GOOD GOVERNANCE Goal The Town of Olds will respect people and the process ensuring a healthy environment where great decisions are made.
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Improved customer service. Internal systems improvement (meeting schedule efficiency and effectiveness). Update personnel policy to reflect new labor legislation. Develop a strategic, comprehensive review of all by-laws and policies over the next four years. Fire review of organizational and operational model and administrative practice. Maintain the Health & Safety Certificate of Recognition (COR). Support internal record keeping. Support community archives.
Performance Measure Maintain Health & Safety COR
Policy Review
15 policies annually
Bylaw Review Outcomes 1.1.1 1.1.1
Human Resource and payroll software system provides improved internal access and accuracies for employees. Reporting functions in the new HR Software provides assistance to forecasting staffing levels.
Front Line employees have been trained in customer service.
Change in council’s meeting schedule beginning November 2018.
Council policies and bylaws drive decisions.
Administrative Procedures well documented and easy to access with identifiable connection to Council Policy and Service Levels.
Land Use Bylaw Amendment 2018-02 aligns to the MGA.
Enhanced efficiency, identification of shortcomings in fire operations.
Reduced lost time injuries and WCB premium costs.
Enhanced support for the Archives function of the Museum.
Electronic historical catelogue of Town Bylaws.
FISCAL HEALTH Goal The Town of Olds will ensure responsible fiscal balance between community expectations and available revenues. Strategies Develop a suite of fiscal policies that will support long term sustainability efforts (i.e. Reserve 2.1 Policy). 2.2 Maintain ongoing strategic plan and service level reviews and financial options to service level changes. 2.3 Review budget process with service level review. 2.4 Develop a 2019 budget based on anticipated needs, service level decisions, best practices and council priorities. 2.5 Ensure alignment with new Municipal Government Act changes. 2.6 Engage in cooperative efforts with Mountain View County and the Inter-Municipal Collaborative Framework. 2.7 Develop standardized template for municipally related items (i.e. Request for Proposals). Performance Measure 3 year financial plan and a 5 year capital plans in place for the 2019 budget year Annual service level review completed
yes/no checkmark/yes/no
ICF Bylaw and IDP completed with Mountain View County
Capital plans will be approved one year in advance
Outcomes 2.1.1
Town of Olds demonstrates a commitment to fiscal responsibility to make good use of public dollars through policy.
Development of a reserve policy and sustainable procurement policy.
Consolidated Rates Bylaws to align with Service Level Review and Budget process.
Defined base level of service with cost recovery expectations/guidelines.
Exploration of cost recovery options for enhanced service levels.
Consensus on the budget process.
Financial stewardship meets residents’ current and future needs.
Completed 3 and 5 year financial and capital plans properly reflect all future capital investments.
Approved ICF framework, IDP and bylaw.
SERVICE SUSTAINABILITY Goal The Town of Olds provides safe, affordable and cost-effective service delivery to our community and region. Strategies Establish benchmark for service level indicators for residents. 3.1 Continue to develop an Asset Management plan for 2020 that ensures investment in our 3.2 infrastructure is based on life cycle costing. Identify and address inefficiencies in water and waste water systems by ongoing condition 3.3 assessment. Develop a plan for the replacement of the Town of Olds operational centers. 3.4 Update the Open Space and Trails Master Plan and update the Olds component of the 3.5 Mountain View Regional Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan. Explore opportunities with the Town of Bowden, Red Deer County, and include consultation 3.6 with other municipalities in Mountain View County. Curbside program review: monitor the innovative waste management system in Olds. 3.7 Analyze service levels and establish short, medium and long term plans for staffing, 3.8 resource requirements and sustainable growth with forecasted increased demands. Analyze service models to establish where operational revenues could be enhanced to 3.9 offset cost of service. 3.10 Enhance the quality of life in the community by supporting programs through direct and indirect means. 3.10 Reduce insurance claims or damage to town property. Performance Measure Under Development
Outcomes 3.1.1 and 3.7.1
Developed (captured) benchmarks for growth and trigger points assist in having a stepped approach to manage service level demands.
Completed natural asset and playground inventory tied to a lifecycle plan.
Asset Management Plans are a guide for service level and capital priorities.
3.5.1 3.5.2
A comprehensive update to the Olds component of the Mountain View Regional Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan guides future planning. Growth areas are included in the appendix to the Open Space and Trails Master plan to identify future linkages and gaps in the trail system.
GROWTH AND EXPANSION Goal The Town of Olds will lay the foundation to ensure responsible and sustainable growth. Strategies Review mandate with Olds Institute to ensure alignment with the Town of Olds. 4.1 4.2 Embark on an Economic Development Plan that includes a business retention and attraction strategy. 4.3 Approve Municipal Development Plan in 2018. 4.4 Investigate an industrial land development plan. 4.5 Analysis of growth pressure and related infrastructure requirements. 4.6 ICC-ICF decision point: grow or annex. 4.7 Establish Memorandum of Agreement with the Olds Regional Exhibition. 4.8 Explore alternate transportation systems. 4.9 Evaluate population and economic growth potential and identify the effect it will have on core emergency services. 4.10 SE Industrial ASP Amendment. 4.11 Foster relationships with partners that provide culture and social development programs and services in the community.
Performance Measure MDP Completion
Outcomes 4.1.1 4.3.1 4.5.1
Renewed relationship with the Olds Institute for Community & Regional Development. An approved current Municipal Development Plan relevant to current and future planning needs. Greater provision for and increased utilization of recreation facilities as local and regional centres.
Community risk profile identifies the areas of liability and management plans.
Completed FCSS community gap analysis.
4.10.1 4.11.1
Enhanced partnership between the Town and the Community Learning Campus. (i.e. Fitness Centre and Aquatic Centre programming) Establishment of a Social Development Plan for Olds to outline program and service offering responsibilities and implementation.
PROTECTIVE SERVICES Goal The Town of Olds will provide the necessary resources to ensure a safe, secure and healthy community. Strategies 5.1 To revisit the Municipal Enforcement Policy, business plan and practices to ensure bylaws are being enforced effectively. 5.2 Address the 26 recommendations of the Fire Services Review. 5.3 Develop a revised Emergency Management Plan. 5.4 Develop a fire inspection services plan that is cost effective and achievable. 5.5 Review the Olds Fire Bylaw. 5.6 Review and update Quality Management Program (QMP) capturing service level expectations in a modern, progressive community. 5.7 Conduct an Insurance Advisory review for the community regarding fire. 5.8 Assess options for addressing traffic enforcement speed control. 5.9 Increase proactive bylaw enforcement with community outreach and educational campaigns. 5.10 Assess needs for additional RCMP positions. Performance Measure Under Development
Outcomes Residents of Olds live and enjoy a safe, secure and healthy community. 5.1.1
Additional Municipal Enforcement coverage on weekends and evenings.
Enhanced fire service through the establishment of strong legislative structure.
5.6.1 5.7.1
Enhanced community awareness and decreased risk through prevention, education and code enforcement. Potential decreased insurance rates for residents and business through establishment of key services provided and benchmarking based on published “best practices�.
Enhanced focus and coverage on traffic control.
Enhanced support for Citizen on Patrol Society.
Reconstituted Police Advisory Committee.
Review of Municipal Enforcement.
Consideration of additional RCMP members.
COMMUNICATION AND ENGAGEMENT Goal The Town of Olds is committed to transparent and inclusive processes that are responsive and accountable. Strategies Develop internal communications strategy (who needs to know what). 6.1 6.2 Monitor and review engagement plan that informs, educates, and allows for input from our residents on key municipal services and activities (budget, sports fields, development plans). 6.3 Continue to develop key messages and internal briefing notes. 6.4 Include level of service and the associated cost information when appropriate in communication and engagement outputs. 6.5 Coordinate, communicate and engage with our residents and key partners. 6.6 Support FCSS initiatives to enhance well-being of community. 6.7 Creating neighbourly connections. 6.8 Stewardship of the Heritage Management Plan. Performance Measure Under Development
Outcomes Olds is recognized as a friendly, supportive and welcoming community. Our residents are informed. 6.2.1 6.2.1 6.2.1
Education/awareness program development and delivery for bylaws and municipal services. Residents of Olds participate in meaningful public outreach opportunities and contribute to council’s decision making process. Effective use of Engagement Policy and engagement spectrum to provide information to aid in communications and decision making.
Defined service level communicated simply to residents and staff.
Social Media optimization in conjunction with a robust website.
Strengthened Town’s volunteer program.
Provision of appropriate leadership supports to organizations that utilize volunteers.
Inspired residents who connect with one another.
Continued stewardship of the Cultural and Historic Resources of the Town of Olds.
Terminology Goals:
Broad statements the organization wishes to achieve after program activities to fulfill the mission.
Courses of action to be undertaken delivered towards achievement of goals.
What the strategy does with the inputs (resources) to fulfill the goal and ultimately, the mission.
Are the impacts that outputs have on residents (that is, what the service or program makes possible rather than simply what it does). To understand what constitutes your outcomes ask, “What do we want this service or program to accomplish?� Develop business outcomes for each service goal, then develop indicators that are aligned with the outcomes. This will generate performance information to assist the decision making process.
Performance Measures are the impacts of an activity or program has on residents.