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Beginning Spinning
Whether you’ve never set foot in the same room as a spinning wheel before or you’ve been spinning for a while and just want a refresher, this class is for you! Working with wool rovings and tops, we’ll cover the basics of spinning both woolen and worsted singles, plying those singles together, and how to get a balanced yarn.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel with at least three bobbins (bobbins optional), Lazy Kate (optional), Sharpie, Notebook and pen, Non-slip mat or rug to put under spinning wheel (optional)
Instructor: Christie Schulze
Fri June 16 - Sat June 17 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$295 + $40 Materials + GST
Exploring Blends And Colours In Spinning
Spinners can customize yarn by blending fibres and colours in almost limitless ways, but it’s still important to develop skills and knowledge to use blending tools properly and choose the right fibres and colours for the look you want. In this class, we will cover the most common blending tools and how they are used; how to evaluate and prepare different fibres for blending; and different fibre preparations and ways to spin them.
Prerequisite: Beginner - can spin a consistent singles.
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition with three bobbins (spindles can also be used), Hand cards, Hand combs (optional), Hackle (optional)
Instructor: Vanessa Bjerreskov
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $20 Materials + GST
Adding Ridiculous Things To Your Yarn
Have you ever wanted to get crazy with your art yarns, like adding things like felted balls, beads, fake flowers, maybe even peanuts? Adding these things are easy if you have a by-passable yarn guide system, but what if you don’t? In this class, we will explore tricks and tips for adding these items so you can create the craziest yarns you’ve ever seen! (No peanuts in class: It will be an allergy friendly environment!)
Prerequisite: The ability to spin a singles yarn and ply
Student Supplies: Spinning wheel in good working condition with large or bypass able orifice, Lazy kate, Wheel maintenance kit, Rug for under spinning wheel, Niddy Noddy
Instructor: Kara Perpelitz
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $50 Materials + GST
Weave a bag all in one piece using double weave. No seams, no sewing. Prerequisite: Basic weaving knowledge. Must be able to warp your own loom. Student Supplies: Four shaft loom to accommodate desired width of bag warped prior to workshop (instructions sent prior to workshop), Bobbins, At least three shuttles, Accessories for weaving, Yarns for weaving (any yarn will work, however, ensure they will all shrink the same)
Instructor: Catherine Ross
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $0 Materials + GST
Needle Felt A Landscape Or Flower Picture
Needle felting is a method of creating art using wool as your medium. In this workshop, you will learn about different breeds of wool and their properties. The felting needle is a sharp, barbed tool that allows us to manipulate wool roving into shapes and pictures. We’ll start by needle felting a sample piece to help us understand how the needle works and gain confidence using the needle. Each participant will then put their new-found knowledge to use creating a needle felted picture.
Barbara Leighton, founder of the Leighton Art Centre, believed that every person is an artist - they just needed to find their right medium. Perhaps wool is yours. Try felting and find out!
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: 1 bath towel, 3 hand towels (ones that can be used for art), One or more landscape or flower image to create - simple images are best.
Instructor: Leah Cathleen Donald
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $30 Materials + GST
Love.Wear.Mend.Repeat explores the practice of mending our favourite pieces of clothing. Not only does mending prolong the life of our clothing, but it also encourages us to become more environmentally aware. Spend the day exploring different types of mending, looking at samples and examples of mending, and having meaningful discussions about extending life and stories to our favourite items. This hands-on workshop will make you love and wear your existing wardrobe.
Prerequisite: Some experience with sewing is helpful
Student Supplies: Small ruler, Notepad, Pen or pencil, Items to be mended (optional, Favorite sewing items (optional)
Instructor: Karla Mather-Cocks
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $65 Materials + GST
Botanical Printing On Fabric
Learn how to “print” leaves and other plant material onto natural fabric to create beautiful, lasting one-of-a-kind garments! We will print an assortment of leaves on fabric to learn the process, then expand our skills to use a dye “blanket” to give the space around the leaves natural colour.
Prerequisite: None
Student Supplies: Apron to protect clothing, N95 mask to provide protection from powdered natural dyestuff
Instructor: Lorelei Sommer
Fri June 16 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
$195 + $45 Materials + GST