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Pets of the Month
that up to a third of pets will become lost at some point in their lives. In addition to an ID tag with their name, address and phone number, consider a microchip for your pet. A microchip is a radiofrequency identification transponder, about the size of a grain of rice, carrying a unique identification number that is transmitted to the vet or shelter when the microchip is scanned. It is injected under the loose skin between the animal’s shoulder blades. This procedure can be done in your vet’s office and is no more invasive than a vaccination. Your vet can also ensure the microchip is appropriately registered in the national pet recovery database. According to the AKC, pets with microchips are up to 20 times more likely to be reunited with their owners, making the decision an easy one.
A safe home
Since our pets spend most time at home or in our yards, we should do our best to build them safe, entertaining places to rest and play. Make sure all potentially harmful substances (such as cleaning products and medications) are kept in cabinets that your pet cannot easily reach or access. It’s also a good idea to clean out your pet’s clutter. Take a fresh look at their toys and stop holding on to old, ratty, and often germ-infested toys. A new bed may also be in order and favorite blankets should go in the wash for a good cleaning.
We don’t yet know what 2021 will bring, but by making a few simple resolutions, it can bring happier, healthier pets.
Cindy McGovern is a King Street Cats volunteer who works so her Siberian cat, Bella, can live a good life.
St t Out the New Ye By Ad ting a F y Friend!

Meet former King Street Cats Alumnus Peppercorn

She now resides in the of ce of The Old Town Crier and it has been rumored that she is quite helpful with the paperwork. https://petobesityprevention.org/2017/
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4101 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 703-746-4774 alexandriaanimals.org Mon-Fri, 1-8 pm Closed Wed Sat & Sun, 12-5 pm ACE Adult, Neutered Male, Black and White Domestic Short Hair Ace is the sweetest, cow-spotted boy you’ll ever meet! Sit with him and he’ll immediately cuddle up on your lap, purring happily. He’s looking for a best friend who loves snuggles as much as he does. Could that be you? When Ace isn’t snoozing on a nap, he loves playing with his toys and looking out windows. Schedule an appointment to meet Ace at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-By-Appointment.
Adopt by appointment at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria! In-shelter and virtual appointments are available at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-ByAppointment. View all of our adoptable animals at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt.
BETTY SPAGHETTI Adult, Spayed Female, Brown and White Terrier Hi! I am Betty Spaghetti and I am just as silly as my name! Though honestly I should probably be named Velvet as my friends here at the AWLA say that’s what I feel like as I have the softest fur! I am looking for a new best friend and would love to find someone as active as I am. No worries with training me as I will do anything for treats! I have already mastered “Sit”. I am very sweet and affectionate and if you give me belly rubs, I will be your friend for life! I would love a family who likes to walk and hike, but I also like my down time with my person, and I would be very happy cuddled up on the couch with you at the end of the day. So schedule an appointment to meet me at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-By-Appointment.
NIMBUS AND ALTO Adult Parakeets Meet Nimbus and Alto! Their favorite song? “Come Fly with Me!” Their favorite treat? Millet. Their favorite pastime? Tweeting, but with each other rather than online. These two parakeets are best friends and can’t wait to find a family flock to call their own. Schedule an appointment to meet them at AlexandriaAnimals.org/Adopt-By-Appointment.