OK News 2020

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A word from the Headmaster

From the Headmaster

I realise that I am in danger of repeating myself if I begin this year’s missive by saying that we have a record number of pupils in the School (1050 to be precise), but that really is the case as Kimbolton School continues to grow. We are in the top 5% of schools, size wise, within the Independent Schools Council – the over-arching body to which most UK independent schools belong. With interest remaining high (over 170 candidates for 11+ entry this year), it is likely that the next School Development Plan, due later this year, will need to grapple with the (pleasant) ramifications of a larger Senior School. Size isn’t everything of course, but there can be no doubt that the political vicissitudes, which rained down on the independent school sector during 2019, have left us all bruised and wary. Should politicians continue trying to sink us over the coming years, it will be the larger schools who will have the buoyancy to stay afloat. The December Election result brought a degree of certainty, if not surety, to the independent school debate (lazily depicted as ‘posh schools’ tax breaks’). However, the need to ensure post-Brexit equanimity in new Conservative seats, traditionally Labour strongholds, will undoubtedly mean further advancement of the social opportunity agenda. Ethically and morally, this is to be applauded but, all too often, ‘private schools’ end up becoming a surrogate vessel to camouflage government inaction. Overall, though, the new decade begins on a very optimistic note as far as your old School is concerned. A new School Development Plan will undoubtedly look at ways to further advance the underlying strengths of Kimbolton School as we seek ever stronger academic success, married to a continuation of our extensive extra-curricular provision. Spring also sees the opening of a new building as, almost quarter of a century after its induction, the Lower Prep is physically connected for the first time to the Upper Prep. A large new entrance atrium brings the two buildings together, providing a more grandiose entry point compared to the previous bland doors, situated next to the boiler room iron steps, a fire hydrant and some wheelie bins. It also means that visitors get to see through the atrium to the green playing fields beyond, previously well-hidden by the somewhat austere Victorian red-brick building. As the new School Development Plan begins to take shape over the course of this year, much of its ‘meat’ will resonate from a revamped Mission Statement and Set of Values. The current iteration dates back to my first year as Headmaster and is looking dated. Hmmm, let’s move on. We have engaged a Marketing Research company to provide external validation of our strengths so that we can continue to focus on those core elements (all rounder, warm, friendly community, academic rigour leavened by a balanced outlook etc) which I would hope you recall from your school days. The instantaneous nature of social media renders any ‘clunky’ highlights reel of the last year somewhat redundant. Therefore, I would direct you to our excellent website and the pithily compiled news section of this publication. Suffice to say that the last twelve months have seen much success for Kimboltonians in the sporting, artistic, musical, dramatic and academic fields, including a magnificent tally of ‘9’ grades at GCSE last Summer. At nearly 20% of the total, this new 9 (equivalent to a nonexistent A** in old money) was the second favourite grade secured by last year’s Kimbolton 5th Form.



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