1 minute read
The figures are based on a Factlines survey conducted in the first quarter of 2021. The Factlines system is used to control and follow up any risk in the Olav Thon Group’s supplier chain.
The survey was sent out to 97 of Olav Thon Group’s suppliers. These suppliers were selected based on risk and results from previous Factlines surveys. The survey has two parts, one of which is a standard form based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, while the second part is additional questions based on the Olav Thon Group’s own ethical requirements for suppliers.
Part 1 covers the following areas: • CSR strategy and ethical code of conduct • Insight into and control of the supplier chain • The supplier’s self-assessment of the risk in the country where they purchase from • Management systems in the business Part 2 covers the following areas: • Forced labour/slave labour • Union and collective actions • Child labour, discrimination and brutal treatment • Health, Safety and Environment • Salaries, working hours and regular employment • Marginalised population groups • Environment, corruption and animal welfare
Each question gives points based on the importance of the question and the supplier’s answers. Part 1 with standard questions is linked to a risk profile, and each supplier receives a risk profile based on the response to the standard report. This risk profile is of great importance for further follow-up.
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