Horizons February 2008

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Mexican students are rounding out their education with practical experience at Olds College!



Spin doctors prepare the looms and spinning wheels for upcoming Fibre Week.

Excitement builds as Fashion Apparel Technology students await the new Costume Cutting and Construction program.Â

Serving our community of students, alumni & friends

Se estan enamorando! (Translation: They are falling in love . . . with Olds College! A crash course in COLD! These three Mexican students are part of a group of 40 scholars who are studying agriculture and learning English at Olds College this winter. Their warm smiles are fending off the cold, along with a supply of parkas and scarves. From left to right: Guiullianna Valdes; Claudia Gonzalez; and Maria Elena Torres.

Return Undeliverable Canadian Adresses to: Olds College 4500 - 50th Street Olds, Alberta T4H 1R6

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40010029

February 2008

An Enterprising Venture!

A bouquet for your beloved!

Olds College now offers a Business Administration Diploma program. Registrations are being accepted for classes beginning in September. Olds College’s newest program is open for business. The College’s latest offering is a diploma in Business Administration, which is designed to prepare graduates for a variety of business and organizational situations.

Olds College now offers a Business Administration Diploma program. Registrations are being accepted for classes beginning in September.

“The students are the big winners,” says Larry Couture, Coordinator of the Agricultural Business Program. “We’re thrilled at receiving a positive response.

“There was a lot of synergy around this proposal.” The program features three majors, including General Management, Human Resources Management and Marketing and Sales. Students will learn business fundamentals such as accounting, economics and marketing. “The program also provides specialized courses such as global management principles, project management and compensation,” adds Couture. “There will be an opportunity to take a few electives to customize the individual educational experience.” He says that newcomers to Olds who are looking for a business education will also benefit from this program. “And businesses will be able to encourage their employees to upgrade their skills, while still continuing their employment.” The local business community is “very pleased to have Olds College offer this program,” says the Executive Director of the Olds & District Chamber of Commerce. “This program will not only provide essential training for Olds and Area employees and employers keeping citizens in Olds, but will also attract people to our community,” says Barb Babiak. “With the labour shortages we’re experiencing, this is a very positive aspect of the program.” The program starts in September 2008. Applications are currently being accepted for 20 available spots. For more information, contact Larry Couture at (403) 556-8345.

Baby, it’s cold outside, but inside the Olds College greenhouse, pink chrysanthemums and other flowers are bursting forth in glorious bloom. Greenhouse sales are on Tuesdays and Fridays, at noon.

For me, January means Heart and Health. Here’s how I see these themes transpiring, around Olds College Campus: • My managers have been visiting the gym more often. • Homestretch! Students in their final semester are walking around campus with more resolve and intent.

Greetings, Friends! As I write this, the morning solara streams in my office windows, drenching the pale green walls with sunshine. Natural light does wonders for the spirit, especially on a blustery January afternoon. Several friends and colleagues have left for tropical holidays, and admittedly, I have to try hard to fight off the envy-bug! Speaking of tropical, it’s wonderful to have 40 Mexican students on-campus. Early in January, I shared a few conversations (sorry about my Spanish!) to find out how they’re adjusting to the snow, the cold and their courses. Their stories are included in this issue. Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions? When I asked this question around campus, I gathered a variety of responses. Here’s a sampling: “It’s the Year of Keeping In-touch!” “I don’t make resolutions anymore. That way I don’t have any to break.” “I promise to be more patient with my kids.” “I want to learn to play a new instrument.” “To lose 20.8 pounds in 2008!”


February 2008

• Flowers beckon. Our Greenhouse is filled with blooms and humour (just read the Greenhouse Sales e-mails!). Buy someone you love an armful of tiger lilies, and watch her face light up. (My dad always said, “Flowers for the Living.”) Other happenings: I had the chance to hear Dr. John Kennelly speak on-campus early in January. Dr. Kennelly is the Dean in the Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta, which is celebrating its centennial this year. He’s committed to fostering the U. of A.’s historical relationship with Olds College, and that is a union we’re looking forward to. I hope you enjoy this issue of Horizons (we’re now publishing in full-colour!). As always, I want to hear your ideas and suggestions. Please contact me anytime.

Volume 2, Number 1 Olds College Horizons is published four times per year by the Office of Advancement. We welcome comments, letters, and suggestions for stories. Please email jisaac@oldscollege.ca, fax 403-556-4704 or write 4500 – 50 Street Olds, Alberta T4H 1R6 Editor: Jennifer Isaac, Communications Coordinator Publisher: Mark Keller, Manager Marketing

Happy New Year, and I wish you good health throughout the year!

Design: Myriah Barr, Graphic Design & Multimedia Coordinator and The Creative Cat Inc.

Respectfully yours,

Printer: Calgary Colorpress Publication mail agreement: 40010029 Submissions may be edited for content and length

Cat? Maybe. Hot Tin Roof? Never! by Mark Keller Imagine small groups of people enjoying the sights and sounds of nature. Dragonflies dance over the gentle rippling leaves as a warm breeze wafts the scent of blossoming plants. Keep dreaming, but now use your mind’s eye to put that pleasant scene onto the roof of a high school. Yes. On the roof. It may be startling, but providing green spaces for people is just one of the benefits to be reaped as the Green Roof Project takes shape over the Core High School now under construction as part of the Community Learning Campus (CLC.)

The five-year research project they’ve initiated will be a legacy transferred to future students in the applied degree program. The initial research and design conducted by the student trio will serve as a base for other groups who will add layers of detail and assessment as the green roof plots mature. School of Horticulture faculty member Gord Koch explains the purpose of the assignment was to reproduce the working world for the purposes of learning. “This replicates as close as possible a real-life scenario,” he explains. The assignment requires students to work as if they were professional landscape designers responding to a request for proposals. “It was all up to us,” says Chelsea Sutherland. “We learned what a green roof is, we learned how to manage and coordinate the project, and we learned how to do proposals.”

“One of the CLC outcomes is to, ‘Create a campus that encompasses and promotes environmental sustainability’,” explains CLC Executive Director Dot Negropontes. “Among the many ways we’re achieving that goal are the roof-top gardens known as green roofs.”

She adds that they came up with a list of about 30 drought-tolerant plant species that should fare well in central Alberta. A small number of each species will be used on both the north and south exposures to evaluate their suitability. The five-year plan allows time for the plants to mature.

Craig Webber of Group2 Architecture Engineering Ltd., the architectural influence behind the award-winning CLC structures, explains that a green roof is quite literally a living garden space that covers and protects a structure in place of the traditional metal panels or tar and gravel found on almost every commercial or public building.

The students considered every aspect of the roof top gardens including how future high school students and community members might use the spaces.

“In addition to the green area, the benefits include improved energy transmission in both summer and winter,” Webber explains. That means that less summer sun will penetrate the roof, and less heat will escape during the winter. “Green roofs also manage the storm water as some of it is retained in the soil,” he says. Students attending Olds High School and Olds College will also find enhanced learning opportunities as the roofs will provide living laboratories. “Environmental sustainability is certainly enhanced, but we’re also promoting learning opportunities,” says Negropontes. “High school students will learn the basics, but College students will use the north and south conduct research on plant varieties suitable for south Alberta climates.” Today’s students have already had strong involvement in the project. Group2 involved 20 Olds College students, faculty members, and environmental specialists in early design processes. Negropontes says College students “blew us away” with the energy and creativity they added. “We’ve been very fortunate to make use of the expertise available on campus,” she adds. Much of that expertise came from Bachelor of Applied Science students Chelsea Sutherland, Sarah Lockyer, and Janine Waldo who accepted the challenge of completing a third-year design assignment on green roofs with little previous knowledge. “We started by doing research on a green roof,” says Janine Waldo with a smile, “We actually had to learn what they are!” But learning became a unique feature of the design package they eventually presented to the CLC planning committees and Group2 design experts.

Sarah Lockyer explains, “The idea is to allow students to go out and have a class on the roof.” Other uses they envision include winter festivals with ice carvings. In the summer, day care groups might enjoy story reading, and movie nights for the community. They even considered the preferences of the sports fan/school principal, and made sure it will be possible to view the football fields. And if you’re curious, they were awarded an “A” for the project. Webber would agree with the grade the students earned. “Green roofs have been done elsewhere, but there are very few projects that have the research possibilities and the student participation in design and maintenance. The work the students have done is comparable if not better than what I’ve seen from professionals.” He says that one of the two roof areas will include the ability to conduct ongoing research with different soil depths, allowing data to be gathered on various plant species and their suitability to a green roof in central Alberta. That will be a benefit to future project planners, who have access to firm data when designing similar projects. Steps to achieve environmental sustainability can be found throughout the CLC project. Special attention has been paid to the selection and use of construction materials, a process that extends as far as the entrance mats that will be used in doorways. Negropontes acknowledges that sustainability concepts added a new and challenging dimension to CLC planners. “We’ve done as much as we reasonably can. We don’t have the funding to integrate every possibility, but we implemented everything we can.” The two green roofs are each about 120 square meters, Webber says, about the same footprint as the average home. One will be accessible from the high school, the other to all users of the Health and Wellness Centre.

Waldo says, “We came up with how they (green roofs) could be used especially as a school. Since we’re in the horticulture industry – and didn’t know much about them – we felt we could help teach future generations.”

Chelsea Sutherland (left), Sarah Lockyer (centre) and Janine Waldo took on the Green Roofs as part of a third year assignment in Design Studio 3, part of the Bachelor of Applied Science, Landscape Management Major.

February 2008


Protecting the environment with GIS.

“Most industry partners are involved with conservation planning in the north,” says Darcy Falk of Ducks Unlimited Canada. Here, he describes to students the many applications of GIS. L-R: Darcy Falk; Pete Pedrazzini, first year; Brent Nicol, first year; Erik Reid, second year.

A slide of a duck with an emerald-green head appeared on the projection screen in a lecture theatre at Olds College. A student shouted out, from the audience. “It’s a mallard!” he said. The student was one of nearly 60 participants at the sixth annual Geographic Information Systems Day held on campus last November, and he won himself a hat for his efforts. The event brought together industry experts with students and faculty, to talk about the latest spatial tools and technology that are being used in the field. “These spatial tools are being used to investigate conservation issues in the Western Boreal program,” said Darcy Falk, who is a biologist as well as the Aboriginal Programs Coordinator with Ducks Unlimited Canada. “Most industry partners realize that part of their operations has to be considerate of the environment.” In his noontime keynote address, he added that Ducks Unlimited uses GIS as a base planning tool.

GIS Day is one of the ways that students learn about new technologies, noted Shona Watson, Instructional Assistant with the GIS program at Olds College. “In addition, it gives students a chance to talk to industry professionals about necessary workforce skills,” she said. The day included a presentation by Gordon Gilchrist, on techniques used to assist in the planning of small development projects in Kenya and Tibet. “Our key message to students is basically to help them to realize that GIS has many applications,” Mr. Falk said. “GIS has proven to be a critical component of our conservation program.”

Cultivate good health, says U. of A. Dean Strawberries and other fresh fruits and vegetables are the hands-on, first choice for ensuring optimum health, suggests Dr. John Kennelly, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta (U. of A.). Dr. Kennelly was on-campus early in January to discuss several points. “Nutritional health is a growing area in our faculty,” he says. “Chronic diseases have been linked to nutrition, and with 90 per cent of our health care dollar going toward treating diseases, we want to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.” As well, he says he’s made a commitment to fostering the historical relationship between Olds College and the U. of A., which is celebrating its centennial this year. “Our history is intertwined,” he adds. “Over the years, our relationship has continued.” He concluded his address by describing several fundamental issues and questions affecting our society today, including global warming, the impact of development and the threat of the mountain pine beetle. “What we do does matter and makes a huge difference to this province.”

If we focus on optimum nutritional health, we’ll dramatically reduce the cost of health care dollars, suggests Dr. John Kennelly, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta.


February 2008

The Best in the West! Do you know a farmer who’s made a difference? The Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame is now accepting nominations to honour individuals who have made significant contributions to Alberta’s agriculture and agri-food industry. Every two years, Alberta’s Agriculture Hall of Fame recognizes up to three Albertans whose outstand ing leadership, innovation and business practices have advanc ed Alberta’s agriculture and food industry at the community, provincial, national or international level. The 2008 Inductees will be honoured in Edmonton in October 2008. They will have their portraits and a profile of their contributions displayed in the Alberta Agriculture and Food Hall of Fame located in the J.G. O’Dono ghue Building in Edmonton. Since 1951, the Agriculture Hall of Fame has acknowledged 117 men and women who have dedicated their lives to agriculture and their rura l communities. More information and nomination form s can be found at www.agric.gov.ab.ca/halloffame or by calling 780-422-0492. Nomination forms are also available at MLA offices. The deadline for nominations is Mar ch 31, 2008.

Bienvenida to our Mexican students! Richmond Godfrey at Olds College has handed out a bagful of student agendas to the latest group of Mexican students oncampus. Naturally, the booklets are printed in English. “Aside from learning English, the group is working on learning how to stay warm,” he says. Olds College is playing host to 40 students who arrived early in January from several different Mexican university campuses. “Half the students are enrolled in the Animal Science program,” says Godfrey, who is the International Projects Coordinator at the College. “The other half are in Horticulture. “Whatever they do here goes toward their last semester in Mexico.”

The group is comprised of 12 women and 28 men, all of whom are living in Rez. Mexico is one of Canada’s more important agricultural trading partners, Godfrey adds, with Mexico being a m;ajor purchaser of Canadian agricultural commodities. “We also buy a lot from there,” he notes. “This presents huge opportunities for new, young professionals.” Fostering our international relationships is an important part of the educational process, he notes. “We know that our own students will be doing a portion of work as professionals internationally,” he says. “We have a responsibility to help them prepare for that.” Knowledge of the English language presents a considerable advantage to the Mexican students. “Their agriculture is nationalizing,

too,” Godfrey says. “The Mexican students get six-to-twelve hours of English language training a week, while they’re here at Olds College.” In addition, the students are matched with tutors, to help ease the transition into Canadian college life. Olds College students will greatly benefit from their presence on campus. “When you work with someone from another culture, it helps you to realize that it’s a big, competitive, collaborative world out there,” he says. “We have a multicultural workforce. “We have to realize that there are other industrial powerhouses, and not just Canada.” This is the sixth year that Olds College has operated the program.

Horticulture student Gabriella Mendosa loves her courses at Olds College, but she’s still a little homesick for the flavours and temperatures of her home-country, Mexico.

Gabrielle Mendosa is getting a crash-course in how to dress for Canadian winters. “I’ve bought some hiking boots, a warm parka and a scarf,” says the 22-year old Mexican student, who arrived in Olds early in January, along with 39 other international students. Together, the group is eager to learn some practical applications in agriculture, rounding out the degree programs they’re currently enrolled in at home, in Mexico. Although the educational system at Olds College is different, Mendosa says her classes in the Greenhouse Management program are going “very well.” “I like the practical aspect of it,” she says. “There seems to be a warmer relationship between the faculty and the students, here. There’s more participation among the students.”

Omar Rivera thinks Canada is cool! He’s enrolled in the Animal Science program.

Omar Rivera thinks Canadians are cool, no pun intended. “But it’s so cold outside!” says the 22-year-old Mexican student, who’s in his fourth year of Animal Sciences. This is his first visit to Canada, and like the other Mexican students on-campus, he’s here to improve his English, while at the same time gaining practical, hands-on experience in his agricultural program. In Mexico, he’s enrolled at the Universidad Autonoma Chapingo. “Olds is a really nice place,” he says. “The food is okay, but I miss the heat and flavour of Mexican dishes.”

Once in awhile, she says she feels a twinge of homesickness, but she’s learning to cope. “I miss the flavour of our food, back home,” she says. “And I miss fresh fruit and vegetables.” She says it helps that Olds College students have extended a friendly welcome to her and the other Mexican students. As well, she’s already lined up a part-time job, working as a cashier at the College cafeteria. “I love Canada,” she says. “I love the way Canadians take care of the environment, and I love being able to observe wildlife.” In her free time, Mendosa plans to visit Banff and the mountains with the rest of her group. “I’m here to improve my English,” she says. “This is a wonderful experience and I’m glad I decided to take the risk.”

February 2008


Meet our Gala Ambassadors


Olds College Gala Ambassadors are chosen for a variety of reasons. Both Whitney Walsh and Kevin Hundeby are dynamic students who are active in the campus community as Agricultural Advocates, a collegiate group that provides applicable leadership training. Students polish several skills that help them to become effective decision-makers. Gala 2008 offers Whitney and Kevin a wonderful opportunity to showcase their diplomatic skills.

When we caught up with Whitney, she had just finished her Latin Dancing class. “I was rehearsing some Salsa moves,” she says. Birthplace: Oakville, Ontario

KEVIN HUNDEBY Birthplace: “I grew up on our family’s fifth generation farm near Wetaskiwin. It’s called Woodlawn Farm, and we farm nearly 1,300 acres in straight grain." Age: 23 years old

Age: 19 years old Major: Equine Business

Program: Agriculture Business, Finance major Personal Philosophy: To love God, respect authority and to honour all people.

Fave thing about Olds: “It’s laid-back.” Future aspirations: To travel to Spain. Eventually, breed Spanish horses.

Hobbies: Volleyball (plays with the Broncos) “I also love wakeboarding on Pigeon Lake, where my family has a cabin.”

Favourite hobby: Horseback riding Wants to learn: Spanish reining On her cd player: Gwen Stefani

Music: “I love composing songs and playing them on my acoustic guitar.”

Cheers for: Montreal Canadiens & Chicago Browns

Book by Bedside: The Bible

Bedtime reading: Raw Shark Texts

Movies: Action Thrillers

Role Model: Her Mom: “She was always there for me.”

Cheers for: The Oilers On your cd-player: Coldplay; John Mayer; Hillsong United.

First job: “When I was nine, I cleaned stables in exchange for riding.”

Role model: “My dad. He’s done a great job of building up the farm.”

New Year’s Resolution: To get organized: “I make lists and try to compartmentalize everything.”

New Year’s Resolution: To be financially self-sufficient by the end of 2008.

In five years: “I’ll have my own business, making a steady income with horses.”

Five years from now: “I want to work toward owning the farm.”

Personal mantra: “Think like a horse!” &“Go with the flow.”

Gala 2008 is important because: “I want to be involved in the celebration of what Olds College is and meet many of the people who support us in our education. I want to display that young farmers today believe that there is hope and a future in agriculture.”

Gala 2008 is important because: “I love to network and mingle. We’re all part of agriculture, but having an equine student as an ambassador helps to make our industry known. Gala wardrobe: “A black satin dress with a v-back and a v-front. I bought it at Fashion Crimes, in Toronto.”

Gala Wardrobe: Black tuxedo.

Gala ambassador photography taken by Harvey Walsh Photography.

No Boundaries No Limits

5037 51 Ave Olds AB, T4H 1P5 Phone: 403-556-1191

6 February 2008

Growing the Legacy Gala March 14, 2008

Join us for the spectacular Sixth Annual “Growing the Legacy” Gala. The evening promises to be exciting as we celebrate our prestigious 2008 Partner of the Year, enjoy an elegant Live and Silent Auction, and are inspired by our guest speaker, Lesra Martin. Proceeds support opportunities for students. The Gala begins at 5:30 pm in the Student Alumni Centre. Tickets are $225 per person, $1,800 for a table of eight. Seating is limited, so please book early! We welcome payment by Visa, MasterCard or corporate/personal cheque. Tax receipts issued as per Canada Revenue Agency guidelines. For details visit www.oldscollege.ca, call (403) 507-7717, or e-mail gala@oldscollege.ca

Spin Doctors Weave Their Magic Even Rapunzel would be impressed. Linda and Doug Wilson, co-owners of Sargasso Enterprises Ltd. of Spruce Grove, are servicing the spinning wheels and maple looms that have been stored in the basement of the Olds College Rez. “Looms cost quite a bit of money,” says Linda, who also teaches a computer course at NorQuest College in Edmonton. “It’s important to ensure that all the nuts, bolts and screws are tight and that everything works.” Linda and her husband began learning to weave in the late 1970s, and since then, they’ve become great promoters of fibre art and are both members of the Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers of Alberta. On this particular day, the two have traveled from their home to volunteer their time to adjust the looms and other equipment kept on-campus. “Doug is currently working on his Level II Master Spinners,” she says. “During the day, he works as an engineer for TransAlta.” Doug concentrates intently as he wields a screwdriver to repair the 14 table looms and four floor looms, in preparation for Fibre Week, which will be held at Olds College this summer from June 27 to July 4. “Fibre Week provides a great opportunity to gain or enhance skills in many of these fibre arts,” says Otto Pahl, Continuing Education Coordinator at Olds College. “You also get a chance to visit with others who are passionate about their art. “If you participate in a workshop or visit a vendor’s display, you will no doubt catch the contagious enthusiasm of the participants in this growing annual event.” Linda says she’s been ‘hooked’ on the art since she first started in the 1970s. “Weaving is relaxing,” she says. “It helps people to unwind and de-stress. We tend to live and work in a virtual world, with computers, and the world of weaving is very tangible.”

Linda and Doug Wilson volunteered their time in January to service the looms stored on campus. The two have devoted themselves to the art of weaving. She adds that it also can be a very physical art. “If you’re working on a floor loom, you get a lot of exercise for your arms and legs.” But the real benefit for her, she adds, is the ability to create something from an idea. “You look at a yarn and say, I will produce this,” she says. “It’s a very personalized, creative outlet for me.” Her current project involves weaving fabric for 10 kimono-style jackets, to be sold at the Edmonton Christmas sale. “You’ll find that there’s a real back to the earth movement with weavers and spinners,” she adds. “It’s an art that respects the environment and contributes to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.” For more information, visit the fibre week website at www.oldscollege.ca/fibreweek.

Olds College Alumni Association

HALL OF FAME AWARD Application The Olds College Alumni Association wishes to give special recognition to Alumni or former College Staff who have distinguished themselves by making significant contributions to the College and/or their chosen vocation. Their contribution may range from the local community to international in scope, but must be outstanding in quality. Normally, these contributions will be those “over and above” that which would be expected of regular employment or job function. The Hall of Fame provides permanent recognition, including a photograph and the achievements of each award recipient. A special Hall of Fame Award Reception is held at the annual Summer Reunion in July. The 58 Alumni honoured in the Hall of Fame can be viewed on the lower level of the Learning Resource Centre on campus. A maximum of two awards are given each year, and only the living are considered for induction, except under exceptional circumstances. Nominations for the Hall of Fame may be submitted to the Alumni Office anytime; however, the Selection Committee meets only once a year. Nominators are requested to provide detailed information in each of the following categories to assist the Committee in its evaluation of each nomination. Names, addresses and phone numbers for both nominee and nominator(s) should also be included.

For the benefit of the Selection Committee, please provide and organize information about the nominee using the following headings (add any additional information you feel is relevant):


CONTRIBUTION TO OLDS COLLEGE (other than financial)

• Accomplishments

• Through Alumni Association, Advisory Committees, Board of Governors, Olds College Office of Advancement, hiring/recommending graduates, ambassadorship, promotion of the College, volunteerism, etc. CONTRIBUTION TO LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS • Related to chosen vocation, such as those for the betterment of farming or agriculture if career is agriculturally related. • Leadership volunteerism in local community. PROVINCIAL CONTRIBUTION (or NATIONAL, or INTERNATIONAL) • Leadership positions held and/or contributions to organizations.

• Whether in farming, research, education, horticulture, business, homemaking, etc.

• Quality of contribution is important. CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY • Other than to career and organizations related to career, e.g. community, family, church, service organizations. Deadline for nominations is March 31 each year. Send your nominations to: Olds College Alumni Association 4500 50th Street Olds, AB T4H 1R6 Toll Free: Phone Fax E-mail Courier

(800) 661-OLDS Ext. 7952 (403) 507-7952 (403) 556-4754 alumni@oldscollege.ca Room 721, LRC, Olds College

February 2008


Olds Broncos Allstars!

Three members of the Olds Broncos Women’s hockey team were selected to play on the SAWHA Allstar Team in a Calgary tournament held on January 29. The players are: Tiara Gowland, Defence, Jersey #18; Sasha Webb, Forward, Jersey #14; and Jessica Wyatt, Forward, Jersey #12. Congratulations! The head coach of the Olds Broncos Women’s hockey team says her players have made great strides since the beginning of the season. “We’re creating a strong foundation for next season,” says coach Colleen Wall. Despite the fact that only seven players showed up for try-outs last fall, the team continues to build its roster. “It didn’t look very promising at first,” adds Wall. “But after a little phone calling and looking around, we doubled that number and we were able to make a team of 15.”

The young women displayed great determination, even though they had to practice at ten o’clock at night. “We didn’t even have our jerseys,” says Wall. The next obstacle to overcome, she says, was scoring a win. “We were losing our first few games by seven or more points, but after a few practices, we were able to narrow the gap between us and our competitors. “Eventually, we pulled out a couple of wins.”

First Place Standings!

A history of hockey at Ol ds College.

Try skating in a long skirt! Showcased here is a photo of the Olds College Girls’ Hockey Team, school year 1915-1916, when skirts we re part of the uniform.

The Olds Broncos Women’s Hockey team is a member of the Southern Alberta Women’s Hockey Association (SAWHA), which was established in the 1977-1978 season and is committed to the development and growth of female hockey. SAWHA’s objectives include the following: • To enjoy the game of hockey and to keep the game at a fun, yet competitive level. • To ensure all interested females, 18 years of age and older, have an equal opportunity to participate and wherever possible, provide competition at the individual player’s level of skill. • To promote, encourage and increase the growth and awareness in female hockey in Alberta. • To encourage and foster personal development and leadership qualities of individuals, through their participation in female amateur hockey.

University of Alberta named 2008 Olds College Partner of the Year

The Olds College Broncos Men’ Hockey Team currently is in first place standings in the ACAL, with seven wins so far, this season. “They’re a strong team, and they’re playing extremely well,” says Brent Young, Recreation and Athletics Programmer at Olds College.

Almost a century of collaboration for the benefit of students and the province is just one of the reasons Olds College is proud to name the University of Alberta its Partner of the Year for 2008.

Plans for the future include expanding the joint research capacity of the schools in value-added agri-food, providing access to U of A Science programs in Olds, and more.

“The University of Alberta is one of the nation’s great institutions and we at Olds College are proud that our connection spans almost 100 years of teaching and learning in Alberta,” says H. J. (Tom) Thompson, President and CEO of Olds College. “We have maintained productive and cordial relationships over many years of change and progress, always looking to generate beneficial outcomes for our students and our communities,” he says.

“I believe the year 2008 will mark the beginning of an even higher level of cooperation and partnership with the University,” says President Thompson. He adds that the Partner of the Year award offers the College a way to help the University celebrate its centenary year.

The most visible facets of the partnership between the U of A and Olds College are the agreements that enable students to transfer credits between the two schools. Over the years, many students have completed Olds College diplomas before continuing their education, sometimes to the doctorate level, at the U of A. The University is also a vital partner in the Community Learning Campus (CLC), a visionary project that will enhance rural development and access to education. Research and teaching agreements have also ensured collaborative use of research facilities at Olds College by University of Alberta researchers, and involvement of University of Alberta faculty in teaching Olds College courses. Like most strong relationships, the connection between the University and Olds College is vibrant and growing.

The Early Days


Here is the Old sport on campus for years. Hockey’s been a favourite 1915-1916. College Men’s Team, circa


February 2008

University of Alberta President Indira Samarasekera says it is an honour to have been chosen. “This award speaks to the extraordinary success of the Campus Alberta model where a seamless transition within the province’s postsecondary system is paramount. Our partnership with Olds College is one of great collegiality and cooperation. We are committed to enhancing this partnership as we continue to meet the increasing, and increasingly diverse, needs of Albertans.” The Partner of the Year award will be officially presented at the Olds College Growing the Legacy Gala on March 14, 2008. This sixth annual Gala - themed “No Boundaries, No Limits” to reflect the impact of the U of A at Olds College promises to be a spectacular evening of fine dining, entertainment and networking. Proceeds are directed to enhance opportunities for students.

Select Scrumptious Saskatoons! Phil Trenholm has been picking saskatoon berries since he could walk. The owner/operator of Saskaberry Ranch near Sundre has eight acres of saskatoons producing. “We picked out 2500 pounds in 2007,” Trenholm says.

New research on nutraceuticals indicates that a diet containing dark berries may provide some of the antioxidants required to fight free radicals, says Terry McKay, senior process engineer at the Olds College School of Innovation. Here, he displays Saskatoon berry mash (left bowl) and the derivatives (right bowl).

He’s a former Olds College student, and he’s excited about new research that suggests saskatoons contain qualities that are extremely beneficial to humans. Olds College researchers have identified a compound within the berry that helps to fight free radical cell damage. “Through our nutraceutical research, we have identified anthocyanins in the skin

and mash of the berry,” says Terry McKay, senior process engineer at the Olds College School of Innovation (OCSI). “That means, we can take what was previously discarded from the berry, and turn it into a value-added product.” Free radicals are considered dangerous, he adds, because of their instability. “Free radicals essentially ‘steal’ electrons from other cells or molecules,” McKay says. “The danger exists due to the significant probability that, over time, the ability and tendency to bond to other atoms can actually create a new substance which can cause harm to the body.” Free radical scavengers – also referred to as antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals. “Essentially, they act as a bank, loaning electrons to free radicals,” McKay says. “Some of the most abundant and powerful antioxidants are contained in dark berries.” He notes that a diet containing dark berries or vegetables will provide an individual with some of the antioxidants required to fight free radicals. Functional foods and nutraceuticals provide an opportunity to improve the health of Canadians, reduce health care costs and support economic development in rural communities, states a report by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Put ‘em in pies or jams, or just eat them by the handful! Saskatoon berries are a delicious fruit grown on the prairies. This is good news for the saskatoon berry industry. “The more nutraceutical research that takes place and the more that the health benefits are realized, the more diversified the demand for saskatoons,” says Trenholm. “Conducting sound nutraceutical research can transform the industry from a simple pie that your grandmother baked on the prairies to a full-fledged fruit industry with many health benefits.”

Saddles are off and we’re headin’ for hay! A scuffed cowboy boot juts out of the driver’s window of a parked pick-up beside the Olds College Riding Arena. There’s a napping cowboy attached to it, and he’s likely resting up from events held during the Olds College Alumni Rodeo, on January 26. “It was a real good rodeo,” says Wayne Powell, coordinator of the rodeo program at Olds College. Nearly 100 riders participated in the events, showcased in front of 150 spectators. “We had a great crowd, especially for this time of year,” Powell adds. “The building was full. I think the rodeo club made some money.” Alum Jeff Havens (Ag Production ‘03 and Advanced Farrier Science ‘05) won the Team Roping event. “It was a fun deal,” says Havens. “I take it as a great opportunity to see some old friends and catch up.” Highlights of the rodeo included the live auction, where the rodeo coaches were sold off. “The auction brought in about $650,” says Jan Bishler, president of the Olds College Rodeo Club.

Olds College alumni rodeo horses Rocky and Chicken (white) have earned their keep for the day. The two belong to alumni Jeff Havens, who placed first in the Team Roping event. Havens’ fiancé, Penny Evans (Alum 2001), is shown here leading the horses to a munch of well-deserved hay.

Brewing up some interest!

• Tie-Down Roping: Krista Lawrence; Paul Bending • Bareback Riding: Jared Bergland • Saddlebronc: Tyler Goold • Breakaway Roping: Wayne Powell • Team Roping (Women’s): Jan Bishler • Team Roping (Men’s): Don MacKenzie, Jeff Havens • Barrel Racing: Tammy Kulyk • Steer Wrestling: Leighton Schroeder • Goat Tying: Jan Bishler • Bull-Riding: Wacey Nash

Olds College Rodeo Coach Greg Hoar fetched the most money, with a head price of $325. “He had to run the barrel racing while wearing a woman’s brown suede fringed shirt, with a leopard skin collar,” says Bishler. All money earned goes back into the rodeo fund. Be sure to attend the College Rodeo, held on March 1 and 2.

A pot of fragrant tea is brewing in the Atrium of the Land Sciences Centre at Olds College Campus. A curious student saunters over, drawn by the compelling scent. “Would you like a cup of our Stop Smoking brew?” asks Jill Ransom, the Tobacco Reduction Project Leader on campus. The tea is a custom blend of several beneficial herbs, including lemongrass, dandelion root, catnip and valerian. “The tea is supposed to help curb cravings,” Ransom adds. Over the course of a two-day open house held in January, Ransom handed out 125 cups of tea. “With a third of our students lighting up, it’s obvious that help is needed,” she notes. The Tobacco Reduction Project at Olds College began in 2004 and has been available to all students on campus since its inception. The Project is available to support all students, whether or not they’re tobacco users.

A special tea brewed with a blend of therapeutic herbs helps to curb cravings, says Tobacco Reduction Project Leader Jill Ransom (left), who is shown here talking with student, Chelsea Sutherland. Ransom hosted a Stop Smoking Open House in the Land Sciences Atrium in January.

Here are the reults from the Olds College Alumni Rodeo held on January 26:

“On January 1, 2008, the provincial Tobacco Reduction Act came into effect,” Ransom says. “Olds College students have been forerunners in creating change to Tobacco Policy on campus. All areas around doorways, windows and air vents were already designated nonsmoking areas.

“As well, the students have eliminated the sale of tobacco products on campus and have been operating a smoke-free pub for over two years.” She says that young adults still have the highest smoking rate of any age group in Canada. “Tobacco use is the most significant cause of preventable disease, disability and premature death in Canada, and it is responsible for more than 47,000 deaths every year,” she says. “Tobacco kills three times more Canadians each year than alcohol, AIDS, illegal drugs, car accidents, suicide, and murder – all combined.”

The Tobacco Reduction Project at Olds College is funded by AADAC grants. The project focuses on the following: • Education • Prevention of young adult tobacco use • Reducing non-smokers’ exposure to tobacco smoke • Providing encouragement and assistance for those who wish to stop using tobacco.

February 2008


ALUMNI REVIEW President’s Message Dear Olds College Alumni: Where are you? We need you!

Olds College Alumni Association Board of Directors 2007-2008 President Sandra MacKinnon-Jahn ‘86

Your Alumni Association has been alive and active for 91 years, but for it to continue and be successful, we must recognize the need for individuals to come on board that have the technical knowledge and business savvy for us to survive in this changing world. Needed are some of the younger generation of graduates from Olds College to step forward and take an interest to keep your Alumni Association alive and continue forward in a new era of planning and growth. The Alumni Association strives to link the College and its alumni, permitting one to keep continuous contact with the College, and to follow the careers of former classmates and friends. What an Alumni Association we could have, if every alumnus became active. Such interest would enable the alumni to widen its scope of activities and increase its usefulness.

Doreen Morton ‘50

We are pleased to report that the office for the Alumni Association is up and running in Room 721, alongside the museum. We have addressed a number of challenges and are working to serve our Alumni, as well as promote and strengthen the ties with the College. Feedback is continually sought.

Honourary President

Kudos for Caring Canadian!

Vice President Charles Watson ’61

Past President

Irene Miller ‘55

Melody Cavin, College staff

Secretary Laurinda Parkinson ‘69


OCSA Rep Laura Hutton

Faculty Rep Heather Taylor

Olds College President and CEO H.J. (Tom) Thompson

We’d like to hear from you! Please send us your comments, stories or suggestions for future articles. Let us know how we’re doing! Olds College Horizons is published by the Office of Advancement. We publish four times per year.

Olds College Alumni Eve Keates has been rewarded for her years of dedicated volunteer service in Alix, Alberta. L-R: Eve Keates, Caring Canadian Award recipient; Marilyn Sutley, niece to Eve and Branch Manager of Community Credit Union in Alix and the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, Governor General of Canada. Eve Keates of Alix has had her hug quota for the day. “There was a tea held in my honour in January, and I think I hugged 200 people,” says the Olds College grad of the Home Economics program (1948). On January 17, Mrs. Keates received the prestigious Caring Canadian award from the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, Governor General of Canada. “We have a duty to reach out to those most in need, those working through a difficult period or trying to find their place in the sun,”


Please contact the editor with your ideas. E-mail: jisaac@oldscollege.ca; Fax: (403) 556-4704; Write: 4500 – 50 Street, Olds, Alberta, T4H 1R6.

Kenneth Lewis Hart Land Agent Program 1983

Contact us at: lharbidge@oldscollege.ca


February 2008

A reminder for Class Agents or anyone wanting to learn more about becoming a Class Agent, please attend the Annual Class Agent Meeting to be held on Saturday, April 5, in conjunction with Open House. The meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. in the Faculty Centre. A photograph represents a slice of history, showing at a glance such things as people, buildings and activities that have taken place at the College as they once were. Stop by. Have a look around. The Alumni museum is offering a prize for the 1200th visitor who signs our guest book. Sincerely, Sandi MacKinnon-Jahn OCAA President

The Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award was created to recognize the example set by special volunteers whose compassion and charitableness are a part of the Canadian character. The Award consists of a certificate and a lapel pin. The maple leaf, supported by a helping hand and heart, symbolizes the people of Canada and their spirit; the heart depicts the open-heartedness of volunteers and caregivers; the hand is outstretched to represent boundless generosity. Mrs. Keates is an active supporter of many community events and organizations in her community, including the Alix Museum Society, where she serves as president and secretary. She is a passionate volunteer whose efforts contribute toward the vitality and enrichment of her community. Her next project? A spring fashion show and fundraiser at the Wagon Wheel Museum. “In April, we’re celebrating 100 years of fashion,” she says. And she’ll be on the runway, modeling her celebrated great-aunt’s evening gown. “My relative, Dr. Irene Parlby was one of the Famous Five,” Mrs. Keates says. “The dress of hers that I’m wearing is black lace, with a v-neck and a long, flared skirt. “It’s so beautiful, and it’s a pleasure to showcase it.”

Special benefits and savings for Alumni.

The Alumni Board respectfully notes the passing of the following Olds College Alumni, and extends its condolences to their families and friends. Myron Hanson Agriculture Diploma 1943

Make sure you’re on our mailing list to receive Olds College’s FREE electronic newsletter. eHorizons (formerly eOC Newsletter)is published five times per year. Receive the latest news and events listings, participate in our on-line polls and keep in touch. Please send us your e-mail address and we’ll put you on our list.

Please note, we are now accepting nominations for the Hall of Fame. And remember to make plans to come to the summer reunion in July.

Ms. Jean stated, in her presentation speech in Calgary. “So reminds us Eve Elizabeth Keates, who helped to establish the Alix Food Bank and who is always ready to lend a hand or an ear.”


Jim Burns ‘68 Bryan Dowell ’61 Edith Edge ‘51 Christy Hambly ‘98 John Perry ‘63 Ed Shaw ’71

Contact us by phone: (403) 507-7952 or email: alumniassociation@oldscollege.ca.

Home & Auto Insurance Gilbert Hartley Agriculture Degree 1943 Dale Maxwell Jeffery Agriculture Diploma 1947 To review the complete obituaries which have been forwarded to our office, please visit the Olds College Alumni section of our website at www.oldscollege.ca/alumni

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Collegiate Sweethearts! Throughout the history of Olds College, countless campus couples have met and married. On this page, we’d like to pay tribute to these young and seasoned couples. Happy Valentine’s Day! Rosy Romance Thank goodness for insects. That’s what Olds College grad (2001) and Nuffield Scholar Steve Larocque says, when he thinks of how he met his wife. “I first noticed Vanessa while we were both attending an Entymology Class,” says the president of Beyond Agronomy, located in Three Hills, Alberta. Steve and Vanessa were both enrolled in the Crop Advisor program, and shared some classes together. “Later, I finally mustered up enough courage to invite her out for lunch in the Atrium.”

During a blustery day, Steve Larocque led his love, Vanessa, to a park bench on a Canmore walking trail. He proposed to her, amidst a sprinkling of rose petals.

Over the next few months, the two sweethearts grew closer as a couple, while they hiked in the mountains near Canmore and enjoyed dinners out. “We carried on our romance even while Vanessa studied agriculture at the University of Lethbridge,” says Steve. Finally, on August 23, 2003, he asked her to marry him.

Traveling in style! Lady, your chariot awaits. On June 30, 1979, freshly-married Shelley Ingeveld was ready to head off on her honeymoon in a souped-up Dodge Polaris with a 440 Interceptor engine. Her new husband, Gerald was eager to take the wheel.

The Ingeveld couple’s honeymoon muscle car was replaced by an old farm truck!

“It sure could fly,” says Shelley. Her dad was a mechanic, and he had prepared the car for the newlywed couple’s getaway to the west coast. “But then my brother took off with the car,” Shelley recalls. “The boys hooked up the baler to Gerald’s truck, and that

“We were strolling along Policeman Creek in Canmore, and oddly enough, there were red rose petals sprinkled along the pathway,” says Vanessa. “When we sat down on a bench by the river, the wind came up and we could barely hear each other talking.” She did hear an unusual clunk, though, when Steve took his seat beside her. “Then I knew,” she laughs. He kneeled down and presented a diamond engagement ring. “He was very traditional,” she says. “Amidst my blubbering, I said yes.” They married on July 17, 2004, in the little Anglican Church in Canmore, in front of 100 wedding guests. Highlights of their union include traveling together and working at Beyond Agronomy, which the couple own and operate. “We’re best friends and colleagues, as well as husband and wife,” Vanessa says. “The humour we share is the best. Steve’s a clown.” The two are grateful to Olds College, for giving them the chance to meet. Steve and Vanessa are expecting their first child this summer. Steve, grad, Spring 2001, Crop Advisor Vanessa, grad, Spring 2000, Crop Advisor

Both lived in the old Res, and Shelley spent her free time playing soccer, volleyball and floor hockey. “Olds College had a great intramural program,” she says. “We liked it.” Currently, when the Ingevelds aren’t playing volleyball in the Bergen Hall on Wednesday nights, they’re working their purebred polled Hereford cattle and quarterhorses on 1,000 acres of land at Double N Ranch, which Gerald’s grandfather started in 1906.

was our wedding car.”

“There has to be a shared interest in what you do,” she says.

Shelley and Gerald met during an Olds College Aggie hayride held in mid-September, in 1978. “It was after the Ag-Mech picnic,” Gerald says. “It was an annual affair to help people to get to know each other.”

For her most recent birthday, Gerald presented his wife with a rather non-traditional gift: a fencing hammer with an ergonomic handle. “It’s great for hitting a staple,” Shelley laughs.

The hay wagon bumped its way over to the goat farm on-campus, where a bonfire awaited.

The two have a son and a daughter.

“Shelley was telling me her dad was a mechanic,” Gerald says.

When asked what they’re going to do for Valentine’s Day, Shelley says: “I’m going to get some fencing done, if it’s warm out!”

Meet me at the church on time! He's old-fashioned, and she loves it. Olds College student, Tammie Kulyk, knew something was up when her boyfriend, Lucas Weatherbee took her hand and led her along the pathway in Centennial Park last October. “He walked me down to the church building,” she says. “Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.” Ms. Kulyk, who is majoring in Finance in the Agriculture Business program, met her fiancé, Lucas, through a friend.

The couple that ranches together, stays together, say Bergen residents Shelley and Gerald Ingeveld, who have enjoyed nearly 30 years of marriage.

“My friend, Brandi, was taking a class with Lucas and she introduced us one day at the library,” she says. Their courtship included going to movies and social gatherings. “We also love snowboarding, riding and ranching,” Lucas adds. “I thank God I came to school last year to meet the angel of my life.” The two plan to marry on June 6, 2009, at Tammie’s family ranch in Cereal. “Life is definitely going to be full of surprises with Lucas around,” notes Tammie. “There will never be a dull moment.”

February 2008



A Measure of Amore!

Ranching Opportunities Event – February 7 A day devoted to learning about news and trends in ranching. Highlights include presentations on alternate farm energy and water distribution grazing tools. Climb aboard the bus for an afternoon of demonstrations of biofuels, farm energy and much more! Cost is $25.00 and lunch is provided. Contact: lesley.lovell@mountainviewcounty.com

Program Preview Day – February 8 Interested in programs leading to careers with Plants, Trees, Land and Environment? Join us for this fun and free exploration. More details on www.oldscollege.ca

Resisting Resistance: Alberta CCA Pest Management Forum – February 12 Join industry experts for presentations on: The Status of Herbicide Resistance; Selection Pressure for Herbicide Resistance; The Role & Management of Fungicides; Insecticide Resistance & Management. More details at www.prairiecca.ca

Program Preview Day – February 14 Find a sweetheart of a job by exploring career paths in Agriculture, Business and Trades. Join us for this fun and free exploration. More details on www.oldscollege.ca

ACAC Curling – February 29 to March 2

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, Fashion student Marcie Houseman eagerly makes a few adjustments to this sparkly special occasion fabric. When she finishes her courses in Fashion Apparel Technology this spring, Ms. Houseman plans to enroll in the Costume Cutting and Construction program, which launches in September at Olds College. “My goal is to work in the movie wardrobe business,” she says.

Sweep! Top college curlers from across Alberta will visit Olds for the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference finals.

ACAL Hockey – March 7-8

Smokin’ Skull

ACAL is the Alberta Colleges Athletic League. Olds hosts the hockey finals this year.

ACAL Futsal – March 7-8 What’s Futsal? Think indoor soccer. You can enjoy some fast-paced games as Olds College welcomes the top ACAL team for the championship tournament.

Calgary Campus Fashion Event and Program Preview Day – March 5 A stylish and fun way to learn more about the fashion industry in Calgary, and the Fashion Marketing program. Details will be posted on www.oldscollege.ca

Program Preview Day (Calgary) – March 12 The Calgary Campus will be pleased to help you learn more about the Land Administration program. The Campus has a great, central location on the grounds of the Calgary Stampede.

Gala – March 14 The 2008 Gala promises to be a delightful event. Tickets are being snapped up fast. Don’t delay!

Awards Night – March 19 A thank you to the generous individuals and organizations that provide financial support to Olds College students, this event also celebrates student accomplishment.

Open House – April 5 There’s a lot to see at the Olds Campus, and Open House offers all the time, tour guides, and fun you need to discover what is new and explore opportunities to learn.

Annual Class Agent Meeting – April 5 Learn more about becoming a Class Agent. Meeting starts at 10:30, in the Faculty Centre.

Community Learning Campus Grand Opening of the Bell e-Learning Centre – April 18 The College will proudly unveil the first of the Community Learning Campus structures to open. There is a lot to see, and new opportunities to discover. Details will be on the web.

The Cigarette Skull Artwork is hanging on display in Olds College Res. The piece was created in 2004 by students Tasha Schmaltz and Melanie Paproski, who collected cigarette butts from around campus and from popular student night-spots. Butts were cut to size, to achieve the three-dimensional effect. The piece took over 20 hours to produce. It was purchased and framed by the Olds College Tobacco Reduction Project.

For updates or more information please visit www.oldscollege.ca

Be kind to the environment! Check out www.oldscollege.ca for more details on these and other Olds College stories.


February 2008

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