The Monitor

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1199 SEIU Professional & Technical Newsletter February 2011

Big Changes Happening in Medical Records IN THIS ISSUE:

· 1199 Mental Health Clinicians Faced With Rising Caseloads · 1199 Laboratory Committee Participates in Research on Personnel Shortages · Big Changes Happening in Medical Records · 1199 hosts Celebration Honoring Professional Committee Member Activists · The 1199 Substance Abuse Counselor Committee: Committed to Recovery · New Regulatory Changes For Addiction Professionals · Maryland Report Highlights Healthcare Workforce Needs · Retired…Yes! A Clinical Laboratory Technologist … Always The Monitor is available online. Go to and click on “professional workers.”

Mental Health Practitioners at 1199 meeting

1199 Laboratory Committee Participates in Research on Personnel Shortages

1199 Mental Health Clinicians Faced With Rising Caseloads The 1199 Professional and Technical Department has in the last year met with mental health clinicians—both social workers and psychologists—from a wide variety of settings. Whether people work in a hospital, an outpatient psych clinic or a free standing mental health clinic, the story seems to be increasingly the same. Mental health settings are suffering severe cost pressures, while at the same time they are under ever more strict and burdensome documentation requirements from insurers and from New York State. 1199 mental health clinicians understand very well the challenges that the industry faces. However, these problems are often compounded by the response of the clinical management. This response takes the form of pushing the clinicians for more productivity, using threats of discipline or job loss as the spur. The result is to make an already bad situation worse, creating widespread demoralization of the very professionals who are depended upon to provide services. At a meeting at 1199 with mental health clinicians from a number of different institutions, these issues were discussed at length. The words of one psychologist summed up what most were describing: “The clinical caseloads and documentation requirements are so impracticable that I continue working beyond my work hours. I’m putting in extra hours to meet the needs of clients as well as keeping up with the required documentation and charting.”


The 1199 mental health practitioners serve very vulnerable clients, who are living in very difficult situations. It is very frustrating for them to not be able to have the time needed to give the treatment required. The social workers and psychologists at this meeting, and at meetings held in their own institutions, have offered suggestions on improving the situation. In some places they have suggested improving the billing practices, as they know that their facility is not getting reimbursed all that it could. At other places they have suggested hiring more clerical help to free up the clinicians so they are more able to focus on treatment—the skill they were trained in, and the activity that is reimbursable. Unfortunately, many of the administrators are reacting to this difficult climate by simply pushing the clinicians for more productivity. At the 1199 meeting, all of the clinicians described management’s message as “numbers, numbers, numbers.” If a social worker or psychologist is unable to meet the “quota,” (in terms of patients per week) then they are often threatened with punitive action, or their work is disparaged. The result is not better treatment for the clients, but rather a lowering of morale for the staff. 1199 is urging management in the mental health field to work with their professional staff, not against them, in an effort to find creative ways in this difficult time to keep alive the mission of providing mental health services for those who need it in New York State.

The 1199 Laboratory Committee has been participating in the research efforts of the Murphy Institute of CUNY on the shortage of laboratory practitioners. The research has been led by Deborah D’Amico, PhD, Senior Program Developer at the Murphy Institute. One of the goals is for CUNY to develop worker friendly degree programs in medical technology. The research has included an extensive literature review covering the history of laboratory workers and their education; visits to a range of labs; interviews with technicians, technologists and directors; and a survey of lab directors regarding their staffing needs. Laboratory Committee members shared with CUNY their experiences as laboratory practitioners. They talked about addressing the laboratory personnel shortage, their love of the profession, and the hardships experienced by “working short”, including the implications for their own physical health and for patient safety. They discussed their low wages, especially in comparison to other health care practitioners with similar education. Other issues covered included the lack of recognition of their worth and contributions to health care, and of their role within the healthcare team. These conditions result in an inability to motivate and recruit new workers into the profession. Current laboratory conditions often prevent lab professionals from effectively mentoring and retaining new hires. Laboratory technicians and technologists suffer from the lack of public awareness about their vitally important role in the health care workforce, which includes their growing importance in protecting the nation from bioterrorism. Debby D’Amico shared her preliminary summary of the research thus far, and concluded by saying, “Research among the laboratory workforce has also raised our hopes about the future of this critically important profession. The absolute dedication of laboratory practitioners to

their work, and their evident passion in pursuing excellence in their profession, make them the best advocates for the value and challenges of their work. They inspire me each time I listen to them talk about their work, and I have no doubt that they can inspire others to enter this vitally important profession.” The results of the study, conducted over the summer and fall of 2010, will be available in the next issue of The Monitor. To become active in your Clinical Laboratory Technology profession please contact Debora Hunte at


1199ers in the Medical Records Dept. of Maimonides Medical Center are ready for change

Big Changes Happening in Medical Records There are many changes happening in the world of medical records, or health information technology. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the nation’s healthcare system is undergoing a transformation in an effort to improve quality, safety and efficiency of care. These changes include the upgrade of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the use of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) technology. On February 17th, 2009, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, President Obama signed into law the Health Information Technology and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), which will have direct and lasting effects on Medical Records and patient privacy rights. The purpose of the act is to speed up advancements in electronic medical records. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, of the 3000 hospitals surveyed, only about 6% have fully adopted and incorporated EMRs. According to industry estimations, about 70% of hospitals are only a few steps away from being ready to implement EMRs. There will be a drastic change in the delivery of patient care when more hospitals and doctors start utilizing EMRs. This represents a challenge to our members as well. Our members in hospitals and other facilities will play a vital role in this change. I have worked in Medical Records for 24 years,” said Cynthia Mells, a chart analyst at Maimonides Medical Center. “When I started, we used index cards, then charts, then computers. Even after all of these changes, I view the move to electronic medical records and the change of the coding system to ICD-10 as the biggest change I have seen in my career. I think this is an opportunity for us to upgrade ourselves, our skills, and to improve patient care.” In addition to the changes to medical records, the HITECH Act increases the reach of HIPAA. Previously, HIPAA only had direct applications to covered entities 4

The HITECH Act: · Provides $19 Billion dollars through grants and loans over four years to develop Electronic Medical Records infrastructure

· Out of the $19 Billion dollars, it also provides monetary incentives under Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement for Doctors and Hospitals who convert to, and use, electronic medical records

· After 2015, it penalizes those entities who do not use electronic medical records by reducing Medicare reimbursement

· Increases the current security and privacy regulations

under the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

(doctors and hospitals). HIPAA did not have any direct power over entities such as the billing companies used by physicians and hospitals. Under the HITECH Act, these businesses will be subjected to the same civil and criminal penalties as Hospitals and Doctors for violating HIPAA rules. There is also a change underway with regard to the coding system. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic classification system. Through the use of the coding system, epidemiological data is gathered and analyzed. This analysis can generate vital information regarding prevalence of certain diseases and health issues. It also affects reimbursement and allocation of resources. On January 16, 2009, the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandated that everyone covered by HIPAA, must switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10 beginning October 2013. The transition begins January 1, 2012. The changes from the current system, ICD-9, to ICD-10 will be the biggest change to coding in history. ICD-9 contains approximately 17,000 codes. ICD-10 contains more than 141,000 codes and lists many new diagnoses and procedures. In an effort to understand how these changes will affect members, a survey was sent out by Dolores Chase of the 1199 SEIU Professional & Technical Department. The survey went out to Medical Records Coders and others in the Medical Records field. The results of the survey are currently being tabulated, and the information will serve as a guide about how to best prepare 1199 SEIU members for these changes. If you are a member who works as a Medical Records Coder, but have not received a survey, please call Dolores Chase at (212) 261-2385, or email her at Cynthia Mells, Chart Analyst, Maimonides Medical Center



Honors 1199 Professional Committee Member Activists On September 23, 1199 hosted a celebration honoring 1199 professional committee activists. Professionals from all 13 committees were represented at the party, including Laboratory, Imaging, Respiratory, Pharmacy (both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians), EMT/Paramedic, Surgical Technician, Central Sterile Processing Technician, LPN, Dietitian, Physician Assistant, Social Worker, Substance Abuse Counselor, and Rehabilitation (Physical Therapist, PTA, Occupational Therapist, COTA, and Speech Therapist). David Kranz, director of 1199’s Professional & Technical Department opened up the program. He described 1199 as “an incredible mosaic, representing a tremendous diversity of titles and trades in the healthcare industry” and explained that the work of the committee activists drove various educational, legislative, and practice issues for our professional members. Amy Gladstein, Director of Strategic Organizing for 1199, spoke of the unique role that professionals have in the 6

Union. She stated that despite the differences between professions, “all of you are united by the critical role you play in patient care.” She added that the committees helped give professional members a greater voice, and that it was crucial “to unite you with the rest of our union members” by organizing more professional and technical workers into 1199. Debby King, executive director of the 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds, spoke about rethinking the delivery of healthcare in the context of reform. “We need professionals’ input on how to best deliver care. We don’t want the lack of money to lead to decisions that short-change our professions,” she said. “If advice is to be given on diabetic care, I want that advice coming from a dietitian, not from an insurance company.” She stressed that “we need schools to be more responsive to healthcare training needs.” She underlined the need to train more workers in radiology, respiratory, and laboratories. 1199SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Maria Castaneda spoke

Top row from left: DJ Mose, Substance Abuse Counselor; Karlene Anderson, Rad Tech; Linda Wells & Mildred Brown, Lab Workers; Carolyn Solomon and Martina Bellevue, Respiratory Therapists Bottom Row from left: Nitza Gomez, Lab Technologist (left), Claudette Woods-Green, Social Worker (center), and Ivette Salicrup Lab Technologist; Philip Sorge, CT Tech; Joan Casano, Pharmacist; and Stephanie Williams, COTA (left), & Deepti Arora, Physical Therapist.

“We have to gear ourselves for the changes that Healthcare Reform will bring,” - Maria Castaneda, 1199 Secretary-Treasurer about the changes on the horizon with Healthcare Reform, including the increased credentialing and education requirements that 1199 members are already facing. “We have to gear ourselves for the changes that Healthcare Reform will bring,” she stated. She praised the continuing education program that 1199 professional committees put together, along with the Institute of Continuing Education. She stressed the importance of the current union organizing drive in Florida: “We have the opportunity to build union density in hospitals, not just nursing homes, which will give us new strength in Florida. Professional and technical members are important in this effort.” The Director of the Institute of Continuing Education, Sara Lawrence, described the many seminars and the increasing audience—both Union and non-union—for 1199SEIU continuing education programs. She praised her own

hard-working staff and the 1199 education committees who work collaboratively to put together one of the most successful programs in the Union. Committee members gave reports on their accomplishments. Respiratory therapists reminded the audience that they, along with radiology, were among the first to pioneer worker-created continuing education programs. Some of the newer committees—surgical tech, CSPD techs and Substance Abuse Counselors—spoke of their goals and plans for the future. True to the spirit of 1199, a Union both for the members and by the members, the entertainment was provided by DJ Mose, a substance abuse counselor from Interfaith Medical Center, and an active member of the Substance Abuse Counselor Committee. A good time was had by all.


New Regulatory Changes For Addiction Professionals

The 1199 Substance Abuse Counselor Committee:


“The idea behind the rally is people coming together in the spirit and celebration of recovery and survivorship,” said CASAC, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Karen Carpenter-Palumbo, commissioner of the Office of On a blazingly bright early fall day, nearly 3000 individu- Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS). “It’s als attended the 3rd Annual Recovery Rally and Celebrano different than what people have seen in the celebration of tion on Randall’s Island, N.Y., Sept. 25, 2010. This year, cancer survivorship. People with addictions have struggled, amid the groups, individuals, health care professionals and they’ve worked hard, they’ve gone through many challenges. others gathered to celebrate recovery from addiction, there If they so choose, they should wear their recovery as a badge was a new presence: members of the 1199 Substance Abuse of honor.” Counselor Committee. Clad in distinctive purple and gold One individual who was on hand at the rally to proclaim his 1199SEIU t-shirts, these individuals had come to proudly personal victory over addiction was New York State Senator proclaim their support for the event. Thomas Duane, who has been in recovery since 1983. “Being a member of 1199 is more than just looking out “Recovery is more likely to be successful when there is visifor ourselves,” said Committee member Dr. T. Thaddeus ble, empathetic and enthusiastic support from other recoverBrown. “The bigger goal is to further build and sustain an ing people,” said Senator Duane. “It is important to educate unprecedented statewide treatment and recovery moveother health care professionals and the public at large that ment, a culture of recovery that will touch and capture the hearts, minds, bodies and spirits of all New Yorkers, not just recovery is not recovered but continuing to recover. Recovery from substance abuse is a long-term process and there is those who may be in need of treatment. I believe 1199, in part through the work of the 1199 Substance Abuse Coun- no graduation.” selor Committee, can and will play a significant role in And the need for treatment providers remains critical. Acstrengthening that effort and assisting in the achievement cording to OASAS Commissioner Carpenter-Palumbo, there of that goal.”

Story by: Tom Sinclair


are currently some 12,000 CASACs (Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselors) and CASAC-Trainees across the state, but because of the projected demand for treatment services moving forward, another 10,000 CASACs are needed. “The more people we can recruit into the field, the better off we’ll be,” the commissioner said.

We, from the 1199 Substance Abuse Counselor Committee, have some great news from OASAS to pass on to our fellow Addiction Professionals. OASAS has released new credentialing standards for the professionals who provide treatment services for substance abuse.

Dr. Brown believes that the 1199 Substance Abuse Counselor Committee, in collaboration with our Professional and Technical Department, Institute for Continuing Education and Training and Upgading Fund, and the support of our general membership and 1199 leadership, can help in this area, by educating our membership on the positive aspects and benefits of pursuing a career as a CASAC, and supporting them in this process.

· A new professional credential for counselors who special-

“Of course,” says Dr. Brown, “there needs to be a dialogue with OASAS and other stakeholders, including state and local government, that will promote mutual understanding, trust, collaboration and financial support directed at future efforts to establish appropriate and mutually beneficial strategies and processes aimed towards strengthening efforts and increasing positive workforce development outcomes in terms of the recruiting, training, hiring and retaining of CASACs.”

pleting the 350 classroom hours instead of after 3 years of experience (6000 hours )

The 1199 Substance Abuse Counselor Committee meets monthly to discuss matters of concern, and the recruitment of new CASAC workers is high on its agenda. Please keep an eye on The Monitor for future news of the Committee’s activities.

The full November 10th document can be accessed at www. and searching for Part 853 Regulations. Here are some highlights from the document: ize in treating problem gambling disorders

· A broadening of the definition of “approved work setting” · The removal of the 10 year limitation on education and work experience

· Granting 6 months of work experience ( 1000 hours ) for an Associates Degree in the Human service field towards CASAC certification hours

· You can now take the CASAC written exam after com-

· Starting January 1, 2011, exams will be offered on a continuous basis rather than 4 times a year

· Of the 60 hours of training needed for renewal of the

CASAC license a minimum of 2 hours of Child Abuse and Mandated Reporter and a minimum of 4 hours of training related to tobacco use and nicotine dependence is required If you would like more credentialing information contact OASAS at 800-428-9564 (press option 2) or visit the OASAS website. As fellow union members and Addiction Professionals we are working to bring you new information and incorporating that information into services offered by 1199 SEIU.

If you would like more information on the 1199 Substance Abuse Counselor Committee, contact 9

Maryland Report Highlights Healthcare Workforce Needs


Last year the Governor’s Workforce investment Board issued a report on new trends affecting healthcare workers in Maryland. The report emphasized that “Maryland’s healthcare industry remains one of the few stable industries in the state during the current recession.”

It’s hard to believe, but as of September 1, 2010 after 41 years in the healthcare field, I have officially RETIRED. I no longer have to travel back and forth to work each day. Now that I’m retired I can reflect back on a career I truly loved as a Clinical Laboratory Technologist.

Data Source: Maryland Department of Planning


Included among the key trends is a fast growing aging population. (See chart at right.) The report states “the population of people ages 65 years and older in Maryland is projected to grow five times as fast as the overall population of Maryland between 2010 and 2030.” It goes on to claim that by 2020 there will be more than 1 million people ages 65 and older in Maryland.

Change in Maryland’s Population, by Age Group: 2010 to 2030

Another important trend is the increasing diversity of Maryland’s population due to immigration, and the challenges this presents to caregivers. More than 35,000 foreign-born people became citizens or permanent legal residents, and 15% of Maryland residents speak a language other than English at home. Healthcare workers will have to increase their cultural competence to be able to address all the health needs of this growing multicultural and multi-lingual population. The report also stresses that healthcare disciplines will increasingly be shifting to a more preventative model. Those professions involved “specifically with nutrition, exercise and aging populations” will find themselves more in demand. The report highlights growing shortages of healthcare workers in certain allied health fields, and states “while much has been made of the severe shortage of nurses in Maryland, other allied health professions are experiencing similar critical shortages.” Among the professions in high demand noted in the report were clinical lab professionals, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, surgical technologists, and radiology technologists. Some of the biggest gaps in terms of shortages of graduates compared to existing openings are lab technologists and technicians, physical therapists, 10

800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 -100,000 -200,000


+190,737 0 to 24



25 to 44

45 to 64



and surgical technologists. The report mentioned that reimbursement rates for some services are too low, making it hard to retain health professionals in certain disciplines. The report highlights the critical role that training programs need to play to address these and other projected workforce shortages. There are problems with student access to existing programs. Many are too expensive for students. Often there are only full-time programs offered, making it difficult for a working person to go back to school. In addition there are not enough clinical sites available for some of these programs, which are crucial to make the programs viable. It should be added at this point that the 1199 Training and Education Fund has experience dealing with all of these issues. They have been very successful in the New York area in partnering with colleges to develop affordable and “worker-friendly” programs that tap the existing healthcare workforce to get upgraded to these high-need professions. They have found that a successful formula is a working alliance between the Union, the Colleges, and the Hospitals and Nursing Homes to create the programs that can tap the existing workforce to be part of the solution to the increasing healthcare shortages in the allied health fields. The full report can be accessed at: http://www.mdworkforce. com/pub/pdf/alliedhealthreport.pdf

Clinical Laboratory Practitioners are vital members of the healthcare team, but many people outside and even inside the healthcare field know very little about us. We work behind the scenes and save many lives. Clinical Laboratory Practitioners work in many areas and departments of the laboratory using state of the art sophisticated analyzers. We perform laboratory tests on body fluids, e.g., blood, urine, sputum, feces, spinal fluids, etc. to detect diseases, including Anemia, Leukemia, Diabetes, Prostate Cancer, Flu, Renal Disease, Meningitis, Breast Cancer, Anthrax, Bubonic Plague, etc. We are on the front lines in germ warfare and bioterrorism. It is the work of educated and professionally trained Clinical Laboratory Practitioners that make detection of these harmful agents to the public possible. Close to 80% of all doctors’ diagnoses depend on the results of the tests performed by Clinical Laboratory Practitioners. I began my career as a Clinical Laboratory Technician and with further education became a Clinical Laboratory Technologist. Later, I became a college teacher for the City University of New York and a Board Member for Clinical Laboratory Technology, New York State Education Department in Albany, New York. I must give great thanks to my brothers and sisters in 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East for taking up the fight for licensure in 2000. We struggled for 16 years to obtain licensure of our profession. We worked tirelessly, many brave men and women, traveling back and forth to Albany. We used the collective strength of devoted members, and 1199’s political department and lobbyists. Finally, in January 2005, licensure and certification was granted for Clinical Laboratory Practitioners throughout the State of New York. What a great day!

An Open Letter from 1199 Member Vivian Stuart I also give thanks to 1199 SEIU UHWE for always thinking ahead with its members in mind. We established the Professional and Technical Department under the directorship of David Kranz to meet the needs of professional and technical members. I became a member of the Laboratory Committee whose chairperson, Debora Hunte, has been a great support. This was and continues to be a great committee for its members. Each month, between 30 and 50 Clinical Laboratory Practitioners from hospitals throughout New York City and Long Island meet to discuss issues pertinent to our profession. The Laboratory Committee members also belong to the Institute for Continuing Education (ICE), which is a division of 1199 SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund. We work closely with Sara Lawrence, Director of ICE and her capable staff to prepare exceptional interdisciplinary educational seminars. Many of these live seminars were recorded on video and can be viewed on the computer. I am proud to be a member of the Professional and Technical Department Laboratory Committee and I am proud to be a member of 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East. Yes, I have Retired, but I am not retired from life. Even though I have relocated to Charlotte, NC, I will stay in touch with the Professional and Technical Department to assist wherever I can. I plan to write a book, teach at one of the local colleges in NC and do commercials for TV and print for a New York agency. At sixty-two my life has just begun! 11

1199SEIU League Training & Upgrading Fund Institute For Continuing Education

2011 CONTINUING EDUCATION CALENDAR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 9:00am – 2:30pm 3rd Annual Select Topics in Hospital Medicine: Pulmonary Critical Care 4 hrs, Interdisciplinary: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Techs, Respiratory Therapists, and Nurses Location: Cherkasky/Davis Conference Center ONSITE, LIVE VIDEOCAST, AND LIVE WEBCAST

FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 7:45am – 3:30pm Asthma 6 hrs, Interdisciplinary** Location: The Times Center ONSITE, LIVE VIDEOCAST, AND LIVE WEBCAST

SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 7:45am – 3:30pm Topic TBD 6 hrs, Dietitians Location: Cherkasky/Davis Conference Center ONSITE ONLY

TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 5:30pm – 9:00pm Topic TBD 3 hrs, Social Workers Location: Cherkasky/Davis Conference Center ONSITE ONLY

SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 9:00am – 5:00pm Autism 6 hrs, Interdisciplinary** Location: The Times Center ONSITE, LIVE VIDEOCAST, AND LIVE WEBCAST

SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 7:45am – 3:30pm Topic TBD 6 hrs, Laboratory Technologists Location: The Times Center ONSITE ONLY

WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 9:00am – 2:30pm Elder Abuse 4 hrs, Interdisciplinary** Location: The Times Center ONSITE, LIVE VIDEOCAST, AND LIVE WEBCAST

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 5:30pm – 9:00pm Topic TBD 3 hrs, LPNs Location: Cherkasky/Davis Conference Center ONSITE ONLY

MONDAY, MAY 16, 5:30pm – 9:00pm Topic TBD 3 hrs, CASACs Location: Cherkasky/Davis Conference Center ONSITE ONLY

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 5:30pm – 9:00pm Topic TBD 3 hrs, Rehab Therapists Location: Cherkasky/Davis Conference Center ONSITE ONLY

SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 9:00am – 5:00pm Men’s Health Issues 6 hrs, Interdisciplinary** Location: The Times Center ONSITE, LIVE VIDEOCAST, AND LIVE WEBCAST

SATURDAY, JULY 16, 9:00am – 2:30pm Changing Shape of Health Care 4 hrs, Interdisciplinary** Location: The Times Center ONSITE, LIVE VIDEOCAST, AND LIVE WEBCAST

** Interdisciplinary seminars are usually accredited for Physicians, Pharmacists and Pharmacy Techs, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Respiratory Therapists, Radiologic Techs, Dieticians, RNs and LPNs, Social Workers, Clinical Laboratory Practitioners, Rehab Therapists (OTs and PTs), CASACs. Please call for specific professions.

Register today. Call: 212-894-4390 Please call for specific location on each seminar. Email: Institute - click “Training & Employment,” and then on “Continuing Education.”

1199SEIU Professional & Technical Department Staff Listing and Areas of Responsibility: Dolores Chase - Imaging, Respiratory, EMS Workers -- 212-261-2385 Joseph Chinea - Social Work, Substance Abuse Coundelors, OT/PT/Speech -- 212-857-4302 Farah Hargett - LPN’s, Physician Assistants, Dietitians -- 212-261-2246 Debora Hunte - Laboratory, Pharmacy, Surgical Technicians -- 212-857-4398 David Kranz, Director - All other professions not mentioned above -- 212-261-2494

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