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News and Announcements
Yoko Kudo, Column Editor
Rescheduled! Digital Directions Tucson, Now October 19-20, 2020
Originally scheduled for April, Digital Directions will be held on October 19-20, 2020. Digital Directions provides a comprehensive overview of digital preservation, presented by information professionals with experience in the preservation of cultural heritage materials. Topics Include: concepts and standards, selection and prioritization, born digital collections, digital preservation tools, metadata, copyright, storage, preserving audiovisual collections, access, and digital preservation assessment. New registration deadline is September 28, 2020. Complete conference information is here .
DCMI 2020 postponed - alternative virtual event announced
DCMI 2020 Organizing Committee has taken the decision to postpone the DCMI 2020 International Conference on Metadata until autumn 2021, and is planning an alternative event for September 2020. This will be a program of virtual, invited, moderated sessions including presentations, tutorials, expert panel discussions and keynotes. More details will follow here soon.
2020 Scholarship Announcement from Potomac Technical Processing Librarians
Potomac Technical Processing Librarians (PTPL) announces the availability of $2,000 scholarships for future librarians interested in technical services. Students living or working in the PTPL membership region (DC, Maryland, Virginia) and who are currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited Library and/or Information Science program, including distance education programs, are invited to apply. Application deadline is June 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM EDT. To view this announcement and download the scholarship application, visit the PTPL website .
OCLC’s COVID-19 Resources Page
OCLC has put together a page to collect news, advice, and resources to support the work you are already doing to sustain library services and to assist our wider communities. Included are tools that can help you provide remote access to your collection, ways to optimize your use of OCLC products and services, and means by which you can connect and collaborate with other libraries. The page will be updated as needed.