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Opinion | A4 Changes to Oscars are hard for audience to stomache Life | B8

Sports | B1 Demon Deacons prepare to enter ACC Tournament as 12th seed





Artist Common presses importance of pursuing dreams

VOL. 94, NO. 23 T H U R S D AY, M A RC H 3 , 2 0 1 1

“Covers the campus like the magnolias”

New center for veterinary regenerative medicine advances animal health By McKenna Begin | Staff writer

Graphic by Ken Meyer/Old Gold & Black

Only in its infancy, the Virginia Tech/Wake Forest Center for Veterinary Regenerative Medicine (CVRM) began consciously working on initiatives last month to better the understanding of care and treatment for animals. In January, the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine formed CVRM in conjunction with the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. According to a recent press release, the institutions intended for CVRM to be devoted to the science of regenerative medicine — the research of engineering replacement tissues and organs in the laboratory or using cell therapies to restore organ and tissue function in animals. Regenerative medicine has long been a focus of research in human medicine, and specialists are now translating their knowledge into veterinary medicine to help animals. Current projects include: inducing kidney regeneration in cats with chronic kidney failure, creating wound-healing treatments for horses and treating weakened heart muscles (cardiomyopathy) in dogs. “It is an honor to collaborate with our veterinary colleagues in this unique partnership to accelerate the development of new regenerative medicine therapies,” Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, said. Last semester, the university drew criticism for its treatment of animals in laboratory tests.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an international animal rights organization, sent letters to members of the university community, including President Nathan O. Hatch, demanding that the university cease its testing immediately. PETA condemned experiments by university faculty that introduced 17 Rhesus monkeys to cocaine, ending with euthanasia of these animals and dissection of

their brains. That same organization, however, displayed a reserved optimism for the future of the CVRM and its implications for t h e university’s relationship with animals. “This could be very beneficial to some animals as long as their human guardians are aware of the potential risks involved. The individual animals stand to benefit f ro m the treatments, if there is meaningful oversight to ensure that any potential harms are minimized, ” Justin Goodman, associate director

for the PETA Laboratory Investigations Department, said. Goodman also voiced concerns about whether or not the regenerative medicine program researches only animals that have naturally been affected by diseases. Goodman expressed the necessity for the program to avoid injuring or sickening otherwise healthy animals for experiments that work to advance the field. He finally explored the need for CVRM to make its clinical methods known to the general public. CVRM itself defined the parameters of the animals it seeks to work with and the possibility for technological advances in both animal and human science made by its research. A CVRM press release detailed how clients of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital may have the option to enter their pets into clinical trials of new regenerative medicine therapies. These trials will enable CVRM and Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine researchers to understand more about diseases that affect both animals and humans and to more quickly and readily assess the efficacy of regenerative treatments to remedy a variety of clinical conditions. “This center should provide benefits to both institutions by providing an avenue to translate this technology to a clinical setting,” J. Koudy Williams, professor at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and the leading faculty member from the institute, said.

Theology, ecology and feminism join forces in series By Lindey Campagne | Asst. news editor

Is ecology a woman’s issue? Furthermore, is feminism going green? These questions and more were answered during the ninth annual Phyllis Trible Lecture Series. The series honors the university’s internationally known biblical scholar, Phyllis Trible. Hosted by the university’s School of Divinity and supported by the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, the series celebrated National Women’s History Month as the lectures bridged the connections between sustainability and feminism. As part of the two-day series, an eco-friendly faculty and student luncheon was held March 1. Attendees were addressed by Dedee DeLongpre Johnston, director of sustainability, who shared her hopes of making the university campus sustainable. The luncheon also included environmental poetry readings and table discussions on the topics of gender issues, ecology and sustainability. Speakers during the lecture series included feminist theologians Elizabeth A. Johnson, Daisy L. Machado, Jeanette Rodriquez, as well as Trible herself. Lectures began March 1 with an initial address by Trible. Well versed in the topic of feminism and theology, she has authored texts such as God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality and Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives. She spoke on the state of the environment and the religious ties and implications of ecological chaos. The afternoon continued with Rodriguez, professor and chair in the Depart-

ment of Theology and Religious Studies at Seattle University. Her expertise is in the fields of theology association of land and identity and genocide studies. She delivered a lecture titled “La Tierra: Home, Identity and Destiny” that called for all people to view “earth as our first home.” “When we view earth as our first home, people will have a new way of being and a new way of thinking,” Rodriguez said. She believes this care and concern for the earth will lead to social and environmental change. “Immigration is a failure of roots and ecology. This is the ceaseless exile with which people live.”

Daisy L. Machado Feminist theologian

She was also adamant about praising Trible for her extensive work in theology and feminism. Machado ended the day with “Body Map: Ecocide and Femicide on the Border.” Machado is dean of academic affairs and professor of church history at Union Theological Seminary. Her specialty is U.S. Christianities. In 2002, Machado and Rodriguez co-edited A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice. M a c h a d o drew attention to the femicides occurring in Juarez, Mexico, as well as Guatemala. She

argued that colonization is a destruction of identity, but the key to social change lies in acknowledging the interconnectedness between human issues like genocides, poverty and theology. Like Rodriguez, she emphasized the earth as a house that we all, as human beings, share. Machado explained the correlation between the oppression and abuse of women worldwide with the misuse and harm humans impose on the environment. This connection, she said, has roots primarily in the theological aspects of patriarchy. Machado pointed out the way maquiladoras are treated as a specific example of human cruelty. Maquiladoras are women who live on the border of the United States and Mexico, but are harassed for being in limbo between locations and cultures. They live out their Mexican heritage while trying to assimilate to United States culture. “Immigration is a failure of roots and ecology. This is the ceaseless exile with which people live,” Machado said of the immigration issues afflicting individuals who move to the United States from Mexico. In this way, she pointed out, immigration and issues of the like become ecological dilemmas as well as social ones. On March 2, the lecture series continued with a presentation titled “Ecological Theology in Women’s Voices: Advances and Critical Questions” delivered by Johnson. All guest speakers were featured in a panel discussion after Johnson’s lecture where audience members were invited to ask questions about the topics addressed. Feminism is not only going green, it is green. The speakers in the series all agreed that patriarchy is largely to blame for the way humans view the environment as an inferior being — one to be neglected and abused. And if we do not start viewing ourselves as one with earth, the feminist theologians argued, we may destroy it for future generations.

Lecturer addresses academic crisis National Humanities Center President fears that the U. S. is in peril as discipline declines

By Pat Kelly | Staff writer President and Director of the National Humanities Center Geoffrey G. Harpham addressed the pertinence of studying the humanities in modern day society. Titled “The Task of Humanities, Then and Now,” Harpham delivered the lecture in Benson University Center Feb. 28. Underlying Harpham’s remarks was a clear warning — the humanities are in crisis. “These days, the approach is economic stability at the expense of all else and cuts to anything that does not produce immediate revenue,” Harpham said. “We are in a sort of ‘survivalist mode’ mentality that is both untraditional and distinctly unAmerican.” This year England has declared a 100 percent cut of public funding for humanities programs. Closer to home, the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY) announced that it will eliminate entirely its language, theater and classics departments to cut costs — a move that has fear reverberating throughout liberal arts institutions around the nation. The United States, facing an unprecedented deficit and slow economic recovery, is in the midst of addressing budget questions that put humanities on the chopping block. According to Harpham, hope for renewing dialogue on the humanities is scarce. Amplifying the effects of a poor political climate, the last United States commission on the humanities was held over 30 years ago. Harpham warned that these cuts are misguided and place our nation’s future in peril. Instead, he believes that the most important question to address is: how do we meet the nation’s long-term intellectual and economic needs? The humanities, Harpham believes, can serve as the foundation for healthy and sustainable growth as a nation. While Harpham described it as impossible to truly quantify their impact, he defined the humanities as forcing students to think about issues in different ways — to reason, question critically and innovate. Harpham listed these skills as vital for moving forward as a nation. The average American now changes careers over six times in their lifetime and a diverse background gives them the ability to reinvent themselves. He stressed that college should not be approached solely as a means to acquire job skills, but rather as a way to develop more important Harpham life skills. Harpham posits that the humanities can force us to become better citizens and more dynamic thinkers. “The humanities are the telos of mature democracy,” Harpham said. Harpham alluded to a quotation by John Adams. “I must study politics and war, that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, natural history and naval architecture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, tapestry and porcelain,” Adams said. An audience member posed to Harpham an argument he viewed as common on campus, that $200,000 for four years of education is too significant an investment to not have a marketable degree that leads directly into a well-paid job after graduation. “We as a nation have been producing highlyspecialized business and medical students for a few decades now. You would expect that would create a great business climate, right? And job security? Unemployment continues to hover close to 10 percent,” Harpham said. “We should be preparing students to be good citizens and not training them for jobs that likely won’t exist five years from now.”

A2 Thursday, March 3, 2011

days until

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St. Patrick’s Day

Brieflies President’s Aides will be selected from student application process Rising seniors and juniors are eligible to serve as student body representatives during a variety of school-sponsored activities. One of the most honorable representative positions to receive, though, is President’s Aide. These individuals act as liaisons between the student body and the administration. The deadline for the application is March 12. The requirements for application are minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA, multiple displays of leadership and an ability to participate as a President’s Aide for no less than one academic year.

Fulbright Scholarship opportunities to inspire students On March 28 workshops and lectures will take place devoted to educating students about Fulbright grants. Most events will take place in Benson 407. The events will occur all day beginning with continental breakfast and talk by Gary Garrison of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars in Washington, D.C. Following Garrison, visiting Fulbright Scholar Nuhu Yaqub in the Department of Political Science will present a lecture. There will be a reception following the lecture.

Reynolda House takes a train ride down memory lane Reynolda House will show a 1990 documentary at 12 p.m. March 10 which follows photographer O. Winston Link as he revisits scenes that he photographed 30 years earlier. The documentary depicts the photographer in his late 70s, as he remembers his most iconic photographs of the Norfolk & Western Railway. This event is free to Reynolda House members and students. Additional showing dates will be March 24 and May 19 and 26.

Librarians unleash their entrepreneurial sides in series of lectures The Z. Smith Reynolds Library and the library of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro will present a conference for entrepreneurial librarians in the Benson University Center March 10 and 11. Speakers to be featured include Mary Ellen Bates of Bates Information Systems, Tim Spalding of LibraryThing and Carol Strohecker of the Center for Design Innovation. The registration fee is $130. All members of the university community are welcome to attend. Contact Mary Scanlon at scanlomg@wfu.edu or Mary Beth Lock at lockmb@wfu.edu for more information.

Fall back, spring ahead and set your watches for savings time At 2:00 a.m. March 13, Daylight Savings Time begins. All members of the university community should set their clocks one hour ahead to reflect this time difference.

Pi Day acknowledges mathematics’ magic number From 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. March 14 the Mathematics Department and the Math Club will hold an event commemorating Pi Day. The celebration, held on the Magnolia Quad, will feature games and events relating to pi and emphasize its importance in mathematics. All members of the university community are welcome to attend.

NAACP President sheds light on legacy of Jim Crow Benjamin Todd Jealous will speak on civil rights, human rights and America’s ongoing struggle for fairness and opportunity. He will deliver his lecture at 7 p.m. March 14 in the auditorium of the new Welcome Center. The presentation is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the School of Law. Jealous is the NAACP President and CEO. For more information contact the Multicultural Center at williaaj@wfu. edu.

Romance languages revisit the law of silence in Italian lecture series Remi Lanzoni, assistant professor of Italian at the university, will present “Nè visto, nè salutato: The Law of Silence Revisited Through the Lens of the Commedia all Italiana.” The Department of Romance Languages will present this event at 5 p.m. March 15. The lecture will be given in English and will discuss the diverse functions of satirical comedies targeting the “omert,” or law of silence, that exists in Southern Italy’s society and often hampering judicial investigations against organized crime. Lanzoni is the author of French Cinema: From its Beginnings to Present (2003) and Comedy Italian Style: The Golden Age of Italian Film Comedies (2009). The lecture is free and open to the public.

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Football Season


Deacon Profile

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Old Gold & Black News

By Nilam Patel | Senior writer Lynn Book is what you would call a creative genius. This visiting associate professor in the Theatre and Dance Department is also director of the Program for Creativity and Innovation in the Office of Entrepreneurship and Liberal Arts. Book is originally from Northeast Texas — Texarkana to be exact. “People sing about it in songs, so when I actually say the name, people think I’m kidding,” Book said. “Texarkana is a border town so it’s sort of an in between place; people who live there sort of have multiple identities.” Book has always considered herself to be a person who lives in between; she alluded to her multi-faceted nature. Book received her undergraduate degree at the Memphis College of Art, earning her B.F.A. in sculpture and performance. “I enjoyed choreographing and dancing in the modern dance company but I loved the art school and found many of my passions there,” Book said. Book then headed north of the Mason-Dixon line to attend the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she earned her M.F.A. in performance and media. “I was drawn to the Institute because of their progressive imagination and around what creative arts education should be,” Book said. The Institute was one of the first to launch generative systems. It also launched a Performance Art Department in 1971, something virtually unheard of at the time in the realm of visual arts. The development of the new department showed that there are new and interesting hybrids of what art could be, instead of the sole discipline of paint. When asked if she thought the arts were on the decline, she said: “With the explosion of social media, art is everywhere. So more people have access to it; however, how do you gauge what has artistic integrity or a relationship between history and tradition? It’s difficult to understand and value that sort of a qualitative distinction of quality output.” Book teaches a creativity and innovation course at the university within the entrepreneurship minor; the course is considered one of the more unique classes at the university. “It’s a course that constantly asks: who, what, where and ultimately why?” Book said. She also taught a course in conjunction with SECCA in 2007 called Wild ideas, performance and utopian desire. “The course was the perfect example of the integration of my creative practices,” Book said. Her artistic, creative and teaching lives were combined in the course, which also found a way to get the entire community involved. In March 2009, Book launched a national creativity symposium to encourage creative engagement in today’s world and environment. She

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Zac Brown Band Concert

Theatre: Lynn Book wanted to launch the symposium as a place where everyone could express their potential for innovation. “At the symposium, there were astrophysicists collaborating with filmmakers and sustainability initiatives,” Book said. Teaching was not always in the plan for Book. “(However) I always knew that I was an artist; it’s an enduring peace.” Her CDs, performances and exhibitions have been seen all over the United States and Europe. “That enduring knowledge has sustained me throughout all of my life as I have experienced and explored through artistic disciplines, so I learned that I’m able to transfer that creativity to others,” she said, Book was on the constant search to find a mentor that could help her to work more inventively by combining and leveraging ideas and desires into something that is tangible. “I couldn’t find someone like that so I became a mentor myself to help other students,” she said. Book works not only in the classroom but also in the laboratory studio where she continues to invent and reinvent her life mostly her creative practices and teaching. New York is Book’s artistic home. Her dream job was when she was living in New York in 2005. She was living on 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B near New York University. “I was immersed in high-intensity arts and culture and then I decided to take this job to come down to Winston-Salem,” Book said. When asked who she could meet anyone, living or dead, Book cited the people who participated in the Salt March with Mahatma Gandhi. While it would have been a pleasure to meet Gandhi, she would prefer to meet the collective group who fought adamantly for what they believed in.

“They were emboldened to act and it was performative, so for me, that performativity makes the strongest statement because it’s a whole body/mind/soul commitment,” she said. “Human ingenuity can never be underestimated. I would like to meet people who have this sort of fierceness and fearlessness; it would be a great privilege and excitement.”

Holly Hinshelwood/Old Gold & Black

POLICE BEAT Medical Emergencies • A student reported witnessing a victim being hit by a car at 11:30 p.m. Feb. 25 in parking lot B. The witness reported that the victim walked in front of the car and was moved slightly by the bumper. The victim refused medical attention.

Alcohol and Drug Charges • University Police responded to a call at 1:15 a.m. Feb. 12 in response to intoxicated students near University Parkway. One student was charged with a DWI while three others were cited for underage consumption. • The ALE issued citations to a group of students at 10:21 p.m. Feb. 3 at Country Corral night club in King, N.C. A report was sent to the Dean’s Office.

• An RA seized a pipe with marijuana from a student in South Residence at 12:26 a.m. Feb. 26. University Police were contacted and searched for marijuana elsewhere. None was found upon further investigation. The report was sent to the Dean’s Office.

Larceny • Unknown subject(s) removed an unsecure laptop from a unsecure room at 5:50 p.m. Feb. 22 in Tribble Hall. • Unknown subject(s) removed a painting at 12:09 a.m. Feb. 25 from a wall in the Benson Center. • Unknown subject(s) removed a street sign at 5:55 p.m. Feb. 25 from Paschal Drive. Witnesses reported the vehicle’s license plate number. University Police found the offender

and returned the property. The offender claimed the sign was on the ground and she was bringing it to the police department.

Miscellaneous • An unknown subject(s) used plexiglass to gain access into Wingate Hall at 2:21 a.m. Feb. 25. A copy of this report was sent to the Dean’s Office. • While dancing at a party, a victim allegedly bumped into the offender at 2:30 a.m. Feb. 27 in Campus Grounds, Taylor Residence Hall. The offender proceeded to punch the victim in the face. The victim reported to Student Health and claimed he would press charges. The offender was arrested and placed in Forsyth County Detention Center under a $1500 secured bond. A report of this incident was sent to the Dean’s Office.

News Old Gold & Black

Thursday, March 3, 2011 A3

Panhellenic “Go Red for Women” informs females By Alex Azzara | Staff writer

In addition, they aim to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent over the next decade. The university community is also on board; it is applying the movement’s goals for improvement to increase both attendance and awareness among student on campus. “We hope to see the event grow in the years to come as the brand builds and develops,” O’Neil said. Thanks to campus efforts led by O’Neil and Almedia, the Go Red for Women committee and Panhellenic, the university is helping the American Heart Association’s movement to save lives and combat heart disease.

Graphics courtesy of Go Red For Women

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women. The Panhellenic Council notes that although it is often dismissed as an “older man’s disease,” it will take the life of one in three American women. Concerned with such misconceptions surrounding the disease, Panhellenic hosted a Go Red for Wo m e n event in conjunction with the American Heart Association Feb. 23 in an effort to raise awareness of the heart health issues that women face. Go Red for Women is an initiative started by the American Heart Association that is designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. Held in Benson University Center, the event featured complementary red wine, sparkling cider, chocolate fountains and heart-healthy food catered by Aramark, as well as musical performances by a cappella groups Innuendo and Demon Divas. Courtney Simmons, a registered nutritionist on campus, also spoke about the importance of healthy living. “Being that it is only the second year that a Go Red for Women event has taken place on the Wake Forest campus, we had a lot of freedom in deciding what it should look like and what we wanted to

incorporate,” senior Kristen O’Neil, Go Red For Women co-chair, said. “Despite starting from almost scratch as far as publicity and planning goes, we had an excellent turnout.” Led by O’Neil and Gabrielle Almedia, the planning committee consisted of 16 total members. The Panhellenic-sponsored event was open to the Greek and non-Greek community, with over 100 students in attendance. The price of admission was $3 for students under 21 or for those not drinking, and $5 for those 21 and older. The donations from the event will support efforts to fund breakthrough research, awareness, community programs and education by the American Heart Association to benefit women and help protect their cadiovascular health. “It’s a really great cause because while there are a ton of ways to get involved on campus, heart disease is actually the No. 1 killer of women which a lot of people don’t realize,” junior Amanda Satterwhite, the media coordinator for the event, said. “Everyone seemed to enjoy it and the turnout was more than we expected, which was great.” In 2010, the American Heart Association set a strategic goal of reducing death and disability caused by cardiovascular disease and strokes by 20 percent.


Outside the Bubble 22 additional charges filed against WikiLeaks private WASHINGTON — The United States Army filed 22 additional counts March 2 against Private First Class Bradley Manning, the 23-year-old who released 150,000 classified State Department documents to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. These charges resulted from a seven-month investigation into Manning and the released documents. The new count of aiding the enemy carries a potential death penalty. Sixteen new specifications of wrongfully obtaining classified material for the purpose of posting it on the internet topped the list. The U.S. Army originally charged Manning with illegally downloading and transferring defense information to an unauthorized source July 6, 2010.

Stopgap spending bill averts government shutdown WASHINGTON — In the midst of a budget battle that threatened to leave the federal government without funding, Congressional Republicans drafted a budget this week as a measure to temporarily avoid a government shutdown. The bill funds the government through March 18. The temporary agreement cut $4 billion in spending by targeting programs that President Obama has already marked for elimination and reductions. With these cuts, this stopgap spending measure buys Congress and the President time to produce a longer term measure to fund the government through Sept. 30. The bill passed the House of Representatives March 1 on a 335-91 vote margin and the Senate March 2 on a 91-9 vote margin.

NATO apologizes for civilian deaths in Afghanistan KABUL — The NATO command in Afghanistan issued an apology March 1 for the killing of nine boys ages nine to 12 in Kunar Province. The deaths came as the result of a helicopter bombing in which the innocent were wrongly identified as insurgents. Afghan President Hamid Karzai questioned the deaths and questioned NATO’s methods of fighting terrorism. Karzai asked the effectiveness of NATO’s methods if they led to the deaths of innocent civilians.

Libyan protestors inch closer to Gaddhafi’s capital TRIPOLI — Libyan citizens battled with troops loyal to leader Moammar al-Gaddhafi in the oil-rich region close to the capital of Tripoli through the last week. Drawing criticism from the United States and countries around the world, Gaddhafi continued to deploy aircraft to bomb cities in the eastern region now held by the rebels. As Secretary of State Hilary Clinton pushed military options to end the crisis in Libya with the U.N. Security Council, the United States stationed naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya. Gaddhafi promised to take his country to war if foreign troops set foot on his shores.

Supreme Court upholds anti-gay funeral protests WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled March 1 that the First Amendment protected the right of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., to mount anti-gay protests outside of military funerals. These protestors carried signs reading “Thank God for dead soldiers” and “You’re Going to Hell” and shouted anti-gay slogans. The justices noted that while the protests led to personal grief for family members, the Constitution protected hurtful speech on public issues. The court voted 8-1 in favor of the Westboro church. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion for the court while Justice Samuel Alito dissented.

The university has begun to welcome visitors and perspectives to its new center

Old Gold & Black Directory

On March 1, the Office of Admissions moved from its home in Starling Hall to the new Welcome Center. Built in the Neo-Georgian style, the new building offers a spacious reception area, auditorium seating, student interview rooms and staff offices. Members of the admissions staff note that the new building mixes a large and spacious interior for the growing number of visitors coming to campus with the small and comfortable spaces typical of Starling. The center welcomed a high school class to break in the new institution March 2. It will hold its typical Thursday reception March 4 and begin tours March 5. Though the center was originally scheduled to open in October 2010, construction manager Landmark Builders, Lambert Architects and Interiors, Stewart Engineering and Stanford White Inc., have been working since fall 2009 to build the new space meant to welcome visitors and prospective students to the campus. According to Director of Admissions Martha Allman, an architect is being hired to renovate and restore Starling Hall to its former splendor.

PHONE NUMBERS: Newsroom and office: (336) 758-5279 Fax line: (336) 758-4561 EMAIL ADDRESSES: General comments: astbac8@wfu.edu Letters to the editor: leseje0@wfu.edu News tips: meyeka9@wfu.edu Sports tips: pasqgm8@wfu.edu Life tips: slawrb9@wfu.edu Advertising: business@ogb.wfu.edu Photos by Jenn Paradise/Old Gold & Black

T H U R S D A Y, M A R C H 3 , 2 0 1 1 PA G E


A T : w w w. o l d g o l d a n d b l a c k . c o m


J e n n L e s e r, l e s e j e 0 @ w f u . e d u


This column represents the views of the Old Gold & Black Editorial Board.



from fulfilling their awareness instinct. For example, the Soviet communist regime did everything in its power to keep the masses uninformed with horrendous purges and crackdowns on both Soviet and foreign journalists — one reason why the citizens pushed for the eventual fall of the Iron Curtain. On a broad scale, newspapers serve as an integral check on the workings of governments, institutions and organizations. They also serve a similar function at a more localized level, like that of our university. Media outlets like the Old Gold & Black have the duty to report on relevant issues without bias, just as larger news organizations do. Through balanced coverage that gives a voice to all sides of an issue and touches on the varying viewpoints in a community, publications like the OGB must ethically report the truth — even when that truth may be unpopular or unsettling. News outlets, at any level, are not promotional or propogandic mediums, but instead are intended to objectively inform citizens who can then form their own opinions. Newspapers provide outlets for the voice of the masses to be heard, or the people to question those in power who make decisions affecting their everyday lives. During the American Revolution, the newspapers served as a forum for colonial Americans to voice their dissent from the British rule while continuing to educate the masses on a myriad of issues. In this way, newspapers are arguably what has kept democracy alive in the United States. Now that newspapers are at a crossroads, it is of the utmost importance that people retain a knowledge of ongoing global events and fully utilize public forums in order to bolster an informed citizenry and democratic values.

OLD GOLD&BLACK T h e S t u d e n t N e w s pa p e r o f W a k e F o r e st U n i v e r s i t y s i n c e 1 9 1 6

Ashton Astbury Editor in chief Olivia Boyce Managing editor

Stephen Shepherd Business manager

News: Ken Meyer, editor. Lindey Campagne, assistant editor. Opinion: Jenn Leser, editor. Sports: Gary Pasqualicchio and Matt Poppe, editors. Life: Renee Slawsky, editor. Hilary Burns, assistant editor. Photography: John Turner, editor. Online: Bronwen Gainsford, editor. Production: Aaron Colston, Charlie Frankel, Scott Frankel, Kat Rohlwing and Josh Strickland, production assistants. Copy Editors: Caroline Hallemann, James McCabe and Maggie Niehaus. Business Staff: Chris McKeown, invoices. Brently Boyte, circulation. Adviser: Justin Catanoso. The Old Gold & Black is published Thursdays during the school year, except during examinations, summer and holiday periods, by Stone Printing of High Point. To subscribe, please send $75 to P.O. Box 7569, Winston-Salem, NC 27109. © 2009 WFU Media Board. All rights reserved. The views expressed in all editorials and advertisements contained within this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Old Gold & Black. The deadline for inclusion is 5 p.m. the Monday before publication. To view editorials policies, visit www.oldgoldandblack.com


Word on the Quad | Student Voices What are your plans for spring break?

Significance of newspapers endures the test of time

hroughout the history of the United States, as well as the histories of other nations, newspapers have been of the utmost importance. When the Declaration of Independence was originally printed in 1776, it was spread via the colonies throughout a popular newspaper. Newspapers and other media outlets have been the main medium for conveying news for everything from the Titanic sinking to Nixon resigning to the attacks on the World Trade Center. In this way, just as the nation has grown into what it is today, newspapers have grown along with it. One of the most popular figures in American history, Thomas Jefferson, once said, “I’d rather have a free press and no government than a government with no free press.” While writing the Bill of Rights, the Founding Fathers were sure to include freedom of the press as one of the most prominent points. Since then, the media has become a sort of “fourth estate,” relatively free of any intervention from the government or outside forces. The independent natures of newspapers from the time of the Revolution to today have been essential to the maintenance of a free and open democracy. The need for the expression and sharing of news stems from an innate “awareness instinct,” as proposed by journalism historian Bill Rosenthal. This instinct is what forced early humans to peek over the next hill, see what is happening there and then bring the information back to their own clan. The proliferation of newspapers, television channels and online outlets has stemmed from this carnal reflex. And, like any other reflex, this need cannot easily be suppressed. Even so, many regimes have tried to keep the populace


Submissions The Old Gold & Black welcomes submissions in the form of columns and letters to the editor. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and columns should be under 750 words. Send yours via e-mail to leseje0@wfu.edu, by campus mail to P.O. Box 7569 or

“A bird-watching trip with my avian biology class.” Katie Weber Senior Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

“Going to the Outer Banks.” Paige Haynes Junior Coleyville, Texas

deliver it to Benson 518 by 5 p.m. the Monday before publication. We reserve the right to edit all letters for length and clarity. No anonymous letters will be printed.

Quick Quotes “She took as long as she needed to predict the winners, sometimes taking naps.” “Going to New York.” Donald Song Junior Lutherville, Md.

“Going to the Big 12 Tournament.” Kate Wiese Junior Chester, N.J.

Taking a Different Opinion | My Two Cents

New changes to Oscar ceremony come up short

Subpar hosts, unfit winners make awards a letdown

Cory McConnell


Staff columnist

ell, that was strange. This was the most common reaction amongst the group with which I watched the 2011 Oscars. The ceremony, supposed to be the culmination of a year of great cinema and a celebration of acting performances and directorial prowess, fell flat this year. The first problem that I and many others seem to have with the ceremony was the amount of time allotted to each winner of a category. The so-called “big name” actors and actresses (particularly Melissa Leo) were inexplicably given several minutes to gaze at the crowd from the stage and ramble about how grateful they were, while many award recipients for the lesser known awards, like visual effects, sound editing, makeup and costume design, were given the “get the hell of the stage” music before hardly any time had elapsed. Yes, I realize this is a ploy by ABC to give the big stars the most screen time and give them a chance to have their “moment.” But what ABC should realize is that films take more than actors and actresses to happen, and the people behind the scenes of any given film are just as valuable. So, to not see them get their due was disappointing. The hosts of this year’s show also gave a somewhat confusing performance. James Franco, while charming, seemed so blissed out and aloof that I started to seriously question his sobriety. Anne Hathaway, on the other hand, was gorgeous as ever but most of her jokes bombed, including ones poking at her mother and Hugh Jackson, neither of which were funny. This brings me to another issue the Oscars had this year: sound mixing. Every time there was a break for crowd applause, or a space for people to laugh at Franco and Hathaway’s poorly written jokes, the audio dropped out. Now, if the viewer can’t hear the crowd applauding, it almost seems as if the audience had little to no reaction to what the host(s) said or who just won an award, etc. Therefore, what is the viewer at home to think? The mix made for awkward, almost cringe-worthy silences following Franco one-liners and Hathaway’s quirky jokes. The production editing was also confounding. I know that during the

ceremony ABC wants to squeeze in as much star power as possible, so cutting to a famous audience member every now and then is fine with me. But cuts to things like the Coen brothers staring at their shoes or to a stoic David Fincher biting his nails were random, if not completely unnecessary. The tribute montage the Academy puts together is a staple of the ceremony, but I felt almost offended that the reel regularly cut to Celine Dion’s face singing the accompanying song rather than focusing on the montage of the stars lost in the last year. The biggest fault I found with the awards, however, was the glorification of the film that won Best Picture, The King’s Speech. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the film and thought that Colin Firth’s performance was certainly Oscar-worthy. However, I disagree with the film winning Best Picture and Best Director. No one is going to convince me that Speech was more difficult to direct than the whirling, psychosexual tension-filled drama Black Swan, and Darren Aronofsky certainly deserved that award, in my mind, for his amazing achievement in translating that story to film. If not Aronofsky, David Fincher should have won because of his incredible direction in creating what many are already calling the keynote film of the digital generation, The Social Network. The Best Picture category also should have gone to either Black Swan or The Social Network (hell, even Toy Story 3 or Winter’s Bone for that matter), because of the simple fact that while Speech is a great film, it’s simply not going to be talked about 10 years from now or even 10 months from now. It’s a nice little piece of cinema that’s well directed and acted, but doesn’t come close to achieving things like the moral complexity of The Social Network or the incredible, sustained tension of Black Swan, and above all it doesn’t challenge the viewer to think. Some might disagree about the overall quality of this year’s Oscars, but the evidence can be seen in the numbers: according to Entertainment Weekly, ratings fell a significant seen percent from last year’s ceremony. It will certainly be interesting to see how the legacy of the films from the last year hold up over time, but I have a feeling that five years from now when people are still recommending The Social Network to their friends, some will look back on this year and say “the whose speech?” Cory McConnell is a junior communication major from Champions Gate, Fl.

- Maria Saegebarth, spokeswoman for the Leipzig Zoo in eastern Germany, discussing Heidi the crosseyed opossum’s strategy to guess the 2011 Oscars winners — the two-year old marsupial , who chose her winners by placing her paw on one of the gold statuettes, only missed one prediction.

“She fell and landed on her backside.” - Courtney Mikolaj, a representative for Quick Law Firm in Ventura, Ca., discussing her client Ida Valentine, who slipped on a banana peel at a 99 Cents Only Store in Fontana, Ca., and suffered a herniated disk and tissue damage.

“I’ve been at this for 47 years, and I’ve never seen mice used as a criminal tool.” - Michael Chitwood, Upper Darby police superintendent from Philadelphia, describing an incident in which the owner of Nina’s Bella Pizzeria planted live mice at Verona Pizza, their chief rivals, in an attempt to get them shut down and stave off the competition.

“The jail perhaps didn’t accept ties but it’s been resolved now. It was a simple misunderstanding with the parties that were involved.” - George Goltzer, defense attorney for suspected mobster Vincent Basciano, nicknamed “Vinny Gorgeous,” referring to Judge Nicholas Garaufis’s decision to lend and permit the accused to wear a tie to court after his jailers refused him one because his family’s outfit request didn’t specifically list a tie.

Thursday, March 3, 2011 A5

Opinion Old Gold & Black

Can you draw?


New changes to Career Services provide helpful resources to students of all majors

on campus interview anywhere from 10 to 40 candidates — this is a very significant number considering the fact that most companies are usually looking to fill one to five spots from a pool of thousands of potential candidates. I have submitted as many resumes on DeaconSource as I have to individual companies during my job search — and the number of interviews I have gotten on campus is easily double or triple of that from those other sources. Equally significant in my opinion is the fact that DeaconSource interviews are almost always face-to-face, while first round interviews for individual companies are usually conducted over the phone. As someone who hates her “phone voice” I think that the confidence from face-to-face interviews makes a huge difference, in addition to the fact that an in-person interview generally gives the interviewer a better idea of the candidate. Aside from DeaconSource and the countless enhancements that have been happening in Career Services, there are definitely improvements that still need to be made. The Job and Internship Fair seems to recruit heavily for “business” jobs and leaves out other majors — a fact that may partly reflect the nature of the different industries and the way in which they recruit. However, students still seem to make it clear Career Services may want to focus on forging relationships within other industries. Another issue is the fact that a majority of the companies that recruit on campus are geared toward the Southeast region and there aren’t as many opportunities available for the rest of the United States. Once again, I do not think that this is a reflection on Career Services, rather a reflection on the size and location of the university. It seems to me that Career Services are aware of these issues and are making progress in combating them. They are focusing on educating students on networking and developing strong alumni groups in areas like New York City and other major cities from across the nation and even internationally. There are so many new faces, initiatives and ideas coming out of Career Services right now that I am jealous to think of the opportunities the freshman class will have when they are in my position. The amount of change that has happened in the past four years is tremendous — I hope that it is safe to say that the issues seniors are facing right now will be eliminated for future students and the positive changes will continue to improve Career Services at the university.

After reading last week’s article reviewing Career Services, I felt the need to respond. I am not ignoring my classmates who haven’t had success with Career Services, or my peers who have graduated and are still jobless. I simply feel that as a student who has had success with Career Services, my experiences are worth sharing. As a second semester senior, I have had almost four years of experience with Career Services. I am the first to admit that there are some initiatives in Career Services that still need work, but I am also eager to acknowledge the fact that the Career Services that existed when I was a freshman was drastically different from the one that exists today. I have been very impressed with Career Services’ efforts at increased visibility, awareness and interaction on campus. Career Services has enhanced its offerings to students with weekly resume reviews and DeaconSource registration sessions; a comprehensive email update every week and as-needed updates when new jobs are posted; an enthusiastic staff; internship and job panels; mock interviews; employer feedback; and a Student Advisory Board — to name a few. In talking to Career Services it is evident that these new offerings have resonated with students. I learned that attendance at counseling appointments, student workshops and resume reviews have all increased this year, as well as DeaconSource registration — which stands at 54 perent of the undergraduate population. DeaconSource can be an amazing resource for students on campus. DeaconSource allows students a centralized database of job and internship opportunities that is easy to navigate. It can be frustrating and time-consuming to apply on individual company websites. Most companies require candidates to complete an exhaustive profile in addition to a cover letter and resume. I have spent hours completing these individual profiles. DeaconSource eliminates this hassle and saves time. Furthermore, when applying for opportunities on DeaconSource, it is reassuring to know that these employers have posted on Wake’s website for a reason: they are looking specifically for Wake Forest students. This immediately gives us an advantage and sets us apart. The interview process that Borden Cornwall is a senior economics major accompanies DeaconSource job and internship opportunities is fantastic. Companies that recruit from Lake Forest, Ill.

Polls by the numbers | Facts and Figures


3 seats


2 seats

Retiring senatorial incumbents in 2012


Do you have opinions? Do you know what’s going on? Would you like to have cartoons published weekly and get paid for it? If so, send Jenn Leser (leseje0@ wfu.edu) an email.

Jenn’s Personal Politics | The California Conservative

Bieber’s birthday indicates sheer reach of young star

World’s newest musical darling hits milestone Jenn Leser


Opinion editor

short little boy with swoopy hair who wears far too much purple and looks a little bit like a girl. So he may even be — gasp — Canadian. Whatever kind of mean adjectives you want to give him, just make sure you throw in hard-working. Just three years ago, Justin Drew Bieber was a 14-year-old kid singing on the streets of Stratford, Ontario and making music videos for YouTube with the hope of one day being discovered. Since then, he’s garnered the attention of Usher, who signed him to a record deal and became his mentor, and millions of others as he’s rapidly become an international sensation. For someone to go through such a huge lifestyle change at such a young age and essentially lose the normalcy of his childhood, Bieber’s been doing a pretty good job of holding it all together. When he’s not traveling around the world on sold-out tours, serenading countless screaming little girls, going on dates with his supposed girlfriend Selena Gomez or attending the many premieres of his brand new movie Never Say Never, Justin’s just a normal (now) 17-year-old. Not. Even if you dislike everything about him, there’s no denying that Justin Bieber has become a cultural phenomenon of epic proportions in a way that hasn’t really been seen since the great Backstreet Boys/ ’N SYNC boy band showdown of the mid-90s. In just a few short years, he’s managed to pervade almost all aspects of the international media, making guest appearances on CSI — which I don’t recommend watching if you actually like the Biebs since he faces (spoiler alert) an untimely death — as well as countless late-night talk shows, endless magazine covers and pretty much anywhere else you look. Like him or not, that’s pretty impressive, and it looks like J-Biebs is here to stay. So happy birthday Justin Bieber; I hope your 17th is a good one and that you continue to make wonderful music that is loved around the world for years to come.

or those of you who aren’t aware, March 1 marks a very special day in American, and arguably international, culture. Millions of people around the world have been personally affected by this event, yet this is largely a recent phenomenon. Any idea what I’m referring to? That’s right, it’s Justin Bieber’s 17th birthday. Surprised that I consider this news? You shouldn’t be. While it may not exactly be political, I can think of few issues more pressing for this column than Bieber’s birthday. As a die-hard Belieber, I can tell you that there’s nothing more powerful than a strong case of Bieber Fever; in fact, as I sit here writing this, I can see my J-Biebs photo staring back at me from across my desk. I was first struck with the disease almost two years ago, way back in the summer of 2009, and have been living with it ever since. At first, I tried looking for a cure: changing the radio whenever his songs came on, purposely avoiding areas in my hometown where preteen girls would congregate and even banning my friends from putting it on their iPod playlists. Each time I thought I had been cured, one of his songs would somehow make its way into my head and the fever would come back even stronger. Eventually I gave up and decided to accept my fate: I will always and forever be a Belieber. To be fair, it’s hard not to be. His songs, excluding the arguably mediocre “Pray” have all charted in the Top 40 and are unbelievably catchy; I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve been unable to stop singing “One Less Lonely Girl” or my current favorite “Never Say Never” — which may or not be my current ringtone. If nothing else, his music is infectious and just plain fun. So he may not be the most talented songwriter. So his voice may be changing from Jenn Leser is a freshman political science major the cute, high-pitched level it was before, from Alamo, Ca. thanks to puberty. So maybe he might be a

Breaking the Wake Forest Bubble | Hamblin’s Ramblins

Striving for frugality forces students to change their lifestyles

Hamlin Wade Staff columnist


et’s face it — the words frugal and America rarely mix. In fact, depending on whom you ask, they may never mix. Americans have a long-standing history of over-consuming and stretching their wallets and pocketbooks too thin, always in search of the latest hit fashion item or the next lavish vacation. We pride ourselves on our abilities to consume and do so every chance that we get, be it at the biggest mall in the world or the countless fast food restaurants that we drive past on our way to our beach-side villas. Yet, as soon-to-be-graduates of the university, our mindless spending cannot go on forever. We cannot simply push our clothing purchases on to our parents’ credit cards and we can no longer pretend that money grows on trees.

To prove this point, an experiment was designed. Two female students — one senior (Contestant A) and one junior Contestant B) — agreed to a week-long contest to see who could be the most frugal, ultimately spending the least amount of money over the course of seven days. These two students, who shall remain nameless, are close friends that share a passion for fashion and the finer things in life. Contestant A will soon be graduating and will need to learn how to live on a budget. Contestant B, according to her father, needs to make well into the six-figure range upon graduation if she wishes to continue her current lifestyle. Before continuing on, I feel as though I must insert a clause highlighting the character and overall personalities of our two contestants. In no way should my description of either candidate be misconstrued for an unassuming and unapproachable personality. In fact, the opposite is true; despite their lack of frugality, both of these contestants are nothing but the best of what the university wishes to exude. However, needless to say, both contestants had plenty to learn and plenty to gain from the first ever “frugal off” of the university. Parameters were outlined, allowing for meal swipes and a few other “necessities;” however, for the most part, any money spent would be required to be reported to myself or the other facilitator of the competition. With reluctant

signatures, both contestants agreed to the contract, hoping to prove to the facilitators and the world that they could be frugal and withhold spending money if necessary. The competition raged on for the week, with each contestant doing her best to limit the amount of excess spending. Contestant A purchased an off-brand lip gloss and saved $15. Contestant B defied temptation and didn’t buy anything during J. Crew’s 30% off online sale. As the competition drew to a close, Contestant B pulled away from her opponent, never spending money on anything beyond Grab ‘N Go snacks. However, it seems obvious that both of our contestants learned invaluable information from this little gimmick. They learned that they had the ability to monitor their spending and they had the ability to intelligently manage their money. However, what I can reveal is the valuable lesson taken home by all parties involved. Frugality is something that many of us struggle with. We spend money on clothing, food, electronics and accessories that we don’t truly “need” but we most definitely “want.” I feel as though we all can learn from this experiment and realize the reality of the situation we will soon find ourselves in. It is far too easy as students of the university to simply hand over our Deacon Cards to swipe instead of thinking about the actual cost of

something; who needs to worry about money when we have food dollars and Deacon dollars? Sadly, as many of us have already realized when we’ve tried to use our ID cards at offcampus locations and failed, this system can’t and won’t last forever. In a matter of months or years, we will all be living autonomously for the first time in our lives. We will be expected to pay our own bills and cook our own meals. We will have to shop on a budget and we will have to string along in a subsistent lifestyle for many years. However, if we learn to act frugally now, we may be better prepared for the future. So, I challenge you to an experiment of your own choosing: Just see how frugal you can be. Whether it lasts for a day or a week or a month, see how little you can spend on trivial items. See if you can survive buying off-brand products and see if you can survive in the real world. I know that it may not be fun; I know that we may not enjoy it, but I promise that you will learn something from the process and you will be rewarded. At the end of the day, I can’t tell you who won the 2011 Frugal Off. All I can tell you is that I saw two very charming and impressive young women learn the value of frugality. And you can’t put a price on that. Hamlin Wade is a junior political science major from Charlotte, N.C.

A6 Thursday, March 3, 2011

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IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Gary Clark The senior guard talks about his career at Wake, his major in math, transitioning head coaches and his future aspirations. Page B2.






T H U R S DAY , M A R C H 3 , 2 0 1 1 PA G E



A T : w w w. o l d g o l d a n d b l a c k . c o m E D I T O R S : G a r y Pa s q u a l i c c h i o a n d M a t t Po p p e C O N TA C T AT : p a s q g m 8 @ w f u . e d u

MEN’S BASKETBALL: 03/03 v. Georgia Tech 03/06 @ Boston College 03/10 ACC Tournament WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: 03/03 ACC Tournament 03/04 ACC Tournament 03/05 ACC Tournament TRACK AND FIELD: 03/04 Indoor Qualifiers 03/05 Indoor Qualifiers 03/11 NCAA Indoor MEN’S TENNIS: 03/05 v. William & Mary 03/05 v. Davidson 03/11 @ Rice WOMEN’S TENNIS: 03/04 v. Richmond 03/07 @ TCU 03/09 @ Texas A&M MEN’S GOLF: 03/13 Hackler Champ. 03/14 Hackler Champ. 03/27 Hootie at Bulls Bay WOMEN’S GOLF: 03/11 LSU Invite 03/12 LSU Invite 03/13 LSU Invite MEN’S BASEBALL: 03/04 v. Fordham 03/05 v. Towson 03/06 v. Radford

{ NATIONAL STAGE } Louisville cheerleader nearly costs team win over Pittsburgh The Louisville men’s basketball team defeated Pittsburgh 62-59 in overtime Feb. 27, but not without an unexpected scare at the end of the game. The game featured two Big East competitors and had great meaning for both teams in terms of final rankings. Louisville’s junior guard Kyle Kuric dribbled past defenders and dunked the ball with 0.5 seconds left on the clock, putting the Cardinals up five over the Panthers. Then, a Louisville cheerleader grabbed the ball and threw it up in the air in celebration. A technical foul was called for the delay of game, and Pittsburgh hit both foul shots, getting the ball back as well. The desperation three-point attempt from a step within the half-court line by Pitt’s junior guard Ashton Gibbs did not go in, and Louisville held on for the upset victory.

Graphic by Josh Strickland /Old Gold & Black

By Nick Saponara | Staff writer The past few years have been especially poor for basketball in the Atlantic Coast Conference. The ACC, traditionally known for its rich basketball tradition and its much heralded “tobacco road” rivalries, has become somewhat of a middle-of-the-pack conference. The ACC lost the Big 10/ACC challenge for the first time last year, then repeated the loss again this year just when critics were calling for an end to the annual event. In addition, despite the Duke Blue Devils winning last year’s National Championship, ACC teams combined for a record of 27-37 against the ESPN/USA Today Top 25, demonstrating considerable lack of depth in the conference. The ACC is a paltry 9-31 thus far this year, with Clemson, Boston College, Maryland, N.C. State, Miami, Georgia Tech and Wake Forest all failing to win a game against the Top 25.

The ramifications of this bust period in ACC dominance are simple; its reputation as a powerhouse has been severely damaged and some prognosticators have estimated that just two ACC teams will make the NCAA Tourney field of 68. Nonetheless, the ACC Tournament is supposed to be a time for ACC fans to come together and celebrate another great season of competitive and entertaining ACC basketball before crowning a league champion. A cursory look at the top of the ACC standings will reveal nothing short of a dull moment: unsurprisingly No. 4 Duke and No. 13 UNCChapel Hill are at the top of the list. Duke followed up its National Championship run with an influx of young talent, including Seth Curry and the now injured Kyrie Irving, while other underclassmen got much more playing time this year as well. UNC-Chapel Hill came out of the gate slowly once again, and the doomsayers quickly called for

an overhaul at Chapel Hill, citing that this was not how the Tar Heels handled business. However, they have lost just three times since the end of November, including losses to former top-ranked teams Texas and Duke. The talent drops off considerably after those two teams, but it looks like Florida State, led by their always stalwart defense, and Virginia Tech, featuring ACC Player of the year candidate Malcolm Delaney, are safe bets to take the other two firstround ACC Tournament byes. Generally speaking, given the competitive nature of college athletics and especially the parity in the ACC this year, there are no conference matchups that are easy. Regardless, I’m going to make some generalizations and put together a rough bracket in an attempt to break down some of the more interesting matchups that could potentially take place in Greensboro. In case you’re keeping score at home, my five through 12 seeds

Waters’ record 40 points propels Deacs to win


1 12 23 4 18

Women’s Golf

finish in the ACC last season

Douglas scored 14 points for the Deacs, and had five assists to tie her career-high record. Waters blocked a shot from the Tigers with nine seconds remaining in the half, which kept the Deacs within two points, 3432. Advancing into the second half, a 3-pointer, a layup and three foul shots from sophomore Sandra Garcia in a mere three minutes gave the Deacons the upper hand. Turning up the intensity, Douglas, Waters, Garcia, sophomore Lakevia Boykin and junior Brooke Thomas put up big numbers on the scoreboard. To close the game with 16 seconds remaining, Waters sunk a 3-pointer to secure the victory. “It’s pretty crazy,” Waters said. “I kind of was just in the zone I guess you can say. I stepped aside and let

See W. Basketball, Page B4

See Press Box, Page B2

ACC Championships won (1995, 1996, 2009, 2010) current national ranking of the team


“We expect everyone that represents the Detroit Pistons to do so in a first-class manner.”

-Joe Dumars Detroit Pistons President of Basketball Operations on the recent player-coach issues

Red Sox, Phils win big in offseason Sorry, Yankee fans, but the Boston Red Sox had the best offseason in the majors, adding two of the biggest names in baseball. The Sox acquired first baseman Adrian Gonzalez Dec. 6. Gonzalez, the former San Diego Padre, just concluded his fourth straight 30+ home run, 99+ RBI season. He is projected to start at first for Boston while Kevin Youkilis will move over to third. Just days later, the Red Sox snagged the top free agent on the market in outfielder Carl Crawford. The former Tampa Bay Ray is a four-time All Star, has led the American League in stolen bases and triples four times each, and won both a Gold Glove and Silver Slugger award last season. Crawford signed a seven-year deal worth $142 million to play for the Sox. Many other teams were in hot pursuit of Crawford, including the New York Yankees. Contrary to the Red Sox, the Yanks had an unsuccessful offseason. While they were able to re-sign Yankee greats Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera to three and two-year deals, respectively, New York lost starting pitcher Andy Pettitte, who holds the record for most career postseason wins (19). They also missed out on their top two target free agents in Carl Crawford and pitching ace Cliff Lee. Everyone expected the Yankees to get Cliff Lee. Shockingly, though, the Philadelphia Phillies came out of nowhere and signed him to a five-year, $100 million deal, even though this was a smaller contract than the Yankees had offered. Lee has been a nightmare for the Yankees lately, beating them twice in the 2009 World Series for the Phillies, and helping the Rangers knock them out of

years Dianne Dailey has been the Head Coach at Wake Forest


See ACC Tourney, Page B10

By Evan Quinn | Contributing writer

NCAA Championship appearances

Senior Anna Nosenko had an impressive outing at the ACC Indoor Track and Field Championships Feb. 25-26. Nosenko claimed two individual titles. First she won the 5,000-meter run with a time of 16:09.64, 10 seconds faster than her previous personal best. The UkraNosenko nian runner then captured the 3,000-meter championship with a time of 9:12.02. This time set an ACC Championship record, surpassing the previous mark of 9:16.37.

look something like this: Maryland, Clemson, Boston College, N.C. State, Miami, Virginia, Georgia Tech and Wake Forest. Despite being on the losing end of this very 5-12 matchup last year, don’t bet on the Deacs to pull one out this year. I project a matchup against Maryland, who has beaten Wake by an average of 20 points in their two matchups this season. Georgia Tech has had their share of ups and downs this season, but things have gotten especially tough for the Yellow Jackets as of late, losing their last eight conference games. They also lost twice to their projected opponent, Clemson, so don’t bet on the upset here either. More intriguing matchups follow, as Boston College takes on Virginia, and N.C. State battles Miami. UVA played Boston College tight earlier in the year, losing by just three.

Holly Hinshelwood/Old Gold & Black

Senior forward Brittany Waters fights for the ball in the Deacs’ 86-64 win at Clemson. Waters poured in a school-record 40 points in the game to go with 12 rebounds. By Maggie Cancelosi | Staff writer

Wake Forest Clemson

86 64

At the beginning of the season, Coach Mike Petersen decided to represent team unity with a symbol — a bracelet. Based on the premise that a cord of three strings cannot be broken, the Demon Deacons have applied this meaning to their team dynamic on and off the court. In the 2009-10 season, Petersen led the Deacons to their secondbest performance in school history with a 7-7 record in ACC play. With big aspirations in his seventh season as head coach, the women’s basketball program has high expectations for the ACC Tournament.

The road trip to Clemson Feb. 24, was well worth the drive for senior Brittany Waters, who submitted a career-high 40 points that also broke a school record. Waters’ 40 points led the team to an 86-64 victory over the Tigers. Waters also totaled a season-high 12 rebounds to make it her fourth double-double of the season. The Deacons haven’t been too successful on the road, but the Feb. 24 game secured their second road win. Trailing in the first three minutes of the game, Wake Forest stepped it up with a jumper from sophomore Mykala Walker, as well as layups by junior Brooke Thomas and Waters to even the scoreboard. The momentum continued throughout the first half with more layups from Waters, jumpers from Walker and foul shots from freshman guard Chelsea Douglas.

B2 Thursday, March 3, 2011

Old Gold & Black Sports

Gary Clark By Riley Johnston | Staff writer This week’s spotlight focuses on the lone scholarship senior on the Wake Forest men’s basketball roster, Gary Clark. Clark has stepped into his role as a leader on the court and has been one of the few bright spots that the Deacs have had this year. He leads the nation in 3-point shooting percentage at 56.6 percent for the year. Clark hails from Sarasota, Fla., and measures in at 6-foot7 and 200 pounds. As a senior, he led Montverde Academy to a 30-0 record, and a top five national finish. Rated as the 25th best shooting guard and the 11th best player in the state of Florida by Rivals.com, Clark decided on Wake Forest over offers from Georgia, Illinois and Vanderbilt. He chose Wake Forest because of the emphasis placed on being a student-athlete and not just merely on athleticism. As a senior math major, Clark will explore all options next year before he makes a decision concerning his future. Let’s take a closer look at Clark, and get to know his journey to Wake Forest, and why he succeeds on the court. Why did you choose Wake Forest? At the time I was a late commitment and had just decommited from another school. I came here on an official visit in the spring when we played Virginia, L.D. and Ish’s freshman year. They won the game, and there was beautiful weather, so those combinations really sold me on why I wanted to become a Demon Deacon.

Personal Profile Birthdate: 05/07/1989 Year: Senior Hometown: Sarasota, Fla. Height: 6’ 4” Major: Mathematics Awards and Titles: All-ACC Academic Team in 2008, won Florida 4A High School State Title in 2006

When did you first know you were good at basketball? When I was five or six just playing at the YMCA, I was just doing my thing there and excelling in that arena. I moved up to middle school and high school, and by then I had a pretty good idea that I could be pretty good. Who has been the biggest influence on your life/basketball career? My father: he’s the one that put the basketball in my hands. I have had great mentors: my AAU Coaches John

Jones and Troy Bellamy and all my high school coaches have all helped me out a lot, and I love them for that. How has being a math major and a basketball player been at the university, and how has it helped your time management as you prepare for life after college? Tough. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t. I struggle every semester. The kind of work that we do as math majors, and balancing time with basketball, as well as other things that I do, will all help me prepare for the real world. What are your plans after college? I will examine playing somewhere, and hopefully I can get into grad school. I would love to get in to the MA program here and stay for another year or two. If you could have a team comprised of yourself and four other players in their prime who would they be? Of course you have to take Jordan — that’s a given. For my center I would have to take Shaq in his prime, maybe even when he was with Orlando. At point guard I would take Magic Johnson. For the other spot (the four), I would take KG (Kevin Garnett). How was the transition from Coach Gaudio to Coach Bzdelik? On a personal level I love Coach Bzdelik. He gave me an opportunity to play a lot and I can only thank him for that. You are pretty close to the single-season 3-point shooting record at Wake Forest, what are your thoughts on that? Well when I came in to Wake Forest, I knew that I wanted to leave my mark on the university in a positive way. If this is how I make my name then so be it. To be honest I haven’t thought about it a lot, and really didn’t even know what the record was. I just want to get my team wins and do whatever it takes to get there. John Turner/Old Gold & Black Graphic by Matt Poppe/Old Gold & Black

College Football | Deacs lose top assistant

Defensive coordinator Lambert takes UNC-Charlotte head coaching job By Matt Hayes | Staff writer

March 1 was a landmark day for UNC-Charlotte’s athletic program, as they officially announced the hiring of their first football coach in school history, former Wake Forest Defensive Coordinator Brad Lambert. The 49ers were drawn to Lambert’s impressive résumé that includes 10 seasons at Wake Forest, consisting of three years at defensive coordinator for the Demon Deacons and seven as an assistant coach. Lambert’s 10

years at the university are seen as Wake Forest football’s most successful decade, as the Deacs won an ACC Championship in 2006, made an appearance in a BCS bowl and recorded three postseason victories. He also has experience as an assistant at other major universities, including the University of Georgia and Marshall University. Under Lambert, Wake Forest’s defense saw success on the national level. In his first year as defensive coordinator, the

Deacs ranked No. 16 nationally in total defense, giving up an average of only 296 yards per game. While this was Wake Forest’s highest overall defensive ranking during his tenure, he also has shown a knack for developing talent and preparing his players for the NFL’s high level of competition. Lambert coached what many see as some of the best football players in Wake Forest’s history, with Aaron Curry headlining the list of professionals. Curry was the highest drafted player in

Demon Deacon history, chosen No. 4 overall by the Seattle Seahawks in the 2009 NFL Draft. Other Deacs in the NFL who were coached by Lambert include: Alphonso Smith, Stanley Arnoux, Brandon Ghee and Chip Vaughn. Lambert’s focus now shifts from improving the Demon Deacon defense in the 2011 offseason to preparing UNCCharlotte for the 2013 season, which will see the 49ers kicking off against Campbell University for their first game in school

history. He will certainly be scouring North Carolina in search of recruits to provide a solid foundation for a team to compete at the FCS level. While Lambert begins to establish a program in Charlotte, Wake Forest now looks to fill the void that his vacancy left. With new recruits arriving and the spring game fast approaching, the Deacs will most likely promote someone on the current coaching staff to become the new defensive

coordinator, with hopes to avoid delays in player development by offering continuity in the current system. While Wake Forest has suffered a setback with Lambert’s departure, his contributions to the program and the university are numerous and will leave a legacy. The Wake Forest family thanks him for everything he has done for the Demon Deacons and wishes him the best of luck as he begins his head coaching career at UNCCharlotte.

Press Box: Pujols negotiations cause dilemma in baseball world Continued from Page B1

the American League Championship Series last season. He won the American League Cy Young Award in 2008. With the addition of Cliff Lee, the Phillies now have possibly the best pitching rotation in the majors since the Atlanta Braves trio of Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine and John Smoltz. Lee (career ERA of 3.85) is projected to be second in the rotation behind defending National League Cy Young winner Roy Halladay (career ERA of 3.32, two Cy Young awards, 7-time All Star) and ahead of World Series MVP Cole Hamels and veteran All-Star Roy Oswalt. Following those two in the rotation are Roy Oswalt (3.18, 3-time All Star)

and Cole Hamels (3.53, 2008 World Series MVP, 1-time All Star). The only loss the Phillies endured this offseason was right fielder Jayson Werth signing a massive, $126 million deal over seven years with the Washington Nationals. Other winners this offseason were the Chicago Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers. The Cubs traded for starting pitcher Matt Garza, who is coming off a 15win, 150-strikeout season for Tampa Bay. Chicago added another formerRay in first baseman Carlos Pena, who is a former All Star, Gold Glove winner and Silver Slugger. He had three seasons with 30+ home runs and 100+ RBIs for the Rays, and signed a one-year, $10 million deal with the Cubs. Milwaukee traded for former Cy Young award winner Zack Greinke

to bolster their pitching rotation. They were also able to re-sign star first baseman Prince Fielder to a one-year, $15.5 million contract. Fielder has had four straight seasons with 30 or more home runs and is a two-time All Star. There are many other big names that will be playing for new teams this season. Adam Dunn signed a fouryear deal with the White Sox worth $56 million. Catcher Victor Martinez signed a four-year contract with the Detroit Tigers worth $50 million. The Braves signed second baseman Dan Uggla for $62 million over five years. Former Red Sox outfielders are reunited, as Manny Ramirez and Johnny Damon both signed one-year deals with the Tampa Bay Rays. Power hitters Derrek Lee, Mark Reynolds and Vladimir Guerrero will all be playing for the Baltimore Orioles.

The Texas Rangers, the defending American League champions, signed third baseman Adrian Beltre to a six year, $96 million contract. In spite of this addition, though, the loss of Cliff Lee will be a huge blow to the pitching rotation. Also, six-time All Star Michael Young is unhappy with his situation in Texas and will likely be traded at some point during the season. Other teams that had problems this offseason are the Seattle Mariners, who did not sign any significant free agents after a 100-loss season, and the Los Angeles Angels, who missed out on Carl Crawford and Adrian Beltre. Arguably the biggest story in the MLB offseason remains unsolved. The best player in baseball over the last decade, Albert Pujols, is due a new contract, but there are no teams that are willing to pay the amount he

wants. According to reports, Pujols, the three-time MVP and nine-time All Star, wants $30 million a year for the next 10 seasons. He is entering his final season of his contract with the St. Louis Cardinals. There is no word on whether or not Pujols and the Cards can work something out before the offseason when he becomes a free agent. After a very busy offseason, I am predicting a Boston/Philadelphia World Series. The two teams are certainly familiar with success in recent years, but they have not met in the World Series since 1915. Philly’s pitching rotation is flat out scary, and their lineup will be a nightmare for opposing pitchers all season. Boston has the best lineup in baseball, and their pitching rotation is also one of the best in the league.

Deac Notes Stengel travels to Spain with U-20 National Team

Former Deac Ish Smith traded to Grizzlies in four-player deal

Waters named ACC Women’s Basketball Co-Player of the Week

Wake Forest freshman Katie Stengel was called up to the U.S. U-20 Women’s National Soccer Team when they travel to La Manga, Spain for the Ten Nations Tournament. The team will play friendly matches against Sweden March 4, England March 6 and Norway March 8. This will be Stengel’s first international trip with the U-20 National Team. She had been selected to train with the squad at camps in January and February. Stengel led the ACC in her freshman season with 16 goals and 36 points. She broke the school record in both categories as well.

The Houston Rockets and Memphis Grizzlies agreed on a four-player deal Feb. 24, resulting in former Deac guard Ish Smith moving from the Rockets to the Grizzlies. Shane Battier was the second player that the Rockets traded away, along with Smith. In return, the Rockets received Hasheem Thabeet, DeMarre Carroll and a future, lottery-protected, first-round draft pick. Thabeet, the second overall pick in the 2009 NBA draft, became the highest ever pick to be sent down to the NBA Development League. Smith has averaged 2.6 points, 1.5 rebounds, and 2.3 assists in 28 games (three starts) for the Rockets this season.

Deacon senior Brittany Waters was named ACC Women’s Basketball Co-Player of the Week Feb. 28, along with N.C. State senior Amber White. Waters tied the school record with 40 points on a career-best 16 of 28 from the floor in the Feb. 24 win against Clemson. She also grabbed a seasonhigh 12 rebounds. The Orlando, Fla., native then followed up her record-setting performance by leading the Deacs to an overtime win over N.C. State where she recorded her second consecutive double-double. Waters tallied 20 points and 11 rebounds, along with a career-high in both assists with seven and blocks with four.

Sports Old Gold & Black

Thursday, March 3, 2011 B3

Nosenko sets event record in the 3,000-meters at the ACC Indoor Track & Field By Laven Newsom | Staff writer

For the fifth and final time this winter, the Demon Deacons traveled to Blacksburg, Va., to participate in the ACC Indoor Championships. In their second trip to Virginia Tech in two weeks, 17 women and 16 men participated in events over the span of three days, with the men finishing ninth overall and the women finishing 11th. The championships opened for the women with the pentathlon. Freshmen Erika Martin set a collegiate personal best in the 800-meter run and the long jump, placing 10th overall. Martin also picked up other impressive results, including: ninth place in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 9.23 seconds; tied for seventh in the high jump with a height of 1.56 meters; 13th in the shot put with a throw of 8.43 meters; and 12th in the long jump with a distance of 5.07 meters. Her time of 2:29.28 in the 800-meter run landed her in sixth place overall with 3,258 total points. The men began the meet with the heptathlon, where juniors Alex Hill and Scott McCullough finished fifth and eighth, respectively. Hill ran a personal best in the 60-meter hurdles and finished with 5,009 points for the heptathlon. McCullough’s best event was the pole vault where he placed sixth with a mark of 12-9.5 (3.90 meters); he finished competition with a total of 4,465 points. On the second

day, the women saw Ukranian native, senior Anna Nosenko, win the 5,000-meter run in a time of 16:09.64, almost a full 10 seconds faster than her personal best. “I’ve been training all year for this and my workouts have indicated that I’m at my highest level of personal fitness,” Nosenko said. Freshman Mytoia Gathings competed in two events; she recorded a time of 7.76 seconds in the 60-meter dash and placed 25th in the 200-meter dash with a time of 25.20 seconds. In the 400-meter dash, senior Nicole Castronuova finished with a time of 57.27 seconds for 17th overall. Freshman Caitlin Hartnett finished the 800-meter run with a time of 2:19.42, good enough for a top 25 finish. The combination of Hartnett, Castronuova, senior Kim Vos and junior Casey Fowler ran in the distance medley relay and finished in a season-high 10th place with a time of 12:14.80. Also competing on the second day of competition was junior Erin Brooks, who posted a personal best in the long jump with a length of 5.84 meters, putting her in ninth place. Junior Carmen Green ended the day with a toss of 44-0.75 (13.43 meters) in the weight throw, putting her in 15th place. The men also enjoyed a successful second day as sophomore Josh Harris made a top 10 finish in the 60-meter dash with a time of 6.84 seconds, while senior Tyler Dodds advanced to the finals

of the 400-meter dash with a seventh place finish. Sophomore Sean Lunkenheimer ran the 800-meter run in a personal best time of 1:53.83 for a 15th place finish, while senior Tom Divinnie finished in 22nd place in the 5,000-meter run. In the one-mile run, junior Thomas Morrison continued to build on an impressive season as he advanced to the finals with a time of 4:09.96. Teammate sophomore Anthony Marois also competed in the event, finishing in 32nd place. The distance medley relay team of senior Marcus Dillon, junior Kevin Smith, sophomore Nate Guthals and freshman Alexander Rose turned in their best result of the season finishing in 9:48.92. Another personal best was set in the high jump as junior Terence Davis turned in a jump of 6-6.75 (2 meters) to finish in 16th place. On the final day for the women, Nosenko continued to impress as she claimed her second individual title and in the 3,000-meter run, setting a new ACC Championship record with a time of 9:12.02. Going into the race, Nosenko and coach Millar had a plan about how she should run. “It felt good to accomplish what we had planned and to get out ahead and win,” Nosenko said. “It felt really good to put in a good race. I was able to step it up through a combination of peaking at the right time and having a smaller workload in the week leading up to the race.”

Photo courtesy of Media Relations

Senior Anna Nosenko poses with her first place medal after setting a new ACC Championship record for the 3,000-meter race. She finished the run in 9:12:02. Multiple other Deacs competed on the final day. Junior Sarah Brobeck represented Wake in the shot put with a throw of 41-7.25 (12.68 meters) to secure 14th place. Brooks and freshman Phoebe Kershaw participated in the triple jump for the Deacs; Brooks finished 15th with a mark of 37-08.5 (11.49 meters) while Kershaw finished a spot behind Brooks with a mark of 37-06.75 (11.45 meters). In the 4x400-meter relay, the combination of sophomore Maddy Ricco, Castronuova, freshman Allison Johnson and sophomore Myesha Barr placed in the top 10 with a time of 3:52.38. The men also had a successful final day as Dodds finished

fourth in the 400-meter run with a personal best time of 47.69 seconds. Dodds also competed in a 4x400-meter relay team along with Lunkenheimer, Hill and Smith, finishing with the best time of any Wake 4x400 team this season. Their mark of 3:16.55 was good enough for seventh place and Dodd was impressed with his teammates. “We all stepped it up and finished with a good set of handoffs,” Dodds said. Also running on the final day for the Deacs was Morrison who finished his impressive weekend with a fifth place finish in the one-mile run after working his way through the pack. Three other Deacs competed in the 3,000-meter run as Rose

finished 16th, Dillon 18th and sophomore Tom Finnernan 31st. Sophomore Trey Blanton had another top 10 finish in the pole vault with a mark of 1507.25 (4.76 meters). “The teams’ overall finish isn’t the only indicator of a successful meet as the many personal and season bests that were set showed that everyone competed as well as they could,” Nosenko said. Dodds agreed with Nosenko, speaking of the difficulty in competing with bigger schools with such a young team. Multiple Deacs head to Notre Dame next week for NCAA qualifying and the opportunity of competing in the NCAA Indoor Championships in College Station, Texas the following weekend.

Deacs extend season-high losing streak to eight after loss to Clemson By Lauren Howell | Staff writer

Clemson Wake Forest

Photo courtesy of The Tiger News

Freshman guard Tony Chennault drives for a left-handed layup in the Feb. 26 loss.

63 49

Wake Forest’s eight-game losing streak continued this week in their 63-49 loss to the Clemson Tigers, lowering the Demon Deacons’ record to 8-21 overall and 1-13 in the ACC. The game, played at Littlejohn Coliseum, remained close in most of the first half, but the Deacs couldn’t keep up with the Tigers’ ability to define the game with their superior shooting accuracy and sporadic scoring runs. The Deacons shot 33.9 percent (20 of 59) for the game and went two for 12 in 3-pointers, while the Tigers shot 43.4 percent (23 of 53) from the floor, including six for 18 from beyond the arc. With Wake Forest holding a 9-8 lead after five minutes on the court, the Tigers went on a 14-2 run for a 22-11 lead at the 8:48 mark. “We got the ball to the rim, we just couldn’t make it,” Head

Coach Jeff Bzdelik said in a press conference after the game. “We competed; we battled, but we just couldn’t score enough. It’s hard to put pressure on people when you’re not scoring.” Junior forward Nikita Mescheriakov scored a careerhigh 11 points for Wake Forest, contributing toward the Deacons’ 26 points in the paint. “My teammates just passed me the ball at the right moments, and I was in the right place at the right time,” Mescheriakov said. “I played more under control and tried to stay out of foul trouble, so I’m going to try to take that over into the next game.” However, the rest of the Deacons were not as successful in executing well under pressure. Despite scoring over 20 points in the previous two games, freshman forward Travis McKie didn’t appear on the scoreboard until he hit a jumper with 9:13 left in the game. “It was tough, especially when I wasn’t hitting any shots,” McKie said. “But that’s part of growing; how you grow as a player. Those things

happen. I tried not to let it affect my overall game, and just kept fighting.” Despite his decline in individual scoring, McKie still grabbed a game-high 12 rebounds. The two teams were nearly equal on the boards—Wake Forest with 38 and Clemson with 37. The Deacs competed in the second half, only being outscored by one.

instead of just five individuals is something we have to do better.” Despite foul trouble early on, freshman J.T. Terrell scored nine points. Senior Gary Clark also played well individually, contributing four assists, three steals and seven points. Sophomore C.J. Harris put up seven points and had four rebounds. Wake Forest will face Georgia Tech for their final home game “Being ball smart and acting as tonight at 8 p.m., Senior Night. one team on defense instead of The first game between the two just five individuals is something teams earlier this season ended in a disheartening 74-39 loss for to do better.” Wake Forest, but the Deacs believe Travis McKie they have improved enough since Freshman forward January that it will be a better matchup this time. “The last game we played against However, Wake couldn’t seem Georgia Tech was probably the to keep transitional plays under worst game in college basketball control — the Tigers scored 10 this season,” McKie said. points off of fast-breaks and 14 “We just have to do what we do points off of turnovers. and play good defense since Glen “We need to start taking better Rice and Iman Shumpert are great care of the ball,” McKie said. scorers.” “They got a lot of points off of “We need to lock in defensively our mistakes. Being ball-strong and not allow the turnovers like and acting as one team on defense we did this week,” McKie said.

Leslie picks up win at sixth singles but men’s tennis falls at No. 2 Tennessee By Meredith Johe | Contributing writer

Tennessee Wake Forest

6 1

In their toughest match of the year, the Wake Forest men’s tennis team faced the second-ranked Tennessee Volunteers Feb. 27 in Knoxville. After a heartbreaking loss to the Volunteers last season, in which Wake Forest lost by only one point, the team hoped to rally together and defeat the Volunteers. “We played amazing against them last year,” senior Iain Atkinson said. “We hoped that we could play just as well, if not better this year.” Due to rainy conditions, the match was held at Friendly’s Tennis Center, Tennessee’s indoor facility. Last year, Wake Forest was able to capitalize on the cold, outdoor conditions and almost upset Tennessee. This year the Volunteers, who recently placed second in the National Indoor Tournament, used the indoor circumstances to their advantage. “We were planning on an outdoor match, but the rainy weather turned it into an indoor match,” Head Coach Jeff Zinn said.“We had practiced outside all week long. It was just bad luck with the weather.” The only member of the team to come through with a victory was soph-

omore Zach Leslie, hailing from San Diego. Leslie, the No. 6 singles player, went up against Tennessee’s Taylor Patrick and won 5-7, 6-1, 1-0(8). Sophomore Tripper Carleton, currently ranked No. 123 in the ITA singles rankings, was hoping to upset his opponent, No. 17 John-Patrick Smith, after suffering a tough defeat last season. However, Carleton fell to Smith 2-6, 6-0, 1-0 (10-4). Carleton started out strong, picking up a 6-2 win in the first set, but came apart soon after and ultimately lost the match. Sophomore Danny Kreyman hung tough with the No. 1 player in the nation, Rhyne Williams, at second singles, losing 6-3, 6-4. Other single players for Wake Forest were senior Jonathan Wolff, Atkinson and freshman Adam Lee, who fell to their opponents. “This team is more experienced than us, due to many postseason appearances and this definitely showed,” Zinn said. Another one of Wake Forest’s faults was their inability to execute critical points. “We were right there with them,” Zinn said. “In the points that ultimately won the match, Tennessee was better at executing. We needed to do a much better job of controlling our emotions for these critical points in a big match, such as this one.” All three of Wake Forest’s double teams fell to the strong pairings that make up Tennessee’s No. 2 ranked

team. Boris Cokic and Smith defeated Carleton and Atkinson 8-2, Tennys Sandgren and Williams defeated Kreyman and Wolff 8-7 (9-7) and Matteo Fago and Edward Jones defeated Lee and Leslie 8-5. Tennessee has won the doubles point during 23 of their last 24 matches. “They played better than us in doubles,” Zinn said. “We played well but not well enough, but overall everyone put in the good effort.” The Virginia Cavaliers, who Wake Forest plays April 10, will be another tough match up for the Demon Deacons, according to Atkinson. With this loss to the Volunteers, the men’s tennis team falls to a 3-4 overall season record. Atkinson and Zinn both agree that this is an unfair reflection of the team’s strengths and abilities.Atkinson believes that sickness earlier in the season negatively affected the record. They lost two winnable matches to Michigan and Michigan State due to the flu, strep and other illnesses. “(Our record) is not an accurate reflection at all,” Zinn said.“We are actually a very good team. We can turn it around, no questions asked by the end of the year. It’s a long year.” The Demon Deacons will host Davidson and William and Mary for a double header on March 6. “We need to get back out on the practice court and take advantage of

Michael Crouse/Old Gold & Black

Sophomore Danny Kreyman hits a running forehand in a recent home match. Kreyman fell to Rhyne Williams 6-3, 6-4. the home court advantage this weekend,” Atkinson said. “We need to keep everyone confident and motivated because it’s hard to come out strong after a loss like this one.” But fortunately, the season is not over, and the team will still have multiple chances to bounce back.

“They get better with every practice,” Zinn said.“They have a couple winnable matches this weekend and over spring break.” “I think they will enter the ACC stronger than ever and build momentum along the way, and ultimately clinch the ACC Title.”

B4 Thursday, March 3, 2011

Old Gold & Black Sports

Early offense carries Deacons to home win over UNC-G By Matt Hayes | Staff writer

Wake Forest UNC-G

11 1

After a walk-off victory over Western Carolina in their home opener, Wake Forest baseball continued their 13game homestand with five straight games beginning Feb. 25. The Deacs opened with a pair of opponents from the Big Ten, defeating Minnesota 7-5 Feb. 25 and losing 10-3 to Nor thwestern Feb. 26. The Big East came to town the following days, with Georgetown, Head Coach Tom Walter’s alma mater, visiting Morgan Winston-Salem. The Deacs gave their coach bragging rights, winning 7-5. Feb. 28 saw West Virginia make the trip from Morgantown to Wake Forest Baseball Park, but inclement weather caused the game to be cut short after only one full inning of play. No makeup date has been announced. The Demon Deacons finished up the week of play with an 11-1 victory over local foe UNC-Greensboro March 1. While Wake Forest’s offense had sputtered out of the gate, scoring only 10 runs in the first four games, the bats came alive against Minnesota, putting

seven runs on the board and giving the Deacs their second win of the season. The heart of the order paved the way for Wake Forest, racking up six hits and collecting all seven RBI. Freshman Charlie Morgan turned in the best game of his short career, going 2-4 with three RBI and a run scored from the cleanup spot. Success came on the mound as well, as junior Austin Stadler put the Diamond Deacs in position to win, giving up only three runs over 5.2 innings. Freshman Chris Willson came in to pitch a perfect ninth, sitting down the middle of the Golden Gopher lineup in order to earn his first save. “It’s awesome knowing the coaches and the team believe in me to get the job done. I’ve worked really hard to establish myself and earn (the) role to shut games out,” Willson said. “Knowing (they have) confidence in me as a freshman in turn gives me the confidence I need to go out there and be a gamer.” While Wake Forest gave a strong overall performance against Minnesota, they came up short against Northwestern. The Deacs got into a hole early against the Wildcats, as sophomore starter Brian Holmes was hit hard from the get-go, giving up six runs in 3.1 innings. Wake Forest also struggled to support their pitchers on the defensive end, as Northwestern scored four unearned runs in the top of the fifth, due in large part to a throwing error by sophomore Brett Armour on a Wildcat sacrifice bunt. Freshman Jack Carey tried to pull the Deacs back with his first career hit, a two-run home run, but it was too

little, too late as the Demon Deacons dropped the game 10-3. Feb. 27 saw the Hoyas of Georgetown visit for a game under the lights at Gene Hooks Field. The Deacons’ starter, sophomore Tim Cooney, gave Wake Forest their longest outing of the season, pitching 7.2 innings, giving up only two earned runs and earning his first win of the season. The young bullpen was once again strong in relief, with Willson earning his second save of the weekend. “The freshmen out of the bullpen were great,” Walter said. “(Freshman John) McCleod and Willson gave us solid relief.” The bats also helped out the young pitchers, as sophomores Mac Williamson and Matt Conway knocked in two runs each, propelling the Deacs to a 7-5 victory. When asked about his feelings on defeating his alma mater, Walter said: “Beating Georgetown was great, but every win feels good. There’s a lot we can take away, and it’s nice to see Conway getting it going again after a slow start.” Even though a rainout against West Virginia threatened to cool the Wake Forest bats, Conway continued the hot streak and led an offensive explosion against UNC-Greensboro. March 1 presented the Deacs with better weather as sophomore Justin Van Grouw took the mound against the Spartans. While he gave up a run in the top of the second, UNC-G would be shut out the rest of the game, as the Spartans managed only two hits during Van Grouw’s 6.2 innings of work. Conway lent some support to Van Grouw and tied the game at one

Spencer Cook/Old Gold & Black

Freshman second baseman Conor Keniry waits for the pitch in the Deacs’ 7-5 victory over the Minnesota Golden Gophers. with a solo home run in the bottom of the second. The bottom of the third inning saw the Demon Deacons take the lead that they would not relinquish for the remainder of the game, as Conway collected his second RBI of the day, knocking in freshman Zane Yanzick on a sacrifice fly to center field. Sophomore Pat Blair quickly made it a 3-1 game when he scored on a wild pitch by UNC-G starter Brandon Browne, who was chased after only 2.1 innings of work. The Diamond Deacs continued to put runs on the board, when freshman Charlie Morgan made it a 5-1 game on a two-run single. Conway continued his onslaught in the bottom of the fourth, hitting his second home run of the game, a two-run shot to stretch

the Demon Deacon lead to 7-1. Senior Stephen Brooks got in on the long ball action with his own two-run home run in the sixth. The Deacs would add two more runs in the eighth, finishing the game with an 11-1 victory. Wake Forest baseball looks to have bounced back after the LSU series, starting their homestand four wins and one loss to bring their record back to .500. Just as Coach Walter had hoped, the offense is coming alive and the freshmen are performing at a high level, giving the team momentum moving forward. The Deacs are sure to have some pop left in their bats as they host Fordham, Towson and Radford at Wake Forest Baseball Park March 4-6.

Women’s tennis drops two tough matches to Wolfpack, Blue Devils By Gary Pasqualicchio | Sports editor

Duke Wake Forest

Holly Hinshelwood/Old Gold & Black

Freshman Brigita Bercyte fires a serve in a recent match. Berycte plays third doubles.

6 1

The Wake Forest women’s tennis team’s grueling early-season schedule continued when the No. 31 N.C. State Wolfpack made a visit Feb. 27 to Leighton Tennis Stadium. The No. 59 Demon Deacons dropped the hardfought match 5-2. N.C. State was looking to avenge a 4-2 upset loss to Wake in the first round of last year’s ACC Tournament, while the Deacs were hoping to extend their all-time record against the Wolfpack to an impressive 45-3. All three doubles matches were competitive and tight throughout. Freshman Brigita Bercyte and junior Martina Pavelec dropped their match at the third position 8-6 before Wake Forest’s top team, junior Kayla Duncan and sophomore Kathryn Talbert, leveled things up at one match a piece. Duncan and Talbert, ranked 35th in the nation, upset No. 7 Sanaa Bhambri and Sandhya Nagaraj 8-4. However, in the third and deciding match, senior Emilee Malvehy and junior Ryann Cutillo couldn’t hang on at the second position, falling 8-6 and dropping the doubles point. “We had a lot of opportunities to win that,” Malvehy said. “We had a lot of break points in games we lost. We just were off today and weren’t really able to capitalize on our chances.” A bright spot for the Deacs’ doubles continues to be Duncan and Talbert. The duo, once ranked 14th in the nation, has had some tough losses this season but look

to be getting back into form. Head Coach Jeff Wyshner isn’t concerned about the state of his doubles and felt good about how they played. “We had opportunities and we did not take advantages of them when they were serving,” Wyshner said. “I think we played good tennis but we didn’t take some changes we didn’t have the courage at some key moments that hopefully we’ll have next time.” Singles got off to a quick start on Courts One and Two where the Demon Deacons were on both sides of a 6-0 first set whitewash. Malvehy, making her career debut at No. 88 in the ITA singles rankings, jumped all over the Wolfpack’s Joelle Kissell, overpowering her from both wings. Kissell was playing a highly defensive style of lobbing balls high in the air to negate Malvehy’s strong groundstrokes. While it wasn’t effective in the first set, Kissell battled tough in the second before succumbing 6-0, 6-4. “I tried to put the doubles behind me and focus on singles and try to do well in that,” Malvehy said. “The girl’s style of play is pretty frustrating to play against. I tried to just be aggressive and stick to that game plan. I’m happy to get through it.” Wyshner praised Malvehy for her efforts. “Emilee was great,” Wyshner said. “She was pretty frustrated coming out of the doubles and it was a great example by a senior to say ‘I just had a tough time with the doubles match and yet (I’m going to) turn it around (in singles).” Talbert’s strong doubles performance did not carry over into singles, however, as she was

picked apart by the finesse of Nagaraj, the 76th-ranked singles player in the country, and forced into numerous unforced errors in a 6-0, 6-2 setback. With the remaining three matches on court all on-serve, it looked to be anyone’s game. Then the rains came. A brief shower, lasting barely 15 minutes, came down on Leighton Stadium. It was just long enough to wet the courts and cause a lengthy delay while Wake staff dried them. After the two squads re-took the court, things went downhill quickly for the Deacs as they fell into a 3-0 hole. However, with Malvehy firmly in command of her match, Pavelec up a set and playing well and Duncan down a set but up a break in the second, there was still hope. Duncan was unable to hold her advantage as the Wolfpack’s Lenka Hojckova broke back at 3-3 in the second set. Duncan, visibly frustrated by her opponent, was broken in the 10th game of the second set, falling 6-4, 6-4. Pavelec lost a heartbreaker in a 10-point tiebreaker after being in command of her match, 6-3, 5-7, 0-1 (4-10). Sophomore Anna Mydlowska was down 6-1, 5-0 before winning four of the last five games in a straight set loss. “I think we just got beat a little bit cross-court to cross-court today,” Wyshner said. “That’s how you lose 6-4 sets or 7-5. We have to be a little strong crosscourt to crosscourt.” After the match, the Deacs turned their attention to No. 3 Duke, the next team on their daunting schedule. “They’re so solid at every position,” Malvehy said. “Every

player is ranked. It’s going to be tough. I think it will be good for us to play against them. We’ll all get good challenging matches.” Wyshner believes the match will be a good test for his battle-tested squad. “I’m excited,” Wyshner said. “Any time you get to go play a Top 10 team you want to see what you can do. I think we can play better than we did today.” The Demon Deacons did play better than they did against N.C. State but it wasn’t enough in a 6-1 setback, dropping the team’s record to 2-5. Talbert and Duncan continued their strong play, beating the Blue Devils’ top team 8-7. However, as has been the case at times this season, Wake’s second and third teams couldn’t close their matches as the team dropped the doubles point. Singles got off to a strong start with Talbert and Pavelec winning their first sets and Malvehy and Cutillo hanging tough, all against Top 75 opponents. However, the depth throughout the Blue Devils’ singles lineup prevailed. Talbert fell to No. 74 Ellah Nze in three sets while Malvehy, Duncan, Cutillo and Mydlowska were defeated in two. Pavelec, however, finished off her match 6-2, 2-6, 6-3, for one of her marquee wins of the year. Her opponent, Nadine Fahoum, is ranked 39th in the nation. Despite the setback, Wyshner sees a chance for the team to get much needed wins over Spring Break. “We have a tremendously important spring break coming up,” Wyshner said. “We’ve got three matches against a Top 40 (Texas A&M), a Top 50 (Rice) and a Top 75 (TCU) team and we need to go out on that trip and be really successful.”

W. Basketball: Demon Deaconcs finish tied for seventh in ACC, to face UVA in first round Continued from Page B1

God do the work and use me to play the game that I know how to play, so I just had to go out there and do it.” Beyond the win, Pe t e r s e n was also pleased that his team had only nine turnovers, Wilson a new season low. Offensive play demonstrated itself to be strong with a total of 22 points off turnovers, 34 points in the paint and nine points from fast breaks. As of Feb. 27, the ACC standings listed Wake Forest and N.C.

State tied with four wins against ACC teams. Duke remains in first place in the ACC with 11 wins, while Virginia Tech is ranked last with one victory. According to the AP Poll, five ACC programs are ranked among the Top 15 teams in the country. The 30th and final regular season game for the Deacs was against N.C. State. Prior to the game, Waters and senior Kem Wilson were acknowledged by their parents, coaches, team and fans for their leadership and dedication to the program. The game also recognized Breast Cancer Awareness, with the Deacons sporting pink accents with shoelaces and headbands. Always calm under pressure, Garcia set the tone of the game with a layup, followed by a jumper from Waters.

The two had particularly outstanding performances on Sunday with Garcia’s total of 23 points and seven rebounds, while Waters totaled 20 points and 11 rebounds for her second-straight double-double. Despite the tight Wolfpack defense in the paint, Boykin and Garcia still made important layups. With jumpers and 3-pointers from Waters, along with foul shots by Thomas and Garcia, the Deacs were leading 26-22 with seven minutes remaining in the first half. Douglas and freshmen Lindsy Wright also stepped up with

impressive jumpers. After a media timeout, the Deacons held the lead with foul shots by Waters and a 3-pointer by Boykin to end the half. Heading into the second half, the Deacons led 42-34. Showcasing her consistency, Garcia, yet again, started off with a layup. Thomas, a confident ball carrier, navigated her way to hit a 3-pointer and then a jumper within two minutes of each other. Thomas totaled 15 points in the matchup against the Wolfpack in her 18 minutes of play. N.C. State was determined to get back into the

game and evened up the score with 8:52, at 62-62. With less than five seconds remaining, the Wolfpack led 78-75. Douglas, who has made a great impression in her first year of collegiate play, threw up the ball with one second remaining to make the 3-pointer and tie the game. Joel Coliseum went wild as Douglas humbly acknowledged her big play as the team prepared for the five-minute overtime. Running off of pure adrenaline, the Deacons knocked the Wolfpack out of the competition with a jumper from Boykin, a layup from Garcia and two more 3-pointers from Douglas. With both foul shots made by Walker, Waters and Thomas, the team showcased offensive consistency. With the final score of 100-94, Wake Forest

secured their No. 9 ranking in the ACC bracket. Wake Forest finished in a tie for seventh in the ACC with Virginia and Boston College but earned the ninth seed in the conference tournament due to tiebreakers. “N.C. State I can consider to be one of our rivals because it’s always a great game,” Waters said. “Because there are only two seniors on the team this year, I wanted us to go out with a bang. After the Clemson game, it was only fair to keep on going.” “For the ACC, we want to focus on the important parts of our game, still get a workout in and clean up some things.” The Deacs will face off against No. 8 Virginia in the first round of tournament play March 3 at the Greensboro Coliseum. The winner will advance to play No. 1 Duke in the quarterfinals.


M o z e l l e ’s s e r v e s u p d o w n - h o m e c u i s i n e w i t h a t w i s t . P a g e B 7 .

INSIDE: NEESON FLICK LACKS PLOT Unknown keeps audiences guessing about the point of the film. Page B6.




T H U R S DAY , M A R C H 3 , 2 0 1 1 PA G E



O N L I N E A T : w w w. o l d g o l d a n d b l a c k . c o m E D I T O R : R e n e e S l a w s k y, s l a w r b 9 @ w f u . e d u

FAME, GLAMOUR, OSCARS With the event concluded, many are left with a bad sense of Hollywood style and dissatisfaction with the Academy’s choices By Caroline Murray | Staff writer As the biggest Hollywood party of the year, the Academy Awards is a mecca for fashion and annual style trends. Or, at least, it’s supposed to be. Overall, the selection of dresses worn on the red carpet was certainly not the cream of the crop by any means, compared to even the past couple years. Regardless, a handful of stars shone a little bit brighter than others during this unexpectedly barren fashion-drought.

BEST LOOKING OF THE NIGHT Jennifer Lawrence: Shut out all the Baywatch comparisons. This 20-year-old certainly made a statement in an effortless, gorgeously-colored, perfectly fitted Calvin Klein. Michelle Williams: Although a little g h o s t l y, the Blue Va l e n t i n e nominee worked everything to her advantage, from the beaded Chanel to the natural look to the pixie haircut (which seems like it’s getting shorter and shorter). Cate Blanchett: Okay, you either love it or loathe it. All those who loathe it? Go away. This progressive, light lavender Givenchy complimented her regal personality and could only be worn by a goddess who can hold herself as well as Blanchett.

Hailee Steinfeld: Sure, it’s nothing groundbreaking or chic. But in this day and age, it’s difficult to find a 14-year-old who dresses age appropriate. And in this Marchesa gown, the young True Grit nominee proved she is someone to definitely watch. Mila Kunis: Despite the fact that Halle Berry wore the same dress in crimson red a couple of years ago, this soft lilac Elie Saab number worked with the Black Swan star’s natural coloring and looked tasteful yet sexy.

WORST LOOKING OF THE NIGHT Amy Adams: As much as I love her as an actress, Adams is not my favorite fashion icon, and she certainly proved it with this L’Wren Scott gown. Everything from the color to the sparkles and the hairdo to the clashing emerald necklace just made her a wreck. Nicole Kidman: Her Oscar-nominated performance in Rabbit Hole was one of, if not my favorite performance. This awkwardly sharp Dior gown, however? One of her worst fashion moments and she doesn’t have many. Is she a Japanese bride in a kimono? Scarlet Johansson: Scarlet, Scarlet, Scarlet. I know you’re a starlet who’s just back on the market (who the hell breaks up with Ryan Reynolds?), but you don’t have to look like a lingerieclad band groupie who just rolled out of bed. And that’s exactly what she did in this clashing purple Dolce & Gabbana mismash.

ANNE HATHAWAY GOWNS For the prettiest Oscar host in history, Anne Hathaway rose to expectations not as an effective MC (stop giggling all the time!) but as a fashion icon for everyone watching. With eight different ensembles throughout the evening (from her “just okay” red carpet gown to a tuxedo in heels),

Hathaway made the biggest splash Sunday night, and she wasn’t even nominated. Her three best: the opening vanilla Givenchy Haute Couture, the Vivienne Westwood embroidered lace ball gown and a stunning burgundy Versace.

OSCAR WINNERS RECAP Although the most prestigious and competitive award in the entertainment industry, the Academy Awards seem to have a tendency of not acknowledging performances that truly deserve it, or not rewarding films that redefine culture and cinema. Think Forrest Gump winning over Pulp Fiction, Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan, and more recently Crash over Brokeback Mountain (really?!). Regardless, we definitely saw this disappointing shift occur with a couple of the major awards throughout the evening. Best Supporting Actor and Actress: Christian Bale and Melissa Leo, The Fighter Of all the acting categories, these were the ones that had potential for upset. Bale and Leo had won many, if not most other supporting awards throughout the award season. However, with popularity of The King’s Speech growing, Geoffrey Rush was a very likely upset. Although I think Bale has been overdue for an Oscar, Rush’s performance was just as fantastic. Similarly, Hailee Steinfeld of True Grit, despite her age, gave one of the best performances of the year. But as a fresh face, the Academy overlooked her instead of rewarded her. Best Actor and Best Actress: Colin Firth, The King’s Speech and Natalie Portman, Black Swan There was absolutely no questioning who was going to win the major acting recognitions. If anyone was a lock-in for who both deserved to win and would win, it was Firth and Portman. Rarely in past years have I been so astounded and

moved by an actor’s performance than I was by Firth, a man who has continuously delivered powerful and charming performances throughout his career. Portman gave a solid performance in Black Swan that was too twisted and psychologically thrilling to be ignored. Best Originial Screenplay and Best Picture: Screenwriter David Seidler and Director Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech The shift in popularity among the other nominees made these two categories a three-way battle. Both Inception and The Social Network had been awarded most of the technical awards, but it was these two categories that really mattered for the films. Seidler’s win for writing The King’s Speech was more of a reward for the challenges, personal hardships and decades he endured to get the film made, despite the fact that Inception was the favorite to win after Christopher Nolan got completely and entirely jipped a second time for Best Director. Nolan purportedly spent the entire last decade writing the screenplay for Inception, thus making arguably the largest upset of the night. That being said, David Fincher was the avorite for directing The Social Network, which had also won most Best Picture categories the past couple months. Again, with The King’s Speech sneaking up on Academy voters this February, Hooper took home the prestigious Best Director over Fincher. The King’s Speech, although a strong film, was, in my opinion, not as worthy for Best Picture as The Social Network. History really does repeat itself.

Graphic by Renee Slawsky/Old Gold & Black

Humor Column | Reverand Robert Hooke

Plane crash survivor defies society’s entertainment addiction William Daly Staff columnist

It’s been 108 days since we landed here. People have lost their wits. James used to fish every day, but now he spends his time making sundresses out of turtle shells. Peter loved exploring the island, but he has now decided the best way off is to dig a tunnel to China. I know that my wife doesn’t recognize me anymore, otherwise she wouldn’t be spending so much time with James and Pete in front of me.

When the plane crashed, a lot of the bags were searched for useful items. Strangely enough, everyone had brought exactly 10 items in their carry-on. Most people had a couple of their favorite CDs, movies or books. A couple of the smart people brought inflatable rafts and briefcase helicopters, but they left the first day anyway. Once we had gathered all of our stuff together, people just seemed content with their future. No one really objected to being stuck on a desert island; most just found a spot under a palm tree and played with their stuff. The first group of people to lose it were the favorite-movie watchers. No one had brought a TV and there was only so-much battery life on the portable DVD players. Plus, everyone had trouble deciding what to watch. They

started acting out scenes, and people got lost in their roles. It started getting violent when a guy started playing Nicolas Cage. Some kept talking about how much this was like their favorite TV series, but without the confusing flashbacks. The CD people were next. When people had listened to all their music and wanted to trade, very few people had brought something other than the Beatles. The select passengers who had brought less mainstream music refused to share, and asked what other bands people listened to while quietly scoffing under their breath. The really indie passengers had no where to play their vinyls. When the music stopped playing, everyone just sung their favorite songs out loud. Inevitably, songs were stuck

in people’s heads, and their only outlet was to drown out the pain with other popular music. It was excruciating to watch. The final assemblage to go insane was the book readers. They bided their time, reading through their favorite books two or three times, exclaiming to everyone that “you learn a little something new with each read.” The Harry Potter readers looked to trade first, but none of them had wanted to have to carry any book after the Azkaban one. By the time it had rained so many times that the books became useless, the real horror started. When they began talking to each other about their favorite books, they could never help but mention how important it was for the other to read it. With people talking about themselves,

social structure broke down, and people began just staring into the sea and admiring their reflections. That leaves myself. I am the only man left on this island who has kept my sanity. This world has been tainted with humanity’s addiction to entertainment. The constant desire for the new distorts the love of the old. Only the writer, the artist, the creator has the power to maintain their love, and, by extension—their sanity. Only the writer can bend the boundaries of what is considered great and good, and force the frontier of perfection farther from the understanding of the average man. Only the writer, oh boy, there has to be more paper. Where is my other notebook? I know I left it around here somewhere, if this is the last piece of paper I swear to God that

B6 Thursday, March 3, 2011

Old Gold & Black Life



Trend Alert | Bold prints


Flowers, butterflies and bold colors garnish spring dress By Hilary Burns | Asst. life editor

Movie Theater Releases for March 3 Rango The Adjustment Bureau Beastly Take Me Home Tonight HappyThankYouMorePlease I Saw The Devil

Did you know? The percent of people who dream in black and white decreased after the creation of color TV.

Word Play See solution below

Spring is in the air. The temperatures are rising up to mid-70s before our eyes. It is comforting to see students assembling on the Quad to relax with friends and using the tables outside of Benson to study in the sun. Naturally, this warmer weather brings immense adjustments to our wardrobes. While the calendar says it is still technically winter, spring fever has invaded our campus with overwhelming numbers of sandals, sundresses, pastel shorts, and flip-flops — the typical preppy, spring attire. Everyone is anxious to put the gloves and scarves in storage and begin walking to class coatless. As you begin the fun task of reorganizing your closet for spring, the fashion trends of the season can be summarized in two words — quirky and bold. Abstract patterns have overwhelmed runways and magazines, and designers of all names used a multitude of prints at this year’s Fashion Week. From Prada’s red, blue and green “Mexican Riv-

Celeb Juice: This week’s gossip update

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

• Tom Hanks and his daughter Sophie made an appearance on Toddlers & Tiaras, which showed on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Hanks proved to be quite the stage dad in the hilarious video clip. • The chief designer for Dior, John Galliano, has been fired after a video surfaced showing Galliano launching a very antiSemetic rant praising Hitler. Oscar-winner Natalie Portman, who is Jewish herself, said she is “shocked and disgusted” by the footage. • Charlie Sheen is being sued for allegedly derailing an attempt to replace him with his estranged uncle on Two and a Half Men. The lawsuit was filed in L.A. County Superior Court March 1.

Student Union

Ace of Cakes March 16 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Brendle Recital Hall St. Patrick’s Day Concert: The Buddy Brown Band March 17 Magnolia Quad

Drink of the Week Spring Break Enjoyment

This drink is a great way to kick off your sunsoaked and relaxing week of Spring Break. Its simplicity reflects the laid back nature of the holiday. 1 1/2 oz. vodka 1/2 oz. lychee liqueur 4 oz. club soda Fill glass with ice. Add 1 1/2 oz. of vodka, followed by the lychee liqueur. Top off with club soda and enjoy!

They have a large array of brightly patterned dresses, tops, shoes and skirts and are much more reasonably priced than these upscale designer names. H&M even has a fashion guide for this exact style. While combining floral tops with bright orange patterned cardigans or sparkly purple jumpsuits may sound extreme, Marc Jacobs encourages

Urge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone this season and try something new. Combining bright colors will have you dreaming of summer and warm weather while drawing attention to your appearance. This season, orange is “the color,” so seek splashes of orange in your accessories, tops and bottoms. Also consider wearing bold shoes. Floral patterned ballet flats and canvas sneakers could add an element of interest to monotone sundresses or skirts. Marc by Marc Jacobs’ Flower Ballet Flats and J.Crew’s Lula ballet flats in Liberty floral are both adorable, eye-catching flats that could complete any outfit. Forever 21 has affordable floral canvas sneakers for more casual occasions. Celebrate the warm North Carolina air this season by donning quirky, bold patterns. The adorable, preppy attire so commonly seen on campus is practical and classic and more apparently — safe. Walk to the beat of your own drum this spring and choose to wear “the stronger” look to stand out and make Marc Jacobs proud.

“Sometimes there are two very opposite directions, and we go with the stronger one at the end. It’s an impulse thing.”

Marc Jacobs you to wear just this. Don’t simply limit yourself to floral patterns while splurging on new spring apparel this year. This season’s popular prints vary from the selling-out H&M’s lipstickshape headbands and butterfly patterned shorts to much more abstract patterns.

Surrender to Sudoku


• Christina Aguilera was arrested March 1 on a charge of misdemeanor public intoxication. Her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, was also arrested for driving under the influence with bail set at $30,000.

iera” piece to Christian Dior’s floorlength “Prints Charming” dress — prints are an essential component of every designer’s creation. While bright red, two-piece patterned suits may be a bit impractical for campus life, there are a few ways to incorporate prints into your wardrobe subtly while still dressing bolder than the typical, preppy college uniform. Patterned sundresses matched with solid colored cardigans make a great combination for days that start cooler in the mornings and end up being 80 degrees by noon. Combining browns and navy blues with floral or abstract, multi-colored patterns will add texture and interest to your spring outfits. Many of the more flamboyant patterns available this season are inspired by designers’ obsessions with the ‘70s. The line Marc by Marc Jacobs incorporates bright oranges, purples and pinks in jumpers, bunched up skirts and polka dots to epitomize the hippy decade. To get the look of Louis Vuitton, Prada and Marc Jacobs for less, shop at H&M, Forever 21 and Old Navy.


9 8

4 7



9 4

1 8 7 3 7 9 5 1 4 3 2 6 2 3 5 5 8 7

Check back next week for the solution to this week’s problem. In case you haven’t noticed, we like to keep people waiting in suspense.

Puzzle by websudoku.com Difficulty Level: Hard

3 6 9 8 1 2 5 4 7

2 5 1 4 3 7 6 9 8

7 4 8 6 9 5 2 1 3

8 2 7 1 6 4 3 5 9

4 3 5 2 7 9 1 8 6

9 1 6 5 8 3 4 7 2

6 8 3 7 5 1 9 2 4

5 7 2 9 4 6 8 3 1

1 9 4 3 2 8 7 6 5

Puzzle by websudoku.com

Solution from 2/24

Movie Review | Unknown

Plot of new Neeson movie remains Unknown By Kathryn Rohlwing | Staff writer

Unknown presents itself as a mind-bending mystery, something exciting and unpredictable, one of those you’ll-never-see-the-end-coming type movies. Liam Neeson plays Martin Harris, an American biologist who flies to Germany with his wife, Elizabeth Harris (January Jones, Mad Men), to attend a biotechnology conference. Shortly after arriving at the hotel, Martin realizes he has left his briefcase at the airport and runs back to retrieve it while his wife is checking-in; but on the way back, the taxi driver loses control of the car and they careen off a bridge. Martin awakens four days later in a hospital with no memory of what happened and no identification. When he sees a news report on the biotechnology conference, fractured memories return and he races to the hotel to find his wife; however, she does not recognize him and calls security because her husband, Martin Harris (Aiden Quinn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee), is standing right beside her. This other Martin Harris has a passport, a driver’s license, family photos, everything that Neeson’s character remembers as his own. Convinced he is going crazy, Martin checks back into the hospital, but as he is receiving an MRI, a man murders the attending nurse and attacks Martin, who barely escapes. Lost in an Unknown unfamiliar Rating | PG-13 city with no money, no Director | Jaume Collet-Serra identificaWho’s it for? | Fans of spy tion and no thrillers and Taken one to turn Running Time | 1 hr. 57 mins. to, Martin desperately Grade | Btries to prove he is the real Martin Harris before he disappears entirely. While the premise presents something unusual, Unknown plays itself out as the traditional political spy-thriller with many car chases and explosions. I am always a fan of a good mystery and enjoyed watching this one, but because it was so standard, I was not on the edge of my seat. The plot did have a couple of big twists, but this kind of movie has been made so many times before that the plot twists are not really unexpected, and viewers know it could only end a couple of ways. More and more movies are relying on large explosions and special effects to entertain audiences. But, by this point, we’ve seen it all before. We can guess right off the bat who is going to live and who is going to die. We know which characters will fall in love and that a car chase will end in the heroes barely escaping. The only thing that can make a thriller

Photo courtesy of Warner Brothers Films

Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) struggles to discover what happened to his identity after he awakens from a coma in this predictable spy-thriller. like Unknown work is to have engaging characters. The viewer has to want them to survive, to fall in love, to escape. When the plot can be predicted, suspense has to come from seeing the characters fight for their lives. The characters in Unknown are flat. The movie focuses so much on the plot, that it does not have good dialogue or give its characters traits that make them unique and draw the audience to them. When none of the scenes of Martin and Elizabeth show why they are such a perfect pair, there is little reason to want to see them reunited. The actors themselves were fairly well-chosen for their parts. Neeson was good in his role. He displays the same martial arts work he did in Taken and The A-Team. Neeson conveys a relatable character; he looks the part of a professor unprepared to be drawn into a world of assassination attempts. Jones is a strikingly beautiful actress, which is an asset to her role. Her remarkably pale blond hair makes her identifiable in a crowd, so the audience is able to follow her through busy streets and

buildings as Martin does. While Jones looks the part, her acting in the film leaves much to be desired. Elizabeth’s character has to be conveyed with ambiguity; is she a willing accomplice or is she being held captive? Unfortunately, Jones fails to communicate this duality. She has been nominated for one Emmy and two Golden Globes for her role in Mad Men, but whether this script was lacking or the role was a big change from a ‘50s housewife, nothing in her tone or body language was convincing. Quinn was the best of the cast. He only had a few lines, but through his body language, he conveyed a knowing smugness that made him immensely unlikeable. My overall opinion of Unknown is that it was a fun, mindless break from homework. It was decently acted and exciting enough that, at nearly two hours long, it did not feel tedious. But the characters were plain and the plot was disappointing, so I would recommend looking into other films before deciding on this one.

Solution to Word Play: Trail mix

Life Old Gold & Black

Thursday, March 3, 2011 B7

Traditions Column | Wake Forest Traditions Council

University charity events benefit Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund By Emily Snow | Staff columnist

On June 16, 1970, Piccolo passed away at the age of 26. Ten years later, in 1980, student leaders at the university established the Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive. In 26 years, over $1 million has been raised for cancer treatment and research. Raising money and community support for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive is the prerogative of two of the university’s most notable traditions: Hit the Bricks and Wake ‘N Shake. “I love Hit the Bricks for Brian because I think it is really incredible to see our entire campus of students, faculty members and administrators come together to make a difference for this cause,” co-chair of this past Hit the Bricks, Natalie Halpern, said. Wake ‘N Shake, a 12-hour dance marathon, is just around the corner for students. Wake ‘N Shake is a relatively new tradition but one vigorously respected since its inception in 2006. “Wake ‘N Shake is an event that not only brings people together to have a great time, but reminds us just how many people’s lives have been affected by cancer and how many people are willing to fight it,” marketing executive for Wake ‘N Shake 2011, senior Gaby Smith said. “The theme this year, Clue! Who Killed Cancer?! really expresses the goal of Wake ‘N Shake — we want to kill cancer!” “Events like Wake ‘N Shake and similar initiatives show how the Wake community lives up to our motto of Pro Humanitate,” sophomore Jim O’Connell said. Arguably the best customs at the university are those that are volunteer-oriented in keeping with the slogan of Pro Humanitate, reflecting the generosity that lies at the heart of the university student body. “The significance of the Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund Drive can be found in the fact that Wake Forest students initiated this campus-wide philanthropy 30 years ago, and they have sustained it through their creativity, collaboration and personal passion to find a cure for this insidious disease of cancer,” Mike Ford, assistant dean of Campus Life said. “The Brian Piccolo Cancer Drive is a wonderful expression of Pro Humanitate in action.” On March 19, students will continue living out Pro Humanitate by carrying on the traditions of the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund at Wake ‘N Shake.

Hit the Bricks for Brian. Chi Omega’s Silent Auction. Theta Chi’s Halloween Pumpkin Carve. Sigma Chi’s Derby Days. Chi Psi’s Deacon Spirit Car Bash. And finally, Wake ‘N Shake. What connects this variety of philanthropic events, Greek, athletic and otherwise? What links these activities, from bashing a car to pieces to running laps around the quad, is the organization they benefit: the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund. The name “Brian Piccolo” is as familiar to many students as other campus terms, like “pit sitting,” “the ZSR” and “Mag Quad” (though admittedly without connotations of questionable meat, fighting for a prime spot in the Red Room or lounging on sunny afternoons, respectively.) But how many of us really know the history and tradition behind Brian Piccolo himself and the philanthropic organization named for him? “I think it is incredible to see our entire campus of students, faculty members and administrators come together to make a difference for this cause.”

Natalie Halpern

Co-chair of Hit the Bricks

A little bit of background on Brian Piccolo himself: he hailed from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., played baseball, football and basketball as a child and had even planned to play major league baseball until the university offered him a football scholarship in 1961. Piccolo was a valuable addition to the team in both attitude and skill; during his time playing for the Deacons, Piccolo held ACC and national titles in rushing and scoring (1,044 yards and 111 points). He would go on to sign with the Chicago Bears in 1964. In a game against the Atlanta Falcons Nov. 16, 1969, Piccolo did something uncustomary: he took himself out of the game because of chest pains. Only days later, Piccolo was admitted to a hospital for X-rays. A series of tests revealed a malignant tumor in his chest, testing positive for embryonal cell carcinoma.

Photo courtesy of the Brian Piccolo Cancer Fund

During his time at the university, Brian Piccolo was a star football player beloved by the fans who cheered him on and off the field.

Photo Courtesy of Windows on Wake Forest

Of the many on-campus charity events which pay tribute to Brain Piccolo, Hit the Bricks is one of the most popular fall semester activities and events.

Restaurant Review | Mozelle’s

Health Column | aWAKEn Your Health

Southern cuisine gets reinvented “Portion distortion” loads diners with unhealthy servings of food at the chic Mozelle’s Fresh Bistro By Kelsey Korey | Staff columnist

Average portion sizes have grown so much over the past 20 years that, at times, the plate that arrives in front of you has enough food to feed two or three people. These increasing portion sizes are changing what we think of as “normal” portion size. This trend has been labeled “portion distortion.” So, you are probably wondering what a portion size is and how much you should be eating in one sitting. Obviously, these measurements and caloric intakes differ for everyone, but below you’ll find some general information about how our portion sizes have been skewed and some tips to help you balance out your meal. While there are many good examples of this inflation of foods, this change is most clear in foods such as the following: Bagels

Photo courtesy of Winston-Salem Monthly

One of the most popular restaurants in Winston-Salem, Mozelle’s Fresh Bistro, offers diners quaint and comfortable indoor and outdoor seating options. By Sydney Leto | Contributing writer With my visiting father and four friends in tow, I made the trip to Mozelle’s Fresh Southern Bistro. Mozelle’s presents innovative and absolutely delicious favorites characteristic of the South. The atmosphere is casual and intimate, so hearing someone at the opposite end of the table is still an option. If you go, definitely make a reservation ahead of time because even on a Thursday the restaurant was filled. The front of the restaurant is all glass, giving our table a complete view of the street. With seating set up on the sidewalk equipped with heaters and blankets available to diners, Mozelle’s would be an excellent place to dine when the weather is favorable. Inside the restaurant is comfortable but a bit crowded. The small kitchen is open to the scrutiny of diners, allowing us to catch a glimpse of the orders being prepared. You can tell that a lot of care is put into preparing the food at Mozelle’s and nothing left the chef ’s hands that didn’t both smell and look appetizing. Though our dinner lasted two hours, it had no correlation with a lack of service — our waiter was fantastic! With such extreme enthusiasm for

the food, our waiter teased us with the most luring descriptions of each special and elaborated on items already explained on the menu when we had questions. This guy spoke about food on a whole new level! Our table started our meal with the black-eyed pea croquettes which we dipped in a tangy, honey mustard sauce. We also ordered the restaurant’s

Mozelle’s Location | 878 W. Fourth St. Hours | Mon. to Thus. — 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. , 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. ; Fri. to Sun. — 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., 5 to 10 p.m. Serving | Modern southern cuisine Dress | Snappy casual Price Range | $10 - $20 Rating | A

locally famous tomato pie, which consists of San Marzano tomatoes, cheese and herbs in a hand-rolled crust. Usually it is ordered as an simple entrée, but seeing as everyone couldn’t live without a taste, the waiter accommodated us with serving it as an appetizer. Tasting the pie, I could see why it is so popular!

Because I am a vegetarian, I had the vegetarian plate, which consists of three side options. I chose the mashed sweet potatoes, spicy collard greens and brussel sprouts. I had never eaten collard greens and these were definitely spicy as advertised — my lips were on fire! Indeed the food was all very tasty, but one quality we all commented on and enjoyed was the portion sizes. Although the food was rich, we didn’t feel deprived with weak servings or feel overwhelmed by too much. Nearly everyone finished everything on their plates. Once dinner was finished, everyone felt full and content. However, as the waiter came by, so did another table’s dessert. Some guilty glances were exchanged across the table and we placed an order for three different sweets: a coconut pie, a chocolate flourless cake topped with cream and raspberries and a caramel, pecan bread pudding. If you go to Mozelle’s, I suggest you knowingly save room for dessert. If you are looking for a quick bite to eat, Mozelle’s is probably not the place to go. However, if you are looking for a casual setting to enjoy quality food and the company of friends, Mozelle’s Bistro is an excellent choice.

What would you think if I told you that a serving of carbohydrates is about 80 kcals? Eating two servings of carbs in one meal is perfectly fine, but consider the bagel pictured above. 350 kcals is the equivalent to over four servings of carbs and this does not even include the cream cheese or peanut butter loaded onto this bagel. To avoid this calorically dense breakfast, choose half of the bagel with two tablespoons (one teaspoon is about equal to the tip of your thumb and one tablespoon is three times this amount) of peanut butter or low-fat cream cheese and a side of fruit. Burgers As a general rule of thumb, a normal sized hamburger bun (probably around four inches) counts as two servings of carbohydrates which, as I stated above, is perfectly fine. Usually, the portion increase in burgers occurs with the beef. Depending on your weight, eating between four and eight ounces of protein in one meal is plenty (three ounces is about the size of a deck of cards or your iPhone). If one serving of lean

protein (one ounce) is equal to about 35 kcals, the burger above contains over 16 servings of meat! Sorry guys, as much as I love beef, that’s kind of disgusting. If you’re craving a burger, split it with a friend and order a side salad. Yay veggies! Pasta I said before that one serving of carbohydrates is about 80 kcals, and I’m telling you now that one serving of pasta (about 80 kcals) is equal to only half of a cup cooked! If you make a fist with your hand, that’s about one cup. Knowing that, think about the last time you went to a restaurant and ordered a plate of pasta and how many servings did they put in front of you. Four? Five? Six!? Kind of scary, right? Next time, eat half of what’s on your plate and order a side of sautéed veggies or a salad. A serving of veggies (about a half cup cooked or a cup raw) is only 25 kcals and full of vitamins and minerals, so load up! Another tip, if you like cheese on your pasta, a serving of grated parmesan cheese is a b o u t two tablespoons (about 7 0 kcals). The goal with examining your portion sizes is balance. It is all about balance! You do not want to only eat just a single bagel for breakfast or a single piece of chicken for dinner. Be sure to try to balance your plate as much as possible with a serving of protein, carbohydrates and fruit or veggies. When trying to balance your plate, it is always better to go over on veggies and fruits rather than carbs or starches. This maximizes your body’s ability to absorb all the nutrients it can from your food as all the food groups work together. This is another reason why cutting out any one type of food is not always beneficial. So, in the end, eat what you like, just don’t eat too much!

B8 Thursday, March 3, 2011


Old Gold & Black Life

Event Review | Common’s “Greatness”

By Aaron Colston | Contributing writer

In the time span of less than two months, Wait Chapel has hosted a range of significant pop culture icons, ranging from a small, orange ball of fun to a dynamic hip-hop artist. However, compared to the light-hearted, “slice-of-the-shore” feel of Snooki’s presentation, there was a different tone prevailing in Common’s speech. Common began his career as a true music artist, taking a different approach to the world of hip-hop and R&B. He wrote about things relevant to life instead of the typical topics of cars, money and girls. Common furthered his career by changing his title from rapper to entertainer, starring in moves like Wanted and Just Wright. The speech that he gave to the university, titled “Greatness,” was another testament to Common broadening his horizons from a talented musician to a gifted speaker. Jonathan Cox, assistant director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, was one of the prominent people responsible for organizing the event. OMA chose to bring Common because of his ability to “bridge the gap between relatability and content. Common can easily connect to students in a fun way while also presenting a greater message,” Cox said. Common’s message traced his tumultuous background through adulthood. His message revolved around empowering and challenging students to face adversity head-on while holding ambitions close to their heart. He encouraged his listeners to find their path in life while doing their best to be the greatest regardless of where that path takes them. The aura of the room was very humble with many aspiring artist audience members attempting to dissect his life in order to further their dreams and one day make it big like him. The general consensus was that this was a great way to conclude Black History

Month: to hear the story of a successful black male who was raised in the urban sector of Chicago. There were multiple schools represented at this event, like Winston-Salem State University and North Carolina School of the Arts. Freshman Robbie Bynum was very enthusiastic when discussing Common’s “Common can easily connect to students in a fun way while also presenting a greater message.”

Jonathan Cox

OMA Assistant Director

lecture. “Common was very inspirational and well-spoken; he was also very interactive with the crowd,” he said. Many attendees were initially attracted to the event based on Common’s rapping and musical abilities but were pleasantly surprised by the speech that he delivered. Common always knew that he was destined for “Greatness” and he is constantly trying to expand to new horizons. However, there were mixed feelings regarding attendance at this event. On

Famous hip-hop star falls short of Snooki’s on-campus popularity one side, some felt the size of the event was perfect and contributed to the intimacy. “There were a lot of people ranging from all ages. There were a lot of people from the community here which was also a great look,” Cox said. On the other hand, in comparison to the turnout for Snooki, the numbers at Common were somewhat menial.


Bynum said he thought that there should have been “more people for someone of (Common’s) magnitude.” The fact that many in attendance were fans of his music rather than the message he was delivering could have contributed to the smaller size of the audience. Surprisingly, the event was free in hopes of increasing the attendance rate, but this did not seem to achieve the goal. The failure of this incentive raises the question of what prompts students to attend speakers and lectures. Does it take an under 5-foot reality TV star in insanely tall heels to get students to attend an event? Choosing a Jersey Shore party girl over a motivational speaker reflects the increasing importance of pop culture in our everyday lives. Many may argue that the popularity of people like Snooki on campus mirrors the campus personality in some ways, but this is a matter of opinion. The heavy reliance on alcohol, hooking up and partying are all reoccurring themes in the episodes of Jersey Shore, whereas Common’s speech involved none of those things. Could the university possibly be numb to any ideas other than the enjoyable and fun aspects of university life? Does the partying scene outweigh the academic and intellectual aspects of our university? These are all questions that are raised in light of popularity surrounding Snooki’s recent visit and the seemingly disregard for a motivational speech by another pop icon, one who doesn’t walk around in slippers. The university consistently brings inspirational and prominent people to campus and whether support for these initiatives continues is up to the student population. Sara Bareilles will be one of the next big artists to grace campus and it should be interesting to see the dynamics of her performance. While Common’s speech was moving and worthy of listening to, the lack of popularity says a lot about students.

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Common spoke in Wait Chapel to an enraptured audience, many of whom were members of OMA or avid fans.

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Life Old Gold & Black

Thursday, March 3, 2011 B9

Event Review | Grapes of Wrath

Grapes enthralls audiences just as much as famous novel By Mandy Emma | Contributing writer

The WFU theatre department put on an adaptation of what is considered John Steinbeck’s best novel, The Grapes of Wrath. Directed by Sharon Andrews, it was nothing short of a brilliant production. Some of the most intimate moments with the Joad family are captured on the road, cramped in a truck or huddled deep in thought around a rustic and incredibly realistic fire. The show was a bold but risky choice for a university production for a number of reasons. For instance, a significant portion of the play takes place on a truck on the way to California. The car ride was made believable by changing the position of the truck and altering the light (from dusk to dawn), while the actors held onto their hats and gazed at the road ahead. The truck provided perfect transitions from scene to scene as the actors arrived at new locations. The live music ensemble, which interjected with folk and country songs throughout the entire two hour and 50 minute production, was a pleasant surprise. The band consisted of various string instruments, like the fiddle, cello and guitar, as well as a country singer with a deep, throaty voice; some of its members were university students. The theme song (a rolling melody with a touch of melancholy) embodied the resilience of the vagrant; one also felt the quiet panic and restlessness of someone who has lost their home. Besides fire and music, the production also included a river scene with an actual pool of water; the actors jumped in with a splash and enjoyed a refreshing bath. The primary set consisted of shacks, but houses were rolled in and tents set up depending on the scene. Neutral colors, mainly grays, blues and creams, constituted most of the color pallet. Costumes included the classic overalls and floral button down dress. One could especially appreciate the country garb during the square dance. Dressed in their Sunday best, the atmosphere was the epitome of wholesome. As for the upbeat square dance, it

could have put just about anyone in a good mood. With an unusually large cast, long rehearsals were necessary to produce the show and make it a success. For instance, during the last week, the entire cast and crew met for a 10-hour rehearsal. The cast’s magnitude was helpful in conveying the mass migration to California; combined with a few central characters, the show became both a personal and epic adventure. The large cast is also one of the reasons why the theater was packed every night (an occurrence becoming more common, as the theater department develops and AAP, the university’s theater organization, continues to raise awareness). The impressive turnout was largely due to the supportive friends and family of the cast members, but also to good publicity (it was hard to miss the posters on campus) and word of mouth. Many of the ensemble actors or “extras” had multiple roles — no doubt a fun challenge for the actors. Some of the cast had been in past productions, but others were making first appearances — a perfect opportunity for an acting debut at the university. Embodying their roles, they stayed “in character” throughout the production, with or without many lines — something that’s surprisingly difficult to do (this was noted particularly in the Hooverville scenes). As for the Joad family and Preacher Casy, talent and hard work made their performances endearing. One found themselves completely enthralled with bighearted “Ma” (junior, Mackenzie Finnegan), tough but kind-hearted Tom Joad (junior, Jim French) and wise, old Casy (second year Divinity grad student, Guy Aiken); one sympathized with troubled Uncle John (senior, Cam Roberts) and poor Rose Sharon (junior, Danielle Thorsen), who lost her much anticipated baby. That’s only to name a few. All things considered, The Grapes of Wrath was well-worth the $5 ticket. No doubt it was an emotional ride — one left the theater drained. However, such a show makes a person think twice about the potency of theater.

Photo Courtesy of WFU/Ken Bennett

The cast hops aboard an old jalopy in the university’s production of Grapes of Wrath, a successful adaptation of the popular Steinbeck novel.

Wake Abroad | Spanish Holiday — Viva Salamanca!

Adventurous weekend of travel cures study abroad slump By Meenu Krishnan | Staff columnist

Photo Courtesy of Meenu Krishnan

The Santander-Bilbao coast area boasts beautiful scenery, informative museums, and miles of popular cliffs and beaches.

You know that funk I was talking about a couple of weeks ago? Consider it completely gone. This past weekend, I visited one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen — Santander, a coastal town in northern Spain. But let me start at the beginning. Since our flight to Santander was super early Friday morning, four friends and I began our sleepless weekend adventure by taking a bus to Madrid from Salamanca the previous night at 9:30 p.m. After successfully navigating the Madrid metro at midnight, we pulled an all-nighter in the RyanAir terminal. So what exactly did we do? Well, I could lie and say we did homework. If homework means playing Egyptian Corkscrew/B.S./Go Fish/Speed and becoming increasingly delirious with each passing hour. After literally passing out on the onehour flight, we woke up to the gorgeous and cool dawn of Santander. Upon getting off the airplane, I could immediately notice the difference in the air. It was refreshing, clean and went straight to my lungs. Before going to Santander, we had been warned by almost everybody that rain was to be expected. But the

weather during the day could not have been more perfect — blue skies, brilliant sun and a cool breeze. We then explored the city. Luckily, one member of our group had mastered the map and led us all over the town. We explored a picturesque marina, saw fishermen, snapped hundreds of photos and, of course, took many breaks to replenish our reserves with Spanish tortillas and caffeine. Imagine all of this with palm trees and the sea in the background. And then came the best part of our trip. We went up to La Magdalena, an early 20th century palace. It was quite a hike, especially with one hour of sleep, but I am so glad we made the trek. It wasn’t the palace that was so amazing (though that was pretty cool, too), but the absolutely stunning view. I wish I had the words to explain how beautiful the sea was. Imagine the clearest, bluest water you possibly can, then add the refreshing wind, toss in a few perfect cliffs and you might be a quarter of the way to how magnificent this place was. Each of us found our own spot and we just sat there and watched the sea and the way the water crashed against the rocks. I know this sounds a little strange, but you would understand if you were there. There was a lighthouse

in the distance, but it was mostly just sea as far as the eye could see. It was a perfect moment. The next day, we headed to Bilbao. Unfortunately, the weather gods didn’t smile on us that day, but the beautiful weather of Santander the day before was so worth the alternating drizzle/torrential downpour of Bilbao. Of course, we had to see the Guggenheim with its characteristic modernistic architecture. And we got a chance to hear Euskera, the singular language of the Basque people, which has no relation to any other language on the planet. Pretty cool, right? But one of the best parts of the trip? My impressions of Spanish people, which I talked about in my last column, were totally negated. We ran into so many strangers in the North that were extremely kind, helpful and goodhumored. They all tried to talk to us in English (one helpful man who took our photo told us to “check it up” to make sure we liked it), and they were all willing to teach us about their city. This trip was filled with everything I needed to refocus my current mindset – quality group bonding, beautiful landscapes and an altogether unforgettable experience.

B10 Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sports Old Gold & Black

Harrison leads Deacs to third place finish at Seahawk Invitational By Steven Johns | Staff writer

After a second round lead, the No. 25 Wake Forest golf team faltered to finish in a tie for third at the Seahawk Invitational at the Landfall Country Club. The Demon Deacons led the tournament after two rounds, posting scores of 291 and 287. A final round of 310, however, allowed UNC-Wilmington to take first by just four strokes over Liberty University and by a total of nine strokes over Wake Forest. “The last day was really windy,” Head Coach Jerry Haas said. “I thought we handled it beautifully for most of the day, but the last seven or eight holes, we just, for whatever reason, kind of fell apart a little bit and that leads to a third place finish.” Each Deacon finished with a final round of 76 or higher on the difficult course. “I don’t think I realized what it takes, beforehand, to finish really high in a tournament.”

Charlie Harrison Sophomore

Photo courtesy of Media Relations

Junior Lee Bedford lines up a putt in the Seahawk Invitational. Bedford tied for 24th overall with a score of 227.

“I think we’ve got to work on the simple word of ‘panic.’ They don’t realize that it’s windy for everybody, that the course is hard,” Haas said. “I feel like we, as a team, really need to do a better job of focusing on the last day,” sophomore Charlie Harrison said. “Not putting any more importance

on the last day, but just understanding that if we go out and have fun we can really do great things.” Harrison led the Deacs at the tournament, shooting a tournament total of 219, three-over-par. Harrison had a shot at the lead after shooting rounds of 72 and 69, but a final round of 78 derailed his chances at winning the tournament. “It was really mentally taxing,” Harrison said. “I don’t think I realized what it takes, beforehand, to finish really high in a tournament.” “It definitely takes a lot out of you. You’ve got to put all your effort and all your mental energy into every shot.” Harrison said that his approach on the course toward the end of his final round hurt his chances of winning the tournament. “I think I started playing another guy in my group, who was close the lead as well, instead of just playing the golf course,” Harrison said. “And in turning it into a one-onone match I kind of shot myself in the foot.” Harrison, however, knows what he needs to do to make that leap to the top of the leaderboard. “For me I know I need to do a better job of really focusing 100 percent on all the shots, especially on the holes coming in,” Harrison said. “And maybe next time we’ll be able to get the win.” His third-place finish, however, is the first top 5 finish of his young career. “I just think my misses were really good,” Harrison said. “I didn’t hit the ball perfect, but every time I missed it was in play, or a miss

from the fairway was still on the green, it just wasn’t too far away.” “So I feel like my misses were pretty good.” Sophomore Evan Beck was right behind Harrison, shooting a tournament total 220, four-over-par, to finish in a tie for fifth place. Junior Lee Bedford shot a final round of 82 to drop himself into a tie for 24th with teammate senior Justin Bryant. Freshman Beau Cutts rounded off the team play with Beck a 234, plus-18 to finish in a tie for 38th. Freshman John Varol, who played as an individual, finished in a tie for 53rd with a 240, plus-24. “We’ve still got a lot of work to do and I think you take from this that you can’t be satisfied that kind of finish, you can’t be satisfied with what you did down the stretch,” Haas said. Despite the tough finish, Wake Forest is continuing to show that it is a team that the rest of the country will have to contend with for the rest of the season. “Overall you’ve got to say you keep putting yourself (in contention) enough times, something good is going to happen,” Haas said. The Deacons will have a short break before their next appearance on March 13 and 14. The team will travel to Myrtle Beach, S.C., for the General Hackler Championship at the Tournament Players Club of Myrtle Beach.

Club Sports | A different breed of athlete

Club athletes showcase unique skills as new spring season begins By James McCabe | Contributing writer

It has been an excellent few weeks for club sports. With the spring weather arriving sooner than expected, more clubs are hitting the field to begin practice. However, there have been clubs who have already been active with matches yielding impressive scores. The Waterski Club faced a year of transitions. William Stewart, former president of the club, moved on to pursue a higher education in dentistry. His visionary leadership and skill on the slalom ski has made quite a name for the new club. To show his dedication to the club, he left behind a new boat for the team to use for many years to come. Senior Zack Stone, who is equally as driven, took the reins of leadership and boldly steered the club in a direction worthy of its roots. Last semester, the team traveled to Charleston, S.C., where they took first place and came home with confidence. They then set their eyes on Greenwood, S.C., where a crucial tournament for regionals occurred the following weekend. With a burley crew of eight, the team was thirsty for another win. Unfortunately, the team came up short. Freshmen Miles Viseur from Denver, Co., fell just short of the sixth ball, followed by a lessthan-satisfactory performance from freshmen Owen Stone. However, the ski jump was a success as Viseur, Stone and Stone all jumped a distance that stunned both the other teams

and the judges. Stone soared a whopping 50 feet, while Viseur trumped all with a stunning 65feet jump on his third pass. The team came up short of victory, but Wake Forest made a grand entrance into the Collegiate Skiing stage. With spring quickly approaching, the club plans to return to Charleston to end the season with a bang as it salutes its valuable seniors Jordan LeGrand, Stone, Carly Gilmore, Blake Jennings and Ben Comer. “I will miss Canon and that the ski team has meant the world to him,” Jennings said. Stone leaves the club a legacy, one that will hopefully be fulfilled by new leadership. The women’s club ultimate frisbee team, nicknamed “Ruckus,” attended the Hellfish Bonanza Tournament in Harrisonburg, Va., hosted by James Madison University. The team played well all weekend, resulting in an overall record of 6-0 for the tournament. On Feb. 26, Ruckus defeated the College of New Jersey 132, Maryland 11-7, William & Mary 13-2 and Rutgers 13-1. On Feb. 27, Ruckus continued their winning ways with a 9-4 victory over Delaware and a 13-7 win over NYU. The team is coached by Tammy Moose, who works with children with special needs at Carver High School and serves as captain of a local club Ultimate team called TAU. The club is captained by seniors Claire O’Brien and Kennedy Wolfe. Ruckus took a team of 12 girls, which is slightly small for an ultimate squad. A typical

Photo courtesy of Lauren Dayton

The women’s ultimate team, “Ruckus,” huddles together at the Hellfish Bonanza Tournament. ultimate team consists of 16-25 women. The club’s MVP of the weekend was senior Mallory Mosher, who rode down with the Rutgers team to play with her team at Wake. She is currently participating in an accounting internship with Time Warner, which is stationed in New Jersey. Her performance over the weekend and her dedication to the club has earned her MVP status. This is Ruckus’s second tournament of the season. Ruckus is ranked ninth out of 20 teams, following the highly-competitive Queen City Tune-Up Tournament in Charlotte Feb. 12-13. Their next tournament is the College Southerns Tournament, hosted by Georgia Southern University Mar. 19-20, in Statesboro, Ga.

The club softball team is starting up their season and looking for new members! They will be playing games against Duke, UVA and William & Mary this semester and would love some more girls. If interested, please email meyear8@wfu.edu. There are no try-outs so email if you are interested and you will be introduced to the team. On Feb. 19, the Men’s Lacrosse team defeated a strong Indiana University team 8-7. Senior attackman Ethan Collions led the scoring drive with three goals. Junior Tanner Combias posted another impressive result with one goal and three assists. The team had another impressive outing against Appalachian State this past weekend. The final score of the

game was 10-6 in favor of Wake. Some player highlights include junior Kevin Murray with two goals and five assists. Combias has another great outing, with four goals and one assist. The women’s lacrosse team took on a tough High Point University team on their home turf Feb. 19. They came out victorious, with a narrow victory of 9-8. With hopes of a spring championship, the Golf Club headed north to Akron, Ohio, to play on the 12th ranked golf course in the United States, the Firestone Country Club. The golf team set about qualifying for their first tournament this semester. Club president senior Johnny Durrant and sophomores Brian Safford and Jack Knobloch all had impressive performances with scores of 78 each. The next tournament on April 2 and is critical for the club in order for them to attend nationals. With a top 3 finish overall, the club will once again qualify for the Spring National Championship. “With a National Championship four years ago, club golf is in a strong position for a chance at a title again,” Durrant said. “The freshmen back then are now seniors and are desperate to repeat another national championship. With strong depth in juniors, sophomores and freshman, the near and long term future for Club Golf is looking bright.” The basketball club suffered a tough loss to Elon this past weekend, 62-43. It was one of their biggest losses.

The Cycling Club had a great outing at William & Mary as the Tribe hosted the second race weekend in the Atlantic Collegiate Cycling Conference. The first day provided racers with a 9.8-mile road race loop throughout the hills of Williamsburg, Va. Sophomore Austin Jones rode incredibly with a firstplace finish in the Men’s C race. Jones also had a first-place finish during the Individual Time Trial following the race. The ITT was 12.9 miles with a significant climb to the finish. Jones had a time comparable to that of riders in Men’s A. Feb. 27 had a 0.35-mile race loop in a parking lot. This short-loop racing, called a criterium, is done over a period of time where the winner has done more laps than the others. Senior Bobbie Hembree proved that she was the strongest Women’s B out there by riding away from the peloton on the last lap to a solo victory. Jones placed second to a Navy rider in the Men’s C race, and sophomore James McCabe picked up Nationals Qualifying points for the team with his 10th place finish in the crashriddled Men’s A field. The team is gearing up for this weekend’s ACCC race at Duke University, where the team hopes to earn back it’s first place ranking in the ACCC Division 2 category.

If you would like to have your club team featured in this section, please submit content to James McCabe at mccajh9@wfu.edu.

ACC Tourney: Blue Devils and Tar Heels will meet again in final Continued from Page B1

However, in another example of the Cavs throwing in the towel late in the season, they lost by 19 at home to the same BC squad. I’m going to take the favorite here. Finally, N.C. State played Miami just once this year, and it was close in Raleigh. I’m counting on the Wolfpack’s superior team rebounding and overall team offense to prevail. As for the next round, it’s safe to say Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill will handle their games easily; they have only lost two ACC games each and will benefit from extra rest and superior coaching and talent. As for the other two matchups, expect Clemson to defeat Florida State

once again. It seems that the Tigers’ athletic offense matches up well with the Seminoles’ defensive scheme. Also, expect the Hokies to beat Maryland for a third time this year, as Malcolm Delaney and Erick Green were too much for the Terps both times this season. The more intriguing semifinal matchup should be Virginia Tech vs. UNC-Chapel Hill. The Hokies lost by just three in a trip to the Dean Dome earlier this year, and their athletic guard play is very tough for UNC-Chapel Hill to defend. However, the Tar Heels should be able to overwhelm Virginia Tech. If the Tarheels are able to hold Virginia Tech’s big scorers to average nights offensively, the extraordinary rebounding advantage of UNC-

Chapel Hill and their efficient offense should get the job done. Duke and Clemson haven’t played yet this season, but I expect Duke to match up very well against them. Duke has plenty of size to overwhelm Clemson on the inside, and Duke should have the talent advantage at the guard spots as well. Fi n a l l y, it looks like another Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill ACC Tournament final. The two teams have met 10 times in the ACC Tournament final,

with UNC-Chapel Hill leading 6-4. The first meeting between the two this year was very compelling: the Tar Heels stormed out to a lead, but Duke took the hits early and finally started throwing punches of their own, as Nolan Smith’s ridiculous performance (34 points, two rebounds, three assists) led the Blue Devils back for a six-point win. However, if you watched the game, you could see that the Duke fans played a huge role in the outcome. UNC’s team was very young at the time, and they faltered under a little extra pressure late in the game. In the rematch, I expect the physicality of the Tar Heels’ big men to overwhelm the

softer bunch at Duke, while Harrison Barnes continues his emergence in an early career-defining game. I’ll take the Tar Heels to come back into the basketball spotlight with an ACC Tournament Championship win over Duke. The tournament is slated to begin March 10, with all games televised on the ACC Network or the ESPN family of networks. And although it may seem like we’ve already figured it all out, there will still be plenty of excitement in all of the 11 games, especially considering how many bubble teams there are that will be hoping to take the ACC’s automatic bid to the “Big Dance.” And remember folks, this is just a primer for the best time of the year in sports: the NCAA Tournament tips off March 15-16.

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