli a consistentl y good length from Foxwell, the Captain, who was unlucky in not taki" more wickets. Foxwell took 2 wickets for 36 runs and Emerson 2 for 40. The team was very young and contained many promising players, such as Foxwell, Polden Emerson and Davies, who has remarkable talent as a wicket-keeper. There'"t' plenty ~f good and keen boys in the Lower School who wi ll make next yea r 's Colts' le""1 successful. KING ' S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v ST. AUSTELL C.C. (HOM E)


00 May 13th the School played the St. Austell Cricket Club. The Club batted 0,,1 a nd were dispatched for a total of 100 runs which iocluded two quite long stands.

•• C

•• •• I


The School then went in and, after a hopeful start, in which Cushman, B1oomb "» and L umsden played their part, the batting completely collapsed, scoring only 26 after the second wicket had fallen. -


ST. AUSTELL c.c. Martin, c Stuart, bAckers.... .. .... ....... ....... Hollingwo rth , c and b Bloomberg.............. ...



J. A. Cush man , b Hollingworth ........... .. .. . " J. H . Bloomberg, c Cloak, b Ollerea rnshaw ". J , B. Lumsden, c Ma rtin , b Cloak.... ........ .... G. L Ackers, st b Cloak......................... ... S. W, Brooks, c Blackmore, b Hollingworth... E. P. Wa lsh, b Hollingworth ..... ... ""." "",, ... R. S. Brealy, c Martin, b Cloak ...... .. .. "" ,, ... A. R . T, Stuart, b Hollingworth .......... """" . J. D. Twells-Crosse, not ouL ............ .. .. " .... C. W. Birkett, st b Cloak ........ ....... " ....... "". J. W. Stephenson, b Cloak ........ "" .. "."" ".. Extras ...... " .. , ... , .......... , .. ,." ... ",....... .

TotaL .. ................................ ..... 100

TotaL ..................................... ...

18 20

Cloak, b A~ke rs.... ...... .............................. Eare, c and b Cush man...................... ... ....



Barker,l bw, Ackers ...... .......................... , Ollerearnshaw, bAckers. .......... ...... .......... Wybourne, c .Brealy, b Cushman ..... ".,., .. ,... Baldock, not ouL..................................... Hill, c Cushman, b Stuart.......................... Blackmore, b Cushman......... ........ .............. Rendell , b Stuart........ ............... ... ............ Extras .. .. ......... , .. , ................ , .. , .... ... "

0 0 2 25 6

10 3

BOWLING. Wkts. 4 3

Ackers Cushman Stuart

Blo ~ mberg


2 I



25 33 9




5 I



31 216


Runs: 7

2? 12 20


II ,. II


4 1\

I u




KING ' S SCHOOL, CANT ERBURY v CLIFTON COLLEGE (AWAY) On the o nly two fine days in May, after little practice, we played Clifton in a twoday match at Bude, o n the 28th and 29th. Clil'ton wo n Ihe toss and elected to bat first. At about six o'clock o~ the first day their last wicket feU for 135 runs after a good and steady onnlngs from D,xo n. The School fielded well with good bowling from Stuart and Ackers. . The School went in to bat and when stumps were drawn, the sco re stood at 80 for 6 afler a good stand by Bloomberg. . The next day Brooks kept his end up for over an hour, after two wickets hact fallen in the first two overs, leavi ng the score at 8 fo r 87, while the rllns were scored and we passed Cli fton's total with two wickets in hand. We wish to take this opportunity of thanking o ur hosts for their very generous hospita lity. . TH E SCHOOL.


J. F. Bishop, c T-Crosse, b Bloomberg...... L. Briggs, bAckers..... ..... ...... " ............ "... R. N. Exten, c Ackers, b Cushman........ ...... J. H. Paull, b Bloomberg .................. .. .. " .. ". D. H . Mathias, bAckers ................. ""....... C. E. Dixon, not Ollt................... ... .......... N. Briggs. bAckers................................... A. Crum, b Stuart.. .............. .. ....... ........... R . A. Jones, Ibw, Stuart.. .. ............. ........... A. M. Ppilips, c and b StuarL.....................


I 46

Extras.. ..... ......... ................... ...........


9 15 I 13 12 I 3

J. H. Bloomberg, b Briggs ...................... "". J. A. Cushman, c Paull, b Crum ......... ".".... S. B. Nichols, c Paull, b Briggs ............. " ..... P. D. I. Johnston, b Jones ...... "."" .... ...... "... J. B. Lumsden, b Crum ........... "" .. ... . "...... . R. S. Brea ly, c Briggs, b Sainsbury................ A. R. T. Stuart, Ibw, Sainsbury.................... G. L. Ackers, rlln ou1..... ..................... .. .... J. D. Twells-Crosse, b Crum ........................ S. W.·Brooks, lbw Briggs............................. C. W. Birkett, not OUL.............................. Extras..................... .......... ................

Total. ........................ ............... . 135 Stuart 1I Bloomberg ... 16 Cushman


0 5 0

3 2 I

9 2 15 I 15 I 52 4 8 I 15

Tota!... .......... .... ... ........ ... ....... .. .. 146

Overs. Maidens. Wkts . Runs. 21 8 8 47



Overs. Maidens. Wkts. Runs. 13 5 2 12


33 30

Crum Jones ...


18 17



2 I 3

3 I 3

65 12 25

K I NG 'S SCHOOL, CAN TERBURY v PLYMOUTH COLLEGE (A WAY) R. S. Brea ly captained the side and distinguished himself by making 32 in a remarkably short ttille. P lymouth College batted fIrst and were soo n dispatched for 61 by Stuart and Bloomberg. The School passed the total with seven wickets to spare and went on to make 96 for 8, Cushman carrying liis bat for 33. PL YMOUTH COLL EGE.

J. M. Clarke, c Nichols, b Bloomberg... ......... C. F. Lyon, b Bloomberg.. .... ..... ............... B. A. Johnson, Ibw Stuart......................... J. A. Wynton, c T-Crosse, b Stuart............... P. O. Williams, c Nichols, b Stuart.............. G. A. Heywood, c Brooks, b Bloomberg....... K. A. Willcock, b Bloomberg...................... P. E. Will iams, b Bloomberg...................... J. R. Hamley, c Brooks, b Bloomberg.......... A. C. J. Scott, b Bloomberg......................... R. L. Turner, not ouL........ Extras..... ........................... .....


12 14 2 0 14

J . A. Cushman, not ouL.......... ................... J. H. Bloomberg, c Hamley, b Lyon.... ........... P. D. J. Johnston, b Heywood..................... S. R. Nichols, b Heywood.......................... R . S. Brealy, c Clarke, b Johnson................ A. R . T. Stuart, Ibw Johnson............ ............ P. T. Polden, b Hamley.......................... J. D. Twells·Crosse, c Willcock, b Lyon... S. W. Brooks, b Hamley......... ...............

0 12 0

0 2 1 4

E. P. Walsh

C. W. Birkett,



0 6 2



I not at. Extra s..............................

TotaL...................... .. ... .. .......... 61

33 17 1 0

. .... ... .. .. .


Total............... ... .............. ... .. ..... 96 211



THE CANTUAR I AN BOWLIN G. Bloomberg ... Stuart



7 3



Hamley l-Jeywood

Lyon ... Jo hnson



Wkts. 2 2 2 2

R u ns . t3

30 20 6


T his was played on Ju ne 29th. Baines, the Gres ha m 's Captai n, wo n the toss a nd put the School in. The first wic ket fell in the seco nd over fo r 3 run s, and then began It ve ry good stand by Brooks and Bloomberg, p utting o n 67 between the m. The School went o n to score 11 8 all out. Gresha m 's the n wen t in a nd, except for a short a nd sweet sta nd by the Captain, no high scores were made. They ca me o ut fo r 78. Brooks a nd C ushm a n fiel din ~ alm ost on top of the bat, perfo rmed mi racles a nd were respo nsible fo r the exit of hall the Gresham 's tea m. 0 42 32 0 3 8 8 2 9 7 I 6

GRES HAM'S SCHOOL. Moll , c Cushman, b Bloomberg.............. ..... Cook , b Bl oomberg.. .................................. Hammond, b StuarL .. .. ........ ........ .............. C rould , c Cushman, b Stuart.. ........... ......... Ba ines, b Bloomberg... ........... ..................... Parker, c Brooks, b Cushman.......... ........... Weay, c Broo ks, b Stuart. .. ,........ . ...... .. ....... Webb, b Cushman.. ....... ............ ............... Ea gan , not o ut. .... ....... .... .... ...... ... ...... ,. ...... Tassell , Ibw, Stuart......... .... ........ ................ Hawkins, c Cushman, b Stuart........ ...... ...... Extras .. ....... ... ..... ..... .... ... , .. ... :.. ...... ,..

Total.. .. .. .. .. ............ .. ........ ...... .. . 118

Total...... .... ...... .......... .... ... ... ......


J . A. Cushman, c Parker, b Weay............... J . H. Bloomberg, b Eagan. .........................



•, "


S. W. Brooks, st Hawkins, b Cook........... ... R . S. Brealy, b Webb............ ..................... A. J. C. Fagg, b Eagan.. ... .. .... .. ...... ... ....... P. D. J. Johnston, b Webb ........ .. .............. A. R. T. Stuart, b Eagan................... ......... E. P. Walsh, c and b Cook...... .. .... .. ...... ...... J. B. Lumsden, run OUt...... .. ... .... ............... M. J. Brooks, not out,....... ...... ........ .... .. ... C. W. Birkett, Ibw Webb........... ... ............... Extras." .... ..... ........ .. ........ ........ ..... ,..

l II 0 II II

0 II I 10

11 II 7M





Wkts. 3 3









15 26 16 22

Bl oomberg


5 3



20 42 12

KING 'S SCHOOL, CANTE RB U RY v TH E R.N.E .C. (AW AY) On July 3rd the School played the Engineering College a t Keyha m. It WH S 1111 extremely hot da y ; the Scho ol fielded first, Stuart bowlin g steadil y a nd very well towards the end. There were two long sta nd s in the Keyham side, mad e by BU l'lt,'1I and Bland, who put up most of the score between them. They came .out at 177 fo r 9. The School then went in to make 72 all out with no outstanding scores, th o" ~ 1i Brooks batted steadily. 218




:ltrne, V' run out.................... ..... ....... .. J owe b b Swan................. ...................


Bloomberg............... ....... ... .......... ~~dd { ~. S~l<\ rt..... ............ ..................... . I e ltC ,b Stua rt.................... ..... ...... }~CCd, c and b Stuart............... ....... ............ oleman, b Stlla rt...... ................ Crawford, not o ut.. ...................... ::::::::::::.. ')I. McLeay, eM. J . Brook s, h Cushman........ I tlrker, b Stua rt............ ...... ............... I'nylor, did not bat. . Extras...... ....... ... ..... ... . ...... .. ... .. To tal (fo r 9 wk ts. L ...................

45 25 0 74 0 9 6 3 I 5


THE SCHOOL. J . A. Cushman, c McLeay, b Crawford......... J . H . Bloomberg, b Mc Leay........................ S. W. Brook s, b Bland.................................

3 12 19

R. S. Brealy, c Middleditch, b Blan d.............


A. R . T . Stuart, st Parker, b Bland...............


E. P. Walsh, c and b Bland.................... .... Fagg, Ibw Bland............. ............. J . B. Lumsden, b Coleman...... M. J . Brooks, c Parker, b Coleman... P. D. J . Joh nston, not Ollt............. ... C. W. Birkett , b Coleman Extras....


A. J . C.


Tota L .......... .. .


I 0 2

0 9


BOWLI NG. Stuart Bloo mbe rg Cushman

Wk ts. 6 I I



Bla nd Coleman McLeay Crawford



Wk ts. 5 3

Runs. 28


16 16



SWIMMING .. . It was not within t he bo un ds of poss ibilit y for the School to bea t its record of last yeal, b ut n.e ver the less, a ve ry fall' show was put up. , . Unde r M r. Good bu rn 's expert tui lio n, the usua l large qu o ta of Roya l Life Saving Soc l~ty Awalds w~s ma ll1.ta ll1ed. ,!,here we re 2 Sea Water Diplomas, 15 Silver MedalIl o n ~, 4 Instructo r s Ce rti fica tes, First Class, and 25 Bro nze Mcdallio ns a nd 25 Intermed Ia te CertIficates. T he School is very gra teful to Mr. Goodburn fo r a ll the time he h ilS put II1 to ac hi eVing th iS fi ne res ult , The Swimming Spo rts, held a t th e end of term , res ulted in a win fo r Meister Omers who thu s too k the c up fro m School H o use. ' A specia l swimm ing a nd di ving display proved o ne of the most att rac ti ve features

It helped to explain why the School holds the Darnell I xce llence T ro ph y whI ch was o ne of Ihe most admired ex hibilS a l Ihe Club that after-

lin th e Speech Day progra m me. !lOon .

SHOOTING T he resu lt of t he M ul. li ns Compet ition, so na med after Ge ne ra l G. J H MIl ' ~O K S h d h . . UInS, ( , 1.)., . • ., w ose eat IS recorded elsewhere in th e Cantuariall, was :_ G ra nge, 484 po inls; Wa lpole, 476 points; School H o use 450 points' M eister 450 PO ll1 lS. ' ,

I )me rs,

. T hese scores, whi c h we re o ut of a 'p ossible to ta l of 560 po in ts, res ulted in the Cup The sc.o res were not very hi gh, pa rt ly owing III I((c k of pi ac t Ice a nd pa rtl y to trY In g weather conditions, b~t the re was some good shootIJIH III th e Unde l 16 a nd Und er 15 age gro ups, whic h promises well for the future, ~' \ing from W alpole Ho use to th e G ra nge.




! •


!, I

I! I




LBTfBR Oxford,

Jlllle, 194 \ Dear School, This letter must be briefer than we would wish; for the Trinity term sees a despcIIlI, application to work in preparation for the exams., which are this year to be, for III, Arts students, the last until the war finishes. But we wi ll do our best to cover full y our various activities. Our older O.K.S., as is perhaps fitting, are seldom seen out of the company of th ,II book s (though we adm it that (wo of them were once seen in more cOll1promisill» circumstances ! ) ; we ha ve even observed Stapleton, albeit in the act of attcndill the wrong lecture, ,vhile our suspicions about W. E. Chambers of Oriel, usually SC,' tt cycling down the Turl, were confirmed when we found him in academ ic dress; he I"


j •4 ~

••• I : I

taking his Natural History finals. C. A. B. Clemetson has made his home on the Thames this term, from which vcry excellent river we have not attempted to IUfe him; I. K. Meek has been in secl usioll in his New College tower and we only know him to be a very energetic member of tl,,· University Naval Division in · addition to his intention of adding law to his academ , distinctions. D. F. Murray of Worcester has been dividing his time between athletics, histolY and the" Royal Oak, " but despite this latter occupation, he gained seventh place oul of thirty in the junior mile of the British Games at the White City. J. R. G. Watters, already an Edinburgh graduate, is sti ll working hard at his forest, y and geology (we hope we ha ve got it right), but not so hard as to prevent occasion,,1 reminiscence parties; government appropriat ion s in Balliel ha ve exi led him to Trinil . where J. H . Breese and G. A. H. Baker can be found still celebrating Trinity's becotl1i" ~ Heed of the River. But in their moments of calm it was revea led that Breese is finding S.T.C. 111111 classics no pleasant combination a week before Mods., while he strenuously de ni~.1 actually ha ving damaged Arm y transport during the last S.T.C. exercise. (It was "tt this exercise, by the way, that J. A. B. Heslop was first seen, apparently part ofa stretchel party proceeding up a country lane collecting" wounded " University troops). G . A. H. Baker is still runnin g for Oxford and has obtained election to the Cenl pedes ' club, war~time substitute for a half-blue. However, we next found him with appendicitis which, oddly enough, came on three days before the exams. Heslop in "civilian" life was found to have moved from Merton's more allsltm quarters inta all the luxuries that 1937 could provide; but perhaps we envy him more hi. ease of midnight entry! We were glad to welcome several guests; M. G. Chatterton and C. R. B. Brow" from the R.A. short course at Edinburgh University, who seemed to be none the worl for Scottish landladies, though tbey admitted admiration of Worcester apartments alill Trinity teas; also, though hardly as guests, W. L. Smith, now co mmissioned in 111(' R.T.R. and G . L. Taylor, who is awaiting ·his overdue second pip, both formerly III Trinity; and finally, N . Scarfe, formerly of Magdalen, who is now at an R.A. O.C.T. ., but still quite uncbanged. Yours, O.K.S. Ox N, 220



ORIGINAL MORNING Gently, in the grey light of the dawn, Six tall straight poplars Stood- wise-nodding in the ·wind. But then, as the sun crept 0 'er the rugged hi lls, And paths of light shone straight across the fields, Beauty exposed herself in one curved line That topped the silhouetted ridge, And ran smooth till it disappeared Into the misty valleys.



Three gulls flew bigh in the light of the sun, And shone out white against the moor. The wet grass, heavy with the rain, So cooled my aching feet, That I did long to run, unchained and leap, Across the tumbling streams. To lie and let the clear cold water Trickle from the corners of my mouth. To splash it hard, against my throbbing breast, To feel the bracken brush against my side, And let the wind blow through me, part of me, Then, as I whirl- madly- along with it, My body tingles, and my mind cries' free. '


• • I I


I I I • I

Free as the eagle high 0 'er purple mountains, Lonely and free, far distant and remote, Vet does my loneliness hover a long time Above the stones that stretch back through the past Farther off- fainter-gone from sight.



But as the damp wind whispered through my hair, And as the beech leaves brushed against my throat, Close at hand I heard a small wren cry, And deep, the noise scratched on my brain, So that [ sobbed long in the grass, Then lay tbere, gently breathing, till the sun rose high. [ wondered whether I should lie a thousand years, And listen to the waters si nging long ago. The still air faintly bore the smell of heather, While the six straight poplars Were still nodding in a row. VANBRUGH,

THE C ANTUARIAN TH E SHAN VAN VOCHT Oh the Shan Van Vocht has wri tten, " death to every Saxo n Knave. To the red coats at the Curragh, Free the Island of the Brave ! See the Shamrock seal ari sing, Rai se the Banner of the Free. " A s th e Shan V an Y acht has written, now, we 'll dri ve 'em to th e sea.

Oh the Shan Van Vocht has wri tten, pass the cl oven stick around . And Dea th to every Ora nge man tha t ever shall be found . For Sein Feinn 's the cry of Heaven, and Eirin shall be free, A s the Shan Van V acht has wri tten, Oh, we' ll dri ve 'em to the sea.

Oh, the Shan Van Vacht sings freedom, and we' ll rid the Emerald l sle Of the stain of Saxon footprints, wash with blood each sil ver mile, For the Shan Van Vocht has wri tte n, a nd it's death to Engla nd's Queen. And the Saffron pipes are ma rching to the" Wearing 0 ' the G reen. " Oh, we'f( rid each emerald milestone of the Sassenach a nd sla ve, And we'll cleanse each Celtic shamrock wi th the brea th of Emera ld waves, For the Shan Van Vocht has written, a nd old Ireland shall be free, And the Orange men shall fea r us, for we 'll dri ve them to the sea, Oh, red Ulster 's hand is pa ling a nd the scarlet coat lies low And th e sound of distant singing comes from every bog and grove,

As the Shan Van Vocht has written, Death to England 's Saxon Queen, Oh, the Shamrock pipes are marching to the " Wearin g 0 ' the G reen." PALI NDIWMI POST TENE BRAS LUX God created man, T hat man mig ht worshi p God. Then why Do countless myriads, Bow down before a ro d ? The crooked rod of Germany! The Eastern rod of hate! Can no man,

Pause a nd think awhile, Before it is too late? The birds, the trees, all living things All music, love and art W ere formed ,

To gladden : satisfy: Man 's thought and warm his heart. o thoughtless Youth! Whose only creed is •• SELF. " Make bare Your proud a nd sinful head, And wonder how those Saints, . Now dead ; Have found a guide, a light, a friend, To lead them on to the appointed end. L t I'~ Z22


O. K. S. rhe Editon illI'I'te the co-operation o/O .K. s. il/ strengthening ,hese items in .. TU B C ANTUARIAN," which (lrc o/particular inlerest to O.K. S. They eanllot 'hemselves obtaill milch o/the necessary material, especially IlfII¡tieulars 0/ promotions, and there/ore remind sllbscrihel's 'hal all items of news are always welcome.

N. B.- O.K .S. who are not members of the O. K.S. Association, a nd a ny members whose subscriptions may be in arrears, should get in touch with the Acting Han. Secretary, It W. Marshall, Sav ko H ouse, Eagle Wharf Road, N. 1. O.K .S. Monthl y Suppers will take place in Londo n on the first Friday in each mo nth. Will those a ble to allend please notify Ca pta in H. P. Wortha m, Ecault, Worsley Bridge Road, Beckenha m, not later tha n the Monday previous ? Major General Evelyn Fanshawe, comma nding R.A.C. Tra ining Es tablishments, received the King a nd Queen when Their Majesties recently visited Sa ndhurst for the 1)lIssing-out of R.A. C. Cadets. M. H . Penn was with the Eighth Ar my in the fin al push in N. Africa , after ha ving hCCll in Irak and Palestine. His un it took over " a very sticky position on the coast 1oad . It was almost. impossible to lea ve our trenches, as there was almost continuous machine-gun fire overhead day a nd nigh t. Feedi ng was a bit diffic ult, but we ma naged 11 11 ri ght, and the show ended. The hea vy R.A.F. bombing that was mentioned on the wireless \vas just in front of aliI' positions. Three waves of heavy bombers came in and plastered the enemy. Soon after thi s the prisoners started to come in, mostl y Germans of the 19th Light. One of my sections was very pleased as they were news-reel filmed IlI king prisoners back." E. G. F. Johnson has been playing a good deal of cricket for Surrey Colts. Commander A . L. D. Skinner has taken over the Coaching Establishment of II Imdale, CamberJey. P. F. Lucas plays Cricket fo r Bart. 's a nd was runner-up fo r the Kirke Scholarship II)r Medicine. D. Ga ll was in the running for a Rockefeiler Medical Studentship, but was turned down on the ground tba t it would de lay his qualification too long. He hopes to lake his fin als in December, 1944. G. H . Edmunds is a sea-going Radio Officer and seems to have visited most parts the world since June, 1941. He is at present ser ving in a trooper and hopes to meet , I) me O.K.S. in her. B. E. Fern writes : " My world has fallen apar t because, at the age of 19, the It A. F. decided to make me an instructor on Oxford s. Here 1 a m learning to be one li nd slowly decaying in the process. " P. J. Kennaby is at Coventry with an Engineerin g Cadetship. J. H. Smith has sent us some notes on life at K. S.C. some sixty yea rs ago, but we H'"l'ct that space does not permit us to prin t them at present. A postcard has been received fro m D. D. Renn ie, prisoner-of-war in Malaya, dated '1I1h June, 1942, saying that he is very fit and well treated. We sho ul~ be glad to have news of G. Booker, who was also in Malaya.




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W. T. Hodson puts the Naval view of Gremlins. He writes: "A Gremlin I " sly and cunning creature, usually of a white and rather ghostly appearance. At scn Ii, (or she) usually appears at night, often emitting weird noises in order to frighten li ll y person he may come across. They have been seen with long tails when a nnoyed "' frightened, a nd are frequently creatures of evil omen. They can be placated by a sau" I of gin placed on the wardroom table at evening, but· they do not approve the deteri (l", tio n in the sta ndard of the present-day gin. Now a M/Goffa ney is a creature of " VI' I I different character. Although appearing often at night there is nothing sly about hili, on the contrary he comes and goes in a fla sh ; he is entirely unaccounta ble and nCI" Iy always brings good luck and happiness in his wake. The only thing that annoys Ih II pleasant animals is the mis-spelling of their na me. They do not require gin. " L. F. P. Russell was at a Senior Officers ' Course in Cairo just before the final phil I in Tunisia, so he and a friend " wa ngled a truc k and made their way to Tunisia to ali ll It themselves to " his friends in the pink breeches. " They were in time for the perfOnnll ll\! first at E nfidaville and then round the flank to join the First Army. C. J. C. Mackenzie-Kennedy is A.D.C. to his father who is now Goveroo, III Mauritius. J. G. M. Price played leading lady when his Battalion put over a play after the N African fighting, and wondered, when he wrote, if he would ever live it down with hi platoon. W. E. S. Price is interned at Changi, on the island of Singapore, about eighl II miles from the city. P. N. P. a nd A. E. W. Joyce have run across a good many O.K.S. in India, and li lt I Mr. Paynter in Bombay. . R. Thorne writes from N. Mrica that they knew something was on when they hlill half a bottle of beer and a talk by a General. Next day they advanced at 3 a.m. bchhlll the R.A. ba rrage, and by daylight had done their job and could watch the tanks jll! h ing through the gap they had ·made. The tanks never stopped until Tunis was reach '11 Next day they got within twenty kilometres of Tunis and slept in a house. Jerry 111111 evidentl y just left the place because there was bread a nd butter on the ta ble, half eall' lI Beneath was a Q.M. 's store full of arms, maps, etc. Travelling all day in the Cap 1111" area th ey passed a continuo us stream of priso ners in lorries, cars, jeeps and va ns, 1111

driving themselves back with white flags ha nging out. There was ha rdly a guard 10 I, seen. H e was also at the capture of Pantellaria, a nd says there was no scarcity of f, ,Ii water there. The first of the revived O.K.S. Monthly Suppers was held at the" Criterion, " (III Friday, August 6th. After an excellent war-time supper the very pleasant and info, 1111,1 evening was concluded at the R.A.C. It is hoped that this will be the first of ,"lI li V enjoyable meetings. The following were present :G. A. H . Baker, J. H. Breese, R. F. Cartwright, A. G. Eyre, R. F. Holburn, E. , I Johnson, P. B. Poole, H. P. Wortham. O. K. Johnson (1936-41) was in o ne of the first of the assault units to land in Skllv and on July 17th wrote that he and his men were fit and on top of the world. Speak on behalf of the Eighth Army, he said, " Nothing can stop us ! .. A. M. Dean is being married to Miss Ann Batcup in Nairobi in August.



TH E C ANTUARiA N P. D . V. Strallen writes on 12th Ma y, 1943. .. The Canluarian, need I say, brought hllck ma ny nostalgic me mories, but a bove a ll it fill ed me with an intense feeling of pride in myoid school wh ich is participating to so large an extent in this wa r. I grieve with many ot hers at the moun ting Roll of Honour, which includes the names of so many 'of my contempo raries.

I ca n give you little news of O. K.S. which yo u will not alread y know. You will, tlf course, have heard of the award of the Milita ry Cross to Lieut. A. B. Holt-Wilson ror conspicuous galla ntr!' at EI Alemein , duri ng what must surely be the most outstanding bll ille to hIS to ry of antHank guns versus tanks. I was privileged after the action to he in th e next bed in a C.C.S. to his colo nel who wa s awarded an immediate Vict~ria {"ross. The story is worth recording of General Montgo mery's visit to the Battalion (\ 11 the day following the action. The General asked one of the nu mbers one on a six pounder gun how many ta nks his gun accounted for.

,crgeant. Genera l Montgomery looked surp rised. Sir, ask the colonel, he was loading. '

. Seventeen, Sir,'

replied the

' If yo u wo uld like to verify it

A. M. Dean I have seen on many occasio ns, the fi rst being when he was in hospital

In the Ca nal a rea, having reserved a shell exclusively for himself while with the lSI Armoured Division at ' Kni ghtsbridge. ' Yo u may not ha ve heard of his recent ngagement to Miss Ann Ba tcup whom he met while convalescing in Cairo. For myself, my activities for the last two- a nd a half yea rs have been bound up wil h those of the 4th Ind ian D ivision. r joined the d ivision in Egypt in early '41, immediately after its return from Eritrea, to fi nd myself a ' Newboy' a mong veterans who had already fo ught two victorious campaigns; at Sidi Barrani in 1940, li nd to Ent rea . For the first year with the di vision, I was Signal Officer to a Field Regiment R. A. with whom 1 to ured the Western Desert fro m Daa ba to Buq Buq, tl nd from Ma truh to S,wa and Owra bub. 11 was at G iambub that I met J. R . Willis of the Sikhs, the onl y other O.K.S. as far as 1 kn ow to -be with the division. In June '41 I was in my first big action with the Regiment at H alfaya Pass, and we fo ught there again in September, agai nst what was to ha ve been a great German IIdvance into Eygpt In October we began the big adva nce by being the lirst troops of the newly consllt uted 8th Army to cross the fro ntier wire, when with 7 Indian Infa ntry Brigade we took Sidi Oma... From here we fo ught our way up to Bengasi which was occ upied o n New Year's Eve.

After three weeks in a very battered Bengas i

I he

Regiment, and the Brigade, were fit again , and more than ready for a further advance' so it was with no tre pidati o n, but with a certain surprise, that we received orders t~ udva nce fro m Bengas i, c ut tb e German L of C, and destroy the enemy west of Bengasi. It so unded a tall o rd er fo r a Brigade, but we set o ut to do it. This ord er was, however, 'ounterma nded before we had moved far from the town, and the nex t o rder was to

hold Bengasi at all costs. The Brigade withdrew to Bengasi in time to hear that we were surrounded on th ree sides by the enemy in strength, a nd on the fo urth side by the hea.

The story of the Brigade 's march th ro ugh the enemy that night, a nd the 300 mile trek back across the desert has been recorded by correspondents far more capable than I, and I will not bore yo u with a fu rther acco unt of it. Personall y 1 found it sufficiently 'xcltmg, a nd have no great wlSh to repeat the dose: I had the misfortune to have my I"uck hit by a shell which destroyed a ll my kit. J. R. Willis, 1 afterwards 225

TH E CAN TUARI AN learned, walked back from Bengasi to Timimi along the coast, but as his battalion 1('11 the division shortly after this, I had no opportunity of hearin g his story which WII undoubtedly far more exciting than mine. The Regiment returned to base in May '42 to refit, a nd [ was posted fro m it to Ill' adjutant Divisional Signals. My successor joined the Regiment just in time to hi' cut off with them in Tobruk from where he and a few others succeeded in walking bll (' ~ to EI Alemein . In June the Division moved to Cyprus to co unter a possible threat to the isla!l(I,


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and spent a busy but pleasant month orga nising the defences. In July we were hUI'I'I<'11 back to Egypt, and moved to E I Alemein to ta ke over part of the line. From EI Alemein onwa rds, the sto ry is now history. Bengasi fell for the third time, Sirte fell , and fi nall y Tripoli, But this was not to be the end of the sto ry for ti lt' 8th Army. The battle of Ga bes Gap was fo ught a nd wo n, the Mareth line was cracked, followed by Sfax, Sousse, a nd the Akariit line. In these la tter operat ions, the Di vision was transformed into somethi ng resembling the Alpi ne Chasseus, wit hout the snOlI and was operating almost entirely in the mountains.

At Enfidaville. informati on wa s received that th e Divisio n was to lea ve immediall1ly

for the 1st Arm y's front. We covered 250 miles witho ut a stop, a nd a rri ved at Mcdjl" EI Bab on May 1st. On Ma y 7th, the fin al battle for Tunis began. 4th Indian Division was detail('11 to ma ke a break in the defences, th rough which was to pass 7 Armoured Division, II th e morning of May 8th, the armo ur wa s well o n its way to Tun is, and by three 0 'clo in the afternoon Tunis was o urs. Our reception in Tunis is still vivid in my mind. No thing has stirred me more tl lIlII the heartfelt thanks of the people of Tunis who ha ve rega ined their freedom, II lId anyone who visits them will, I think , be spurred on to greater efforts to free the occupirl l and oppressed countries of Europe. Today has been a fittin g climax to our fighting in Africa. This aft ern oon, troo p of the 4th India n Division ca ptured Ge nera l Vo n Armin and his sta ff. The war in Afl It II has ended. 1 apologise fo r what must seem to be a n eulogy on the 4th [ndi an Division, hili in these days, one 's loya lty ( 0 Division is ak in to one 's loyalty to School, and a grclIlI l loyalt y hath no man. I look forward to the day when I sha ll visit you again either in your new home, t" in the not too distant future, in yo ur rightful home at Canterbury. Meanwhile, keep up the good wo rk. ' Age Dum Agis' has never been m,", significant tha n it is today." BIRTHS BARToN.- On the 30th January, 1943, to Joa n, wife of Lieut. D. P. Barton (1928- 19 ~) , a sao . H EEsoM.- On the 4th June, 1943, to Betty, wife of Dudley Heesom (1915- 1922), "I Bramston House, Oundle, a son. WALLIS.- On the 3rd July, 1943, to Doroth y, wife of Dr. H. R. E. Wallis (1923- 19,11), R.A.F. V.R., a daughter (Anne Dorothy). 226

THE C ANTUARIA N MARRIAGES ItARTON : BERRYMAN.-On 7th March, 1942, Lieut. D . P. Ba rton (1928-1935), to Joan Pauline, elder da ughter of Captain P. F. P. Berryman, R.N. ret.). II AKE : ASCOUGH.- On 5th July, 1943, the Rev. Lewis Francis Hake (1 872- 1876), to Louise Ma ry, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Asco ugh. DEATHS MOssE.-On 21 st April, 1943, Lt.-Col. Arthur Henry Eyre Mosse, C.I.E. , I.A. (ret.), (1891- 93), fourth son of the late Deputy Surgeon-General Mosse, CB., C.M.G., aged 65 years.



LEWIS FINN, J.P. (1887- 89) We record with regret, the death, on April 17th, of Lewis Harry Finn, a member of " rnm ily well-known both at the King's School and in Kent, at the age of seventy. I , H. Finn started fa rmin g with his father on leaving school and at his death was one of the largest agriculturists in the Faversha m district and a member of the well-known 11 ,," of Messrs. G . W. Finn and Sons, amalgamated with Messrs. H oneybaU and Finn, 'lUc tioneer~ and estate agents. He was keenly interested in the Kent and Romney Marsh hcep and for a long period was sole owner of the Westwood Flock, founded by his. l" lher in 1866 with stock from the Dengemarsh Flock that had been in the possession II rlhe Finn Family since 1760. He also had a lifelong association with the Tickham Hunt II I' which he was Chairman. He leaves a widow and three daughters, his only son having .lIed some nine years ago, JOHN DE LA MARE NORRIS (1935-40) His cheerful disposition a nd his ready helpfulness are the qualities which spring IIIOSt to one's mind in thinking of John Norris, and his very high ability as an amateur "hotographer. On leaving School he became an aeronautical student and was still ,,"der training, so that it was a great shock to learn of his death in a shooting accident while on a H ome Guard exercise on May 11 tho I I WIN DENYS HAKE (1 868- 74) AND ORMOND BUTLE R HAKE (1 873-77). The death of Edwin Denys Hake on May 24th, at the age of 87 and of his younger ""\lher on February 18th, ta kes us back to the Canterbury of seventy-fi ve yea rs ago, when their father, the Rev. Robert Hake, was Precentor of the Cathedral a nd I , D. Hake was the eldest of three brothers to enter the School as a King's Scholar. Il ls School Record is one that is not easil y equalled, for he beca me not only Captain III the School, but Captain of both the XI and the XV as well, and one of the Fives 1',,1 ... He was, too, an Exhibitioner of Christ Church, Oxford, and one of the I ~ hibitioner s of the old Kin g's School Feast Society. Teaching was his chosen l"lll'cssion and hundreds of sl11all boys must ha ve passed through hi s hands during lit twenty-five years that he was Headmaster of Hailey Preparatory School, 1I11l1rnemouth.


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NORMAN HAlGWIGHTWICK (1892-98) When E. D. Hake was awarded his Exhibition on leaving School the TreasurerShll' of the King's School Feast Society, later to become the King 's Schoo'l Exhibition FUll( was in the hands of T. N. Wightwick, O.K.S., who was succeeded in office by his SOl; and grandson, so tbat an even older link with the School of the 19th century has bC~ 1I broken by the sudden death on June 28th, of No rman Haig Wightwick, and the Schon I will be the poorer when It returns to Canterbury. From School, where he was in Ihl' Sixth Form, he. went to New College, Oxford, where he read .Jurisprudence, and WII ad nutted a SoliCitor 10 1904. From 1915- 19 he served as a Captain in the ROyll1 East Kent Yeomanry and was Hon . Treas.urer of the King's School Exhibilion Fl11l1l for something like thirty years. Not only did he maintain the fami ly tradition of servl 'I' to the School, but also that of service to the City, of which his grandfather was al 0 111 time Mayor and his father, W. N. Wightwick, O.K.S., Town Clerk. N.H. himself WII a member of the Corporation from 1931 to 1942 when failing health compelled his retil ' ment. He was a member of the Ed ucation , Watch and other Committees and his soulltl a nd discerning judgment was greatly va lued. In 1941 he held the ancient office of Sheri11 He was Clerk to the Justices of the St. Augustine's and Wingham Divisions and DepllI ~ ASSistant Clerk of the East Kent Quarter Sessions. His Honour Judge Clements spoke III him as "A kindly man, a learned and experienced solicitor, meticulously fair in h ~ work and respected by all with whom he came into co ntact. " WILLIAM ALEXANDER PENNYCUICK SAMPSON, (1932- 36) We were glad to record in our last issue that several O.K.S. known to have be' ll serving in Malaya were alive and well, though prisoners in Japanese hands, and it is willi d~p regret. that we now l earn, throu gh the Red C ross, that William Sampson WI" killed 10 actIOn 10 the /ightlOg there. DurlOg hiS years in The Grange he endeared hill l self to all sections of the House by bis quiet efficiency and never-failing good humoll1 No sllu:; tlOn ever ruffled him, and every thing he said or did was pointed with a sense III fun wbich made him a delightful companion. These qualities, together with his relldl ness to take his full sbare i~ every corporate activity, made him, throughout his Schoul career, a valued and appreciated member of the House and of the School. GENERAL G. J. H. MULLINS, C.B ., (RETD.) (1882- 87) . We regret to announce the death of this distinguished and vetera n officer who dkll on June 26th at King Edward VII 's Hospital, Windsor. ' George James Herbert Mullins was born in June, 1868, and was commissioned 111 the R.M.L.I. in February, 1889. He commanded the R.M. detachment of H .M.S . under Captain Percy Scott, R.N., and took part in both the South African and C hina WII' During the last war he served at GaUipoli, and was men tioned in despatches. He Int\'. commanded the 1st R.M. Battalion and the R.N. Division Base Depot, Calais. Froll' June, 1921, to June, 1924, he was Commandant of tbe Plymoutb Division and retil iI with the rank of General in 1928. ' Decorations and Medals :-C.B., Queen's South Africa, China (1900- 02) 1914 15 Star, B. W. and Victory, French Croix de Guerre. ' Mrs. Mullins, to wbom we offer our deep sympathy, is now living at Melmolt Lod ~ ', Cookham, Berks.




MASONIC LODGE [n spite of the War the Lodge has go ne on increasi ngly well. Most Meetings are lIeld in London, but each year in August a meeting is arranged in Canterbury. On Sliturday, August 13th there was a specially good attenda nce; O.K.S. of all generations were there, as were two Head masters and two Masters. O.K.S. wbo are thinking of ,oining a l.,odge, should consider joining their own. The Secretary is Colonel B. L. I loo per, 17 Dartmouth Row, London , S.P. 10. Or information will gladly be given by Herbert Biggleston, Staddon, Canterbury, or by the Headmaster.



On behalf of the Cricket Club [ should like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who ha ve helped with the cricket this term, especially Mr. Juckes, who gave much of his time at the beginning o(the term in the erection of cricket nets a nd the setting of I' Itair Cricket Ground. . I am, Sirs, Your obedient servant, G. L. ACKBRS, Captain of Cricket. ro the Editors of " THE CANTUARIAN " Sirs, On behalf of the Athletics Club I should very mucb like to take this opportunity of 'han kin g Mr. C. A. Richmond for his most kind, useful and instructive belp during this H'IISOIl. It has been largely due to his very able and effective coaching that we have done o well tbis year. I sbould also tha nk Mr. Stephen-Jones and all other masters for their assistance n running the sports. I am, Sirs, Your obedient servant, J. P. B. SHEPHERD, Captain of Athletics. 1'0 the Editors of "THE CANTUARtA N "

Sirs, May I take this opportunity of than king Mr. Goodburn on behalf of The LifeSliving Candidates, for the time and efforts he spent on their training. [would also like III Ihank, on behalf of the School, those members of the Staff who have given us their vil luable time in taking charge of bathing. I am, Sirs, Your obedient servant, H. M. GREGSON, Captain of Swimming. 229



To the Editors of •• THE CANTUARIAN " Sirs, I trust I am not being impertinent if I ask that the present boys, if not a good ,IIIW O.K.S., be informed by some expert of the significance of the six arms which nun ~ III cover of The Call1uariall. I have never personally met anyone who had the slightest idea whose al'ln~ 1111 represented, though someone obviously must know, a nd it seems to me an unforllllllil thing that certainly one generation of boys' has been allowed to pass through the S~I II",1 in ignorance of this piece of elementary tradition. Yours, etc. O.K.S., '" (Editors-It is proposed to insert an article on this subject in our next issue).


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To the Editors of •• THE CANTUARIAN " Sirs, It will be remembered by those of us who were at Canterbury that round the (l y,,, walls were small shields on which were painted the nam~s of the members of the fOli li ing 1st School teams : -(1) 1st XV; (2) 1st Xl Cricket, and 1 believe also, INI Hockey, but of that I am not positive. The names were painted on in seniority, Sllil "" from the Captain and so working down. Unfortunately, since our evacualio" I, Cornwall in June, 1940, no record of the teams between June, 1940 and Easter, PH has been kept . It is important that, when we go back to Canterbury tbese spaces be fill il III correctly. I should, therefore, be extremely grateful if anyone who had any information " I""" tbese teams would send it to me . 1 am, Sirs, Your obedient servant , Captain of the S


OUR CONTEMPORARIES The Editors acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following contempOIIIII and apologise for any mistakes or omissions :-

The Ampleforth Journal, The Barrovian, The Blundelliall, The Bradfield ',,1/, Chronicle, The Bryanstoll Saga, The Cholmelian, The Cranbrookian, The Eliza/Mil"" The Felsledian, The Glenalmolld Chronicle, The Gresham, The Haileyburian, The 1/111 . Johnian, The Journal of the Honourable Artillery Company, The Kelly College ChrOIl{' f, The King's School Parramatta Magazine, The Lancing College Magazine, The {" For/nightly, The Lorretonian, TheMallwoodian.TheMarlburian.TheMeteor(2).lI. Middlesex Hospital Joul'Ilal, The Ousel, The Plymothian, The Radleian, The Rep/llllf,,·, The Roffellsian, The Rossallian, The St. Edward's School Chronicle, The St. &/111111111 School Chronicle, The Salopiall, The Stonyhurst Magazine, The Sutton Valence Sil,,,, / Magazine, The Tonbridgian. 280










Vol. XIX. No. 7

Ja nuary, 1944.






'lIrrectioll to List 12

W. F. M.



Add Trooper, Royal Horse Guards.

",olllotions and Transfers since July, 1943. ROYAL NAVY II , A. St. P. ABBEY to Midship':!an and Sub.-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. I L. T. FOSTER, M.e., to Lt.-Colonel, R,M. r\ J. GREY to Sub-Lieutenant, R.LN.

ARMY 'I, O. ARMSTRONG to O.C.T.U. and 2nd Lieutenant, King's Dragoon Guards. , II . BARNElT to Lt.-Colonel. '" II . F. BARRS to Lieutenant and Captain. I ilUTCHER to O.C.T. U . I) , O. CARTER transferred to R.A.F. , <1. W. CHARNAUD to Captain. I II. CLARK to MljOr. 'j II. CUNNINGHAM to R.1.N. \ A. DE C. CUSSANS to 2nd Lieutenant, K.R.R.C. I S. DAVIS to London Scottish. r\ M . DEAN to Lieutenant and Capta in. II. DURNFORD to C1ptain. " A. BGERTON JONES to Major. II It 1-(. ELLIOTT ·to Major. I.. EVANS to O.C.T.U. tI I . L. E VANS io Captain and Staff-.Captnin . I. GREY to R.I.N. I 1 , HASELDEN, M.C., to Lt.-Colonel. \'( 1'. B. HESLOP, retired for health rei\sons. II C. 1-1. HOLMER to 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant, R.A . '. K ING to A / Major. II I AM PARD to 2nd Lieutenant, lrish Guards. II (:.I. N. LEAKEY to A/Brigadier. I I .. M ACKNESS to Lieutenan t. I O. J. MILLER to Lieutenant. I . MUNRO to Lieutenant and Captain. 1\ , PeYBR to Bombardier and Sergeant, Maritime Regiment, R.A. ~( ' A n FE to 2nd Lieutenant, R.A.


A. H. SCOIT, retired for health reasons. N. R . tJ. SEMMENCE to Lance-Corporal, Suffolk Regiment. H. J, STEARN to Lance-Corporal. G, M . STEVENS to 2nd Lieutenant, R,A,C, M, C, TROUSDELL to T /Captain. R, J, T URK to 2nd Lieutenant, Gurkha Regiment , LA . D. A. VENNER to O.c'T.V. N. R. VERNEDE to Captain. M. WALSH to Lieutenant. D . G. WHITEHEAD to O.c'T.U. and 2nd Lieutenant, R.A. A. G. S. WILSON to 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant, Royal Berkshire Regiment . D. G . S. WINTERS to T / Major. E. P. WISEMAN to Lieutenant. R.A.P. G. L. CLARKI! to AC/!.

C. H. GADNEY to Wing-Commander. B. W. GILL to AC/!. S. E. GLEGG to Sergeant-Pilot. D. W. T. HINDS to Flying Officer. P. R. MALLORIB to Pilot Officer. A. J. B. MOLONY to L/A .C. 1. K. PURVIS to Flight-Sergeant (Pilot). D. WILLSDON to Sergeant Gunner. J. P. TAYLOR to Sergeant Navigator. M. C. KAROP to Pilot Officer and Flying Officer. Decorations and Mentions.

J. BYRON, D.S.C., R.D., R.N.R., Mentioned in Despatches MAJOR F. S. BLUNT, R.E., Mentioned in Despatches. CAPTAIN P. M. LEIGH-FERMOR, awarded O.B.E. (Mil. Div). LT.-CoLONEL J. E. HASELDEN, awarded Military Cross and Bar. LT.-CoMMANDER


R . A.


R.A., awarded B.E.M.

LT.-CoLONEL C. C. SMYTHE, M .e ., awarded O.B.E. (Mil. Div.), LT.-COLONEL B. B. WITt, R.A.S.C., Mentioned in Despatches. WINO-CoMMANDER A . FOORD-KELCEY, awarded Air Force Cross. MAJOR D. O. S. WINTERS, Mentioned in Despatches. TIllRTEENTH LIST OF O.K.S. KNOWN TO BE SERVING ROYAL NAVY. C. O. O. D.

M . BOLT, 1936-40, Midshipman (A), R .N.V.R .· BYRON, M.e., 1904-10, Lieutenant, R .N.V.R. H. CUNNINGHAM, 1937-40, from I.A., to Midshipman, Roya l Indian Navy V.R. A. GRAHA.M, 1934-43, Ordinary Seaman.

I). G. GRAHAM, 1935-42, Midshipman, R.N.V.R. (Commandos). 1\. J. GREY, 1937-41, from I.A., to Midshipman, Royal Indian Navy V.R.

I , L. lREMONGER, 1930-34, Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. , (seconded from Colonial Service) (see List 8). THE ARMY . , A. R. CAWSTON, 1938-43, Gunner, R .A. I II . BAUMANN, 1930-33, 2nd Lieutenant, Intelligence Corps. t ', R. B. BROWN, 1932-43, Gunner, R.A. J, J. BROWN, 1932-39, Rifleman, K.R.R.C. I, OUTCHER, 1938-42, Private, The Black Warch. M, G. CHATI'ERTON, 1938-43, Gunner, R.A. " , L. EVANS, 1938-40, Sapper, R.E. I HASELDEN, 191 6- 18, Major, Intelligence Corps. 1\ , O. P. KAROP, 1938-39, Trooper Royal Horse Guards. W. O. LOVAlT, 1937-41, Private, General Service Corps. , O. OMMANEY, 1938-43, Gunner, .R.A. . ROBERTSON, 1938-42, Guardsman, Irish Guards. W, LL. SMITH, 1937-41 , O.C.T .V ., R.A.C. II, J. STEARN (STERN), 1938-42, Trooper, R .A.C. I), A. VENNER, 1935-39, Sapper, R.E. I. J. O. VERNEDE, 1938-42, O.C.T.V., l.A. D. . S. WINTERS, 1914-16. Captain, Army in Burma R.O. I I, . E. WISEMAN, 1923-29, Local Volunteer Force, Malaya. I' N. WITNEY, 192 1- 22, Captain, R.A.M.C.




R.A.F. II,

. CARTER, 1934-40, from R.A. to Pilot Officer.

M, T. DAVIS, 1939-43, AC/2. I N. DONALDSON, 1934-39, Flying Officer. , I-:OORD-KELCEY, 1926-32, Wing-Commander.

II II. OAK-RHINO, 1926-30, Flying Officer. (See also List 11, Admin.). I I) . PORRI1T, 1938-43, AC/2. I W. S. SIMPSON, 1938-43, A.C./2. ADMINISTRATIVE, ETC. I I... WORSFOLD, 1920-25.

Sergeant, Home Guard. PRISONERS OF WAR

1lllur. H. C. M. PITTS, 1910-14, Malaya. 11111ff. E. P. WISEMAN, R.A.S.C., 1927-36 Hong-Kong.

H (1. E. W ISEMAN, 1923- 29, Malaya.

WOUNDED MAJOR .H . E. N : BREDIN, M.e., 1926- 34, Royal Ulster Rifles. CAPTAIN G. N. M. DARWALL, 1930-34, Lincolnshire Regiment.

PRIVATE J . S. LAMB, 1936---41, The Buffs. LIEUT. E. P. WISEMAN, 1927- 36. R.A.S.C. MISSING COLONEL G. H.


The Queen 's Bays, 1912- 15.

Formerly Prisoner of War In 11111

ROLL OF HONOUR CAPTAiN J. F. GRAHAM, 1926-34. Previously re ported wounded and missing, belicy 1I " II of War, DOW known to have b~en killed. MAJOR L. W. KENNAN, M,B.E. R.A.S.C., 1928-32. Died of pneumonia as PriSO I\ I III

in Malaya. FLYING OFFICER W. T. HINDS, 1936-40.

Killed in action.

SERGEANT NAVIGATOR, J. P. TAYLOR, 1937-40. Missing, presumed killed. LIEUT. C. L. MACKNESS, The Buffs, 1920-29. Died of wounds. LT.-COLONEL J. E. HASELDEN, M.e. and Bar, Intelligence Corps, 191/6-18. CAPTAlN P. T. WITNBY. R.A.M.C .• 1921-22. Killed in Action. SCHOOL STAFF D. CuRTIS. Assistant Cook, R.N. L. CURTIS to Leading Se~man. R.N.




II NIMK .. .












"" , "'

237 238
















f '" I

254 255 255



11111\ 1 L ...



258 259 260


, I!,INA'




Nllw S




269 ~ ' f\{ '~"

274 274

..• •

CALENDAR · ' September




26. 29. 2. 3.

7. 9.



12. 14. 16. 17. 18. 23. 24.




27. 28. 3 1.



2. 3.

6. 7. 10. 13. 14. 20. 21.


26. 27. 28. 30. 5. 12. 13. 14. 17.

ST. MATIHEW, A. a nd M . Term Starts. Lectu re by Sidney Dark , Esq. Preacher : The Headmaster. S. MICHAEL AND ALL ANG ELS. 1st XV v. Devonporll.-ligh Schoo l, Pcnzance. Away. XVTH SUNDAY AFTER TR INITY, Preacher: The Rt. Rev. Henry Mosley. 0 ,1) formerl y Bi shop of Southwell. Lecture : " France yesterday, to·day and to-morrow, " The Hon. Lnlh Fortescue . H . 1st XV v. Plymollt h College. Away. XVITH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Rev. E. Mowbray Fillnl ~ Chaplain of the Port of London. Oboe Recital : Leon Goossens, Esq . Visit of Major G. B. Took, of Headquarters, Southern Command. Lecture by Sir Sydney Nicholson. M .V.O. 1st XV v. R.N.B. College, Keyham . Home. XIVTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY.

XVIITH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Rev. F. S. Williams. S. LUKE, E. 1st XV v. Gresham 's School. Home. XVIIITH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Very Rev. W. R. Mauhc," D.O., D ean of St. Pau l 's. Lecture: .. Post·War Problems. " The Rt. Hon. Baroness Ravensdale. SS. SIMON AND JUD!'!, A. and M. Field Day. XtxTH S UNDAY AFTER TRI NITY. Preacher: The Rev. S. B·R. I'otlll Lectu re : •• An A cto r 's Re miniscences. " Cyril Maude, Esq.

ALL SAINTS ' D AY. Lecture by Lieut.·Gene ral Sir Willia m Dobbie, G.C.M.G. , K.C.B., D.S,O . fo rmerly Governor of Ma lta . lec ture by John Murray, Esq., LL.D. , D.Utt., Pri nc ipal, University Co lll.l». of the South·West, Exeter. Viol in Rec ital, Mme. Adi la F achiri. XXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preac her: The Chapla in. 1st XV v. Clifton College. (At Tavistock.) First Lecture by J. W. Ba rton, Esq. (Morning) French Gothic C hurchr Second Lecture by J. W . Barton, Esq. (Evening) English Gothic Church( XX IST SUNDAY APTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Rev. F. S. Willium . 3rd. Lect ure by J. E. Ba rton, Esq . •• The Making of Shakespeare." 1st XV v. Kelly College, Tavistock, Home . SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT. Preache r: The Rev. S. A. Eley, Secreta ry III the London Diocesa n Fund. . Lecture by the Rt. Hon , Lord Caldecote, Lord Chief Justice of England. Choral Society's performance of Brahms ' Requiem. ADVENT SUNDAY . Preacher: The Rev. Brother Charles. Society of S. Fran\.' " S. ANDREW, A. and M. lIND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Preacher : The Rev. F. S. Willia ms. IIIRD S UNDAY IN ADVENT. Preacher: The Headmaster . H ouse Dra ma Competition. H ouse Drama Competitio n. T er m Ends.





:1 :1

.,II .,"• "

GENERAL MONTGOMERY IN THE MIDDLE EAST Dr. Lucas, the School Medical Officer (now Colonel R. H. Lucas, O.B.E-., R.A.M.C.) on the General's left. (Snapsho t sent by Si ster Bullock, who is at the ~a me Hospital wit h Dr. Luc<t~).


JANUARY, 1944.

EDITORIAL We have now reached Ihe end of another Christmas lerm, the fourth we have h'lIl in Cornwall and if all goes well perhaps the last. In 'what ecstasy we contemplate III return to our home I- yet we have our regrets, we will miss the sea, the high cliffs ," IU the Cornish countryside. But for the moment surely the very thought of the II,'II mess of our return is an excuse for us to remember Canterbury. Like the country Wll man who brings out her fine lavender- perfumed linen to satisfy her feeling of "."Ul lgia, we will bring back our memories until once more they become reality. The • 'y of the sea-gulls and the murmur of t~e sea within the caves will not disturb us. We ' wil l be too deep in our dreams, too at home in a more distant world. . It is a stained-glass window this world we have' chosen . We wonder at the mellow li lldes and hues, at the black armour and martyrs' robes. We dream over grey stones, t" . hed linen and the icy cord of alabaster. We meander on to darker shadows, church ,II Hnitaries, and smooth precincts lawns. We think of nights when we almost have 11'1 1 ukin to Pascal when he wrote ." Le silence "ternel de ces "paces infinis m 'e!fraye " lI nd farther on we remember other nights, steeped in frostiness, when in our fantasy W~ have searched for the soul of night. But all we saw was a beautiful coldness, a 1",llIliful nothing which inhabited everywhere. Then we leave Cathedral things and recall the mud of Blores, its healthy smell lid brown colour. We have met mud so often but never has it been quite the same on Blores when we have been bathed in sweat, panting and filled with the vigour of " "r limbs. No sooner have we thought ' of Blores than we think of hot summer ,It moons when we ' have stood clad in white flannels before a freshly rolled wicket. Whot is it we knew those afternoons? We cannot remember yet we know it was someIii liS indescribably wonderful. A nightjar shrieks, we awake from our day-dream, and once more walls holding within them 'holy Latin immemorial, ' green playing fields, all slip away. We .have Illuken our promise. Canterbury days are no longer tangible, Ihe world breaks in even lUi to them,

233 "


EDITORIAL NOTES We publish as our frontispiece a photograph of General Montgomery t" l k l ll ~ I Colonel Lucas, the School doctor. We owe this interesting snap to Sister M. Buill" ~ who left us in 1940 on enlistment for military service and who is at the hospital III Iii Middle East which General Montgomery was visiting. We are glad to lea rn thllt Ih' were both well and flourishin g.












We were so rry to learn of the resignation of Canon J. f:;. Crum. Since he 1'111" to Canterbury twenty years ago Canon Crum has endeared himself to ge nerat lOll III King's School boys by conducting them round the more inaccessible parts 01 Iii Cathedral roof and towers. We shall miss his fatherly interest when we retul'll , 1111,1 wish him a happy and peaceful retirement.


""II "" "" " " "•


Canon Crum's resignation makes the Headmaster the Senior Residentiary ('11111111 of the Cathedral and we offer him our congratulations. We have to thank .C anon F. B. Macnutt for sending in a copy of his bl 11 111111 pamphlet Four Freedoms, Atlantic and Christian. In a short but masterly s ur v(\ ~ Ii examines the four freedoms, freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of HI'" I. and freedom of worship and goes to the heart of the matter by pointing o ul Ih I •• freedom makes demands upon the huma n. spirit which can only be met throu gh 111111 in God, in the obedience of Christ." We earnestly recommend this booklet to 1111 11111 readers. It can be obtained from all S.P.C.K. bookshops for one shilling and sixll' III




We congratulate Mr. P. G. Reynolds on taking over Walpole H ouse, "II I are fortunate in securing Mrs. Reynolds to replace Mrs. Buckland as a music tench, l




The School is greatly indebted to Mr. Robert Ainsworth, Conductor of IIV .. I Garden Opera, for taking charge of the School MUsic for the first three weeks " ' II. term during the illness of Dr. Phillips, drilling the Choir in the choruses " ' 110 Brahms' Requiem with great skill and thoroughness. It was he who accompanied II Leon Goossens at the Recital on October 10th.




We welcome on the staff Mr. R . Coles and Mr. J. L. Mainprice. Mr. Calc. III Mr. Groves' place, and is a graduate of King 's College, London, where h e sC 'II ",1 First Class Honours Degree in Chemistry. Mr. M ainprice, who replaces Mr . K"III I,II on the Classics side, is a graduate of Hertford College, Oxford .

We also welcome Mr. D. Stanier, O.K.S., as Art Master. He is a gradull" ., the University of London and a former student of the Ecole de Beaux Arts, 1\1' 1111 He is perhaps better known to us as John Cropton, the author of a delightful hll"~ . I reminiscences entitled The Road to Nowhere. 234

THE CANTUARiAN We are extremely sorry to lose Dr. Phillips who has been Director of Music since \11 1'1 , a nd who now goes to join the staff of the Merchant Taylors School. He united III unnvalled k nowledge of his subject with a breadth of vision and an untiring ," Ihuslasm and the School much appreciates his work in raising the level both of musical . ullurc, and performance. He was also a frequent contributor to The Cantuarian and 11.111 wntten the "Term 's Music " in this issue. We wish him every success in his new 1"1 I.









Our congratulations to the Reverend G. W. H. Lampe, C .F. who has just been I It ,'led ChaplaIn and Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. He will ta ke up his I. i(ience there at the end of the war. He was Senior Classical Master 1938-41 and I I,,"scmaster of School H o use 1939-41.

'Vie congratul~t e T . H .. Bo ultbee o n being awarded

a Sta te Scho larship in . Science 11111 E. H. Corneltus on wInnIng an Open Exhibition in Modern Languages to Clare I ' Illege, Cambndge. . , >I:




T he School is very grateful to A. G . Gordon (1939-43) of the Grange for presenting I nn lS Cup to the School.





We are most grateful to G. W. M. Boycott, (1887-9) for kindly presenting to the , hool Museum the cups won by his late bro ther, F . E. Boycott (1885- 9) in the Sports " I IS87, namely JunIOr Hu rd les, JUlllor High Jump and Junior Quarter-Mile. It is 1""llcularly InterestIn g to note that in an Athletic contest between The King's School 1111 SI. Edmund's a da~ or two la ter F. E. Bo?,cott won the Junior High Jump for the ,, ',,~oL Bo!h he and hiS brother took up Engmeenng, G. W. M. becoming a specialist III (o mpressed Tunnels a nd Foundations and in deep-water diving. F.E., wh0 died III 1936, was an authonty on fly-fi shing.

THE SCHOOL Captain of the School: J. F. DALRYMPLE of School House E. P. WALSH of the Grange M. J. LAMPARD of Walpole House C. W. BmKIlTI of Meister 'Omers L. A. M ACLEAN MONITORSG. MACLEAN, C. W. BIRKETI, E. P. WALSH, J. M. LAMPARD, G. C. MIDDLETON, P. C. STEEL, M. W. CHARLEY, M. T. MIDDLETON-EvANS. Head Head Head Head


THE CANTUAR1AN 'rhe Grange:


:1 ""11


Captain Captain Captain Captain


of Rugger of Tennis of Squash of Swimming EDITORS OF .. TH E CANTUAR IAN " -


"' I



VIRTUTE FUNCTI MORE PATRUM DUCES H. M. GREGSON-Entered Schoo l May '39 ; Meister Omers House Prefect


J",,,, ,

School Monitor and Captain of Meister Omers Jan. '43; Captain of , • h, May '43 ; 2nd XV '41; 1st XV '41, '42 ; 2nd XI Soccer '42; Corpornl () I I May '43 ; Captain of Swimming '42; Member G.P.C.; Editor of CallI/III/ III" A. G. GORDoN- Entered School Chri stmas '39; Entrance Scholar ; Gran ~c II .. " Prefect May '42; School Monitor Jan . '43 ; Captain of Grange May ~ I I XV and 2nd XV ; 2nd Xl Soccer ; l SI Tennis ; 1st Squash; Flighl Sl"~' I A.T.e. Nov. '41 ; Ass. Libra rian ; Captain of Tennis, Squash and Badml" ",,, F . L. WHALLEY-Entered School September '39; King 's Scholar; Scho I House Prefect Nov. '42; School Monitor March '43; Captain of School 11 11" May '43; Lance-Corp. Dec. '42. T. H. BOULTBEE-Entered Junior School May '35 ; entered Senior School Sop I King's Scholar and Entrance Scholar '38 ; Senior Scholar and Upper VI 'I' '41; School House House Prefect May '42; School Monitor Lent '4 1 , , I XV '41, '42 ; C.Q.M .S. Jan . '43 ; Open Seliolar Nat. Sciences Keble (""II Dec. '42 ; Hon. Sec. ' Harvey, Marlowe and Gramophone Societies; II , Sec. Labour Committee. J. PESCHEK-Entered School Jan. '40' ; Music Scholar ; School House H ouse 1', I Feb. '43 ; School Monitor March '43; Cpl. J.T.e. May '43; Choral St 1t,,1 King 's Cambridge; Drapers Sdey. Scbol.; Hon. Sec. Gramophone, htlh " ,Choral and Walpole Societies. R. G. O. TAYLOR-Entered School Sept. '39; King's Scholar ; Walpole H OliS 1', I , Jan. '43; School Monitor April '43; Captain of Walpole April '43; 'tI'I"" A.T.e. April '43; Choral Scholar King's Cambridge; Member of G.P,( ", Labour Committee; Upper VI and Senior Scholar Sept. '42.




on the right of H.M. the Queen is Major·Gcncra l E. D. Fanshawe, CB.E. , (O.K.S .) Commanding Armoured Train ing.

, .'


. '



TH E CAN TUARIAN I. C. BOWLES- Entered School Sept. '38; Walpole House Prefect Christmas '42 ; School Monitor Summer '43 ; 1st XI Hockey Easter '43 ; Leading Cadet A.T. C. '41. W. BROOKs-Entered School Sept. '39; Kings and Cannon Scholar ; School lIouse House Prefect May '43; 1st XI Cricket, 2nd XI Soccer ; Hon. Sec. Pater Society. II . CORNELIus- Entered School Sept. '38;

Kings and Entrance Scholar; School Iiouse House Prefect Sept. '42; Sergea nt O.T.e. Jan. '43; Upper VI ; Open I'x hib. Moor La ngs. Clare, Cambridge; Hon. Sec. Music Cl ub ; Ass. Librarian .

1'. II. HUTTON- Entered Junior School Christmas '33; Entered Senior School Sept. '38; Grange H ouse Prefect Sept. '42 ; Sergeant O.T.C. Jan. '43. W. KIDD- Entered School Christmas '39; School House House Prefect Jul y '43 ; lSi Class Cadet A.T.e. II

t 1.

LEADBEATER- Entered School, May '39; Walpole House Prefect, Sept. '42 ; 2nd XI Soccer '43; 2nd XV '42 ; Company Sergeant-Major O.T.C. May '43.

MACARTNEy- Entered Senior School, May '39; Entrance Scholar; G range lI ouse Prefect Jan. '43 ; 1st Tennis; Sergea nt O.T.C. Jan. '43 ; Upper VI Sept. '42 . t l. OUSLEY-SMITH- Entered School May '39;

Grange House Prefect, Sept. '42 ; 2nd XV Sept. '42 ; Cpl. A.T.e. Sept. '42; Capt. 2nd XV ; Vice-Captain Grange; ( 'optain of Hall .


I . M. PIERCE-Entered Senior School May '39; I.ent '43 ; Cpl. O.T.e. Summer '43.

I' II, POOLE-Entered S~nior School Sept. ' 38; I.cad-Cadet A.T.e. Nov. '41 .

Meister Omers H ouse Prefect

Grange House Prefect Jan. '43 ;


I. R. Brett, D. A. Graham, T. S. Hall, W. H. Hannah, M. P. Jackson, P. MacMahon, R. Paul, P. A. B. Perk ins, J. E. Pughe, M. H. Slater, G. C. Ware, J. Watts.

SALVETE J. R. Allchurch, A. R. H. Allen, C. A. Allison, G. H. O. Belsham, M. P. D. Brown, 1\ !lunnell, P. W. Burgess, 1. L. R. Burt, D. H. Campbell, D. T. D. Clegg, J. R . Downes, I II. Eagle-Bott, W. N . F. Francklin, P. A. Fyffe-Cooper, A. Gielgud, R . A. E. ''', 1I ~ l ade, P. R. Hall, T. L. G. Hamilton, R. J. Hancock, J. D . M. Hearth, R. P. Hore, I I lI owett, C. Lampard, M. J. Lewis, G. D. Lindley, M. C. O. May ne, I. M . Osborn, I I . S. Paterson, E. M. Perry, D. E. Philps, D. L. Quested, e. M. Reeves, D. W. Steel, I Vi ner, E. R. Strouts. 237





SIDNEY DARK, ESQ. Sidney Dark, the former editor of The Church Times, was the first to lecture to ,II He talked of "The Youth of To-day and the World of To-morrow." With vividness and lucidity, he wove the pattern of a new world. It was a w 'Ill that was based on religion, a religion that not only meant' Church going,' but penetratt',1 the very core of society. To him the watchwords of a Christian state were" Equalll Y of opportunity. " -Everyone should have the chance to rise to be a leader of his fell ow men. "War," he said, "is giving the people that chance, but on no account mu t we be allowed to slip back into the lazy, complacent existence of 1939." [t was up t II~ to see that it did not. We were to be those who would fight for better things. " world awaited a remedy ' to its suffering. The remedy was a latent force in the world, yet the world still suffered. Mr. Dark left us deeply impressed and perhaps a little disturbed. Evil seemed II universal and impregnable. However, when we heard the ancient words from III prophet Micah with which he finished up, .. to honour justice, to love truth and to walk humbly before thy God, " we felt exalted and full of hope.

," • -



THE HON. LADY FORTESCUE We were delighted to see the Hon. Lady Fortescue on Thursday, October 9th lIllIl to hear her talk on " France, Yesterday, to-day and to-morrow;" so passionalely fond of France herself, we were, by her enthusiasm, able to share in the delighls ", her gay and colourful. village in the South of France. It was hard to imagine the t'"MIo change that swept France in 1940; it put an end to tha.t picturesque and kindl atmosphere of "Bon Voisinage," the revelry of the Grape Harvest, the gifts I~ I . by some well-wishing neighbour in the wooden gift shoe. We, in Great Britain hll YI not experienced the horrors of force mobilisations that tore apart so many happy Fron, h families. Opie, hitherto unrecorded on the map, became a strategical position and into Ih l. village of three hundred inhabitants ca,!,e eighteen hundred men. to be bIlleted . WI"" the situation became acute, the Army m the High Alps had neither suffiCIent medh II I supplies nor clothing. Lady Fortescue was one of the women who did so much III soften the lot of the French soldIer ; and It was with admoratlOn- and perhaps a 111111 of guilt- that we learned of the good fellowship between British and French soldiel our men, well equipped a~d well paid, and the French, suffenng as the result of yell! of incompetence and rot, yet as brave as the'r fellows. The retreat from Dunkirk made Lady Fortescue anxious to return to Englllil" great was her surprise to discover that everything was under control at home, 11 1111 that her duties were again with the French- the French who had retreated WIth us f"" 11 Dunkirk. It lay with her to break to them the news of France's ran and to keep [l il y the spirit of friendship between the men of both countnes ; WIth thlS aun Lady Fortc~ ,'" joined the Free French under General de Gaulle; and with her we hope that this IVO! ~ will do much to restore the harmony between the two countnes. 238

THE CANTUARIAN LEON GOOSSENS, Oboe Recital On October 10th the Schoo} had a visit from Mr. Leon Goossens the distinguished OboelS!. To use a faded chche, the evenIng was a rich musical experience and gave, hi ,many. of us, a. masterl y mSlght and mtroduction ·to an instrument of which the II hcate mdlvlduahty a nd piquant timbre are all too frequently enveloped in the swirl IIr Ihe large orchestra.

, M~, Gooss~ns ' virtuosity showed us the amazing variety of tone-colour of which Ihe lOstrument lS capable. Techlllcai. difficulties disappeared magically in his handsli nd under hIS superb breath control. Pr~ceding the recital Mr. Goossens' described the modern oboe- its construction II lId method of sound productIOn, and traced its evolution from the reed instruments II • depIcted

m the sculpture and paintings of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome by way 1,1 Ihe schalmey or shawm of medi",val times, the direct precursor of the oboe. played by Mr, Goossen s consisted mainly of 17th and 18th century Beglnmng With a Sonata by Teiemann, a group consisting of an Arioso by I·loceo, Allegro by Loeillet and a Minuet and Rondo by Bach led to an adaptation of 11 11 old Insh tune, The Bard of Armagh, by Herbert Hughes. The choice of the oboe III representmg the dymg bard was peculiarly appropriate, and gave a tonal scheme I1ll1glOg from a sustamed nobllmente to the hauntingly beautiful plaintiveness of the . 10 e, truly a.death scene" in excelsis," U\tl SIC.

An Aubade by Pierne and a Siciliana by Alec Templeton (this specially written hI< Mr. Goossens) brought us to pr~sent tllnes, and 'a n Air and a rollicking Hornpipe hy Purcell closed the all too bnef reCItal 10 a mood of mfectious exhilaration. R.A.




Sunday, October 10th saw The Reverend E. Mowbray Finnis Chaplain of the Port " I London, on~e more with us. This time he showed us three' films. The first two was appropflate, dealt With convoys, the vital life-lines, to which we all owe so much: I" the first we saw men of the Mercantile Marine and Royal Navy co-operating in the I "gland-North Ameflcan route. In the second we saw convoy to Malta, the George I lOSS Island. Here ~as more desperate work, minefields, dive-bombers and all the lither horrors of twentIeth-century war. His last film had for its hero " Pop-eye ' the ,tllorman "and his immortal spinach. . Before Mr. Mowbray Finnis left us we were able to present him with sufficient money, I " Ilected du~mg ;he I~terval of Mr. Goossens' recital which was on the same day, to buy II IlrttlSh ,~atlors SocI~;y lIbrary for one of the ships of the Merchant Navy. With this w saId Good-bye to Mr. Mowbray Finnis and his wife to whom we really ar~ ~ lJlleful for commg all thIS way to entertain us in such a manner. 239




THE CAN T UA RIAN SIR SIDNEY NICHOLSON, M. V.O. On October 14th the School was pleased to hear a lecture from Sir Sidney NicholNOIl o n " English Church Music." Sir Sidney was a familiar figure to those of us who.WN. at Canterbury, and it was with the grea test pleasure that we were able to welcome 111111 I" Cornwall. He opened by explaining the position of the composer in relat ion to the ~oet, 1111 artist or the sculptor. H It is hard," he sa id , ,. to see the panorama of Hlst.~ry }II Church Music, but we can trace back history through the stone of the Sculptor. . Sit Sidney, then, in the same way, showed us .how Church MuSIC has come to be what .1 I. The earliest form of Church Music wast hat of the. bells and England IS the only counll" whe,re changes are rung. By ant hmetlc progressIO n bells were I ung as many as 5,01 I tunes before repetition. Sir Sidney then explamed In detall the development o~ HII Organ- from a simple movable instrument playmg smgle notes to the compl lcllil ,I orga n of to-day. [nfluenced by Byrd and Tallis, the English hymn here be&an to develop in 154'1 Sir Sidney illustrated the progress of hymn settings through hIStory o n the plano finished by explaining the deep effect the Oxford Mo ve ment had on the Church Serv" From Church Music Sir Sidney moved on to Church Vestments which provea I() I, most enlightening. Sir Sidney is a n old friend of the School and known to many of us personally. W hope that it will not be long before he comes to VISIt us aga m. .


," ,, "

THE RT. HON. BARONESS RAVENS DALE On October 27th Lady Ravensdale ca me o n a brief vi;it to the SchooL Jn lit morning she spoke to the Sixth Form about Russia which she has tWIce vlSlted m l"(1 III years. Lady Ravensdale paid tri bute to the progress made by the Soviets. She spokt¡ .. / such engineering and architectural wonders on the Moscow Undergro und Ralf will opened in 1935, the huge Palace of the Soviets which, when completed and SUrl,n 0llll l1.1 by its 328 foot statue of Lenin, will be higher even than the Emplfe State Bulfd l,nu III New York, the Dniepermostroe Dam, a ll of whIch she herself had seen. She als.o ~fl" ~ of the courage of the Russian peo ple in suffering acute hardshIps, both to establish 111111 new way of life and now to defend it. She was not surprised that they were deterlllllil ,I to defend it aod prepared to die for it, for there was no doubt whate ver that the WI I mass of the people was much better off than in Tsarist days. The standard of II vlll might still be low compared with capitaList countries, but It was I?"provmg all the 11111' She herself had noticed how much better dressed tbe theatre aud Iences were dun" ", second visit to Russia tban during ber first. Moreover, the new way of IIf~ hl,,1 dynamic aim bebind it. Illiteracy was being successfully stamped o ut, ed~catl oll WII free health was looked after- an ex pectant mother, for mstance, was gIven S V.I I mo~ths' rest from work both before a nd after the birth of her child and would nlwill be given a seat in a public conveya nce- leisure was organized and culture fostered . It was only fair, bowever, to point out that there was another side to the pi 1111

't H E CANTUARiAN / here was a large num ber of people in concentration camps in Siberia and forced labour often used to carry th rough projects at record speed. There was only one party in Ihe State and until recentl y the whole weight of State opinion and machinery had been host ile ,to the Christian Faith. . Lady Ravensdale co ncluded by em phas izing how much we could gain from the Itllssian conception of life a nd bow much also they co uld gain from us. The Upper ~d1001 was very grateful to the speaker for her clear a nd unbiased account, based as it \VII S on her own persona l experience. It added considerably to our somewhat meagre . tock of knowledge on the subject. Later in the sa me morning Lady Ravensdale spoke to the whole School o.n the ubject of Education . After opening with a most amusing anecdote a bo ut Hugh Walpole whose 'portrait by Augustus John she had noticed in the Hall, Lady Ravensdale set out " r views on what Educatio n was designed to achieve. She stressed at the outset that it .IIlIst have an aim or dynamic purpose behind it. This conception we had tended to Inse sight of in England whereas, both in Germany and Russia, it had heen the chief h'ut ure of their system. This aim , h ow~ver , needed to be a good one. Moreover, til much empha.sis could be placed on one aspect, as for instance, the cult of physical /I. lless. On the other hand Education was not merely the acqu isition of knowledge; II was a real training of c.haracter. There were, the speaker empbasized, three important . 1 ments that should a ll be present-vocational training (i.e., the abil ity to earn a living), .ncial training (learning how to be a good citizen) and spiritual training (the equipment IIrcded to live a good life). Lady Ravensdale deait with all three in turn, everywhere .lrcssiJig the need for a trul y religious outlook and a proper C hristia n pers" ective. She found, perhaps to the del:ght of her audience, that tbe two greatest obstacles to lI lucation were the exa minatio n system with its rigid adherence to a narrow c urriculum II Uti specialization at too early an age which reduced people to the status of tecbnicians uti often deprived them of a ll breadtb and balance in their outlook. Lady Ravensdale concluded by stressing once again tbe a im. Ambition in itself WII! not always a bad thing an d she mentioned how her father, Lord Curzon, had deter11\ ned in his und ergraduate days, to become Viceroy of Jndia and how he had realized II. nmbition . In tlie evening Lady Ravensdale answered questions a bout the current political uti international problems. Sbe also described some of her own varied experiences/II co ronation of the Empero r of Ethiopia in Addis Abba ba and the enthronement of /III' Pope at SI. Peter 's. Sbe also described a Nuremberg Rally she had attended and 11., meetings with Hitler, Goebbels, Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. Finally, sbe ".ve her impressions of Japa n and the United States, both of which she had visited. The School's most grateful to Lady Ravensdale, who gave up so much of her time 11. throw light on a wide range of perplexing matters and will be pleased to hear that III has promised to come again soon. WIIS

CYRIL MAUD E. To most of us the name Cyril Maude was no more tban a na me ; but an older • II "ation will remember bim as one of the finest actors of comedy that the English III~' has produced. He is now over 80 years of age. Reckoned by the number of his • ,. 8 he sbould be in, the last of Shakespeare 's seven ages of mall-second cbildishness 241





tt. :~



" "•, ,

and mere oblivion. And so, when he visitedus on October31~t, it w~s difficult to 1.11" which to admire most, his superb artistry or hI s astoOlshmg vitality, a vItality wh!ch ,WIIII!.t be remarkable in a man of any age, and in a man of over 80 httle short of a ml(lIcl~ Mr Maude began his 'entertainment by giving us a monologue which hud \>.. ,. specially written for him for his 82nd birthday. In it he represented a k11l~ly 1,101 gourmet who, in revolt against war-tllne feed111g, determ111es to celebrate hiS bll11111 by having a really good dinner. And so, with two telephones 111 front of hl!o- 11111 'I' them a house ' phone- he makes or tries to make, the arrangements. In va11l I I ,j, successive idea meets an obstacle: Whatever he fancies is either not in stock, or II Ii I in stock, the tradesman cannot deli ver, and there is no petrol to go and fetch It. . " I' will ha ve to be spam and cabbage after all, but- happy thou~ht-there IS sllll a buill " two or the right stuff left in the cellar, so the birtl1day dinner will not b~ a complete fll II "' This monologue showed Mr. Maude at his deli~htful best. His maste.ry 01' 11111 I exoression- the dawning hope of a new idea- the dlsappomtment at It~ fruSlrllll,," the blank despair when everything has failed , followed by the gleeful reahsallon ,lhlll ,I is not lost because there is still the cellar- tillS, together with !lerfect and assured tcc,hlll'I' of voice and gesture, made of the simple theme an artistic tnumph, utterly sa llsrYIII~ Mr. Maude next undertoo k an extrao rd inary lOur-de-force, a performane III II Screen scene from The Rivals in which he not only played five different pnri , I" provided a running commentary as well. So brilliantly was thiS done that It \~fI " I II II possible to visualise the scene as a whole and each character as a clear-cut entll y, " mean-spirited Joseph, the handsome and dashing Charles, the lovely Lady II," indignant and humbly repentant in turn, were all played to perfecllon . And II , Maude excelled particularly in his portrayal of Sir Peter Teazle, that was onl y III I expected . Finally, Mr. Maude gave us an ac~ount of his career, ranging o~er I~a" r ~ many countries and full of varied ex penence. He had many an amusmg ane " ,,', • tell connected with his own stage-life and that of other well-known players ~hll " his friends a nd contemporaries. The whole acco u,nt was enr~ched by a s. ne, ~ Ilv a dee and lively humour which are Mr. Maude s outstandll1g charactenstl ~ '. I' treme~dous applause which he received at the end of hiS,Perfon!,ance was an I"" " ,.11 of how thoroughly the School appreciated one who, beSides belOg apparently 11,111 with the gift of perpetual youth, is a great gentleman as well as a great actor.


LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR WILLIAM DOBBIE, G.C.M.G., K.C.B .• I' On November' 2nd the School had the good fortune to hea~ a lect~re by ( I" Sir William Dobbie on our island fortress of the Mediterranean, Malta. He began by pointing out the obvious strategic importance of Malta, descl'ih lIy II a " thorn in the flesh of the enemy," and then pointed out how great were the dlllh lilt, which lay in the way if the island was to be successfully held. For, at the tl,," "I Italian declaration of war, the nearest friendly base was a thousand miles aWIlY. 11,1. great density of the population on the island (over 270,000 with III 117 Sqllllll .1111 meant that most of the food supplies had to be imported and that the cLv,1 pOII"I.," was very vulnerable from air attack. Fortunately, tn. ItS caves, Malta hud ,It" many natural and deep air-ra;d shelters wblch had considerably asslsted the d 1'1" 242

THE CANTUAR IAN General Dobbie then spoke of the slender forces at his disposal in June, 1940. There only four battalions on the island (one of which the School was glad to learn was IllIrt of The Buffs Regiment) and there was no possibility of reinforcements before I), tober, 1940. The naval forces were limited to two cruisers and a few destroyers whilst the air strength numbered four obsolete aircraft and a handful of anti-aircraft \lns. With this meagre force thirty miles of beaches and the interior had to be held IIVll inst the large forces tbe enemy was known to possess near at hand. General Dobbie confessed that he could not give an answer to the intriguing II"cstion " Why wasn't Malta invaded ?' The enemy were well aware of our exact I' ngth for Italians had been on the isla nd a few days before the declaration of war. I hore were two suggestions as to why they did not attack. First of all much must be IIltri buted to the watchful care of Providence and secondly, there was the magnificent wIII'k of our airmen who, time and time again, beat off the heavy attacks of both Italians Germans. Thus Malta survived whilst the Italian island of Pantelleria, with a much W 're


Ifonger garrison, had路 surrendered because of our incessa nt aerial bombardment with

which. somehow, they had not been able to dope. The lecture ended with a tribute to the magnificent. spirit of the Maltese, who, General I h.bbie assured us, richly deserved the award of the George Cross to their island home. The School owes General Dobbie a debt for his 'Iucid and inspiring lecture 1I1i n subject on which he could speak with unrivalled authority. No one could have been Iliure interesting.


JOHN MURRAY, ESQ., LL.D., D.LITI. On Wednesday, November 3rd, Dr. J. Murray, Principal, University College of the lilith-West, visited the School. He gave two talks-the first was concerned with I ,llIcation and was given to the Sixth Form only. He laid main stress on imagination, to him that was the most important thing to '1Il1ivate in a boy's character. In this light he viewed the modern examination system. II told us how it began in his own Scotland when the University of Glasgow borrowed 1111' I of its ideas on the subject from Germany, and reached its, we might almost say, IIll1 ll1rity in South Africa. Of course, the faults of this system were obvious. It was "lI lllping and time-wasting. Boys and girls were apt 路to look at education as a matter "I passing the various examinations and thus learnt omy what was prescribed for them路 III Iho syllabuses. Again, because a child was weak in one or two subjects he was left in I"IV form, either to rot or seek new ground by himself. The remedy to this state of IIl1irs was for each school to have its own passing-out examinations, as indeed the old I". ,nan schools used to have, when the examiners would have the advantage of knowing thll ~c who took it. Omy in this way did Professor Murray see that his ideal of develop111M" child's own imagination and of stimulating his interest could be fulfilled. When he had finished the Sixth Forms asked many questions, more than sufficient I I mony of the interest he aroused in this vital social and political problem. Indeed, , lire grateful for the privilege of listening to such a judicious and rare 1\1'0 grateful for the privilege of listening to such ajudicious and rare mind. We were h." med by his discriminating taste and admirable judgment. It would be untruthful to V we were dazzled by his words, for his wisdom was the wisdom that meets us and III liS over by its great good sense and 路kindliness. 243

'THE CANTUARIAN 'The next day Dr. Murray spoke to the whole School on tbe subject of AmeneM He began by saying how important it was for us. to visit America at the earll I opportunity, and to regard our VISit m the attItude of a discovery III which w.e would le,"" far more than did Columbus when he first came across that great contmen!. Will'lI that Spaniard arrived in the country it was very primitive and barbarous, and should w, go over there now, we would in reality discover Ar.nerica, discove~ how from a nuclO~1 1l!



of English settlers who established the cust,?ms and hfe of real Amenca, that country Soo w in a very short time to a tremendous puisatlOg natlOn, powerf~lly uDlted u~der a com mUll bond. Dr. Murray said that he hoped to see in a very short lime a system III force wh,e,,. by, say, fifty per cent. of our boys interchanged with an equal number of Amero I'" pupils and he thought that a large number of our boys would Wish to stay In Arne, It II for gdod after tbey had been there once, wbich would in many ways be a ver~ gout! . thing. Then Dr, Murray went on to explain how the average Amencan clt~n I. utterly misrepresented by tbe Hollywood films. He said that the gangster III Ch'cu~" is a myth. He himself bad Itved there for some tllne and had not he".rd of even nil' murder being committed! Tbe idea of the U.S.A. bemg ov~rrun by cr~~mals was <ill' entirely to the fact that tbe exception is always .given the ,;,axlmum publiCIty, and th " fore the people in England get the false ImpreSSIOn tha:.thls exceptIOn IS tb,~ true stalC "I affairs. Dr. Murray also spoke of the myth of tbe Almighty Dollar. It IS 'I" I, untrue he told us that Americans are always out to make as mucb money as POSSlillo In fact they have ~ sounder and truer attitude towards money than any other cOllnll y, they have put money in its .place as a server and not as a master. It was Columbus wl,'" fostered tbis myth of abundant gold in America, he went to that country to. look 1111 gold and altbough be found only a very small quantity of it, Amenca has sIDce ~I' " thought of as a nation witb incalculable wealth and composed only of money-brabb !n~ hard, tough business men. Actually, Americans can be diVIded, broadly speak'n ~ into two types ; firstly the slow, easy-going farmer, the maJonty of whom Just manll~' to make ends meet, and secondly, the business man, who, although he possesses 110, capacity for being decisive, is also evasive and non¡comrruttal. Dr. Murray told us Ihnl the United States of America is composed mainly of tbe farme~s, as after all, the bulk III the country consists of farmland owned chiefly by people of EnglIsh stock! and the busll1\' men form tbe minority. He went on to speak about tbe IsolatlOm~t attItude I':' AmCIIt II , and told us that it is in tbe very nature of Americans to be IsolatIOnIsts. It IS vlrtul"" in a new country to be non-committal and evasive, to min~ your own busmess an~1


take only your own responsibilities, and this trend of thought IS only natu~a l, as Amero '1111 ¡stock is composed mostly of good, sincere people who left Europe and their own counl' because they did not agree with tbeir native Governments or because they liked Am ,",' better tban the country of tbeir birth. It took Amenca. a lonl! tune to ell" I this transition from tbe easy-going type, to tbe tborougb, deCISive natIon who decl\,oo II war and joined the Allies, but as History shows, Americans on the whole are an essenl n,lIy peace-loving nation. Dr. Murray then told us not to think the American soldier in this country bombnHIIi when we hear him lavish in tbe praise of bis own nation, actually they are very mOth I people, but they have a very great intuition of greatness in tbelf country, and they ,I" not exaggerate when they describe life over tbere. Dr. Murray ended by stressmg Ill ' important it was tbat every English boy should get to know the Amencan atlltude 111,,1 way of life, and bow we should regard those great people as our COUSInS, bound tOB with tbat tremendous unifying force, the English Language. Only tbu~, be said, !II,I,I we ensure absolute co-operation and agreement' In the years to come, wltb Amenca 111111 Great Britain, t",o nations so alike in origin and, let us hope, destlOY. We are very grateful to Dr, Murray for his inspiring visit.



THE CANTUARIAN ADILA FACHIRI Violin Recital NOVEMBER 6TH This recital, one of the best the School has had in recent years, opened with Mozart's SOlfata in B:flat and kept to the classical repertoire for tbe next item, the famous Chacolllle from Bach '5 unaccomp.aoied sonata in D-minor, which was played with great eclat. fhe next number was III the nature of an experiment for a youthful audience-Baal Schem, a set of so-called improvisations on Hebrew melodies by Ernst Bloch. This IVIIS certainly the highlight of a very successful evening and comprised pieces founded ti ll three melodies called Vidui, Nigulf, and lubel, a fine exciting movement reminding !llle rather of Middlesex Sireet on a Sunday. The second balf included pieces or" a lighter cast; En bateau of Debussy had the , 'ception of an old favo urite and the Variations all a theme of Carelli, Tartini-Kreisler lVas equalled in popularity only by Sarasate 's Gipsy Melodies played with all th~ . n hemian verve which one could ex pect from the famous niece of Joachim. The "pplause at the end had to be satisfied with polished renderings of two delightful trifles, Schumann 's Traumerei and the Liebesleid of Kreisler. It would be impertinent to 'omment on the magnificent playing of Madame Fachiri, who is a striking personality liS well as a great artist ; one wonders if this was the first time Joachim 's Strad was Illayed in a garage. J. W. BARTON, ESQ. On Saturday, 13th November, the Schllol had tbe great pleasure of listening again 10 Mr. J. W. Barton, and seeing his many excellent slides of Englisb and Frencb Gothic (,hurches. In his morning lecture, Mr. Barton dealt with the English Churches.

He began

hy explaining the meaning of the word " Gothic," oliginally a term of contempt used hy the Renaissance intellectuals of the Classical revival to designate the native Western I'uropean style of building. In the 18th Century, "Gothic" became respectable, lind fashionable country gentlemen, where the ready-made article was wanting, were III pains to erect Gothic" ruins" on their estates.

Mr. Barton then showed us some excellent slides of Romanesque Churches,IIoiably the Minster at Southwell- and drew our attention to the low, massive pillars, Ihe round arches and general horizontal trend of the buildings, explaining that, though Ihe Romanesque was chronologically the fore¡runner of the Gothic in Western Europe, il was In no sense a natIve style. . Proceeding to the true Gothic style, Mr. Barton pointed out the vertical trend of Ihe main lines of the buildings, in very sharp contrast to the rather squat, horizontal Irend of the earlier epoch. He drew our attention to the pointed arches, which, he said, IIrose out of tbe problem of supporting a vaulted roof. He explained how the Norman ' "ulting was built over a wooden frame, as bridges are. built. The frame was then , moved, and the joints covered by spandrels. Vaulting so constructed could not span Ihe nave of a big building, and all building is conditioned by the requirements of big huilding. The Early English builders solved this problem by pointed arches of varying heights. I hese'arches were erected 'first, and united by keystones, often of astonishing size, and 245

THE f;: ANTUARIAN very richly decorated. The val\lted roof w~s then buill over them. This enorl11l11l. weight necessitated the strengthening of the walls by buttresses at the pomts wher Iii spandrels left the springers. In an age, too, when stone was d~arer than labour, hili tres,se~ ecom>.mis~d stpne !>y ~~~bling the wall~ 10 be !!lu?h Uunn"r. Tlwre was " I." t~~ of lighting tile churche~ , j.,arge wmdows dlmlmshe~, the stre?l1!th ofwlI lI~1 henc~ the sm~ lllancets o( the earlier churches, and the resultant dIm relIgIOUS hS1l1


The development of buttresses, continued Mr. Barton, and the construction of til, flying buttress, allowed of larger windows, and he traced for us the development of II .. dO\1ble-curve or " ogee .. window, and of the geometrIc tracery .. Deali~g next with decoration, Mr. Barton showed us slides of Early English m~"hl ings, dra;vi~g ~ttel1tion (0 th~ wopderful play of lIght and shad~, a~d the carved foh "~' not naturalistic, but full of hfe and vigour. He showed us hoI;" thIS developed 1010 11.. more elabl'rate ,\nd very bequtiful carving of the Decora!ed Penod, when the fohago WII naturalistic, not so gqod '1";!lltecturally as the Early Enghsl1, but stIll very beaulll\" This, in tu.rn, develop.ed into the flamboyaDt style. The lecturer then proceeded to the Perpendicular Style, often called " Lanl "'" Bu.ilding," all,d showed how Ihis style of building allo~ed for larger wmdows HIIiI The Perp.endicular, said Mr. Barton, was an entlfely Enghsh style, unknown elsewile.. It has been said that French Gothic ended m a weddll1g cake, and Enghsh Got h,c II I cucumber frame .



Mr. Barton then showed us someeKlremely intetestin\l slides of Gloucester Cathcdlll i f:\~ ,xpl~ i \\~\\ hO\'i,~tl;t~ ul'i'o.r\l\l\a.\~ King EqI;Vru;d U, havlU¥ s'''1;le\J,ow or o.ther,."' ~ n ll ~~" to, ~,e qll:w,Ws.e~ after l;t(~ mu~9,e.', ~,\\d dW"~ a vast nUl,l'\ber of pllgrIll1,s, .and tlll'lr m 111 \

t6 G!oucester,-the Chapter WIshed to heIghten and hghten the Chou. The Pro hi! " ' was overe\,me by " \a ntyro buildi~g "; II church w\\hlll, a church .. TNs."<\W,cOPAed a; Tew,\<e:sbur-y, a n~ W,eVs, and, '1\ t\l,e sa,we tim ~, t\Je " fa Q,-t,acol I c~\lr<),st~is.vS of Il;Ie f"J,'p!{l\illcula~ slYle, was devl'loPed I;>y b,\11.ldlOg the ~oof of hi s!'l.~ wAil trace~y' lightly super-Jmpc;>sed . Mr. Barton followed thiS up hy, ShOWlll~ II s<?Q;l.~ v'iJ,y, q,<lii#tw sljdys of t»1' Chapter tlovse a n~ Lavabo. at Tewkesbury. Mr. Barton concluded by showing some sUdes .of church, suy \I tim.! Unilg~~ »,e\~ tru;e i.n Engl \s)1 Chutci).es, .having been ag'l\lI~t th,e lal'( 111 ~eFta~n ped,,". C);1'#»,eLt's 'Ael,!,. s,a,td; fv,\r. ~,~r\o!,1, <!~facl'9.lIllages of sall1ts, bllt spa,ed o.l'dmary, portru I We were then shown some slides of brasses, that entirely English, one migh t aln lllOl say, K:entish, art: ' Dmwing our attent·ion to the exquiSite line-work sbown 10 the hl.' examples, Mr. Barton fittingly ended hIS fascmatmg lecture by pouring well-me, II, II s~orr;> \>11 thQsew,bo.sIlY Ih,e EnglisJ,J,a.<en9t al1;lUt\ na.llon. 'Fhe sal1)1' evening Mr. Barton gave a lecture on French Gothic and . show I II examples, of Fren,ch Romil11'\s,que ChU1;ches, drawing our attentlon to thelT un-Illlih orieQtal feeling. We w,<re. ther;> tre~.t~Q, to a 'Y.\l!1.Q,~~ful s.e.lii«s o( 0.£ Ch.a,tr~s, A1l1\ells, 1,1,~1I II L~ i'1itn~. VI.~ BQ!lj;ge~, ·MS. ~ton ,,~pl~\n,e d tQll.1 th,e I~,~ of ~"'\I,ltful,l~ prOpOtll~1 1 towers and spires was due to ifie stnvmg of the French bUilders after 111te~lOr \>c ylll Th~ li'lx(~rre.s! int§riQX beauty \0 eJ:\tetio.ri· I)~.~.u~Y.)· 1;4,e~ (Q)J.Q~~.4 '1. c!J;~'!!,"lJ/ls~ QIIytll ll l th~I,~ gl;~.s~;~ nq,-ill, 89 dp!tlg,p'(od!i ~q hui di!,g~. ~ I~d wit!) g~~t n,onilj,ty. 'IJl)f. ppetry,



THE CANTUA RiAN , We saw many slides of the great Pilgrims' Cathedral of Chartres, with its hundreds III Htntues. Nfr. Barton showed how Ihe figures were intentionally elongated. In the II lire of christ he stressed the wonderful artistic use of the drapery, where the scultpor lilld deliberately aVOIded a naturalistic rendering. Explaining the multitudinous figures, M,', Barton explained that they were intended to emphasise the Old Testament as the 11I11I1~atioll of the New, cithlg the three da ys spent by Jonah in the belly of the whale as ",l llfm g to the three days In the tomb, a nd the figures of the evangelists riding on the 1"Il'ks of Old Testament prophets. He showed how apostolic ra nk was indicated by bare to"'I, and how martyrs Were shown trampling upon their persecutors, and Christ treading "1'OIl the hon and the drago n, Whe~eas the Romanesque figures were very severe, lilt) 0 of the 13th Century were often obVIously copied from local models. Pointing out that the lofty vastness of the interior of the nave of Chartres was quite 1lIlllhotographable, Mr. Barto n wen t on to the stained glass windows. He told us that III 13th Century glass did not transmit light, but refracted it. The effect, he said, was '1l1lld mdescnba ble, and could best be likened to an Eastern rug made of jewels. After showing us some very beautiful slides of Amiens, Mr. Barton proceeded to IlI lk about Rhelms, a great work of art entirely completed in one generation, under the 1,10lls d~rectlOn of St. LOUIS. Remarking that this cathedral had suffered severely from '" 10ra tlOn, Mr. Bar ton showed us many beautiful slides of the statues the work of an tlil irely different" atalier " from that of Chartres. The great aim ~as to show the II lI lversatility of the Church : there was a place for everybody. The Seasons-the IllOwer, the reaper, the grape.-gatherer, Heaven and Hell, the" Simpering" Angels were ,III Shown. Mr. Barlon pOlUted out that tl)e queues waiting for admission into Hell "r headed ~y a King and a Bishop. The religious fervour of the 13th century was no lIl",e superstitIOn, but a great and noble VIsion. ' After showing us some slides of the " logical " church of Bourges built on a hilldt! li ke an inverted ship, with its na ve and two side aisles, one lowel~ than the other lUI" its fine doors, and some views of the varied Crusaders' port on the Mediterranea~ " "'It,. Mr. Barton concluded his lecture with a very impressive quotation from a French '1/1 cntlc, to tlte effect that we of the twentieth century build great, useful factories in III"ce of the great useless ca thedrals of the 13th century but it is they and not we who 'Illproach the things that arc truly real. ' , , l if E LORO CH1EF JUSTICE OF ENGLAND (THE RT. HON. VISCODNT CALDECOTE) On Novemb¢r 26th the School was hOll9ured by a visit from the Lord Chief Justice "I I:nglalid, Viscount Caldecote, who gave a brief, but interesting talk on certain features "r Ihe En'glish legal system. He Degan by reminding us hOW, in the old days, the King dispensed justice in person ' IIllIiI Henry II found the practice too burdensome and itinera nt justices went out in his I11llI1e IDstead. They still made the various circuits a nd 110 monarch since James I had \~rcised his personal rights in this matter. Lord Caldecote then spoke of the inIlr pendence arid incorruptibility of the judges and the origin and nature of the Common I UIV . He explained its difference f,om Statutory Laws, quoting here how, for instance,. Ihtl ',igh!' or.a" .I nnkeeper to keep the baggage of anyone who tries to evade paying his hili IS rOQfed III Common Law dating back; to the reign of Edward IV. He also 247


THE CANTUARIAN pointed out that the judge was simply judge of the law, it being the business ofthej ulY to be judge of the facts. He then enumerated one of the more famous legal anom nli such as trial by peers which was last used in the manslaughter case against Lord 110 Clifford, heard before the Lord Chancellor in the Palace of Westminster. Reco,,1 improvements in justice, which enabled a prisoner in this century to appeal, to in I I on having a legal representative and to enter the witness box to give evidence on hi. own behalf, were then mentioned. Lord Caldecote spiced his talk with a host of pleasant stories and anecdotes. II described the practice of choosing sheriffs by " pricking" and mentioned l.III II Macmillan ' s entertaining theory that the custom originated when Queen Eliu ll",11o indicated the candidates of her choice by sticking her knitting needle through the 11 I Lord Caldecote ended by recalling how, as Recorder of Kingston, he was given IWIt sugar loaves, how as Lord Chief Justice he could dispossess the Master of Trinity Co lI\'~, Cambridge from his house and man y other interesting details of the colour and pagen ll il t of the legal profession. The School is very grateful to him for his illuminating and informative lalk . BRAHMS ' REQUIEM AT TRURO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 7TH,


Five weeks before the show the choir for reasons stated elswhere, had done ",,1 \ a fortnight 's work on the R equiem. Our previous efforts at Messiah and Elijah Wto of a different order from this work of Brahms, with its subtle modulations, its exceedill ril high tenor, and its need for command of nuance in performance.

Here, then ,



weeks, was what looked like a colossal task, for which the conductor, emerging r, "" I a hospital, at first frankly felt himself unequal. But conductors notoriously undCll llh the capabilities of their charges, and this was certainly the case last term. The rehemNII I. in competition with labour and lectures, baths and Cert. A. , soon showed that the ch,,10 had made up its mind to do a good show. By three weeks before the performance II .. notes were firmly enough fixed in everyone's head for a start to be made on hl'lll watching, flexibility and all the other paraphernalia which go to make the diffe" ',,,¡ between a sing through and a performa nce, so that by November 27th we felt , il " may vividly drop for a moment into school slang, that we had the work • lashed. ' The performance itself did not belie our ' hunch. ' The conductor, aided by his NJI ' in the audience at Truro Cathedral, was able to report good tone, firm leads, bal llt\~, "I parts, unanimity with an organ sixty or so feet away, and good vital and flexible s i t\ ~ill throughout. One eminent authority reported tCl the conductor, .. By heavens, 11 11 know it upside down" and that corroborated the conductor's own feeling aboll l III. matter. We were fortunate in ha ving Reginald Tophill, a bass of our own cathl'd,,11 and known to some of the older boys, to sing the baritone solos with skill and fel'l l" Our thanks must be given especially to Guillaume Ormond, organist of Truro Cathelll " who took gre!!t pains before and during the show to adapt his accompanimenl s III 110. well shaded singing of the choir. Special gratitude is due to the Headmaster 01 110 Canterbury Choristers, Mr. Pare, and the Acting Organist, Mr. Sage, for their IIt'II oi co-operation, not only in allowing the Canterbury choristers to form the mainSl"y ,.1 the treble line-for without that we could not have undertaken the work at all- bllt "I ... 248

THE CANTUARIAN 1m taking part in the IJerform a nce itself as alto and !'epititeur respectively. The I honsters themselves put on some gr uellong work at rehearsals especially the four who ling the soprano solo, and sang with vitalily a nd feeling at the' performance. . From his posilion among the choir, the conductor himself is a ble to say only that 101. cho~r was wonderfull y responsive and to the beat and the feeling of the music; h\lt he IS pleased to be able to r~~ort that three separate, candid and knowledgeable Irlcnds ~n the congregation s~t1d, It wa s a mo ving show." That is the best prai se li ll y choor could have. TH E C ONDUCTOR.

THE TERM'S F~llowing.


on 'a musical avalanche in July last, when an unusually 1a.'I;ge number

IIf I ~adong mUSIcians left to~ether, came the news that Dr. Phillips would not be returnin~ ""ttl a month of the term had gone. This was the more serious because the School

1'110" had undertaken to give a performa nce of Brahms ' Requiem on November 27th.

I ~e Sc~ool was, however, fortunate on secunng the services of Mr. Robert Ainsworth for " iortmght and he managed in that time to get the Brahms moving, to give pia no lessons li nd generally get the mUSIC In order. For this reason the choir was unable last term to give a ny anthems at the Sunday • rv.'ces, for a n~w and onex penenced batch of trebles added to the difficulty. But the 10 or ,:"orked with much gusto at the Requiem, beginning in tolerance and ending in ~ ~Ithuslasm for the work. It was got ready in time, with the generous aid of the t " ~terbury chonsters, and a notice of the performance appears elsewhere. The choir I, . on fact, on excellent fettle once more after its losses of last summer and should be IIble to give a good account of itself this term. , . Th~ orchestra suffered similarly and the first two rehearsal evenings after Dr. IIIIlIlPs return were unfortunately taken up with outside lectures But th t II.tle band of begi~ners for the most part has worked hard at Easler;1 Dallee ~y %';~~_ IH~u se,. and th~ Monuet from Samson by Handel and can already make a recognisable ,.'~clodIC I~?e with the stnngs, a wond part which is not spoilt by too many bubblings and ducks (as they are sub-techmcally called) and under the able tuition of the older h" nds taps from drum, cymbal and tnangle which arrive with increasing punctuality . . Some of us have been thrilled to recognise the voices of James Peschek and Rob t I~lylor over the air from King's, Cambridge. Their two scholarships were the dir~~t I suit .of the wee~ly evensong sung by some of the more experienced members of the ' ""0." on conjunctIOn with the Cluhedral choristers at Par. These services continued ,III'lOgthewhole oflast term and It IS hoped they may one day again producesimilarresults.

HOUSE DRAMA COMPETITIONS The seco~d House Drama Competition was held on December 13th and 14th . . As I ror~, two rughts were devoted to the competitIOn, three plays being performed on th Ii rstDlght, and two plays, with the final adjudication, on the second. The stage was u~ li p by Young, Ranford and Morgan, who acted as stage-managers for the competiti~n . The. first night was taken by The Grange who performed Thealre Sireel b' lillie Rice, St. Edmund's with the First Act of Outward BOllnd, by Sutton vani "lid Meister Omers with the Second Act of Bernard Shaw's Too True to be Good. '


I' I

Theatre Street is a glimpse of back-stage life. We are shown a rehearsal in prOSIr in that dreariest of dreary places, a theatre in day-time before the lights go on . I hr Grange producer got this effect splendidly by a very effective use of the back wall, wilh II large" No Smoking " notice and a ladder with a bucket perched precariously on 1111 top step. The performance reached a good standard. There were no real weaknessc though Gregson's manner was much too subdued for the glorious flamboyance of II • part- and one delightful piece of quiet comedy-acting from Richardson and JOllllkll1l Their penguins, they will not be soon forgotten! It may be argued that Burgess as 1111 temperamental and slightly passe" leading lady had to do little more than be Bu rg~" But his effectiveness was b~yond ques!ion. The whole performance- which ,Wil l ultimately declared the winner- was a well-balanced one. The play offered opportllllllh to every member of a large cast, and, despite some faults in movement and grou plll ~, carried conviction: The iirst act of OutlVard Bound is a good choice-if it can be brought off. I h' act is complete in itself, with a grand climax, and it contains a variety of sharply-den II II characters. The situation, too, is interesting,- a number of people who are c;lead , hul don't know it, and the dawning realisation of this grim fact on one of them. Atmosphere is all important in this play, and it was here that St. Edmund 's full\o.1 to bring it off. The setting was excellent, the saloon with the deck outside being w'li suggested, but in a praiseworthy attempt to get eerieness, St. Edmund's only succeed. ,I in producing a sort of flat monotony. None of the parts was badly acted, but Ih V all lacked variety in pace, tone and inflection, and there were many mistakes in movelll III and grouping. Tom, for instance, was made to ask the important question : .. W are all dead, ain't we ? " with his neck twisted upstage. Meister Orner's choice of an act from Bernard Shaw's Too True to be "",d. was not a particularly good one. A long explanation before the play was neceSili1V and even so, it is doubtful if most of the audience had a very clear idea of what it WII 1111 about. The scene had good monwnts, but did not co-here, and, [urth,er, i\ was hU'j\'l in the n~ture of a one-man show. These defects conceded, Meister Omers made a very good job of' it. The SC~II was attractive, the play was very well dressed, and in a sort of Colonel Blimp. part, Mid"'" ton-Evans had an opportunity which he took with both hands and sustained adm iruhli His was- with Leighton's in the School House play- the outstanding performa n ~ ,,1 the competition, but one good performance does not make a play, and the rest 01' III cast had· very few opportunities, though Mathews deserves praise, and Mayne ma\11 ,I prpmisjng de,but. On the second night School House presented the last act of The Last II/ Mrs. Cheyney, by Frederick Lonsdale, and Walpole, The· Mall ill the BOIVIer 1/11/ by A. A. Milne. School House were not too h~ ppy in their choicl'. S.ophistil'ated ",o.d~,\l, c 111\.( of the type of The Last of Mrs . Cheyney, requires ease, polish, pac~ a,od timing 1"1 I , can only come with long experience. It is, in fact, a 'profes,siona)'s play aPQ aOlll\~ 1I1 will nearly always rail with it. It is therefore, greatly to the credit of School 11 1111 • that they made such a magnificent attempt at it. Enorn:lOus pains ..nd Ilwch in$ellil I had gone tow~rds the setting, which was very gpod indeed . . The acting was 0(11 III' to tbe same level. The dialogue which should froth and sparkle, tended to be h lI~i 250

THE CANTUARJAN Incidentally, the voice of the prompter was too often in evidence. There was, however, one outstandmg, performance-that of Mrs. Cheyney, by Leighton. He looked weli, earrle.d hIS clothes a~ to the manner born, moved gracefully and spoke his lines with meamng and expreSSlOn . Alone of the cast, he carried complete conviction. The production Was uniformly good. There were few awl<ward grQups or movements, but one did notice at times otherwise exquisite ladies sitting with legs well apart or knock-kneed with toes turned-in. Evefi the charming Mrs. Cheyney was sometimes 8Ullty. Of The Mall in the Bowler Hal , presented by Walpole, it is difficult 10 say very lIIuch. The play IS a farce, httle removed from the drawing-room charade standard, UIIl';'SlOg en~JUgh for an Impromptu House show, but not good enough for a eompetitive feslivai. Smce there is no characterization, no criticism of the acting ;s possible. The best that can be said is that Walpole made a fair show 'at something which wasn't worth doing. [n his adjudication, Mr. Hollingworth, after awarding the cup to Dalrymple, the producer of the Grange pl!'y, gave a brief criticism of.each play in turn, and ended by congratulatmg the School m general 路on the all-round improvement shown since the last competition. The final placing was :-The Grange (75), School House (72), Meister Omers (70), St. Edmund's (56), Walpole (50). G.P.H.

SCHOOL SOCIETIES This term has seen a !tood deal of activity on the part of the Societies. Even the Debating Society came to life for one meeting and debated Whether science had cost Ihe world more misery than profit whilst the Harvey Society, which claims to be the oldest in the School, resurrected itself after a three year's interregnum to cater for the more ardent devotees of Science, and therefore deserves pride of place. THE HARVEY SOCIETY. Having elected Messrs. Richmond and Coles as its Joint Presidents and P. Pollak liS its Hon. Secretary and having amended its constitution so as to become a closed band rather than (as hitherto) co-extensive in membership with the whole School, the IIarvev Society settled down to the vital business for which it had been revived. Mr. ' oles began the programme with a brilliant paper on " Petroleum, " illustrated by lantern lides and diagrams, and Mr. Richmond followed on with a lecture on "Wireless" for which he used mechanical models. A high standard was set which the Society will nnd some difficulty in maintaining. . THE MARLOWE SOCIETY. The Marlowe Society continued the play reading which more &nd more seems 路to hllve become its staple diet. 路rhe members read The Ascent of F 6 by Auden and Isherwoud, Sheridan"s The Rival8 and listened路 with intetest to I> p'!!pe'r by Mi .. Go.. E,. Minns en:titled " Curiosities of Chinese History. " . 251


THE CANTUA RIAN THE WALPOLE SOCIETY. The Walpole Society was morc indu~t~ious and morc enterprising th3.0 her S? 1l1 111 partner in the literary sphere, for in addItIon to Lhe usual papers-the Vlce-Prcslll!' lIl (The Rev. F. S. Williams) on •• The Civil and Diplomatic Services," M. A. Arnott 1111 " Jazz," P. H. Honour on "Christopher Marlowe, O.K.S.," P. C. Hammond 4111 "Voltaire: his life and works," P. D. Leighton on " Louis XVII , " and M. A. Bur~I' , on "The Contrast between Classical and Modern Architecture " - the members III " bicycled one day to Penwithick and spent the afternoo n watching the extraction ,41111 refining processes of china clay. The SocIety IS grateful to Major Meade-KillS wil .. acted as host on this pleasant occasion and to the President (G. P. Hollingworth, PSII I who arranged the excursion. THE PATER SOCIETY. The Pater Society, after some initial constitutional convulsions, emerged with MI J. L. Mainprice as President, the Reverend F. S. Williams as Vice-President, Mr. C "k" \ as Hon. Secretary and ten newly elected members. They had seven meetings and lisl"I1 •• 1 to three papers, M. A. Burgess on " Greek Architecture," P. L. G. Gurney on " Willi . I Pater, O.K .S. " and M. Carnes on " Greek Music."


,I ,,"

THE SOMNER SOCIETY. The Somner Society began the term with its biennial lecture on Heraldry Ih l time given by G. C. Middleton-and then listened to the President (F. H. Voigl, I II I on the fascinating and topical subject of " The Arthurian Legend" and P. C. Hamnll llili on " Haunted England." The piece de resistance, however, was the expedition to Poi perro on All 8111111 Day. The members were able to admire the beauties of Lansall os Church wilh 11 fine carved bench ends and explore the picturesque little town of Pol perro and undcr>11I1II1 how it had been in turn a haunt of sm ugglers then of painters. . THE NATURAL .HISTORY SOCIETY. The Natural History Society had papers from its Hon. Secretary (G. A. F. 1~ II I1 01 1 and from B. H. Arnold. The former, who spoke on " British Geese; their hll II lit and habits," illustrated his talk by showing some oil paintings· by Peter Scott, whll 1 'the latter, who spoke on .. Fishes gave new and interesting data about the l11i~ 1I1 111I1I of eels and salmon. OJ

THE RAILWAY SOCIETY. The Railway Society also contented itself with two papers. D. E. Binsted des '111,.. 1 ,. The Canterbury and Whitstable Railway, " one of the oldest in England, and . MI ~ Cray stirred the imagination of his audience by the description of "Across Ihe AllliJ . by Rail." THE MUSIC CLUB. The Music Club, as usual, accomplished most. They listened to and di MI" .• 1 a variety of compositions including Moeran's Trio in G., Stravinsky's ballel 11111 I Petrotlshka, Tschaikowsky's Polish Symphony in D, Beethoven's Septet III E filii , 1111. 1 252

THE CANTUARIAN Vllughan Williams' Variation 011 a Theme of Tallis. The President (Dr. C. H. Phillips) a paper on "English Folk Music " which he illuslrated by singing and playing IIll1ny folk-songs and dance tunes, and G. Howson gave a colourful account of " Ballet Music." The term ended wilh the usual Conversazione held against the background III I vorak 's New World SympllOllY. I ne Club susta ins a great l OSS this term with the J! l\llarture of its President and F ounder who has contributed so generously and been its "" pi ring force. Mrs. Reynolds was elected Vice· President in place of Mrs. Buckland. ~ " vc

THE GRAMOPHONE SOCIETY . The Gramophone Society also listened to many compositions of note-selected from I) lius, Debussy, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Holst, Weinberger, Sir Henry Wood and tv! 'ndelssohn. Here again Dr. Phillips contributed to the knowledge and enjoyment 01' the Society by a paper on "Sonatas and Symphonies " and one on Variations," Iho latter ably illustrated from the finale of Brahms' great fourth symphony and the I. Antoni Variations. I>

J. T. C. FIELDCRAfT AND MAP READING.- The followin& attended the course held by "ulhern Command from Jul y 30th to August 7th :I .S.M. Leadbealer, Cpl. M. G. R. Elli s, LjCpls. D. M. Wright, A. R. Stuart, 1. D . E. " N bert, S. C. Maplethorp, R. Moore, A. G. Pa vne, T. J. Matthews, J. Corben, Cdts. M. A. Arnott, M. N. Carson, P. Coury, M. R. Ditchorun, R. A. C. Flack, E. D. Greg1111, J. C. Jenkin, B. N. C. Jones, P. H. Lee, J. A. G. Smerdon, M. E. K. Withers. This course in F ieldcraft and Map Reading held near Sa lisbury Plain was chiefly Ilit ended to give an insight to about 800 cadets drawn f rom about 50 co ntingents of the I ('. . into the training a nd equipment of the Army to-d")'. Artillery barrages, bridge !IllUd ing, paratroop and glider land ings, tank battles, R.E.M.E. rescuing tanks and U,A.M.C. rescuing men, vast ammun ition magazines-these were a few of the activities • ' 11 at close quarters. . All the resources of the Command had evidently been made available for our III Iruction and this must surely ha ve been one of the most interesting and 'instructive H,"rses ever arranged for the J.T.C. PROMOTIONS.- The following promotions were made with effect from September

' I t :Sgt. A. J. C. Fagg to be C.S.M. Sgt. O. W. Eustace to be C.Q.M.S. Cpl. J. C. Coury to be Sgt. Cpl. Sao Sao to be Sgt . Cpl. W. B. Steele to be Sgt. Cpl. M. T. M-Evans to be Sgt. Cpl. M. G. R. Ellis to be Sgt. LjCpl. D. K. Johnson 10 be Sgt. LjCpl. I. R. B. Belsham to be Sgt. LjCpl. G. A. F. Rands to be LjSgt. 263

• II





' l,






.., ...... .



LjCpl. G. C. Middleton to be Cpl. LjCpl. M. Corkrey to be Cpl. " " . LjCpl. R. G. We't, to be Cpl. LjCpl. J. E. C. Hinchcliffe to be Cpl. LjCpl. I. P. M. Waller to be Cpl. LjCpl. R. S. Brealy to be Cpl. LjCpl. M. J. Lester to be Cpl. L jCpl. M. W. Charley to be .Cpl. FIELD EXERCIsE.-On October 28th a whole day exercise was carried out on 111111 ~ Head. On the same day the greater number of the contingent was also able 10 III, soniepractices on the Open Range at Trenarren. CERTIFICATE "A".- The following cadets passed Part I (Individual) of Will Certificate "A" on 25th November :S. R. Betts C. P. Hodge R. G. Powell R. J. L. Breese D. R. Holland J. A. A. Price J. K. Ebbutt R. P. Hare E. W. Twinberrow H. A. Emerson B. N. C. Jones R. G. C. Weighill I. C. Whitehead R. A. C. Flack S. A. Kirby M. J. Gordon J.-c. Northway M. E. K. Withers A. E. Hill The following cadets passed Part II (Section Leading) and qualified for WI!, Certificate "A" on 2nd December:D. R. M. Long D. B. Ainsworth M. N. Cars9n J. K. Ebbutt P. C. Hammond D. M. Moreau L. A. Bassett D. C. Jenkin J. J. Slaughter G. A. Burtwell J. L. N . Lawson A. G. Smerdon LECTURES.-On October 12th Major G. E. Took from H.Q. Southern COlTIm1l1l1l visited the School and after a short and invigorating address to the contingent provldt'l a most varied and interesting demonstration of the Army's present day armament 111111 equipment. We are looking forward to another visit next term. . On November 29th the contingent was privileged to hear a lecture by Major A, Egerton Jones (O,K's, 192()-30) the son of the Contingent Commander. He was wl lh the fiftieth Division during the whole North Mrican campaign, and sketched a picln " of the Division's activities from the moment ¡ of its departure from EIIgland to 1111 successful end of the campaign. He described briefly but vividly the landing Sicily, the subsequent fighting, and the attack upon Italy. The Corps is gratef" II' Major Egerton Jones for his most interesting lecture. "._

~ .


A. T. C. The small party which went to Camp agreed that the experience and knowlodll gained was very valuable, and the arrangements for the whole week were a VI"I improvement on the previous Camp; this was largely due to the careful scheme'wo,'kl'ti out by our own Squadron C.O. and the Liaison Officer at the R.A.F. Station. '11 11 programme was varied and practical and the weather was kind.

TH"E ' CA'N'rU'ARIAN Tile strength of the Flight is about the same as last term, many new recruits having "'plqced the large number of Cadets who left School last July. Another batch is IOlning ne~t term. Once again we have to thank Fj O Richardson and Mr. H. Whetter I'M their valuable assistance in Navigation and Morse respectively. Three Cadets took Iln rts of the Advanced Training Examination and two others have become First Class ('udets. " . Next term we hope that a fair number will be ready and eligible to sit for the 1)I'o ficiency Examination.

HOME GUARD No Guard duties have been carried out during the term and only the routine Sunday morning parades have been ordered. Attendances at these have been good except for one or two individual cases and instructors have reported favourably on the keenness Hhown. This was especially so in the case of the Spigot section who helped the Company 10 secure the first two places in a rec~nt CQmpetition. A new Spigot section is now necessary and will be able to take part in the next competition in March. It is to be hoped that sufficient energetic volunteers will be ready to come forward to fill the vacant places. In a recent Company shoot, Pte. Belsham secured the highest individual score un the indoor range. An attempt is being made to secure more shooting practice, both indoor and nut. A Company "sta.nd-tn " was ordered to take place during the term but had to be cancelled owing to, a variety of circumstances. A" false. alarm" served to show the PQssible effects of "fifth column" activities and all H.G's should make certain that orders come worn the proper authorities and not from passing bandsmen.

THE LIBRARY . Librarian,' THE REV. S. B-R. PQOLE Assistant Librarian,' G. C. MIDDLETON

S0me fifty' volumes have been added to the Library this term. The most gener,ous fillve been Miss Hurst and Miss Ederi-H00per, late of Pentewarr, wlrll presented a complete set of Dickens and Scott, t0gether with the works 0£ several other. 1\W.~te~l)lh ~entury, 1,),0NeJists. We are mos.t grateful for this munificence which; wiII pro.vic\e much pleasurable reading. Major-General the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Sykes, G.C.S.I., G.C,I.E" G.RE., K.C.B., C.M.G., M.P. very kindly sent us a 06 his. book Many Angles and the Headmaster gave us a copy of Walton's.Lives and. Joi)n Law by' 0.. Oudard and Appeasement's Child by, T. J. Ha.milton. be.nefacto~S!

Of e'l.K's. we are especially grateful to E. H. Cornelius, who gave consid'erablb' help in the Library when he was here and now performs a similar function at EllaIe' ollege, Cambridge. Ple sent us three Canterbury Festival Plays-Murder in the b,v.J. S. Eliot, , The Ze(ll ofThJl House _by Q,orothy Say~rs, and Cli~isf's S0" b)''ehTisropber' Hassal!. • ',. ' . ". .. .. , .. "'. ,.

., 255'


• •


THE ,CANTUARIAN ._ . The Chemistry Section, which is now housed apart in the Chemistry Labo"" I1 I ~ , has been augmented by the purchase of five important books and the Biology Sccllllil by two. A welcome and thoughtful gift was that sent by the Directo rs of B. T. Bal , lolli Ltd., who presented a copy of A Bals/ord CenIUl'y, Ihe centenary publication of llill l great firm 's history and associations. The following were also purchased :A Study of History (5 vols.) .......... .. ... .... .. .. .. ...... .......... Arnold J. Toynbc ' Carteret and Newcastle.... ........................... .. ............... Basil Williams 1848, Chapters of German History.. .... ....... .... ... .. ........... Veit Valentine The Spirit of English History........................................ A. L. Rowse .. ................. J. Dover Wilson The Fortunes of Falstaff.............. . The L ibrarian is very grateful for those who ha ve sent cheques especially D. Iii O.K.S. (1933- 6) for his annual subscript ion of a guinea.


r: ,

I .. I ,

. This. has been in many ways the best XV since the war. Without possess ini 1111 outstandmg stars, the team was well balanced and there were no weak spots. /I , I apt to happen under war time conditions, a good deal of re-arranging and experi l1lelll II was needed and it is probable that the best arrangement was not arrived at ul1 lll Ih' Kelly College match. All the same the XV never played a bad ga me, and they pil i III' one or two really good performances. Of these perhaps the best was that against 1111 1111 With the memory of last yea r 's disastrous defeat to unnerve them, and with nil ii" disadvantages of a long journey and a train lunch against them, they lost" "nyiltll game" by 13-3. --. '. The defeat of Kelly by 66- 0 speaks for itself: but here they were up agni ll. , younger, lighter side, a nd playing on the top of their form overwhelmed the opp ,1111111 As a rule- in this school at any rate-the forwards are the mainstay of Ihe ,Ii but this year there was little to choose between them and the backs. In the return IIllIh I, with Gresham for instance, something went wrong with the hooking so the ball d id 11'" come out to the backs, on the other hand the backs, when they got the ball, failed 101'111' with the difficult conditions of wind and hill, result a draw instead of the expecled \\111 In such a homogeneous team it is invidious to pick out individuals, but the followlli call for special mention. F irst the Captain, Lumsden, who set a n example of 11 11 IIill full blooded attack which gave the tempo to all the rest. He in turn was abl y h ili ~ " up by Corbey, Birkett and Smithers, all of whom would have found a place III 1111 peace-time side. Coury first as scrum half and later as a centre three quarter, was IIl wll attacking:' Lampard on the other hand and particularly against the R.A.F. SIl V\'" lit day again and again by the determination of his tackling. Of the three quarters, Will" was the most polished, Nicholls the best all round and Lovatt the most im prov '" III fact the tra nsformation of the last named from a cross-field opportunist into" HI'IIIII" straight running centre or wing was one of the outstanding events of the ~t' I""11

TilE CANTUARIAN Il lIssell , until he unforlunately broke his nose while playing for the Colts, showed I lIllsiderable promise as a full back. The tackling of the whole team throughout was I


No account of the season would be complete witho ut mentioning the good tempered II lld uncomplaining play of the 2nd XV all throu gh in their meritable and unenviable ," Ie of sparring partner to the 1st. They reaped some of the reward due to them when II! y wen t to Tavistock a nd took a win of 60 nil. SCHOOL MATCHES KING 'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v DEVONPORT HIGH SCHOOL (AWAY) The Rugger Season opened with an exciting match against Devonport High School, 1'llI ycd at Penzance. Although the team was destined to undergo several changes, this 11t ¡1 .. first match thrilled the spectators a nd earned a spectacular column in the local I'less. Unfortunately two members of the team were prevented from reaching Penzance III lime for the match, but we were able to put in their place R. S. Brealy, and also I, I). Porritt, O.K.S., who happened to be on leave in Penzance. Durin g the first half the School defence was not strong ¡enough to prevent the l'O"ing of two tries for Devonport, one of which was converted; but Lovatt scored 1111 Ihe School when we at last took the offensive. Tactics were improved in the second IlitIf and by continual forward rushes the ball was kept in the Devonport half. Good kicking by Devenport did not prevent a series of scrum fives and the ball was at last I"" ehed down by Birkett. In the last three minutes Coury "corkscrewed" through Ih Ir threequarter line bringing the score to 9-8 for the SchooL KI NG'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY V PLYMOUTH COLLEGE (AT HOM E) The score of 43- 0 to the School in the first at Home match was an expected feat; I"r Ihe Plymo uth team had as theu opponents a much heavier a nd swifter team against whom, to their credit, they put up a fine defence. Tries were scored by Lampard, Coury, NI 'holls, Lumsden and Lovatt. KtNG 'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v R.N.E.C. KEYHAM (AT HOME) Although the School won 3- 0 in the match against Keyhalll College, it was rather th,' work of an individual- Coury- tha n of the team; Keyham played a decidedly 1II'li er game though the tackling of both teams was good. After several break throughs III Ihe first half, the defence of King's improved considerably in the . second and the hli ll was played and held in the Keyham half. KING 'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v GREsHAM 'S HOLT (AT HOME) From the start of the match the School took and maintained the offensive so that IIlil y once in the first half did Gresham 's come a nywhere near to scoring. Evenly 1I11,lehed forwards resulted in a good ga me and hard tackling from both teams. Two "I Ihe three tries scored by Coury, Lampard and Nicholls converted and the finill score Wd8 19-{).

KING 'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v R.A. F. TEAM (AT HOME) This' match won by the R.A.F. was one of the best matches of the season both for lit team and for spectators. The clear crisp weather kept both teams continually on 257

the m.ove in a fast game. At half time the Sch.o.ol was leading 8-5, but by c.onstnnt and accuFate kick ing the R.A.F. team kept the ball in the Kin g 's half. Th y sc.ored .one unc.onverted try and a penalty g.oal bringing their sc.ore up t.o JI-8. KING'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v AN R.A.F. TEAM (AT HOME) . Bad weather c.onditi.ons and the absence of the Captain, Lumsden, tended to mn kl' this match an uneventful one; but the team played well and prevented St. Eval frQI1I scoring. KING 'S SCHOOL, CANTERBURY v KELLY COLLEGE (AT HOME)

A new threequarter line and scrum-half resulted in victory for the School; two .of the best Kelly threequarters were absent and on the whole the King's threequarto, p~o\(ed to be the faster. A Kelly forward was injured at the beginning of the secQnd hllif and the King's team used the advantage in weight to the full , well backed by th. threequarters.



... . KING'S ~CHOOL, CANTERBURY v CLIFTON COLLEGE (AT TAVISTOCK,) The generosity of Kelly College enabled the. School and Clifton C.ollege to ~Iny tbe match at Ta.vistock. The bad defeat of the Scbool last year affected play at th ~ beginning of the match, but confidence was soon to be regained; two well-pla nn II Jeft-wing movements and one right hand left the score at 0- 13 at hair-time. A scraPI'V dueequarter movement enabled Llwatt to score in the second half; from !hen 1111 the game was extremely even but with much better movements f".om the King's tea m.

I" ,

TENNIS .' This I~rm has seep. a great advance in the orgallization and playin~ of tennis. Til. has largely been the work of the new tennis coach, Mrs. Mayne, and she is to 1>, congratulated on the results. Under her expert guidance a whole host of boys hi'. received individual tuition on the courts and the general standard of play has imp rovrtl out of all recognition. Interest has been further stimulated by the generous gift of nn Inter-House Tennis Cup by G. A. G. Gordon, O.K.S., last term's Captain. This 'up which was competed for soon after half term was w.on by Meister Omers. The H Oil" teams consisted in each case of two senior couples under sixteen years of age and Uti' couple under fifteen . The final contest was between Meister Omers and the Grange and the former Will' by eleven sets to seven, Nicholls 'and Cushman proving more skilful and more Slclil ly tlian their opponents, Gordon and Ferris. The teams were : . . :Meister Omers :-S. B. Nicholls (Captain), j. A. Cushman, J. C. C.oury, J_Cll i ~, I. H. I. D. Johnson, D. M. C. O. Mayne. . Simpson, A. G. Bartlett, . . ~


, ', ,Grange :-M. G. Gotdon (Captain9, W. G . C. .Ferris, C. J. Watson, J . F. Dalrymll" I1,.¡D .. Gregsan. P. Polden, M. Watson, R. C. Fetns. '"



LETTER Oxford, December, 1943

Dcnr School, In w(lr, tiI1le Oxford O.K.S. seem to Come and go with bewildering rapidity. Nevertheless there are some old bands among us in their third or fourth years, tbougll Ihey have been more than usually elusive this term. T. Slapleton, surely the patriafen; house surgeon at the Radcliffe Infirmary; also working at the Radcliffe is D. Gall. II is secretary to the university Judo Club, which, as the club notice puts it " pr.ovides ~x pert instruction in ju-jitsu at the Speedwell Street Dojo." Judging from the broken; Iinsers and collar-bones which the club regularly seems to produce the experienced IIIombers must have a delightfully destructive time. Also a member 'is C. A. B. 1'1 melson, but he has been incapacitaled for the latter half of the .term by a damaged IIlIkle which he incurred by the less interesting method of falling downstairs. W. E. ( 'hnmoo,rs is sometimes to be seen; it is rumoured that he is researching in Organic I hcmistry. An old~r g~neration of Q.K,S. will be interested to learn that the Rev. T. E. M. II V\lllbee haS bee.o appointed Vicar of St. Cross, Holywell. . J. A. B. Hesl.op has been somewhat of a recluse lately, a tendency which pressure of work forces on all our medicals at times. He is, however, always ready to play us ~'u mophone records, thougb interruptions above have convinced us tbat his upper II I~h bour is an babitual m.over of furniture and dancer .of. h.ornpipes. T. H. B.oulthee 1_ hving in Wadham at the top of many stairs. We have usually found his room fult ,,1' S\l\oke. a re~alcit.t;lInt fire, alld twice have had exciting mOments whe~ a general ,,,,,"agrati.on seemed imminent as a result of attempts to stimulate it. Nevertneless" II with all scientists, practical work absorbs much of his time and we see little of him.., II plays hockey for Wad ham and has gained his college colours. Sharing r.ooms in St. Edmund's Hall are S. W. Brooks and M. E. Noakes, both 1111 R.A.F. short courses. We gather that Noakes has been farming since he left school" 1111\1 both of them find philoso phy and Air Squadron training a tiresome mixture. ~ , G. Leadheater on a short c.o urse prior to joining the Royal Marines, bemoans the ' 111 '1 that he must learn in detail, amongst other things, the rigging of H.M.S. Victory. II inf.orms us that he is pursuing to the full his Socialist tendencies. Several O. K.S. have been seen on short visits. N. Scarfe contrives to attend most " I Ihe otch~tral concerts. in Oxford. He is now commissioned, having endured an~~lIu lt course in a frigid and nortberly group of the British Isles, he met D. G. WillI.head. I. K. Meek was seen on short leave after a trip to sea in a cruiser, als.o I II . Breese; who had the misfortune to be stationed on a break Yorkshire moor. We 11'1'10 also glad to catch brief glimpses of two former masters. Mr. Prior who was ' I '1\ling. ~ w.e,lk""ned: ~l\ll1tJ\igbt~ leav~,. and Mr.. S~a:nger who, was. onll( he~e;.for a <day. So ends this' lerm's report, and it only remains for us,to¡wish the Sel\ool a¡prosperous ' N w Year, 'with the hope that next Christmas will see it back in its rightful horne.


Yours, O.K.S. OXON. 2(111:

,, ,I



," I'



LETTER O.K.S., Cantab.

Decembl'r, (II I Dear School, It is much to be regretted tbat little has been seen of other O.K.S. owing I" II, abnormal amount of work required of them by their several lecturers. NevClIIH'h it is' possible to give some accou'nts of such of their various deeds as ca n be ascol'llIli".1 E . H. Cornelius (1938--43) of Clare has often been seen dash ing at the lIllelll lhl hour of 9 0 'clock on Sunday mornings to N. F.S. practices, at which he fights im ll~11I1I1 fires on top, of Clare Memorial Court. G. P. Bradfield (1937--41) of Bart's was v;sited in his luxurious apartmelll .11 Queen's and found to be concentrating on the intricacies of the human brain.



J . H. P. Hutton (1938- 43) also of Bart's has been taking exercise, rowing vigo"," I in the second Bart 's boat, a state of affairs for which the writers ' nervous system, '" I not prepared . Sao H seng Hpa (1937--42) of St. John's has been met in the street, but it is b -II, \ I that the Mechanical Science Faculty keeps him so well occupied that further acqua lll""" ',is well nigh impossible. , " . A. G. Ouseley-Smith (1939--43) of Christ's and A. O. Gordon (1939--43) of (lIl"1 both on an R.A.F. Short Course appear to divide their time between shoOlili ,1., pigeons and dancing at the " Dorothy." R. G. O. Taylor (1939--43) of King 's has become so deeply interested in the hlllll' . frame that in his rooms a skeleton is to be observed reposing against the wall bl-Illil the piano and the 'cello ; these two instruments served to remind the writers III hi musical activities as a Choral Scholar. In this be is joined by J. Peschek (1940 I I who spends much of his time organizing the music of his college. Otherwbc I" I reading classics and science, truly an o ld com bination! The writers have also made contact with T. W. Kidd (1939--43) who visilc,l tI"" one week-end. He is doing stout work in Ibe timber trade before going ab l'lllill ". trail)ing as a pilot in R.N.A.S. One morning the writers walked into Sister Goodfellow in King's Pa radt'. 11111 spent a highly pleasant hour of recalling the past over coffee. In conclusion, they wish the School all success in the future and a speedy 11'1111 I to its home at Canterbury, and look forward to seeing more of the School up here. Yours,




ORIGINAL WARLINGHAM 5TH SEPTEMBER, 1943 11111 ' moving1101I '- slowlyIIIIIc- aIways11110 Eternity.

erectErect and waiting.

The Square Stones of the Memorial, Piled crumbling on the dust, The Square Stones crumbling on the Dust of men, The North Wind blew the dust into tlie crevices, and scattered it amongst the torn Flagssilentl yfluttering .... ..

\ ,- Icrday and to-day, I II day, ,"111 to-day, Nt'vcr to-morrow come, I III' Ihe sight is blind, lid t he voices II I lumb, 1111 Ihe throats are dry, IllI d the streams are dried up lli yIhy- dried are the rivers, II lId dead 111\1 I he trees, II IIti Ihe leaves of the trees li l t) witheredIii 'y fought with Time, Itll l Time is alwayslIllie-moving, 11il1c--slowlyII Ho Eternity.

All is silence, save fo, the creaking of the big clock, - the church clockand then the chiming of the hour. (one-two) the bell cbimed The bell in the Church Tower.

lid Man against Time, and fallen, I)ust of Man

''''~lIy ing

the Sound waves from the big bell stirred the dry leaves on the dead trees, (once- twice) and scattered the petals of the long-dead poppies silently, in the dried grass. The South Wind hushes-silent- through the bramblesand is pierced a hundred times by a hundred thorns, leaving the dead bushes emptyand airless.

~ II I lered,

Aga inst the roots nf Ihe dead tree, - the withered treeIs the dust of Man, and the dried leaves, Ihe brown petals li nd the hard berries. in the fields, Iii sheaves IIi"dwa itingI he stiff sheavesI llIckling-



THE CANTUARIAN Waitingfor darkness

The grey church stood alone,

on the high ground. -the dry groundbuilt of square stones, founded on dust. the high walls were smoot~, dust smoothed the cracks. the dry walls

and the moon to shine,

for the stars to shine, and the river to nOli - a cool wind- blowingFor with the coming of the W!lI N will the trees take root again . The growing trees-

were unbroken

by lancets or by doors. . for the church was doorlessempty, and inaccessjble. But the Yard was full of stone slabsrough stones hewn from the heart of dust. - and all is silence. all is silence. Not a wind whispers.

the green leaves,

and the red berries . ... the soft petals, and the whispering grass. This with the shining of the Sl." , and the fall of night. ....... at the end of Time, when the fire collapses, and the¡smoke ascends no more,

For then will Time have stopped , and Eternity begin.

And all the while the Sun shinesscorching the scorched earth, Burning the dried earth.

But time-movingTime-slowlysends only the Sun to burn and to decay and dried earth.

And Man is dust stillfrom his birth is dust and after his decay returns to the dusty earth ..... .

For the sight is blind, and the voices ' dumb. The streams dried up, and the throats dry. and, Time-movingTimeslowlyTimeAlwaysAlways towards Eternity.

And the ' Child Spirit ' moving in the dry winds, He too is waiting for time to cease,

and for Eternity to come.

V AN ll ltPlIU





, '" IMilors iflvite the co~operatioll o/O.K.S. ill ~·trellgtltell ;llg these items ill •• THE CANTUARIAN, , . which II " III,mrticular i/lteresllo O.K.S . They COllllot themselves obtaill much of the necessary malerial, especially ,..J/ Iff'lIlars of promotions, alld theref ore remind subscribers that all items 0/ ne ws are always we/come.

O.K.S. Suppers take place on the first Friday in the month. Notification of "Hendance should be sent to Captain H. P. Wortham, 225 Worsley Bridge Road, II. 'kc nham, Kent, by the previous Monday. Until further notice the meeting place wil l be A la Brioche, Jermyn Street. You are asked to be there by 7.15 p.m. It is , ,wI/fial to give previolls notice of intention to be present .

The December Supper was attended by the Headmaster, and it is hoped that he Masters of the School past and present may have opportunity to attend in the lUI lire. The following O.K.S. have recently attended :A. G. Eyre (1935-40), P. D. Kent (1930-40), D. M. P. Pullen (1935-40), 11M. D. Evans (1936-41), J. A. B. Heslop (1938-42), E. H. Cornelius (1938-43), II It. Lyster (1938-39), J. P. H. Hutton (1933-43), T. W. Kidd (1939-43), R. T. O. I "yler ' (1939-43), E. G. F. Johnson (1940-42), D. Gall (1929-40), D. F. Murray (1'1\8-42), P. N . Porritt (1937-41), J. H. Breese (1937-42), C. R. B. Brown (1932-43), ~I O. Chatterton (1938-43), T. H. Boultbee (1935-43), S. A. R. Cawston (1938-43), M . Davies (1939-43), J. -Peschek (1940-43), G. A. H . Baker (1938-42), P. B. l'IIllle ( 1938-43), O. C. Watson (1939-41), K. T. Graham (1935- 38), R. F. Cartwright 11'127- 32), H . P. Wortham (1933-38). The Very Rev. Edward Worsfold Mowll, M.A., (1895-1900) Provost and Vicar "I Ihe Cathedral Church of Bradford, was consecrated as Suffragan Bishop of Middleton loy Ihe Archbishop of Canterbury on Michaelmas Day. The Ven. T. K. Sopwith (1887-89) Archdeacon emeritus and Vicar of Hollinghllll,ne, has been appointed an Hohorary Canon of Canterbury Cathedral by the I hbishop. . 0. J. Wigan (1931- 37) was ordained Priest at Oxford in September, and C. W. Illllwidson (1931- 34) at Canterbury. A. C. Telfer (1908-12) was ordained Deacon I Il creford, and is now Chaplain of Felsted School of which he has, for many years, I. II a n Assistant Master. . We are very glad to record that Captain H . C. M. Pitts, F.M.S.V.F ., formerly II IllIfted missing, is now known to be safe and a prisoner of war in Malaya. The Rev. L. C. Sargent (1907-10) has been appointed Vicar of St. Peter-in-Thanet. We are privileged to print some extracts from a letter from the Commanding IlIIlcer of the 1st Bn. The Buffs, Lieut.-Colonel G. H. G. Smith-Dorrien, D.S.O., to 1'1\ , Dowman's father, after Peter .wds killed. He writ~ : " We marked him down ,I "" obvious leader of the sort likely to be the best possible officer in action-how right 111111 proved . He went to " e" Company, at first to command a Mortar Platoon, but 1'111'1 Ihe Carrier Platoon which he led in action. At Bareridge my Intelligence Officer ,I wo unded and as I had taken a very strong personal liking to Peter, I asked him I" Ilike it on. He did his level best but obviously hated it because he wanted to be with 1111commanding the men. I realised that it was wrong to keep him from them, and at ilil 11 I11e said (though not to him) • he is the best platoon commander I have got,' .on Iii Nlrength of which lie started with his new Carrier Platoon. Throughout the constant IIlId


,,• ,, , , ,, "



THE CANTUARIAN battling a t Alamein, Galal, Fuka and Mersa Matruh I hea rd nothing b~t good thill V' of him, and wondered how soon the chance would come to put him in for a decorati


I~ I



a chance which never came except o n the day of his death when, had he lived, he wo ule l most certainly have got a M.C. (whic h cannot be given posthumously). I know n" officer whose men are more ready to foll ow him blindly, and thi s is no exaggeration they worshipped him. The battle through the last stages of our fight into the OPI'" 15 miles west of Agheila was a severe one, with "c " Company under heavy shellin ll, and the Carrier Platoon fighting forward with th e ta nk s. Peter with hi s two carriers SIl IV that the right flank of our tanks had passed a number of German dug in infantry posil iOIl' near the coast road. Evidently some had Iheir hands up. It was so like him to deciti r to go further to the right to go and have a crack at them to mop them up, even wh 'lI it meant ri skin g crossing the foot of a hill fro l11 which he knew enem y A/Tank guns well' firing at OUf tank s. It wa s a sporting chance which would ha ve helped our adVal1C('

he took a cheerful decision and met a very ga liant end. ,. In his recommendation of one of Dowman's men for the Military Medal, COIOfWI Smith-Dorrien wrote : .. Lieut. Dowman, seeing German infantry in outpost positioll'" north of him, led his carriers to mop them up and take some prisoners.

When h il~

carriers were ha lted about 200 yards apar t, h is ow n be ing fa rthest from the hill, be lVenl

I~ ,



on foot from his carri er to shout ord ers to the other. "

I t was then he recei ved IH III

The Supple ment to the LOlldon Gazelle for 13th Ja nuary, 1944 conla in Peter Dowman' s name amon g th ose • ~ Mentioned in Despatches. " A recent announcement in the Lo ndon Ga zette record s the ¡ award of the Bril l. h Empire Medal to Sergeant Richard Al a n Peyer, Maritime Regiment, R.A, (193 4-37) for great coul'age and endurance. " Behind this bald announcemenl lies the story " I nine men against the Arctic for 57 days, The story was told in the Daily Mail on Jtll ll' 17th last, and the following summary is taken from its columns. The Merchant ship in which Peyer was a gunner was torpedoed in the Arctic 111. 1 winter. Fifty-eight men took to two lifeboats and fought their first enemy, Ihe S'II , which froze their clothes to them and poured into the boats. One boat was lost; Ih t, 24 occupants of the other reached an Arctic islet after six days on lifeboat rations, hll il a pint of water a day, pemmican, chocolate and malted-milk tablets. The third da y II blew a ternfic gale and Ihey had to bale all day to prevent the boat being swampc!1 The severe cold and the hea vy work of keepin g the boat afloat told on their strenSlli, but the Captain , Mr. Williams, was still confident they could reach la nd. They tra velletl under engine power for a bout 24 hours before hoisting sail again. On the sixth day they sigh ted land and got close in shore, but the shore was a 01 11 .. of rock s and reefs, over which huge rollers tbundered. They searched for hours ftll a place to land and eventually were washed on to a reef. Not one of them had Iltl strength to handle the oars but a large wave lifted'the boat o ver the r.eefinto fairly smoolh water and the boat ran aground. They ate handfuls of snow to assuage their thll I and then in the darkn ess saw the shapes of three very small huts about 25 yards "WilY, outlined against the sky. They helped each other to this shelter. One hut only Wli ' habttable and that had a stove; they soon got a fire going and had their first hot drln ~ for a week, coffee which was found in the huts, which seemed to belong to trapp~1 but had not been used for a very long time. Three men had died on the way anti nIH' had been drowned near the beach. They settled down to try to live, but it was jn. 1 a l)1ere existence, with strength maintained only by the small amount of food Ih y could scrape togetber. After tbree weeks tbis supply was exhausted and only 14 mortal wo und .

remained alive.


THE CANTUARIAN When their food was right out they thought it must be pretty near the end, but they tumbled across another tiny shack about I t miles away in whi ch was a 4 ft. high sack IIf flour. They could not carry it, even the combined stren gth of te n of them was not fl Ough, so they took the flour to their hut tinfuls at a time, and a Shetlander showed Ihem how to make bannocks, and they lived on these for four weeks, while their drink was malted milk tablets dissolved in melted snow and boiled. They managed to make II la mp with seal oil they found in the hut. Then their flour ga ve out. They almost ~(l ve up hope, but were still determined to li ve, and in a tin from which they had taken lIiI they found a putrid piece of what they thought was seal meat. . It smelled vilely hut they cut in up into hunks and hung these up outside the hut where they froze hard. I'or four days they had a cube of this per day. It tasted wicked, but it was all they had 10 save 'them from death. On the fourth day two trappers found them in the hut, gave them food and fetched lIIore trappers who took the whole party, wrapped in rugs, on sledges two days' journey 10 their village where they stayed for six months and were nursed back to health by the lrappers. By this time the party numbered only nine, and those nine returned home 111 June. We are glad to hear that Pleyer is now fit and well, and apparently none the worse

for his experience.

We congratulate him on his marriage, and also on having, with his

Hun crew, shot down an F. W. 200. A. M. Durnford (1932- 38) writes, after a long silence : " The chance receipt of September's Call1uarian inspires me to tell you of the O.K.S. I have met in the fairly recent lnst. C. N. L. Minister (1930- 35) seen on a motor-bike one autumn day. He explained to was in R.E.M.E. and got little chance of playing the piano, then thundered off at a lO und ten miles an hour. K . R. Henshaw (1928-37) showed me a pass authorising him to do ever so many things in any clothes he liked, ~o you can guess what a secret Ho rt of job he has. J. B. W. Grigson (1933- 37) li ves in a pretty decent flat which ufla bles him to relax adequately after his gruelling work at G.H.Q. But don ' t get him IVrong. He was a desert rat' before he got his present job ; says he tossed up with his battery commander as to which should have the M.C.- and lost. R. E. Jackson ( 1931 - 38) had been having a pretty interesting time when I met him, and is nearly bald. nut still, he always was a bit thin on' the top. P . D. V. Strallen (1934- 38) drove me from Ca iro to Alex. once in a peculiar vehicle that he claimed to share with a General. Some lime ago I met Y. A St. A, Hubbard (1931-35) as a Captain in the Rajputana Rifles, hut have heard nothing of him for two yea rs. Of the masters, I met Johnson, unnmcially known as I I Crackers" for some reason. Like ships that pass in the night we met in a blacked-out Cairo street. He had just tim e to say" Explosives-Benghazi" li nd was gone. Your guess is as good as mine as to what he meant. R . P . Tohg, now a Lieut.-Colonel, crossed my path accidentally a few months ago . He has been wounded In the hand, which interferes with his music, but hopes it will heal in time. As for me, I nm a G.S.O. III in an Armoured Division, after having served in the infantry and the l'nvalry in a variety of pretty poor spots East of Suez for the last four years. Good luck 10 you all, and hasten the day of your return to Canterbury, that brave city. May the II 'x t 1346 years be as successful as the last have been . "


R. G. Leadbeater (1939-43) is at Magdalen College, Oxford on a Naval University Short Course.

THE C ANTUARIAN M. S. Spark (1937-41) is in West Africa. He has been running a demolll llill course in his unit which he says, " tends to be a trifle tricky as some 80% of my 1111 are illiterate and 10,% of them can 't count. When it comes to trying to tell tholll II about Ohm's Law and resistances (about wh ich I have always been a bit vas ue) III position becomes even more tricky. Even so, we have a lot of fun and at the prlll'lh II stuff they are very good." He would be grateful fo ~ an Air Mail Letter Card II "'" anyone he knew at school. . D. Stainer (1912- 14) joined the Staff of the Sch ool this term. His son Juhll I now in the Junior School. D. G. S. Winters (1914- 16) was in the Teak timber business in Burma . Whlll the Japanese invasion came he sent his wife to India by air and then assisled III II" laying of supply dumps towards the Assam .border. He finally got away on f 01111111 walked for a month through jungles with his bull-terrier. (He has a ga me leg). M ill! died on the journey and no-one expected to get through ; they owed their final eseli l" I, the public spirit and efficiency of the Assam Planters ASSOCiatIOn, who pushel 11111 parties of coolies on the road, makm g supply camps etc. m htth~rto Impenellillil¡ jungle. He is now in the Intelligence Department of the Burma Fronlier Force, lInil II I been Mentioned in Despatches. T. A. Watts (1934-39) writes from Turkana, Kenya: "I am stiU posted 1111 III this desert frontier area West of La ke Ru dolf on the borders of Abyssmla, Sudl'" 111111 Uganda. It is a pleasant dry heat averaging 93¡F. The area of the District is II I twenty thousand square miles of bush country in the Rift Valley. .one gets pleill y ,.1 exercise walking about the District from waterhole to water hole usmg camels 10 '1111 one's supplies. ' , M. L. Powell (1916- 19) has been in Canterbury a good deal lately in connelllllil with the film .. A Canterbury Tale" which he is directing. News has been received from O. Willsdon, (1935-40) from Malaya that he is ""III fairly weB, but that was dated June, 1942. D. Willsdon ( 1937-41) has been on a course as a Bomb Aimer. W. R. Fischl (1936-40) has obtained the Ll,.B. Degree of London Un iv I II with 2nd Class Honours. . M. E. Noakes (1939-41) a nd S. W. Brooks (1939-43) are at St. Edmund 111111 Oxford, on a n R.A.F. University Short Course and A. G. Gordon (1939-43) and I, Ouseley Smith (1939-43) are doing the same thing at CambrIdge. Gordon IS at "'1"1 Christi College and Ouseley-Smith at Emmanuel. H. M. Gregson (1939-43) and J. S. Macartney (1939-43) are on Army IlIIi I Gregson at Aberdeen University and Macartney at Exeter. T. H. Boultbee (1935-43) is up at Keble College, Oxford, studying Scienc wllh an Open Scholarship and a State Scholarship. A. J. Bowles (1938-43) is at the London Hosp ital.Medical School ; J. P. 1-1. 11 11111111 (1933-43) at Bart's, F. L. Whalley ( 1939- 43), P. B. Poole (1938-43), G. F. M. 1'1\ I (1939-43) at Guy's. J. Peschek (1940-43) and R. G. O. Tayler (1939- 4 ) III both Choral Scholars of King's College, Cambridge, and are studying Science. I' II Cornelius (1938-43) is up at Clare College, Cambridge, with a Modern Lun ~1II1 Exhibition,

THE CANTUARIAN M, P. Jackson (1939-43) is farming. J. D. Ommannby (1938-43) writing from Glasgow where he was just finishing 101 It.A. University course said how much he missed regular games, but that, in spite ..I huving played only two games of Soccer for the cadets he was fitter than he had ever I I n before, on P.T. alone. M. Walsh (1937-41) has been acting Company Commander for some time, and II recently appointed Battalion Sports Officer. While in India he has met only one I I ,So J. G. Towers (1937-40) and a couple of Old Boys of St. Edmund's, Hook (who . 11111 Hlnce been killed) and Berwick. . H. ' Cunningham (1936-40) and A. J. Grey (1937-4 1) went out to India as lilly Cadets, but ha ve now transferred to the Royal Indian Navy. . n. E. Fern (1937-4 1) writes that he has been launched on his instructional career 1IIII hai his home for the next ten months is in a place which is "just stones and goats." lI "wever he hopes to get to an O.K.S. supper when he gets leave. M. C. Trousdell (1936-40) writes that Major H. E. N. Bredin, M.e. ¡and bar 11") 34) is now attached to his Battalion as Second in Command, and they have 11,,,1 many talks about the School a nd Canterbury in general. Bredin has also served IlIi the Paratroo ps. A. A. Egerton-Jones (192 1-30) writes that the only other O.K.S. in his Division III Ille North African campaign was Captain G. D. Wood (1923-30) who, With three '1Ih~r officers, was killed by a bomb during the Battle of Ahrit. At the conclusion ,of IIie North African campaign he returned to hiS own Regiment, the Dorset~. At 111111 lime his Battalion could boast three O.K.S. as Company Commanders, himself, ~hlIM A. E. C. Bredin (1920- 29) a nd Captain W. N. Hayes (1933-37). ~redin has 1111 become second-in-comma nd of a Battalion of the York .and Lancs. Regiment. Major-Ge~. ¡E. D. Fanshawe, C.B.E. (1911- 13) writes that his brother G. D. iI'i I2- 15) had very bad luck as he was just going to get a Brigade in the Middle East II " he was wounded and picked up by the Germans. He was a P. of W. III Italy, 1.,,1 we regret to say that nothing has been heard of him since the Italian Armistice. 1'. A. N. Miller (1936-40) writes that in his Battalion of the D.C.L.I. is Major ,t horall, who gave the J.T.C. much help in early days at Carlyon Bay. I:. S. Trickett (1935-40) obtained a n Honour Degree in Tele-communications ",I ~ working in an experimental factory. ii, T. Groves (1938-43) has been discharged from the Royal Air Force on medical

nllnds. I). G. Carter (1934-40) has been graded Pilot and has gone overseas for flying 1\ III !lg. . M. Bolt (1936-40) studied Engineering ' at Armstrong College, Newcastle, after Yl na School and took a First Class Degree. He is now with the Fleet Air Arm. N. Donaldson (1934-39) is a pilot in Ferry Command and Captain of his crew. J. . C. Shapland (1929- 32) has passed the Staff College. I he following O.K.S. have visited the School this term :-B. T. Groves (1938-43) I I) Porrit (1938-43), D. ' G. Carter (1934-40), D. Lampard (1937- 42), G. B. 1111 'Irong (1936-41), R. Thorne (1941-42) home from N. Africa to go to an O.C.T.U. 1111 A. A. Egerton Jones (1921 - 30). I








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THE 路CANTUARIAN Bishop A. M. Gelsthorpe (1908-11) writes from the Sudan that he is ph'lI lIllI a big scheme to cope with the scourge of leprosy out there. and has had a vo, y hll but interesting year. He has conducted confirmations in all the Middle Easl A"III and travelled from Aleppo through Syria and Palestine, all along the North African ( '"" , and was just in time to share a tent, or rather to be asked for his tent to be sha ,路" I, 1>111, the Italian Corps Commander and four Divisional Commanders during their n' NI ,Ill

as pr:isoners. He adds: "We are most fortunate in having the Higher Command in Ih . Nil and Army all out to allow the padres to do their job properly. Ale x and ~, 1111 I Montgomery in particular have no use for any of us who are merely amiable and SO 11 1",," apologising for existing. We had awfu l difficulties with Monty at Easter when I", , determined to read the lessons at the immense evening service on Easter Day ill ( nil Cathedral when his Seniors wanted his absence from his army to be a secret. II IIW Monty got his own way and read the lessons beautifully. It is no good tryins III 11.,1 him down to the usual Easter Sunday lessons. He chose a Good Friday lesso n III' III 1st- the Sacrifice ofTsaac, which he had read at 'services before his big battles in NUIII Africa. ' You could almost hear a. kind of gasp from the congregation (mainly of St., \ I, men) when they saw Monty in battle dress standing at the lectern. The Confirmations at all centres along the North African coast were in' I'"1I affairs, as there are many men in these days really wanting to help build up th II" I mankind fresh in the years to come. I had a Confirmation for 100 New Zcnhllld, , in a field of flowers a few hours after the cease fire so unded near Enfidavill '. 110 previous night of fighting was not the best possible preparation for them, but II, other hand they had been receiving regular teaching for many months, and Ihel(' , the wonderful contrast between the terrific noise of a few hours before and the wo nd",11I1 peace of the service in a field of poppies. The other services (chiefly Confirml'ilull , during the same day of men from the British regiments were equally thrilling. I II were tough, but discipline was such that they were all tidy and clean, but \vill, I"" and tousled hair after months of fighting. It was a touch of genius on Monl y'" I"" to issue the 8th Army with crusader badges, by which they are being constantly I'om 1111 I of the underlying purpose of all their efforts. I was very interested to find 'r""" Moslem troops very eager to wear those badges. I see much of Fleming-Sandes when in Khartoum. He is one of the most dcso' II ,II popular men路 in the Sudan . He claims that he got his V.c. for losing his tempe,' I 110,1 Gent is doing great things in Cairo. I just missed seeing Ryan who is on 10 n " "II important work in Middle East. Janson-Smith is an educational inspecto,路 h' II, in the Southern Sudan, and is most helpful in all matters concerning the tribes. I I" " of Glennie occasionally but have not met him recently. I am in the very 1"'1'1' position of enjoying service under one of the greatest bishops of our day. "


BIRTHS CARTWRIGHT.-On 12th December, 1943, to Pamela, wife.of Lt.-Col. J. M . F. Carlw,l h' R.A. (1918-22), twin daughters. LATTER.-On 25th July, 1943, to Mollie, wife of R. H . Latter (1912- 21), of 86 Villi Road, Ipswich, a daughter. AGUTTER.-On 27th July, 1943, to Jane, wife of Lieut. Anthony Agutter, R.N V I' (1921-23), a sister for Richard. '268

THE CANTUARIAN I ""IN AuD.- On 29th July, 1943, to Sheila, wife of Captain J. G . W. Charnaud (1926.10), a so n. I .VII LL-BARRs.- On August 13th, 1943, to Jean, wife of Captain A. H. Faviell-Barrs, Rifle Brigade (1919- 21), a dau ghter. I" MONGER.-On 6th October, 1943, 10 Lucille, wife of Sub.-Lieut. T. L. iremonger, R.N.V.R. (1930- 34), a daughter. III WI,ETC.- On 14th October, 1943, to Barbara, wife of F lo yd Hewlett (1930- 33), a Inughter, Rosamund. Itll)~ ')A LE.-On 27th November, 1943, at Gauhati, Assam, to Margaret, wife of H. W. Ridsdale (19 17- 20), a second daugbter. ENGAGEMENT r he engagement is announced between Captain John Davis, The London Scottish ' 1'112- 36) and Joan Mary Stuart, only daughter of Lieut.-Colonel R . A. Lloyd, D.S.O. , I M.S., and Mrs. Lloyd, of Danehill, Milford-on-Sea, Hants. . MARRIAGES DRAPER.- On 29th August, 1942, Sergeant R. A. Peye r, Maritime Artillery ( 1934- 37) to Helene Mary Diana Drap·er. \lINN"Il : GILEs.- On 15th May, 1943, Lieu!. S. G . Venner, D.S.C. , R.N., Polish Cross ,)f Valour (1935- 38), to Noreen Thurlby Gi les of Haywards Heath. I'.; , J "SON: HOLM.- On 5th August, 1943 at Thorshavn, Faroe Islands, Lieut. A. D. H. 1',III',son, The Cameronians (1930- 40) to Bertha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Holm. II, AN: BATc uP.- In September, 1943, in Durban Cathedral, Captain A. M .· Dean, ueen's Bays (1934-40), to Anne, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Batcup. 1'1 \,

I( :

DEATHS III I ' AIlS.- On 13th October, 1943, suddenly, while at his work, Arthur Robert Bellars (1898-1908), Y,icar of Warminster.

IN' MEMORIAM Just as we go to press we learn with regret of the deaths of Herbert Biggleston liKKII- 90) and of his brother, F. R. Biggleston (1890- 97) within 24 hours of each other, 'lid of J. R. Crawford (1877- 78). . THE REV . FREDERICK AQUILA DALE, K.S. (1879-1883) II is with great regret that we a nnounce the deatb on September 19th, of one of the III I Ilditors of The Cantuarian . Frederick Aquila Dale entered the School as a King's ,. hu lnr in 1879 and became a Senior King 's Scholar, a member of the Sixth Form and Mu nitor in the following year, when still only sixteen. He was in the XV for three I II> li nd in the XI for two, and was also prominent in Athl!'tics. In 1883 he went· to

tHE CANTUARIAN Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, as a Parker Exhibitioner, and while at Camhi d was awarded a Half-Blue for Cross-Country Running. He was ordained in 1888,11 1111 was Incumbent of St. Thomas' Church, Durba n, from 1898- 1903, and in 1907 be 'IIIII' Vicar of St. Peter's, Maidstone, where he remained for 12 years, while from 19 19 W ii i retirement he was Rector of Hunton, Maidstone. He was 79. Of the three orl~I " ,I Editors of The Canluarian, which made its fi rst appearance in 1882, it is notewortl, y llilll all were Senior King 's Scholars and took H oly Orders. F. L. Perkins, who was II I II three years in the XV and two in the XI and was Captain of the School in 1883, lViI a Scholar and Stanhope Exhibitioner of Pembroke, Cambridge, and became and Rural Dean of York, Hon. Chaplain to the Archbishop of York, and serveil II a Chaplain to the Forces 1914-18. He died in 1932. J. G. W. Tuckey, who enl " ,I the School in 1874 at the age of 10, was head of School House and the first holder 01 11 Ford Students hip at Trinity College, Oxford , where he took 1st Class H onours in Class il III Mods. He has been a Chaplain to the F orces since 1897, saw service in S. Arm ll including the Defence of Ladys mi th, and was Ass istant Chaplain-General ,SOIllh ' lIl Command, from 1916- 23. He has been a n H on. Chaplain to H.M. the Kin g '"' • 1918 and is now Canon of Ripon.

fI """


EDWARD WILLIAM MOORE, K.S. (1878- 1885) E. W. Moore entered the School as a Probationer in January, 1878 a nd beeuil il a Senior King's Scholar in 1883 . H e was in the XV for three years a nd in the XI for tlVlI, and Captain of the School. He went up to C hrist Church, Oxford , in 1885 as an O~,' " Classica l Scholar and Rose Exhibitioner, and took 2nd Class H onours in Mods. ,,,,,1 Greats. H e was fo r many yea rs a master at Christ 's H os pital. The Rev. W. F . hh, (1879-85) writes ;May one who was a contemporary of E. W. Moore for six years at King's School be allowed to write a short tribute to his memory. We called him " Fiery ' '; pronouncl,,1 " Fierce" in reference to his red bail', but be was in no way of a fiery temperamcll l, but just the bright, good natured boy all would respect. Moore had quite a schol(II'ly mind, and far outstripped me, as we travelled on through the upper school, though IVI were both amongst the first four of leaving. He was Captai n of the School 1884-5 HIIII well worthy of the position. We were both in the XV our last two years, Moore bel ll ~ Captain his last year. We met only once or twice after schooldays until we renewt " our friendship in old age. When ta king duty in the beau tiful old Parish Church III Tenterden, while I was celebrating Holy Communion I beca me conscious of rathel' " wistful look on the part of a n elderly communicant, a nd after Service we renew!'1 1 acquaintanceship. In his later years, a victim to asthma, he quietly and contenled ly struggled on, happy amongst his club acquaintances, his books and in his garden. II won, I believe, high tribu te as a master at Christ's Hospi tal, and certainly all who kn w him both at school and subsequently would witness of his high standard of life and hi. helpful inffuence amongst all with whom he was brought into contact. COMMANDER


PERCIVAL ABERNETHY RICHARDSON, D.S. '" R.N.V.R., (l90(}-04) J. P. A. Richardson, who died on 7th October, 1943, entered the School in JanuHry 1900 and was a member of the Sixth Form. He proceeded to Trinity Coliege, Cambrid~\', where he took Honours in the Classical Tripos. He served with distinction in th 270


THE CANTUARIAN IC ilynt Na val Volunteer Reserve from 1914-18, commanding a Mine Surveying and III i-submarine FlotIlla. He was severely wounded, awa rded the Distinguished '" vice Cross and the Ki ng of fl aly's Silver Medal for Valour and twice mentioned In des patches. Later he was an Inspector of F isheries in the Hull area, and readers of I ., . Walmsley 's Fishermen at War wi ll probably have recognised him in the following ',"n mp h ; Writing of the small boa ts goi ng to Dunki rk, the author says; "Two • ,'Icrs had been floated up to their present berths on the highest spring tides in order Ihll l Iheir hulls wo uld dry out for scrap ing and repainting. Normally it would be " "possible to fl oat them out until the tides reached full spring again ; a nd channels \'," IC being dug in the hope Ihat this would give them a n equiva lent depth. I saw


• IlIn mander Richardson lookin g rather des pai ringly at the digging operati ons, then at


edge of the tide which was slowly fl owing. He had been in peace time .it, lrict representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and F isheries, a nd took a deep I,\,<o nal interest in the fi shermen of the coast. He had been retired fro m the Navy III Ihe last wa r owing to severe wo unds, and they still troubled him, but he had done his h,' I 10 persuade the N aval aut hori ties to ta ke him back for acti ve service. I moved ," r to where the Commander was standing ........ He answered disjointedl y and with an II hvious mental preoccupation ; " Yes, of course ... ...They 'li never get that stuff dug " IVIlY by hand ..... ,l 've got it. The fire engine. We ' ll wash it out. " .... The fire engine IlIld two powerful A.F.S. motor pumps were movi ng down the quay. They stopped " pposite the keelers, lengths of libre " feed " hose were la id down to the water's "llge and the rest of tbe fi remen uncoiled the service hoses and trained the nozzles into Iii ' dou ble trenches the fishermen had dug. There was a terrific roar as all th ree engines w're started up, a great hissing and splashing as the jets of water began to eat into the !li ngle and wash it a'Vay from under the keelers ' sterns. And in a few minutes it became dlwious that the Commander's brain wave was proving a briJUant success. The channels lVere deepening rapidly. The keelers would have ample depth to fioat off as the tide I lIched them. "

LT.-COL. JOH N E DWARD HASELDE N, M.C. (1 9 16- 18) J. E. Haselden and his yo unger brother both ca me to the School from Egy pt in i!l nua ry, 191 6, but while Sidney, the younger, was two yea rs in the XV the Register hows that John left early, a nd the School had, in fact, completely lost SIght of him. It wuS no t until a Daily Herald reporter rang up one aftern oon in November that we knew anything of his wa r record . The following account of his achievements is taken Irom an article by Emery Pearce in the columns of the Daily H erald. " John H aselden, ('x pert in Arabic and Balkan langua ges, was a sta r of British Military Intelligence. The "emy would have called him a spy, if they had ever caught him. But" Hasel " ~s 1II0st people called him, was more than an expert In languages. He was bnlhant 10 disguise, whether as a wandering camel- borne Arab or a nondescript beachcomber , 'roungi ng around Alexand ria. And he had no fear of danger or inj ury; was always ('old and calculat ing. In Ja nua ry he had the distinction of being the first Intelligence II sent on whom the Wa r Office had lifted the heavy veil of secrecy in this war. I wrote llien that John Haselden had been the mysteri ous " Arab " who had trekked through 100 l11iles of enemy infested territory to direct to the shore Colonel Geoffrey Keyes and his 'ommandos for the attack on Rommel's headquarters. Then " Hasel " had wandered bac k again through the doubly-a lert enemy, to his own camp. For that he was awarded " bar to his Military Cross- and the world ~ondered about this mys terious Englishman 27.1

THE CANTUARIAN who donned Arab robes and masqueraded and bluffed the enemy. For that one explllil alone he became a marked man for the Germans. But it did not ma ke the slighll' I difference. He was, as Commandos told me " happy at his work," work that wo,,"1 probably have meant being shot out of hand if the Germans caught him. In his s I'l l he met, talked to, and bluffed the Germa ns and Italians many times. He opera led II lot with, and in front of, the Eighth Arm y. Though nameless, he was a great favolJl l1i and a topic of conversation in battle or in camp. But only General Montgomery 111111 his staff knew whom they were talking a bollt.. .. .Afier the Rommel expedition he be '1 11111 known. to soldiers and civilians alike as the" Second Lawrence of Arabia . "".. .. 111 went everywhere, sometimes operatin g from the front line, sometimes in COl11n'Hll lllu


For at heart he was a Commando .. .... And no)V the story of " Hasel " is fini ~ l H'd

A seven word paragraph in to-day's War Office Casualty List reads : • Killed : I I Col. J. E. Haselden, Intelligence Corps. ' How or where he was killed is nol Slil l II Perhaps on th.e Italian front, maybe in a Commando raid, possibly scores of miles ill It t. German-held Italy on the one-man sorties he loved so mllch. "

• ,.

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CAPTAIN JOHN FE RGUSON GRAHAM, I.A. (1926-34) The anxious waiting of many months since J. F. Graham was first reported WOU ndl ,1 and Missing, believed Prisoner of War, have now ended in the sad certainty of his drll ili for his grave and identity disc have been fo und. J.F. was the eldest of three brollW. of whom the youngest left the School only last July. He will be remembered by hi contemporaries in The Grange as an efficient Capta in of Hall and as a quiet chap wh,· was never particularly outstanding in a ny capacity but took bis full share in all Ih.11 went, and played his part well both at School and, when called upon to do so, on a h" • I stage. CAPTAIN LIONEL WILLIAM KENNAN, M.B.E., R.A.S.C. (1928- 32) To many, after the fall of Singapore and the long wait for news of our troops IhN it will have been a relief to hear that L. W. Kennan was a prisoner in Japanese hlllili and we are deeply grieved to learn that he has died in his prison camp from broll \' l1 ll1l pneumonia. He was in the XV in his last year, but it is on the river that his f, It'11i1 will best remember him as a very cheerful Captain of Boats. He was never dis tn ll~ ,I at difficulties, such as lack of- water in the river or an abundance of weeds, and " lwllY managed to imbue others with his own keenness and good humour. He went li p III I Edmund Hall, Oxford, and the outbreak of wa r found him a Captain in the R.A .S I He went to France wi th the B.E.F. a nd was awa rded the M.B.E. (Milita ry Di vl 111111 for his gallantry and resource in evacuating his unit from Belgium and France in IInl 1940. Our sympathy goes out to his wife. SERGEANT JOHN PETER TAYLOR, R.A.F.V.R. (1937-40) J. P. Taylor came to the School from Kenya and was always a very keen m 1111 of the J.T.C. He joined up in the R.A.F. when only 17}, and received his Ai r ( , training in' Canada, qualifying as a Sergeant Navigator. He joined an operational squadron only about four weeks before his den lh, 111111 was one of the crew of a plane which failed to' return to base from a raid on Gel '" 11 11 His aunt and guardian writes " Peter was very happy in his R.A.F. life and I "I ll 1",1 he was able to do the war work he wished to do and that he so enjoyed his expcrielh I Our special sympathy goes to his parents wIlD had not seen him since he left. KellY" 10" the King's School six years ago. 212

THE CANTUARIAN I' LYING OFFICER WILLIAM TORRENS HINDS, R .A.F.V.R. (1936- 40) The death of Bill Hinds on active service wi th the R.A. F. in New Guinea strikes I 1I0ie of particular poigna ncy. If there was one characteristic about him which could nlll fail to impress it was his immense vivality. Whatever he had to do was done always wllh outsta.ndmg vIgour and enthusiasm. He was indeed the very pattern of Youtb !I h"ppy m lxt~re of adventurousness and conservatism. These were the characteristi~ wltich made hml an outstanding fighter pilot, and they are the same which will be so sadly,"I K~ed m a. world whIch has gr~a t need of young men of this type. He will have been hll p ~y to d,e dOl11g a plam straIghtforward job for a cause in which he believed ; our 1I1111ude for hIS saCrIfice must be mingled with a deep sense of personal loss. No t long befo re he was .killed the Headmaster had a letter from him written in hilI> f~lI. of a lively interest ,in Austral~a and in his job, but complaining '" The nips IIi,HI t VISit us regula rl ~ enough t<;l get In sOIl}e real practising. " He went on, To ~I IIp us c ompany at nIght mosqUItoes, sandflles, large spiders, liza rds and cockroaches h,'" theIr frolics, not to mention the odd sna ke which occasionally uses a flying boot for Iti even mg nap ...... My ,m presslOn after geography lessons at school was that Australia " a l a rge~ very uninhabita ble place, where the cities were small a nd old fashioned. I w,, ~ surprIsed to fi nd ·that Adelaide for instance was the most perfectly planned a nd [' I Il lest cIty I had ever seen. Also it has the best cinemas I have encountered outside I~,'w York. This country. holds endless possibilities for agriculture, engineering and Ii tlgal lon, and I a,!" If possIble after the war, going to stay out here to see what I can do. IUllIgme my surprise when I saw in the " Kentish Express" way out in the bush here 111111 Ihe School had been awa rded a shield fo r Life Saving. I bet Mr. Goodburn i; Itll ·ked. " H

LT. CHARLES LAWRENCE MACKNESS, THE BUFFS, (1920- 29) Major A. E. C. Bredin (1920- 29) writes : .. On my recent return home I was given lit sad news that Charles Mackness had died of wounds. He had volunteered fo r III vice when trained a nti-tank gunners were called for by his regiment, The Buffs. At • hnol he was, I suppose, my best friend, and I think his outstanding quality was his Illyll liy then a nd later. Though not excelling at games he played a reasonable game of IllI g~er and was very keen on rowmg. He was a Prefect in School H ouse. I remember hllw often he used to read Tell England- and now he has played the part himself. Our Yili palhles a re extended to his parents, wife a nd child. "


T tiE' ell. '!'fi 'tJ ARt .... N

CORRESPONDENCE To rhe Editors of .. THE CANTUARIAN " Sirs, Jt gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity of thanking those who III; so kindly helped in this season's Rugby. Thanks are particularly due to Mr. luckes for coaching the 1st game, to Mr. 01",,11 for refereeing, to Mr. Reynolds for managing the Senior .Colts and to the Chaplnln I", managing the Junior Game. I am very grateful indeed for their assistance Rnli '" operation.

On behalf of the Rugger Club,

I am~ Sirs,

Your obedient servant,

J. B.


Captain of Rugby FOOII",II

,. •

! "

"" •




The Editors acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following conternp'"lIlit and apologise for any mistakes or omissions :. The Ampleforth Journal, The Barrovian, The Blundellian, The Bradfield 'oil, .• Chronicle, The Bryanston Saga, The Cholmelian, The Cranbrookian, The Eliza/" 'fhll" The Felstedian, The Glenalmond Chronicle, The Gresham, The Haileyburian, The 1/11'" Johnian, The Journal of the Honourable Arlillery Company, The Kelly College Chronl," The King's School Parramalla Magazine, The Lancing College Magazine, The 1'1' Forlnightly, The Lorretonian, The Manwoodian, The Mar/burian, The Meteor (2), If, Middlesex Hospital Journal, The Ousal, The Plymothian, The Rad/eian, The Reptllllf"11 The Roffensian, The Rossalliall, The SI. Edward's School Chronicle, The St .Edl/lllll./ School Chronicle, The Salopian , The Sfonyhurst Magazine, The Sulloll Valellce Stl/lO ' Magazine, The Tonbridgiall.





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Vol. XIX. No. 8

May, 1944.



, AI UNDA R ...





11111 SCHOOL











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CALENDAR January 18. 23. 25.



Term begins . InRD SUNDAY AFTER EP IP~IA NY . Preacher: The Headmaster. CONVERSION OF S. PAUL, A & M. 1st Hoc key X[ v. R.A.F. (Home). SIIII,' II Racquets v. R.A.F. (Home). 29. 1st Hockey XI v. R.N,E.C. , Keyham (Away). Colts' Soccer Xl v. D CVOII III I! High School (Home). 30. IVTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. Preacher: The Rev. C. W. Donaldson (0 .1\ -Pebrua ry I. Rugger House Matches. . 2. PURIFICATION OF THE B.V. M. Rugger House Matches. 3 . . Rugger Housc Matches. 5. Rugger House Matches. Lecture: Capt. Lewis Ritchi c, C. V.0.. It N " Bartim"Cus." 6. SEPTUAGESIMA. Preacher: The Rev. Sta nley Eley, Secretary of London D iu~1 HI Fund. 7. Upper School Lecture: .. The British Constitution." The Rev. S. B. R. Pillil M.A. 8. 1st Soccer XI v. R.A.F. (Away). Squash Racque ts v. R,A,F, (Away). II. Recital: George Parker (Bass) Covent Garden and B.N.O.C. 12. 1st and 2nd Hockey XIs, v. Kelly College, Tavistock (Away). 13. SEXAGESIMA. Preacher: The Rev. F. S. Williams, Lecture: "The Book WIIIII! as I see it. " Ralph Straus, Esq. 14. Upper School Lecture: .. The Technique of Pictorial Art." D . Staine r, I 'I



19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.





28. 29. March

I. 4. 5. 6. 7.

II. 12.

14. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3 1.

1st Hockey XI and Colts v. Gresham's School (Away) . Upper School Lc ·hll .. Study of History, " A. L. Rowse, Esq., M.A., Fellow of All Souls, QUINQUAGESIMA. Preacher: The Chapla in. Song Recital. George Baker . Upper School Lecture. .. Ourselves and France. " F. H. Voigt, Esq., M.A. AsH WEDNESDAY. Preacher: The Rev. S. B. R. Poole. S. MATTHIAS, A. Soccer House Matches. Soccer House Matches. Soccer House Matches. 1ST SUNDAY IN LENT. Preacher: The Rt. Rev, the Lord Bishop of Il tllll Lecture: .. Animals in Sickness a nd Health." Lt.-Cor G . V. Badcoc k. Upper School Lecture: .. Colour. ',' R. Coles, Esq., B.Sc. 1st Hockey XI v, Plymollth College (Away). 1st Hockey X I v. Clifton College (Away). 1st Soccer XI v. R,N.E.e., Keyham (Home), lIND SUNDAY IN LENT. Preacher: The Rev. B. 1. Wigan (O.K,S.), Pusey 11 011 Oxford, Lecture: .. Canterbury." H. M. Enderby, Esq" O,B. E .• (II Surveyor of Canterbury. . Upper School Lecture: "Canterbury." H . M. Enderby, Esq" O,B. ., ( II Surveyor of Cante rbury. 1st Hockey XI Y. R.A.F. (Home). Squash Racquets Y. R.A.F. (Home). 11.30 a.m., Confirmation Service. The Rt. Rev, the Lord Bishop.of Dover. IlIRD SUNDAY lN LENT. Preache.J: The Lord Bishop of Dover. Upper S\;hlllli Lecture-Recital: .. Murder in the Cathedral." G. P. Hollingworth , I 'I M.A. Lecture: " Atlant ic Seals and Sea-Birds." Seton Gordon , I 'I F.S.A. 1st Soccer XI Y. RAF. (Home) . Squash Racquets Y. R .A.F. (Home). 2nd Soccer Xl v. Sutton H.S. 1st Xr(Away). IVTH SUNDAY IN LENT. Preacher: The .Rev. F. 1. Laverick, C.M,S, Or8(1 lt l ~ hlr Secretary for the Diocese, Film: .. Medical Missions." The Rev . I Laverick. . Hockey House Matches, Upper School Lecture: "Egypt and Palc·ul ttt C. A. Richmond, Esq., B.Sc. Hockey House Matches, Tnter-School Athletics Fixture at Tavistock, Hockey House Matches. Field Day. ANNUNCIATION OF THE B.V.M. Visit of General Sir Bernard Montgomery, K.( II D.S.O. PASSION SUNDAY. Preacher: The Rev, Geoff(ey Curtis, C.R. 8 p .m" " (llIt,,1 Friday, " by John Masefield. 3 p.m" " Good Friday," by John Masefield . 8 p,m" House Music Competition. . 8 p.m" House Music ,Competilion. Term ends.






14- MARCH,


,ff(utlolions and Transfers since December, 1943 ROYAL NAVY It I) , ALLARD to Lieutenant-Commander, R,N.V.R. I A. EUSTACE to Brevet-Major, R,M. (N. S.-List II should read A/ Major.) n M. HAMILTON to Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. F. E. C. LEIGH to A/ Petty Officer (pilot), R.N.V.R. It. M. SANDFORD to Lieutenant (E). ft. SUGDEN to Midshipman, R.N .V.R. It . WILLIAMS to Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R, THE ARMY. V 1.., ARMITAGE to T /Major and T/ Lieut,-Colonel and G.S.O.I. F. ASHTON to O.C.T.U. A P. BEALE to 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant, R.T.R. OIlALE to Cadet, Pre-O. C.T.U. " W R. H. BEESTON to O,C.T,U. and 2nd Lieutenant, Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment, II thlched Airborne Light Tanks . ' AMUS CaRDEN to 2nd Lieutenant, R.I.A.S.C. II, CROSSE to Captain, Tank Training Corps, S.A.F. It I,. EDWARDS to Lance-Corporal. I., EDWARDS to D.C.T,U., 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant, Intelligence Corps. It 1\. FINN to Major. II 1. R. Fox to Captain and tra nsferred to J.M.S. II M. FREELAND to Lieutenant and Captain. II I) , G. HEYMAN to A/Brigadier. M /I . H UNT to Major and D.A.Q.M.G . " K. JOHNSON to Lieutenant. II I AtoWARD to 2nd Lieutenant, Irish Guards. II (j, S. LONDON to Captain and Majo r. W. A. LOVAn transferred to Grenadier Guards, from Suffolk Regl. '" II I!RNA RD MONTGOMERY, appointed Comma nder-in-Chief, British Forces for Invasion of Europe I NORTHOVER to 2nd Lieutenant, The Buffs and Lieutenant. II I'. A. PIERCY to Captain. " ,\ I' LAYER to Captain, \! I . PR ICE to Lieutenant, Capta in and Major. I ', ROI.lERTSON to Cadet, Pre~D.C.T.U. I II ROYLE to 2nd Lieutenant, Highland Light Infantry.



N. SCARFE to Lieutenant. P. H . SHORTHOUSE to T / Major and A/Lieutena nt-Colonel. H . R. STEELE to Lieutenant a nd Captain and transferred to Mahratta L~ 1. C. H . B. WAUTON to LieUlenant and Ca ptain. J. S. WAYLAN D transferred to R .A.F. A. D. WILSON to 2nd Lieutenant. J. S. YOU NG transferred to R.E. W. C. YOUNG to Capta in .

R.A.F. D. G AASTRA to Pilo t Officer. P . G AASTRA to Sergea nt. A. HARTE-LoVELACE to Squadron Le.1dcr. P. L. HARTE-LOVELACE to Pilot Officer and Flying Officer (Pilot). D . L. H URFORD to Flying Officer (Pilot). M . C. KAROP to Pi lot Officer and F lying Officer (Pilo t). G. A. LOMAS to Sergeant-Pilol and Flight-Sergeant. M . M . MALLDRIE to Pi lot Officer and Flying Officer (Pilo t). B. E. E. MARSHALL to Flying Officer and Flight Lieutenant. J. D . Moss to Sergeant-Pilof. J. K. P URVIS to Sergeant-Pilot and Flight-Sergeant. J . A . VANE to Sergeant-Navigator and F light-Sergeant. J. S. WAYLAND to Flying Officer, R.A .F. from Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Decorations and Mentions. G ENERAL SIR BERNARD MONTGOMERY, K. c.B., D .S,O,. Mentioned in Despatches (2nd time), LIEUT, p, DOWMAN, .T he Buffs, posthumously Mentioned in D espatches, A /BRIGADIER G. D , G. H EYMAN, M .R E., Mentioned in D espatches.

AfMAJOR N. C. KI NG, RAS.C., Menlioned in Despatches (2nd time). T / LT.-COL. R. A. BAYNTON, R ,A, (T.), Efficiency D ecoration. T /MAJOR V, L. ARMITAGE, T,A.R .O" Efficiency D ecoration , LT, -COMMANDER 1. BYRON, D .S.C., R .D ., R .N .R ., Bar to D.s.C. SQ.-LEADER H. S. JOHNSTON, D.F,C" R.A.F.V.R., Bar to D.F. C. LIEUT, (E) K . R . M. SANDFOR D, R .N., Mentioned in D espatches.

FOURTEENTH LIST OF O.K.S. KNOWN TO BE SERVING. ROYA L NAVY. D . B. BANCROfT, 1936-39, Su b-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. I. K, MEEK, 1938-4 1, Midshi pman , R,N.V.R. . D , F. MURRAY, 1938-42 , 2nd Lieutenant, R.M, P. A. SHI ELDS, 1937- 39, Sub .-Lieutenant, R.N. R. (see a lso List IrI, Civil Defence, etc.)

THE ARMY. V. L. A RMITAGE, 1902- 7, Capta in, T.A.R.O., a nd Intelligence Corps. 0. A. H. B AKER , 1938-42, 2nd. Lieutenant, Welsh Guards. C. BBALE, 1938-41, Trooper, R.A ~C. 1. A. W. BOOKER, 1925-34, 2nd Lieutenant, Malayan Regiment.

J. H. CLAR K E, 1940-43, Private, General Service Corps. S. L. EDWARDS, Private, Tntelligence Corps (see also List II Admin.) M. O. R. ELLIS, 1940-43, Guardsman, Grenadier Guards. A. J. C. F AGO , 1939-43, Private, General Service Corps. II. M. GREGSON, 1939-43, Signalman, R. C.S. J. S. M ACARTNEY, 1939--43, Si gnalman, R.C.S. P. r. N. MILLER, 1936-40, 2nd Lieutena nt , D.C.L.r. A. C. R. P AU L, 1939-43, G unner, R.A. , A. F. R ANDS, 1 94~3, Private, Sea forth Highlanders. 1'. C. SIDNEY, 1937-49, Corporal (unit unknown). M. H. SLATER, 1939-43, Signalman, R .C.S. M. W. SWIN HOE-PHELAN, 1937-43, Signalman, R.C.S. J. G. TOWERS, 1937- 40, 2nd Lieutenant, Punjab Regiment. J. WATfS, 1939-43, Private, General Service Cor ps . R.A.F. J. R. BREIT, 1934-43, Aircraftman. I), R, KENNEDY, 1936-40, Sergea nt Bomb-Aimer. I), N. G. KNOWLES, 1934-39, Pilot Officer (Fighter Pilot). 0. E. E. MARSHALL, 1935-40, Pilot Officer (Pilot). P. B. PERKINS, 1939- 43, AC/2. ADMINISTRATIVE, ETC. . R. THOMPSON, 1933-38, Assistant N avallStore Officer. PRISON ERS OF WAR. 2ND LIEUTENANT O . A . W. BOOKER , 1925- 34, Malayan Regiment. LONEL G. H. FANSHAWE, The Queen 's Bays, 1912- 15, Re ported Missing after Italian Armistice List XIII. Now known to be interned in Switzerland.

WOUND ED. li eUTENANT J. A , NORTHOVER, The Buffs, 1937-4 1, T wice wounded , October and November. 1943. MISSING. l ieUTENANT J, G. TOWERS, Punjab Regiment , 1937-40.

Missing, believed killed.

ROLL OF HONOUR. li eUTENANT J, L. ROWllonlAM, R .A., 1936- 41. Killed in Action. 2NI) LIEUTENANT G. B. ARMSTRONG , King 's Dragoon Guards. Killed in Action. I'LIGHT LIEUTENANT P, 0, BOWEN, 1934- 38. Killed in Action. 171.IG HT SERGEANT J. A, VANE, 1937-39. K illed in Action. MAJOR A. H. S, NORTHCOTE, M.C., South Lancashire Regiment, 1927- 33. Killed in Action. N.B.-This Record can be kept up-to-date only by the help of 0 , K ,S, and their relatives.


~nd a ny information about yo urself or o thers to Kenneth Thomas, Essex House. Essex Street, Strand, Lo ndon, W .C. 2.








MAY, 1944

EDITORIAL " La vie s 'en va, Madame, Ia vie s 'en va ! Helas, la vie non, mais no us, nous en allons. " I Ids is " the moment of perfect happiness." Above us the sky is infinitely blue ,I I neath the sea mir~o rs the impenetrable things of space. We pause and wait-we i11,nd pause for the inevitable ri pple on the sea, for the cloud in the sky, and the sea,II ' hriek. They have come and our moment is shattered-we almost hope the waves .1111 happiness broaden, in their destruction, over the whole world . But we do not Ihem broad~ning-we know only material reality. We hesitate and cry with h,Jlllclaligelo- " Bea ta L'Alma, ove non corre tempo!" Those are our last words I h~A l'el. We hasten back because we know we must. But in our hastening, we ,.h'lIlber the consolations. We remember how much we have absorbed and the richof our experience. Because of that, we are grateful and eager, for th e ftiture, next 1111 0 1' the beginnings of our career.

I'he term is a bout to end- our boxes are already packed fOf the journey home. I " ,,)me of us it is our last term, for all of us next term will be different, and no doubt ,""selves shall ha ve changed. We shall see. new faces amongst us and we shall no ,~'" see some onhe old faces. But though this must be, the School itself fundamentally Iii IInl. cbange. Tbat is the importa nce of history and tradition. Each of us, is the , IIlInn of that tradition and history. It is ours to hand on, ours to preserve for the til "'. Indeed, it is not us now who are tbe School, it is all those with us who have ", ~d and been brought up here. The majority of them did so in Ca nterbury in our ,,11' ~ount y of Kenl. Not so' us, we had and still have, the task and privilege of keepII l1 vc the ancient spirit in a di fferent setting. That we ha ve managed to do so so far, "' • happy ; and a little proud that we, too, have played OUf part and done what ,~ lIt her genera tion wou ld have done in our place. This, however, is not ali, we have I III ,'cturn-so to our return all our future efforts must be bent. Obviously it will II I . easy. For onc thing, the majority of us has never seen OUf real, home. NeverII II ". there arc hopeful signs. Foremost amongst them, perhaps, is a widespread ,,,,wlcdge of Canterbury. Tbe journey, therefore, has already begun. It is up to us hll will remain to continue that journey until one day, we may exclaim, " . Conslimmatus f I I' nnd hand on, undimmed, Ollr heritag~ ! ·2·77






. EDITORIAL NOTES It was with deep regret that the School learned of the death of Mr. Algern III ,ill O.K.S. and Headmaster of the School from 1917 to 1927. He was beloved by 11 11 knew him and these made up a wide circle for the younger generation at SchOl,1 privileged to meet him when he came down to Carlyon Bay last summer for , I' Day. An appreciation of his life and work is given elsewhere in the magazine.









The high-light of the term undoubtedly was the visit of General" Monty " 1111 II 24th and 25th of March. It was a most stirring and impressive occasion and will 10 • be remembered in the history of the School. Words can scarcely ex press 0111 ,I gratitude to the General for coming specially to visit his old School when, as Conll lllll,,1 in-Chief he has so many urgent calls upon his time. A full account of the visil . 1111" II, with photographs, appear elsewhere.

,h I

We were glad to welcome the Bishop of Dover for the Confirmation. W benefited from his stay, for, not only did he address the Confirmation ca ndid ll il , also preached in Chapel on Sunday, March 12tb. A list of those confirmed is II ~ II page 283.


We owe a fresh debt of gratitude to Mr. A. L. Rowse who, after coming dowil " Oxford specially to give us a lecture on " The Use of History," has generou<ly 1111 prizes a mounting to £10 for the three best essays o n any historical subject co nll ".1 either Cornwall or Kent.


,,," ":"


We extend a hearty welcome to Dr. W. R. Pasfield who takes Dr. Phillips ' pi", Director of Music. He is a graduate of Birminghaln University and of Trinity ('I,ll Dublin. He has already become a contributor to The Call1llariali. II

.,.. Ii


An attempt is being made to construct a record of the School's stay in ('11111 with a view to eventual publication-possibly in the form of a special edil ioll "I Cantuarian-and anyone who can send in photographs, snaps or any otho, II to data is invited to communicate with the Rev. S. B-R. Poole, who is asscmhll" , material.

We regret to learn that Gunner N. E. G . Sims, who used to be gron'lll'''1 , Canterbury and was posted as missing in 1942, must now be pres umed iii " while a prisoner-of-war, Our sympathy goes out to his wife and mother.

THE SCHOOL ' Captain of the School : J. F. DALRYMPLB. E. P. WALSH J. M. LAMP'AK I) Head of The Grange L. A. MACLUAN Head of Meister Omers C. W. .BIRK01 1' Head of Walpole

• Head of School House







MONITORSA. MACLEAN, C. W. BIRKIlTT, E. P. WALSH, J. M . LAMPARD, G. C. MIDDLETON, I' C. STEEL, M. W. CHARLEY, M. T .. MIDDLETON-EvANS, J. B. LUMSDEN, 1. P. \'fALLER. HOUSE PREFECTSR I S. BREALY, F. E. BROWN, M. CORKRBY, P. S.· W. DAW, D. K . JOHNSON, J . D. TWBLLS-CROSSB. 'The Grange : ' M. A. S. BURGESS, W. G . C. FBRRIS, G. P. McMuLLIN, C . S. PITCHER, J. P. RICHARDSON, A. R . T. STUART, J. P. B. SHEPHBRO. Walpole House : G . L. ACKERS, O. H. O. BELSHAM, J. C . B. COLEMAN, J. E. C. HINCHLIFFE, SAO-SAO, F. V. THOMAS. Meister Omers: J. C. COURY, J. A. CUSHMAN, O. W. euSTACE, G. A. GORDON, S. B. NICHOLLS, P. POLLAK. J. B. LUMSDBN Captain of Rugger J. M. LAMPARD Captain of Soccer C. W. BIRKIlTT Captain of Hockey J. P. B. SHEPHERD Captai n of Athletics M . J. GoRDON Captain of Tennis J. C. CoURY , Captain of Squasb D. K. JOHNSON Captai n of Swimming EDITORS OF " THE CANTUARIAN " J. F . DALRYMPLE, G. C. MIDDLETON. School House:

"'I II



E~trance Scholar; School " use House Prefect, January, '43; C.S.M., September, '43; Certificate " A," March, '42; 2nd XI. Cricket, '43; Hon. Sec. Gramaphone Society. 'I W. EUSH cE- Entered 1.K.S., May, '33; Senior School, May, '39; King 's and illlirance Scholar ; Meister Omers House Prefect, Easter, '43; C.Q.M.S., Sept., '43. II II. F. RANDs- Entered School, Easter, '40; Captain of School House Hall, May, '42 ; Scbool House House Prefect, May, '43; 1st and 2nd Xl. Hockey, '43; 1. 1 and 2nd Xl. Soccer, '43 ; 2nd Atbletics, '42; 1st Athletics, '43 ; Certificate " A," June, '42 ; Sgt. J.T.C. , '43; Hon. Sec. Natural History Society. W. STEPHENSON-Entered School, Sept., '39 ; Walpole House Prefect, SeJlt., '43; lid Xl Cricket, '43; A.T.C. Leading Cadet; Prof. Star I., '42; Prof. Star II., ' • '43. ( I. R. ELLIs-Entered School, Ian., '40; School House House Prefect, Sept., '43 ; ( 'orlificate "A," July, '42 ; Sgt., J .T.C., Sept., '43 .


I . . FAGG- Entered School September, '39; King 's and

SALVBTB fl. Brown, T. 1. Farmer, L. A. Q. Halsey, G. E. Morgan, C . R. Nott, S. Ii, U. Pugbe, R. C. Sandey, J. R. Beam. 279

K: Parkin,





•• •



VALETE J. H. Clarke, P. L. G. Gurney, G. Howson, J. E. T. Sherwood.

ALGERNON LATTER, K.S. 1879-89 H EADMASTER OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL, 1908-16; HEADMAST ER OF 11 11 . KING'S SCHOOL, 1916-27. Algernon Latter, who died on Jalluary 23rd, was the yo un gest of five brolh " . 1111 of whom had distinguished careers at the School, and the th ird of the five to be (l pl llll, of both the Xl a nd the XV. The former he led for three seasons. Lord Juslic I II moore writes of him : "The news of Algernon Latter's death has come as a shtl<'1 I,

" I"

,,' I ,•


. I·

"", r

many generations of King 's School boys, their parents and his many friends.

I II j , 1

the great privilege of his friend ship for over 55 years. My first knowledge of him (1011 when J entered the School as a small boy in Janua ry, 1889. Latter was then, in 1111" senses than one, a great figure in the School, holding a high place in the Sixth 1'11111 a monitor and an outstanding athlete. I was his fag and an inefficient one at th ll l I shall never forget his kindly interest in an insignificant li ttle boy. It was in no 111,11 measure due to his good counsel that I was able to find my proper place quickly 11 ",1 I, enjoy my school life almost from its start. He left the School at the end of the SUIIIIII' . Term in 1889 after a soj ourn of over ten years, for he started in the Junior SChOlll, "I which his brother-in -law, the Rev. R. G. Hodgson, was the Headmaster. As boy" had the profoundest admiration and respect for him. He went up to Trinity 0111 . Oxford, and soon made his mark in the Freshmen 's Rugby Football and '" , matches, in the latter of which he distinguished himself by scoring a century. II ultimately ,ga ined his Blue at Rugby Footba ll, and played as centre three-quarter 1I ~1I111 , Cambndge. After leavJllg Oxford he played for BJackheath and Kent JIl th e "II' position with great.success. He was selected to play on more than one occa si(lII fl" the South of England, but to the general surprise was never ,elected to play for En ~IIIII,1 I ha ve h~ard many Welsh cri tics express the opinion that he WilS the best centre lli l, quarter then playing in Englislj Rugby football and that had he been eligible he Willi'" undoubtedly have been selected to represent Wales. He fai led to get his Cricket 11111 but after leaving Oxford played occasionally for Kent and was a tower of stren glh III II, St. Lawrence Club and the Band of Brothers .. He was appointed a Master at Felsted School and after four years there r 'IIII II' I to Canterbury, succeeding his brother-in-law as Headmaster of the Junior School ill i'~1 a post he filled with conspicuous success and to the great advantage of the School. I ,II . he succeeded the Rev. C. Macdowall as Headmaster of the Senior School. Und ~1 11111. the School prospered exceedingly and great was the regret when he retired in 192/ , Ii" onJ y of the School and the Masters, but also of the Govern ing Body, for cv I Y"" recognised and valued his splendid character and great qualifications, not least tllll"" which was his deep affection for the School and his ·interest in everything that COIII.('11i I its welfare. That 'affection and interest remained with him, and the Schonl . fort un ate in the fac t that he became President of the O.K.S. Association, a 1)11, 1110" he held at the time of his death. In everything that concerned the School 1111 I the Cathedral he took the liveliest'interest, and he was invaluable member of the ('111111 ,I of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral. . . 280



His outlook on life was so sound, so full of common sense. He had an innate ense of justice and a profound dislike for humbug. In spite of his many achievements he was essentially modest and broadminded . It is difficult. to visualise a man better qua lified to teach boys by precept and example the essentials reqUIred fo; a hfe of "sefulness and happiness. In his later years he suffered much from the dire m~lady which overtook him, but he bore hi s illness with an uncomplall1mg courage and pallence few can hope to achieve. Large indeed must be the number of those who mourn hIS lOss. He has passed to hi gher service but his memory wi ll remain. a n inspiration and un example to all who had the privilege of knowlllg and workmg WI th hlln. He would have wished no better memorial. A memorial service was held in the School Chapel <at Carlyon Bay) on the d&y li nd at the time of hi s funeral. The Headmaster, who took the service, gave a short uddress fo r the benefit of those who had not known him, paying tribute to Mr. Latter's line qualities. The Choir sun g the Russian Contak ion. On Februa ry 3rd a Memorial Service was held in the Eastern Crypt of Canterbury nthedra l to which the Headmaster, the Captain of School and the Heads of Houses went. The Archdeacon of Canterbury represented the O.K.S. Mrs. Hugh Latter has written to the Headmaster thanking the School for its sympathy and for the fl owers sent to the funeral at Cobham. A further letter of appreciation comes from a fellow O.K.S. of Mr. Latter's own lime, Mr. Basil J. Ross (1885-90) and is included in the O.K.S. Section .


K.C.B., D.S.O. Saturday and Sunday March 24th-25th were two memorable days in the long history of the School as they were the dates chosen by General Montgomery to pay

his first visit to OUf evacuated premises. He flew down to Cornwall on the Saturday and then drove over to the School in the late after noon . Accompanied by his A.D.C. Captain N. W. Chavasse, M.C., he inspected the School premises and chatted informall y with groups of boys coming up from the Games Field . On Saturday the General attended Mattins in the School Chapel. The Headmaster look the service and the General read the lesson. After Chapel the General gave the School a lecture on his North African Campaign. The Headmaster introduced him liS "our Monty " and said how pleased and honoured we felt to have him with us once again, and how grateful we all felt that in the midst of his labo u;s. as Comma,nderIn-Chief, he should ha ve fo und time to come down to Cornwall to VtSlt once aga m hiS old School. The General began his talk by reminding us of the many links which bound him to Ihe School. He recalled his early days at Canterbury when he lived in the Deanery with his gran dfather, Dean Farrar and how he had been sent to the Junior School , the other side of the Precincts, to get him out of mischief. There his particular memory was how he used to sing in the School Choir and if he sang sufficiently loudly the choirmaster used to reward him with a gift of a bunch of grapes. 28t



•• ••



He then turned to the famous North African Campaign of 1942-43. The Orll I I laid down the principles of all successful military actions and described ill 111'11111 illustrating his points by diagrams which he drew on a school blackboard- Ih r ~I , victories of EI Alamein and the Mareth Line. The censorship does not permil II " report what he said but the audience listened spellbound to the General 's nll .. I,,1 exposition of his strategy and tactics. At the end of his talk, Sir Bernard presented the Headmaster with a fla s III II, Eighth Army and suggested that it be put in the School Museum. He then co1111,11 I, I the success of his visit by asking for and obtaining a whole holiday for the School. After the School had loudly cheered him the General inspected a batta lio n I I I" St. Austell Home Guard, signed the O.K.S. Register and went to Trenarren 10 111 11,11 Tn the afternoon he flew back to London. So ended the most successful visit ye l 1',,1,1 to ,us. The School was touched and inspired by the General's interest .and is lIl""I grateful to him. We hope to meet him in Canterbury soon.



Instead of the usual Shakespeare play the School broke fresh ground on Pn~.',," Sunday by presen\ing John Masefield's Good Friday. And there is no doubt thai It w" a successful venture. The play itself is not good. It has imagination and poelry, hIt! apart from the Blind Beggar who alone-save perhaps for Pilate's wife-percni V(' II,. full truth at the full horror of the Crucifixion, it follows conventional lines and lea VI' II disappointed and unsatisfied. Perhaps the theme itself is too difficult. Neverlh~'" the School put up a very good and highly enjoyable performance. The credit for this is largely due to Mr. G. P. Hollingworth who both produt ,,1 the play and took the .part of the Blind Beggar. As producer-with the co-operat itlll III Mr. F. H. Voigt as stage manager-Mr. Hollingworth has reduced to perfeclioll II" fine art of making bricks without straw and he is to be congratulated on the nlll, I".1 product he put before us. So are the electricians, whose system of dimming lights, hili I, in the auditorium and on the stage, rivalled any London theatre. The change tI~ I from light to darkness and the illuminated cross in the background, was all very ~II fully, yet unobtrusively, accomplished. Much depends in a play of this kind, wh'l the main dramatic event is of necessity off stage, on suggestion and imagination . I h. electricians certainly performed an invaluable service to the audience in giving II 11110 gen tle stimulation here. The decor was adequate and the stage well-set althou It III times it looked a little cramped. The music from Bach's B. Minor Mass was Will chosen and contributed much to slista in the sense of mystery and exaltation. The acting maintained a high level. Mr. Hollingworth gave the Blind Beggo Iii touch of pathos and beauty he required. Middleton-Evans put up a fine piece of 111'1 II as the High Priest. He gave the impression of always knowing his own mind a nd "" vl ". the situation well in hand. Caiger made a creditable Pilate. He had dignit y d " l'lh the occasional oppression of his helmet and if sometimes he failed to be a convilll,l" Roman Governor, at least he managed to be a weak and harrassed man . Leighi ll" made what he could of the difficult part of Procula, Pilate's wife. The playwrighl ItI, given her importance without scope and thus the acting was perforce, rather un V 1\ Slimming's performance as the Roman centurion, Longinus, was most praisewOlllt v ,82



'Icd well a nd with real feeling for his part. His one defect is that he. is ~o restless on Dalrymple as St. Peter, in his brjcf appearance, sllstalOcd hiS,role, but was, , d lllPS, a trifte too detached and Bowen \t;nded to ~ake Jo~eph of Anthmathea too ,'II ,,,, ical. Burgess put a good deal of smarm y craft mto Herod a nd Stuart I I,



~tI'H I


A good sentry.

I he mob also, was a great success. Its leaders, Shepherd and . Coury ii, looked dlllplcicly Oriental, if not positively Levalltine, and they st ruck the nght note of crude 11111111'.

A ltogeth~r it was a very creditable piece of team work and the applause of the "dltlnces at t he three performa nces (26th, 27th and 28th Ma y) wa s VOCIferous and welldlll,,,'vcd.


Pilate Procula Longinus Chief Citizen Sentry Herod Joseph of Arimathea. The Madman.

CONFIRMATION T he following were confirmed by the Lord Bishop of Dovel', in tbe School Chapel, ,"' Sa lurday, II th March, 1944, and made their first Communion the next day, SCHOOL HOUSE.-Vincent St. George Br~aly, Cedric Henry Elliston Butcher, I', tel' Richard Hall, Michael John Howett, Chnstopher Roblll Nott,. Stanley Kenneth I',"'kin, Thomas Henry Pares, Eric Martin Perry, Geoffrey Wynn Wllhams. THE GRANGE. -Arthur Reginald Hugh Allen, Maurice Peter Dillo n Brown, Richard I uhitt Ferris, Adam Gielgud, Peter Hugh Perc~val Gumm,. Cohn Lampard, DaVid I "dd Quested, Charles Derek Smith , Donald Wilham Steel, MIchael Watson. WALPOLE HOUSE.- Hugh Lloyd Ackers, James William Allison, Edwin Brian ",,""ell , John Barnet Hopewell, David Henry Smith. ' MEISTER OMERS.-Alan Graham Bartlett, Ronald Sidney Brush, Peter Haynes IIiBle-Bott, William Nicholas Fa.irfax Francklin, Roy. John Hancock, Michael John I "\Vis, Colin Mormon Reeves, Michael Thomas Fredertck R,chardson, RIchard George IItClwynd Weighill. JUNIOR KING 'S SCHoOL.-Jeremy Wreford Birkett, Anthony Lethbrid!le Cameron Ihock, Allan Gerald Peter Da vidso n, Christophel' John Isacke, John Michael Watt, Ilubert John Emmet Wooley. 28~


LECTURES AND ENTERTAINMENTS CAPTAIN LEWIS RITCHIE, C.V.O., R:N. On Saturday, February 5th last .. Bartimaeus " (Captain Lewis Ritchie, C.V.O , R.N.) held the School enthralled with his account of the North African landings, in whld l he took part. He told the boys how the weather experts, when consulted, said 111,,1 a calm on the beaches at Oran and Casablanca was extremely unlikely in Novemhl' l and how, with depressions over Iceland two days before the landings were due, a spccililly equipped Hudson was sent as far out into the Atlantic as possible, and returned III report that whereby all the rules, there should have been a 15 foot swelnhere was " " almost flat calm. That calm lasted until the evening of the day on which the landinp ~ had been made. He told of the tiny convoy homeward bound which attracted III\' attention of Hitler's U-boat wolf pack and so at heavy cost to itself enabled the IWll huge con voys, each covering nearly. 40 square miles, to escape observation and how II I

f" , ~I


I, f' ,

•, I "


dusk one night the ships steaming, as the Germans thought, towards Malta, chanS'1I course southwards, and, as we all know now, achieved their objective, though at III cost of some fierce fighting with the French Navy, which had not forgotten the day wh " the Royal Navy was obliged to open fire on their ships. He gave a graphic descripl ion of his own reception on an American transport returning to Gib, when he was mistak II for Admiral Darlan, and of the Able Seaman, who, when the Commandos had be " driven under cover by machine-gun fire on the jetty at Oran, climbed up a drainpil to the roof of the house where the machine-gun nest was, armed with a tommy gUll , The roof gave way and he fell through on to the machine-gunners but he killed one 01 two, the rest surrendered, and he marched them down the jetty-only to be reprimandet! for leaving his post without orders! In conclusion he urged the boys, when they weill out into the world, to have, above all things, courage, the will to hang on when every. thing seemed lost and never, never to give in-" never, " he said, " pipe down. " The School is most grateful to .. Bartimaeus " for a very thrilling talk. We hal he will.:come often. ' THE REV. S. B-R. POOLE, M.A. Mr. Poole opened the series of lectures to the Upper School hy members of Ih staff by giving a talk on February 7th on .. The British Constitution ... He gave as its five principal characteristics-its .great age as the most ancient 01 all conslitutions, the fact that it was largely unwritten, not being contai ned in one singl Instrument of Government as for instance was the American, its consequent flexibilil y, its enbodiment of the sovereignty of Parliament and the supremacy it gives to the Rul of Law. Of these the Sovereignty of Parliament was perhaps the most notable and caused Bagehot to describe England as a .. veiled republic." There was no law Parliamenl could not pass, none it could not repeal. There was no difference in England between a constitutional law or any other kind of law and there was no rival body outside Iik a Supreme Court which could sit in judgment over Acts of Parliament. The lecturer then proceeded to a survey of the elements of the Constitution, Ih Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, pointing out how in England there wer distinct but not as in the United States separate. 284

'rilE CANttJAiuAN The Executive was the King in Parliament. A brief account was given of how Ihe powers of the Monarchy had been gradually circumscribed and how most of them hud passed in Ihe seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to Parliament and were now l'xcrcised bylthe Prime Minister and his cabinet. The history of the Legislature was then outlined and the constitution and procedure Of Parliament as fixed by the Parliament Act of 1911 were fully described. The powers of the Judiciary were next given and it was pointed out that no one in I,,' gland, save the King, was above the law, that no one could b~ pUOlshed save. for " breach of law which could be duly estabhshed and that all fights not definitely prohibited sti ll belonged to the people. No constitution safeguarded personal liberty more than the English. The constitution of the Empire, as defined byjJthe Statute of Westminster of 1931 , was then described and the iecturer ended by suggesting some possible constitutional reforms such as a Redistribution Bill in the Commons, a reconstruction of the House of Lords a further legislative safeguard against the growing bureaucratic powers of the ivil Ser~ice and a strengthening of the bonds of imperial unity upon the lines recently suggested by General Smuts and Lord Halifax. GEORGE PARKER Song Recital FBBRUARY 11TH

This recital, in which we had a well-chosen and well-varied selection of songs, opened wit h a group of old English songs, of which the arrangement by Bairstow of Have you seell but a white lily grow, and Boyce's spirited Song of Momus to Mars deserve special mention. In the following group by Schubert, several lesser-known songs were included amongst time-honoured favourites such as All die Musik and Wohin .. In his group of modern English songs, Mr. Parker seemed especIally happy. SIde by SIde WIth Vaughan Williams's The Vagabond and Ireland's Sea Fever, we had lesser-known works such as Bairstow 's admirable setting of Walt Whitman'S When I heard the learned astronomer, with its Debussy-like finish, and John Ireland's 0 Happy Land, written as recently as 1941, but curiously enough, suggesting Ireland's earlier, less elaborate, style. But the climax of this group was Butterworth's setting of A. E. Houseman's Iv my team ploughing? where the tragic irony of the intensely moving poem so well portrayed by the composer, was admirably interpreted by Mr. Parker. Mr. Parker concluded his recital with a group of English folk-song arrangements, in the last of which the School as a body was invited to join. To one present, at least, this sounded quite inspiring-or was this due to the splendid acoustical properties of the Parry? RALPH



On February 13th we were privileged to listen to Mr. Ralph Straus, the famous novelist and reviewer. Mr. Straus's lecture took the form of a life history of an imaginary novel; but he obviously drew on his experience, with the first of his own charming books, in describing Ihe pleasures and disappointments which beset the new author after the gusto with which he sat down to his first creative writing. 28S

THE CANTUARIAN .. The Turncoat " wa s the name chosen for thi s nove l about a man lorn b t", his politics and his lo ve.


Somehow or other, an old wo man with a stamm er, who WIl Ii.1

out to be the most delightful character in the book, " lVould " creep into the plot. All the publishers but one failed io appreciate the author's genius- this one mlltl,," Maecenas condescendingly had the timorous author up on the mat- the thick ' , til. mat, as Mr. Straus observed, the higher the publisher. Maecenas proved to be Ii \\,1 blanket and it was only after the deletion of the author 's favourite passages, the 111 11 I minable interviews with selection boards and infuriating delays of the pu bliNhill machinery, that the reviewers were summoned to a cocktail party.

The fact thftt c\!\ ~

tails alone could lubricate the machinery greatly amused the School. At long last " The Day of Publication " with our twentieth-century Oi 'k


pondering on th e geometric pattern ill which Smiths may ha ve arranged his . . 'I UI II

coat. " The pa pers unanimously igno red his novel- his breakfast coffee tasted Ilk. school cocoa- and Smith 's windows were devoid of the lo ng-awaited " TurncOll l ' light blue cover. In place of the a uthor's drea ms of easy thousands ,ca me a cheque for thirty p tlil d What made Mr. Straus's lecture so enjoyable was not, perhaps, that it stim ulut,.1 drea ms as to when " our " names would appear o n book co vers, but th at it wa s by 1111 accomplished novelist who was so informally witty a bout such an interesting subjeci. We are extremely grateful to Mr. Straus for th is visit and to the la te Sir Hugh Will pole, for it was out of affection for him that Mr. Straus spared us a da y from his busy Iii!' O. STAINER, ESQ., B.A. On Monday, 14th February, Mr. Stainer gave a lecture to the Upper SchOOl "II .. Thc Tcchnique of Pictorial Art. " He began by considering what is actuall y nW111I1 by a picture. It is essentially a piece of design on a fl at, usuall y rectangulal' SUI'f'II \ I' but it is much more than this.

In the opinion of the lecturer a piece of " pure " absllllli

design ca nnot lay claim to be a picture. Certain modern schools ha ve tended to ded.h the " representational " side of painting, and, perha ps, overstress the importance "I design.

The definition of what constitutes a picture, said the lecturer, wa s ex trc ll lI l"


It might be said that a certain aspect of nature profoundly impressed a pict!)!I,,1

artist, and aroused in him a peculiar and vivid emotion. This he set to work ,


white heat of enthusias m, to convey in the media whose technique he had spOli1 " lifetime in mastering. A picture need not be a copy of nature, but, in the lecl!I/ I'1 opinion, it should be inspired by nature. . Mr. Stainer then went on to talk about composition- the fitting of natu re inl l/ II rrame.

He th en touched upon primitive art, and gave exa mples of three tend en~h'

He showed how the author of the famou s Altamira cave drawings, a nd the South Afl klill Bushmen had the extremely rare gift of a photographic eye, which could calch 11 1111 record the momentary aspect, say, of a wild animal in action , and reproduce it

extraordinary vividness and fidelity.

This gift was very rare indeed.



The ord lll'" y

child, and many primitive races, drew from a mass of confuse.d impression s.

h l~

instance, a child usually drew the human head as large as all the rest of the body, boolH! , it was the thing which interested him most. Primitive people would often pu t I",,, eyes in a profile, because they knew a person had two eyes. They drew, not from 1111 286

THE CANTUARIA N • yo, but from tbe mind . Some primitive people even went so far as to draw a mart " I " nimal internal organs and all. The third tendency was to get away from nature and (ylise ,', or " conventionalise " the"natural object, turning it into a symbolic design. These tbree methods all exerted a profound influence on painting. Mr. Stainer then hurriedly reviewed the various media used by the artist. He . I ¡~c ribed how the early masters drew on wax with a silverpoint, how drawings were Ilune with a quill-pcn in " bistic," a brown pigment made .from burnt wood, with " ", rcoal, conte chalk, .. sauguine," pastel, lead pencil, and the modern still pen and hluck ink for reproduction . He then spoke of the various methods of engraving on wood, stone and metal, ~ I v in g a ,short explanation of lithography, etching, drypoint, ~ezzotint and aquatint. I'roceedmg to pall1tll1g, he touched upon the theory and practICe of tempera, oil and wnter-colour painting. He tried to show the limitations imposed by each medium, II lld also its peculiar qualities and advantages. He spoke of the effort to produce the Illusion of depth on a two dimensional surface, of linear a nd aereal perspective, and tone II lId colour values. All pictorial art was symbolic. It was impossible to imitate 1I" lure. Nature must be translated. Mere imitation produced what the French called I' lrempe 1'reil, ,. and was not arl. Much ignorant criticism would be avoided if it was realised what the artist was Ilying to do, and with what materials he had to work. The lecture which had already passed its time-limit, was concluded by the showing 11 11 the epidiascopc of a number of reproductions of drawings and paintings by old and modern masters in various styles and media. A. L. ROWSE, ESQ., M.A . The School was very pleased to see its old friend Mr. A. L. Rowse, who came down I om All Souls on 19th February to lecture to the Upper School on "The Study of II lstory. " Mr. Rowse began by being severely utilitarian about the study of History. History, 110 said, had suffered in tbe eyes of many because it was felt that it did not equip its !Iovotees with any very obvious means of earning their living. This, bowever, was ' Illite wrong. Apart from the learned professions there were thr!'" quite obvious means turning the study of History to practtcal advantage-nameIY_Journalism, the foreign, !11"lomatic and consular services, and politics. Most of the editors of the great London II 'ws papers, we were reminded, had been trained as historians and so had many of Ihe regular contributors, including a man like" Scrutator " of the Sunday Times who II nder his proper name was the .author of a famous history text book. In the Foreign S rvice, as it was newly reconstituted, the demand for hlstonans was gOl~g to be great I here undoubtedly History yielded first place to nothing save perhaps foreign languages. And then there were politics. Many of the blunders made during the BaldwinI 'ha mberlain regime about Nazi Germany would have been impossible had either of the IIVO men been genuine students of history. There could of course be no better example "I' the success of a historical training for political leadership than that afforded by the


I'ri me Minister.




Mr. Rowse spoke of the country's good fortune in having Mr. Churchill at the h I," for he was not only a man of letters but a first class historian, whose book on his fan"," a ncestor Marlborough would take its place amongst the classic biographies of 11111 language. Nor was Mr. Churchill an isolated example. Many of the great historians 111111 been men of a ffiars. Gibbon had been an M.P. and M acaula y had been Secretary " I State at War in Lord Melbourne 's second Ministry. Mr. Rowse spoke of the fascination of historical research and described his 11'\ how when working at the Patent Office looking up documents for his work on Sir Richll l,l Grenville he had come across an incident in Gren ville's yo ung days when the fam lill hero then still technicallv a minor, had killed a ma n in a brawl in one of the narfll streets that led down froin the Strand to Thames-side. This significant story had 111111 hidden in the record~ from that day until Mr. Rowse read it. . Mr. Rowse intimated that he agreed with some reservations with what his frl 'lIIl the Warden of Wad ham had said to the School about the respective merits of SciCli" History and Classics as subjects of serious. study. He certainl~ had no quarre.l wllh Classics- who for example was a greater hlstonan than Thucyd ldes ?-but he did It Ii Ihat History was not always given its proper due. It did ta ke in a wider terrain Ihllil was usually acknowledged and he bimself had tried in his Tudor COflllVall to gilll' " complete and comprebensive view of all society. And finally it did call for the eXCI ' I of the imagi nation and the feeling for tradition and poetry unri valled in any other Sillil y The School enjoyed Mr. Rowse's stimulating address and the lively discussion wh lo II followed, and is very grateful to him for his talk.

I: .,

I: ,,' ~



3,' "I,

11 U



Mr. Baker 's lecture-recital was not only entertaining, but extremely inst ruct ~ H e made us realise as no one else could (for he is an authority on Sullivan, and 1111 taken part in recordings of the composer's operas) that in these operas we have a hcrlill • of the lighter type of music at its very best, very different from the longwash thaI l(l ,I" passes for light " music.. " Mr. Baker stressed the importance of Sullivan 's collabol ul lo," with Gilbert, who provided Just the kmd of libretto Ius gemus requlfed. Mr. OUk l' l programme was broadly arranged in chronologi~al order, and an added fealli rr " I interest was that in some of the choruses the audience was asked to Jom, which II Ilhl - heartily!

F. H. VOIGt, EsQ., M.A. In his talk to the Upper School on February 21st, Mr. Voigt took lhe SlIh". I " Ourselves and France," wbich, he explained, bad been suggested by the gl,.""1 prognostications of General Smuts. Amongst many issues raised were the p ' 'itl ilil qualities which had constituted French greatness in the past. France had been HI .11 said Mr. Voigt, not in her military expansion. under Louis XIV and Napoleon , wil li II might be regarded as unhappy interludes in her history, but rather as a focu s an ti ti l tributing centre of vitalising ideas which had formed the baSIS of the whole of 1011111 I commonly called European civilization. 288



France, by her geographical position, ber favoured climate, and the racial mixture IIf her people, had always been the channel linking the Celtic coastal peoples of the west lInd the vigorous, predatory Germanic peoples of the north with Mediterranean light and l'iv ilization. As the heir of Rome, she had maintained the ideals of law, reason and ,,,dcr throu ghout the Middle Ages. From the foundation of the So rbonne it was Paris IlIl her than Rome, which was the centre of Christendom, and theology and literature nli ke, throughout Europe, were built on the French pattern. [n England, with our French Kings and Norman nobles, and our universities staffed wit h scholars from Paris, this influence was particularly strong- it is not surprising that (,ha ucer, our most English poet, was influenced so greatly by France. Modern England, like the rest of tbe world, bas been no less indebted to France, lor good or ill, according to our political task. It was France, with the astounding Mlructure of Versailles, and all it stood for , which produced an original conception of kiolgs hip and a brilliant co urt society which has deeply affected the subsequent socia l life of the whole western world, setting up standards of taste and behaviour which we

11111 1, unconsciously perhaps, accept and admire. The next great vitalising movement emerging from France was the Revo lution, wh ich swept like a crusade through Europe, ebbing and flowing thro ugh the who le of the 19th century. Its watchwords, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, still have meaning to this liuy, and indeed, if re-defined or paraphrased, are the basic ideals of the Allies. Mr. Voigt claimed tbat France, even to-day, divided and subject to the most nbo minable repression, is still alive and sound, and he suggested that our debt to her is Iill so great that France is entitled to expect especial regard and understanding from us In the post-war yea rs. Though both France and England may at times be tem pted to " k whose was the fault in 1940, such recriminations are as unprofitable as they are hnrmful. We have no right to be patronizing or dictatorial, still less to assume that lirunce, who for so long has been a leader of the world, may not be so again, and soon, Ilcs pite the forebodings of General Smuts. LIEUT.-COLONEL F. V. BAD COCK A year after his previous visit, Lieut.-Colonel G. V. Badcock fulfilled his promise IIl'last February, by favouring us with another talk, on February 27th, this time about ,. Animals in Sickness and Health." Before he started, he wanted to know how many .,1' his audience kept dogs, cats o r horses; the School displayed a surprising,- and jlossibly, disappointing, -preference for cats. These he dismissed on the grounds that th ~y could very well look after themselves. He went on to speak of his experiences in Illdia, where he had looked after some 10,000 Government horses, and told us that he , lIllld always ascertain whether a horse was ill or not by glancing at its eyes. Passing on to the subject on which he is recognized as one of the greatest living II IIIhorities, namely dogs, he su pplied us with "a few useful tips. " These included IIII' rmation on how to deal with ear-ache, a nd the irritation of the dog 's skin, peculiar h. Ihis war, which is due to war-time feeding. Next he told us of the points to keep in II Ii lid when buying a dog, such as the broad brain-pan, which showed that it would be a I I one-man dog, " the wet nose, which was a sure sign of a dog with a good scent, and the It whl-coloured eyes, betraying good eyesight. He added that this last fact held good in III case of human beings. 289

THE CANTU ARIAN Colonel Badcock finished by telling us how to treat dogs and horses after they hllll been out for a whole day, and said that he was looking forward very much to his '1l'~ 1 visit, when he would be talking to us on " Gun Dogs and Their Training, " and II fit" such an interesting evening, the School whole-heartedly agreed with him.

R. COLES, ESQ., B.Sc .



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On February the 28th Mr. Coles gave a lecture to the Upper School on .. Cololll . " Without colour, he began by pointing out, our envi ronment would be drab tlllli dull, a nd yet, because we are all so familiar with colour, we 'probably accept it witholll appreciating the difference it makes to our lives. Colour is produced in various ways, but all in volve light. No colour is posslill without light, but the way we register colour when I;ght enters our eye is not perfeclly understood. Newton 's classical experiment on the production of a spectrum from white 1I ~ 1t 1 showed that all colours were present in white light. Primary and complemenl l" ~ colours were then explained, fo llowed by an account of colour subtraction- the b1l,1 of Kodachrome colour photography, which was illustrated by slides kindly 10Ilnt¡,j by Kodak, Ltd. A brief reference to the wave theory of light explained that coloured light WI' caused by transverse waves, and that different colours merely differed by the 10""111 of thei r waves. Armed with this knowledge, an account was then given of the ways in which COitlll' is produced including Dispersion ~rainbow), Interference (oil film s and mother o¡polIll ). Selective absorption (coloured glass and fabrics), Scattering (blue of sky and the Ii Luminescence (coloured fl ames, neon lamp), Chemiluminescence (illustra ted by Iii, oxidation of luminal which gives a blue light) a nd Phosphorescence. By far the most important method of colour production, however, is by m ea " ~ "I dyes and pigments. Th;s is now a vast industry dating from 1856, when W. H. Porklll discovered Mauve and developed "it commercially. Before 1856, early colours lVI" few-indigo, alizarin, cochineal, vermilion and ultramarine-whereas there afe ill presen t some 1300 different dyes used. These are practically all obtai ned from '",,1 ta r, and a display showing the derivation of typical dyes from this substance to III, finished product, was kindly supplied by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., DycStlili Division, for exhibition. The preparation.of a number of pigments was also iIlustrn ll'iI Dyes owe their colour to their structure-the way the atoms of which they 11 10 composed are linked together. This was explained by models and slides illustfll tl ll typical dyes. The lecture was then brought to a close by the showing of a filnt: .. The Disc Vfl \ of a Pigment- The Story of Monastral Blue," which was kindly loaned by I. C.!. I.I tl and which had a twofold interest, as it was a colour film on Kodachrome and told il l, story of one of the crowning achievements of British Colour Chemistry-the discov" y and development of a blue of such exceptional properties as to make it unique.



'THE CANTUARIAN H. M. ENDERBY, ESQ., O.B.E. Mr. H. M. Enderby, the City Surveyor of Canterbury, spared a week·end from the hnrd work of re·planning to come down to speak to the School on March 6th and 7th. li e brought with him a model of the City of Canterbury, as it stands to·day, which I"'oused a very considerable interest. The Lecture given on Sunday evening presented Ihe Canterbury of the past and present and that on Monday night, the Canterbury of the fut ure. With the help of many slides, Mr. Enderby, on Sunday, traced the history of Canlorbury, emphasising the importance of the city from the geographical position as being nn the natural route to the continent. He outlined, with the aid of slides of numerous maps, the evolution of Canterbury, and also showed the way in which the city property hnd been sold and many historical buildings and beauty spots desecrated by ilI·planned , unhealthy and in·sanitary streets. He showed the positions of the old city gates of which only the Westgate remains in the original, and he also touched on the subject of ,. vested interests" in properties- a very real problem in the re·planning of Canterbury. On the second night Mr. Enderby spoke abo ut the Canterbury of the future and the Fu ture of Canterbury. After some prel iminary slides in which he showed the effect of bom b damage in the city and the speedy " First Aid " administered to damaged ancient buildings, he passed on to the business of re·planning and expressed a desire that a traditional style should be maintained in the re·building and said that" while there were bricks and tiles they would be used. " He showed the need fOf well·planned streets, an efficient system of traffic control and vistas centreing on the Cathedral and other beautiful lind historic buildings, which in many cases, had been exposed by the blitz for the first time for centuries. Mr. Enderby spoke at some length on the River Stour, which he wa nted to see" opened up " and its natural beauty revealed to the public by riverside walks and gardens. After a few words on the need for a theatre and Civic Centre and the suggestion that Canterbury should be a University city, he passed on to the planning of roads and by·passes. There wo uld, he said, be a need for by· passes around the town to relieve traffic congestion in the city, and he illustra ted a system incorporating an Outer and an Inner Ring Road, the inner following approximately the site of the city wall, while the outer ring road was specifically designed to join up all the best view· points of the city and the surrounding countryside and at the same time divert traffic from the main streets. Before fini shing Mr. Enderby answered a tirade of questions, which clearly showed by their number and v'lfiety the intense interes t his two lectures had aroused in the School. We must thank Mr. Enderby for a most enjoyable and enlighten· ing visit. G. P. HOLLINGWORTH, ESQ., M.A. In the Masters' series of talks and lectures, Mr. Hollingworth gave us a lecturerecital of " Murder in the Cathedral," by T. S. Eliot, on Sunday, March the 12th. He began by explaining the circumsta nces of the play, the visit of Eliot to the Chapter House lit Canterbury where it was enacted, and the Canterbury festivals. Incidentally, Mr. Ilollingworth himself had taken a part in the original production. Then he explained to us the play itself, the age·old theme of Saint and Martyr, condemned because he looked " head of his time. More difficult, he explained the tempters and especially, the last one-to do the right thing for the wrong reaso n. He had also, some words to sayan the chorus, the women of Canterbury. When he had finished his explanations, he read 291



large passages from the play to show us its full mean ing. We were amazed III II character of Beckett, the largeness of its stature. We felt the pathos of the choru , Ih tragedy of the knights, and at the end there was a.n audlbk catchmg of breath wh," I, modern speech the foup knights pleaded theIr JustIficatIOn. Indeed we ca nn ul , more than for ~s the play moved and lived in Mr. Hollingworth's able hands. I'ul 11,1 we a;e very grateful and thank him heartily. THE R EVE REND F. J. LAVERIC K, C.M.S. On March 19th Mr. Laverick visited the School to preach and afterwards sllI'\\ II some films of Medi~al Work in Africa a nd Asia. His film s portrayed to us how 1111" I is being done for the primitive peoples of the world by the Chu rch Missiona;y Sill 11 I This society did not merely preach the gospel and leave the condI tIO ns of the,,' c~\J '" II unchanged. They practised heali,:g as well as carrying the ChnstJa n faltlL 110 backward peo ples of Afnca and ASia, they daIly bnng; the ad vances of Model n Sill II to cure diseases which have been rampant SInce anCIent tllnes. HospItals have I built in the most inaccessible places. To these hospitals go doctors, nurses and prel" III I What is more the natives themselves are taught sanitation and some of them even II l1l1u • to be nurses ~nd doctors themselves. By this courageolls society, ancient barricilt illl ' prejudices are being broken down. The white man must be gaining a far nobler plI',lI than before. It is not the sword now that the E uropean bnngs to the dark spaces " I I , earth 's surface. It is the medicine box a nd the Word of God . NeverthelcsN, Iill work needs funds a nd it is on us that the responsibility lies. We should do all we III' I help the great work of enlightenment. . Mr. Layerick has shown us where O lll" hdl' . needed, the rest is up to us. We owe Mr. Lavenck a debt of gratltude for hIs fi lm. "', , commentary.


C. A. RlCHMOND, ESQ., B.Sc. On March 20th the Upper School listened to a lecture on Palestine and iZSl'I'1 h by Mr. Richmond. The lecturer who was for several years a master at St. George's School, Jorll.1I1 II gave us a perso~a l account of Palestine and Egypt. Palestine, a country COlllI III'II.' in size to Wales, has been a battleground from earhest ti mes a nd the old city of Jel u."I. has been repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. A Moslem mosque, the Dome of the II .. I stands on the site of the former Temples, but excavatIOns have revealed many 111 11 h . remains including some Roman dun~eons whe~e prisOI~ers were sc? ur~ed . f-'r~ 'l u lit top of the Mount of Olives one obtams a magmficent vIew of the City JU one du r' II· and of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and the Mountains of Moab in th ulh· Mr. Richmond spoke of the sites of many other notable places mentlOllIng.thlll hll ill many instances they can only be. rega rded as traditIOnal and approxlIllUI(' III nevertheless remind the traveller lD a vlVld way of the BIble story. The climate of Palestine varies with the conto ur of the country. The wi lli ' I . rather wet and frequently cold-we saw one photograph of Jerusalem und or ~ II " One can, however, always escape the wintry blasts by descending about four Ihull U·' feet to Jericho or the Dead Sea and there bask lD warm sunshllle. Summer IUNI II," May till October, when rain is unknown and although at times it is rather hul 110 nights are cool. 292



t )nc sees in Jerusa lem an extraordinary variety of people and dresses ",I lIH1y hear- if one 's car ca n distinguish them !- over thirty languages . Arab I 1I11 111" 1l rrol11 the villages with their ca mels, donkeys and goats, Bedouins in flowing ,I... rlhodox Jews of va rious sects, Moslem sheikhs, Sudanese, Ethiopians, wealthy , Ih merchants in European dress with a fez or larbrush, recently settled Jews from 1111111\0 often wearing khak i shorts, priests of the Latin, Greek, Russian and American IIIlId,cs and a host of others make up the ever changing scene. On the Jericho road ... I sti ll liable to " fall a mong thieves" as occasionally armed ba ndi ts will descend ,,"" II li nd hold up all cars that happen to be passing. Mr. Richmond then went on to tell us about Egypt. Cairo and Alexandria are ,~. lI,d busy cities whose streets are thronged with people. The Pyramids need to be II ill IIppreciate fu ll y their enormi ty. Most ;nteresting of a ll the ancient cit ies of 11\ lit, Karmak and Thebes, with their massive temples bu:lt nearly four thousa nd yea rs ., In the valleys of the Kings and Queens there are many roya l tombs containing ,"lI fu ll y executed wall pa intings whose colou rs are as fresh to-day as if they had been I IIII" d yesterday. The priceless collection of treasure discovered ;ntact in Kin g 11I1.lI1k hamen 's tomb is now in the Cairo museum. Mr. Richm ond concluded his till'- by showing a number of photographs, some of them in colour. SETON GORDON, ESQ., F.S.A. It was just a year after Captain Knight had visited us with his Eagle that Mr. Seton 1'11 , , 10 1) ca me down to give us a most interesting and well-illustrated lecture on " Atlantic ,I li nd Sea-birds." As Capta in Knight's was the only other bird-lecture we had li d during the past year all of us were looking forward to a n equally brilliant one ,. 1111 Mr. Gordon. Several members of the Natural History Society had expressed " h (i lsappointment that the lecture was to be devoted mainly to seals. But they were ,I ,," ntl y surprised to find that the Atlantic Seal was quite as interesting as any Gannet , I IIlllcmot. I he fi rst slides he showed us were of seals. They had been taken on an island in I IIlIler Hebrides. He gave us a vivid description of the hundreds of mother-seals I II ,'O llle to " Seal-island" every year to rear their yo ung. They congregate there for "'''lIlh or more, remain ing on dry-land the whole time. The calf, be laid us, is usually 1111 II I II distance of as much as 200 yards from the sea and during its first days remains 1111 I" mother on shore. He showed us a slide of a calf timidl y enlering the water for 11"1 li me in its li fe and being bu ffeted by the strong Atlantic waves. He described II how the bulls fight to the death for their mates ; and how one often sees a poo l I .01 I '<1 witb the blood, where an unlucky suitor has met his death . Apparently when ,1," 111 they are remarkably tame a nd can be approached to within a distance of two 'or , .• y"rds, the seal having ve ry little fear of man. M ler this, he turned to the sea-birds. He showed slides of nesting Gannets, the I <o nlai ning both eggs and you ng. The parent Gannets, be sa id, will fly as much 1\IY mi les to some fishing-ground in order to secure food for their young. When hi li Ihey circle high over the water waiting for an unwary shoal of small-fry to rise to 'lIfncc. Then, with closed wings, the bird hurtles down to wreak havoc amongst 11 h below. He had obtained some remarkable slides of a Gannet at the moment I . 1I 1\' rill g the wate r, a nd just as it commenced its di ve. He also showed slides of the " I\ock, which in ea rly stlmmer. he told us, is simply crammed with these nesting




We then saw slides of the homely Kittiwake. These were taken at a distan e III about ten feet, showin g the Kittiwa kes standing over their young with very little regl11l1 for the photographer and carrying on their normal life as though no w~s .prescn t III all. H e told us how these beautiful Gulls can be recoglllzed by thelf stnklllgly CII'III note-" Kittiwee." from which they take their name. One of his best slides was that of a pair of Stormy Petrels standing over their IWI' pure-white eggs. This was a unique slide ; this swallow-like bird being at the be t Iti times very timid to approach man. To get within a distance of five or SIX feet of a n " I ing petrel is a feat for which Mr .. Seton Gordon deserves due praise. He then dealt with the Razor-bill, Guillemot and Puffin together. He menti o'II'li th e c uriou s fact that a Ra zorbill can ca rry as man y as six young herring in its beak at ti lt same time. And also that the bird contrives somehow to have the fish alternn i\¡IV arranged so that they are placed in a ro w head totail. How the btrd manages th,s 11 1111 whether It purposely catches them in thi s manner IS unknown. But It 15 cert3mly a W I V clever method of carrying a somewhat unw;eldy quota of fish. He finished his lecture with a few slides of the Greater Black-Backed and HerrinI' gulls. We can sincerely thank Mr. Seton Gordon for coming at such an opporl tlll moment ; when we were preparing ourselves for our bird observatlOns In the SUlnilWI And for enlightening us on several points which before were unknown to us.

THE TERM'S MUSIC Four new anthems have bee n learnt and sung by the Choir: Blessed Jesu (Dvbr ~q Greater love (John Ireland) 0 for a closer walk with God (Stanford) and Teach '!H o Lord (A1lwood). Other anthems sung have been: How beauteous are thell' If I (Stanford) and Jesu joy of man's desiring (Bach). Several new hymns have been lelllill and sung. The outstanding service of the term was Mattms on PassIOn Sunday, wh it It was attended by General Montgomery. Dv6ritk's Blessed Jesu was the anthem ChOhl' lI , and the regular choir was augmented by a contingent of boys from the Junior Schllill As a whole the choir has been in good fettle, and the trebles especlally have showil themselves remar ka bly keen, and have attended many extra practices in order to gel lit" I part ;n the music of the services lea rnt and " polished." The orchestra has met on Saturday evenings whenever possible, ~nd now incl.. I" amongst it members several members of the staff. Works rehearsed IIlclude Hand I . Minuet from Samson, Bach's Gavotte in D major, and a set of French dances arra n ~' ,I for strings by Frederick Bye, and further arranged by the conductor to mcludc II" other instruments of the orchestra. The Music Club has held two meetings. On the first Sunday. eve~ing of to'"' II met to hear a paper by the new President on .. Some asp~cts of hst~llI?g to mll~ .' Thc second meeting took the form of a gramophone recltalm Mr. VOIgt s room. 1110 works played were Debussy's" L 'apres-midi d 'un faune," and Brahm's 2nd SymphllllV Unfortunately the Gramophone society was in abeyance until near the end of I ~"" . as a gramophone was not available. One meeting, however, was held. It 's hoI"" that next term it will run its normal course. 294



HOUSE MUSIC COMPETITIONS These took place on th e las t two evenings of term, and were both entertaining and Instructive. E ntert a ining fo r obvious reasons; instructive because they revealed a '1 urprising am o unt or talent hi therto hidden. Each house had, of co urse, chosen and prepared its own progra mme without any outside help. Meister Omers was the first ho use to perform. It led off with an .. orchestral" programme which showed the right spirit of enthusiasm, but somehow missed the mark, o r, shall we say, th e notes? Middleton-Evans singing of Moussorsky 's Song of the N ea was creditable, and so were the madrigals sung under his direction, except that over-enthusiasm was rather against true intonation. T he musical sketch A Vii/age Concert was enjoyed by all, th oug h perhaps not for its purely musical qualities ! School Ho use performed next. The general impression was that they might ha ve done better, had they not been (o r looked) so serious. The high light of their endeavour was th e beauty of Halsey's singing of Where'er you walk (Handel) . Halsey also played piano solos a nd did yeoman service as accompanist. This was his first term, and he showed that he was already beginning to take an active part in the musical life of the School. Walpole House had much to commend it. Chief must be mentioned Emerson 's ~i nging of Parry 's Jerusalem , Early one morning sung as a duet by Arnold and Smith, Burgess 's oboe-playing, and, above all, the singing by the choir of Mosley's madrigal April is in my mistress ' face, and the valiant effort they made with Peter Warlock 's lo vely setting of Bruce Blunt 's Bethlehem Down. . Grange House and St. Edmund's performed on the following evening. Grange ga ve a memora ble performance of Balfour Gardiner 's none-tao-easy arrangement of Sir Eglamore. Da lrymple's singing of Rutland Boughton's Faery Song, too, had much to commend it. Without going into more detail, what one admired in this house was Ihe effortless and generally art istic way in which the items were presented, and Ihe excellent o rganising ability behind the whole show. In St. Edmund 's, the violin-playing by Gill of an arrangement of part of the WaterMusic of Handel deserves special mention. The community singing was li vely, but different sections of the Schoo l were at times rather at cross-purposes ! Moral-have " conductor next time. The final results were as follows :-Walpole, 73 %; Grange, 72% ; Meister Omers, 71%; St. Edmund's, 49 % ; School 41 % . In the case of the last two, it is only fair to say that marks were lost through the absence of certain secti ons of the competition , probably due to lack of time available for preparation.

THE ART SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION During the last fortnight of the term the Society held an exhibition, in the Art Room, of drawings, paintings and models sent in by members of the School. Rather more than a hundred and fifty works were on view, including some from Ihe Junior School. The bulk of the exhibits came, as was to be expected, from the Middle School, who take Art as a regular subject. 295

THE CANTUARIAN The works were very varied in subject mattei and treatment-a very healthy s l ~1I 1 and one of the most gratifying features of. the exhibition. When it is rememboll', that the Society was only founded last term, and that art instruction in the School wu' in abeyance until recently, ihe 's tandard of work, . and the number of people represenl 'lI were very satisfactory.

The exhibition .wassomewhat hurriedly organised, and it was not found posslhh to get together· a very large exhibit ·in the model section, but those models exhiblli',1 were excellent. -C. S. Pilcher showed a very fine model of the Scharnhorst, and M. 11 Smithers reached an ·equally high standard with his H.M.S. Shropshire. Special mention should be made of the landscapes in pastel by Sao Sao, who " technical handling of this 'difficult medium and sense of colour-harmony show !' l/'h promise. J. P. B. Loft's pencil and wa ter-colour sketches of hawks were espe iii Iy noteworthy, combining, as they did, great detail and expert ornothological knowl cd ~l , with real art istic feeling, and a most sensitive use of his media. M. W. Mc D. CH i! topographical drawings in pen and pencil of the Cornish Riviera Club and the Scholll Hopse Garden at Canterbury, and his portrait of General Montgomery W\' " very completely done, and excited much interest. P. Owtram sent in a large nUIl1I~ I of highly promising drawings .of animals. R. G . .Powell showed his interest in hist , ku l costume in a study in glowing poster colour of a gentleman of the reign of Henry V.


In the Middle School, represented by no fewer than thirty-eight exhibitors. II 1_ difficult to make many distinctions without injustice.

The work wa s, in generlll , nl

a higli standard, and the inclusion of any work inplied commendation. Outstanding works were the oil-colours of R. S. Brush, his first attempts in Ihl. medium. They showed high .promise, as does his industry and enthusiasm. W. II. ( Harris is quite in a class by himself. His highly imaginative compositions, mostl y III coloured pencil, show an extremely sensitive imagination, a fine sense of rythm, cohlln and 'form, and real poetic feeling'. Other . exhibitors calling . for. special mention are G. M. C. Mount, whose Itll ~' har.m onious, flowing pastils of mountain and coast scenery deserve high commendOI IIlIl . M. R. Taylor for four good water colours, D. H. Quested for water-colour dra wlll of ships and aircraft, M. C. O. Mayne for his studies of dogs, and his pastellandscilJlt M. J. Pollard and W. N. F . Francklin for pastel drawings, D. Galitzinefor some deli~hl l lll small water colour still-lifes, imd a very good Alsatian's head, and M. C. Sno k 1"1 varied subjects in pencil and poster-colour. In the section devoted to the Junior School, McBride's spirited drawings MIl Il promise of a very high order. We hope to hold another show on a much larger scale next term. The President would specially lik:e to acknowledge the enthusiastic assistull III exhibits, etc., which .was .given by Harris, Hamilton and Brush. The IlI lhl deserves mention also for very valuable assistance in painting scenery for the prodlll'II,," of .. Good Friday." mou~ting



THE SOCIETIES Yet another Society has appeared in the School. This, the Tenterden Club, named II fler the famous O.K.S. Lord Ch ief Iustice, is not exactly new, fo r it is a revival of a ~oc iety which existed in the old Ca nlerbury days. The Headmasler has consented to hecome ils President and D. L. Edwards, it s Hon. Secretary. It has proved an energetic I,nd enterprising body and deserves pride .of place. . THE T ENTER DEN CLUB A series of usefu l discussions were held during the term, the first (with Mr. Olsson I" Ihe Cha ir) on the Allantic Charter, the second with Mr. Richmond as the chief speaker, " n Ihe Iewish Nal iona l Home and third, which took the form of a Mock Parliament, wilh the Rev. S. B.-R. Poole as Speaker, deba ted the future of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Society was also fortuna.te enough to secure a U.S. Army "mcer to describe conditions in America ullder the New Deal. The Society has twentyIwo members and is affiliated to the Cou ncil for Education in World Citizenship. THE MARLOWE SOCIETY This was also more enterprising than usual, for it secu red for one of ;ts talks, Miss ngela Du Maurier from Fowey. Miss Du Maurier caIne over one Sunday afternoon und had tea and then gave a talk on Walt Whitma n. She covered ground that was IIlllinly new to her audience and her quotations were most felicitously chosen. She 'onvinced us of Whitman 's originality a nd freedom, a nd drew special attention to his ~Ia im to be regarded as the poet of democracy. The Society also read Edgar 'Yallace's play : The Case of the Frightened Lady and J. M. Bridie's adaptation of Storm in a Teacup. THE SOMNER SOCIETY. Kept up its reputation as one of the more " go-ahead" bodies in the School. There were two expeditions- one to Roche Rock and Church and the other to the beautiful I'liza bethan manor house of Trerice, near Newquay. Trerice, once the property of the ('atholic fam;ly of Arundell, has a small but impressive banqueting hall with a magnificent oriel window and a channing minstrel's ga llery.

Its present owner, Mr.

Shepherd, kindly acted as guide as well as host and the Society is grateful to him. The term's progra mme also included three papers~one entitled De Monasteriis, hy A. A. Kneller, one on English costume by R. G. Powell and one on certain eminent O.K.S., by the Hon. Secretary (P. H. Honour). In addition there was a Canterbury lIleeting at which the President (Mr. Voigt) spoke on the Canterbury Huguenots, Me. Siainer on the Martyrd om of St. Thomas, Hammond on the Grey Friars, and the Hon. S cretary on St. Martin 's Church . TH E WALPOLE SOCIETY. This Society also had an interesting t'",n. I . L. Balderston's play, Berkeley Square and Noel Coward's Blithe Spirit (with J. F. Dalrymple as Ruth Condomine) were read withi real apprecil\,tion and there were papers from the President (Mr. Hollingworth) on " Stage Production"; from the Rev. S. B.-R. Poole (a former President), on "Books



I remember having read, " from P. Y. Dudgeon and T . H. Pares on " The ViCIOdli1i at Play," from L. A. Bassett on "Tchai kowsky, " whilst D. L. Edwards served III' biographical sketches of Caesar and Nelson under the title of " Footprints on Ihe ~1I1\, 1 of Time. ~, The piece de resistance, however, proved to be A Brains TrUSI made up of Ihe VII President (the Rev. F. S. Williams), M. A. S. Burgess, P. H . H onour, N. J. Purvis '"111 J. P. Fison. The tact a nd humour of the President, who acted as Question Mil ,I" made it an enjoyable as well as a lively and informative party.



TH E HARV EY SOCIETY Attained great popUlarity by a visit to the St. Austell Brewery and after Ih i. ¥",,,I beginning settled down to the more humdru m routine of listen ing to papers f"'"1 II members. The President (Mr. Coles) spoke on " Iron and Steel, " D. K. Johns,," '''' " Television" and F . E. B. Browne on "Ship-bu ilding. " As the School 's ( ' II' Projector bas now been repai red these talks were illustrated by 6lms. THE RAILWAY SOCIETY Improved its knowledge by a Railway " Bee" and by papers from the Pr ,1,1i III (the Chaplain) on the" G.W.R. Broad Guage lines," and from the Hon. Se 11'1," (1. P. N. Waller) on the Fortb and Tay Bridges. THE MUSIC CLUB This Club installed Dr. Passfield as President a nd got him to give a paper on .. S""' aspects of listening to music," which proved to be most interesting. The Cluh Iii I had the good fortune to borrow Mr. Voigt's rarliogram for an evening and 11, 11'11 I Debussy's L ' Apres d'lIn Falin and Brahms' Third Symphony. The Headmastc,' Ill yllo ,I the Club to Trenarren one Sunday after noon and provided a large and Vil l i, I collection of records including a Grieg pia no co ncerto, Dvora k 's NelV World SYIllf/hlllll and Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. THE PATER CLUB. The Club had a free reading, followed by a reading of the Birds of Arisl<Il'lilil (in translation) a nd a paper from J. K. Ebbutt entitled" The Byzantine Age. " As no reports have come in from the Debating, Natural History, Gramopit nlll ·11' Photographic Societies, it is to be presumed they did not meet or are defunct.

J,T.C. PROMOTIONs.- The following promotions were made wit h effect from Ja nulI lY I II 1944 :Sgt. J. C. Coury to be Company Sergt. Major. Cpl. R . G. West to be Company Quarter Master Sergt. Cpl. J. M. Lampard to be L/Sgt. Cpl. M. Corkrey to be L/Sgt. , Cpl. J. E. C. Hinchcliffe to be L/Sgt. 298




Cpl. I. P. M. Waller to be L/Sgt. Cpl. R. S. Brealy to be L/Sgt. L/Cpl. D. P. C. Platt to be Cpl. L/Cpl. J. E. Downes to be Cpl. L/Cpl. K. B. Gurr to be Cpl. L/Cpl. M. H. Smithers to be Cpl. L/Cpl. D. M. Wright to be Cpl. L/Cpl. F. E. B. Brown to be Cpl. L/Cpl. J. F. Dalrymple to be Cpl. Cadet D. M. Moreau to be L/Cpl. Cadet J. K. Ebbutt to be L/Cpl. Cadet M. N. Carson to be L/Cpl. Cadet D. C. Jenkin to be L/Cpl. Cadet J . O. N. Lawson to be L/Cpl. Cadet P. C. Hammond to be L/Cpl. Cadet J. J. Slaughter to be L/Cpl. Cadet J. A. G. Smerden to be L/Cpl. Cadet G. A. Burtwell to be L/Cpl. Cadet D. B. Ainsworth to be L/Cpl. Cadet D. M. Long to be L/Cpl. WJ;R CERTIFICATE "A".-The following cadets passed Part I on 16th March :M. G. Elston D . Lepine B. L. Leary P. D . Leighton P. N. Eagle Bott M. A. Arnott B. N. Arnold H . J. de Voil D. Galitzine H. I. D. Johnson T. H. Pares The following cadets passed Part II on 9th March :J. C. Northway A. A. Emerson D. H. Burr J. D. Pugh A. D. H. Caiger E . D . Gregson D . G. S. Simpson P. H. Coury C. P. Hodge J. O. Crya n K. H . M. Johnson 1. K. E. Whitehead A. A. Kneller M. J. Ditchburn FIELD DAY.-An instructive whole-day exercise was carried out on March 23rd. rwo factors especially contributed to its success viz. fine weather and transport, kindly provided by a neighbouring military unit, which enabled us to go further afield than usual. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION.-During the holidays the following attended Courses of Instructions as stated. All obtained satisfactory reports. C.S.M. J. C. Coury, Cpl. M. H. Smithers, Advanced Course Aldershot. L/Cpl. D. M. Wright, L/Cpl. Stuart, Southern Command, Salisbury. L/Cpl. Herbert, L/Cpl. G. A. J . Evans, London Distr ict Hendon. Cadet Woodgate South Eastern Command Shorncliffe.

A.T.C. The size of the F light has increased this term by the addition of an unusual number of recruits, and now consists of four approximately equal sections at distinctly different stages of trailling and achievement. Several of the advanced class took various parts Of the Post-Proficiency examination, and results are awaited with interest. There wer~ 799

THE CANTUARIAN also several candidates for the Proficiency Exa mination, a nd during the holidays WI' hope to ha ve news of their accomplishments. Apart from the ordinary program II\(, of work, we recei ved a visit from an Operational Pilot who gave an interesting ta lk 011

the work of Coastal Comma nd. Later in the term the Fl ight spent a day at a Fightl" Station in the district. The weather was perfect, a nd Cadets were a ble to inspect the Control Tower, Workshops, and many different types of aircraft.

Station perso lll ul: l

were available to answer questions and explain difficulties in Cadet's minds; and the varied interests of the day's visit were rounded off by a most interesting tal k 011 .. experiences " given by one of the Station's Officers. During the term, also, a travelling one-man A. C. S.B. came to interview the oldc, Cadets, and declared himself very pleased with the promise shown by most of tho;c with whom he spoke. There is every prospect of a Summer Camp at the beginning of August, a nd it , hoped that as many members as possible will ava il themselves of such a unique opportunity of gaining first-hand experience of the life and work of an R. A.F. Statioll under wal'~time conditions, especially as the cost to each individual fo r the week's caml' will, as usual, be nominal. In conclusion we must once again tha nk FlO T. R. Richardson and Mr. H. Whellc, for their continued assistance in Navigation, Meteorology, and Morse. PROMOTtONS.- To be Sergeants :-Cpls. P. H. Gro ve, C. W. Birkett, and J . p, Richardson . To be Corporals :- Leading Cadets A. S. Langs to n, C. McK. Cray, and J. II , Cushman, All the above date from March 1st, 1944.



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Librariall : THE REv. S.~B-R. POOLE Assistant Librariall : G. C. MIDDLETON There have been some twenty volumes added to the library this term. The In st generous benefactor has proved to be P. L. G. Gurney, O.K.S. , who very kindly presented a rather pleasant edition of John Gay 's The Beggars Opera a nd one of his Polly . H ' also gave us copies of Cecil Rhodes by H. Baker, Mary Queen of Scots by Eric Linklatcl, Julias Caesar by John Buchan, Lellill by James Maxton, Prillce Charlie by Compton Mackenzie and Queen Elizabeth by Mona Wilson. The librarian is most grateful for this and other gifts which have included :By the Rev. H . J. Fynes-Clinton, O.K.S. :Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis ......... Thomas of Elmham By the Author:Poems of a South African ............ .. ...... .. ........ .. .... Rev. A. Ville Hall By H. M. Gregson, O.K.S. :The Polderoy Papers ............... ........ .. ............ .. ... C. E. Vulliamy By J . E . C. Hinchliffe, O.K.S. :Richelien ....... ............... .. ..................... .. ........ .T. Ca/", and M . Leloir

1::: ,I:~ ' ''~,...

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A few more text books on Physics and Chemistry were purchased out of the Library Fund and also R. A. L. Smith 's Canterbury Cathedral Priory , R. B. Mowat's The Diplomalic R elariolls of Great Britain alld the Vll iled S tates, and J. Williamson 's The ÂŁvo/ulioll of Ellglalld. Our evacuated Li brari is still very slender by co!nparison with pre-war standards and therefore the Librarian is es pecially grateful to those O.K.S. who continue to give their support in the time honoured and traditional manner.

SOCCER THE FIRST XI. The difficul ties a nd shorta ge of war- time travel, together with the very variable weather of the South-West, did much to bl ight the Season 's Soccer. . Games on The Hornets, in drizzling rain were not infrequent, but it was unfortunately only possible to arrange two matches. The fi rst, early in the season an d undertaken almost without previo us pract ice, was against SI. Eval ; it was played in a sto rm a nd although, taking In to acco unt the lack of practice, the School played well, there was a distinct lack of dri ve in the forward line and a dea l too much inaccuracy in the shooting. The opposing team were co nsiderably faster, a nd proved their superiority by winning the match 5- 0. The R.N .E.C., Keyha m played us at Home. A pena lty goal, ta ken by Smithers in thc first fi ve minutes, sta rted the ma tch well; Keyham then scored later in the first half and twice more in the second. Al though Kin g's defence showed some improvementAckers a nd Lovatt as left a nd ri ght-backs played a commendable game- the forward s showed lack of co-ordinati on and tendency to stra y from their appointed positions in the field . Severa l Juniors showed promise in the Junior League Matches, the Junior School taking a n active part ; in the House Match Finals, School House defeated Tbe Grange 3- 1.

HOCKEY K.S. C. I' R.N.E.R. KBYHAM. WON 3-2 JANUARY 29TH. The ga me sta rted off with some very fast play, both sides making determined attacks. Birkett and Simpson p layed very well in defence carrying us tbrou gh several awkward moments. Just before the end of the first ha lf Coury, following up hard, hit a rebound fro m the Goal keeper into the net. Birkett increased our lead early in the second half from a penalty corner, Keyham quickly repl ying with a good goa l by their inside ¡Ieft. Tbe rest of the play was even, both sides scoring once ; Coury for us. K.S.C. v KELLY COLLEGE. DRAWN I- I FEBRUARY 12TH. Tlie game was rather scrappy and our forwards never looked dangerous, witb tb. exception of Coury wbo scored our goal. Kelly opened the scoring early in the first balf and we equalised soon after. 301

THE CANTUARIAN K.S.C. v GRESHAM. LOST 5-0 FBnURARY 19TH. The forwa rds again lacked co· operation and the whole team played under II" II usual fOlm. Gresbams however were a polished tea m and thoroughly deserved their win ; Iii score would have undoubtedly been higher if it had not been for Cushman in g01l1 wi" did some very good goal saves. K.S. C. v CLIFTON. LOST 2-0 FEBRUARY 23RD. Though we were in the Clifton ha lf most of the match, the combination (II "III forward s, who could not score, and the Clifton goalkeeper, who stopped two very ~,,,,,I shots from Coury, lost us the match. We sbould like to thank Kelly for their generosity in letting us use their pitch . K.S.C. v PLYMOUTH. WON 3-1 FEBRUARY 28TH. After our defeat by Clifton the forward s were re-organised and for once we I nll~' I like a bockey team. By the end of the first half we had scored twice through Stuart and Birkett. In the second half Lampard cut in from the right wing and scored, just befol ' II, end Plymouth scored through their inside left. RETROSPECT, 1944.

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The team did quite well co nsidering the very few boys who play hockey, 111111 II. lack of a suitable playing pitch. After the first few matches the side was changed 1111111'\ Birkett came to centre· forward from centre-ha lf and Twells-Grosse from back 10 li nll while numerous minor changes gave the side more punch in attack and more bolt"''' . a team. . The School matcbes were interesting and, in some ways, peculiar. The SIIi. , lost to Greshams, but beat Plymouth who in turn beat Gresham. The side, b ' III' was altered, was at its worst against Clifton, whom they should have beaten com[,III "I,1 In these days games are a difficult problem, but better use can be made of the fllllllli we have been fortunate enough to acq uire. Practice is possible, let it be " Practice with intent," not just an aimless half· I""" amusement. Tbere is room for better stick-work and more attention paid to po.III", ' play. Tbere are some good yo ung players in the School-and tbe prospects III '" witbout promise. . PLAYED : 7; WON: 3; LOST: 3; DRAW N: I; GOALS FOR: 12 ; AOA' ~~I I CHARACTERS. C. W. BIRKETT (Centre-half) (Captain)- A good player at half or forward . II I " , work is very good, and he distributes the ball accurately. Has been a n xl,lI" Captain both on and off the field. 302


, I. A. CUSHMA!" (Goa l-keeper)-Rather too erratic. H as played some excellent games but occasIOnally the reverse. Must learn to time his run out better. J J. . COURY (Inside.Right).-A clever player with good stick-work and plenty of dash. Needs more filllsh In the circle and ra tber individualistic. I . G. SIMPSON (Left-Back)-Disappointing this season. Has all the qualities of a good back, but takes hiS eye ofT the ball too much and takes inexcusable risks. Must get out of the bad habit of using one hand. I . P. WALSH (Centre-Half)-Took tbis position late in tbe season. Has a good eye and tackles well. Stick-work rather crude and uses one hand too much. I. D. TWELLS-GROSSE (Right-Half)-A very promising player. Works hard and is a good tackler. His passing is rather obvious and he is inclined to get out of position. II. SAWTELL (Outside-Left)- Improved every game he played. Centres well and has good stick work . Must learn to cut in and shoot more. I. ROTHWELL (Left- Hal f)-A very useful half. Has a good eye and distributes the ball well. His positioning needs improvement. I M. LAMPARO (Outside-R.ight)- Improved late in the season and centres quite well. St,ck-wOJk crude and must learn to use bis touch-line. \ . R. T. STUART (I nside¡ Left)-Came into. the side at the end of the season. A promisIIlg player With dash, and qu,te good In tbe Circle. Must learn positioning. I. D. E. HERBERT (Right-Back)-Came into the side late. Is a promising back- has a good eye, but must learn to hit barder and to his own forwards. Too easily rattled.

ATHLETICS Next term is the normal Atbletics term with us but on learning that there was to h' a n Inter Schools At hletlcs Match at Kelly College a team was raised to compete . I hey sufTered under the disad va ntage of ha vmg a full term of Soccer and Hockey wbicb • verely restncted tbeir training. The other schools taking part at Tavistock were Clifton College, Kelly College, ,'Iymouth College, Plympton, and Tav,stock. Clifton were easily the best side there ,It,d they won almost every event. We, bowever, won the 100 yards and came second In 1111 the other running events, Kelly College coming third. Unfortunately our field ,vents, let us down badly and tbe fact that we did not go in for the Pole Vault resulted III our final defeat by Kelly . by one point. Ainsworth, Cray, Lampard and Sbepherd 1111 rlln very well and put up a rema rkably good sbow on almost negligible training Final order of tbe match. Points. Ist Clifton College .. .. ....................... 65 2nd, Kelly College .......... .... .............. .. 52 3rd, King's, Canterbury ........................ 51 4th, Plymton ........... ... ... .. ...... ..... .... .... .46 5th, Plymouth College ...... .... .......... ...... 29 6tb, Tavistock ... .. .......... .. .. ................. 14 303



Event 100 yards 220 yards 440 yards 880 yards Mile Hurdles! High Jump Long Jump Pole Vault Stop Step Jump Weight Discus Javelin

Name D. B. Ainswortb D. B. Ainswortb J. M. Lampard C.Mc. K. Cray J. P. B. Shepherd M. A. H. Lovatt M. A. H . Lovatt G. A. J. Eva ns

J. C. Coury J : C. B. Coleman C. S. Pitcher J. C. Coury

Place 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th 2nd 5th 4tb

ORIGINAL NIGHT. The night wind smelt of rustling ferns As I walked across the Hill, The may tree whispered in the wind. The may tree is whispering still. The ground was soft, and the grass held me, Time was nothing As I lay still. Listening to the spirits of tbe night. And tho' there was no moon, The stars shone bright. Hundreds and hundreds of midnight suns Singing the music of the nig~lI. Far away an owl was calling to its mate . And its cry was one of loneliness, Lost in the deep blue stillness of the valley. Tbe silho uettes of the willow trees, Whispered and nodded to each other. As the water rippled around their feet. In the middle of the stream, a small Dead beach leaf floated As a tiny coracle Upon a wondrous sea,

That, as a mirror Shone back at the stars, And showed the dark clouds, Moving in its depths. 304

Win ning Tiult' 10'9 secs. 24'1 sees. 53'8 secs. 2 min. 5.9 seeH. 4 min. 44.5 sc~_ 14'8 secs. 5 ft 0 ins. 19 ft. 2 ins. 8 ft. 39 ft. 11 ins. 35 ft . 119 ft. 9! ins. 141 ft. 1 in .

THE CANTUA RIAN And J sta red at tbe trees, Reflected in the water, And at the rushes growing by my feet. . ..... Far away in the va lley A bird was calling to its mate T hen suddenly I felt alone,

Trees, fields, and streams, All were unfriendly to me. No longer did [ feel That 1 was part of the night. Shadows twisted Underneath the trees, And I alone was Cut off from them a ll r alo ne

Remained, staring


The cold light of the stars And listening to The whispering of the trees. VANBRUGH.

SOLITUDE. Over the crest of the hill, King of the la nd I roam. Where none can do me ill Just myself and the sun alone. My wandering thoughts Are clearly meant for one, Whose presence 1 desire; And yet I shun. For well I now know That if you were there, The peace and the beauty

Of a quiet summer's evening Would be lost and forgotten . And with it, life's meaning The spell would be broken! Those fields and those hedge-rows Would dwindle to nothing, Through just one word spoken The hush of the twilight, The peace of the evening, . Would vanish like stars In the blackness of night, But not so nowAs I walk by myself. 305



I picture that scene

On the wonderful Chilterns .' As we might be there with that fast braCing aIr. My mind Would be filled with those thoughts so free That the grimness of silence would help me to see All the beauty of life, Without care, without strife; But the spell would be broken Clearly you'd say, " What a beautiful view!" or " Iso't it nice? "

So now in the du'sk of a wonderful day, I am alone Without you to say Those ridiculous words As so well you may ...... JOH N STRICKLAND.

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COMA As I turn my gaze . From my lamplit desk, To the stone black of my wmdows ; I peer farther through that inky haze Only to see The country clothed in black. For a moment My eye is unac~stomed to this lack Of light and bnghtness ill a room. Then gradually As if a curtain's lifted From that near impending gloom: I behold A scene so quiet And yet so very full of life, Cloaking all the stnfe Of that family . . The never ending bicker of that man and of his wife. Suddenly A dim form flits past that open window Only to vanish again . As though 'twere eaten up in the blanket of the mght. A scene so common, And yet, so full of inner meaning. But as I gaze I see another figure there, And as a ghost This figure draws the evening blind Making all around me black. 306



I feel as if tbe light of life Is sudd,nly obscured, leaving bare my troubled mind. I gaze helplessly To right and to left Only to see fantastic shapes Ca using me to reel bereft. Then I draw back From my peering probing stance Just in time To catch a glimpse of that strange form Reflected in the black window glass of me! A ghastly white, with holes for eyes, I feel like death, as now I realise How those people in their home Had also seen my light, And wished that they could be alone. 'Tis only now I fully see That my prying eager gaze Had radiated through that gloom And drawn those mortals to their doom. I turn again To my lamplit desk. To think ...... and think ...... and think, Until my head slowly starts to sink, And the arms of Morpheus envelope me ln a peaceful, quiet sleep .. . .... . JOHN STRICKLAND.


Why will you not give me What I most desire? Others have plucked the Rose And the world has not jeered, Others have seen it wither Like old paper in the air. They have lived on its beauty, Cannot I who am alone? Must I feel this way and that Through streets and lanes, Because I cannot see what I most desire? I do not ask for much, Only the Rose and its leaf. Give it me in Hell, But as long as it is the Rose I do not mind or care. I have seen the ugly, I have drunk with the sordid. 307


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Is it not time Now that I have grown sadder For me to feel the beautiful? When I was young I deserved it not. But now, is there no gratitude? Is there no fulfillment? Is desire always desire? In the cold of the wax I have deserted the lonely I have smelt the unwashed And lingered round corruption. Will it never be forgiven? Is the soil no longer fertile Where the Rose used to grow? And yet, why has it been Offered me when I was unaware . I! was a fairhaired girl Who pressed it to my lips When last I had forgotten. I feU asleep wondering Whether the present was eternity . When I awoke I saw nothing Except a busy housewife Buying cauliflowers. Does the world offer No other guerdon? I have desired the Rose But there is no Rose, No Rose for me to fondle 'Gainst my lips and cheek, Now that I am weary. Sad with wizened skin The Rose will have withered. Also, similarly, apart Its tears will have dropped Into the cracks of the earth One by one. The petals will have decayed And grown browner. It will have suffered As I have suffered Deep in the twilighl Ofthe Ancient Nunnery. Yet we have not even Had the consolation Of growing old togetber. Except for an ephemeral hour 3011

THE CANTUARIAN We have not known each other, Our breath has not intermingled. Nor have our arms entwined.

Yet we loved each other The Rose and I, The Rose of creation Grown in the dew Of the first world. Before it was the tears Of the past, saddened. Cannot we escape Before tbe brown earth clutches us ? Cannot we become As the stars in the heaven? We would be content To share, far distant From each other If only we knew Eternity uplifting us. When the clouds hasten And the rains gather We would know At least, out tears would. Rose, mystifying, Dissolving into notbingThat is my desire. Does the world care If we enjoy small happiness, Would we be robbing The bees of their honey? Would we be stealing Youth When it is asleep? It cannot be so. There is honey in the flowers Drying in the sun When the bees are drowsy. We only want the honey That the bees have left. We only want Youth If it has the time To leave the bay, who We are told, it follows. We do not ask for much. At least the Rose does not ask


Because it has no yoke

To mouth complaint. 'Tis I who am wanting it,

I who wish to snatch The Rose before it withers Slowly, irretrievably Into the dry soil Which is waitina To devour us. 309




O.K.S. NEWS The Editors invile the co-operation of O.K.S. ill strengthelling these items ;1/ '. THE CANTUARTAN. " ",hi, It are o/particular iuterest 10 O.K.S. They cm~lIoll"ems~/yes obtaill ,,!lIch of 'he l1ece~sary material, esp(I/,!Il'" particulars of promotions, alld there/ore remllld slIbscnbers that alll/ems of news m e always weicolllt' ,

II ,



I :

We offer our congratulations to the Rev. W. Telfer, D .D . (1900-05) Assistlllli Tutor, Dean and Praelector of Clare College, Cambridge on his appointment as I I Professor of Divinity and Canon of Ely Cathedral. C. E. Fischl (1940- 41) ;s now with a London firm of Solicitors as Articled lerk S. A. R. Cawston (1938-43) had the bad luck to miss his final Selection 0011,,1 as he has been dangerously ill with pneumon ia. We are glad to hear that he IS ",," conva lescent. D . A. Foster (I937-40) writ~s of a Record Mu~ic circle h~,attended at his R.A , I station and how the playing of ' Jesu, JOY of man s desmng took him back 10 I" Cathedral and to himself " standing in the front· pew, feeling very new and smaiL " R. G. M. Leadbeater (1939-43) has just finished hi s R.M . Short Course at Oxfolll where he was up to C. S. Lewis, the well-known writer and broadcaster. He capillilll.\ the Naval Division side in Soccer and has been playing regularly as Full Back for 1111 combined Magdalen-New College XV which reached the Finals of the Inter- olll' I" matches. P. A. Gouldsbury (1933-37) and J. G. Gouldsbury (1934-38) are both in 1111 same Regiment of the Indian Army, though in different Battalions. Pat g I III commission in the R.A.S.C. in 1941 and was in Libya for 9 months, then went to Bill III.' with an Armoured Division and was through the Retreat there and had a serious illn ' .. Mr. Corner writes to tell us of a "remarkable meeting that has just taken I II" . at this Pre-O.C.T.U. Those present were Chatterton, Brown i and Beale ii of Seh",,1 House, Robertson of the Grange, Ommanney of Walpole and myself. We're all ~I HOI'" stage o r other of training and it seemed quite impossible to greet each other wll h 1111 thing but laughter! It was very good to meet them all again and to hear the news ",,,I we've been meeting as much as training will allow. ". He .goes on, "The cou rse " , is anything but soft and I must have lost about a stone 111 weJght. I Imagme the youll ., O.K.S. haven't found things as exacting. All the same I ' m glad to have don e II , 1/ only to prove to myself that I'm capable of it. " G. Janson Smith (1920-24) also writes of "two O.K.S. meetings which "" interest you and which took place at apprqximately 8° 15" N .. and 30° 15" E. Thre tl"l ago J. E . Kennett who is now A. D. C. Western Nuer arnved at a .god-fo rsa ken 1'''' called Adock-on-the-Nile and there found that man of God, BIShop Gelsth,,'1' marooned-he had been there for four days and had been fed by a n Arab trader, so Ih. had an O.K.S. re-union. To-day my wife and 1 arrived at the same spot and after hil I III gone 20 miles inland ran into Kennett sitting surrounded by his turbulent Nuers, willi', he was quelling by his eagle eye and probably. hIS conJunng trIcks,and so we had nllnl" O.K.S. reunion and drank to the School III gin and rather discoloured . loca I will., We all remember the School with gratitude and affection. Our good WIShes W ylill all. " O. W. E ustace, (1933-43) on arriving at a well-known camp in Greal Il rlll"" " hearing a whistle from one of the upstairs windows looked up to see Breese," 310



L. P. H. Russell (1935-38) wrote from Hospital somewhere in the Middle East: I was In TunISia and slopped to enquire the way at a comma nd vehicle. The chap who answered my query seemed familiar. It was not till after Ihat I realised it was I II her N. C. King or his double. Later when I got back to my crowd Anthony Durnford h'ld me he had met D. B. Young and Blackmore in Cairo. Later Anthony said, " Who ,In you think has come to G .H.Q.? R. P. Tong. '" I went 10 see Colonel Tong, but I was feehng hke death, haVIng a go of fever coming on, so we did not have much of II 'I"H, but we arranged to meet for dinner later. Well it never came off. I went into IIII' p,tal that day and they have discovered that one of my Iungs is "wonky " and I ""ve been sentenced to three months hospital at Jerusa lem." E. W. Swinhoe-Phelan (1937-41) has been torpedoed, and had met Nort ho ver 'ilili H. A. Turner. He adds that he has been in every town bar one in a certain I Ilind in the Mediterranean but no other O.K.S. has he found. ' , P. R. Mallorie (1936-40) writes that the Gaastra twins were too much for the le A.p. who were continually sending for the younger one to test the elder's glasses 'I tid so on. The elder twlO has been doing flyin g boat training. He had also met lIurford and P. G. Knowles and C. M. Bolt and Robin Allison, the latter of whom is • "using up and down Ital~, and M r. Sh~rwood, no w a Major with a War Office post. His I"Other, M. N. Mallone IS III the TaclIcal AIr Force, and is married. M. G . R. Ellis (1940-43) is in the potential officers squad of the Grenadier Guards sbould be at his pre-O.C.T.U. by now. ' . E. H. Corneli~s (1938-43) being in a low medical category on account of eyesight, Willes from CambrIdge that University life is still quite pleasant with work the dominant •


In 'lor, though not too dominant.


1. R. Brett (1934-43) is on an Inteiligence Course with the R.A.F. A. D. Wilson (1931-40) has seen various famous cities, has been to a French I tillcge and arranged to go there for the" bachaut " course on his next leave had .1· I uner and ~afe cognac with the Administrateur of a French Colony, taken a c~nvoy "In ver 50 vehicles on a thousand mile trip with only o ne other officer a nd flown another ' hnusand miles in about 7 hours, and has seen numerous O,K.S. ' G. H. Crosse (1910- 14) is now O.C. of a Gunnery School in South Africa. T. C. Sidney (1937- 39) took his B.Sc. before joining the Army and is married 11111 we know no details. "

J. A. Northover (1937-41) was wounded las t autumn, went back into the line ill" weeks later and was wounded again the sa me night, one wrist broken, the other hlild smashed, thumb broken and leg injuries, but was much better and going to a ."Ivalescent camp for three months. olonel R. H. Lucas (the School Medical Officer) was awarded the C.B.E. in 1,IIIIIIIfY, and IS Deputy DIrector of Medical Services in one of the Middle East areas. 11111 he wants to get back to his hospital. Sam Lucas (1926-36) when on leave with his I"" r, ran lOtO CaptalO Gerald Bennett. Peter Lucas (1934-39) is now fully qualified , I .C.S., L.R.C.P. and is a House Physician at Bart's. He has taken the first part of III 'flmbridge M.B. . Brown (1933-38) has been appointed Gunnery Instructor at a well-known , ,III'P, and D. Brown (1935-39) has been selected for training as a Battalion Motor IlIlilsport Officer. 311

THE CANTUARIAN W. M. Enderby (1938--42) writes: " We have been going through a strenlll 'lI course of what is called' Battle Innoculation.' The day we did it Major-Gen. I', I, Fanshawe, G.O.c., R.A.C. Training, visited the Barracks, so the Colonel brOllrhl him along to the show. [had the privilege of leading a section over the course 1111\ III the end of it he complimented me. r only realised on getting the Call/uariall Ihlll I" was an O.K.S.- it would have shaken the Colonel if we had started reminiscing IIhlllll the old School!" He goes on to say that while on manoeuvres he had the I,d I, . pick off a pheasant at 200 ya rds with a '303. His section then roasted it and ca l II III' supper. J. Peschek (1940--43) is still at Cambridge waiting to be called up for the Na v D. G. R. Fox took his M.A. degree (Cantab) in 1943, and is now commnndl ll an anti-malarial unit somewhere in the East. J. M. B. Pratt (1933-37) has been offered and has accepted a post-war Comml in the Regular Army.

' III'

C. H. B. Wauton (1932-37) has also been offered a Regular Commission . one time he saw a good deal of Henshaw, who was liaison officer near where he WII A. G. Eyre (1935--40) put in time while on leave from Nigeria by teaching al Kill College School, Cambridge, and got up a game of masters and Choral Scholars " I , School. Three members of the former team were O.K.S. , himself, J. Peschek ,",,1 R. G. O. Tayler. He had also seen Dr. MacFarlane who spent the first six monlh . .. I the war at Walpole House, while in charge of a Ministry of Health Lab. on tho S 'hll,,1 premises.

:» "

H . R. R. Steele (1930--40) has met several O.K.S., including J. C. GoultlH'"'' who was in his Division, D. H. Freeland and D. W. Llewellyn-Evans. whll, II hospital with malaria his ward was visited by Mr. Wootton who is now an ASNI, IIIIII Commissioner of the Red Cross.

I: ••

P. Miller (1936--40) writes of various O.K.S. whom he had met ; most "I II, information he gives will be found in this issue of the War Record.

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R. W. Edbrooke (1930-35) is working on Armaments Design in H. P. Worthll,,, office.


G. M. Ward (1936-38) had the bad luck to lose two toes in an accidenl II III a Tank Trap whilst at O.C.T.U. and had a long spell in hospital. He wus III II, Sicilian landing and at Salerno, where he was wounded in the arm. We hear h I, III 6ft. 7 ins. in height; so we wonder how he fits into a ship's bunk! G. L. Clarke (1935--41) is on a big R.A.F. station overseas. He is doing '1111' in German and Spanish in his spare time and reading for his Economics degr I' II has been playing cricket successfully (taking 7 for 30 one day) and also hockey III, II the Colony. One O.K.S. letter reports that A. P. Beale (1931-40) had been badly " UIIII,I , and lost a leg, so we are glad to learn from Beale 's mother that he is fit and w II , "" , is still stationed somewhere in England !. 312

THE CANTUARIAN BIRTHS. LEMBNTs.- On 22nd November, 1943, to Judith, wife of C. L. Clements (1920-26) a son.

ALLARD.- In December, 1943 to Lieut.-Commander Elliot Allard, B.E.M . (1929-27) and Mrs. Elliot Allard, a daughte,r, (Rose,nary Susan) . NSTTLETON.- On 12th January, 1944, to Madeline, wife of John D. Nettleton (1925-28) a brother for Angela (Jonathan). ENGAGEMENTS. YouNG- MARSHALL.-Captain W. C. Young, R.A., (1933- 38) to Elizabeth Irene, W.R.N.S., elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Bradwall, Lichfield. LARKE-SAREL.-G. L. Clarke (1935--41) Ai.r Sea Rescue Service (Overseas) only sonof the late C. H. G. Clarke (1887- 97) Malayan Civil Service and Mrs. Clarke, Whltewell Lodge, Cranbrook, Kent, to Erica Mary, elder daughter oj! RearAdmiral and Mrs. Sarel. MARRIAGES, PURVJS-LA-FRENIERE.-O~ 18th October, 1943, at Ottawa, Ontario, Flight-Sergeant-

Pilot John KeIth PurvIS (1935- 39) to Marie Jule Lois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry La Freniere of Ottawa. l'OORD-KELCEY- RICHARDs.- On 26th Febraury, 1944, Wing Commander Alick FoordKelcey, A.I7.C., (1926- 31) son of the late W. B. Foord-Kelcey (1892-96) to Section Officer Audrey Richards, W.A .A.F., daughter of the late Mr. A. Richards and of Mrs. Richards, 14 Regent Court, N. W. . DEATHS. WALsH.-On 11th August, 1943, George Cecil Walsh (1889-91). llowEN.- Killed in Action, February, 1944, Peter Duncan Bowen (1934-38) FlightLieutenant, R.A.F. NORTHcoTE.- Killed in Action, March, 1944, Amyas Henry Stafford Northcote, M.C., Major, S. Lancashire Regiment.



(,O MMANDER JAMES ROBERT CRAWFORD, O.B.E., R.N.V.R. (ret.) 1877-79. Our deep sympathy goes out to Mrs. Crawford and to R. C. L. Crawford of School Ii ouse in the death of Commander J. R. Crawford, a member of a very well-known O.K.S. family, which occurred on January 7th. He was the second of three brothers II I the School, and saw a great deal of the world in the service of the Western Cable ('ompany. [n 1914-/8 he ,served in the R.N.V.R. in the Falkland Islands, being in "'\Urge of Port St011ley. HIS knowle~ge of decoding and deciphering was of great yuille to hlln In hiS Important work there. He was in tbe Falklands when Sir Ernest Shuckleton landed there. 313

THE CANTUARIAN LlEUTENANTII!JOHN LESLIE ROWBOTHAM , 1936-41. Tbe deatb of John Rowbotham, who fell to a sniper's bullet in his first acti " "" the Burma Front, bas been a profound grief to all who' knew him here. I-lis 1'11111' confidence and his unruffled temperament made us all look upon him as a friend Whlllll we could trust in our personal difficulties or in the wider affairs of School life. Perh"I' we shall best remember him for his influence on the spiritual life of the School. I I faith was manifest in his regular attendance at Communion, and the service wh i II III gave to the Chapel, but it went much deeper than this. Without any displll Y .. I . priggishness or excessive piety he made us all aware that his C hristian faith WII N II" standard that governed all his actions, and for that knowledge the whole School w" all the happier. He has paid the full price for his faith, and we cann ot honour hlill better than to strengthen our resolve to lead ou r lives here a fter that manner of wh I h be was so shining an example. His Commanding Officer writes: . , He was killed in his first acti on, whilM III charge ~f an observation post witb the forem ost infantry. He had just bro ughl Ih' guns ol"his battery to bear with great effect, and was o n the point of doing so again 1011111 he was shot in the bead by a sniper as he wa s changing his positio n. We can ill a l1 l1l1l to lose sucb a grand lad, whom we and bis men all loved and sadly miss.


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SECOND-LIEUT ENANT G ERARD BRUCE ARMSTRONG, (1936-41), KI N(, ' DRAGOON GUARDS. Tbe announcement in tbe Times of Gerry Armstrong 's deatb came as a great gh," ~ to all who knew him, for it was only last November that he was visiting us bere. III Housemaster writes: "I can see Gerry now on the first day be arrived in School, u vrl wbite-faced unpromising looking little boy, with his mother. Many' times lat , \\, laughed about tha t first meeting. Tbe School suited bim and he was always happy I hllil A boy with many interests, particularly keen on nature stud y, he later became" V," \ good biologist.. Though he looked sligbt in build, he was full of energy, whelhCI " wing forward for the School or as a half-miler. But it was bis character a nd innu 'II" which will never be forgotten in Walpole. Early in the wa r he became Head of Ih, House. He was its first "young" Head boy, at an age for command which, helllil the war, would bave been tbought ridiculous. But command he did, and the 11 1111 . flourisbed under him. His wisdom and common sense came to be known almO' 1 " well as hIS cheerful laugh. All counted themselves lucky to serve under Gerry Arm.11I1II and be was universally beloved. " " . Fro.m his grandfather we learn tha.> Gerry and bis Squadron Leader were 0111 1111 reconnaissance on foo t and walked mto the tnpwue of a mme. The Squadron L IlIh' was killed instantly, and Gerry so badly wounded that he lived only a few minutes, FLIGHT-SERGEANT JOHN ANTHONY VANE, R.A.F. (1937-39). John Vane had a very close connection with the Cathedral for he was a Chn, . h, for nine years, before coming all to the School, wbere he was in Marlowe Ho use. II> was a keen cricketer, a musician and took part in several dramatic productions. Ul'hl" joining the R.A.F. he was on the staff of Messrs. Reeves and Young. He joinc!1 Ih. Home Guard on i'·s inception as the L.D .V. and was a crack shot, belonging to Ihe II! I section to win the Battalion Shield. He was tbe navigator of a Mosquito in the 1'11,1\"" squadron commanded by "Cals-Eyes. " He had a lso seen service in Malta. IlI'I", the war he had hoped to take Holy Orders, and after joining the R.A.F. he gave add u' at a number of squadron services. He was killed on air operations at the age of 21, 314



ALGERNON LATTER (1879-89) Mr. Basil J. Ross (1885- 90) writes :.. [ must be one of the few O.K.S. still li ving who were in the School with Algernon LaUer for a considerable period. [f [ remember ri ghtly he went to the Upper School , hortl y before I joined the Parro ts. We in the Parro ts saw a great deal of him, as he often came across to see his sister, Mrs. Hodgson, wife of the Rev. R. G . Hodgson, then headmaster of the Pa rrots. He WIIS the beau idea l of we sma ll fr y and I for one ha ve never had cause to change my opinion. One of my grea test joys was to see him at' the wicket of the Beverley Ground opening Ihe School inni ngs with Kennerley Rumford . I suppose I was in the Sen ior School wilh him for a bo ut two yea rs. There I learned hi s true worth. A fin e cricketer, 1'001bailer and athlete, a perfeci sportsman always pla ying for hi s side and not for hi mself ; a disciplinaria n, but a lways a pproacha ble and rea dy wi th encou ragement li nd ad vice to the wea ker bret hren. Since leaving school I have met him occasionally li nd ha ve had great help from him. I am one of compara ti vely few who knew him as II Boys' Boy, hundreds ha ve kn own him as a Boys' Ma n. HERBERT BIGGLESTON (1884- 90) PRANK ROFFWAY BTGGLESTON (1890- 94) It was with deep regret tha t Ihe School learnt of the pass ing of Herbert and Frank Iliggleston wi thin 24 hours of each o ther o n February 12th and 13th. Herbert Biggleston Was the better known to la ter generations of King 's School Boys, for he was a fa miliar !igure at all School functio ns in Canterbury a nd in 1942 spent it week with us at Carlyon

Iluy. F. M. Furley writes :" Herbert Biggleston will be greatly missed by a wide circle. He was the kindest li nd best of friends and had the gift not only of making friend s but of keepin g them. Il c never spared himself if he co uld do a good turn to others. His ea rly training as II Water Engineer made him a very valuable member of the Board of Directors of the 'anterbury Gas and Water Com pany and his opinio ns were always listened to with llie greatest respect by his fellow Directors. He inherited his .father 's great love for Freemasonry and was familiar with the wo rking of a l arge number of Degrees. He never sougbt honours for himself but when they came to him he used them for the genera l good. He took a very acti ve interest in association with the Headmaster in starting the : ' Cantuaria u " Lodge, and IllS name will long be remembered In connection with it. ' He was a keen supporter of all games, especially of Cricket and Rugby Football. He had a great love for his old School and attended the O.K.S. J)inners whenever possible. The loss of bis only' son in the Wa r he felt very deeply, ~ul he bore it with great fortitude. He struggled to the last against the great handicap which illness brought upon him, but he suffered considerable pain and greatly as we villued his friend ship we were glad to feel that he had passed to peace a t last. " Herbert Biggleston leaves a widow, a daughter, the wife of Commander (E) A. B. ( ;o ble, R.N ., O.K.S_, a daughter-in-law (Mrs. Desmond Biggleston) and a grand,Inughter. Lieutenant D. Biggleston was killed in the fighting in Libya.


THE CANTUARIAN Frank Biggleston had been in indifferent health for some years, and beellill seriously ill about six months before his death. He was widely known and res pecl".! throughout East Kent. Though a man of pronounced opinions, he. bad a keen Sll il , of humour, and his sterling qualities endeared him to many friends. He WII S III bus iness in Canterbury for some 40 years.

Among his many interests were archilC till I'

and building- he erected s!'veral houses in various parts of Canterbury- horticull lll ' he was a particularly keen rose grower and . exhibitor- philately, oM books 1111,1 prints. He was also a most gifted handicraft worker and maqe and presented 10 Iii, Canterbury Rotary Club the President 's chair- distinguished for its delicate in lllill work- and a bookcase. He leaves a widow, three dau ghters and a son . THOMAS EASTON RAMM ELL, K.S. (1878- 86) Thomas Easton Rammell, who died on March 6th, was the eldest represenloll v, of yet another familiar name in tbe School lists. He became a King 's Scholar !II 1111 early age, was a Senior King 's Scbolar, Jl'layed in the XI for four seasons and Caplailll'li it for two; was in the XV for tbree seasons and Captain of that and of the Schllill in his last year. He went up to Trinity College, Oxford 'as a Rose Exhibitioner all tl " Ford Student and ¡took a Second in Classical Mods., and was for nearly fort y yell ' a Master at King 's Scbool, Worcester. We record his death with deep regret. MAJOR CHARLES LISTER PARMITE R, O.B. E., (1 883-87) Death has taken a heavy toll of O.K.S. in the first three months of 1944. Chll' II Lister Parmiter, who died in Canterbury in Ma rch had a distinguished and vMi,-" military career. He served in the South African War and in 1914- 18 and was st81io,1I',I at various times in the West Indies, Canada and Newfoundland. He was the sC'II ,"1 son of the Rev. John Parmiter, for many years beloved Rector of St. Mild"'11 Canterbury. At School he was in botb the XI and the XV and went up to Pemb,"" College, Cambridge, but he obtained a Commission in the 3rd Battalion Queen 's O WII Royal West Kent Regiment at the age of 20 and four years later transferred to the Kh l~ (Liverpool) Regiment. He took part in the operations at Laings Nek and w"111 through the siege of Ladys mith on the staff of Sir George White. He was menlillll"l in despatches, promoted captain and invalided bome. For five years he was AdJII""" to the 1st Volunteer Battalion, The Buffs. In 1907 he was placed on the retired lisl '"I,1 went with his family to farm in Canada, but in 1914 he at once rejoined his old regill " lIl After a short period with the Lancashire F usiliers he went to France as seco,l(l III command of the 7th Bn. The Buffs. He was invalided home in 1917 and served 111.111 1919 in Ireland. For his able discharge of difficult and delicate duties during II Y"II disturbed period in Irish life he was awarded the O.B. E. For the last quarlo,' III 1\ century he had lived in Canterbury and had taken an active interest in the fUrlh cl'IIII" of numerous social and benevolent causes. When the 01<\ L.D.V. (now the II " " " Guard) was formed in 1940 he was one of the first to join the local battalioll 111,,1 rendered most useful assistance in an administrative capacity. Up to a few WI', I before his death he was indefatigable as a fire-watcher, always being on duty wh" 'I'Y • the siren sounded . During his long life he was held in the most affectionate cSl1'l11l for his charming social qualities, bis sympathetic understanding of others' dim 'lIli h and his readiness at all times to render service to his fellows. He leaves a widow 1111,1 three sons and a dau~hter who are doing wal: service in different parts of the wol'ld, 316




CORRESPONDENCE /'t) the Editors of " THE CANTUARIAN " , Irs, It gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity of than,king those who have " kindly helped in this season's Rugby. Thanks are particularly due to Mr. Stephen-Jones for coaching the 1st game. to Messrs. Olsson, Reynolds and Hollingworth for refereeing, and to the Chaplain for lI", naging the Junior Game. I am very grateful indeed for their assistance and coIlpora tion.

On behalf of the Soccer Club.

I am, Sirs, Your obedient servant, M. J. LAMPARD,

Captain of Asscoiatiol1 Football. /(, the Editors of "


Sirs, . May I thank all thqse who were good enough to help in this season's Hockey? I ho Hockey Club IS partICularly grateful to Mr. Stephen-Jones for the time 'and trouble " so generously gave to coaching the 1st XI, and also to those Masters who helped wllh the refereeing. I am, Sirs, Your obedient servant,

C. W. BIRKETI, Captain of Hockey.



T he Editors acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following contemporaries ,,,,,I a pologise for any mistakes or omissions :_ . The Ampleforth Journal; The Ban'ovian, The Blundellian, The Bradfield College , hrOlI/c/e, The Bryanston Saga, The Campbellian, The Cholmelian, The Cranbrookian 1111' !lIizabethan, The Felste{iian, The Glenalmond Chroncile; The Gresham, The Haileyburian: Ih,' fhlrst Johnian! T?e Journal of the Honourable Artillery Company, The Kelly College, 'hrllllle/e, The KlI1g s School Parramatta Magazine, The Lancing College Magazine, f h" Leys Fortnightly (3), The Lorretonian, The Manwoodian, The Marlburian, The Meteor , ), '(1" Middlesex Hospital Journal, The Ousel, The Plymothian, The Radleian, IIII' fleptonian The Roffensian, The Rossallian, The S t. Edward's School Chronicle, The I fir/mund's School Chronicle, The Salopian, The Stonyhurst M llgazine, The Sutton I,II,'"ce School M agazine The TOI/bridgian, The Worksopian. .













Vol. XIX. No. 9

September, 1944.


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,'rrcel ion to List 13 (I . N. LEAKEY Delete promoted to A /Brigadier

I urrcctiolls to List 14.

It( , MEEK For" Midshipman" read" Sub-Lieutenant. .. I 1'. SUG DEN For" Midshipman" read" Sub-Lieutenant. " "1 W. SWI NHOE-PHELAN for " Signalman R.C.S. I. read" Sapper R.E. "

I'",,,lotions and Transfers, ctc, since March, 1944 ROYAL NAVY

t I). C. EVANS to Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. I ( . H ATTON to Able Seaman. 1'. HODSON. D.S ,C, and Bar, to A/ Lieu t-Comma nde r, R.N.V.R . I I . J AMES to Sub-Lieutena nt, R.N.

" t'. Mc MuLLIN transferred to R.C.A.F. as Pilot Officer II

I! I~

1\ . SOMERVILLE to Lieutenant, R. N. V.R. M. WARD to 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant, R.M. (', W ILKI NSON to T/Lieutenant. R.N .V.R. THE ARMY.

II It M. ApSEY, I.M.S., to A / Liellt.~Co lone l , R.I.A.M.~ . 11 0 . BENN£1T to Lieutenant and A/Captain. II. C. BREDJN to T/ Lieut.~Co l o nel II II, N. BREDIN, M.e. and Bar to T/Lieut.-Colonel I , C . BROOKE to Captain lil lCKLAND, resigned Commission owing to ill-health Ihl l'CHER to 2nd Lieute nant, Black Watch and Lieutenant , !lKBEN to Lieutenant , 0 . R. ELLIS to O.C.T.V. II II, L. EVANS Te-transferred to Queen's Royal Regiment, and appointed 0.S.0.3 " II . FEARON transferred to Parachute Troops as Private in an Intell igence Secti on I' M. LEIGH-FERMOR, to Major II II. E. GOSSET, M.e., retired I II OUDGE to Gurkha Parachu te Battal ion t 1\ , OOULDSBURY to 2nd Lieutenant R.A.S.C. and to Lieutenant, and transferred to Gurkha Rifles, LA.

, GRANT to Lieut. -Colonel II M. GR I!GSON to Cadet, Pre-O.C.T.U. I It II AN DMAN to Major, L E .

P . C. HARRIS to Lieutenant and A/Captain L. L. HASSALL, D.s.O. , M.e. to Brigadier W. N. HAYES to A/Major D. S. H EARNE to A/Capta in J. S. HEWICK reverts to rank of Lieut.~Colonel on being invalided home R. H. S. I RVINE to Capta in A. E. W. Joyce to Lieutenant and tra nsferred to Bombay Sappers and Miners p, N. P. JOYCE to Lieutenant and tra nsfer red to Bombay Sappers and Miners C. W. A. LOVATI, to O.C.T.U. J. E. MORRIS to Lieutena nt J. J. MORRIS to A/ Major C. J. B. MURRAY to Lieut. -Colonel O. T. NETTLETON to Major T. D. NETTLETON to Lieutenant A. D. H. P ATE RSON to A/Captain. P. B. PLUMPTRE to Lieutenant a nd Captai n A. G. P ORTER to Major J. G. PRICE to Captain R. E. S. PRICE to Lieutenant S. C. ROBERTSON to D.C.T,U., and to 2nd Lieutenant, Irish Guards. J. F. ROBERTSON to Captain and Major T . E. SAMPSON to Lieutenant, Captai n a nd Major

J . C. C. SHAPLAND to Lieut. -Colonel M . W. SWINHOE-PHELAN to Cadet Pre-O.C.T,U. G. L. TAYLOR to Lieutena nt A. J. TROUSDELL, D .S.O., M.C., retired R . WALTER to T jMajor T. H. N. WELLS transferred to E.A.S.C.

C. A. WEST D.S.O., M.C. to T/Major.General T. G. YEARWOOD to Lieutenant, R .A .

ROYAL AI R FORCE. J . A. S. ALLEN, D.S.M . to Pilot-Officer J. K. BIRLEY to Pilot-Officer, Flying Officer and F light-Lieutenant J. W. BLACKJ,.iORE transferred from Yorkshire Hussars as Pilot~Officer D. G. CARTER to F lying Officer R. H. EVANS to Flight Lieutenant a nd Squadron Leader B. E. FERN to F light-Sergeant M . G. T . HEWLETT to Flyi ng Officer a nd Flight Lieutenant R. C. M c MULLIN from Royal Navy to P ilot-Officer, RC.A.F. P. H . MORRIS to Pilot-Officer

M. A. S. NORTHCOTE to F lying Officer II . I I. OAK-RHINO to Flight Lieutenant II S. PAINE to Flight Lieutena nt , W. S. SIMPSON to Cadet " . J. K. T URNER to Flying Officer


'I:ora tions a nd Mentions.

, M rA IN P. B. PLUMPTRE, The Buffs, Awarded M .RE. (Mil. Div.) I j VING OFFICER R. J . K. TURNER, R .A.F.Y.R., awarded D.F.C. 1/1 IBUTENANT G. M. WARD, R .M. , awa rded D.S.C. l / lllH,JTENANT P. C. WILKINSON, R .N,Y. R., Mentioned in Despatches (twice) • III NEL G. C. STRAHAN, LA . awarded C.l.E. I, IOIiT-LIEUTENANT M. T . O. H EWLElT, R.A.F.Y.R., awa rded M .B. E. (Mil. D iv.) III 1I r.-CoLONEL G . L. T OMKINSON, M.C., lA., awarded O.B.E. (Mil. Diy.) ' /MAJOR R. WALTER, Roya l Warwickshire Regiment, awa rded O.B.E. (M il. Diy.) WINO-COMMANDER D. E. B. WHEELER, R.A .F. mentioned in D espatches AI WI NO COMMANDER P .. D. fiNN, R .A.F.Y.R., Mentioned in D espatches (3rd and 4th times) and I\ warded O .B.E. (MIl. D IY.) «II NIlML SIR BER':'IARD MONTGOMERY, K.C.E., D.S.O. , created Grand Commander, Order of King George the Fust(or the Hellenes) IJ\JAORON-LEADER A . HARTE-LoVELACE, R.A.F.O., awarded D .F.C. « AI' I'AIN H. R. R. STEELE, Ma hratta L.T., awarded M.C. AIC,wTAIN P . C. HARRIS, Cheshire Regiment, awarded M.e. lull " '. M. MOUNTSTEPHBNS, R .N.Y.R . awarded War Cross, Third Class, for services to G reek Navy ~ I M O R P. M. LEiGH-FERMOR, O.B.E., General List, awarded D.S.O. t InJf.-CoLONEL C. J. B. M URRAY, R.A.¥.C., Mentioned in Despatches 1 ItI.oN EL W. S. BARROLL, a wa rded O.B.E. III u r.-CoLONEL A. E. C. BRWIN, The Dorset Regimen t, awarded M.C.


C. EVANS, 1936-41, Ordina ry Seaman L. H. EVANS, 1929- 33, Surgeon-Lieutenant, R.N.Y.R. It 1\ . FIS HER, 191 9-2 1, Lieutenant , RM. I ( " HATTON, 1939-42, Ordinary Seaman. II ( '. KI LLIN, 1938-40, Midshipman (A), R.N.V.R.

II M. WARD, 1936-38, Cadet, R.M.



GARROLL, 1905- 08, Colonel " t'OYELL, 1898- 1905, Brigadie r, I.M.S. II I , F. H . JACKSON, 1922- 25, Lieutenant, R.E.

C. J. B. MURRAY, 1925-28, Major, R .A.M.C. H. H . E. YOUNG, 1937-40, O.C.T.U., l.A. R.A.F. M. A. S. NORTHCOTE, 1925-30, Pilot Officer, R.A.F.V.R. P. L. SALZMAN, 1925- 28, Corporal (1 st Class Coxswain) Air/Sea Rescue Service.


J. W. M. MAYNARD, 1905-08, Lieutenant, Essex H.G. WOUNDED . CAPTA1N P. G. BENNETT (1934-39) Reconna issance Corps. LIEUT,-COLONEL H. E. N. BREDIN, M.e., (1926-34) Royal Irish Regiment (Twice)

S. HEARNE, lA o LIEUTENANT A. P. BEALE 1931-4 1, R .A.C.


M ISSI NG. LIEUTENANT G . V. EVANS, R.A.S.C., 1935- 36, last heard of as P.O.W. in Italy.

SERGEANT D. WILLSDON, 1937--41, R.A.F.V .R . CORPORAL N. E. CHANDLER, 1929- 36, London Scottish, Wounded and m issing

ROLL OF HONOUR. 2ND LIEUTENANT W . D. GULLOCH. 1937-41, The Black Watch att. King 's Own SCQltish DOll" I I

Missing presumed killed LIEUTENANT W. D. HATTON, 1937--40, l.A., Killed in Action LIEUTENANT D . E. F. H. JACKSON, 1922- 25, Died on active service. LIEUTENANT O. K. J OHNSON, R.E., 1936-41, Killed in action CoMMANDER J. BYRON, D .S.C. and Bar, R .D ., R .N.R. (ret.) 1904-06. Missi ng presumed "'1Ii,,1 2ND LIEUTENANT G. A. H. B AKER, 1938-42, Welsh Guards, Killed on active service. MAJOR A. A. EGERTON JONES, 1921-30, Dorset Regiment, Killed in Act ion


II NOAR ... lit nUAL








I JlRM 's











1'"IlARY I' ., 11'

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Itlll II

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."1,1944 "I,NAL It IllI) LErrI'ER

• News 1IIIIlY NOTICES • , t'ONDBNCB .. .

1l1'IoiPORARIES .. .

... ,


320 321 322 323 324 324 325 325 328 329 330 333 334 334 336 337 339 340 341 342 342 343 348 350 350 352 353 360 361 367 373 374





2. 7.

13. 14. 18. 20. 21. 23. 27. 28.

~g: June

31. I.

Term begins. FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Preacher : The Headmaster. 1st Xl v St. Austell e.e. Home. ROGATION SUNDAY. Preacher: The Rev. F. S. Willia ms. ASCENSION D AY. Tennis VI v Kelly College. Away. SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION. Preacher: The Headmaster. 1st Xl v R.A.F. Home. 8 p.m. Recital by the Dorian Trio. 1st XI v Kelly College. Away. Tennis VI v Benenden School. Home. WHIT-SUN DAY. Pr'eacher : The Chaplain ; Lecture: Nigeria, Si r Theodoro C.M.G ., O.K.S., lately Chief Commissioner, Northern Provinces of Nigeriu.


} Athletic Sports, 1st Xl v Plymouth College. Home. Lecture: The Rt. Hon. J. Chuter Ede, P.e., M.P., Parl iamentary Secretary to thu Mltll of Ed ucation. .

t }King 's Scholarship Examinations. 3. 4. II. 13.


17. 18. 21. 23. 24. 25.

29. July


2. 9. 16. 23. 25. 28.

Choral Society: Messiah TRINITY SUNDAY. Preacher : The Rt . Rev. The Lord Bishop of Credi ton FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. S. BARNAOAS, A. AND M. Preacher : The Rev , Poole. 1st Xl v Gresham 's School. Home. } 1st Xl v Clifton College. Away. Tennis VI v Dartford P.T. College. Home. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Preacher: The Headmaster. 1st Xl v R.N.E. College, Keyham. Away. Austin Hopkinson, Esq., M.P., J.P. S. JOHN BAPTIST. 1st xr )' Gresham 's School. Away THIRD SUNDAY AfTER TRINITY. Preacher : The Head master; 8 p. m., Lcctllr II" .. Charles, Esq. , C.R E., O.K.S., Chief Inspector of the Board of Education. S. PETER, A. AND M. 1st XI v Truro C.C. Home. Tennis VI v Benenden School. Away. FOURTH SUNDAY AFrER TRINITY. 'Preacher : The Headmaster. FIITH SUNDAY AFrER TRI NITY. Preacher : The Rev. F. S. Will iams. SIXTH SVN DAY AFrER TRIN ITY. Preacher : The Headmaster. Commcmu llll h BenefactotlS . SEVENTH SUNDAY AFrER TRINITY. Prize Giving and Concert. Swimming Sporti, S. JAMES, A: AND M. Term Ends.


• ,


XIX No.9.


E DITORIA L .. .. .. ..... .Sic rerum summa nova tur Semper, et inter se morta les mutua vivunt, Augescunt aliae gentes, aliae minuuntur, Toque brevi spatio mutantur saeela ammantum Et quasi curso res vitai lampada tradunt."

Lucretius. Ves! All things cha nge, fo r that is the everlasting flux of thin gs, all pass o n and ' I~ fres h paths and o thers come to fill their places, a new world pulls down what the ,hi has built, wa rs come and go, btlt Thought alone remains, Tho ught has stood up hi Ihe ravages of time, while the world changes. a it is in school, familia r faces leave us this term and many fresh ones will appear Iii ilext one, the old boys who are leaving are perhaps fit for higher education, but the '1 lIilg have yet to learn and the choice of study lies still ahead. T he most excellent choice of subject is set down by Plato " The noblest of II ludies," he says, " is the stud y of what man should be and what he sho uld pursue." 1\ hilI better choice is there tha n this? That is the study which every citizen should ,lhlW a nd in a wo rl d of flux a nd morta lity Greek Tho ught and all that a rises from it, II lIe of the few imperishable things. Nearl y every boy o n entering school thinks I I of Science, btlt will science save civil ization ? M a ny boys too, contemplate English I lli'rnture a nd History, but how ca n he appreciate his own langu"age witho ut a knowledge I I min, and how can he look ca refull y in to world events ifhe has no t become acquainted 11 11 Ancient History? In these years of wa r eco nomics and sociology are said to ta ke the place of science I "li ving the wo rld, but neither econo mics no r socio logy is fund amenta lly concerned 11 11 Ihe soul. We li ve now in a wo rld o f means, sharp and efficient, but there are no ends. Where Ihll l clear purpose that guides men to use their fortune no bly? Our present education IlI t\ IS from this weakness. We cannot dispense with science, techno logy and the . 321

THE CANTUARIAN study of material things, they are essential, but they are simply means and do nlll " one how to live. 'Yet living is the most important for" It is not the life of knll"l, ,I not even if it includes all the sciences which creates happiness and well-being, bul" " branch of knowledge-the science of good and evil. If you exclude th is fo rm II" ,II bra nches, medicine will be equally able to give us health, and shoe-making sllll' ' weav ing clothes, Seamanship will save life at sea, and strategy win battles, Ill'l 11111 the knowledge of good and evil, the use and excellence of these sciences will I~ III, to have failed us."* But the Greeks not only gave u~ Thought and Reason, they set the highcSI "' hi ments in Art, Literature and Philosophy and more important, still- the spiril of ,I , -The present age craves for such noble themes, but in the hurry anll bustle of 111\ 1'" I a re perhaps too lazy or have no time to think of " Classics " -by which exp res. ,",11 imagine stilted conventions and ancient rubbish lo ng since out of dat~and "" II d iss uade their children from the opportunit ies afforded by an early classica l C(\II' ,I and thus they preve nt them from adopting a firm bas is and groundwork of fuill' , II,' whatever it may be, whether Modern Languages, Science, History or English LII '11,11, Let us hope then, that a great deal more of Britain's future citizens may S lull ~ I at sc hool these two great languages-Greek and Latin-and by them learn how III 1111 and understand, to use thei r brains a nd wits, and always to remember of Gree " II whate'er we hold of beauty, half is hers," · Plato, .. Charmides."

EDITORIAL NOTES Owin~ to the Invasion of France by H.M. Forces in June of this year, wh it II I Cornwall 1Il a ba nned area, and the consequent travel restrictions, it was nol II" II to have our customary Speech Day. A Commemoration and Prize Giving I ""~ place, This is reported separately,













Our special congratulations go to the Rev. W. Telfer, D.D" M.C., O,K,S, I ,ll and Dean of Clare College Cambridge, on being appointed Ely Professor of 'I )1\11 in Cambridge University and a Canon of Ely Cathedral and to Mr. R . S. Stanl " M some' time Assistant Master at the School, who has been appointed M aster of MIII"j I College School, Oxford, The School has received several large legacies of late-particularly the 1111",1 'gift of £10,000 from the Rev. G. M, Maso n, O.K.S. {I 867-75) and the bequest 01 III und~r the will of the l~te Mr. AJgernon Latter, O.K,S. and H eadmaster ( 191r' Particulars of the condltton of the Endowment Fund are given elsewhere, and II I be hoped that all fflends of the School will continue to give it their considemt "" support, The School has recently received two useful gifts in the form of 25 Laboralul y , for use in the Chemical Laboratory, generously provided by Mr. H. Kirby JIIIII' and a Photo Cell and Valve for the School projector, the gift of Captain A, G. I) \ O.K.s, We are very grateful to both donors,


TH E CANTUAR IA N We are extremely sorry to say goodbye at the end of this term to Mrs, D. M, Wright. lI erself the mother of two O.K,S" she has li ved with us for nearly 'four years as Head Mntron and It seems difficu lt to 1111aglllc the organization of OUf domestic li ves without

lillr. ,She leaves to make a home for her fa mil y and ou r grateful thanks and good wishes PresentatIOns were made to her by the School, by School Ho use and by III' ladles of the Staff, , ~,) with her.









, We are sorry to lose ~r. ,J. L. ~ainprice, who is leavi ng thb term. In his year wllh us he has taken an actlve mterest In the Pater Society of wh ich he was President. We congratulate F. E. Brown on being placed 7th in the Specia l E ntry Exami nation itll' the Roya l Navy, D" F, Lepine on passi ng with credit th e Grade VII. in Music ( clva nc~d) of the ASSOCiated Board of the· Roya l Schools of Mus ic a nd P. C. Steel

1111 secllnng hI S 1st M.B. .






The photog!'a ph s of .G~ne ral Montgomery which appeared in our last issue, we re

, prodyced by kJlld perm,sslOn of the photographer, Mr. George Ellis, of Bodmin,

. THE SCHOOL Captain of the School: J. F. DALRYM PLE, of School House ... . . .. R. S. BREALY of The Grange J. M. LAMPARD of Meister Omers M. T. MID DLETON-EVANS of Walpole G, L. ACKERS , MONtTORSI, F. DALRYMPLE, J. M, LAMPARD, p, C. STEEL, M. T. MIDDLETON-EVA NS, R. S, BREALY, G, L. ACKERS, p, S, W, DAW, A. R, T. STUA RT, p, PDLLA K. HOUSE PREFECTSSchool House: D, E. BI NSTED, M . CORKREY, C. Mc K. CRAY, G, A. J . EVANS, D. ' K. JOHNSON, M. A. H. LOVAn, D. G . B, M c IVOR, The Grange: M. A. S. BURGESS, W. G. C. FERR IS,' G. p, Mc MULLIN, C. S. PITCHER, J, P. RI CHARDSON, J , P. B. SHEPHERD, F. A, MIDDLETON, R. G , WEST. Meister Omers : M, CARNES, J. C. E?OURY, J. A. CUSHMAN, G. A. GORDON, S, B. NICHOLS, M. H. SMITHERS, D, A. WRIGHT. Walpole H o use: M . N. CARSON, J , C. B. COLEMAN, 1. R. B, BELSHAM, J. DE F. ENDERBY, E. H . LANHAM, S, C. MAPLBTHORP, SAO SAO. Captain of Cricket G, L. ACKERS Captain of Athletics J, p, B, SHEPHERD Captain of Tennis .. , M, J , GORDON Captain of Squash Rackets J, C. COURY Captain of Swimming ... D, K, JOHNSON Head Head Head Head







• ••

• •



, I



F. E. B. BROWN-Entered School April, '40; Kin g's and Entrance Scholar; Seh,,"1 Ho use House Prefect, Sept., '43; Upper VI; Certificate " A ", May, '43; L/()l1 J .T.e., '43; Cpl., '44; 2nd XV Rugger. C. W. BIRKE'IT-Entered School Sept., '39; Senior King 's Scholar, '42; /1 (1(1, Prefect, March, '43 ; School Monitor, Sept. , '43; H ead of Walpole H ouse, '4 I , Sergt. A.T.e. ; Proficiency II, D ec., '43; 2nd Xl Hockey, '42 ; 1st XI Hockl'Y, '43, '44; Capt. Hockey, '44 ; 2nd XI Soccer, '43; 1st XI Soccer, '44 ; VIii Capli Soccer, '44 ; 2nd XI Cri cket, '43; 2nd XI Rugge r, '43; 1st Ru gger, "I \ J . E. C. H INCHLIFFE-Entered School Summer, '40; Walpole House Prefecl, '4 \ , J.T.e. Certificate " A ", '42, L/Sgt. '44. J. B. LUMSDEN-Entered School, Lent, '41; School H o use House Prefect, Sept., '4 \ , School M onitor, Feb., '44; J.TC. L/Cpl. and Certificate " A", Easter, '4 \ , 1st XI Rugger, Sept. , '42 ; Capt. of Rugger, '43, '44; 1st XI Cricket, SUml11('I , '43; Vice-Capt. Cricket, '43. L. A. MACLEAN-Entered School Sept. , ' 39; Milner Scholar, '39; Senior Ki,, ~ ' Scholar (H a n.), '42; H ouse Prefect, Sept., '42; Captain Meister Omers 1'1 011 I Sept., '43; J .T.C. Sgt., M ay, '43 ; A.T.e. Sgt. Jul y, '43; 2nd x y Rugger, '4 \ M. W. CHARLEy-Entered School Summer, '40; Entrance Scholar Upper Vllh , School M onitor, Sept. , '43; 2nd Athletics, '42; 1st, '43; Certificate " /I ", Sept. , '42; Corporal J.T.e. , Sept., '43. G. e. MIDDLETON-Entered School, Sept., '39 ; School House House Prefect, Ma y, '4 \ , School Monitor, Sept., '43 ; Upper VI, July, '43; J. T. C. Corporal, Sepl., '4 \ , A.T.e. , Cpl., Sepl. , '43; H a n. Sec. of Labour Committee, Debating Soei Iy, Natural History Society, Somller Society; Editor of The Cantuarian; Assislulli Librarian . F . V. THoMAs- Entered School, Sept., '40; Walpole House Prefect, Sept., '43 ; J.1'.<' L/Cpl. , May, '43. J. D. TWELLS-GRossE-Entered School, Sept., '39; School House House Prefect, '4 I , J.T.C. L/Cpl. , Jul y, '43 ; A.T.C. Proficiency Star; 2nd XI and 1st XI Hock y , 2nd XI Cricket. I. P. M. WALLER-Entered Sch'ool, Jan., '40; School House House Prefect, Sepl., '4,\ , School 'Monitor Lent, '44 ; J.T.C. L/Sgt., Jan., '44; Han. Sec. Railway Society, E. P. WALSH- Entered School, Sept., '39; School House House Prefect, Lent, '4 \ , School Moni tor, Sept., '44 ; Head of School House; J.T.e. L/Cpl.; 2nd V Rugger, '42; 1st XV, '43; 2nd Xl H ockey, '43; 1st, '44; 2nd XI Cricket.

SALVETE P. Bearcraft, A. L. Betts, J. W. Birkett, L F. Black, M. D. Bristowe, H . R. Curl I , A. G. P. Davidson, A. B. K. Enderby, M . B. Foster, A. J. Hille, M. R. Jose, M. J. M Long, J. A. McMillan, G. Millar-Watt, D. W. Molesworth, R. R. North, D. P. Na ill<, A. D. Pengelly, J. D. Rowe, H. L. Schwaiger, D. G. Sims, T. e. B. Swayne, J. B. WI" II, R. M . West. 324


VALETE We ap.ologise for Ihe o mission of R. F. Holburn 1.939-43 .




For the second time in the School's history there was none of the usua l pageantry ubollt ,the e~1~ of th~ Summer Term. As the H ead master ex plained, in his speech' at I he Prize GlvlIlg, as III J940 the year of our evacuati on to Cornwa ll , Speech D ay with

lIS customar y speeches fro m the gentlemen of the Sixth Form had had to be ca ncelled for reasons of military necessity. The Invasion of France and'lhe tra vel ban had made it quite impossible to have any but the most private ceremonies.

The ' Commemorati?n, wh icl~ w~s separated from the Prize Giving, took place on July 16th. After Matt ms the Blddmg Prayer or Commemoration of the Benefactors of the School was recited by the Headmaster who both took the service and preached Ihe Anniversary Serm o n. La ter, a list of those who had fa llen dur ing the war or become I risoners of War was read o ut. . ' A week la ter, on July 23rd, the actual Prize Giving was held. The Headmas ter prefaced his remarks by saying that in the absence of the Chairman of the Governors Ihe Dean of Canterbury, it fell to his lot to read o ut the list of Academical and ' Othe~, i) istinctions gained 1943-44, as well as to present the Prizes which he always d'id and 10 make his annual report. The Headmaster reported on the satisfactory state of affairs in this Ihe fifth year of the war and the fourth of our evacuatlOl~ . The numbers were up and still increasing, fo r we had as many boys now as we had III the Summer of 1940. We should of course be happy to return as soon as conditio ns permitted but we should never forget the welcome we had been given in Cornwall, the frie nds we had made there a nd the general support siven to us. It was a ll very heartening. . He spoke. of the academic progress of the School with its 22 Higher (with StX DlstmctlOns) and 53. School Certificates, its satisfactory record I lockey, Cncket, Tenllls and SWImming. He congratulated the School on its health record-one solitary case of mumps during the whole year marked "r infectious disease.

Certificates at Rugger, magnificent the ravages

He spoke of tbe many visitors and lecturers we had had a nd recalled in particular Ihe outstandlllg success of General Montgomery's visit of las t term . The one sad Ihought was the rather heavy war casualties we had sustained . The Headmaster ended by thanking bis colleagues for their ever present suppo rt lind the boys a nd thelf parents for theIr fnendly co-operation. . The proceedings terminated with a School Co ncert which is reported elsewhere.



THE CANTUARIAN ANNIVERSARY PREACHER THE HEADMASTeR. ACADEMICAL 'A ND OTHER DISTINCTIONS GAINED- 1943 'II E. H. CORNELIUS Open Exhibition in Modern I ' "' ~ II. / to Clare College, Cambridge. T. H. BOULTBEE State Scholarship in Science 111 I I College, Oxford. W. M. ENDERBY Jameson Prize, Kin g's College, 1'"11[' , R. F. HOLBURN Senior Co unty Award, Middll" I' " Education Committee. J. R. G. WATTERS, B.Sc. Scholar of Imperial Forestry III III Oxford; appointed Assisl," ,1 I servator of Forests, Nigeria . Elected Ely Professor of III II,,, REV. W. TELFER, D.D., M.C. University of Cambridge, and !l1'1''''' . Canon of Ely. VERY REV. E. W. MOWLL, M.A. Provost of Bradford, Oil I' , " Suffragan Bishop of Middleto ll. D. F. LEPI NE Grade VII (Adv.) Exam . (Pill 1111. Bd.), passed with Credit. F. E. B. BROWN Royal Naval Special Entry (I ~ XI'I IIII 7th place. W. D. WEST ... ... ... Doctor of Science (Cantab.) GEN. SI~ BERNARD MONTGOMERY, K.C.B.,Appointed Chief Commando,', I , D.S.O. ... ... of Merit, U.S.A. W,NG-COMDR. A. FOORD-KELCEY, R.A.F. Awarded A.F.C. SQ.-LEADER P . D. FINN ... Mentioned in Despatches (twice) LT.-COL. H. G . N. LEAKEY, R.LA.S.C. Mentioned in Despatches (twic ) LT.-COL. C. C. SMYTHE, (Hampshire Reg!.) Awarded O.B.E. . MAJOR F. S. BLUNT, R.E. .. . ... Mentioned in Despatches T/MAJOR D . G. S. WINTERS, (A.B.R.O.) ... Mentioned in Despatches · GEN. SIR, BERNARD MONTGOMERY, K.C.B.,Mentioned in Despatches (2nd 11i, " , D.S.O. LIEUT. P. DOWMAN (The Buffs) ... Posthumously Mentioned in Dc' pII"" A/ BRIG. G. D. G. HEYMAN, M.B.E. Mentioned in Despatches A/MAJOR N . e. KING, R .A.S.C. .. . Mentioned in Despatches (2nd thlill T/LT.-COL. R. A. BAYNTON, R.A ... . Awarded Efficiency Decoratio n T/ MAJOR V. L. ARMlTAGE, T.A.R.O. Awarded Efficiency Decoratio n (Intelligence Corps.) LIEUT.-COMDR. J. BYRON, D.S.C., R.D., Awarded Bar to D.F.C. R.N.R., (Re!.) ...... .. . SQ.-LEADER H. A. S. JOHNSTON, D.F.C. .. . Awarded Bar to D.F.C. LIEUT. (E) K. R. M. SANDFORD, R.N. Mentioned in Despatcbes CAPT. P. B. PLUMPTRE (The Buffs) ... Awarded M.B.E. (Mil. Div.) FL.-OFFICER R. J. K. TuRNER, R.A.F. V. R. Awarded D.F.C. T/LT. G. M. WARD, R .M .... Awarded D.S.C. 326

THE CANTUARIAN I I, . p. C. WILKINSON, R.N.V.R. , '" . e. STRAHAN, LA. . .. I~ I .- EN. C. A. WEST I, I,mUT. M. G. T. H EWLETT, R .A.F.V.R. I, t ·OL. G. L. TOMKINSON, M.e., I.A. I I ~ I MOR R. WALTER, (Royal Warwickshire Regt.) II INII-COMDR. D. E. B. WHEELER, R.A.F. /W 'NG COMDR. P. D. FINN, R .A.F.V.R. '" N. S'R BERNARD MONTGOMERY, K.e.B., I.S.O.... 'I LUADER A. HARTE-LoVELACE, R.A.F.O. , ~ ''1'. H. R. R. STEELE, LA. /<,~ PT. P. e. HARRIS, (Ches hire Regt.) I , M. MOUNTSTEPHEN, R.N.V.R. tAlOR P . M. LEIGH-FERMOR, Gen. List I, OL. e. J. B. MURRAY .. .

Mentioned in Despatches (twice) Awarded C.LE. . Awarded C.B. (Mil. Div.) Awarded M.B.E. (Mil. Div.) Awarded O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) Awarded O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) Mentioned in Despatches Awarded O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) Appointed Grand Commander, Greek Order of King George 1st . Awarded D.F.C. Awarded M.e. Awarded M.e. Awarded Greek War Cross (Third Class) Awarded D.S.O. Mentioned in Despatches

PRIZES, 1943-1944. , "I\lll in's Prize (Mitchil1soll) , III sical (Broughton) ... 'III'ok Prose (Dean Farrar) I "lin Prose (Horsley) .. . IllI hematics (Mitchillson) .. . N., lural Science (Mitchinson) ' mlcrn Languages (Mitchinson)

II, ti ding and Elocution (Harvey Boys) III ic (Ryley) Mil lc (Courtney) III ural History I to King's School, Parramatta, Prize II t ry (Stanley) 'I,'"gh Prize for Photography 11111wing Prize IIlvinity Prizes : Upper School: (Broughton) (Galpin) ... Middle and Lower School: (Marshall Wild) (Lady Hemlel) (Elwyn) lilli, Prize for the Pater Society .. . lilli' Prize for the, Harvey Society .. . Ii entfield Prize for the Marlowe Society 37:1

J . F. 'Dalrymple M . A. S. Burgess J. K. Ebbutt Not Awarded P. Poflak G. A. Gordon ... French : P. S. W. Daw German: G. P. McMullin · {J. F. Dalrymple S .. . emor: J . A. Cushman Junior: J. C. C,iger S. B. Nichols M. Carnes J. B. H. Jacmon ... { R. A. Bedingfield P. S. Hammond Not Awarded M. A. S. Burgess R. S. Brush A. A. Kneller P. H. Honour L. A. O. Halsey L. A. Bassett M. G. Jordan M. A. S. Burgess R. G . West J. F. Dalrymple


T HE CANTUARIAN Church History (Lady Davidson) .. . Merton College Prize: Classics .. . Science and Mathematics


Essay Prizes (A. L. ROlVse, Esq.) Latin Prizes: Upper School Middle School Lower School Mathematics Prizes (Harrison) : Upper School Middle School

S. W. Brooks D. L. EdwHl'<iK D. H. Smilh T. H . BoullbclI A. F. Cray A. G. Barllctl { R . C. Wenblln

Lower School French Prizes (Greaves) : Upper School Middle School Lower School German Prizes (Greaves) : Upper Syhool Middle School Science 'Prizes (Hammonds) : Upper School Middle School (Physics) (Chemistry) Eoglish Prizes : Middle School (Galpin)

E. H. Corn 1111 S. C. MaplcII Hl'i' C. D. Smilh E. H. Corllcll". J. C. Homan T. H. Bo ulll1\'I' M. G . Elslon L. A. Bassell

Lower School (Evans)


History Prize: Middle School (GordOiD Geography Prize: Middle School (Gordon)


D. L. Edward ~ J. K. Ebbutl R. G. Wesl { P. Pollak N. A. F lower D. L. Ed Wlll'dK J. F. Dalrympl\'

D . L. EdwII' Ii. w. N. F. Fril'" ~ Ii, M. C. O. MI' Y'" D. L. Edw," Ii

I. P. M. Wll lki


Many readers may recall that, on 12th July, 1939, H.R.H. the late Du kc " I I refounded the old King 's School Feast Society, in the presence of a large and disl II ~"I I gathering in Lincoln 's Inn Hall. It was announced at that assembly that an ,",,,I ,, '" Fund of £ 100,000 was needed, in order to ensure the continuity of the School 'N I' , II sta te. Few, if any, gathered on that occasion, suspected tha t on SeplClnlw, I" World War would break out, as they listened to the Prince commending Ih ,,," the School to their support. Consequently it was beyond hope that this illl'" I" be real ized, and evacuation followed the outbreak of war. 328

THE CANTUARIAN However, an encouraging amount has been subscribed, as follows : Mrs. Canon gave, in memory of her husband, the late T. G. Canon, a.K.S. Sir Edmund Davis, of Chilham, bequeathed ... Mr. G. F. J. Rosenberg, a former Master, bequeathed Sir Hugh Walpole, O.K.S. Mr. Andrew Low, O.K.S. Mr. Algernon Latter, O.K.S. -and former Headmaster bequeathed ... The Rev. G. M. Mason, O.K.S. bequeathed, approx. Another O.K.S. bas subscribed ...

£ 2,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 3,500

In addition to these sums (some of which are by the donors earmarked for special .'holarships), another O.K.S. has promised £5,000 certainly, and probably £10,000, ,'" our return to Canterbury. All this is encouraging. The best .way of assisting the Scbool is to help provide II with such a capital sum, in order that the income deri ved therefroln may enable the I'h 01 (0) to keep itself always in the forefront of educational excellence; (b) To ass ure II independence ; (c) to guarantee its historic continuity. The many friends of the School will rejoice that it has maintained itself in fine It,odition through these 4t yea rs of evacuation. Maybe it has some secret vitality of II . own, due to its long history. At all events, it is numerically at least as strong as it WII' nt the moment of evacuation in 1940, and bids fair to be even" larger next term. "no despite all the problems and difficulties of evacuation, it has kept up its standards ,lllko in work and in games. I It is realized, of course, that only a minority of people can afford to subscribe I" , ~e sums; it is to be stressed, however, tbat all subscriptions, bowever small, will 11,' lp to swell the Fund towards the desired amount, and will be most cordially and· Mlll tcfully welcomed.

THE ROWSE PRIZE ESSAYS T he winner of the Rowse Prizes (for an Essay on any subject connected either with I1wall or Kent) the generous gift of our neighbour and friend, Mr. A. L. Rowse, the ],,,,,ous Cornish histori,lll and Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford , was N. J. Flower III' wrote on " An Account of The Plant Life of the country around St. Austell Bay, "lI licularl Y that of the neighbourhood of Crinnis." Mr. Rowse, who himself judged 1III Hward wrote commending tbe essay as being " full of the most interesting information, ""I only about botany but the geology and climat~ of the district," and admitted that ""' 'h of the folklore Flower described was new to him, an old inhabitant of the district. T he second Prize went to D. L. Edwards for his stud y of Archbishop Becket which I" Rowse praised as i howing " a remarkable understanding of the character of aecket, ""I less convincing for being rather more worldly than Mr. ;r. S. Eliot's conception of I '"

1111 I)urt."

J. F . Dalrymple got the third prize with an essay on Marlowe. It was a fitting as well a. pleasant tbat Mr. Rowse himself sbo uld be present at the 1'11/ Giving. ' 329





RECITAL BY THE DORIAN TRIO The Dorian Trio gave a recital to the School 011 Tnesday, May 23rd. As the vl,,111I1 ' had met with an .accident, we had the rather unusual combination of voice, 'celill. II piano, a combination which did complete justice to itself in 1he performanco III I rarely' heard songs by Gabrial Faure, for sopr~no, piano, and 'cello obl igulO. I I" may have been an introduction to the music of this composer for man y of the li, lr ll" even the more " seasoned " amongst us were once more struck by the forcefu I (h'I" , (this is the most apt description) of Faure's music. The other high-light of the programme was Handel's Sonata in G minor f(1' ',. II and pia no, another fine, yet all too rarely heard work. Tbe recital was interspCIM,II 1110re famili ar items, including songs by Haydn, Arne and-Schubert, piano solos hy II .• , , and Chopin and a group of 'cello solos. Miss Pauline Taylor 's playing of SU II II "I, English pieces on the recorder formed a very acceptable item.


SIR THEODORE ~DAMS, C.M.G., O.K.S. . We were very glad to ha ve Sir Theodore Adams, O.K.S. with us for almo, 11I II, at the end 'of May. His distinguished career in the Colo~ial Service has nOI 1',"1 with the chief commissionership of the Northern Provi nces of Nigeria as we Ie,,, II II he expects to return ill the not dista nt future to Malaya-and in his conversat i(1'" (I va rious boys and ¡his I~cture to the School on Sunday tbe 28tb, all were impres,ctl hI I, wide experience and personal charm', I After a degree and a year's Uni versity course, Sir Theodore explained, 1111 II Colonial Officer was sent to his district to get to know his people and I" I known favourably of tbem. His job was endless but fascinatin g. Sir Theoel,u , ", us of many of bis own experiences-a year inspecting the customs, a trip in II 1111 III junk which he had boarded just before a SUdden storm, a period quelling dynasllt ""., in Northern Malaya, a night with a mad elephant, long journeys by dusty or im pil ,II ' ways, interminable conferences with polite but extremely shrewd Nigerian Sull ll' arbitrating over scraps between villages (after alcoholic celebrations), and 11 11' II, tribes which considered it immoral to wear trousers. Sir Theodore tben showed a selection of films which he bad taken at va ri ou, 11111 We saw an Armistice Day Parade, Malaya n schoolboys and N igerian schonlll ll' I having a donkey-race, the coronation of a Nigerian Sultan and many intercsti,, ~ I, of the two colonies. Sir Theodore concluded by hoping that he had shown us "something (II to they 're like and what they wear" but be had done more than that- he had H \III an intimate picture of Malaya and Nigeria and he had, despite his modesty, wltl " a life spent in bearing the white man's burden with such wisdom and success. We are very grateful to him in braving all travel difficulties to come and ~II talk. THE RT. HON. J. CHUTER EDE, P.C., M.P. On June 1st tbe School was fortunate enough to secure as its guest, the It I II J. Chuter Ede, Parliamentary Secretary to tbe newly-named Ministry of Educull uII , I was also the principal speaker at the Truro Festival.

THE CANTUARIAN Before inspectitig the School buildings, Mr. Chuter Ede gave a short talk to us, in lilt' Parry. He began with a very hum orous story, a true one, of how a boy, placed on probation,

wuo; forced to attend a lecture in the Town Hall. His punishment was to listen to this lI't,'lure , the subject of which was connected with Educatio n ; the speaker w3S-J. Chuter Ede, Esq. Mr. Ede sympathised with li S, for he imagi ned that QUI' feeli ngs were Im ilar to those of the young criminal. 11 111

Early on in his talk, Mr. Chuter Ede emphasised the fact that the buildings arc the School-evacuation to Cornwall decisively proved this in our case. On the

I olltra ry, he asserted that it is the contribution of each boy .of th e past, presen t and future

Ihll l determines the quality of the brotherhood. Spea king about his own attitude towards school, Mr. Ede surprised us by sayiQg thll l he used to pray ve ry hard fo r it to be burnt down. We laughed heartil y when he .dd that it was,- twe nty-two years after he had left it. At that time, he wa s a cha irman the Urban District Council and when he rece ived a message saying that the school wu'\ o n fire, his orders were" D o n't get there too soon."

li t'

His school had produced no great men, but Mr. Ede was proud to say that it "lssessed one noto riety! Any M.P: who retains his sea t at three successive General Icclions immediately becomes fa nlous and his school was glad to invite Mr. Chuter I dc to the annual Prize D ay. Twenty-five years before this day, Mr. Ede saw the prize-


IIlhlc for the first, and la st,. time when his own task had been to move some furniture on . Itl it.

To his relief, no one in the school remembered anyth ing about his career there IIlId this illustrated Mr. Ede's point that the brotherhood is very forgiv ing. This led Mr. Ede on to ta lk about the average schoolboy's standards of assessment, which he declared to be more correct than those of the teachin g staff. " Schoolboy's "Mscssing of one another," said Mr. Ede, , . is rough justice tempered by the occ~ s ion. " , lid this form of justice is on ly part of school life whic h the speaker considered was IIll r first acquaintance with English corporate life. it was unwise to despise this corporate life and its connection with local government. Mr. Ede advocated a career in local government for this work, unlike money making, li t' ded us abilities like low cunning and it was all active service for the country.

Mr. Chuter Ede concluded by thanking us for listening so attentively and wished Ihe School tbe best of luck for the future. In his introductory remarks, tbe Headmaster remarked how peculiar it was that 1111 the really busy men in this world fciund. time to visit the School-and .this applies ~ Iy particularly to Mr. Cbuter Ede, for dunng tbe prevIOus OIneteen days he had made lin less tban -a hundred speecbes wbilst piloting the new Education Bill through the Ilouse of Commons. He even declared that he found talking to an intelligent audience 'I pleasant change. We are sincerely grateful to Mr. Chuter Ede for sparing us so me of his very valuable li llie and we greatly apPl'eciated his talk and characteristic humou r. . 33 1


THE CANTUARIAN AUSTIN HOPKINSON, ESQ. , M.P. , J.P. ' On Friday, the 23rd of June, the Upper School was privileged .to meel ~It Hopkinson. His lecture was both novel and interestin g. At the very first he prO\11I1 . . one of his fireworks, for which, as the Headmaster had said, he was famous in the 11 1111 by inviting questions. The first was about the future of tbe Common Wealth Pilil Its ideals, we were told, were vague, and its programme attempted to bu ild a new h\.'I1\ II

and a new earth without the spiritual power which was necessary before any socin l Ollit I would work. In reply to questions about our future relations with America and Russlil III fact, the rest of the world, Mr. H opkinson believed that our post-war economics wII"hl leave much to be desired, bu t that

O Uf

influence for good would be en ormous.

As II lh


the N apoleonic Wars, we could lead the world. Then, we had called the tune of HllIplll and riches, and had proved to everyone that we could dance the best. Could 11 0 1 II .. world learn from us, after the war, the way of decency and peace? The Romans 111111 been able to lead their world by sheer force of character, and their Mithraic coli I' "I strength and honour was but a foreshadowin g of the idea of the English gentleman , The speaker was of the firm opinion that both his own and our generatiollH Itllli much to contribute towards a national future that would prove greater tha n Q lII' 1M I His generation had escaped from the Forsyte attitude of s mug superiority on the Pltll of one's elders. Answering Mr. Olsson, who maintained that competition was a deplorable )Iii I for any Order, Mr. Hopkinson emphasised that security w~s slavery, while slriC \\'11 life. The socialistic state slavery, for example, had already depri ved the Trades Unlllll of their insurance system, soon it would crush all individuality. A competitive hll. 1 was the only means of ensuring a vigorous state. Even those who humbly disagreed with Mr. Hopkinson's politics were chll ll tl lil by his manner, and deeply gratefu l for his visit, which happily enough, took pili " "" the occasion of his birthday. R. H. CHARLES, ESQ., C.B.E., O.K.S . On the 25th of June the School was honoured by another distinguished . " This time Mr. Charles (Chief Inspector to the Board of Education). We have had several visits from eminent O. K.S. during recent months, 11 11111 varied walks of life, and it was with interest that Mr. Charles lecture on " Educallnll was awaited. He began his talk by reminiscing on his early school life. H e mentioned Ihlll Mr. Williams (now acting Headmaster of St. Edmund 's School) had been his firSI 1111111 master, but that his sojourn in his form had shortened, he was moved to another li lt , I the first day. He went on to say that he was going to find it hard to keep us intell' It ,I in merely " The Board, " but that we would probably be amused by the hUl11 m, 11I and romantic side of it. He startied us al) by saying there was no Board of Education, in as far as il " I'V,I met together. When the New Education Bill reaches the Statue Book in Ju ly h Ilitl " The non-existent Board will be abolished." 332


THE CANTUARIAN He went on to describe the progress made in Education since the first Government rant in 1833. He expla ined how, as each further bill had been passed the number of educati onal a uthorities had dimin is hed. " In 1870, " he sa id, " there were 2 500 Boards of which the neighbourin g St. Austell was o,ie of the fi rst. " Mr. Charles ;old us of some of his ex periences as an Inspector of Elementary Schools in La ncashire bef ore the last war. He told us of the school children wo rkin g every other da y in cotton Ol lils at the age of 12, of the standard of educati on required of a child before leaving school for good. To read and to write, and to get 3 out of 5 sums ri ght! It took H European War, " he. said, ,. to wake the general public up. The leaving age' wa s at l ~. " And at 14.. when onc's proper educati on should be just starting, these clll ldren are sent, alone, into th e world to fend their own living, with no more than .. Goodbye " from their sc hoolmaster. The new Education Bill will raise the leaving age to 15 and later to 16. This will be a great step f~~ward , bu.t it will only hap,pen if it has the full support and co-operation 01 the publIc. It IS the next 10 years Mr. Charles went on to say, " that will be the hardest of all. The country must have fai th . . Briti sh children are among the finest matenal In the world. They must and they shall have the cha nce to demonstrate their talents. " " The responsibility rests on you and all other people of yo ur generation like you. It would be very fittin g" he concluded, " if you- the members of the oldest School

in the Kingdom-could be a mong the forem ost in giving that lead, that will be needed in the future." The School is very grateful to Mr. Charles for his enlightening talk which was the subject 9f much discussion for some time afterwards.



This term has seen the formation of a new Music Society. At the beginning of term a meeting of those interested in th-e formation of such a Society was called, and a committee elected, consisting of R. J . L. Breese, P. Y. Dudgeon, H . J. de Voil and L. A. O. Halsey, with D. F. Lepine as Hon. Secretary. Meetings held have included a paper by the President on . ' The Sonata and Symphony" and several gramophone recitals at which wo rks both new a nd familiar have been hea rd . A musical " brains trust " has been postponed till next term. The meetings of the Music Club have consisted of gramophone recitals. Amongst works played have been Brahms's S ecolld Symphony, Tschaikowsky 's Patitetic Symphony , Elgar 's Enigma Variations, Strauss 's Till EIJ/enspiege/, the Third Act of Wagner's Tristan and [solda, and Jobn Ireland's Piano Concerto . Three of the meetings were held " abrpad," a!-the houses of Dr. and Mrs. G . Ca usey, Mrs. Perry Morgan, and Mr. and Mrs. P. G . Reynolds, and very enjoyable they were. The Choir has acquitted itself well. New anthems learnt and sung have been Campian 's Never \Veatiter-beaten sail and Baynon 's All my hope on God is founded. The outstanding service of the term was Commemoration Service on July 16th, when a really fine performance of Ireland 's magnificent anthem Greater lo ve itatit no man, was given. As a general rule, an anthem has been sung every Sunday. 333

THE C ANTUARIAN A section of the C ho ir has been busy lea rning madrigals and part-songs, sam " I whic h were sung at th e Tru ro Festi va l, and also a t the end of term co ncert. T hey II I " san g a a recital of music given in Charlestown C hurch o n June 29th.

The orchestra has continued to meet for rehearsal every Saturday evel1 ln En't husiasm has been suc h th a t the rough places were made plain e no ugh ~ , ti ll orchestra to take part in the cnd o f terlll concert. A special word of than ks is dllil III Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Reynold s, Mr. A . M. Olsson, a nd Mr. W. Stephen-Jo nes fo, " bravely assisting during th e term. It is an encouraging sign to find so much interest in music- both instrumentll l 111111 voca l- in the Lower School. It augurs well for the future.

THE TRURO FESTIVAL The Choral Society took pa rt with those of other schools evacuated to Co rn Wil l! in a perfo rmance of the M essiah in Truro Cathedral on Saturday, Jun e 3rd. T his \ \1, conducted by Mr. Malcolm Boyle, of C hester Cathedral. It was cl, ar fro m the ~ 1I111 th a t th e conductor was not in sympa thy with the break-neck speed at whicJ1 the WillI is taken by some conductors. (Perha ps so me musical dictato t in th e future will I II~ down a M essiah speed-limit, it is p ractica ll y certain tha t H a ndel never intended mll " t of the vagaries we meet with to-da y) . The perfo rmance was on broad and dignified lines, and it amply brought o ut till architectural massiveness of the work. Fro m a position ill the organ-loft th e to ne WII firm, the leads and attack were go d, and the balance of voices, conside rin 1111 preponderance of trebles and alto , voices, not at all bad. On June 2nd, a section of the Choral Society sang two madrigals at a conco,' II conection with the Festival, and the p erforman ce earned the high praise of sey ' ,"1 members of the audience.

THE SCHOOlJ CONCERT This event took place on Sunday, July 23rd, after the prize giving. In the Call, , of his address, the Headmaster bad referred to the School orchestra, whose" stra inH would soon be heard. At the time we were not quite clear as to which mea ning fill, word should be taken, but it soon became clea r tha t-apart from one or two passage, the word could only be taken in its musical meaning. We do not, .of course, exl" ', I a school orchestra to play with the same experience as a symphony orchestra, b ut- . The Madrigal Choir acquitted itself splendidly. The singing was effortless 11 11,1 well-balanced. If one refers to the lovely tone-colour and diction of t he tre bles II I not to belittle the more experienced voices, who shouldered their responsibilities ma nfl/I! I The solo and duet items, on the whole" go t over" well, but the singers wo uld h,.. done well to learn their songs by heart, so as to sing them from the platform. The playing of R. Brooks; of the Cathedral Choir School, deserves special me n, I"/I He played C. P. E. Bach's Solfeggietto, and Greig's Homesickness. The cha rm I,"d distinctjve character.of his playing, rare in one so young, captivated everyone, Hlld w ha ye high hopes for his fu!ure. .


Handel and BeetHoven




1st Violins: 2nd Violins: Double Bass: Flule : Oboe: Clarinet: Basson: Cornet: Percussion: Piano: -

Trebles :

Altos : Tenors: Basses:


THE ART SOCIETY . The Thursday meetings of the Society have suffered a little this term' fr III Iii It had been hoped to 1111 1111 ' some outdoor sketching excursions, but, alas, these were precluded by various ag l1Ii1 ranging from the American Military Police to the Clerk of the weather. Nevertheless, this term has been far from a barren one. We sent aboul 1'1" I drawings to tlfe Truro Festival exhibition. This is the first time, we believe, thlll II" School has been represented at Truro by more th,an a single work. The general Stall tilltil of work sent in by the various schools was hi gh, and' the exhibition a very intcr '~IIII o ne indeed. It is a pity all members wcre not able to go to Truro, and see their WIII~ hung beside those from other schools. The work of the School was favoutlli ll

rival claims of swimming and other summer activities.

commented upon by several visitors. As we write this, we ha ve our Speech Day exhibition open at the Art Itulltn There are a hundred and sixty路six works on view, including those of SI. Edlllllilti and the Junior Schoo l. It is perhaps, a litt le in vidous to pick out special works for criticism or commendUl llI1I The art prize goes to R. S. Brush for his oil paintings. He shows distinct promlH III 336

THE CAN'rO'l'\RIA N Iltl new medium, but .he needs to develop a greater appreciation of colour and tone "lues. We advise him to do all the work he can from nature in the holidays. We huuld much like to sec more examples of the highly individual work of W. L. C. Harris, Ito, we feel, may have a future before him. Mention must be made of the excellent lettering and illumination done by J. A. WI! dgate, the seascapes of b. H . Quested and M. C. Mount, the birds and landscapes 111M. R. Taylor, the birds of P. Owtram, the ships and aircraft of J. A. Cushman and the wtt ler colours of I. Sharp, whom we sincerely congratulate on his progress in the difficult IIl 'dium.

We congratulate J. O. Cryan and T. L. G. Hamilton o'n their very pleasing designs loll' book dust·covers, and R. H. C . Routh on his Church interior carried out in coloured Iliks. In the models section at Truro the aircraft of D. K. Johnso n and 1. R. Belsham, and lit· wireless set of D. C. Jenkin showed a high standard of craftsmanship. It is hoped next term to have a series of exhibitions of good reproductions of works hy leading artists, ancient and modern. The President would be most grateful for any IIItt n from parents or friend s of the School. The general standard of work is improving, but is still far behind what we would wish to see, an artist should never be satisfied with his own work. We look forward to doing something better each year. The Art Society is open hi any member of the School who really wants to try. We hope for an even bigger I1lcmhership next year.

THE SO,CIETIES The Summer Term is never the term for much activity amongst the Societies as Ihere are so many other competing outdoor attractions. But the Cornish weather at It'ust gives its frequent support to the indoor life. THE ·SOMNER SOCIETY As usual provided its devotees with a full and enjoyable programme. There were IlIlIr expeditions which between them covered about twenty miles. The first and last III' lhese "sorties .. were the most interesting. The first was on Ascension Day and Ihe society repaired to Probus. There it inspected the church and climbed the. tower, II 'xt it went to Connelly, where the picturesque church was much admired, and finally [If ceeded to St. Culy and to Creed. Luxulyan church and Hol ywell and SI. Blazey I ltllrch were the objectives reached on the second expedition, and Castle Dare and St. Stt mpson the third. Last of all came Loswithiel church and Restormel Castle, always II great favourite. The Society also had one indoor meeting and there listened to an Iliteresting paper by R. G , Powell on English Costume. THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. The Society's only organised activity for this term has been the production of a tuport on the natural history of the district. This has not, as yet, gone to press and I! final form has not been decided. It is intended to be a comprehensive account of il l! the knowledge of the subject gained during the last four years and particular effort htts been made to distinguish a ny local peculiarities of species. A committee of five 337

THE C 4 N TUARIAN members has been formed to represent different bra nches of our subject and it hils I , II their dut y to collect all infor mation possible from members a nd to convert it in ti! 1111 orderly report. Any interesti ng discoveries must be looked for in the report wlwlI II appears, We ha ve had the good fo rtune to o btain the assistance of Sir Frederick Krr ltl, who has agreed to write a foreword to the report. Under such guidance we fcol 11 ",1 it stands every chance of success. THE HARVEY SOCIETY. took adva ntage of the wet weather to listen to seven papers from its members. I. R. B. Belsham and J. W. Stephenson produced a paper on " Poisons and 111111 uses," while N . J. Flower talked on "Forestry," G. L. Ackers on the unexjlt't hi subject of " Domestic Pests" a nd R. G, West on " Science and Agriculture. " I" addi tion Mr. R . Coles (Joint President) gave several fil m-talks on the extraction of k 'lIl silver, a nd gold; he also procured ma ny other films in illustration of the other 1)11 1 I




THE WALPOLE SOCIETY held several meetings. At two of tbese plays were read- Gord on D aviot 's Ril'hlll ", Bordeaux and Berna rd Sbaw 's You N ever Call Tell- and a t tbe thir d, entitled All 1·.",1 Day, the experimen t of having a Medley Debate with the Committee as guests III tlo members, was successfull y tried out. . A joint meeting was held with the Tenterden Club to hear Lieut. Kn ight III 110 U.S. N avy speak on South America a nd much hot air was generated at another nlt·t 1111 held to discuss the Baconian Theory. On the last day of term the Society held a gala nigbt at the Riviera Club wl lh ~ I , A. L. Rowse as guest of honour. There were charades, musical chairs, treasur 1111111 and games of all kinds. On the agministrati ve side the Society elected a new Hon. Treasurer, L. A. 1111 'h who helped to make the Gala Nig ht possible. A debt of gra titude is also owcd III II, enthusiasm and abili ty of the Hon. Secretary, A. A. Kneller. THE TENTERDEN CLUB recei ved a gra tifying interest from the School in two photographic exhibitions on ( hll a nd the Netherla nds which it obtained from the Ministry of Information. til, beginning of term the Club let off politiC'll steam with a debate; on the Party Trul'l "' ' .hen settled down to a n attempt to shed a little light in many dark places. . Mr. F . H . Voigt described the co nstitutional and political scenes in F r,," 1111' Sir Theodore Adams gave somc fac ts experiences and opinions of America Mil l" Bu rma a nd N igeria, wit h the Rev. S. B-R. Poole in the chair. Mr. A. M. (" presided when five members read short papers on various aspects of China "",I "I . when M r. C. E. M. MlI1ns led a debate on the German Pro blem. At a j oint 1111 ,11" with thc Walpole Society, Lieut. Knight of the U.S . Navy, gave a talk on South AII I"I The Club is very grateful to these masters and visitors for making this a valuabl I. III' work. - . 338

THE CANTUARtAN THE M ARLOWE SOCIETY is kn own to ha ve met but turned in no report of its activities r HE PATER SOCIETY held ,t,wo " Symposiums " and discussed the topical question" Why and THE RAILWAY SOCIETY also met twice- once for a free I took,up the ClassIcs? reading and the other time to hear a paper from its H on. Secretary C. Mc K Crayon Ihe Glasgow and South Western Railway.



The Callfuariall first saw light in November, 1882, but for some years it was published without a cover. Several letters were written at interva ls to complain about this- the front and back pages were said to become illegible in the post. So in 1888, a cover was designed with a picture of the Cathedral in the centre, flanked by six shields, and two medallions representing Henry VHf and Matthew Parker. In 1925 several mista kes in the heraldry were corrected and the motto " Age dum Agis " was added. This is of no antiquity : The Rev. Thomas Field, D .O. (Headmaster 1886-96) instituted this by putting it on tbe school crockery and it has since been more or less officia lly adopted. Some years la ter a new cover was designed with a new aspect uf the Cat hedral by Mr. Fairba nk and Mr. Fed ' Aloe, art masters. The medallions wcre not replaced. The cover has remained thus until this day. On the left, are the arms of three archbishops, namely Thomas Cranmer, Robert tiC Winchelsea, Matthew Parker; on the right William Harvey, O.K.S., John Boys, n ean, O.K.S., and John Lynch, Dean, O.K.S. Thomas Cranmer, though not actually at tbe school did much to assist the school lit its re-endowment by Henry VIII out of the monastic revenues. Amongst other things which he did for the school was his vindication of the rights of ali classes, rich and poor II like, to benefit by the scholarships so founded by the King-a truly " Public " School. Robert de Winchelsea was himself a member of the school, which he entered at an 'li dy age. He was Chancellor of the University (1288) and in 1293 given the Archbishopric of Canterbury by Edward I. So ma ny delays, however, forced him to NO to Rome in person to be consecrated by Pope Gerard. There are still legends in the tnwer about the pomp and ceremony which accompanied his installation at Canterbury. Matthew Parker founded' scholarships to Corpus Cbristi, Ca mbridge: one of the II rst scholars to benefit by 'these was Christopher Marlowe. Of the right hand shields, tbe first one is of William Harvey, the discoverer of the Irculation of the blood, about whom no more need be sa id than that he was a scholar ( 1588-94). The Rev. John Boys, D.O. is most famous for his sermons, of which a book was I, Rnslated into Germa n and reached its several editions : one of his sermons was preached II' the unhappy little Papist bride of Charles I, Henrietta Maria of France, which in all jl,'obability she found exceeding unpleasant. He was an O. KS., as has been mentioned II hove, and D ean of Canterbury (1619- 25). He left several gifts to the school. The Very Rev. John Lynch, S.T.P:, was also a Dean of Canterbury, ofwhol11 Hasted writes "He. successfully promoted the interest of the King 's School and gratefully •cll1cmbered the Scholar in the Dean. " R.G.P. and P.H.H. 339






(Bishop of Peterborough)

Herbert Marsh, who was born in Faversham on the 10th December, 1757, IVI" admitted to this school on 29th August, 1770. Among his school friends were Will lllill Frend and Charles Abbott, later Baron Tenterden. On leaving the school Marsh wl' ,,1 up to St. John College, Cambridge, where he stayed uotil1785 when he left with an M,A to study at Leipzig. He was back in Cambridge in 1793, when he was required III give evidence at the trial of William Frend ; but the ties with his old school-fellllll were so strong that he refused. In 1799 he was again in Leipzig when -his book : ,. 1/" History of the Politics of Great Britain and Frallce from the lime of the Cmiferelll'I' II/ Pi/nitz to the declaralioll of war against Great Britaill, was published. This was wi("'I ~ read and copies came into the hands of William Pit! who rewarded Marsh with a penslllil and -of Bonaparte who immediately proscribed him. Marsh was now forced to hi d ~ " a house belonging to a wealthy merchant named Lescarriere. While hiding he fell in h'" with the daughter of the house whom he married as soon as she arrived in England in IKIl I In 1801 he published a translation of Michaele's introductioll to the New Test f/llwlIl to which he added many notes of his own. This book was subject to considcl"lI l1h opposition and criticism, and to which several replies were made; the most outstand II of which was John Randolph 's Remarks. This condem ned Marsh's critical 'reseal" 'h.

as being:-" derogating from the character of t he sacred books, "and injurious III Christianity, as fostering a spirit of scepticism." This inspired a reply from Mil. II which was written, acc.ording to Randolph, " in a coarse strain of low abuse."

In 1809, in spite of his rather violent religious views he was elected the Lady MarSIli I I 'Professor of Divinity. His lectures were so popular that he had to give them in 11 11 University Church to accommodate the vast crowds of townsmen and people from 11 11 surrounding country, in addition to the members at the University, who flocked to h 'tli him. In 1816 he was made Bishop of L1andaff ; but in 1819 he was translated III Peterborough. As Bishop of Peterborough he took the opportunity of putting It l. rather violent anti-calvinistic views into practice. He published a questionnaire r HI questions, familiarly known as the Cobwebs to catch Caiviltists, which he circulated r Ull o! the clergy in the diocese: Failure to answer these questions correctly resulted in 1111 confiscation of the living; several priests who had thus been deprived of the li v l,, ~. presented petitions to the House of Lords; but witho.jlt any success. He died on May 1st, 1839 "almost equally insensible of censure, and of prai ~ ." He had been, for twenty years, a very active member of the House of Lords, Will'" he opposed all reforms especially Catholic Emancipation and the repeal at the Test AI I He deserves to be remembered most for his introduction, into this country, of lit. critical German system of the stu~y of the scriptures.





PROMOTIONS.-The following promotions were made with effect fr.Qm May 4th, 1944:LjSgt. J. M. Lampard to be Sgt. LjSgt. M. Corkrey to be Sgt. Cpl. M. J. Lester to be LjSgt. LjCpl. M. A. H. Lovatt, to be Cpl. LjCpl. M. Carnes to be Cpl. LjCpl. P. A. Bartlett to be Cpl. Cadet E. D. Gregson to be LjCpl. Cadet P. Coury to be L jCpl. Cadet A. A. Kneller to be L jCp l. Cadet K. Johnson to be LjCpl. Cadet D. Simpson to be LjCpl. Cadet A. A. Emerson to be LjCpl. Cadet C. P. Hodge to qe LjCpl. Cadet A. M. Burr to be L jCpl. Cadet J. O. Cryan to be LjCpl. . Cadet J. C. Caiger to be L jCpl. Cadet J. C. Northway to be L jCpl. Cadet J. D. Pughe to be LjCpl. ANNUAL INSPECTION.- The annual inspection was carried out on Wednesday, May 16th by Major W. R. G. Smith, M.B.E., Assistant Inspector of Training Corps. The Inspecting Officer expressed his satisfaction at the standard of training reached and in Ihe course of his report commented very favourably on the work of the N.C.O's. WAR CERTIPICATE "A".-The following Cadets passed Part II of the examination for Certificate " A" on July 6th. The names are given in order of merit. M. J. Gordon B. N. C. Jones P. H. Eagle-Bott ~ J. H. Sawtell R. J. L. Breese D. R. Holland R. G. Powell S. R. Betts M. G. Elston S. A. Kirby MULLINS CUP.- The eleventh annual shooting competition for the Mullins Cup took place on July 15th. 492 The result was :-Walpole Meister Omers 476 Grange... 474 School House 466 The winning score is a record for this competition. The previous highest score was 487, also made by Walpole, in 1942. 341






,• .••, ; •

••• •

Since the last A.T.e. notes were wdtten further examination 'successes ha ve bC\.'1I111 known . In the last Advanced Training Examination, Cpl. Birkett passed in PrinCipii of Flight, Cpls. C. Cray and Cushman in both Engines and Aircraft Recognition, 111111 Leading Cadets Brooks and Wells in Aircraft Recognition and Anti-gas. . '11110 I Beddow Mallinson Nichols, Ranford and G . Withers, have obtamed Prolle"'llI Certific;tes. In thid connection we once more have to thank FlO T. R. Richards 11 11 1111 Mr. H. Whetter for their assistance as Instructors in Navigation and Morse. I I I I Griffin, a New Zealander in the,Fleet Ail' Arm, gave a talk on his branch of the S .' vII, and illustrated it by a sound-fi lm which Mr. Coles kindly ran through thecme-proJ '\'1111 We also received a visit from an Air Ministry liaison Officer who was tounng the Sch,,"1 of the country. Towards the end of term 30 Cadets were able to fly, and gained useful ex pel'; '" , besides enjoying some incidental thrills. A party of 19 will attend a week 's ca mp III this same R.A.F. Station. Owing to recent changes in R.A.F. recruiting policy which have already appet" , ,I in the press, Cadets will not be accepted into this Flight from the J.T. C. unles (ill addition to the ~ther known requirements) they hold Certificate " A " . The following promotions anil appointments are recorded, and date from 2'1110 July, 1944 :-To be Corporals :-Leading Cadets McGrotty and G. Withers. '1111 Acting-Corporal for Camp :-Cadet Polden.



Librarian,' THB Rav. S. B-R. POOLE. Assistant Librarian,' P. S. DAW.

Three O.K.S. generously presented the Li6rary with books this term. . I Middleton ga ve Lafayette by Michael de la Bedoyere, This Plot of Earth by II I Massingham and Chaucer and his England by G . C. Coulton, D. Lampard gave II 1"'1' of Lancelot Hogben 's Mathematics f or the Million and M. W. SWll1hoe-Phelon a sl~,, "1 copy by M iss Phyllis Bottome of her biography of Alfred Ad/er. In addition these were purchased :Faith, Reason and Civilization ...... ......... ................... H . J. Laski Mediterranean Culture (The Frazer Lecture 1943) .... .... .J. L. Myres Photography To-day ................ . ... ............... . .. .... ... ... D. A. Spencer The British Empire .. ............ . .. .... .. ................... .. .... D. C. SomeI've" This Modern Age .......... ..... ...... .. ....... .. ................. .. F. C. Hoppo/d The Naval Side of British Hi story ..... .. ...... .. ...... .. ....... Sir Geoffrey Callender Inorganic Preparations (four copies) ................. .. .. : ..... A. King The Phase Rule and Phase Reactions ........................... S. T. BOIVi/en Inorganic Preparations .......................... , ......... .. .... .. . W. E. Henderson and W. C. Fernelius 342





The 'team started off well and it looked as though we were in for a good season. by an increasingly greater margin each time. We then played Clifton and the rot started, due almost ent irely to the bad fielding. At

We won th e first fi ve matches in succession

Clifton, a two-innings match, we dropped over t 5 possible catch es ! W e th en lost in ",uccession to Keyham, where we had bad luck, and in th e relurn match again st ircs hams. Th e penult imate match was cancelled owin g to th e weath er and it looks

Ihough the last one will be, too. There were four old colours left from last year who together with Stuart formed Ihe backbone. of the team . The others were all y,oung and not very ex perienced , thi s


led, as wa s natural, to an apparent lack of self-confidence, which often had disastro us

'fTects on the tail. • Those nJO S that were scored were scored mainly by Bloomberg and Brealy. Brealy had hard luck at Greshams when he came out for 99. Emerson started the season well li S an opening bat but failed to keep going mainl y due to his somewhat timid forward Nhots. Next season the team will be even younger and though it may play better cricket, because ofits inexperience it ma y not be so successful. We hope to be back in Canterbury ncx t year and if this is the case the team should be acble to acquit itself well , being able to have more practice on relatively level wickets. THE 2ND XI Captained by Smithers the second XI were only able to play three matches all of which they won with a considerable margin to spare. They beat Plymouth College by '79 runo, Carson ' scoring 50 not out, Smithers 30 lind Coury 22 not out. Smithers took 4 for 13, Wright 3 for 24 and McMull in 2 for 7 . They beat Sutton High School by 34 runs. Carson scored 33, Polden 18, Watson 16, Russell 15, Simpson took 7 for 19 and Smithers 3 for 18. Greshams 2nd XI was beaten in a home match by an innings and one run : Johnston ,cored 20, Smithers 18, Brooks 18, Russell 17, to make a total of 123. Wright took 12 for 64, Simpson 4 for 24 and Smithers 4 fo r 27. Gresham 's scored 53 and 69 in their lirst and second innings respecti vely.

THB COLTS XI The Colts, owing to difficulties of war-time transport, were un lucky in having only one match which they won against Greshams at home. H. r. D. Johnson scored 26 not out, Cray 24 and Wright 15. They made 94 as against Greshams 57 when Cray look 6 for 12, and Flack 3 for 6. There are too many promising players to mention th eir names, and in two or thret; ycnrs ' time the School should have a very good team.



. The R.A.F. batted' first and were soon in difficulties with Ackers, who made Ihe hlill sWlllg and turn well. Bloomberg, bowling from the other end, was also well on 101' "I the batsmen, and after an hour and a quarter the R.A.F. team were all out. The School started badly losing two wickets in the first over, but Bloomberg, OI\'II I ~ and Ackers all batted well and we passed their total with only four wickels dulY II 'Bloomberg 16; and 5 for 26; Brealy 15,; Ackers 12 and 5 for 15. K, S.C. v KELLY COLLEGE (A WAY) M"y 27TH

Kelly batted first, Ackers again bowled very well, and Bloomberg was unh l\' ~ \ in ha ving two catches dropped off him in slips. After losing two wickets quickly, Emerson and Bloomberg settled down 1,,"1 together took the score past the Kell y total. KELLY

Masewell , bAckers........................ . .... . ... Notley, c Cushman, bAckers...... . ... .. ......... Riley, c Stuart. ............................ ... .. ........ Crook, I.b.w. Ackers........... ...................... Haines. bAckers .............. .. . . .. ... .. . " ......... Law,l.b.w., bAckers....... . .... ..................... Smart, c Greenslade, bAckers. ... ................. Hunt, b G reen slade................ .......... .... ... Shapter, c Emerson, b Stuart. .. ........ .... . ... .. Welch, not out............... ................. . ...... Hocken, c Hulse, b Stuart................. .......... Extra s ........................... ...... . .. :...... ....

Total....................... .............

7 0 II 0 5

5 0 15 0 3 0


K.S.C. J. A. CUshman, c and b Masewell .... .. . .... .. H. A. Emerson, c Riley, b Hai nes ...... ... \.. .. . J. C. W. Hulse, c Riley, b Masewell .... ... ... .. J. H. Bloomberg. c Riley, b H ai nes.. ... .. .. ... R . S. Brea ly. cLaw, b Masewell ......... .. .... G. L. Ackers; not out. .................... ".. ..... A. R. T. Stuart, st. Welch, c Haines.. .. .. ... ... M. H. Smithers, c Hunt, b Haines ..... .. .... , F. B. Davies, c Hunt, b Masewell.. ...... ... .... M. J. Brooks, b Haines ........................ ". R. E. A. Greenslade, c and b Haines ...... " ... , Extras........................................ .. ...



, "1




Tota!... .... ......... .. ........ ....... IJ


Ackers .......... ................. Stuart ............ ............... Greenslade:............ .... .....


11 4 3


2 2 3


28 4



6 3 I


Greshams W~)!l the toss and batted first. Ackers, Bloomberg and Stuart took 1111 first 9 WIckets qUIte cheaply, but the Greshams last pair added 32 runs before they WI' I finally dismissed. The School started badly but Bloomberg and Brealy batted steadily and ovel'lll"\ the Greshams score before Bloomberg was out, Brealy then went on to make the hiBl1I ,I score of the season, 99.




Wray. I.h.w., bAckers........... .... .............. Hc;a lt ie, bAckers .. ,.............. .. .. ........ ... ...... .......... lIudson, bAckers.... ........ I ligen, l.b.w., bAckers........ ...... . ... .. . ....... Webb, c Emerson, b Stuart .... .... .. ... .. ... ... .. IItllunholtz, l.b.w., b Bloomberg.. .. ;-;-; ... . Ilummond, bAckers.... .......... ...... ....... 'i llCri ing. J. b.w., b Ackcrs ..

.; 0 J 8 10 0 9 0

Adlington, c Cucilnmn , b Stua rt Smith , c Emerson, b Stuml.. Leman, not out.. . ... ... .. ... .. .. .... . . Extra s . ... ....... ... . . .. ~ ..

15 2 16 34

K.S.C. J. A. Cushman, b Webb....... ..... .. ...... .... ... H. A. Emerson, st. Leman, b Wray .... " .. .... J . C. W. Hulse, c Braunholtz, b Wray . ........ J . H . .Bloomberg, c Wray, b Hammond.. .... R. S. Drea ly, b Webb.... ........ .. .......... ...... C. L. Ackcrs. c Abbington .. .. . .. .... . ......... . .. A. R. T. Stuart, Run Out .. ................. :.... I. D. F. Herbert , b Wray....................... . ... F. B. Davies, c Braun ho ltz, b Eagon.. M. J. Brooks,l.b.w., b Wray ...... R. E. A. Greenslade, no t Ollt.. .. ..... .. .. ........ Extras ............... ... :...... .. .. . .. ..........

Tolal. .......... ................. ..... 194



3 4 5 31 99 8 1 3 12 7 I 20


o Ackers . .... . .. .... . . ... .. . .. ....


Stuart .. . .. . . ........ .. ..... .. . ..


ilIoomberg ...... ........ .. .... . 10







42 14 II

6 I



Ackers won the toss and elected to bat on a perfect batsman 's wicket. The side did not disappoint him and he declared just after tea at 145 runs for 7 wickets. Plymouth started quite well but had bad luck in Clarke's being run out when he looked like scoring a lot of runs; after this Stuart a nd Greenslade went through the lai l with great effect. K .S.C.


PLYMOUTH COLLEGE K. E. Willcock, c Ackers, b Bloomberg. ..... J. A . Wynton, b Bloomsburg............... ...... 1. M. Clarke, Run out.. ................. :.......... ·G . A. Heywood, c Brooks, b Bloomberg...... B. A. L. Johnson, bAckers..................... R. L. Turner, I.b.w., b Stuart... ... .......... .. ... J. R. Hamby, c H erbert, b Bloomburg.... . .... D. C. H. McD onald, c and b Stuart.... .. ... ... J. S. C. Roach, not out.. ... .. ... .. .. ...... .. ..... 1. S. D . Miles, c Brooks, b Greenslade. ........ D. F. Pring, c Ackers, b Greenslade .. .......... Extras ........... .. . . .. .... .. " .. . .... ..........


Total (7 WklS. Dec.) .................. 145

TolaL ........... ... ....... .. ....... ..


J. A. Cushman , c Heywood, b Pring II. A. Emerson, b Hamley.......... .. .. ... ... . ... .. J. C. W. Hulse, c Johnson, b Heywood.. .. . J. H. Bloomberg, J. b.w., b Heywood .... ........


It. S. Drealy. b Pring.. .. .......... .. ........ .........


O. ·L. Ackers b Pring.... . ..... ..... . .. ... ... ... .... . A. R. T. Stuart, b Clarke . .. .t.. ... ........... .. I. D. B. Herbert, not. out. ,..... .......... .. .. .. .... 11. B. Davies, not out... ... ... .... ... ................. M. J. Brooks }Did not bat It. E. A. Greenslade Extras ...... . .. . ..... .... ... . . .... .. :.. ....... ........

7 17


5 4

14 22


llIoomberg ..................... Stuart ........................... rccnslade... . ... .... ......... ...



M 4

4 2

0 0


26 13 3



4 2 2


10 7 20 10

0 8 3

0 11 I 0

THE CANTUARIAN K.S.C. v PLYMOUTH COLLEGE (HOME) MAY :JoIST R. S. Brealy captained the side. The School fielded first and succeeded ill ~i'llllI Plymouth College a ll out for 78. The School went in to bat and were 9 wickets down for 40 when the last pail', Sill"" and Herbert, made a stand of 48, thus winning. by 10 runs. Stuart 29 and 4 for 21, Herbert 19, Bloomberg 16 and 2 for 32, Greenslade 3 [ill II' K.S.C. v CLIFTON COLLEGE (A WAY) JUNB 16TH AND 17TH Clifton College fairly beat us in a two-inni ngs match at Bude. They went ill til Ii" first and scored 131 an out. It should be noted that tbe score at one time -was 5 [Ill , It was here that catches began to be dropped. Greenslade bowled very well in both innings. Bloomberg batted well both ill" " and in the second was unlucky in being caught on the leg boundary. We wish to take this' opportunity of thanki ng our hosts for their very gOil " ,," hospitality. 1ST I NNINGS. CLIFTON COLLEGE


Dickson, l.b.w, ,"b Ackers.... ....................... Briggs, c Brooks, b Greenslade............. ........ \ Exton, l.b.w., bAckers.............................. Brown, c Brealy, b Greenslade.................... . Crum, b Greenslade........ .................. ... ... . Sainsbury, C Stuart, bAckers ................ ... ... Simpson, b Greenslade........................ .. .... Lees, bAckers................... ... .. ... ... ... ...... Thomas, b Greenslade.......... ...... .. ..... ....... Newsam, l.b.w., b Greenslade............ ......... Yeo, not out...... ............................. .. ..... Extras, ...... ,...................................... ..


0 4

Cushman, b Crum........................ ... ... .. Emerson, c Thomas, b Sainsbury..... .. .. ..... Hulse, Lb.w. , b Crum.. ..... .. .... ... .. .... .... ... Bloomberg, c Sainsbury, b Thomas ....... . ", Brealy, c Lees, b Crum .................. .... ... " Ackers, b Newsam ....................... .... .. ", Stuart, b Newsam ... ,..................... .. ..... Herbert, b Newsam......................... .... ... Davies, b Ne\VS3m ...................... .. .. " .. ,. Brooks. run oul. .. , .. .. .... ......... ....... ..... .. Greenslade, not out.. ... ... ........ ........ , ..... ,. Extras .. .. , .. , ........ , ............... .... .... ..

TOial. ... ~ ..................... ........ 131

Total. ............. .. ......... ...... "

10 3 2 1


27 10 6 4





\ II


Exton, b Greenslade................................. Di~kso n , I.b,w., bAckers.. .........................

14 20

Bnggs, c Bloomberg, bAckers. ..... ..... .... ...... 49

Cushman, b Crum ........................ ..... .. " Emerson, b Crum .. ............ .. ......... ..... . ..

Hulse, b Sainsbury .............. ...... ...... .... ".

Brown, c Ackers, b 1lIoomberg............ ......... 27,cAckers, bB loomberg ...................... 13 Samsbury, c Bloomberg, bAckers.............. . 20 Simpson, b Greenslade.. ............................ 26 Thomas, b Greenslade .................. , ..... .. ,... 2 Lees, b Bloomberg........ .... ....... ... ........ ...... 0 Newsaf!1, not out ............ ...... ... ,.............. 2 Yeo, DId not bat............ ........................... Extras ............... ,.. ...... ...... .................. 10

Bloomberg, c Exton, b Newsam ...... .... " ... Brealy, c Lees, b Crum ................... .... \'... Ackers, run out......................... ........ ... Stuart, b Crum ............ , ....... ............... . ,, ' Herbert, b Crum ............................. , ..... . Davies, not ouL ........................... ..... " Brooks, b Exton ....................... , ... ... ... " . Greenslade, st. Briggs, b Newsam ...... .... .. " . Extras , ........... ......................... ... ..

Total .. ....... ...................... ..... . 183

Total.. .......................... .. ...


Ackers ... " ... ... .... ...... Greenslade:" ............. Bloomberg ........... "


40 36'4 13





10 0

t 3t 33

7 9




Crum., ....... , .............. Sainsbury .................. Newsam Thomas ... :::::::::: ::::: ::: Exton ." .. ........ ."" ...







'3'4 3 3

3 0



, U






SS 28






THE CANTUARIAN K.S.C. v GRESHAMS (AWAY) JUNE 24TH The ~chool wo n the toss and we nt in first. They scored 96 all out. Gres hams 10111 owed on and in the first two overs two catches were dropped in slips off Greenslade's h",yling, this probably lost the match. Brealy unfortunately broke a finger wicket-keeping. It is interesting to note the 11111 of the wickets :- 1 fo r 27, 2 for 29, 3 fo r 30, 4 for 40, 5 for 66, 6 for 84, 7 for 89, M ror 95, 9 for 97 and then 10 for 123 . Brealy 28 and I for 0, Stuart 14 not out and 2 for 39, Bloomberg 13, Ackers 4 for ,~, Greenslade 3 for 28. K.S.C. \' R.N.E.C. KEYHAM (AWAY) JUNE 20TH The school fie lded first and after a few catches had been dropped, Kcyham were Ilismissed for 118. Stuart bowled very well and with the help' of Cushman fi~lding well II I short leg took several quick wickets. We had bad luck when batting for Bloomberg 's second or third ball jumped up and hitt ing him on the jaw knocked him out. He came in at the rail of the 8th wicket and II' the other end had supported, him we should have won. Davies batted very steadily li nd well. Stuart 22 and 5 for 31, Davies 20, Bloomberg 16 not out, Ackers 5 for 6 1. CHARACTERS G. L. ACKERS (Captain)-A steady opening bowler with a good lengtli. Should improve his slip fielding and not expect to score a four every bal l. R. S. BREALY (Vice-Captain)-A very creditable show at wicket-keeping, stands well up. When batting, appears too often to be in two minds as to the stroke he is to play. Hits hard and straight. J. H. BLOOMBERG- The best bat the school has got-a lways manages to get out in an unlucky way. Bowls very well at times, but unfortunately not always. A very good cover field. J. A. CUSHMAN.-Disappointing as an opening bat-much more was expected. However, his fielding is still as good as ever. A. R. T. STEWART- A ve ry good change bowler, can always be relied upon. A bit slow in the field . His batting is somewhat errat ic. R. E. A. GREBNSLADE- A good left hand medium paced bowler, must learn to use his ,right arm and shoulder more. II. A. EMERSON-Will make a good opening bat. Should taXe advantage of halfvolleys and drive them. Very slow in the field, hopeless in the outfield. Must improve his running between the wickets. 1'. B. DAVIES-A good stead y bat. Does not seem to be able to run very fa st. Showed great im provement towards the end of the season. J. C. W. HULSE- Will make a good first wicket bat. Has improved lately. Needs more self confidence a nd to be a bit quicker in the field. t. D. E . HERBERT-Has a good eye which could be used to better effect. Must not hang his bat to the off ball so much. A good field. M. N. CARsoN.-Rather slow in the field. Has not had much opportunity in the first but could become a good bat. 347



ATHLETICS The Athletics this year have been a great success. We have had, perhaps, the hI' I season since coming down to Cornwall. The times, both in the spo rts and in the 111 111\ h against Keyharn we,e excellent. The weather was very mixed, usuall y.extremely wind y, though fortunately we did not suffer unduly from rain, except that we had to poslr u", our second day of the sports on account of a thunderstorm. The following very satisfactory records were set up :- Senior Mile, J. P. B. ShephNiI 4 min. 41'9 secs.; Senior 100 yards, D. B. Ainsworth 10'4 secs. (record equalled) I Junior half-mile, A. F. Cray 2 min. 19'2 secs., and Junior Inter-House Relay (4 x 220), Meister Orners (R. C. Wen ban, A. E. Hill, H. J. D. Johnson, J. P. F. Bull) I min. 47 SCI"' In the Match at Keyham J. M. Lampard ran 2nd in the 220 yards and was timed '" I officially to have done 23'6 secs. The Sports were most exciting to watch for School House and the Grange had a lliin I equal chances of winning the Cup. The points gained by the various HOllses 1,,1 .. Standards" were S.H. 60, G. 74, W. 56, M.O. 49. This was a wonderful elTort ' "I the part of the Grange for they averaged just over a standard per man runnin g. '1h, final scores were Grange 160, School House 147t , Meister Omers i lOt, Walpole 96. The general standard was very"good, outstanding competitors being J. M. LalllpllI l!. r. P. B. Shepherd, D . B. Ainsworth, C. Mc K. Cray, J. F. Dalrymple, M. A. H. LOVIl II and G. A. J ..Evans of the Seniors, and A. F . Cray, J. P. F. Bull, M. J . Gordon, D. II. P Maybury-Lewis and H. J. De Voil of the Juniors. , Owing to the restrictions on travelling we were only able to arrange one match th l season in t~at against the R.N. Eng. College at Keyham There we put up an exceedingly good show, the score being equal with one CWII I to go, the 4 x 220 relay in which we were beaten by about two yards. The team WII as follows :-. ' 100 YARDS.-D. B. Ainsworth, J. M. Lampard. 220 YARDS.-D. B. Ainsworth, J. M. Lampard. 440 YARDS.-J. M. Lampard, J. D. Slimming.

880 YARDS.-C. McK. Cray, J. F. Dalrymple . MILE.-J. P. B. Shepherd (Captain), M. T. Middleton-Evans.

RELAY.-D. B. Ainsworth, C. McK. Cray, J . D. Slimming, J. M. Lampard . HIGH JUMP.-Nl. A.. H. Lovatt, G. A. J. Evans LONG JUMP.-G. A. J. Evans, J. H. Bloomberg. WBlGHT.-J. C. B. Coleman, A. S. Brealy. DIscus.-M. H. Smithers, G. F. J . Russell. . Outstainding performances were those of J. D. B. Ainsworth, who' ran the 100 Yllrll m 10'5 secs. to come thud, J. M. Lampard 2nd III the 220 yards, doing 23'6 secs., J. I Dalrymple who won the half-mile in 2 min. 9'6 secs., M. A. H . Lovatt and G. A. I Evans who bot!} cleared 5ft. 31ins. in the high jump, Evans being the actual winner.


THE CANTUARIAN The following have their Athletic Colours :. FULL <;OLOURS-J. P. B. Shepherd (Captain) (1942--43-44), J. M. Lampard (Vice-CaptaIn) (1943-44), C. McK. Cray (Hon. Sec.) (1943-44), M. J. Middleton Evans (1943-44), D. B. Ainsworth (1944), J. F. Dalrymple (1944). SECOND COLOURS-M. A. H. Lovatt (1942-43-44), J. D. Slimming (1944) G. A. J. Evans (1944), J. C. B. Coleman (1944), J. H. Bloomberg (1944), G. G. Russell (1944), A. F. Cray (1944). SPORTS (FIRST DAY) LONG JUMP (JUNIOR).-Ist, J. P. F. Bull; 2nd, H. J. de Voil; 3rd, D. H. P. Maybury-LewIs; 4th, J. Woodgate. Length: 16 ft. 11 ins. Record: 17 ft . 5 ins. (J. D . Moss, 1939). . 220 YARDS (SBNIOR).-I st, J. M, Lampard; 2nd, D. B. Ainsworth; 3rd, J. D. SlImmmg; 4th, M. N. Carson; 5th, J. A. S. Langston; 6th, G . L. AcKers. Time: 24 mms. 6 secs. Record: 24'0 secs. (J. H. P. Gibb, 1938) . 100 YARDS (JUNIOR).-lst, J. P. F. Bull; 2nd, M. J. Gordon; 3rd, H. J. de Voil; 4th, A. F. Cray. Tillie: 11 mins. 5 secs. Record: 11'0 secs. (J. Corben, 1938). MrLE.-1 st, J. P. B. Shepherd; 2nd, M. 1. M-Evans; 3rd, J. F. Dalrymple; 4th, I. D. E. Herbert; 5th, C. McK. Cray; 6th, M. W. McD. Cairns. Time: 4 mins. 41'9 sees. Record: 4 mins. 46 ~ecs. (W. C. Young, 1938). Drscus (New Event).- lst, G. F. G . Russell; 2nd, M. H. Smithers; 3rd, R. S. Brealy; 4th, J. Coury (tied). Distance: 78 ft. 2 ins. HALF MILB (JUNIOR).-Ist, A. F. Cray; 2nd, D. H. P. Maybuty-Lewis' 3rd H. I. P. Johnson; 4th, A. E. Hill. Time: '2 mins. 19'2 sees. Record : 2 min;. 19'4 secs. (P. T. Ballantyne, 1938). HrGH JUMP (SBNIOR).-Ist, M. A. H. Lovatt; 2nd, G : A. J . Evans; 3rd, G . L. Ackers; 4th, S. C. Nlchols; 5th, J. H. Bloomberg. Record: Sf!. 5t ins. (A. J. Munro 1936). ' QUARTER MILB (SBNIOR).- lst, J. M. Lampard; 2nd, J. D . Slimming; 3rd, . McK. Cray ;14th, M.Corkrey; 5th, J. F. Dalrymple; 6th, J. P. B. Shepherd. Record: 53'8 secs. (J. L. Tomitn, 1904; C. L. Clements, 1926). JUNIOR INTBR-HoUSB RBLAY (4 x 220 YARDS).-lst, Meister Omers; 2nd, School House; 3rd, The Grange; 4th, Walpole (Disqualified). Time: I min. 47'0 secs. Record: I min. 49'4 sees. (School House, 1942 :- C. McK. Cray, G. A. J. Evans, F. E. Brown, M. Lovatt). (SECOND DAY) loNG JUMP (SBNIOR).- lst, S. C. Nichols; 2nd, J. H. Bloomberg; 3rd, G . A. J . Evans; ~th, A. A. Kneller; 5th, M. H. Smithers; 6th, 1. C. Whitehead. Length: 18 ft. Ot lOS. Record: 20 ft. 9 ins. (G. Willsdon, 1939). HrGH JUMP (JUNIOR).-Ist, H. 1: D . Johnson; 2nd, P. W. Burgess; 3rd, J. C. W. Hulse; 4th, R. E. A. Greenslade. Height: 4 ft. 9 ins. Record: 4 ft. lit ins. (M. Lovatt, 1942). .

• THE CANTUA RIAN 100 YARDS (SBNIOR).- Ist, D. B. Ainswo\'ll~; 2nd, J. M. Lampard; 3rd , J. II Slimming; 4th, J. Coury; 5th, G. A. J. Evans; 6th, J. P. D. Mallinson . 1'/,,/1' 10'4 secs. Record,' 10'4 secs. (C. L. Clements, 1926). 220 YARDS (JUNIOR).-I st, H. J. de Vail; 2nd, M. J. Gordon; 3rd, J. P. F. 111111 4th, J. W. Allison. Time ,' 25'6 secs. Record,' 25 '2 secs. (M . Lampard, 1942). 880 YARDS (SENIOR).-Ist, C. McK. Cra y; 2nd, J. F. Dalrymple; 3rd, J. I' II Shepherd ; 4th, L. A. Basset; 5th, M. I. M-Evans; 6th, W. E. Herbert. TI"II 2 mins. 9'0 secs. R ecord,' 2 mins. 7' 1 secs. (P. T. Ballantyne, 1940). WEIGHT (SBNIOR).-Ist, J. C. B. Coleman; 2nd, R. S. Brealy ; 3rd, M. A, II Lovatt; 4th, M. A. Arnott; 5th, J. Cou ry ; 6th, D. B. Ainswo rth . Dis/alice ,' 1\ II Record,' 40 ft. 5 ins. (H. R. R. Steele, 1940). 440 YA RDS (JUNIOR).- Ist, D. H . P. Ma ybury-Lewis; 2nd, A. F. Cra y: 11,1 H . J. D. Johnso n ; 4t h, A. E. Hill. Tillie ,' 60' 5 secs. Record,' 58'3 secs. (J. fl . 1.1111111 1938). , SENIOR INTER- HoUSE RELAY (4 X220 YARDS).- Ist, School House; 2nd, WIIIIlllh 3rd The Grange' 4th Meister Omers. Time ,' I min. 41'0 secs. Record ,' I "II " 39.3 secs. (Walpol~, 1939 :-D. G. Carter, J. H. Collier, D. H. Rapson, G. Willsdolll

SWIMMING For the first time in four years the School had a swimming match on its fi xt,,, ., II t It was with R.N.E.C. Keyham, on June 27th and the match was played in tho hllill at R.N. Barracks. The events included fifty-yard races of free style, breast stroke, 10", I stroke, diving, three relays and water polo. The Navy was in fine form and a spiJ ited contest took place. Each race WII ' \I, close, but our redoubtable opponents managed to win every event, even bca li nu, lUll two fastest swimmers-S mithers and Lovatt. It was generall y agreed that w h o ll~ lost was in the turn, for their bat hs were on ly 80 feet long, and each race in volved III h ,I I • one turn. The game of water polo proved interesting, most of the School being at it, K eyham won it 2-1. At home Life Savi ng continued as usual and this term 12 boys pa ssed their 11110, mediate and Bronze test and I I obtained the awa rd of merit of the Royal Life Sltl II. Society. The customary end of term display wh ich usually takes place on Speech OilY II 10' to be cancelled but the Swimming Sports were held on Sunday, Jul y 23rd. The IWItIIl, was fine and the afternoon an exciting one. Meister Omers won and thus rCluilll't i lit cup. The figures were Meister Omers 129, School House 98, The Grange M ,,,., Walpole 55.




RETROSPECT This year we had certainly had the most successfui season so far. We hll Y 11".1 the adva ntage of first class wadden courts, which a mong other things ha ve 1111101 the team to practice, whatever the weather. 350

, TItE CANTUARIAN Altogether fi ve matches were played, out of which 4 were won a nd I was unfinished. Mo re matches were pla nned, but Benenden was in quarentine for Mumps throughout Ihe lerm, a nd R.N.E. C. Keyha m were unable to leave Plymouth. H owever in spite " f these difficulties, we had ""ry successful matches against Dartford P.T. College, Kelly 'allege, and the R.A.F. St. Eval. The team was a lso due to play Tonbridge School lit Wimbledon on the 27th July, but unfortunately examinations made this impossible. The team consisted of th ree of last years players, together with Watso n, Nichols, li nd Sao Sao. T he first pail', Go rd on a nd Ferris went through the whole season without losing " single match. Ferris improved remarkably towards the end of the season, but earlier Ull he wa s inclined to be rather erralic. The secolid pair also played well , both were ve ry steady, but Nichols was sometimes apt to be too sure of his stroke. Sao Sao was not quite up to the standard of the rest of the team, as indeed was to he ex pected owing to the fact that he has only been playing for a bout three years. But wi th some more fi nish to his play he should turn out very well. KINGS v KELLY COLLEGE (Away) The first match of the season was played v Kelly College at Tavistock Devon. The ' Iun dard of the courts was rather poor but the team played up to it and achieved success. Gordon and Ferris (1 st Strong) won their two matches fairly easily after a very fasi tlt utch with Kelly 1st String. Kings second couple, Watson and Nichols also had two wins although they had II match point agai nst them in their first match. Watson and Sao Sao both played very , tcadily throughout the match. Play was forced to a close because of the shortage of li me and the final score was 5 matches to I in fa vo ur of K.S. TEAM.- Gordon and Ferris, Watson a nd Nichols, Sao Sao a nd Cushman. Won ~ - l.

. KINGS v R.A.F. (Home) This match was won on the home courts after several easy singles, which in 'fact II mounted to an American lOurnament against the opposing team. The R·.A.F . had a strong team but they were handicapped by a lack of practice. All the side won their matches fairly easily except for Ferris who was off his game, "nd hence was very erratic. After the match had been completed some enjoyable .Inubles were played. The final score being 13-3 to K.S. TEAM.-Gordon Won 4, Ferris Won 1 Lost 3, Watson Won 4, Sao Sao Won 4. KINGS v DARTFORD P.T. 1ST VI On Saturday 17th Kings scored their third victory, this time over Dartford P.T. t ·ollege. The Dartford team retained their high standard of play which they have kept up • vcr since we ha ve played them, but this was the first time they had been beaten. AJI Ihe sets played were extremely close. Gordon and Ferris beat Dartford 1st String · in II close match 8- 6, 6- 3 both sides using very clever shots. Ferris was on top of his ItlI'm and was serving well. Watson and Nichols drew with Dartford 2nd pair in two 351



THE CANTUARIAN even sets 11- 9" 2-6. Sao Sao played very steadily throughout the whole mllil II Miss M. Read the Dartford Captain and her partner were both playing very well- hili" were in their team last year. The Final score, 5 matches won by K.S.C. 2 LOSI, 111111 2 Drawn. Won. 5-2 (2 Drawn). KINGS v DARTFORD P.T. COLLEGE On Saturday, 24th June we played a return match v Dartford and 'for the SC,' \I III I time we beat them. Dartford 1st String were playing very much better than last 101111 beating K.S. 2nd and 3rd and drawing in a very even match with Gordon and 1'1111 Lampard was playing better than usual and managed to get in a high percentage of hi extremely powerful services. K.S. was suffering' from lack of practice, but after the first sets all the team \~ II playing up to the required standard. REsULTS.-Gordon and Ferris Draw I, 8-8, 7- 5 ; Won 2, 6- 4, 6-4 .. Will 1111 Nichols, Lost I, 5- 7 ; Won 2, 6-2, 6- 4, .6-3. Sao Sao Lost 2, 5-7, 2-6, 2 " Lampard Won 1,6-4.




KINGS v R.A.F. (Home) TuEsDAY, MAY 23RD.

The School- put a very good fight against one of the strongest teams St. Evol 111,,1 produced and only losing by 7-11. . day.

They were handicapped by the Tact that cricket and tennis matches feU on the HI IIII . There were some hard fought sets and the results were not disappointing.

Coury and Nichols both won sets while Simpson, Sawtell and Herbert¡ w each. KINGS v R.A.F. (Away)

II 1111


This match was a much closer one and could have been anyones win as it wll won tbe odd set the score being 5-4, again we were handicapped by the cricket and I 11 111 Coury and Simpson both won two sets and Smithers had a hard fight for Ih 1111,1 one.



o RIGINA L BARHAM DOWNS, 1943 I cycle back across the Barham Downs

Eight miles of softly rounded hills

o Dover Road,-so quiet.

So much in tune with woods That come at evening, racing the sun to rest,

The summer sky, Resplendent gold or palest green On my right the rolling pastureland The gentle sheep The Windmill landmark waving a farewell. On my left the cornfields sloping to Elham Valley The chestnut trees Their rounded majesty flattening in the dusk Enfolding cottages and farms in little groups Each time 1 look this way I know anew There is no countryside on earth like mine. I pass the khaki camps of fighting men

Who call and whistle as I go my way And homeward bound, a group of labourers Empty snap tins slung from cycle bars Clanking amidst their chatter. S~cret in crash helmet and shielded eyes .Despatch riders roar and splutter hurrying , Drowning tbe larks song for a moment Then are gone. One night I heard a fearful rumbling The Dover Road Trembled beneath my wheels There, in the valley passed the heavy Tanks Shaking the peaceful eartb and rending The air with strange chaotic music. It was manoeuvres Not invasion. The fear of that had passed Oh grim the time indeed My Dover Road When nothing but a few brave men With Hurricanes Hung perilously in the sky in your defence, . And viyid threads of silver on the blue Spelt agony and sweat and death In transient gossamer. 353


THE CANTUARIAN The days are past . When the invader could have come at w,lI And burnt and plundered in the Kentish orchards. o English garden Don 't forget those days Rejoice in yo ur salvation. But remember ¡he garden of Ukraine. Where fascist monsters came And crushed the peasant heroes with their tanks Into the rich free soil With envy of possession. \

This bit df land_is rich and beautiful The corn grows straight and thick The trees are bowed with fruit The very weeds are strong and plentiful. o valley When I gaze at your profusion I wonder at the life your people lead. They should be rich as you are Straight and fair And yet their homes are damp, Their wages low Their lives a cheerless journey From childhood to the workhouse And the grave. Theirs is this land, And yet they own it not What they possess is what they have to sell Their power to work And make you what you are. OMen of Kent Lift up your eyes and see This wealth of cultivation Men of England, You fighting men, that hang abo ut in clusters Look at this land And know that it is your inheritance. And you from wider spaces overseas To whom this splendour may seem cramped and small Acknowledge that it is a priceless gem. Look on it kindly as you wait the day Of reckooing upon the plains of France. R.C.



THE CANTUARIAN CREATION It had been a church and J had gone there for peace. The ravages of war had ld t a confused mass of stone and wood and plaster littering the floor, above it hung Ihe dust. There was a haze above the allar, now half buried. The noise of the battle. hud died away, leaving silence" quiet as a Nun breathless with adoration . " I had ' "0' go ne there to worsh ip God-why should I have done with all the wrecks of life ufound me? But I had a hope- other people had written of conversion-if they were I,ue might not I be blessed from heaven also? I studied the ruin; there was the lutue of Christ, now stained and dirty, leaning against a pillar built centuries ago. I rllu nd nothing there to stir me. There was the sky above blue, majestic-it had no '"essage for my being. Then there was the altar, strewn with jagged glass; how heu utiful it must have been! I wanted to go and clear it. There was the floor as well, Ih' shattered walls-could I not remove the wreckage? There was something inside "'e that told me to do it. Was it God? Then I cried, it was something of a far baser n,,'ure, it was the urge of creation . Oh-what was the use? Could I find God through Ihe a nimal within me? Could I find God through the will to create? God had built Ihe world, I had read about it in Genesis. Was it an example to follow? Perhaps, I did not know; I was too young to tell. Then 1 was frightened. The Church had II 'en destroyed as a challenge to man, it was a test of his faith . Was that t!:te reason war? God wa ited to see if the world believed in Him . I stumbled over the wreckage ,II,d frantically began to clear the debris fr0111 the altar. I was al peace with God. P.C.H. A CONCLUSIO N TO COLERIDGE'S CHRISTABEL



Bard Bracy hied him straight away And with him took a loyal page And e're the sun its zenith reached Had passed outside the Castle wall. ,


On to the mountain road be passed And riding there beguiled the time By singing songs, both sad and true, Of how, by making bad mistakes The easy road to Hell man takes. The page, at last, depressed too low Let forth a cry, "Why sing you so Of death and evil, sin and pain And of the miseries of man? It is a lovely cheerful day, Let happiness then be your lay ... Bard Bracy slopped, then tw¡nM he And to the page spoke solemnly, " The sky is dark, the earth is sad Because our Baron has gone mad, For he his daughter soon forsakes And to his br~ast a stranger takes. I can then only sigh and sing Of evils this will surely bring."




THE CANTUA RIA N On till the sun was dipping low, AI~ ng the road this pair did go, The Bard with misery roll 'd his eyes And shook his horse, so deep his sighs, The page in gloomy silence came, His cheer had long si m;e passed away,

As in the evening cool and long He listened to Bard Bracy's song. And as the even ing far adva nced An inn they reacbed, and it perchanced That there for night they lay to rest. And soon, fatigued by their long ride To bed they quickly both did hie.. .. And drea med their drea ms, saw VISIOns bright All througb the deathly hours of night, But what they dreamed they could not tell For they were both bound by a spell. From that day on they wandered out And n 'ere were seen again by man,

But some folk still queer stories tell Of two who walk across a dell Singi ng sad songs to doleful tunes Of misery and death to him Who all his duties he forsakes, His friend s, his fam ily, his all ; Then Death th rows down her heavy pall And they, the mourning few, ~re left To right what wronged he whils t he breathed. The Lady Christa bel, meanwhile, Had lain there swooning on the ground And s06n, with all her peak and pine, Fell swiftly into a decline And, e ' re the SUll was dipping low, With just one sigh, so sweet and low, She passed from this, o ur mortal life, And into heaven up a bove Her soul went fl yi ng like a dove. Sir Leoline, by now quite drunk, His filial affection sun k, And on his Lady Gerald ine His eyes he feasted, for I ween Tbe onl y wine that he had tipped Was that of ber full ruby lips.

• 356

THE CANTUARiAN They walked togetber all the day And with their mouths they made fu ll play And talked and kissed, until the knight Had fallen to this lady bright, And soon into a sleep be fell, Another victim of the spell. For many weeks Sir Leoline He loved the Lady Geraldine Until, at last, he slowly too Did fade away and die quite soon, And never more was Geraldine Around his castle precincts seen, For, on the night be died, she went And faded, like a phantom dread, Back to her land beyo nd tbe dead. And now up to the chilly moon The mastiff bitch she howls alone, Her master to the dead has gone, Her mistress also has passed on ; So she, at last, wi tb many a sigh Lies down on the hard grou nd to die. CONCLUSION TO PART III The Wand 'ring pair lost in the wood,_ Sir Leoline, he has gone mad, His daughter, on tbe ground she lies And very soon she sighs and dies. The mastiff bitch lets out a moan And dies witbout a nother groan. T he laughter running through the trees T he laJlghter rippling o'er the breeze, And there the Lady Geraldine Soon fades, and leaves no trace behind. DON P EDRO GUALLANCHERO.

TH E MAN IN HOSPITAL lie was sitting up in bed, over in the fa r corner of the ward. The light from the Itll , dingy windows did not reach him as easily a~ it rea~hed the otbers,-he seemed I" he in a perpetual shadow. But this shadow, thIS half-lIght, was strangelr offset by 1111 fll ct that of all the people in rhe ward, he was ObvIOusly the most determlOed to get I.. II 'r. Th; other patients,- tilis was a civilian casualty ward,-were lying quietly III h 'd merely taking their treatment as it came; all they looked forwa rd to was the II. I ,{,eal, the arrival of the next post, Visitors ' Day. Their interests were only " "Illora ry, varying from day to da y. True, they all wanted to be let out as soon as I'" "Iblo, but meanwhile they were having a well-earned rest, xnd, sillce everythmg pos357



sible was being done to heal their wounds, the~ might as well take things easily, I I, man in the corner, though, seemed to have other Ideas. He was always worrYlIlg tilt" I II doctor with requests to be allowed to get up, he never wrote letters, and seldom I II"~ at a boole Everything he did, thought, or said, concerned hIs dIscharge r" (lill lit casualty ward . His suit-case was almost packed, and .he was ready to walk Olll III " hospital gates within ten minutes of being told he could go. So much I had gll llll' from my casual conversation with the nurse QO duty and from my bnef scru tiny In II doorway. . Now, when I went over to him, and started to talk to him I could see thll l \I very true. He was just itching to get away; his eagerness was so apparCll1 lit I asked him the rcason for it. And in answer he told me his story. "You may think me one of these flying-bomb ~a sua l~ies," he bega~l . .. \\/tll in a way I am; but it will surprise you how. It was Irke tills. I was walkIng 11",," one of the areas of council houses out Sutton way,- do you know Sutlon? Nil well, as I say, I was taking a short cut about eJeven o'clock one night th rO lllt" lit Common, as it 's still called, and I had j ust turned into a very narrow a lle~-way bell" two houses when I heard one of these confou nded in ventions come roaring avclllI III I didn 't think much of it,- familiarity breeds contempt, as the saying goes,- bul 1\111 the engine cut and I heard il swishing downwards I dived into the nearest doorwllY 1111 ' covered my bead with my hands. There was an almlghty bang, ~ Ild glass show I down on to where I had just been walking. The houses on either Side of me WCIt' 1111 standing, tbougb, so I just congratulated myself on my lucky escape, and carncd til l Here be stirred in bis bed, and I felt somehow tbat what be was about to tell mo wII1I1 be stranger than most tales I had heard in my life before. And It was. " As I was saying," he continued, " I just carried on.

I was


a bit shu ky


my feet, and I discovered that my shoe lace was undone. My conscience was gilld • I an excuse for me to rest a bit, so I bent down and did it up. When I looked up 1I~,tlll there seemed to be a fire at the end of the passage. I thought at first there waNII III there, and I began to run towards it. But gradually it dawned upon me that til III if a fire at all was not an ordinary one. It seemed unreal, ghostly,-there was II ~ ii, . of purple edg~ to the flames. And although I 'began to be a little frightened, II ~I IIIII fascination seemed to grip me, and it occurred to me that I just had to go through III" flames. Some sort of a penance, I suppose. Whatever the reason, I just felt I hlld I, I could see them quite clearly now, although they were still about a hundred YUill. "II -yes and that's aoother funny thing. The passage was only a bout twenty 01' 111111 yards'long at the most, and I had alre~dy cover~d about a third of its length wht'" II . bomb fell. Yet there was the fire, plalllly only Just at the end of the alley, and 111,,,"1 a bundred yards away. It flashed across my mind that it must be a dream, but Ih" III . from tbe fire and the crunch of my footsteps on the gravel soon told me it wasn '\. " Well, I'm not a man to be easily putoff by strange looking fires that rllN' 11,,1 the spectator, so I made up my mind that if I had to-go towards It I might as wl'il on with the job. Besides, even if I had wanted to turn round and ~o the Olll I \"11 I don 't think I could have done it. , So I went on, and had got a little nea rC" lit lit blaze when a dark green door on my right opened and -a woman looked out. .1, wasn't bad looking,- decent figure, nice hair, and quite a pretty face. And s hc l \l\l~· I fairly well educated, too. I was just about to ask ber what she thougbt about 11 11 III 358

THE CANTUAR IAN when I noticed she was trying to push back into the house someone who was behind 1,,·1'. I couldn ' t see very well what it was, but it looked like a man, fairly big, with large ,I,"oping moustaches, and pointed ears. He obviously hadn 't shaved for a long time, in fact, everything abollt him was black. Black and horrid. Not terrible, or evil, IIl1t ho rrid. It seemed as though he wanted to get out of the hOllse, and away from III ' Ore, but the girl wasn' t having any. I thought for a moment that she was his wife, lIut now I come to think of it a sensible perso n like her wouldn't marry a man like him. " Anyway, I thought better of speaking to her with that hefty fellow about, so I Just went by. A few ya rds further on, J looked back for a moment, and saw what I tllo ught a very vivid comparison,-beauty and ugli ness. There was the lady, look 109 1.w. 1rcmely beautiful just at that instant. And the man, leaning over ber shoulder, looking I~V¢n more-horrid than before, I thought, .naturally, of other comparisons,- war and IWucc, night and day, friendliness and enm ity, British and..Nazis. And as I thought II I> ut Nazis my mind turned to horrors, and frol11 that to bombs, and from that to the Illet that a bomb had just landed qliite near me. So, with my mind still somewhat IIpset, I threw myself on the gro und again, to escape the blast. A silly thing to do, I know, h ili there it was. I 'hit the ground with quite a nasty bump, and at that moment the lit e seemed to rush towards me from one end of tbe passage, and this man, looking ~"I't of like a wild beast was creeping towa rds me from the other. And the next I knew \VIIS I was being rushed to hospital, in an ambulance,-~ serious case. They picked ole up about a quarter of a mile away fr9111 the nearest b~mb crater, in fact, halfway h tween home and that damned alley. I ' ve been here a fortmght now, and every moment III' it I've wished I'd spoken to that woman . As soon as I get better, I'm going along III sce her I don't like the thought of her living alone with that man. So you now ~IlOW why I want to get well quickly. Although, sometimes I feel it would do me a 1111 of har m if! did? what do you think?" Of course I didn 't know what to say. I muttered something about an extraIII' linary hallu~ination, whereupon he immediately retorted that 'it wa~ as rea,l as his I ·d. Anyway, I was jolly glad when the staff nurse came along and said my hme was II~ • Out of sheer curiosity, however, I went a day or so later as near to the exact spot III' Ihe alley as I could get (it was all flattened out ,by now) and had a look round. Here WII S the road, and there, presumably, was the line of the passage. And just along the 1'lIlsage was a door lying on top of the rubble, with dark .green pamt flaklllg off the 1'lIllcls. I lifted the door up, and underneath was. a homble look 109 cat. A. great IIlnllster of a tbmg, It was. Most of ItS fur was conll ng out, but I could see tbat It had It lei a black coat and enormous whiskers. As I was exammmg the beast, a warden rllll1e along, and I as ked him about the house. He said that an old lady of about seve~lty hlld been living there, and when the rescue workers came along they found her lYlllg ,," top of the door with the cat underneath It. The cat had ObViOusly been struggling III get out, in a dir~ction away from the road, and on the old girl's shoulder were several IIf\ly-looking claw-marks, as if the cat had been on her shoulder, and had struggled III get down. S,; far so good There was the door, the alleyway, the woman, who, tbough she WII S no lodger young and pretty, had been, according to the warden, a local beauty in It I' day. And tbere, by a stretch of imagination, in the form of tbe hOfflb,~ black cat,

THE CANTUAR I AN was the horrid black-looking man, with large moustaches fo r wh iskers. But (II 1111 III or a heap of ashes, there was no sign what soever. I searched around for a OIH\ \1 but could find nothing that indicated a blaze of any sort or description . And now we come to" the strangest part of this- affair. The man in h spll il l duly discharged, and, in spite of his presentiment, went to the spot where ho hilI! the gi rl. He collapsed almost immediately, and died half-way along the old "Ib just where he had been overtaken by the flames,· if there we re any, When he Will'I hllli he was looking over his shoulder, roughly back alo ng the alley, towards where II " ,I, was, and on the back of hi s head and on his coat were mark s as if they had bC~ 1l ,.It, And in his hand was a litt le bunch of burnt, black fUf,- fu r that could ve ry wI,1I II been torn from the coat of a horrid, black cat.



Dear School, It seems that through a misunderstand ing, last term 's letter never mUI 111111 we apologise for the om ission. However we cannot recall any events of III I I worthy of mention here. Our number remains about the same, though the short courses give m () ~ 1 "I a time here which is indeed all too short. Little or nothing has been seen f ",II I senior medica l brethren, T. Stapleton and D. Gall, for they move in plae's the ken of ordinary mortals (to wit: the Radcliffe Infirmary) W. E. C hnmlWI I been seen occasionally and has chatted to us am id the rich aromas of the III II chemistry laboratory; he was reticent about his work, but agreed that Oxfold hi very pleasa nt. Oxford is indeed a delightful spot, and seen at its best in summer, pro vh ll d , . avoids its few eyesores- the station, Carfax with its turmoil and traffic-jams, 11 11 1111 traffic-swollen main roads, and the one or two architectural horrors co mnlil h II ~ Butterfield. C. A. B. Clemetson often hails us heart ily fr om the other side of the rOlld II rowed for Magdalen in the Eights (alas, only shadows of tbeir peace-time s 'IvI I I boat finishing Head of the River after bumping Trinity in the last race des pile Ihi' 111 of its cox, J. E. C. Hinchliffe. J. A . B. Heslop 'appears to have suffered a sea-change into a chemist ; III lill> , he no lo nger reads Medicine. He owns a strange and rather decrepit bicycle 1111 I he may at times, be seen hurtl ing to lectures, an d an even stranger pipe carvetl 1111 , with cu rio us symbols. T. H. Boultbee still persists in li ving in Wad ham 'I> 1111 I, ground level as he possibly can. He is a staunch Home Guard and waS "iI , marching in a " Salute the Soldier " processio n. We suspect that he is Ih · 11111 cu ri ous sounds emanating at times from the orga n of Wad ham Chape\. At T rinity is G. C. Middleton on an R.A.F. course. He speaks somellll l\' III Union; we hear that early this term he mistook one of his dons for a SCO lil (lIlIt! , II ably, we (hink) with the res ult that relatio ns became rather straineo. Also III 1111 are Hinchcliffe, already mentioned as coxing their boat, and C. W. Birkel!. 1I"liI on short courses, and have been rather elusive; Birkett was last seen when 111111111 gO for a route march with the Naval divisio n, and we hope he enjoyed it,

I" ,


THE CANTUA RIAN Two serving O.K.S. have been seen this term. J. fl. Breese was convalescing from " recent illness and spent a pleasant morning with us, and a glimpse was caught of 1. K . Meek, now a Naval Officer. Finally, we wish the school the very best of luck and trust that it will soon be liourishing back in Canterbury once more. Yours, O.K.S. Oxon. _



/'l,e Editors invite the co-operatioll of a,K.S. ill strengthening these items ill •• THE, CANTUARIAN, , . which They cal/Ilot themselves obtain much of the necessary material, especially 1l(II'lieu/ars of promotiolls, and therefore remind subscribers that all items of lIews are a/ways we/come.

lifO 0/ particular interest to O.K.S.

R. C. Ki llin (1938- 40) writes that Cyril Johnson (1937-40) is in India. We should like more details as Johnson's entry in the War Record does not go beyond Private, Primary Training Corps. /" A. E. W. Joyce (1935- 39) and P. N. P. Joyce (1935-40) are both in the Indian Ar my. Eric is M.T.O. and Pat 2nd in Command of Transport, but the latter has been 111 a good deal, though we understand he is quite fit again now. We hear that D. K. C larke (1926-30) is reserved by the M inisiry of Economic Warfare. . O.K.S. seem to have made their mark (and a fa ir sized one) in the film world. R. ,So Grant (1923- 27) writes " I was in the New Hall with Jaco b (now a War Correspondent for the Dailyo£xpress) and also with " Charlie" F rend (1922-28) who I am glad to see has succeeded very well in the fi lm world he always loved so much. Yo u have. pro bably noticed that he directed" The San Demetrio, " a nd at least one of Ihc better M.O'!. shorts, whilst before the war he was film editor of " Mr. Chips" " A Ya nk at Oxford " and other well-known films." Then, of course ,there is Michael I'owell (19 16- 19), whose film " A New Canterbury Tale" everyone connected with the School hopes soon to see, and Carol Reed (19 17-22), of whose latest film " The Way Ahead, " The Times recently wrote, "This is another, and perhaps the best, example of the work the British studios are now do ing in striking a bala nce between the strict I\ lm document and what is known to the trade as " story in te rest. " "The Way Ahead" Irnces without affectation or facet iousness the course of the training and the way of livi ng which turn a civilian into a soldier. Mr. Carol Reed, a director who, as he showed II "Kipps," has a shrewd and humorous eye for the type wh ich constitutes so conNldera ble a part of a British Army, assem bles his recruits an d manages to indicate I'huracter without resortin g to caricature, and wbile Mr. Reed is -not afraid boldly to 0 fo r his effects and earn, o n occasio ns, a laugh which has little understanding behind 1I, he never forgets for long the integrity he owes to the men he is commemorating." T he Daily Telegraph writes of the same film, "Caro l Reed's direction is so assured Ihnt employing his talent on Army and M.O.I. shorts is rather like giving a Constable Ihe job of painting farm-hou se doors. " Carol Reed's happy touch in "Kipps " of IIlll king his hero settle down in the Cathedral Book Shop at Canterbury brought a plensant breath of ho me to exiles in Cornwall. P. H. Starnes (1935- 39) was ordained on Trinity Sunday, by the Bishop of Sil lisbury to tbe curacy of S. Mary the Virgin, Gillingham, Dorset. 361

THE CANTUARIAN The Rev. G. J. Soden (1918-2 1) was appointed in June to the unit ed be,wlh, Barsham-with-Shipineadow, diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ispwich. S. W. Brooks (1939- 43) writes that he saw" A New Canterbury Talc" rec' llI l\ II adds, " It is the next bes t thin g ro go ing back there, as the photog raphy of the l'ill' l lIII Way and the pictures of Canterbury itself are outsta nding;

it was quite a toni c.·\

O. W. Eustace (1933- 43) wrote in Ma y that there had been a sudden flood of () I news in his camp. " It started when 1 was ta lking to a Major at W.O.S.B. wh" .111 he knew A .

a: Gordon,

Brown· and Cawston.

and later [ found one of the candidates knew Chll lh'lIllI

Within a few hou rs o f returning from W.O.S.B. I learn t',1 III

Macartney, who has since moved to another part of the Ca mp, and Slater weI{' hnll in thi s block. I saw M ac~ll';ney before he departed; Slater I first enco untered III II N .A.A.F. I. (as [ suspec ted) havi ng supper." Later he wr itcs, •. We had " ., 1i .1I11 Inoculat.ion " which was very noisy while it lasted but wa s soo n over and tlw 11 111 casualty wa s one man who burnt the seat o( his pants by sitt in g on a .. thundcl'll lll1h , J. G. M, irice (1930- 39) writin g from th e Anzio Beach-head some monlh " sliys "Since 1 have been on the beach-head I have not seen any O.K.S. and Il1 Y 1,, 111 to all O.K.S. is to steer clea r of it!" He had met A. D. H. Patcrson in Nonh AIlI' 1 and also Penn and Northover. "Northo ver infornied me that he was As,1 111111 Assistant Provost Marshal, Algiers ! He was wou nded in Sicily and is n·ow ~1I11 1 ,,1 While in Tunis I met Capt. G. G. Bennett. " Writing of life on the beach-head Ill' ,I , . It is a beautiful bit of coastline and the count ry inland is just like the English OOtlllil side-woods, wild flowers and all th e familiar birds. Whe n the banging sto ps, It II" sometimes, the cuckoo and the nightingale can be hear~ ec hoing through the t'·Ct' II is a dull exi stence here though, one cannot move about much, very unl ~kc 111

il l



warfare when we thought nothing of a !mndred miles a day. Gi ve me the dCSOl1 "" , any day. There were hardships that one had to face during the advance, but i·t IVn' II II more exciting and interesting war." Possible sin ce he wrote Price has hlld ""111 further excitements; at any rate we look forward to his next letter. He says th ll l 11,,1. his eldest brother (R.E.S.) has been suffering from a fractured pelvis but is makin \' I good progress; Hugh (H.R.N.) is waiting anxiously, like millions of ol hcrs, 1111 110 word " go "; . Bill (W.S.) was failed as a fighter pilot owing to air sickness anti Iii contracted pneumonia, but is fit again. The only news of the Father of tIll' It''llll (W. J. S. 1899-1909) is that he is sli ll believed to be interned in Singapore. R. E. S. Price (1930- 37) writing in Apr il from hospital , says he had COlli I" I , H . R. Sargisson, who had very recently been married in Alexandria (detai ls wtl" ld I welcome!) and Holt-Wilso n, who was runnin g the anti-tank wing of a ll 1111111111 School. He informs us that N orthover 's du ties as Assistant-deputy A.P.M . 11 1'1" "

to involve nothing more strenuous than visiting various officers' clubs in a Jeep, \\hh I he has to share with a Deputy-Assistant A.P.M. J. Corben (1936- 42) writes that John Goudge is jumping from aerOplollll' 1111 t liking it and that J. E. P. Sampson was at t rye sa me station at one time, bu t o n Ih t' S'III ~un~ . A. J. Whichcord ([9[3--17) writes from Sutton Coldfield that i.l is rare to \\1 "" O.K.S. in that part of the world though he was stopped by one a few we ~ " " But about three years ago I came across Lieut.-Col. A. L. B. Thomso n, tht' li I II Recruiting Office, Birmingbam, now resigned . . We meet very often, all tl"·o ll ~1I II O.K.S. tie."

tHE CANTUARtAN We are so rry to hear that J. 1;1. Breese (1937- ·42) has been so seriously ill as to be Ill valided out of the Oxford. H e returns to Trinity College, Oxford, of which he is' II Ford Student, in October. . D. M. D. Evans (1936- 4[) is now pursui ng his medical studies at the Emergency Il os pital o f which Breese 's father is in charge. P. D. Kent seems to be there too, as thcy had been playing in the same Hockey team, and Bill Graham was playing on the "pposing side. Eva9s" bumped into" the Headmaster in London in April. Clarence Kin g (1937- 39) fini shed his comprehensive exams· and presented his Ihcsis for his B.A. deg ree from Princeton in March, [943, and by January 1st, 1944 ha d completed one third of his medical cou rses for an M.D. He is in the Naval V-12 I", ining programme at the University of Pennsylvania College of Medicine, Philadelphia. T. Buckland (1931 - 41) having been rejected for the Army on m.edica[ grounds " working for the B.B.C. as is his brother, John ( 1926-33) who has been discharged I',·om the Army. G. L. Clarke (1935-4[) writes most cheerfully from his overseas station, where he IN captaining the Airmen 's Hockey Team and has been partly responsible for a production Men in Shadow " in which he took the part of the Frenchman and was asked whether he was French! His mother has sent tbe Parrots a photograph of the Junior SdlOOI (ta ken about 1888 o r [892) but the only boys who can be identified are her husband, the late C. H. G. Clarke ( 1887- 97) and his brother, H. B. Clarke (1888~97). G. R. M. Apsey (19[4- 17) writes that he is seconded to the LA.M.e. " When the Jap war started 1 was holding the a ppointment of Civil Surgeon, Akyab, Burma, hut left at once to rejoin military duty, and after commanding an ambulance train for II li me I was appointed Deputy Assistant Director of Hygiene to the Burma Division, and was with them during tbe retreat. Had I told yo u this two years ago it might have hee n of some interest and 1 could ha ve expanded a bit, but it is old stuff now, I fear, li nd I don't expect you to publish it unless very hard up for copy. One thing 1 have .. bserved is that your Cornwall address does not seem to be given anywhere in tbe ,nagazine, and I have had to rack my brains to think of the name of the town which I believe the Schooris located. 1 presume that " K.S., Canterbury, Cornwall" might ~ i ve the G.P.O. rather a headache, though no doubt they would be equ~[ to it. " . N. Scarfe (1936-41) wrote from the B.W.E.F. just after receiving the May ( 'lIl/war;al/ and with it word that John Rowbotham and Gerry Armstrong had both heen killed in actioll. He says, "Looking back to our first year of pioneering in ('ornwall I see prelly clearly how valuable were those two lives, how hardly we can pu re them. Now, vividly and profitably, we remember them. " D. B. Bancroft ([936-39) is second-in-command oran L.C.T. P. G. Bennett (1934- 39) writes" I have acquired a so uvenir in the form of a pkec of a German shell and for safe-keeping have stored it in the back of my head. I he M.O. says it is harmless and ,can remain there for the present. " R. L. S. Bennett (1924-30) is now training Pilots of the Fleet Air Arm. e. e. O. Bennett (1929-34) has been temporary Curate at Woolwich. J. W. Blackmore (1935-37) has transferred from the Army to the R.A.F. and WII S recentl y stationed not far from the School, but did not manage to pay us-a visit, IIwing to transport difficulties. . 363

"r ..

tHE CANTUARiA N M. H. Penn (1935-40) had a narrow e,cape when acting as Battalion Inteli lp. ' III Officer. His truck registered a direct hit and was blown to bits, with all his kit , bill I" had taken cover in a ditch so escaped. We are sorry to learn that he has sincc 111111 I. resign his .commission owing to iLl health. A. E. e. Bredin (1920- 29) is now second-in-command of his battalion and willi that the Regiment is doing splendidly and is second to none. H. E. N. Bredin (1 926 til now commands his battalion and led the Brigade in a successful attack before 11\'111 rather badly wounded for the second time. He writes that if his was a Scottish Realll llill it would never be out of the papers ! We are glad to have good news of the Young family, J. S. (1924- 29), G . A. (I<' " 32) and W. e. (1933- 38) all of whom are reported fit and flouri shing. B. W. Fearon (1934-39) who has been a P.O.W. since Dunkirk, writes h' "I brother, D. H. Fearon (1940- 41) and sends his best wishes to all old friend s and 111'/" to attend an O.K.S. supper in London one day in the not too distant futu re. I I" I. been saitminillg for the last four years, and in his spare time takes an acti ve 111111 III amateur theatricals and boxing. He is fluent in Geeman, and is well on the way til 111111 equally profic)ent in SpanIsh. . R. M. Thorpe (1937- 38) is hoping to transfer from the Australian Arm y III II. R.A.A.F. A. Fagg (1939-43) when last heard of was training p ot far from Mr. (llll\ new School. J. Watts (1939-43) and Forder of S. E.S. were at the same pl"'I'. 1.,,1 a few months ahead of him. Fagg writes that he is trying to keep up his F rClwlt 11111 German at evening c~asses and has taken up a correspondence course.

He ad ds,



whole of my company are trying for commissions and they are a very deccII I 1111 . people. Tb:e only snag is they expect a very high standard from us and if WI' III. II • careful we are unfavourably compared with the other companies, although W 'VI 11111 had ten weeks service. " . J. R. Williams (1935-39) is uncertain which is the better, the Mess-Dc k 1'1 II Wardroom. G. A. R. MacDougall (1937- 40) was last heard of as a Cadet/ Ratin g ItN ~ I but we hear indirectly that he has since won his wings. Details would be welcl 1111 P. A. Gouldsbury (1928-37) got his commission in the R.A.S.e. in 194 1 1I11t1 in Libya for a few months and was also in the Burma retreat. He has now tl ll ". 11 I . to the Gurkha Rifles which is his brother 's Regiment too. J. M. B. Pratt (1933-37) has been given an immediate Regular Commisslil ll We hear that e. M. BoIt (1936-40) has been on a course at the R .N .H. ( •• 11. Keyham, but he did not manage to pay us a visit while there. He appears to III1VI I from outside evidence, a shining light (n a good entry. e. J. D. Murphy (1939-42) has completed two years of the Arts Co ursu til I I with honours, and has now joined the Army. He says he is enjoying II 111111 I considerably fitter than ever before and finds Sergeant-Major Marshall 's trllill "II II' , a very useful standby. C.- C. Hatton (1938-42) says he is enjoying life in the Navy; it s uit~ 11 1111 II. to the ground.

tHE CANTUAR1AN M . e. Trousdell (1936-40) writes " I well remember General Montgomery .nspecting us in 1938 and predicting that we should all be involved in the war, which he ~I:l id

must jnevitabl y come. He wa s quite right, for there can 't be many of us who we re at the School in '38 who are not in volved in this war in some way. J received II SUllday Times the other day, containing a most interesting srticle about Canterbury

' athedra l ; the ph otograph they produced showed Canterbury in a new light to me. I somehow don 't like the idea of the School or the Cathedral changing from what it was pre-war, but J' suppose that it will be impossible to rebuild it as it was..... .1 still ~IIn 't get over the sight of the women in these parts coming down from the hills with II uge bundles of wood on their hea_ds which ~ake at least four soldiers to lift; nor the lilct that they are so superstitious that if we try to take their photographs they will turn I'ound and run away. J. D. Porritt (1938- 43) writes from South Africa that he lost Mike Davies (193943) in Manchester, and thinks he and James Simpson (1938-43) were sent to another IIlrt of the Empire. H e asks for a little news about" Ommanney and the rest of that /Qt, please; r ha ve not heard a nything since we left Cambridge." We regret we ,'Il nnot oblige as we have not been favoured with any news ourselves. We can usually keep track of people as far as their candidature for Pre-O.e.T.U. because every now " lid then a little buff form comes a long for the Headmaster to sign, testifying to someti ne's good mora l character for th e past four years ; but after that we have to rely on

In rormatio n supplied to us, and tbe supply is woefully lacking at times. We learn with great pleasure of a very fUle piece of work carried out by e. H. B. Wauton (1932- 37) who, in comma nd of an ad vance patrol of an Indian mechanised II nit, occupied a village lying astride the enemy lines of communication. News of the ,,'sembly of a considerable enemy force north of the villages was conveyed to Wauton, wit se force consisted of not more than forty men. Given the option by his headquarters

ill' withdrawing and abandoning his carriers and scout cars, since reinforcement was

Imp racticable, he elected to remain and fight it out. By evening it was evident that the I Ili nge was completely boxed. in. At dusk the enemy launched an attack that continued wll Itout interval for the next twelve hours, but so skilfully had the defenders been disposed Ihll l no line of approach to the village lacked adequate protective fire. With the advent "I' daw n a daring counter-attack was launched and succeeded so completely that all lite movable vehicles broke through the enemy lines to safety. Commenting on this, Wll uton is reported to have said it was due entirely to the stupidity of the enemy. • While they were concentrating their mortars along the most obvious escape route \1-., slipped away down a track along which on ly a few machine-guns had been sited. It Wit S quite an anti-climax. " . DECORATlONS Among recent decorations awarded to O.K.S. we have some details of the following .Iwtlrds of the Distinguished Flying Cross :Flying-Officer R. J. K. Turner (1924- 27), for his " display of high skill, fortitude 111,1 devotion to duty during operations against the enemy. " He was successful in Ilii ns ing his damaged bomber safely back to its base. Acting Squadron-Leader A. Harte-Lovelace (1932- 38) R.A.F.O., 578 Squadron. 1111' citation in the supplement to the London Gazette reads :-" This officer has ' li ll pleted a notable tour of operations during which he has attacked many of the most 1 1 1I 1I ~l y defended targets in Germany. He has displayed a high standard of skill and 365


tH E CANTUARtAN gallantry and throughout hi s determination to make every sbrtie a success lUi" 111 .

most commendable. Recently Squadron Leader Harte-Lovelace took part in nn 1111." I on a target in France. When a considerable dist·ance from his objecti ve ol1e \\II~III became lIseJess. Some height and speed were lost but this did not deter Squadron I 1,111 Harte-Lovelance who went on to bomb his target. This officer is a most abk' III I, commander and he has rendered great service in the training of other mel11 bcr~ pi It squadron. . Flight-Lieutenant Peter Stanley Paine, R.A .F.V .R. 180 Squadron . The '111111, reads :-' This officer has set a fine example of determination and devotion 10 11111 He is a navigator of hIgh merit and his great -skill has played a good part in th III, of many of the operations ill wh ich he has taken part. Flight Lieutenant 1',,1111 I,· rendered much valuable service. TheJoUowing O.K. S. bave visited the School recently :Sir Theodore Adams, e. M.G . (1 894- 1904) ; R. H. Charles, e.B.E., Ii ~II (1896- 1900) ; D. S. L. Paterson, (1932- 40) ; A. G. Gordon (1939-43) ; Ii Watson (1915- 18); O. W. Eustace (1933-43) ; W. M. Enderby (1933-42). I

BIRTHS FITZGBRAw-FINcH.- On Christmas Day, 1943, in Nairobi, to Hilary and II " Fitzgerald-Finch (1927-33), a sister for Veronica (Alison Jane). HANDRlLL.- On 25th March, 1944 to Betty, wife of T. D. Handrill (1920- 22) II dll" III ROBINsoN.- On 19th February, 1944, to Deirdre, wife of Major J. F. Robin",", I' I (1928- 33) a daughter (Averil Gay). LATIBR.-On 27th April, 1944, to Hilary, wife of Cyril E. Latter (1916-25) II 'Oli PATBRsoN.- On 1st June, 1944, , to Hertha, wife of Captain A. D. H. (,,,teIM "" . II Cameronians (1929-40) a son (Ian Gordon Holm). GRAYES.- On 27th May, 1944, to Helen, wife of Brian W. Graves (1922-24) II 11I0'liI,' (Cynthia Margaret). , EusTAcE.- On 2nd July, 1944, to Rosemary, wife of Captain and Brevet Mnjll' Eustace, R.M. (l92(}-26), a brother for Sally. YEARWOOD.":'On 15th July, 1944, to Sheila, wife of Timothy Yearwood, Li III I' (serving overseas) a son (Michael John Grabam) . ENGAGEMENTS WORSFOLD- LLOYD TANNER.- Christopher Worsfold (1916-22) to Leslie, onl y dlltl I" of Mr. and Mrs. P. Lloyd Tanner. SANDFORD- O 'NEILL.- Lieutenant (E) K. R. M. Sandford, R.N., to Myra W, () only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O'Neill. STEELE- MEDHURST SAuL.-Captain H . R . R . Steele, M.e. (1934-40) Ma h' llIllI I I to June, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Medhurst Saul. WIGAN-YoUNG.-The Rev. B. J. Wigan (1931- 37) to Mary, daughter 01' 1.11 Mrs. A. Y. W. Young. 366

TH E C A N TUARIAN A' LIJN- BuRToN.- Pilot-Officer James AJan Sandeman Allen, D.F.M. (1933- 36) to Joan, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Burton. NAsH- CHAPMAN.-Robert William Nash (1933- 38) to Joan, youngest daughter of the late J. Carr-Chapman and of Mrs. Carr-Chapman . MARRIAGES ( 'OURTNBY- MARTIN.- On 28th April, Lieutenant (E) Michael Monlas Courtney, R.N. (1932- 37) elder son of Dr. J. M. Courlney (1905~9) and Mrs. Courtney, Brynderwyn, Teignmouth, to Catherine Jessie Martin, Second Officer, W.R.N.S., cider daughter of the late Engineer Commander Mark Martin, R.N. (ret.) and Mrs. Martin of Dartmouth. \ oMERvILLB- FARMBR.-On 19th January, 1944, al Christchurch, New Zealand, Lieutenant David Alford Somerville, R.N.V.R. (191 7- 27) of the Old Golf House, Sl. Margarets-at-Cliffe, Kent, to Mary Frances Stoddart Fargus Fanner. MORRIS-WHlTE.- On 22nd January, 1944, Captain James Johnston Morris (1929-33) The Gordon Highlanders, to Miriam Tabitha White, V.A.D., eldest daughter of Mrs. E. White of St. Mary's Square, London W.2. _ ( 'OOK-GEORGE.- On 17th June, 1944, Lieut. John Mansell Cook, The Buffs (1927-33) younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, Dryads Garth, Teignmouth, to Edna Patricia George, Subaltern , A.T.S., elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. George. 1'.IA¡IT- PETER.-On 17th June, 1944, Captain Harry James Roffey Pratt, K.s.L.I. ( 1930- 35) only son of Mrs. Pratt and the late Mr. B. W. Pratt, of Bickley, Kent, to Ann Loveday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peter, of Northwood, Middlesex. ,OTI¡- SHAw.-On 17th December, 1943, the Rev. W. M. F. Scott, elder son of the Inte Colonel M. F. and Mrs. Scott, to Nora Compigne, only chi ld of Canon C. L. and Mrs. Shaw.



ALGERNON LATTER A further tribute to the memory of Algernon Latter is paid by W. Rutley Mowll t IK89- 92) who writes:. .. r arri ved at the School just after Latter had left, but I remember how proud we 11 11 were of him. He was associated with many happy recollections, one of which was Ihll l he had made a century against the School when I had the misfortune to miss a I hllilce of stumping him. He evidently felt very sorry for me, as he got out of his ~lII und again very shortly afterwards and enabled me to retrieve my mistake. On another ,. 'usion he was keeping wicket for our opponents ; the otber batsman played a ball I" Hquare leg, Latter ran after it. I called for the run, as I reckoned be had only got '" 1 ~ stump to aim at b~t he knocked it down and I was out. It was a pleasure to serve li lt him of the fi rs t Committee of the O.K.S. Association a nd it was due to him that I hlld the honour of presiding at the O. K.S. Dinner in 1928. He was a splendid specimen .. I ",unhood, physically and morally, very modest and tborougbly sound and above all 1111 nsely keen on maintaining the high tone of the Scbool. Rumour has it that he was 3~7


THE CANTUARJAN appointed Headmaster on the petition of all the other masters. I also knew hlill , a parent when my own boys were at the SchooL On _Speech Day he was at hiN I" I for he had an easy delivery and a happy knack of saying the ri ght thing. His add ,,' to the senior boys who were leaving were always an inspiration. Probably the S\ 11",,1 never had a greater lover than Algernon Latter. THE REY. -GERALD MOORE MASON (1867- 75) Gerald Moore Mason was the third of four brothers who were at the School bel", " 1861 and 1877. He proceeded to Corpus Chri sti College, Cambridge a nd gn,dllliliol from that College in 1870. In the same year he was orda ined, and after curnCh' III Dover and Watford , he spent many years as C haplain Superintendent of Kin g Edwiltil

School, Willey, in Surrey. In 1900 he ['etired from this to become the Anglican hll lllllll' at Rapallo in Italy, and in 191 2 he became Rector - of Ozleworth, Glouccst 'I, hll From 1914-18 he was in charge of Holy Trini ty Church, Leamington, and spenl I" rest of his years in that town. Until a few months before hi s dea th he rcta incd iii vigorous mental and physical activities and enjoyed his man y fri endships to the 11111 The writer of this notice first met him in 1938, when he paid a visit to the School. I" came again in 1939, and was delighted to use the Tent that the Headmaster and MI Shirley had for the Canterbury Cricket Week. It was there that he spoke 01 hi affection for the School, and said he would Uke to leave " one or two little things" II it. What seems to have happened is th ~ t he then revoked his earlier will, an d II i II • making a few specific legacies, bequeathed the rest of his estate to the School. I Ii precise extent to which the School will benefit is not yet known, but it ma y w\,11 I a sum approximating to £12,000. Never could a bequest come at more opptnl,," moment.

Gerald Mason was a younger brother. of one famou s among O.KS. in th ' 1111 quarter of the 19th century, L. G. H. Mason, K.S. (1 861 - 67), known to ge neI'll I "" of boys as " Tar. " Like Gerald, Tar went on to Corpus Christi College, but retll' 11,.1 to serve as a Master in 1871 (when his youngest brother entered the School) for 37 YI'I Ii He died in 1927. Both men loved the School unselfishly and devotedly, and deserve to be h Itl III esteem by those who have followed them. May tbey rest in peace. RONALD MORRISON HASSELL (1892- 96) G. C. Karop writes, " The announcement of the death of my friend and COIIIl III porary at the School, R. M. Hassell, which occurred on 14th August, 1943, a n till' "I which has n6t previously appeared in The Cantuarian, prompts me, as one of hi~ '~I" I friends at School, to wish that this short tribute to his memory might reach O. K.S III our time who might otherwise be unaware of his passing. ,Ronald was the younger of the two brothers in the School at that time, a ltholl " over a period of about fifteen years there were three others who came a record wll,1i has been equalled, but not I believe, excelled, in modern times. Ronald and his elder brother, Alister, were both in the " Parrots" a ternl til , before my entry into the SchooL R.M. and J, being so near in age, quickly be Itiii friends. His boyish playfulness, love of sport and good humour which never d ''1'11' I bim, were an unfailine; delight and a tortic to us. His prowess in the field of Spill I I 368

THE CAN T U A R J A'N woll known to his contemporaries. He was chosen to play for his county (Kent) in hockey, a game which I do not remember was officially played at the School in our time. His Form Master, the late Mr. W. C. Price, of whom in later years I used to see a "tlod deal, when discussing School personalities, told me that he -always enjoyed his ," l1ies of wit with R.M. and that- " There was always a Hassell at the School in my I orin." Having for many years been associated with R.M. in business, I can bear testimony h i his high attainments as managing director of an important firm of shipowners to which ht' devoted his untiring energies. Those same gifts of character which distinguished hi m at School won for him the devotion and friendship, not only of his colleagues but II host of others who cherish his memory and mourn his loss. A/COMMANDER JOHN BYRON, D.S.C. AND BAR, R.D. , R.N.R. RETIRED (1094-06) John Byron left the School early and was for two years in H.M.S. Worcester where Ii became Cadet Captain and Gym. Champion. He went to sea in 1909 at the age ,,1' 18, and passed his Master Mariner 's examination three years later. He was gazetted Midshipman R. N .R. in 1909 and mobilised as a Sub.-Lieutenant R.N.R. in October, 1'1 14, serving throughout the war. In 1920 he joined the Range,-"n Pilot Service and III 1925 retired from the R.N.R. with the rank of Lieutenant-Commander. The outhleak of war in 1939 soon found him once more on active service, and in 1943 he was Itwllrded the Distinguished Service Cross and tbe Reserve Decoration; a few months ",Ier he was Mentioned in Despatches, and in February, 1944 the award of a Bar to his I ).S.c. was gazetted. He was lost in the sinking of H.M.C.S. V:alleyfield. HUGH ROBINSON LATTER (1876- 81) It is with great regret that we record, so soon after the passing of Algernon Latter,

Ihe deatb of his last surviving brother, Hugh Robinson Latter. On leaving School II , R. Latter became an Architect and Surveyor, and in 1891 was elected a Fellow of I h~ Surveyors' Institution. Like all his brothers he bad a deep affection for the School, though latterly he was not able to visit it much. But the attendance of the Headmaster lI 11d the five Senior Monitors at tbe Memorial Service to his brother in Canterbury ! ''' Ihedrallas! February gave him very obvious pleasure. MAJOR AMYAS HENRY STAFFORD NORTHCOTE M: C. (1927- 33) A. H. S. Northcote was always destined for the' Army (his grandfather held tbe V.C.) and after a School wbicb he was in tbe 1st XV and had his Boxing and I' r. Colours, be went to Sand hurst, and at the outbreak of war was serving as a 2nd I utenant in the South Lancasbire Regiment He was wounded in Madagascar, " (lIlloted Lieutenant, Captain and T/Major and reported killed in action last March. 1II, ratber writes :.. Amyas had a great love for The King 's Scbool, where he had been bappy for 1IIIIII y years. As you will know be was given the M.C. " on the field" at Diego Suarez h,,¡ II very gallant piece of work, and Lbave heard from his Brigadier that he fell leading til Oattalion in,an attack on the enemy." 36P

THE C ANTUARIAN WILLIAM DUNCAN GULLOCH, (1937-41) W. D . Gulloch was a House Prefect of Wa lpole H ouse a nd a regula r contlll1l1l1 to the Cantuarian. Of a very quiet and reserved nature, probably few people at S. Iill,>I knew him really well, but those who did fo und him a very true fri end, whose III I irreparable. Perhaps he is best remembered at School as a very proillisi ng light'VI'II'''1 boxer, who boxed for the School on several occasions. He was cOlllmissioned I" II, Black Watch, but was serving with the King's Own Scottish Borderers when Ill' , sent on a special mission, from which only two men returned . Officia ll y po",·11 .. missi ng " we fear there is little hope of his st ill being alive. Me was on ly 19. WALLACE DAVID HATTON (1937-40) Dav id Hatton left School in Jul y, 1940, before his 17th birthday, in order til 1"1, the Army at the earliest possible moment.

H e reached th e rank of Corpora l III lit

Beds, and Herts. Regiment and later received his Ca det tra ining in rndia and join '\I II. 19th Hyderabad Regi ment. We understand th at he later joined a Parac hute 0"" "11,,, and in March last be was reported killed in actio n at the age of 20. O. K. JOHNSON ( 1936- 41) It was a great grief to us all to lea rn of the deatb in the recent offensive ill " "Iv " June of O. K. Johnson. Our sympathy goes out 10 his parents Mr. and Mrs. II. I 1,1·. Johnson and to his brother D. K. Johnson, the present Captain of School Hous . , " O.K. ," as he was always ca lled, came to tbe School in September, 1936 wI lli " Exhibition in Mathematics. He was soon elected a King 's Scbolar and later " S"IIII Scholar. His progress in School House was steady and in 1941 he became its ·"I't 'IIi' He was also Editor of The Call1 uarian and held tbe ra nk of Sergeant in tbe 0.'1'.< .11,,1 got his 2nd XV Colours. O.K. although destined for his fat her's E lectrica l WII' was very keen on soldiering. He j oined the L.D. V. as the Home Guard was first \ 1111, I soon after its inception and whilst he was still at School. He was an excell III .h,,' and he was easily accepted under the Uni versity Training Scheme to join Ib Hilr'l Engineers. He went to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge where he was s ht'tlll I to return after the war was over. He was as active at Cambridge as he had been lit . II, and as a broken leg cut him off from playing Rugger he took up rowing a nd """' I his colours. In November 1942 he was co mmissioned in the R.E. a nd went out to the Mllloll East. He was in the first assault on Sici ly with the Eighth Arm y and was in till III land ing in Italy, tatting part in the battle for the Anzio beach·head. [n the MIII.II East he was the sports officer of his company a nd ran a Ru gby XV, Football •• " ~I" and also organised a draw for the benefit of the lads over there. He was a mOSI pil I'" I officer and highly esteemed by all who came in contact with him. His Housemaster writes :.. I always feared that O.K. would be one of those who never ca me back III whole life was modelled on service to others. His affectionate ·unselfish Chili ," I found full scope in the Arm y, where he undertook many activities for his mell , \\ 1,1 I he li ked so much. At first sight one might think him too quiet and un" ssul1ll l1 I when one got to know him one realised that these qualities were but Ihe (1111 ". expression of the deeper sentiments of loyalty and modesty which became him " I He was in fact a perfect gentleman, brave a nd courteous to the last, and his los. 111111 felt by al! W)lO came into qlnt~ct with him.




THE CANTUARIAR A letter from one of his friend s, Captain Hovingden, of the 1st Green Howards, relates the circumstances of O.K 's death. Accompanied by three officers of the Green Il owards and one or two men O. K. was making a reconnaisance during the night to see where. a bridge could be built fo r the infa ntry to cross. The .. recce" went off , uccessfully, they got through the m'inefield safely, found the site for the bridge and we re on their return journey when within 60 feet of their "wire" a Corporal of the

Ireen Howards trod on an isolated and unsuspecled mine. O.K ., who was crawling yard or two behind, was instantly killed by the blast. He is buried in the British Milita ry Cemetery at Anzio .


G. A. H . BAKER (193 8- 42) I It is with profound regret that we record the death in June by a flying bomb in the Sout h of England of Alan Baker. The censorship will not permit us to say more than Ihat Alan, who had got a half Blue at Oxford and was one of the best runners in his Regiment was compeling in its sports. He had just won the half mile and was last ,cen wa lking up with the rest of the competitors to the starting point for the qua rter mile when a fl ying bOlilb fell amongst them a nd he was blown to pieces. Our sympathy Hoes .out to his father and his step mother (Olive Groves) two of the oldest a nd most ' devoted friends the School has got.

George Alan Hill Baker was the only child of George Baker, the well-known singer lind of the actress Katherine Hilliard . He came to the School in September, 1938 and soon showed himself full of versatility. and promise. He was a House Prefect of School House, Han. Secretary of /'lie Cantuariall, H a n. Secretary of the Music Club, Cataloguer of the Library and a ('orporal in the J.T. C. He was an exceptionally fine runner and had his 1st Athletic 'olours. After passing his Higher Certificate he was elected to a Ford Exhibition in Il istory at Trin ity College, Oxford a nd he left to go there in December, 1942. In July, 1943 he joined the Welsh Guards and was commissioned in April, 1 ~44. He came dow n to visit the School a day or two later and was the first O. K.S. to salute General Montgo mery on his arrival here. Their names appear in the O.K.S . Visitors Book Ide by side. His Housemaster writes :-" Alan Baker's dealh came as a very great shock and loss to me. The im pression I always carried about with me from the time he first came In School House was that of vitali ty and quickness. I have never met a schoolboy who lI"d a quicker or more nimble mind than his, he thought rapidly, spoke rapidly a nd II 'ted rapid ly. H e was moreover a splendid runner and none of us ~ i ll ever forget hIs play on the left wing in a very vital H ouse match. He was versatile as well as a gifted hoy. He inherited his father's love of music and his mother 's skill in acting and I can 11Il see him getting up the end of term H ouse plays, acting in School plays, singing in .'oncerts or "breezing" about the Choir. He was also a skilful debater and had a k 'en wit. H is powerful and creative mind was a joy to deal with and it is an appa lling IIlIgedy that a boy whose talents had so obviously marked him out to play an active IIIId perhaps important part in the general work of post war reconstructi on should IIlmself be cut off in the prime of early yo uth. Our most sincere sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Baker and to his half-brother, M. G. Chatterton (1938-43). 17\

THE CANTUARIAN ARNOLD ANTONY EGERTON JONES (1921 -30) Tony Egerton Jones and his brother, who is serving with the New Zcaland I ,,' in Italy entered the School not lo ng afte r the, r father JOIned the staff. To ny • House Prefect of Dayboys (not then known as Marlowe House) and was for I"" in the Cricket XI. From School he went to Sandhurst, whence he was gazell ed III II Dorsetshire Regiment in February, 1934. He served in Palestine, 1936-7~ and I" I I" from September, 1939 on the staff of the 1st Division un >il Dunkirk,. beong M,,,II 10 "' ' in Despatches. He went to the Middle East with the 50th DlVlslOn on Ma y, I'MI , served with the Durham Light Infantry and lhe Green Howards throu!lh the """11 "11 in North Africa, Sicily and Italy, havmg rejoined hi S regiment 111 ,SIcily 111 JlIll l\ PH At that time no less than three O.K.S. were Co mpany Commanders on the same bll l lllih the other two being A. E. C. Bredin (1920- 29) and W. N. H ayes (1933- 37). I II reported wounded in June, 1944 but remained o n duty. A few days latcr he WII kill ' instantly by a shell while going round his compan y III the front hne. P.G.R. writes :-" Those of us who knew Tony Egerto n-Jo nes when he wa,,, '"" Parrot with an exhaustive knowledge of the na mes, averages and explo,ts of ( 11111" cricketers have been watching his army ca reer with pride and anxiety. He CII!! H I us once v.:hen on leave and told us a little of his experiences. He was the same III 1'1, as ever, cheery, sound and ready f<;>r anything. We knew he would be amon~ 1111 It, to lead in battle and we hoped h,s good luck would hold. We can only sny til I,· parents, We, too, have lost Tony." A brother officer wrote to his parents: " I have known Tony ever since W lilli, ' the Regiment together and a fin er friend I could not have had. He was ador (I hI 10 men and respected by all who knew him . Completely. fearless, IllS cool . ,,,HI , ,II

manner inspired the greatest cO,nfidence in peace as well as 10 war and hi S pa~~1f1 " 1111 I He Will always be remembered but ne.ver replaced.

a big ga p in our ranks.






,"e Edilors oJ " THE


I, ,

I ha ve heard several ex planations of the" Red Rose '.' worn on Speech Day, which such a mystery. It is, undeniably, a custom of some considerable antiquity, so Illd i it, in fact, that the reason for its institution is obscured in the mist of ages. There ,¡,'111 to be, at the present, two schools of thought; one holds that it is a survival of Ih red Lancastrian rose of the wars of the RQses; the other holds that it commemorates Ih,' refo under and benefactor of the school, Henry VIII. I am presu ming, in face of these two existing theories, to put forward a new one, wh,ch, it seems, is more probable than either. When Canterl:lUry Ca_thedral was being Io llill, the stone was unloaded a t Fordwich at a quay belenging to St. Augustine's Abbey. III 'o nseq uence, the a bbol of Christ Church paid a token rent of one. rose a year, to the Ihhot of St. Augustine. This is, 1. suggest the explanation of the custom. If an y ,,'.Iders have further ideas 1 sincerely hope that they wi U write to the editer. - Yours, etc., l'll ll1 S

P. H. /11 the Editors oJ" THE



II ~, On behalf of the Cricket Club I should like to thank these who have helped with the , licket this term, especially Mr. Juckes, who helped with the erection of the nets, and MI'. Stephen-Jones for his interest in the Colts. I am sirs, Your obedient servant, G. L. ACKERS, Captain oj Cricket. / II

the Editors oj "


~ Irs,

On behalf of the Athletics.Committee 1 sho uld very much like to take this opportunity III tha nkin g Mr. C. A. Richmond a nd Mr. W. Stephen-Jones and also aU other masters ' loll' their in valuable help in the Athletics and Sports this year. I should also like to congratulate the Scheol on the fine standard this year, admirably ,IClllonstrated by the times in the Sports, and to thank it for all its keeness and enthusiasm. I am, Sirs, YaUf obedient servant, J. P. B. SHEPHERD, Caplain oj Athlelics.

THE CANTUARIAN To tlte Editors of " THE


Sirs, It gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity of thanking all those who hr ll' .1 with the swimming this term. . We owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. H. Goodburn, who spent so much 1111', on the life-saving, and who coached the swimming team. I am very grateful ;'lIh .. 1 for his generous assistance. I am, Sirs, _ Your obedient servant, D. K. JOHNSON, Captain of SWIIlIIIi/1I

To tlte Editors of " THE CANTUARIAN " Sirs, , May I thank all those who have helped to make this season 's tennis so suc ',,1111 The Tennis Club is specially grateful to Mrs. S. C. Mayne, who has spent much 11111 and trouble in coaching the six. I am, Sirs, Your obedient servant, M. J. GORDON, Captain of 7"/111/

OUR CONTEMPORARIES The Editors acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following contemp(II lIl II and apologise for any mistakes or omissions :Tlte Ampleforth Journal, The Barroviall, The Blundellian, The Bradfield (,,,/1. . Chronicie, The Bryanston Saga, The Campbellian, The CllOlmelian, The Cralllm lliA /"" The Elizabethan, The Felstedian, The Glenalmond Chronicie, The Gresham, The Hailc)'lillll .... The Hu~st Johnian, The Joumal of the Honourable Artillery Company, The Kelly ( 'ul/, Chronicie, The King's School Parramatta Magazille, The Lancing College MIIH/I I" Tlte Leys Fortnightly (3), The Lorretonian, The Manwoodian, The Marlburiall, TIl/' AI, I, (2), The Middlesex Hospital Journal, The Ousel (2), The Plymothian, The JlIIII/, I... The ReptolliaN, The Roffensian, The Rossallian, The St. Edward's School Chrollldl'. I St. Edmund's School Chronicie, The Salopian, The Stonyhurst Magazine, The .\,1//, ' Valence School Magpzine, The Tonbridgian, The Worksopian .



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