The Fun Stuff (August 2009)

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Creating Your Own Reality


Monitoring Your Reality Generator

Old Uncle Bobby’s Musings C reating your own reality. Imagine that. I have been trying to wrap my mind around the concept and comprehend the process for so long that I think I may have forgotten to start applying my findings somewhere along the way. Since I grew up fascinated by magicians and their craft and I revelled in fantasy tales about Merlin and other wizards, it is only natural that I would seek to bring some of that magic into my own life if it were at all possible. Add to that the self-inflicted hallucination that I am an artist and you have a propensity to want to create. It’s only been recently that the idea of creating a better life came across as a possible art project. So here I have garnered a few ideas that may inspire you to think along these same lines and possibly get brave enough to experiment with creating your own reality. I’ve studied the subject for well over 35 years now and I think it’s finally starting to sink in. There are multitudes of opinions about how creating your own reality is best done. Some of the ideas tend to conflict with one another, but a few of the most concentrated, potent ideas have always floated to the top and are always agreed upon no matter how diverse the description. And indeed it is the description that holds the key. Sometimes, if the parable is told just right, a revelation can occur. That’s our aim with this issue.. to say it in a way that resonates with your understanding so well you can’t help but receive something from it. If we learn how, great! But if we start applying it, our world will never be the same again.

Sacred places A  sheville, North Carolina proves once and for all that enchanted forests aren’t just located in fairy tales. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that most people who visit Asheville eventually become residents. It’s no wonder... Three mountain ranges are within a short drive from Asheville: the Blue Ridge Mountains, The Smoky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. Within the scenic beauty of these mountain ranges you’ll find flora and fauna that are beyond description. If you like variety (and who doesn’t), you won’t be able get enough of the myriad of activities and attractions this tiny mountain town has to offer. But you’ll also be blown away by the people and the incredible energy of the place. What makes the town so full of vitality, creativity and adventurous spirit? Well, the townspeople tell a joke that the city is built on a giant crystal which creates an energy vortex. Who knows why the community is so driven toward the arts or why it makes you feel so healthy to be there. The point is that you will enjoy visiting and if you’re not careful, you may decide never to leave.

Learning Curve: Your Life a


ut when I said that nothing had been done I erred in one important matter. We had definitely committed ourselves and were halfway out of our ruts. We had put down our passage money and booked a sailing to Bombay. This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! —W.H. Murray, “The Scottish Himalayan Expedition”

This quote from a Scottish mountain climber is one of my all time favorite quotes. An act of creation no matter how small (a piece of exquisite jewelry) or large (the architecture of the Cysteine Chapel) is a miracle in the making. And making a commitment to create something evokes providence. We might read that: Provide-ence, because that is what providence does, it provides from the abundance of resources that surround us. When I prepare to create a work of art, certain elements must come together and be in place before that act of creation can be initiated. While the actual creative experience is a flowing, organic occurrence that may differ a little on each work produced, there are certain key factors that always take place. They are:

1finished. I cannot even begin . Visualize the piece already

to create if I don’t have a clue what it is I’m trying to create. I have to first see it in my mind’s eye.

as a Work of Art

2heartedly that I can

. I must believe whole-

actually create a highquality work of art. I must be confident in my artistic skills and know I can “pull it off.”

3tools and materials

. I must gather the proper

needed to produce the work of art.

4favorite part, I must brave . Finally, and this is my

up and do it. I must make it happen... step by step. It is an honor to take part in the process and it feels like I have undertaken the most noble cause. But here is another miracle: if I falter in any one of these fundamental steps; if I only get a hazy notion of what the piece will look like; if my confidence wanes and I’m not so sure it’s going to work out; if I can’t locate the tools I need or I must substitute the materials I want to use for the project, I will still end up with a

work of art. It may not reach the quality I had hoped for, but I will have created something none-theless. However, if I skip step four, I will have nothing. Step four is what generates the reality. So it is with my life. The only way I can craft a life that is truly to my liking is to first visualize my desire. What would my ideal life look like? Second, I have to have faith that it can be done. No one can make something happen that they believe is impossible. They really won’t even try. Thirdly I have to understand that the world is my art studio and it is replete with resources, tools and materials (provide-ence). But even if I have all of that, nothing will be created unless I brave up and make it happen step by step. What makes it all so fun is our preferences. We craft a life that resonates with what we individually prefer. Exercise your preferences, brave up and take an active role in designing your life. I guarantee you’ll experience magic along the way.

Seeing is believing: A close

e can take a closer look at the steps to creation and gain a the life we prefer and what seems to be ineffective. The firs important step of all. Because in order to achieve anything you have to be clear on what that is. You’ve pro examples in comedies and other missha where someone accidentally rubs a contain pops a genie who asks what the rubber w Usually the rubber doesn’t give this a lot o and just wishes for the that comes to mind and a pretty lousy wish. I have a general sense o get specific when force I pr wh the W



Know exactly What you want to end up with before you get ready to make it so.

er look at those steps

deeper understanding of what we are doing really well to create st step is the most g you desire, “When you start to obably seen imagine what apen tales it is you want, ner and out you begin to resonate wishes for. with the very of thought energy that will bring first thing that creation d it’s always about.” I think we of what we really want. But sadly, most of us really can’t ed to answer. We haven’t given it enough thought. When repare to produce a work of art, I have to know roughly hat I’m shooting for. Even an abstract painting requires e intention of creating something abstract ahead of time. When you start to imagine what it is you want, you begin to resonate with the very energy that will bring that creation about. When you know what you’re shooting for, you’re better equipped to choose the right tools and materials to make it happen. You start the magic.


o you have the confidence to go through with your desire off. Funny thing is I often find at the end of the art project out much worse than what I was trying for. But that doesn’t ma outset. Once I believe I can do it, then I go ahead and try. But if I d


Believe you have what it takes to really pull it off. Be confident about your ability to make it happen. (even if you find out later you never really had it.) Just be brave enough to try!

ed creation? I have to feel like I have the skill, the ability to pull it t that I was seriously lacking in skills and ability. The piece came atter. Mainly because the belief is only used to activate me at the don’t think I can do it, then I won’t even try. So this step is crucial in getting the ball rolling. A better illustration might be jumping across a creek. I stand at the creek’s edge looking at the other side and many thoughts are going through my mind. “Can I jump that far? If I can’t I will land in the water. The water looks cold. These are my leather shoes. If I get them wet they will be ruined. Have I ever jumped this far before? Is the bank on the other side sturdy and sound enough that if I do jump across it will hold me? Or will it give way because it is soft and muddy?” The point is, if I feel strongly that I can’t make the jump, I’m not going to do it. I’ve fooled myself into thinking I’m a pretty good artist, so I don’t often wrestle with this part if I’m actually making art. But when it comes to making money... well, I’m working on that and getting better all the time.

he penultimate requirement is the right tools and materials for t beliefs and attitudes. One tool you must have with you at all tim when the naysayers say it can’t be done. You might be intimately fa tell yourself it can’t be done, then that is a portion of your mind th mood and attitude. These are all adjustable. Just like an adjustable so can your attitude adjust to allow for the possibility that mayb can happen. When we first use a tool that’s not familiar to us, it takes some getting used to. But after awhile we can’t even remember a time when it wasn’t second nature to us. When you start to feel yourself hesitating, use your adjuster to feel less hesitant. When you get fearful, use you adjuster to back it down a couple notches. With practice using the right tools and materials, you’ll be able to cause positive results to occur even in negative environments.



Use the right tool for the job at hand. The right one is the one that feels good.

the job at hand. For the most part these tools and materials consist of mes is the ability to change your mind. The ability to think differently amiliar with one of these naysayers. Yourself perhaps. If you tend to hat needs to be changed. Your beliefs come into play as well as your wrench adjusts to fit the nut you’re trying to unscrew or screw on, be it

inally, my favorite part. This is where we go get a glass of wate part because this is where all the magic begins. Only one funda instruments through which everything is done. And by everything, unique individual world. With each of us beholding and perceiving Preferences are the way we prefer things to be. And the work we ha personally want it to be. We do that by taking small steps (baby ste that with the help of a higher power we will make it happen. Becau this isn’t working as quickly as I had hoped. I’m going to give it thr that baby continues to try until that baby can walk. That’s the way you become resolute in this way to make yourself happy, you add to



Brave up and make it happen!

er, take a drink and prepare to make it happen. It’s my favorite amental understanding is necessary at this point. We are the , I mean everything that a person can do to benefit their own g the world in our own unique way, we form preferences. ave chosen to embark upon is to create our world the way we eps) toward our goal. We take these steps with full knowledge use when a baby learns to walk, do you think that baby says, “Well ree more tries and if I can’t do it by then, I’m going to give up.” No, y we see it through. That’s the spirit that makes it happen. When o the pool of joy that we all share. So brave up my friend. Know that it can and will be done ‘on earth as it is in heaven’. Take steps to (real)ize your preferences. And never forget how important your happiness is to the rest of us. You are responsible for your own happiness. We need you to be happy because we don’t like it when you’re grouchy.

The Baby IN MY front yard


Years ago I lived near a redwood forest.


They’re really big babies. I had to tell the tree I loved it.


In my front yard was a baby redwood tree. 150 feet tall.


I thought I might get close enough to give the tree a hug.

How I almost hugged a tree



The tree was very beautiful. As I got closer, the ends of its limbs &


But I didn’t see one limb which poked me in the forehead.

branches began to light up like stars. The tree was drawing me in.


The fear stopped the lights and I fell backwards as the tree let go.

Moral of the Tree Story When you are in vibrational alignment with something you desire, perhaps because you appreciate it so much, then that thing gets in vibrational alignment with you and commences to materialize. The only thing that can stop the desire from coming to fruition is a misalignment. In this case FEAR. Fear changed the vibration, stopped all appreciation and replaced it with rejection. Sub-consciously then I pushed the tree away. And when the tree no longer drew me in, I went hurtling backwards. It will behoove us to keep the appreciation in play at all times if we expect to see our desires manifest. Any time you can feel good, do it. Be happy for no apparent reason. This is not positive thinking. This is positive feeling. For everything we do in this life is based on feeling. We hug babies because it makes us feel good. We love people because it makes us feel good. We strive to feel good and we avoid feeling bad. It is our nature, we are feeling beings. So deliberately feel good and good things will come about. Guaranteed.

Fear of Losing it ALL! When I found out that the universe was made of unmanifest potentiality I got very excited. Something about all that potential made me feel giddy. But then people started asking me to make up my mind. To decide once and for all what I was going to be when I grew up. I hesitated. I felt sure that if I chose only one thing out of the trillion possibilities, I would be turning my back on all the others. I thought that I would lose all of that potentiality. Now I know that is impossible. Human nature keeps us wanting things. All this wild variety that surrounds us is constantly forcing us to make preferences. There will be no end to it. We will prefer things ‘til the day we die. And every time we show another preference we perpetuate the potentiality. There’s always going to be more potential brewing just under the surface. Our universe is replete with abundance. Our very own planet has kept us supplied with all nature of goods for centuries untold. So I no longer fear losing it all. I make a preference and later on I’ll make another. One step at a time.

Bobby says: Do the Fun Stuff! Š2009 Bobby Baker

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