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Safety Enhancements

With safety as a top priority, Old Trail is investing additional resources to enhance COVID-19 safety measures. Some of these measures include the following:

ɒ Improvement of ventilation systems and practices ɒ Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for employees ɒ No-touch thermometers to detect fevers ɒ Microshield 360 antimicrobial coating ɒ Plexiglass barriers and partitions for employees ɒ Hand sanitizer available in all classrooms, offices and high traffic areas ɒ Full-time registered nurse on campus ɒ Amplified cleaning practices


The school day and our classrooms are also being reimagined with new schedules and smaller, discreet cohorts (defined as each student’s classroom grouping) in order to minimize the number of other students each individual will come into

contact with during the day. In the event of small numbers of infections on campus, this will enable us to have the affected cohort learn from home for two weeks without requiring that the entire campus close and revert to distance learning.

With more teaching spaces needed, classrooms and other areas are being prepped to ensure that all students will have the best learning experience. Additionally, non-academic staff will be deployed in many areas to support faculty when needed. Given the uncertainty of the health situation in our community and on campus, classrooms are being set up with additional technology, including remote camera set-ups, which will allow for greater connections for students who may need to learn from home.

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