Pierre & Marie Curie School Science-Art-Humanism
MIDDLE SCHOOL School Supplies
Sixth Grade 2012-2013 Subjects Math Spanish
English French Social Studies Science
Texts -Go Math 6 -Lengua 6 -Azul, Rubén Darío Caligrafy Book
Harcourt Editorial Editorial Anaya Editorial Mexicanos Unidos
- El Lazarillo de Tormes -Monolingual Dictionary -Reading Street 6, edition 2008 -Monolingual and Theasurus Dictionaries -Declic 1, Method and Workbook -Europe and Russia, edition 2009 -Southwest and Central Asia, edition 2009 -Interactive Science-Human Biology and Health -Interactive Science-Introduction to Chemistry
Editorial GRADIFCO Pearson Editorial CLE International Editorial Harcourt Editorial Harcourt Editorial Pearson Editorial Pearson Editorial
Notebooks- medium size and sewn 1 Graph paper notebook 100 pages, large grid Math 1 double lined paper notebook 48 pages Music 6 lined paper notebook English, Spanish, French, Science, Social Lap top Studies, Moral 1 lined notebook 200 pages Mail- Homework Other material Colored pencils 2 boxes of Staedler pencils Blue, black, and red pens 2 Highlighters Scissors Pencil case One piece swimsuit Swimming cap Swimming goggles
Fine point markers Geometry kit and compass White-out 2 large erasers Sharpener with deposit Small lock with 2 keys and a key chain 3 Plastic folders Memory USB, 2 GB or 4GB(Optional)
Pierre & Marie Curie School Science-Art-Humanism
MIDDLE SCHOOL School Supplies
Subjects Math Spanish
English French Social Studies Science
Seventh Grade 2012-2013
Texts -Algebra 1 -Hipertexto 7 Caligrafy Book -Las aventuras de Ulises -Las Mil y Una Noches -El Quijote de la mancha – Miguel de Cervantes - El Alquimista - Monolingual Dictionary -Literature – Prentice Hall -Monolingual and Thesaurus Dictionaries -Declic 2, Method and excercise book -Historia de Nicaragua -Geografía de Nicaragua -Biology – Miller Levine –Prentice Hall
Notebooks 2 Graph paper notebooks 1 double lined paper notebook 48 pages 6 College Ruled notebooks 2 White Block Paper
On line book Santillana Vicens Vives
Editorial grupo Anaya Pablo Coelho Pearson Editorial CLE International Editorial German Romero Dr. Jaime Incer Barquero On line book
Math Music English, Spanish, French, Science, Social Studies, Moral Art and Homework
Lap top Other Supplies Colored pencils 2 boxes of Staedler pencils Blue, black, and red pens 2 Highlighters Scissors Pencil case Memory USB 2GB or 4GB(optional)
Fine point markers Geometry kit and compass White-out 2 large erasers Sharpener with deposit Small lock with 2 keys and a key chain 3 Plastic Folders 2 inch Binder and Binder paper
Pierre & Marie Curie School Science-Art-Humanism
MIDDLE SCHOOL School Supplies Subjects Math Spanish
English French Social Studies Science Physical Science
Eighth Grade 2012-2013 Texts -Geometry -Hipertexto 8 Caligrafy Book -El Reencuentro La Illustre Familia Relatos de un Naufrago–Gabriel García Márquez El Demonio y la Señorita Prym Un Baile de Mascaras - Monolingual Dictionary -Literature – Prentice Hall -Monolingual and Thesaurus Dictionaries -Declic 3, Method and excercise book -School Textbook -Biology – Miller Levine –Prentice Hal Physical Science – Glencoe McGraw Hill
Notebooks 2 Graph paper notebooks 1 double lined paper notebook 48 pages 6 College Ruled notebooks Lap top 2 White Block Paper Other Supplies Colored pencils 2 boxes of Staedler pencils Blue, black, and red pens 2 Highlighters Scissors Pencil case Scientific Calculator Memory USB, 2GB or 4GB(optional)
On line book Santillana Fred Uhlman
Salomón de la Selva
Pablo Coelho
Sergio Ramírez Same as last year CLE International Editorial Same as last year On line book
Math Music English, Spanish, French, Science, Social Studies, Moral Art and Homework
Fine point markers Geometry kit and compass White-out 2 large erasers Sharpener with deposit Small lock with 2 keys and a key chain 3 Plastic Folders 2 inch Binder and Binder paper