2012 Annual Report to the Community

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Report to the Community

Highlights from 2012


Community Services Protective Services Operational Services Operational Services 2012 Financial Statements Office of the CAO

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Mayor’s Message It is enlightening to share with you this 2012 Report to Community reflecting on our accomplishments and performance of the past year.

Dedicated, Helpful, Knowledgeable On September 7, 2011 our entire staff and mem- expectations and outcomes of our decisions. bers of Council spent the day creating our vision 2012 was spent looking outward to the communiof service to the people of Olds. The words above ty and considering the ways that we could improve represent the collective vision that we strive for at the service we deliver to you. Although we struggle the Town of Olds. at times to define the scope of services that the During this electoral term, which ends in October community expects, we try to stay close to the core of this year, we have been commitservices that have traditionally ted to two strategic priorities. To been part of Operational, Comimprove internal and external community, Protective and Corporate munications and enhance public Services. engagement. Our focus on small govern2012 saw the completion of a ment requires us to build capacCommunications Strategic Plan ity in the community to carry on and Toolkit which has helped community development work. streamline our communications We are blessed in Olds to have a function and move us into the sovibrant and busy volunteer seccial media arena. Facebook and tor that is the envy of most other Twitter feeds have added greatly communities. We will continue to the quality of communication that to nurture this model of commuwe have with members of our comnity development that has taken munity. over 10 years to build. We will We have also implemented a also continue to concentrate on user-friendly electronic form on our providing core services in an efwebsite called “Report A Problem”. ficient and effective way. This online form enables citizens In 2013 we intend to look into report problems within the Town ward and concentrate on perof Olds at their convenience, 24/7. CAO Norm McInnis kicks off the sonal and skill development in Citizens provide the kind of problem 2012 - 2013 Blue Bin Pilot Project order to continue to improve the they are experiencing, along with services we provide. We believe details and location and Town staff do their best to that public service is noble work and we want to assist with, or provide a solution in a timely man- perform our duties in a way that reflects our vision. ner. It is a pleasure to share with you a major mileEarly in 2013 a Public Engagement Policy was stone, our first report to the community. We hope adopted by Council, that we hope will enhance the you enjoy it! way in which we engage and improve the quality, - Norm McInnis


Our VISION: Dedicated; Helpful, Knowledgeable engages what I call cooperative spirit – Thank you! Significant progress has been achieved with our partners for us to lead the people; with recognition and acknowledgement going to community volunteer engagement. Passion and courage is what drives many of Olds success stories and economic future. Olds Institute for Community & Regional Development will comprise an Annual Report which will be presented to the community at their Annual General Meeting on April 16th. This will be a full educational showcase of community development within the Town of Olds. INVEST in Community is our message for capacity building including business retention; expansion programs; skills development and social enterprises. We need to foster our spark of innovation and creativity and nurture courage to create economic sustainability benchmarks. The past year showcased progress in developing a full range of social; cultural; economic; environmental and governance factors that are needed to bring our community closer to a sustainable future. Responsible building growth speaks volumes for diversity: (61) housing (39) commercial (11) industrial (16) institutional for a total of $53.6M of construction. The community of Olds “Leading by Example” along with the Town of Olds are proud to join the celebration of Olds College “100” Year Centennial and the building of the Pomeroy Hotel; others include but are not limited to: Mountain View Credit Union; Olds Fire Department; Reimer Concrete and Sunrise Encore Seniors facility. On behalf of the Elected Officials; we applaud ALL people for your commitment to civic engagement and most importantly; your courage to build together this place “OLDS” we call home. - Mayor Judy Dahl

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Community Services Annual Report Community Services was happily busy in 2012 with a variety of initiatives supporting the recreation, parks, social and culture community in Olds. Early in the year the department, in conjunction with the Olds Agriculture Society, the Olds Institute and Mountain View Community Adult Learning Society delivered the 12th Annual Volunteer recognition night, for the first time, at the Trans Canada Theatre. Over 250 community volunteers attended and were recognized with entertainment and a Death by Chocolate dessert bar. Other events in 2012 included Senior’s Week, the Rick Hansen Anniversary Run, Olds Fashioned Christmas, Communities in Bloom and Canada Day. Hay City Slam a program designed to highlight skateboarding and the Olds Skate Park was hosted for the first time in July and the Town supported Communities in Bloom with its first annual Harvest Festival in September. Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) supported seven local programs providing preventive and volunteer services totalling $101,600. Those organizations are: Boys and Girls Club of Olds and Area, Chinook Arch Victim’s Services, Family School Wellness, Olds Jr/Sr High School, YES! , Mountain View Communities Adult Learning Society and the Olds and District Hospice Society. Through the volunteer efforts of the NU2U Thrift Store, the grant program developed with the surplus from store operations, was able to fund eight organizations for a total of $29,100. This group of volunteers works hard with the community to recycle household goods that might otherwise end up in our land fill. A huge thank you goes out to both volunteers and to those citizens that donate their gently used goods towards community initiatives. 2012 saw the 31st year of operation of the Olds Sunshine Bus, a community service that assists our older population and persons with disabilities, to get around in the community. The Town continued to offer the services of the Healthy Family program and the Office of the Public Guardian through contracts with those provincial agencies, again programs that support the broad spectrum of needs in the community. Partnership is the name of the game and in 2012 the

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Community Services Department worked hard to solidify a long standing partnership with the Olds Kiwanis Club for playground development and moved forward on plans with the Lions Club, the Elks, and the Rotary Club for other sites in town. Both the Kiwanis Club and the town are grateful for the significant contribution of Mr. Alec Zec, a member of our community who has made contributing to youth initiatives an important part of his legacy to Olds. The Beech Crescent redevelopment was completed in 2012 with the support of Mr.Zec and the Kiwanis Club. An upgrade to the heating and dehumidification system at the Olds and District Sports Complex was completed as was an upgrade to the lighting and waterslide stairs at the Olds Aquatic Centre. The Department initiated an Open Space and Trails Master Plan (to be completed in 2013) to look at parks and open space needs to serve citizens into the future.

Many community organizations and individuals benefit from the efforts of the Town’s investment in Community Services with most of these programs and services being led and supported by volunteers and parents. The success of initiatives such as Minor Hockey, Figure Skating, Swim Club, Lacrosse, Soccer and Minor Ball is largely due to the collaborative nature of the relationship between community and the municipality. Olds is indeed fortunate to have so many activities and so many volunteers to keep our facilities and parks vibrant. For that we salute YOU!

Protective Services Department

Municipal Enforcement

The Protective Services Department is responsible for emergency management (disaster services), fire services, and municipal enforcement operations for the Town of Olds. The 2012 saw changes to Municipal Enforcement. Municipal enThe Protective Services responsible for emergency management (disaster fire fire department consists ofDepartment a full-time isFire Chief/Director of Protective Services, 32,services), volunteer forcement transitioned to Protective Services and operate at the services, and enforcement operationsand for the of Olds. Theclerk. department consists of a fullfighters, two municipal Community Peace Officers oneTown administrative new Protective Services facility. Municipal Enforcement staff are time Fire Chief/Director of Protective Services, thirty two (32) volunteer fire fighters, two (2) Community qualified Community Peace Officers able to enforce not only muPeace Officers and one (1) administrative clerk. Although the new Protective Services facility was still under construction in 2012 administration nicipal bylaws but also various Provincial Statutes and Regulawas able to office space December. Whenconstruction completed in early 2013 emergency Although theoccupy new Protective Servicesinfacility was still under in 2012 administration was able tions. apparatus will be located to the new site. to occupy office space in December. When completed in early 2013 emergency apparatus will be located The Town of Olds Municipal Enforcement Staff respond to varito the new site. ous infractions which can include parking violations; abandoned Olds Fire Department Statistics 2012: vehicles; domestic animals at large; unsightly premises; snow removal, and noise complaints. A great deal of their time is spent investigating, dealing with, and resolving concerns from memTYPE URBAN RURAL bers of the community. Fire Alarm 80 5 Controlled Burn/Unreported Controlled Burn Fire Fire Investigation Medical First Response Medical Assist Natural Gas Incidents Motor Vehicle Collision Mutual Aid Request Public Hazard Public Service Rescue Rubbish or Grass Fire



18 5 38 139 13 29

11 20 7 11

Enforcement Staff are also actively involved in Community events. They assist with special permits and legislation for special events in Olds.

Municipal Enforcement Involvement in Special Events 2012

Rural Alberta Motorcycle Ride for Dad Feed the Community Run Word of Life - Easter Egg Hunt 4 Olds Fashioned Christmas Parade of Lights 6 Mountain View Pistons Show and Shine 5 Olds Interact Walk-A-Thon 9 Rick Hansen Relay 347 (25th Anniversary) • Church in the Park With at total of 491 dispatched incidents in 2012, Olds Fire Department members contribute a• Movie in the Park With a total of 491 dispatched incidents in 2012, significant amount of their time to the Town of Olds and to surrounding areas of Mountain View • Truckload Spa Sale Olds Fire Department members contribute a signifiCounty. cant amount of their time to the Town of Olds and to • Summer Oldstice • Strutt Your Mutt surrounding of standards Mountain View All fire fighters are required to maintain excellent training,areas safety andCounty. practices. • Doggy Walk-A-Thon All fire fighters are required to maintain excellent • Tri-Diva Triathlon On May 30, 2012, the Fire Training Facility celebrated its grand opening. The majority of the training, safety standards and practices. • Hike for Hospice build was completed by Olds Fire Department members and was recently accredited by Alberta May 30, Fire 2012,Protection the Fire Training Facility (NFPA) cel- • Terry Fox Run Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) for theOnNational Association ebrated its1002: grand opening. Thefor majority of the build • Olds Bible Rodeo standards 1001: Standards for Structural Firefighters; Standards Fire Apparatus was completed by Olds Fire Department members • Canada Day Event Operators; 1051: Standards for Wildland Firefighting, and 427: Standards for Dangerous was recently by AlbertaofEmergency Goods Awareness and Operations. One of theand objectives for accredited the construction the Fire Training Facility is to optimize training opportunities for Olds Fire Department, Management Agency (AEMA) for the regional National Fire departments, and departments beyond county Protection borders. Association (NFPA) standards 1001: Our Enforcement Officers also have an integral role in the School Zones/Safer Community Patrols in the fall. When they are not Standards for Structural Firefighters; 1002: Stanbusy with enforcing the Town of Olds Bylaws and assisting with Municipal dards Enforcement for Fire Apparatus Operators; 1051: Stanspecial events our Officers respond to requests for assistance dards for Wildland Firefighting, and 427: Standards from the RCMP and from 2012 saw changes to Municipal Enforcement. for Municipal enforcement transitioned to Protective Dangerous Goods Awareness and Operations. Municipalities inside and Services and operate at the new Protective Services facility. Municipal Enforcement staff are One of the objectives for the construction of the outside the county. Fire Training Facility is to optimize training opportunities for Olds Fire Department, regional departments, and departments beyond county borders. 38 29 5 3 1 10 144

• • • • • • •

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Operational Services - Public Works & Utilities Public Works and Utilities are two divisions within the Operational Services Department. Public Works and Utilities staff look after the maintenance of the Town’s infrastructure, including roads, water distribution system, and the Wastewater Treatment Plant along with a large variety of other seasonal tasks. Some of the sustainability projects that Public Works and Utilities are involved in are Recycling and Waste Management Programs; Water Infiltration/Reduction program (Toilet Rebate Program, Splash pads, Rain barrels etc.)

“Monty Pylon”


Waste reduction efforts in the Town of Olds are founded on the 3 R’s philosophy of management – Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. We have partnerships with both Mountain View Regional Waste Commission and Waste Management to assist in our efforts. Some of our programs include: • Recycling Centers & Programs – (49 Ave & Olds Coop Centers, Blue Bin Pilot Program) • Composting – (Kitchen organics, bio-solids & yard waste) • Spring cleanup • Christmas Tree Recycling (self drop-off at Olds Eco-Site) • Nu 2 U Thriftstore (for more gently used items) Thank you to all for your contributions and efforts to reduce our community’s environmental footprint. As part of the Town of Olds commitment to reduce overall water consumption in our community, we have moved forward with the installation of a Leak Detection Network to monitor the entire water distribution system. The Town of Olds purchased 133,459 m3 less water than budgeted for in 2010, which is equivalent to approx. 44 days worth of water for the Town of Olds. The decrease also shows we purchased 144,307 m3 less water, or approximately 48 days worth, than in 2009, despite adding 66 new water meters to the system.

Pedestrian Solar Powered Crossing Lights

In 2012 2 solar panel pedestrian crossing lights were strategically placed at: • 57 Avenue & 60 Street • 54 Street & 54 Avenue

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Waterless Streetsweeper

Our newly acquired Elgin Streetsweeper has been a great asset for cleaning our community streets and parking lots. It is more efficient, sustainable and can get the sweeping done at a much quicker rate.

Street Lighting •

8 LED Street lights were placed along 70 Avenue. (Pilot Program with Fortis).

150 – 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium Street Lights

Snow Plowing & Sanding

Operational Services has adopted a new plowing notification assistant that we have nicknamed “Monty Pylon”. Monty is a 3 foot tall, bright orange pillar with the 48 hour notification reflected on it. This lets you know that your area will be plowed or sanded in approximately 48 hours. This would be your cue to remove any vehicles off the roadways so that the Operations team can do what they need to do and not wait for tow trucks to come and remove vehicles that are in the way.

Operational Services - Engineering & Planning Infrastructure Statistics

In 2012 the Town of Olds currently has: 2012: Roads - 98.7 km (TBD) Water - 77.7 km Sewer - 69.8 km Storm - 44.1 km Paved Trails - 18.0 km Sidewalks -78.0 km

2005: 89.7 km 61.7 km 62.7 km 35.6 km not available not available

Development Statistics (Building Permits)

Development Summary 2010 - $28,302,447 Development Summary 2011 - $34,226,430 Development Summary 2012 - $53,605,540 1137 Business Licenses issued in 2012.

Master Plans and Related Capital Projects:

• 70 Ave North – Ext. (combined with development) 2010 to 2014 - Follow ASP Amendment for Cornerstone new access at 200m (cost shared) & 400m • Develop Existing Trails - 2010 to 2014 • Fire Hydrant Replacement & Updating 2012 to 2017 • Infiltration Reduction Program – Sanitary 2012 to 2017 •Local Improvement – 49 Ave ( Sanitary & Roadways) 2011 to 2014 • Local Improvement – 50 Ave (Sewage Collection) 2011 to 2014 • Local Improvement – 50 Ave (Water Main) 2011 to 2014 • Replace North Reservoir (Phasing) 2011 to 2017 (Phase 1 – 2014 / Phase 2 – 2025) • Olds Transportation – Functional Plan (Hwy 2A) 2009 to 2014 • Storm Water – Master Plan 2009 to 2014 • Waste & Wastewater Business Planning 2012 to 2016 • Water Distribution Reinvestment 2012 to 2017 • South Red Deer Regional Wastewater System 2007 to 2016 • South Red Deer Water Commission 2008 to 2014 • Interim Wastewater Treatment Plan 2009 to 2016 • Leak Detection Programs (Technology) 2012 to 2017

PRESENT & FUTURE Community Growth and Development

Town of Olds growth forecast for 2013 to 2016 can be based on current area structure plans, recent proposals and actual construction. It is anticipated that Olds will see a “basic” year in 2013 for the number of new houses and utility accounts. We are projecting approximately 60 to 120 combined housing/dwelling units coming on line. New development proposed in 2013 to 2016 from areas such as Highland’s (3), Vista’s (6), Long Sky Housing, Discovery Plains, Cornerstone, Kasawals, Chinook Meadows, Destiny Place and individual multi-family sites may yield 600 to 700 hundred dwelling units by 2016 subject to status of economy.


Institutional/Commercial/Industrial growth will include Mountain View Credit Union, Loblaws, Long Sky Commercial, Olds College lands, Kaastra/Gibson Industrial development, South Eco-Industrial development, Chinooks Edge School Division - 51 Ave development Hwy 27 property, East Olds Redevelopment and Uptowne Olds Redevelopment

Town of Olds Development Summary January - December 2012 Type

Commercial Industrial Institutional Residential Manufactured Home Duplex Multi-Plex Res. Addition/Reno Accessory Bldg Demolition Amendment Change of Use Home Occupation Variance


No. of Permits

Permit Values

39 11 16 38 1 7 2 37 20 2 2 5 28 17

$10,187,135 $2,404,160 $15,605,150 $9,673,960 $115,000 $2,179,000 $12,762,880 $372,680 $271,575 $34,000




Olds will show moderate growth on West side, 47 Ave Industrial South-East area as well as the Discovery Plains site in the North.

Economic Zone/Regional/County and Olds

In terms of water supply the Cervus Area and the Prodev Development Area within Mountain View County will require a new reservoir or expansion of existing facilities based on partnership and water service agreements. Reservoir time frame forecast without pre-investment analysis is 2013 to 2019.

Alberta Transportation – Highways 27/2/2A

Alberta Transportation Highway Improvements may support intersection changes for Hwy 2A/27, 50 Ave/Hwy 27, 51 Ave/Hwy 27, Traffic signalization at Hwy 2A/57th St. Alberta Transportation announced April 15, 2013 that the overpass improvements for Highway 2/27 have been approved and will be completed later this year.

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Where Our Town 2012 Funding Came From ($16.8M): Taxes & Franchise Fees Sales and user fees Grants & Other Revenues Licences, permits, rentals & other Investment income, fines & penalties

Corporate Efficiencies & Advancements During 2012 the Town proceeded with a number of electronic efficiencies including: • offering vendors and suppliers the opportunity have their payments from the Town automatically deposited into their bank accounts via the electronic funds transfer (EFT) feature with the remittance stub e-mailed to them; • utility customers were given the opportunity to have their utility bills e-mailed to them to save on mailing time, lost bills, and postage costs; • the Town’s news letter “Town Hall News” was offered up to be sent electronically via e-mail or a web link instead of direct paper mailing; • the Town moved to a web-based (hosted) environment for its financial systems to save the purchase of new costly computer equipment and the need for on-site tape backups saving staff time and financial outlay; • a debit terminal was installed at the Nu2U thrift store for the convenience of customers. 2012 saw the re-branding of our website and the continuation of the Town’s branding of forms and publications. The website is now cleaner and easier to find information through efficient links to information and useful sites. In order to ensure we capture and communicate decisions of Council timely and efficiently, the Town’s Communication Coordinator now attends all Council meetings to be in a position to timely and effectively communicate decisions to the media and the public through other social media including the Town of Olds website, Twitter, and Facebook.


Property Taxes levied by the Town of Olds include amounts collected on behalf of other organizations and comprise roughly 32% of each property tax bill including: • Alberta School Foundation Fund (Education Taxes) • Mountain View Seniors Housing • Parkland Regional Library The Town is told the amounts to collect along with the Town’s municipal taxes and merely remits these taxes back to the requisitioning organization.

Programs and Services not supported by taxes: The following programs and services are delivered by the Town through the collection of fees for services: • Water and Wastewater services • Solid Waste Collection services • The Pilot Recycle Program started in August 2012. Cultural Programs that are funded through the collected Gas Franchise Fees, including: • The Evergreen Centre • Mountain View Museum • The Olds Municipal Library The cost of Street Lighting in the Town of Olds which is funded through the revenue received from Electrical Franchise Fees.

The Town’s 2012 Spending ($16.8M): Public health and welfare Waste management Planning and development Roads, streets and other transportation services General government & Other Protective services

Water and wastewater Recreation, parks and culture Amortization of tangible capital assets/reserves Protective services General government & Other Roads, streets and other transportation services Planning and development

Amortization of tangible capital assets Recreation, parks and culture Water and wastewater

Waste management Public health and welfare

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Office of the CAO

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is the senior staff person at the Town of Olds. The CAO is accountable to the Mayor and Council and provides leadership to the Town’s Directors in the development, implementation and administration of all policies and programs established by Council in accordance with all applicable bylaws and regulations. These policies allow for consistent, clear practices and an appropriate level of engagement for all stakeholders. The Office of the CAO is responsible for high level administration often at the Strategic Level. This group is responsible for overseeing, updating, and managing all corporate strategic documents as well as maintaining and updating a number of corporate policies and procedures. Due to a restructuring of department duties, the Human Resources Advisor and Payroll and Benefits Coordinator positions are now housed within this office under the Manager of Human Resources. Individual employees interact with the entire organization on a regular basis to provide assistance and services to staff. Ongoing relationships with community partners such as the Olds Institute for Community & Regional Development, Olds College, Olds Agricultural Society and the Olds & District Chamber of Commerce allow for collaboration and cooperation of community economic development. We work with the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on matters of municipal government importance. Highlights • • • • • •

Human Resource Strategic Plan Corporate Strategic Communications Plan Social Media Policy Communications Response Policy Public Engagement Policy Media Relations Policy

We are proud of our Town and of our outstanding staff complement. We look forward to continuing to provide excellent and committed professional public administration to Olds.

2010-2013 Council Back Row left to right: Councillors Murray Ball, Debbie Bennett, Mary Jane Harper, Harvey Walsh. Front Row left to right: Councillor Arvin Bull; Mayor Judy Dahl; Councillor Wade Bearchell.

Dedicated, Helpful & Knowledgeable

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CENTENNIAL SIGNATURE EVENTS Olds College. A complete century of real-life, hands-on education. In 1913, The Olds School of Agriculture and Home Economics opened its doors, changing the course of rural education in ways that still resonate today. Today, Olds College is a leader in integrated learning and applied research – not just in the field of agriculture but in horticulture, land and environmental management, business, fashion, trades and more. As our 100th year approaches, we extend a big THANK YOU to our generous sponsors. Your support will help make our Centennial Celebration – a whole year of celebrations – truly memorable.

Please join us! 100.oldscollege.ca

MARCH 1 - 2, 2013

Alberta Students’ Executive Council Conference

MARCH 7 - 9, 2013

Alberta Schools of Business Case Competition

MARCH 22, 2013

Centennial ‘Growing the Legacy’ Gala

APRIL 6, 2013

Alberta 4-H Provincial Finals

Photo by Veronica Reist Communications

APRIL 12, 2013

Grand Opening of the Olds College Calgary Campus at Bow Valley College

APRIL 30 – MAY 2, 2013 Equine Centennial Games

JUNE 20 – 23, 2013

Olds Community Celebration

JUNE 21 – 23, 2013

The J.C. (Jack) Anderson Charity Auto Auction – Supporting the Future of Olds College

JULY 19 - 20, 2013

2013 World Plowing Championship

SEPTEMBER 11, 2013

Olds College Heritage Fall Golf Classic

OCTOBER 18 - 19, 2013

Centennial Homecoming and Rodeo For more information visit 100.oldscollege.ca

At the Town of Olds we believe that Sustainable Community Development requires new ideas to build community in new and sustainable ways. This work is best done in the community by the community.

The Olds Institute for Community & Regional Development is a leader in the new social economy, leveraging volunteerism to keep business profit in our community and reinvest in community development.



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