Summer 2014 Communique

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O V MC OAM M U N I Q U E Vo l u m e X X V I I • I s s u e I I

S ummer 20 1 4







what’s inside

Executive Board 2013-2014 President Mark Shackelford, DVM

President Elect

Columns 2

President’s Message


State Veterinarian’s Report

Pat Grogan, DVM


From the Desk of the Dean



AVMA Delegate Update

Yalonda Burton, DVM

Vice President

Rosemarie Strong, DVM

Immediate Past President Greg Campbell, DVM

Dist. Director Rep. Sarah Kirkpatrick, DVM

Features 4

2014 Graduates

District One Kevin Long, DVM Lauren Johnson, DVM


Tulsa and OKC State Fairs


News at a Glance

District Two Roger Holley, DVM Ed Gilsleider, DVM


Tulsa OVMF Golf Tournament


OSU Teaching Hospital

District Three Gary Stone, DVM Jim Bentley, DVM


Friends for Folks Expands Program


Foundation Scholarships

District Directors

District Four Cade Coppenbarger, DVM Sarah Kirkpatrick, DVM District Five Angie DuBois, DVM Kelly Barger, DVM

Student Representatives Kristen Kemper Kelsie Carisle

AVMA Delegates Ken Bartels, DVM Charles Freeman, DVM

Executive Director

Advertiser’s Index 3

Burkeen and Clagg, PLLC


Partners for Healthy Pets


VAS Inc.


In Their Face Marketing


Jana Black

Membership Coordinator Nylia Burch

Communications Coord. Josh Hutton

1 OVMA Communique

upcoming events

President’s Message Foundation hosts e vent s, licensing update.


Ma r k Sha c ke lfo rd , DV M

e are finally turning the corner

a great program of CE and a chance

and the earlier you sign up, the easier

into summer. It seemed like

to reconnect with colleagues. Please

it is for the coordinators to complete

plan on attending.

their schedules.

an exceptionally cold winter this year, and it’s nice to see some green and

On April 8, the OVMA Executive

Finally, there has been some confu-

sunshine. Hopefully, we’ll get a suffi-

Board held our spring meeting at the

sion as to whether or not the Okla-

cient amount of rain this year to pull

History Center in Oklahoma City,

homa Board of Veterinary Examiners

us out of this statewide drought.

and afterwards we hosted a “meet and

will be raising licensing fees this

greet” with various legislators and

year. The answer is a resounding NO.

Foundation (formerly the OVMF) is

OVMA members from around the

There are no plans to raise fees now or

very busy this year. Spay Day, which

state. This was a great opportunity to

in the near future. The question was

was held on February 25, was a great

talk one-on-one with representatives

whether the state legislature would

The Oklahoma Animal Care


to share ideas and food, and

“sweep” non-appropriated agencies,


converse in an informal atmo-

such as the OBVME, for an increase

sphere. We are hoping to contin-

of their reserve funds. As of this writ-

May 6 in Broken Arrow at Indian

ue these gatherings in one form or

ing, that will not happen this year.

Springs Golf Club and a second tour-

another in the coming years.

There was a golf tournament on

nament will be held on August 21 at

The state fair committees are al-

Coffee Creek in Edmond. Both will

ready meeting and working hard to

raise funds for the Pet Overpopula-

plan the Tulsa and Oklahoma City

tion Fund, and I encourage everyone

surgery suites and birthing centers in

who can to sign up to play for a very

the fall. These are excellent teaching

worthy cause.

programs for the public, and, when

We are also looking forward to the

the time comes, I would ask the mem-

OSU/OVMA Summer Seminar in

bers to sign up for a slot to show our

Stillwater on June 6-7. It looks to be

support. We always need volunteers,

OVMA Communique

Here’s to a productive and safe summer, and I’ll plan on seeing you in Stillwater June 6-7.


ms ha c kd v m @tul s a c ox m ai l .c o m



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405.478.1002 3 OVMA Communique


C Jordan Ahrendt Francesca Alexander Alissa Anderson Amanda Anderson Adam Arche Jonathan Bagwell Kathryn J. Bailey Dakota Baker Michelle Baker Victoria Barnett Audra A. Blasi Stacy Blaylock Stefanie M. Bolas Jason Carver Cassandra Cullin Ashley De Meo Carolyn Dickinson Andrew Dunn Wendy O’ Neal Elbert Jacqueline Evans Jacquelyn Faulkner Whitney Fry Brandy Germany

ongratulations c l a s s

Carolyn Gimble Sadie Gleason Amy Green Nicole Greiner Kyle Harper Kelsey Harris Emily C. Heck Brian Hale Herrin Kara Carlson Herrington Helen Andrea Hoerler Laura Jacobson Kami Jensen Cami Jo Jeter Heath Jones Kirstin Keany Erin Osborne Kilbane Lisa Kilhoffer Lauren Kinter Winstead Kirkpatrick Kathryn P. Knotts Alexandra Kondos Betsy Kriner Andrea Kuehn

o f

Katie Kughn Judith LaBounty Jennifer Ann Ladd Quinci Layman Rachel L’Heureux Brent Link Kevin James Lisenbee Jennifer Livesay Shannon Lynch Kelly Manke Nicole Lynn Mason Allison Maxey Jacob Truitt McCabe Amanda L McCasland Sarah McGee Emily L. Messner Rachel L Neese Rob Pieratt Natosha Provence Melissa Raymond Sammie Jo Redding Heather Rhoden Sarah Ripperger

OVMA Communique

2 0 1 4

Alisha J. Rogers Aimee Rome Stephanie Brynn Ross Kathleen E. Scott Alyssa Sharkey Robert Tanner Snowden Sarah Stegman Kristina Marie Szentirmay Morgan Thompson-Smith Rebecca S. Tims Luisa C Velasquez Roxanne Danae Wallace Jill D. Weber Timothy Werner Hayley Wilhite Ryeland Wilhite Amanda Wilson Elizabeth Wilson Kimberly Wilson Candace Wimbish Karen Wong



State Veterinarian Report Up d ates on anima l d is e as e t r a c e abi l it y and changes in CV I rep or t ing te ch nol og y. Rod Ha ll, DV M


hings have been busy in the Ani-

USDA is in the process of making

and encourage your clients to vacci-

mal Industry Division of ODAFF

PEDv a reportable disease. At the time

nate to protect their horses. Please

since the last report I submitted.

of this writing we’re not sure what will

report neurologic equine cases to us,

We are in the process of hiring new

be required of affected herds, but it is

and remember that we can help pay for

employees to replace those who have

probable that a herd plan and move-

testing for EHV-1, WNV, and EEE if

retired or taken jobs with other agen-

ment documentation will be involved.

you report those cases to us.

cies. Due to the USDA’s recent reorga-

The veterinarian who provides ser-

nization we are adjusting to a new and

vices for the herd will likely have to be

We hear of more rabies cases in the spring and summer due to more

“SOON WE’LL BE ABLE TO OFFER AN IPAD APP TO DO ECVIS AND HAVE THEM AUTOMATICALLY EMAILED TO US.” different relationship with our partners. We are working to maximize

involved in preparing the herd

animals and people being outside and

our efforts to meet the requirements of


increased activity within the skunk

the Animal Disease Traceability (ADT)

It seems like we are getting more

population. Over the past couple of

rule. Despite the “big picture” items,

reports nationwide of EHV-1. How-

years we’ve seen some livestock rabies

we do our best to stay on top of and

ever, I suspect this is due to increased

cases that caused serious issues to both

keep you all informed about disease

awareness and reporting of the disease

animal and human health. Please

issues such as PEDv, EHV-1, Tricho-

and not true increased incidence.

encourage your clients to vaccinate

moniasis, potential foreign animal dis-

With spring here and summer on the

their pets and outside dogs and cats

eases, and other threats to Oklahoma’s

horizon, please keep all the causes of

to create a barrier of protection. It is

livestock industry.

neurologic disease in horses in mind

also important for owners to vaccinate

5 OVMA Communique

horses, show animals, and other live-

GlobalVetLink to produce CVIs, and

stock with which they are in frequent

we will shortly be offering an electron-


ic CVI that, while not having all the

The ADT rule is resulting in some

functionality of GVL, will have no cost

states reviewing CVIs more critically

involved and can be emailed directly

and rejecting many for incomplete ad-

to us, saving you the trouble and cost

dresses, late submissions, incomplete

of mailing the documents. We are also

ID, etc. We’ve tried to buffer some of

very excited that soon we’ll be able to

those calls and rejections, and we have

offer an iPad app to do eCVIs and have

only been rejecting CVIs for what we

them automatically emailed to us. We

believe are more serious issues.

would love to visit with practitioners

With that being said, we want to help make it easier for you to comply

about this new technology and how it can help you and us.

with the new rule and the restrictions

Keep us in mind for any of your

that states are putting on practitioners.

local or district meetings. We would

We had good participation at the

love to present information on new

convention in our presentation about

technology, as well as any of our other

electronic CVIs. We’re seeing more




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OVMA Communique


A yearly visit to your family vet is as essential as food and love.

Make an appointment for an annual checkup today.

This message sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Animal Hospital Association. Š2013 American Veterinary Medical Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

7 OVMA Communique

state fair

STATE FAIRS BE A PART OF VETERINARY EXHIBITS AT TULSA OR OKC A crowd gathers (below) at the Tulsa Fairgrounds to see the birthing center set up by our membership. The combination of live animals and veterinary expertise have made the veterinary displays at both state fairs extremely popular. Pigs nursing their young (left) is just one of the components of the animal birthing center. Often bovine and equine species are represented as well.



The Oklahoma State Fair will take place September 11-21 at State Fair Park. OVMA’s on-site surgical center has been one of the most popular attractions year after year. This is an opportunity to educate the public directly. There is also an animal birthing center at the park. To make this event a success, we need your help. We’re looking for veterinarians, veterinary assistants, technicians and both veterinary and technician students to help staff the facilities. If you’d like to be a part of the process please send the OVMA office an email or give us a call.


email us at or call us at 405.478.1002 to volunteer today

SEPT. 25-OCT.5 • 4145 E 21ST ST The animal birthing center and the surgery suite setup by OVMA at the Tulsa State Fair has been by far the most popular exhibit for the last several years. We hope you’ll join us at Tulsa to show children and adults across the state the positive differences you make every day on the job. If you’d like to volunteer please contact the OVMA office through phone or email. We look forward to both Tulsa and OKC Fairs this fall.

OVMA Communique


spay day

Spay Day Results On Feb. 25 veterinarians across the state participated in Spay Day. For one day veterinarians donate spay and neuter procedures and have their clients donate the usual cost to the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Foundation. The money raised goes to benefit the Pet Overpopulation Fund. This year the fundraiser brought in $4,203.99.

2015 OVMA Awards if they dominate, you must nominate. Nominate your peers in the categories of : • Veterinarian of the Year • Companion Animal Practitioner • Distinguished Service • Food Animal Practitioner • Equine Practitioner • Industry Representative Know a special pet? A hero? A service animal? Nominate the pet for OVMA’s Animal Hall of Fame.

let us know at

9 OVMA Communique

member benefits


Credit Card Processing Vet Pay Affiniscape Merchant solutions 866-376-0950 Infintech Kevin Walter 888-908-6952

Credit Union

Tinker Federal Credit Union

Message Provider Onholdworx Rick Jones 800-460-4653 405-843-4653


Texcap-Concord Mike Bass 866-715-0484

The DVM PAC was created in recognition of

Client Financing

Financial Planning AXA Advisors Jack Sullivan 405-285-4500


CareCredit 800-300-3046 ext 4849 or 714-490-4849

the need to increase political activity and awareness among members of the veterinary medical professions. The non-partisan political

Save enough money to pay your dues.

Veterinary Career Network

action committee provides financial support for state political candidates. DVM PAC exists through the

Take advantage of member benefits.

voluntary contributions of OVMA members. Contributing to the DVM PAC reflects your commit-

OHPP Since 1983, The Oklahoma Health

ment and adedication to political activity and education of key issues that affect professionals throughout Oklaho-

Professionals Program (OHPP) has

ma who are experiencing difficulty

provided services to over 1,000 phy-

with substance abuse. If you have

sicians, veterinarians, and health care

questions, or are seeking help, please

providers with alcohol and chemical

contact OHPP today.

dependence. OHPP is an outreach program designed to support and

(405) 601-2536

monitor medical and allied health

the veterinary professions. You, as OVMA members, are vital to our political activities and success. We cannot wait until a legislative bill activates us. We must develop and nurture our legislative contacts as often as we can.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Bill Barrett, DVM Non-Resident Sharon Baker, DVM District I

1969 2007

OVMA Communique



osu cvhs

From the Desk of the Dean OSU CVH S break s g round on ne w acade mic building. Dea n Jea n Sa nde r s DVM, MA M, DA CP V


ell, the long awaited academic building is ready to break

ground. While it isn’t all that we wanted and the design isn’t perfect, we have much to celebrate. First, this building has been a long time coming. Drs. Lorenz and MacAllister had developed plans several years ago with the intention of having this funded by a benefactor of the college. That did not come to fruition and an analysis of our donor base made it clear that we did not have the capacity to raise the $13 million it would have taken to build the plans that had been developed. However, the President of Oklahoma State University felt the current faculty office situation was unacceptable and needed to be changed. Knowing I would not be able to draw donors for faculty offices, he was willing to fund this part of the building for us at a price tag of $6 million. That said I am still required to raise funds to build the auditorium, which was a part of the original plan (more on this later). So while we are not yet planning the auditorium, at least the office part of the building which we do have funds to build will get the clinical sciences faculty out of the basement

cubicles (their current offices were

This process has been a real edu-

intended to be a temporary situation to

cation. While I was involved with

accommodate faculty needs back when

building plans while at the University

the Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching

of Georgia, I was not involved to this

Hospital was built in 1976) and into


real offices with walls that go up to the ceiling and a window.

I have seen a lot more of what goes into making this sort of dream a

11 OVMA Communique

reality. We’ve worked with some great

during construction. The building will

brought to me for all the money in the

architects and our general contractor

take about one year to complete.

world. That is why I give back. There

has been more than accommodat-

In the meantime I am still working

are naming opportunities for folks

ing. The plans have been drawn and

to raise the funds needed to build the

redrawn to get the critical needs met

auditorium. We all have those ideals

OSU-CVHS is proud to say that

while staying within our allotted bud-

that really matter to us and stimulate

our giving percentage is well over the

get. The new offices will be located on

us to give. Your passion might be

average for other veterinary colleges

the Northwest corner of the BVMTH.

finding cures for devastating diseas-

which speaks well to the affinity of

It will have the same Georgian design

es or helping the homeless or saving

our alumni to this college. If you are

that is common on the OSU campus.

animals or things that affect children.

moved to help make this place the

I’m certain there will be some grum-

All are noble causes. For me it’s always

best it can be, I ask that you contact

bling as this is major construction and

been education. Personally, I am very

our Development Officer, Ms. Heather

will require some adaptation of faculty,

grateful that I am able to give where it

Clay. She can be reached at hclay@os-

staff, students AND clients. That

matters to me. Without my education, or 405-385-5607. I know

said, the building crew have been well

my life would have been very different

the students would greatly appreciate

informed about the need to keep the

and most likely not as great as it has

having a nice auditorium to learn in.

hospital functioning and accessible.

been. I know we talk about the cost of

Thanks for your consideration and go

We have made plans to modify some

education, and it is high, but I would


of our parking as we will lose some

not give back what my education has

OVMA Communique

who wish to leave a legacy.


avmf animal connection

Traveling Exhibit Stops in Okla. AV MA- and AVM F-spon s ored Smith s onian e x hibit makes a stop in Moore .

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) have partnered with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) and Zoetis to create “Animal Connections: Our Journey Together,” a custom-built exhibition housed on an 18-wheel truck that introduces visitors of all ages to the complex bond between humans and animals. The exhibit’s tour kicked-off at the 2013 AVMA Convention in Chicago, in July, it is now traveling throughout the USA. On Saturday, May 10, the exhibit stopped in Moore, Oklahoma at Fiercely Fearless: A Community Event to Prepare and Empower Families for Oklahoma’s Storm Season, sponsored by the Girl Scouts of Southwest Oklahoma. The event took place at First Baptist Church of Moore, 301 NE 27th St, Moore, OK, from

10:00am to 3:00pm. The exhibit featured a display case of foods and household products that are harmful to pets. There were interactive operating tables where children and adults could use a touch screen to diagnose and treat animals, simulating a visit to the veterinarian. A steady stream of people passed through the exhibit. OVMA had several volunteers present at the event.

Pick up photos from the 2014 convention today.



ORDER It’s just that simple.

Join us Aug. 21 at Coffee Creek Golf Course in Edmond, OK. Registration at 7:30 a.m. Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Visit for more.

13 OVMA Communique

relief list

OVMA Relief Veterinarian List Statewide • Bill Barrett, AUB ‘69, SA/Mixed, (903) 564-3136 • Jimmy Fuchs, OKL, ‘77, SA / Mixed, 580-225-7784 • Nick Mosier, OKL, ‘09, SA, 580-320-3081 • Elizabeth Calabria, TEX ‘88 SA/Mixed, 580-326-4573 • Chris Bellinger, OKL ‘10 Mixed, 405-481-9392

Oklahoma City Area (405 Area Code unless indicated otherwise) • Heather Cobb, OKL ‘85, SA, 789-2206 • Mary Kay Webster, OKL ‘02, SA, 923-6806 • Tami Spivey, OKL ‘96, SA, 642-3529 • Stacey Riffel, OKL ‘97, SA, 330-8930 • Jacob Boyer, OKL, ‘05, SA, 255-8506 • Camille Sieger, OKL, ‘09, SA 735-9697 • Kim Weiss, OKL, ‘99, SA/Exotic, 204-0612 • Phil McKinney, OKL, ‘74, SA, 918-694-5566 • Amy Auwarter, GA, ‘04, SA, 706-338-2154 • Elizabeth Calabria, TEX ‘88 SA/Mixed, 580-326-4573 • Chris Bellinger, OKL ‘10 Mixed, 481-9392 • Kyle German, OKL ‘10 SA, 405-596-6758 • Bonnie Boone, OKL ‘90 SA, 405-823-3546 • John Calhoun, OKL ‘89 SA, 405-378-0783 • Shannon Johnson, OKL ‘98 SA, 719-339-9943 • Tracey Alden, OKL ‘99 SA, 405-517-8399 • Ron Mollet, OKL ‘74 SA, 405-831-7492 • Ronny Kiehn OKL ‘70, SA, 580-481-8590

Tulsa and Northeast (918 Area Code unless indicated otherwise) • Charles Clinkenbeard, KSU ‘64, Mixed, 333-5848 • Jonathan Stout, OKL, ‘02, SA, 557-9687 or 396-0216 • Carolynne Cash, OKL, ‘96, SA/Mixed, 346-0823 • Camille Sieger, OKL, ‘09, SA, 405-735-9697 • Phil McKinney, OKL, ‘74, SA, 694-5566 • Elizabeth Calabria, TEX ‘88 SA/Mixed, 580-326-4573 • Chris Bellinger, OKL ‘10 Mixed, 405-481-9392 • Carolyn Fairless, TEX ‘89 SA, 918-625-5200

Foundation Memorials Pet Memorials • 15th Street Veterinary Group • Marlow Veterinary Clinic • Sandy Creek Veterinary Care • The Mobile Pet Vet • James & Esther Perry /Emily Cefalo • Warwick Animal Hospital

Thank you for your support!

IN MEMORY Bob Fields DVM OVMA member for 33 years OKL - 1978 1953-2014 Bill Ryan DVM OVMA member for 52 years OKL - 1951 1927-2013

To be added or removed from the list, please call the OVMA office at 405.478.1002

OVMA Communique


avma changes

AVMA Delegate Update Changes propos ed to delegate sy ste m . Ke n Bart e ls , DV M


ello to my OVMA colleagues!

gates—that’s right, no Alternate Del-

AVMA. If these resolutions or policies

Perhaps by press time, the

egate. One Delegate would be elected

are moved forward, the HOD is ensur-

upcoming AVMA meeting/convention

through an AVMA election process

ing oversight for the implementation

in Denver this year (July 25-29) will

and the election run by the AVMA.

so the EB and AVMA staff have input

have taken place. It should be a good

The other Delegate would be chosen/

from their constituents. I’d be pleased

meeting. Lots of decent events planned

elected by the respective state VMA

to discuss these potential changes with

as well as top-notch CE. The election/

or allied association. Each Delegate

you if they make it to the HOD floor or

campaign for President-elect (Dr. Lar-

would have ½ of the weighted vote

proceed with Executive Board approval

ry G. Dee of Florida and Dr. Joseph H.

for that respective state. Term limits

without HOD input.

Kinnarney of North Carolina) is hotly

(probably 4 years) with re-election

contested. For Vice-President, Dr.

possible one time would be another

there are many opportunities for

Mark Russak and Dr. Rebecca Stinson

item discussed. There is a lot of con-

OVMA members to step forward and

are working hard to be elected. These

troversy over this whole process with

be considered as potential candidates

are important decisions since the elect-

state’s rights, diversity, as well as what

for AVMA Task Forces, Councils,

ed officers provide tremendous influ-

should the AVMA represent in the 21st

and Committees as progress for more

ence on the shape of the profession for

century. Other items to be discussed,

direct member involvement is in-

the next few years.

as the process progresses at a snail’s

stituted. Much of the AVMA policy

pace, would be having a Vice President

determination and review takes place

change has created a maelstrom of

changed to a Student Focus Director

in these entities and often the time

discussion among the Delegates

and the Treasurer chosen by the HOD

commitment is not as much as some

(HOD), the Executive Board (EB), and

and have voting privileges. Again, it is

would think considering the concept of

the Governance Engagement Team.

a PROCESS that must be taken a step

virtual meetings and teleconferences.

As the House Advisory Committee

at a time.

My commitment to you is to make cer-

The potential AVMA governance

Chair, I have tried to work objectively

I’ve said it before a dozen times

Policies to discuss in the near future

tain our profession’s best interests are

to engage the HOD in all the discus-

with impact on the profession are sow

kept on the table and also represented

sions so the Executive Board is aware

gestation crates, judicious use of anti-

to the best of my ability. Dr. Freeman

of the state VMA and allied associa-

microbials, declawing of domestic cats,

and I seek your input, especially now,

tion’s opinions and suggestions. One

“horse tripping”, drug labeling, policy

to make certain your ideas and con-

bylaw change that potentially will be

on internet pharmacies, veterinary eth-

cerns are brought forward in the open

discussed in Denver is a resolution

ics, veterinary dentistry, and a change

forum of discussion and objectively

to allow each state to have two Dele-

in the mission and objectives of the

considered. Stay in touch!

15 OVMA Communique

9th annual

SUMMER EQUINE conference early registration (before july 1) -$300 After july 1 - $350 13 hours of ce

july 11-12 Heritage place 2829 S Macarthur okc, ok 73128

sign up at

OVMA Communique


Teeing off on


17 OVMA Communique

More than 60 golfers took to

the links at the Indian Springs Golf Course on May 6 for the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Foundation’s 17th Annual Golf Classic. The funds raised from participation and sponsorship went toward the Pet Overpopulation Program. Over the last few years, the program has had a long waitlist, however this year through fundraisers by the foundation and communitty support, the waitlist has been greatly reduced. The foundation is so grateful to all those who participated at Tulsa and for those set to play and sponsor in Oklahoma City on Aug. 21.

After the Oklahoma City tournament has finished we will have our final fundraising numbers. Look forward to those in the Fall 2014 Communique.


OVMA Communique


ovmf golf tournament

We would like to thank all the organizers, volunteers and sponsors. The tournament was a huge success because of all of your help.

Tulsa 2014

Longest Drive (Men’s) Robert Brenaker

Putting Contest - Bob Cacy

Longest Drive (Women’s) Tita McCoy

Closest to the Pin Dr. Mark Higgins

19 OVMA Communique

ovmf golf tournament

flight a

With only two points separating the four top placing teams this year’s tournament was closer than ever. In the picture above, OVMF President Joe Carter presents the

first place team in Flight A with their award. The team members are, from left to right, Tita McCoy, Ken McCoy, Mark Higgens, and CJ Wisely. This is the team’s second year in a row to win the tournament. Pictured below is this year’s Flight B winners, Ged Wright, Rick Dodson, Jim Sturivant, and Jerry Mitchell.

flight b

OVMA Communique


historic clinic

50 Year Clinics

Sidney A. Ewing, DVM

OSU Teaching Hospital ha s r ich he r itage .


t is impossible to determine a

of historic veterinary practices in

specific date that the Teaching

Oklahoma is the following statement

identity of the other 2 “seniors”;

Hospital practice began. One could,

in Lewis’s letter to BAI in September,

accordingly, it is unknown whether

with documentable justification,

1916 (Ewing, 1998): “Our hospital

they, too, transferred to accredited

choose a date in the 1890s. It is more

facilities include operating room…

schools. It is documented, however,

logical, perhaps, to choose a date in

operating table with about $300.00

that OAMC’s two-year program,

the late 1940s. The purpose of this

worth of instruments.” Later in the

although BAI-approved, never oper-

essay is to provide a brief sketch of

same letter, Lewis states: “I think

ated successfully after 1918. Owing

this historic practice.

there is no question whatever regard-

to World War I and a general decline

ing the clinical material that we can

in veterinary medical education in

joined Oklahoma Agricultural & Me-

have for our work.” Lewis reported to

the USA, the program persisted “on

chanical College (OAMC) in 1896 as

BAI that the hospital had “…a total of

paper” until the late 1920s and then

the first veterinarian appointed to the

282 cases for the hospital work alone.

expired quietly.]

institution’s faculty. Lewis soon began

This does not include outside cases,

providing veterinary services to

or those visited by students that were

demise of OAMC’s pre-clinical

livestock owned by OAMC. At some

never brought to the hospital.”

veterinary education program in the

Case for the 1890s: Dr. L. L. Lewis

point in the first quarter of the 20th

Although ultimately unsuccess-

[No record has been found of the

Case for the 1940s: Following

1920s, the institution had a (variously

Century, a local licensed, non-grad-

ful in gaining accreditation for a

named) Department of Veterinary

uate veterinarian, J. W. Morris who

DVM-granting program, OAMC

Science. Like many Land Grant

practiced in Stillwater, began to assist

faculty did receive BAI permission to

institutions that did not offer veter-

Lewis with clinical duties.

send students who’d completed two

inary medical degrees, OAMC had

years of work in the “veterinary pro-

an animal disease research program

is rapidly established himself as a

gram” to schools that were authorized

operated through the Agricultural

major force at OAMC, even serving

to grant veterinary degrees.

Experiment Station. By the late 1940s

Case for the early 1900s: Lew-

as acting president. Convinced that

Accordingly, J. W. Morris who is

A & M should grant DVM degrees,

mentioned above as Lewis’s assistant

the Veterinary Research Institute. A

Lewis began a program to do so. In

and C. H. McElroy, 2 of the 4 “se-

portion of the faculty also provided

June 1916 he boldly approached the

niors”, transferred to the St. Joseph

veterinary care for OAMC herds and

Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), the

Veterinary College in St. Joseph,

taught undergraduate courses.

then-accrediting body for veterinary

Missouri in autumn, 1918. McElroy,

schools, asking for approval to grant

who was to become founding dean of

out a veterinary “practice” of sorts

degrees to “four seniors” in 1917

OAMC’s veterinary school in 1948,

from the 1890s onward. When the

(Ewing, 1998). Although consistently

came home with his DVM in spring

post-World War II demand for veteri-

rebuffed by BAI, Lewis persisted in

1919; sadly, Morris fell victim to the

nary medical education soared, seven

trying to gain accreditation.

great influenza pandemic, dying after

new veterinary schools emerged at

a few months in Missouri.

Land Grant institutions.

Especially pertinent to this story

OAMC ‘s program was known as

Therefore, OAMC was never with-

21 OVMA Communique

OAMC’s school in Stillwater was


one of those new programs. Suddenly there were 17 veterinary schools in the USA, not just the 10 that had weathered the Great Depression and concurrent decline in demand for veterinarians. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) became the new accrediting body for veterinary degree-granting programs a transition that occurred about the time OAMC”S inaugural veterinary class graduated in 1951. In order not to be rebuffed by the accreditors as had OAMC in 1916-1917, the school had to provide clinical experience for its students. Translated, that meant a veterinary teaching hospital. Although it is well documented that classes began in March, 1948 for students who became the OAMC Veterinary Class of 1951, there is no clear record of when the teaching hospital per se came into being. Obviously, the clinical services dating from the 1890s formed a nucleus from which a full-fledged hospital practice could be built. Evidence exists (Williams, 1986) that the BAI/ AVMA visiting teams for accreditation of the new school were adamant that the teaching program must be integrated with the Veterinary Research Institute, a step that had been delayed, perhaps by academic rivalry or campus politics. In addition to the nuclear faculty, which included Dr. Lewis H. Moe

who provided herd health services,

ical practice from the 1890s or from

founding-Dean McElroy and his col-

the late 1940s, it qualifies as a historic

leagues looked to the Stillwater com-

Oklahoma veterinary practice. The

munity for help, just as L. L. Lewis

integral role of the clinical practice

had done decades earlier. Specifically,

at the teaching hospital in educating

Dr. Frank R. Knotts, a Kansas City

graduates of Oklahoma State Uni-

Veterinary College graduate, had

versity’s veterinary medical program

been in private practice in Stillwater

makes it a critical part of the Center

since 1918. Dr. Knotts was appointed

for Veterinary Health Sciences in the

as adjunct faculty and his practice

21st Century.

became part of the clinical teaching program. Irrespective of whether one dates the founding of today’s Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital clin-


Ewing, S. A. 1998. Oklahoma Aggie Ambition. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma State University, 64 pp. Williams, E. I. 1986. Veterinary Medicine; Centennial Histories Series. Stillwater, Oklahoma: Oklahoma State University, 285 pp.

OVMA Communique


legislative reception

OVMA Hosts Legislators

On Tuesday, April 8 OVMA held a legislative reception at the Oklahoma History Center. Plenty of food and beverages were provided, including calf fries, donated by Dr. Charles Freeman. 21 legislators were in attendance as well as 19 OVMA members.

This was the first legislative reception OVMA has hosted in several years. While the number in attendance was small, it did afford our members the opportunity to talk one-on-one with their representatives.

Veterinary Connections Run for Office Joe Howell

Toni Hasenbeck

Party: Republican

Party: Democrat

Running for State Senate District 40

Running for State Rep. District 65

• Former AVMA President • Owned Britton Road Hospital from 1972 -2012. • Has participated in many civic activities, including serving as president of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Board of Governors of the Oklahoma State University Foundation, and Kirkpatrick • Stresses he is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-business, and pro-Oklahoma.

• She and her husband, Henry Hasenbeck, DVM, own the Happy Hollow Animal Hospital in Elgin. • Worked as an educator since 1991. • Two masters degrees in education. • Prides herself on being a fifth generation agriculturalist. • She contends preserving rural living and the quality of education is paramount.


mabel bassett

Friends for Folks Expands Program

OVMA members stand outside of Lexington Assessment and Reception Center.


he Friends for Folks program, an initiative that sets offenders as dog trainers in an effort to improve

the likelihood of animal adoption, has expanded from the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center to the Mabel Bassett Correctional Facility.

Mabel Bassett, a woman’s correctional facility, began its program this past winter. After a few weeks of training, Mabel Bassett held a demonstration of the dogs’ newly acquired skills on March 4. Friends for Folks partnered with the University of Oklahoma’s Nonprofit Leadership Student Associa-

tion for the event. The OUNLSA wrote a grant to bring in Sister Pauline Quinn to speak. Sister Quinn launched the Prison Pet Partnership in 1981 with the help of the late Dr. Leo Bustad, chair of Washington State University’s veterinary program. The Prison Pet Partnership is the basis for Friends for Folks. Sister Quinn opened the Mabel Bassett demonstration with a few words on the history of her program and the win-win prison dog training programs offer for offenders and dogs. Then offenders walked their dogs out, one by one, showcasing each animal’s understand of basic commands like sit, shake and rollover. A documentary was made about the Lexington program, called Dogs of Lexington. Friends for Folks recently announced the Harris Foundation is funding a $10,000 grant to also create a documentary about the Mabel Bassett program. View the Dogs of Lexington documentary by visiting


OVMA Communique


foundation scholarships

OVMF Scholarship Recipients Honored Juliane Evans and Taylor Brow n s elec ted .


JULI A NE E VA NS, OSU The OSU Center for Veterinary Health Sciences 2014 Honors and Awards Banquet was attended by donors, students, family members, faculty and staff. This year the center was able to raise $585, 100 in scholarships. Amongst those honored was Juliane Evans a veterinary student. Her achievements distinguished her as the recipient of the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Foundation Scholarship. Evans can be seen above (right) being presented the award by Assistant Professor Dr. Danielle Dugat.

Taylor Brown is a resident of Tulsa. She is a 2007 graduate of Booker T. Washington, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art from Hendrix College, and is a 2014 graduate of the Tulsa Community College Veterinary Technology Program. Taylor is currently employed at Hammond Animal Hospital. She has served as the Historian for the Veterinary Technology Student Association and en-

joys drawing, making videos, reading, traveling and the outdoors. Taylor has volunteered with Rescued N Ready and Wing-It. Her professional goals are to gain more experience working with exotic animals and eventually go into zoological medicine and wildlife rehab. She would also like to pursue a Master’s degree in Animal Biology and Welfare and do behavioral research in the wild.

25 OVMA Communique

Classified Ad

OVMA Communique

Small animal practice in Tulsa 4,850 sf, 4 exam rooms, 60 cages, 9 enclosed exercise runs. Sur-

Managing Editor Jana Black

gical suite consists of surgical prep room, surgery room, autovalve, 4 surgical packs, anesthetic machine, P02 monitor. 3 offices spaces, receptionist area and bookkeeper area. Avamark

Editor Josh Hutton

computer system. 7 client parking spaces, 2 vacant lots for staff and overflow parking. An additional lot has a residence currently rented for $650.00 per month. Available for $295,000. Contact

The OVMA Communi-

Doug Bauer, Bauer & Associates, 918-665-1210.

Important Dates Summer Equine Conference July 11-12, 2014

13 hours of CE available in Oklahoma City. To register visit

que is the newsletter of the For more details visit

Golf Tournament Aug. 21, 2014

The second OVMF fundraiser will be held at Coffee Creek Golf Club in Edmond. Tee-off time is set for 8:30 a.m.

SWVS September 25-28

Travel to Ft. Worth for this year’s symposium, featuring extensive CE for your whole practice team. Registration is open. Visit

Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association. The editor reserves the right to edit

Oklahoma State Fair copy according to space and Sept. 11-21, 2014 Tulsa State Fair Sept. 25-Oct. 5, 2014 PAWSitive Steps 5K October 11, 2014

Join the foundation at Wiley Post Park for a 5k or 1-mile dog walk along the Oklahoma River. “Like” us on Facebook at pawsitivesteps5k

contact guidelines and limit advertising space for single advertisers as appropriate.

Opinions expressed in these contents are strictly those of the author(s) and are not necessarily endorsed by OVMA

Send news and advertising to: OVMA P.O. Box 14521 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 Phone: 405.478.1002 Fax: 405.478.7193


reasons you

should attend


Advertising rates available upon request

Best Veterinary Conference in the Southwest Offering over 400 hours of Lectures & Labs with more than 50 Continuing Education credit hours

Submission Deadlines

Over 225 exhibitors presenting leading edge products and services Budget friendly conference that’s easy to navigate Social networking events like SWVS Stride 5K Fun Run and Golf Tournament

Visit for registration details.

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OVMA Communique

Spring Issue............Feb. 1 Summer Issue.........May 1 Fall Issue.................Aug. 1 Winter Issue..........Nov. 1


Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association PO BOX 14521 Oklahoma City, OK 73113

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