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Urban Garden
This Month In the Garden
BackyardGardener.com is proud to be affiliated with the Old Town Crier and look forward to providing you readers with valuable gardening information. Since 1996, Backyard Gardener has been providing gardening tips, season-by-season, and how-to-grow information for almost every type of gardening you can imagine. Whether you are interested in flowers, plants, trees, organic gardening, vegetable gardening, garden fountains, rocks... we have it all, and more.
We have everything you need to learn, explore, and improve your gardening. We also provide every product imaginable to assist you in creating your beautiful home garden surroundings.
June Garden Tips:
✿ Replace mulch and aerate soil in permanent potted gardens. ✿ Remove spent flowers from spring annuals to stretch the blooming season. ✿ Plant fall-blooming perennials now. ✿ Prune once-blooming roses after they’ve flowered this month. ✿ Trim back vines (spring-blooming clematis and wisteria) after they bloom. ✿ Begin feeding vegetable plants as they start to flower. ✿ Continue to spray peach and apple trees to control fungal diseases. ✿ Plant balled-and-burlapped and container shrubs and trees. ✿ Lightly prune tips of blackberries and pinch flowers off young grapevines to form and train growth of new canes. ✿ Set out seedlings of warm-weather vegetables and annuals. ✿ Sow seeds of heat-loving vegetables (squash, pumpkins, melons) directly into the ground. ✿ Continue to fertilize roses and treat with fungicide as needed. ✿ Pinch off flower buds to promote leafier basil plants. ✿ Fertilize vegetable plants as they begin to bloom. ✿ Take cuttings from your favorite shrubs when the branch wood hardens slightly. ✿ Set out seedlings of late-summer flowering annuals. ✿ Add a layer of mulch (2-3 inches) around newly planted trees and shrubs. ✿ Cut back and thin out diseased or spindly branches of spring-flowering shrubs. ✿ Fill flower garden gaps with larger sizes of summer-blooming annuals.
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