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If you’re into rich, layered interior design highlighting a series of era’s and movements, eclectic style interior design might just be the right direction to consider for your home. But why eclectic style?

Eclectic style is all about harmony and the coming together of disparate styles, juxtaposing textures, and contrasting colors to create a cohesive, beautifully realized room that wouldn’t be out of place in a home décor magazine as this is one design style that takes verve and a great eye. And since eclectic interior design is all about experimentation and play, do have fun with the freedom it allows.



Choosing a series of core colours to compliment your eclectic design is a great starting point and will double as a guide to help you edit and home in creating a cohesive look. It will also aid in pulling elements of eclectic design together for balance to boot.

We suggest you choose one neutral hue and one accent colour to get started. Using a calming neutral throughout will allow for a smart base colour to layer over, and prevent the room from feeling a tad too overbearing. That neutral will work wonders alongside your chosen accent colour especially when applied to different aspects of a room to create a harmonious space instead of a mismatched and erratic one. As you go along add to and expand your core eclectic style palette by starting off with two classic tones for a studied yet nuanced take on eclectic home decor

Simple Wall Coverings

● When charting your route to perfecting eclectic style decor, it’s best to keep your walls simple and straightforward elaborate wallpapers can make it difficult to bring in other patterned elements without coming off as heavy handed. Simple painted walls will create a solid foundation to bring in eclectic decor and add interest elsewhere. Adding vibrant accessories to a plain backdrop is far easier than adding plain accessories to a busy backdrop; you’ll have far more alternatives. Plus, painted walls require less work than applying vibrant wall coverings. However, this doesn’t mean you only have one option – being white – dark and light colours work equally well. Darker colours add warmth and depth, while light colours will work to make any space appear larger and brighter to better highlight eclectic bohemian decor

Pattern And Textiles

This is where the personality starts to come through and you get to be more daring when creating an eclectic interior design vibe as you can play with expressive patterns and mix and match styles to see what fits together and what doesn’t.

Continue using similar tones and colors throughout your eclectic decor scheme while keeping in mind your two core tones. However, do disrupt the space with unexpected combinations of patterns that don’t necessarily go together. Pair items together that usually oppose one another and be bold with it, don’t shy away from clashing patterns and color as they’ll help you create a one-of-a-kind feel.

Toy With Textures

The same goes for texture – have fun with textural plays and bring in different textures to make your eclectic home decor sing. Contrast textures against one another for a memorable eclectic feel in your home. You want there to be enough going on visually in your space to keep the eye interested. A smart way to do this without being overt is to introduce different textures throughout the room in small doses.

Place smooth textures alongside rough, nubby ones (think marble surfaces against wood grains), and the soft with the hard (luxurious sofas and throw cushions next to an industrial coffee table per se).

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