2012 MESDA Summer Institute

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2012 mesda summer institute

early southern material culture & decorative arts

2012 faculty & staff

Daniel Ackermann Associate Curator, MESDA Collection Kathryn Holland Braund Professor of History, Auburn University Johanna M. Brown Director of Collections, Curator of Moravian Decorative Arts, Old Salem Museums & Gardens Sally Gant Director of MESDA Education and Special Programs Bernard L Herman George B. Tindall Distinguished Professor of American Studies and Folklore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Robert A. Leath Chief Curator & Vice President for Collections and Research, Old Salem Museums & Gardens

John Larson Vice President for Restoration, Old Salem Museums & Gardens June Lucas Director of Research, Old Salem Museums & Gardens Sumpter Priddy Sumpter Priddy, III, Inc., Fine Arts and American Antiques, Alexandria, Virginia Kathleen Staples Independent Scholar and Textile Consultant, Greenville, South Carolina Carroll Van West, UVA Resident Scholar Director of the Center for Historic Preservation, Professor of History, Middle Tennessee State University

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2012 mesda summer institute

early southern material culture & decorative arts the southern backcountry june 25 – july 20, 2012

presented by: the museum of early southern decorative arts (mesda) a division of old salem museums & gardens the university of virginia course of study

THE MESDA SUMMER INSTITUTE provides the opportunity to analyze and investigate the material culture and decorative arts of the early South. Each summer the institute focuses on one region of the early South, rotating its concentration from the Chesapeake to the Carolina Low Country to the southern Backcountry. The 2012 Institute emphasizes the material culture of the early southern Backcountry, including Tennessee, Kentucky and the piedmont and western regions of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Students study the region’s economic, social and cultural history through a multidisciplinary approach that includes current methods of research, interpretation, preservation, and analysis of material culture. The program’s month-long curriculum includes

lectures, discussions, workshops, artifact studies, research projects, and a five-day study trip to Tennessee. The UVA Resident Scholar for the 2012 Summer Institute is Dr. Carroll Van West, Professor of History and Director of the Center for Historic Preservation at Middle Tennessee State University. In addition to Dr. West, the faculty is composed of members of the staffs of MESDA and Old Salem Museums & Gardens, the University of Virginia, and several guest lecturers. The 2012 Summer Institute will take place June 25 – July 20, 2012. Three hours of graduate credit are awarded through the University of Virginia’s Graduate Program in the History of Art and Architecture.

program resources

THE MUSEUM OF EARLY SOUTHERN DECORATIVE ARTS is a division of Old Salem Museums and Gardens. Its unique collection of decorative arts presents the South from the 17th to the mid-19th centuries. Through its collections, research, publications, and programs, the museum performs a leading role in the investigation of southern decorative arts and material culture. The MESDA collection exhibits furniture, paintings, ceramics, textiles, metalwares, and other decorative arts from Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The MESDA Research Center is a repository of resources related to objects made in the early South and to the artists and artisans who made them. These resources include the MESDA Craftsman Database and Object Database, and a library of over 20,000 volumes with a focus on southern history and decorative arts. THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA is distinctive among institutions of higher education. Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University sustains the ideal of developing, through education, leaders who are well prepared to help shape the future of the nation. The University’s Graduate Program in the History of Art and Architecture combines the faculties and resources of two departments with particularly strong concentrations in American art history and architecture, offering a wide range of graduate courses.

costs & housing

Tuition for the 2012 Summer Institute is $2,000.00. Partial tuition fellowships are available. Students are responsible for housing and some meal expenses. Dormitory accommodation is available on the campus of Salem College, near the Institute center at MESDA. Double occupancy rooms are $465.00 for the four weeks. (Single supplement: $150.00). The cost for accommodations on the six-day study trip will be approximately $445 (double occupancy). All costs are subject to change.


The deadline for applications is April 20, 2012. Applicants are asked to provide a one-page statement of interest in the program, a current resumé, and two letters of recommendation. Persons interested in applying for a partial tuition fellowship should provide a statement of reasons for seeking financial assistance.

to request an application form please contact:

sally gant, mesda summer institute, 336.721.7361 or email at sgant@oldsalem.org

www. M E S DA .org

924 S. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 271o1

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