NEW GROUND KNOW YOUR purpose Shamiso Mhene
Tamisayi Chinhengo
Who is a Woman? When I open my eyes what do I see? People, young and old, influen al and environment changers, all came from a woman who said yes to the calling of giving life. A woman's role is not just in being beau ful and giving birth but being a life giver in every other sphere around her. In her saying yes to the call of bringing another life on earth she will be carrying greatness in her, she introduces greatness in every being she brings on earth, in her will be a president, professor, pastor, ac vist, intercessor, worshipper, an environment changer the world would be wai ng for eagerly. She is a teacher, a friend, a mother, mentor and a voice of reason. She brings stability. In her is a survivor, she cannot live in a dead environment and leave it like that, she breathes life in every area. An intercessor she is, within her is a song that she dances to, she dresses herself with warmth, love, endurance, empathy and a smile. In her hands is abundance, in her mind is the ability to build a founda on within herself of a pa ent lifestyle by being pa ent with herself. She presses on towards the finishing line, by being pa ent with herself while overcoming her weaknesses. She knows impa ence breeds frustra on, frustra on moving her into a realm of emo ons which are unstable. She builds her character during the hard mes of wai ng, she respects and appreciates mes of wai ng because she knows fast produces fragile and slow produces solid. Greatness is within her, she rises above all obstacles to become who she is or intends to be, she is a compassionate being, a visionary, supporter, environment changer, great intercessor, a fighter and a victor. She is defined by what she has survived to accomplish and not by her accolades. She knows how to germinate every seed given to her. She has a clear vision of where she wants to go, the end is in her mind and she perseveres. She does not focus on the problems surrounding her but rather focuses on how to solve them. She taps into herself and guards jealously her eye and ear gate from bringing her down, discouraging and demoralizing her. She masters how she interprets what she is hearing and seeing. A woman is industrious. When she stretches her hand many are clothed, fed, and protected. She never sees herself as a vic m, but rather a champion of greatness. Each day is an opportunity to conquer. A life giver, environment changer, go ge er, love, always dancing to a never-ending song within her.
She is me, a woman!
By Shamiso Mhene
About the book Welcome ladies to our 1st edition of the voice magazine. What is the meaning of the name Kalliope, it means beautiful voice. Why this name? As women we are well known for our beautiful,melodious voices, our voices that can tone down a harsh voice or environment. As noted beautiful voice is the main drive of this magazine where we will welcome voices from all over to impact us as women and tone down the harsh environment. I believe every woman is an environment changer regardless of status. This is a platform were we will invite positive change in women and bring about the destinies in individuals or any area of life
Who is Pamela Shamiso Katsvara-Mhene? Pamela Shamiso is a woman who has been through it all in life, suered abuse, lost both parents, went through lack, found herself in debt, once told she cannot have children but was identi ed by a woman who changed her completely who picked her up and dusted her, held my hand and is still walking with me, She is my mother, might not be biological but she is the perfect replacement of my own mother. What made me to be where I am today, a beautiful strong wife and mother, focused and rooted is because of what I have gone through. If someone could change my environment I believe we all can do the same for someone who is out there lost and not sure which direction to take or beaten down and trying to get up, thus it makes Kalliope.
We are people of greatness in us is the ability to rise above all obstacles to become who we are to be. We are de ned by what we have survived to accomplish and not de ned by our accolades. We are champions of greatness and take each day as an opportunity to conquer. We are not of those that draw back. Welcome to the Kalliope community. With your help we will accomplish our mission.
Mission: Building sistahood:Unity, self-worth and aďŹƒrmation love, community, commitment, a complete woman an environment changer. Balance, wholeness, belonging, structure, growth, support, excellence and wisdom. Coming together is beginning and working together is success To my Mother L.M. I dedicate this dream thank you for coming into my life and changing my environment. To my husband my dream interpreter I appreciate, respect and love you. To my boys Zaccai and Zerahiah the reason I do all I do for you, so you have a footprint to follow one day. To my environment changer my best friend, my ever present help in time of need, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I dedicate this new chapter in my life lead and direct me and I will follow.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my spiritual parents Rev. B and S Dambaza. I want to thank them for welcoming me and allowing me to grow, for believing in my dream and trusting me to share it with your ock. Thank you for your voice of guidance Rev and Pastor Uta, my parents spiritually and relational. I also want to appreciate Pastor and Amai Nyashanu for their hardwork. Thank you Pastor and Minister Mwangoh, my pastors and family, I appreciate our journey together. My deepest gratitude and appreciation also goes to Rev and amai Pasipamire, Pastor and amai Chitate, Pastor and amai Denya and all the elders and deacons of Upper Room Ministries. I am eternally obliged to my parents, Overseer and Pastor Muparutsa, I am what I am today because of you. A heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Sammy Matari for editing and designing.
Know your purpose by Shamiso Mhene Uchakunda by Tamisai Chinhengo An article by the girl child
Cervical cancer by Dr. Tsitsi Apollo An article that can help us early see the sign and symptoms and prevention Fully persuaded Completely at rest by Keith Moore An article on how we can walk our walk of faith Recipe
Know your Purpose Many times, in church growing up and till now, preachers would and still preach on purpose, about one knowing their purpose and tapping into it. But here I was always in confusion wondering what my purpose was. I did not get to discover my purpose in my teens but rather in my adult age. Day in and day out I would pray and ask God what was my purpose? and I believe somehow I would miss it or fail to hear what God was saying because in me I just thought a person's purpose had only to do within the church. For long I mistakened serving in the house of God for a purpose, until God asked me one question “what do you love to do or struggle not in doing?” I answered back “writing, dressing people and home décor” and the response was “and it fullls you?” it hit me, nally I had seen the light. He further said, “channel it in the right direction and allow people to benet from it”. But mind you when you get to know your purpose or when you discover it, it does not happen overnight to walk in it, but rather it will be the beginning of your journey to pursue it. It is said that if you do not know where you are going any road will take you there. If something is important to you, you will nd the time to do it (that is you purpose). A purpose-less life is a life with no destination. Many of us are just drifting through life, home, work and church, simply living to make a living and mostly unfullled. A personal purpose motivates one, it gives on a clear vision of planning and reaching destiny.
My reason for this article is for us women to achieve our personal purpose and success no matter where we are in life. Immerse ourselves in our purpose when we do that in the end we will bring glory to God. In the words of Myles Munroe “success is not a gift, but a result.” Everyone was created to succeed but only a few are willing to pay the price. “Success is when what you are building on the inside materializes on the outside.” T. D. Jakes. In purpose brings signicance, and the only way we can be signicant is to know our purpose, pursue it with passion and perseverance. In pursuing it, planning is essential, many people try to enjoy life without preparing or managing their time or the tragedy is they do not know their purpose. Managing your time efciently without a life plan can only lead to ineffectiveness. A life plan developed without the knowledge of purpose will result in frustration and unfulllment. Like I said one's purpose is already inside of them or us. We are born with it. Once each and everyone takes time to tap into themselves to really discover their purpose, the next step will be deciding to pursue it, in pursing comes fulllment and impacting others. Money will follow as you pursue it faithfully. Start creating the right environment for your purpose to be developed, as I write I am creating an environment and making a difference. Never undermine your purpose neither do it halfheartedly. “great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.” Emile Bissel.
By Shamiso Mhene
Know your Purpose So, for starters your purpose is your seed, all it needs is the right environment to germinate and reveal itself to the world.
Secondly invest in your purpose, by being positive, believing in yourself, motivating yourself, this way it will not die. A positive attitude towards your purpose will make it grow strong and ultimately be realized. How you spend time investing it matters e.g. I enjoy listening to motivational speakers, woman empowering other women, preaching's and songs, yes songs, and sometimes read, but I listen more than read, that way I learn faster even when people are talking I choose to listen more than talk. In this I am giving my purpose maximum opportunity to develop and grow to its full potential.
Once that is done one needs a mission statement that will keep them going, inspire and give them condence. Remember God can never give you a challenge(purpose) that you cannot handle. Include God in your mission. Walk your mission statements with God. Do your part and allow God to do His. Honor God by trusting Him, and while you are travelling the road to fullment enjoy the trip!
A purpose can land you to a place where a learned person or scholars have never landed into, your purpose can open doors for you that a degree and masters is failing. Am I speaking against education NO, I am just simply showing the difference between purpose which is God inspired and human achievement, but at the same time bear in mind that some purposes might be in the academic eld, where one will make a difference in their profession. Your purpose is your wellspring of wisdom which will not only make you survive but rather thrive. We do what we are schooled or trained to do, or what others need us to do yet feeling unfullled and unsatised wondering why and when oh Lord when? Because deep down we are aware the bigger us is awaiting, but uncertainty and fear keep us locked in our routines, contained in the cage of conformity whilst we watch others succeed as they choose to tap into their purpose and we wonder how different are we from them? Yet its just us fearing to act on our purpose.
Regardless of where we are in life its time to tap into our purpose and act on it. In the words of T.D. Jakes “we have been divinely equipped with a fundamental drive to realize our life's potential.” Knowing your purpose and acting on it is more fullling. It's the sense of nding your place in life's puzzle; it's the realization of how you are designed for destiny.
I listen to T.D. Jakes a lot or rather every day and I will conclude with what he said on purpose that helped me. “its time to decode your purpose, increase your areas of advancement and illuminate the dark corners of disappointment. Living by your purpose will unleash your authentic self, transform you and your place of work, liberate you and enhance your relationships. If you are ready to unlock the connes of where you are to discover the freedom of where you were meant to be, then your purpose is the key!
By Shamiso Mhene
Inspiring Our
“Uchakunda” Iron those trousers properly! Make sure that Sadza comes out good, and be sure to wake up early to sweep the house before anybody else! Decades later the words still ring in my ears and the clincher at the end was always the same “Uchadzoswa iwe!” (You shall be returned!) This was my ten year old life back in 1985. Looking back it looks like everything I was called to do, all the efforts to groom me were in preparation for that distant future, my future, with my husband and his family. These in-laws who at the sight of one burnt piece of meat, at the delay of one hot bucket of bath water, it would seem indeed at the drop of hat, would immediately bundle me up and send me straight back to my parent's home! Ashamed, with my tail between my legs, having failed as a wife, a mother and a daughter in law. Unfortunately for me I was never really the domestic type, I was never the one who enjoyed cooking and cleaning and keeping house. All I wanted was a good read. I cannot count the number of times a meal was burnt to a crisp, or a tub of water overran under my watch, all because I was deeply engrossed in my book, my mathematical equation or some other academic pursuit. What always followed was an overplayed script; a good hiding and those ominous words “Uchadzoswa iwe!”
By Tamisayi Chinhengo
By Tamisayi Chinhengo
It then stands to reason that we have the means to pull down the system and give our daughters a ghting chance to achieve their individual potential. These memories have me thinking; has the world changed for the ten-year-old day girl of 2017? Are these same words still her daily fodder as her family struggles valiantly to prepare her for that married future? Is this still the only available, nay acceptable future for a young woman to be considered a c c o m p l i s h e d ?
In many countries, a girl who reaches puberty is deemed by her family and community as ready for marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. She may be married off and forced to leave school. She may even suffer a debilitating condition from delivering a child before her body is ready for it. Without education, in poor health, and with little or no control over her own body, her future can be derailed, and
A survey conducted by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) in 2015, the Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey shows some alarming statistics. In the section that interrogates community attitudes to gender based violence questions are asked of men and women that seek to establish when it is appropriate to beat a woman, Consistently, question for question woman topped men in agreeing that a man was justied to beat a woman if she burnt the relish, went out late without informing her husband and so forth. This says to me that while the system may be patriarchal, possibly created by men for their benet, it is us women who prop up the system and give it its teeth.
her potential may never be realized. In Zimbabwe one in 10 girls aged 15-19 years give birth every year, a third are married before age eighteen and a third only achieve primary education as their highest academic qualication. When a teenage girl has the power, the means and the information to make her own decisions in life, she is more likely to realize her full potential and become a positive force for change in her home, community and nation. Every teenage girl has the right to a safe and successful transition into adulthood and the right to embrace the opportunities that the future holds for them. As a mother, aunt, grand-mother, sister, friend how will you turn the narrative around from Uchadzoswa (You will be returned) to Uchakunda (You shall succeed)? We all can play our part. Here are my thoughts.
Redene what success is to a
Gender refers to the socially-constructed roles of and relationships between men and women, including conceptions of both femininity and masculinity. In the example above from my experience growing up, I spoke about how my future success was measured by how well I would be able to run a household and maintain a family. The worst outcome being disgracing the family by being returned as a half-baked product! The Bible is replete with examples of woman doing great things: Deborah, a prophetess and war strategist, Lydia a business woman and kingdom supplier, Priscilla, Managing director of a tent making enterprise along with her husband Aquila to name a few. Women are well able to grow beyond the home maker role and dene their success by their contributions to industry, academics and the development of humankind. As we teach our daughters various life skills, let us do it for their own good and not as a future marital requirement. The ability to prepare your clothing well is essential grooming for you to land that perfect job, to boost your self-esteem as you make a presentation, cooking is as much an essential skill for maintaining your good health as it is for feeding a family. We can help our teenage girls to aspire for something more. Let's have as large a party for her attaining her rst degree as we have for her wedding!
HAVE ACTIVE DISCOURSE ABOUT GROWING UP AND MANAGING THEMSELVES. M a n y y o u n g p e o p l e report that communication between them and their parents on issues related to sex and sexuality is often the result of a precipitating event such as the discovery of a “suspicious” communication or being seen in the company of a person of the opposite sex. The communication more often than note takes the form of recriminations and warnings and makes no space for progressive discussion. One study cited that most parents still confuse education about sexuality with encouraging sexual initiation. The sad reality is that young people are bombarded with distorted information about human sexuality and the poor indicators on high teenage fertility and sexual transmission of HIV are testament to this. There is a denition of quality education that reads “quality education develops the skills, values and attitudes that enable citizens to lead healthy and fullled lives, make informed decisions, and respond to local and global challenges'. The conversations we have with our daughters need to educate in this manner. With the type of physical development challenges that young women continue to fall prey to, teenage pregnancy, HIV infection being two big tickets it is time that we took the bull by the horns. We need to provide education on puberty, sexuality and relationships that is age-appropriate, scientically accurate, realistic, non-judgemental and culturally. Such education should provide opportunities to explore one's own values and attitudes and to build decision-making, communication and risk reduction skills about many aspects of sexuality and relationships. Evidence shows that young women who receive such education have a much lower chance of making poor decisions that result in such consequences as teenage pregnancy. Let us not bury our heads in the sand and allow the internet, our children's peers and anyone else to be our daughters' primary teachers. Scripture exhorts older women to teach the younger.
By Tamisayi Chinhengo
Much of our children's socialisation rests in the hands of the mother. The reection of manhood that we gather from the Bible is of a loving man who as Christ laid his life down for the church, is able to lay down his own life for his wife and children. Much of the socialisation of boys in our society gives them a warped sense of what it is to be macho. As much as girls are told “uchadzoswa”, boys are told “ita somurume”. Often times this means being hard and unfeeling, lacking compassion and unable to support their partner. We can teach our boys that cooking, cleaning and looking after a baby are not demeaning tasks, but a sign of tenderness and compassion. Their manhood is not threatened by showing kindness, kindness afrms their masculinity. I love this line from the song Give me a chance by the SYP Music artists; “Masculinity is supposed to protect the vulnerability of our community”. That is being a man. As I conclude, my nal call to us women: mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers…let us raise our girls with a greater vision than that of marriage alone. Let's give our daughters wings to y, let them see more, do more, impact more than we have. Instead of Uchadzoswa, let us say Uchakunda!
Tamisayi Chinhengo is a Christian, married with three children. She is a public health specialist and may be reached at tchinhengo@gmail.com
BANANA AND STRAWBERRY FACE MASK This is a great face mask that looks a lot like breakfast! You can buy all these ingredients in your local supermarket. Banana moisturizes and soothes while strawberries cleanse and exfoliate your skin. If you apply this revitalizing Banana & Strawberry Face Mask regularly, you will give yourself a bright, healthy complexion. Strawberries also contain an antiacid called ellagic, which is the predominant phenolic antioxidant (a type of antioxidant found only in plant foods) in strawberries. Beauty products containing ellagic acid provide many beneď€ ts such as reducing wrinkles, promoting collagen production and providing protection from UV rays.
INGREDIENTS 1 Banana 5 strawberries 1 Tablespoon Honey 2 Teaspoon Natural Yoghurt INSTRUCTIONS 1. Wash your strawberries properly, particularly if your fruit is not organic. Mash up the banana and strawberries in a bowl. You can either do this by hand or in a food processor. 2. In a double boiler, gently warm the honey so that it becomes slightly runnier. Be very careful not to heat the honey too much and keep a close eye on it – you only want to warm it gently, as you could easily hurt yourself if it becomes too hot. Test the warmed honey on a small patch of skin on the inside of your wrist to check the temperature. If it's too hot, allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature before using. 3. Mix the warmed honey and yoghurt in with the fruit mash. 4. Pull back your hair and wash your face and neck, so they're clean before you apply the face mask. Apply the mask all over your face and neck, avoiding your eyes and mouth. Leave on for 20-25 minutes. Use this time to relax properly. Wash the mask off and pat your skin dry. 5. It is recommended that you apply this face mask no more than 1-2 times a week. This face mask is best used immediately, but will keep in the fridge for 1-2 days.
CERVICAL CANCER AMONG WOMEN IN ZIMBABWE: Prevention, Early detection and management saves lives
What is cervix cancer? This is a type of cancer that is characterized by abnormal growth of cells arising from the cervix of a woman. It is caused by a virus know as human papilloma virus (HPV) which brings about changes to the cells of the cervix. HPV is spread through sexual contact.
Who is at risk? Any woman who has had a sexual encounter is at risk. Women with persistent HPV virus, those with compromised immunity such as HIV and AIDS disease and smokers (as harmful cancer-causing chemicals enter the bloodstream and may reach and damage the cervix) have a higher risk. It is important to note that women who do not get tested regularly have the highest chance of getting cervical cancer. Condoms do not protect an individual from getting HPV but from other diseases such as HIV. Important to note that almost all women who have had sex will have HPV at some time, but among these, few women will progress to cervical cancer. Most HPV infections go away on their own and do not cause changes to the cervix.
The burden of the disease in Zimbabwe According to Zimbabwe National Cancer registry; Cervical cancer is the most common cancer aecting Zimbabwean women. It is more common among women in the age range 40-54 years and among older women above 65 years. The majority of women with cancer present with advance stages of the disease making it diďŹƒcult to manage.
By Dr. Tsitsi Apollo
A smear test lasts
The impact of cervical cancer lasts a lifetime.
Know the signs and symptoms The signs and symptoms of cervical cancer depends on whether it is early or in advanced stages. Early on, there may be no signs and symptoms but as the cancer advances it may cause bleeding or an abnormal (foul-smelling) discharge from the vagina. It may also cause bleeding after a sexual encounter (post-coital bleeding) or in between menstrual period. It may be associated with pain during sex, back, pelvic, back or leg pain. Leakage of urine or stool through the vagina (this happens when there is an abnormal opening between the vagina and the rectum or bladder due the invasive cancer). However, a patient should have thorough examination and investigations done to rule out other medical conditions.
Early detection and treatment Simple and inexpensive tests exist for screening sexually active women to detect pre-cancerous abnormalities within the cervix. In Zimbabwe, two tests are commonly used for cervical cancer screening. A Pap test which is a smear taken from the cervix to look for pre-cancerous cells can be done from the time a woman is 21 years old.
A pap smear is a procedure in which a sample of cells from a woman's cervix is collected and Cervical cancer is highly preventable if detected smeared onto a microscope slide to look for early and early treatment is associated with long changes which may be taking place due to survival and good quality of life. However, in the presence of cancerous cells. The cells are Zimbabwe many women present with advanced then taken to a medical laboratory for analysis. forms of cervical cancer due to lack of awareness, Another simple and cost effective technology low risk perception, lack of resources for screening. It used locally is a 'Visual inspection using Acetic can be prevented through the administration of acid and Cryotherapy' (VIAC). The Zimbabwe Human Papilloma Virus (HPV vaccines which are still ministry of health and child care is rolling out the limited in Zimbabwe. It is recommended for young screening programmes to hospitals and clinics girls between 11-12 years of age but also for the to make the service more widely accessible to unvaccinated older females between 13 and 26 years. women.
How do we prevent it?
“Reduce your risk�
By Dr. Tsitsi Apollo
Screening should be conducted every 3 years after sexual debut but more often (annually) among women living with HIV as they have an increased risk of cervical cancer. After screening if pre-cancerous cells are seen; this is followed by a yet simple technology/treatment to remove observed lesions/abnormalities to prevent its progression to invasive cervical cancer. The degree of spread of the cancer is referred to as 'stage'. This information is necessary for making a treatment plan. Cervical cancer is treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of cervical cancer and how far it has spread.
Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Surgery: Doctors remove cancer tissue in an operation. Chemotherapy: Using special medicines to shrink or kill the cancer. The drugs can be pills you take or medicines given intravenously or both. Radiation: Using high-energy rays (similar to X-rays) to kill the cancer. Most of the treatment options have some side effects and hence the need to seek an understanding from your doctor on the best treatment. Conclusion: Use of simple and low cost screening tools can help detect and manage cervical cancer early and prevent women from dying from a highly preventable cancer that affects thousands of women annually.
“Reduce your risk�
By Dr. Tsitsi Apollo
She didn't have a reason to live... Until...
She had already planned her week. To do: Get things in order. The sad thing was there wasn't much to get into order. Her life was already so empty. No one needed her. No one missed her. No one even talked to her. She felt invisible. When she was gone, would anyone even notice? Would anyone grieve? Across the hall of her apartment another woman was also grieving. Cancer... They said it was cancer. Life was quickly changing. Out of her control. Her body was theirs now. Radiation... chemo... How would she do it? How would she even get to those appointments? She knew no one who could take her. Everyone she knew had jobs and kids and busy lives that didn't leave any room for cancer. Her life depended on it though. And then she remembered her neighbour. She saw her occasionally. They had waved to one another before. But no deep connection. She wouldn't call them "friends." But... maybe... So she knocked on the door. She explained her situation. Could the woman possibly give her rides to her appointments for the next month or so? She hated to ask. She felt really uncomfortable. She didn't want to be a burden. But she could die. So she asked... And she didn't know... She wasn't just saving her life... She was saving the life of the woman she asked. Because her neighbour found her purpose. The weeks passed. The women became close friends. And then one day she told her. "You know, I was going to take my life that week... I didn't have any reason to stay here on earth another day... And then you gave me one. If I wasn't here... I didn't know how you would get to your appointments. You needed me." I was at a Hope Keepers meeting that night when this story was shared... In a letter. A letter that the woman who found a purpose wrote. She wanted her story known. She wanted people to know... ... it is okay to ask for help. Please... ask for help. Because by doing so... you may save someone's life. When was the last time you asked for help? It's hard. It's humbling. It can even feel humiliating. But we are called to care for one another. The weak shall be strong. Consider this: By not asking for help... are you withholding the purpose someone else is praying for? Can you help me change the stigma of asking for help? I want to teach people that help comes in many ways. When we talk about the love of Jesus, people don't always want to hear about it. Because they haven't felt it. Sadly... they haven't seen it in those of us who follow Him. But we can change that. I want people to feel His love through the gift of time of others-- of you and I. It is a big calling. But we never know who's life may be touched... And whose life may be saved. Hugs,
Lisa Rest Ministries
FULLY PERSUADED, COMPLETELY at rest Noticed when a child has something he or she doesn't want you to have, they will hold it tightly and say something like, “no, it's mine!” they won't let go of it, or let you pry it out of their hands without a ght! they have what they want, and they're not afraid to say it's theirs—that it belongs to them! If only christians had the same tenacity when it comes to their ght against the devil!
It's a ght all right! In fact, in a letter he wrote to encourage Timothy, Paul called it “the good ght of faith.” He said, “Fight the good ght of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses” (1 Timothy 6:12). How do we ght this good ght of faith? That verse we just read tells us. It says to “lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you are also called, and have professed a good profession.” Profession is a King James word for confession. So, we can see that laying hold is a part of ghting the good ght, and so is confession. Like that child, we have to lay hold of what we want, confess that it's ours, and not give up without a ght! What do we use to ght? Our faith! Second Corinthians 4:13 says, “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.” Here, Paul refers to the spirit of faith. The Bible also says we've not been given the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). The spirit of faith is not knowledge of faith, and the spirit of fear is not just feelings of fear. Faith is not knowledge, and faith is not understanding. Understanding is not required for faith. You don't have to understand in order to believe or trust. That's because faith is a choice. Believing is a choice, and trusting is a choice. You hear people say, “I just can't believe that! That's not true!” But that's an untrue statement because faith is not based on any kind of understanding or any kind of knowledge. It's a choice. Brother Kenneth E. Hagin once said that, as a little boy, he could not understand how a brown cow could eat green grass and give white milk, and then that milk would be churned to make yellow butter. Yet all the while he's trying to gure it out, he's enjoying milk and butter. He's enjoying ice cream. You don't have to understand in order to believe. You don't have to understand to enjoy. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” So faith and understanding are not the same thing. He's drawing a contrast. What part of your being do you trust with? Not your head. In fact, Brother Hagin used to say, “Faith will work in your heart with doubt in your head.” The enemy will try to make you believe a eeting thought is the same as wavering and you won't receive a thing (James 1:6-7). Just because a feeling or thought crossed your mind doesn't mean you changed your decision to believe in your heart.
Please note this article I asked for permission to copy it from the BVOV magazine (Kenneth Copeland ministry) I read it and it changed it and this is my seed to someone wanting to walk the walk of faith and change their life.
Walking in Faith Doesn't Mean You Won't Have Challenges Why does he tell you not to lean to your own understanding? Because you'll be tempted to. He's telling you upfront not to lean to your own understanding—your own head, your own reasonings, thoughts or feelings. If the enemy can get you in the reasoning realm, he'll defeat you. But if you'll stay in the faith realm, he can't do anything with you. No matter how many negative thoughts he brings to you, no matter how many bad feelings, you won't yield. You'll push them aside and say, “No. I've decided what I believe.” You're settled in your heart. Second Corinthians 4:8-9 says, “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.” “We are troubled on every side.” That word troubled means “to be crowded, pushed or pressed.” Do you ever feel like something is pushing against you? That something is pressuring you? Paul said it's on every side. It's not a lack of faith to acknowledge something you're dealing with. Faith is not calling those things that are as though they are not. No, faith is calling things that are not as though they are! The physical is real! It's temporary, but it's real. Something is going to push on you. That's a reality. You can't control everything that tries to push on you. But what you are in control of is your response to it. Paul says we've been troubled on every side. We've been pressed and pushed, yet with all the trouble, with all the pushing and pressing, we're not distressed. Is it possible to not be distressed, even in the midst of stuff pushing against you and pressuring you? Yes. Is it easy? This is where the ght of faith comes in.
What Are You Fighting to Do? Hebrews 4:11 says we are to “labour therefore to enter into that rest.” That's where the ght comes: Staying in that rest after you've entered in. The enemy will do everything in his power to keep you out of that rest. And once you've entered in, he'll do everything possible to get you out. Out of rest, out of peace, out of trust, out of faith. The Lord has heard your prayer. Your seed is in the ground, your work is done and faith has been released. But that's not the end of it, because at that point, you haven't seen anything yet. You don't feel it. And, in the natural, you need it. You need the money. You still hurt. You're still uncomfortable. This is where the ght comes in. Can you be pushed, can you be pressed and not be distressed? This is the spirit of faith. We are perplexed, meaning we're at a loss. But although we're perplexed, the scripture says we're not in despair. Can you be perplexed and clueless and still be up instead of down? If you're in faith you can. You can be clueless and happy. It's possible! Faith people would never say something like, “Why isn't it working?” Why would you believe it's not working? Because of what you see and feel, or don't see and feel? If that's the case, then you're walking by sight, not by faith. Faith is up. Anyone can be up when the money is in your hand, or the symptoms are gone and you feel great. But when you're hurting and you rejoice because you're healed, that's real faith. Real faith has real joy and real peace in the midst of contradictions and symptoms and lack.
The Spirit of Faith Is the Spirit of Victory
If God were moved by needs and people acting pitiful, miracles would be popping up all over the planet. But that's not what moves God. God is moved by faith. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Faith will never acknowledge that it's whipped, because it can't be whipped. It will never acknowledge that God's Word didn't work, because God's Word works—always! Faith will never concede defeat! There are many Christians who don't always understand, but that doesn't mean they can't trust God with all their hearts. Whatever is going on that's troubling your understanding or feelings, don't lean on or rely on that. If your thoughts counter what God says, then learn to cast them down. Negative or troublesome thoughts are one way the enemy tempts you. But the Bible says we are to slap those thoughts down: “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). God said I'm healed. He said my needs are met. He said my steps are ordered. He keeps me. He protects me. With long life He will satisfy me. Those are the thoughts I choose to dwell and meditate on Psalm 5:11 says, “Let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice.” Almost every psalm has in it the idea of trust and praise. Why? Because if you're trusting, you're praising. One of the easiest ways to get in faith and rest, and stay there, is to thank God and praise Him genuinely all the time. You don't do this if you believe it's not working or it's no use. You're not going to say it's not working because it is working! It has worked! No one will be able to get you to say, “What if?” because you don't believe in what ifs. You don't have to understand it. You don't have to have the answer. You just trust.
Frustration Is Not Faith
Some years ago, I was believing for a speciď€ c thing when it occurred to me that I'd been believing for a year and a half, and it seemed like I was further from it than I was when I started. I thought, What's the deal? I was perplexed. I didn't understand. And the Spirit of God said something I wasn't expecting. He said, Keith, frustration is not faith. Have you ever been frustrated? When you're frustrated, you begin to waver and doubt. Before you know it, you're in fear. Whether it's mild dread or full blown panic, it's the same spirit only different degrees. There's a spirit of fear, but there's also a spirit of faith. And there are different degrees of faith. There's a little persuaded, partially persuaded, getting-there persuaded and sleeping-better persuaded. And then there's father-of-faith Abraham, change-the-world, fully, fully persuaded. Fully persuaded is completely at rest. It's fully persuaded just like you are about gravity or breathing oxygen out of the atmosphere. What are you struggling about? Are you struggling over God's Word being true? Are you struggling over His faithfulness? The good ď€ ght of faith is the ď€ ght, or the struggle, to enter into and stay in rest. Faith is a decision. Make the decision today to trust, being fully persuaded that what He has promised He is faithful to perform. Then enter the rest and stay there until you get the answer you've been waiting for!
Keith Moore is founder and president of Moore Life Ministries and Faith Life Church in both Branson, Mo., and Sarasota, Fla. For more information or ministry materials visit moorelife.org.
Women and nances:
a few nuggets to take on Money Cleansing or Money Detox? A money cleanse or detox is a way of digging deep into your spending habits, sticking with the good ones (or making them even better) and weeding out the bad ones. These are small and realistic goals you can make towards your nancial goals.
Say NO To Impulse Buying
Impulsive buyers never get ahead and over a lifetime, it's the reason so many people retire poor or why some people never build wealth. If you see something you like, ask yourself, “do I need it, will I use it, can I afford it?”. If the answer is no to any number of these, practice self-control and walk away. If you're still thinking about it in a few days, then you may re-think, but if you're not, then it was never meant to be yours.
Be SMART With Your Financial Goals Look at your goals and choose ONE to focus on this month. Make it Specic, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. Stick to these and your money management will start to fall into place. For example, have a goal of saving $1000 (specic and measurable) within a (timely) period that is achievable and realistic, say 12 months.
Get It Together
Gather all of your bank statements, bills and monthly receipts from the last three months together. If you bank online, print them out or have them available on your screen. And then absorb all of that information. How does it look? Are you constantly overdrawn or are you able to save something each month? It might sound simple, but have you ever really dug this deep into your spending before?
Know your real income Does your real income cover your lifestyle? Do you take home less or more than you thought each month?
Reduce your expense Starting NOW! Find ways to pay less for everything on your bank statement. Bring your own lunch to work, spend less on birthday presents, colour your own hair, grow your own vegetables rather than buying Ask yourself “how can I pay less, how can I buy this less often, can I cut this out completely” for every single purchase this month and then compare your hard work to last month's bank statement.
Find that EXTRA cash The best way to nd that extra cash and give yourself a pay rise is to become a mindful spender. Now that questioning each expense is no doubt second nature (it is, isn't it?!) brainstorm other ways to save. There are plenty of ways to pay less, even for essentials, with supermarket discounts and offers. Just remember to be strong –, nothing's cheap if you don't want it. Don't buy three loaves of bread for the price of two if you know you're not going to eat it all (or have the room to freeze it) before it goes mouldy. Shop around. Even though it's convenient, you don't have to buy everything in one shop, or stick to the same one all the time. Change suppliers, or choose to pay bills annually rather than monthly if there's discounts to be had. Stop Buying Things You Don't Need!
Create a Spending Plan and Factor in Your Goal and Some Fun Have a nancial plan for each month; allocate something to your goal and once all the essentials are taken care of, of course its ok to have some 'fun money'.– all work and no play is never going to last forever.
Have an Emergency Fund Don't let unexpected expenses or events ruin your nances. You never know when disaster will hit. If you don't have one, now is the best time to start. Set up an account, with as little as $1 a day and keep topping it up until you have build-up 3 months of expenses.
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After a long day at work many of us are just glad to go home. It is easy to see that some of us stare at the clock frantically for ten minutes before the clock strikes 5 or 6 but this attitude does not guarantee that the we would have a refreshing next day at work so what do you do instead. How you nish your work day is very important, it aects whether you feel refreshed the next day and whether you would be ready to conquer. It doesn't stop there, it also impacts on your level of overall happiness, how well you interact [personal relationship] and how well you sleep at night which would result in your actions at work the next day.
Organise Desk Leave on a Positive Note
Starting and ending the day with your to-do list is ful lling to say the list. This gives you a sense that you have actually achieved a lot in the day. So rather than abruptly leave check and go through what you've done for the day, what you need to adjust and what you'll need to do the next day.
The best way to start your day is not by approaching an untidy work space, having a well-organized desk would help you think clearly and prioritize more eectively. This habit should be developed as it would help you nd things much more easily.
There are so many ways you can end your day on a positive note, one of those ways including saying goodbye to your co-workers etc. Taking a minute to review your accomplishments and achievements for the day helps to boost your level of happiness
Pan Fried garlic & lemon steak
Pan fried g
arlic & lem
on steak
Ingredients ·900g steak ·1 cup oil ·1 cup squeezed lemon juice ·6 teaspoons lemon rind ·1 teaspoon salt ·2 garlic cloves
Directions ·Gather the ingredients together. Chop your garlic finely, and cut your steak into bite size pieces. Tenderize your steak by using a meat tenderizer (utensil not spice). If you do not have this a blunt part of your knife will do. ·Place the tenderized meat into a bowl and add your chopped garlic and oil. ·Add lemon rind, freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix well, refrigerate for an hour. ·After an hour, heat oil in pan, add the meat and let it cook on both sides. ·When meat is well done it is ready to be served.
Chicken & Vegetable Potjie Ingredients ·8 chicken thighs (or mixed pieces) ·Salt and pepper to taste ·30 ml cooking oil ·2 large onions, sliced ·4 medium-sized carrots, sliced ·2 celery sticks, chopped ·2 tomatoes, skins removed and sliced ·1 green pepper, finely sliced ·1 red pepper, finely sliced ·250 g whole button mushrooms ·250 ml spring onions, chopped ·15 ml fresh parsley, finely chopped ·10 ml dried mixed herbs ·500 ml uncooked shell or screw noodles ·5 ml freshly ground black pepper ·3 ml dried rosemary ·250 ml dry white wine or chicken stock
Directions ·Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in the pot and fry the chicken, a few pieces at a time, until golden brown. ·Add the onion and fry briefly. Arrange the vegetables in layers on top of the meat in the following order: carrots, celery, tomatoes, green pepper, red pepper, mushrooms and spring onions. ·Sprinkle the parsley and mixed herbs on top and add the noodles. Sprinkle the pepper and rosemary on top and pour over the wine/stock. ·Cover and simmer for 1 hour or until cooked to your liking, topping up liquid only if potjie
Grilled Beef Wraps with Tzatziki Ingredients ·1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar ·1 tablespoon olive oil ·2 garlic cloves, crushed ·2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves ·1 teaspoon paprika ·750g Beef Rump Steak, trimmed ·8 wraps ·2 cups shredded iceberg lettuce ·4 tomatoes, cut into thin wedges ·1 small red onion, finely sliced ·200g Double Cream Tzatziki
Directions ·Preheat braai on medium-high. Combine the vinegar, oil, garlic, thyme and paprika in a shallow glass or ceramic dish. Rub all over the beef. Stand for 5 mins, turning once, to marinate. ·Drain beef from marinade. Cook on grill for 2 mins each side for medium, or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a board to rest. ·Meanwhile, heat the wraps on grill for about 1 min each side. Transfer to a clean tea towel and wrap loosely to keep warm while you heat the remaining wraps. ·Thickly slice the beef across the grain. Serve with wraps, lettuce, tomato, onion and Double Cream Tzatziki (See recipe on the next page for Double Cream Tzatziki).
Double Creamy Plain Yoghurt Ingredients ·½ cucumber, seeds removed and coarsely grated ·250ml Kefalos Double Cream Plain Yoghurt ·2-3 tablespoon chopped fresh mint ·1 tablespoon olive oil ·salt and pepper ·1 clove garlic, crushed
Directions Spread grated cucumber on a clean tea towel over a wire rack, sprinkle with salt, and drain for 15-30 minutes. Make sure that most of the water is removed from the cucumber by wringing it lightly in the tea towel if necessary. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, mix yoghurt, mint, olive oil and garlic. Add drained cucumber and season with pepper. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit If you have never invited Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, I invite you to do so now. You can pray the prayer and if you are really sincere about it, you will experience a new life in Christ. Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus. Your word says “Whoever shall on the name of the Lord shall be saved” Acts 2:21. I am calling on you. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10 “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be save. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. I am now reborn! I am a Christian a child of the Almighty God! I am saved , you also said in your word “if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, How much more shall your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” Luke 11:13 I'm also asking You to ll me with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, rise up within me as I praise God. I fully expect to speak with the other tongues as You give me utterance Acts 2:4 In Jesus name amen. Begin to praise God for lling you with the Holy Spirit, continue with the blessing God has given you and pray in the spirit every day. You are a born again, spirit lled believer. You will never be the same.
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