1 minute read
The main aim of this activity is to: -reflect on the needs, and interests of young people, youth organizations, and educational education with the goal to create activities responding in a more efficient way to the needs and interests of young people in local communities; -gain a better understanding of the relationships in the community and come up with new ideas supporting cooperation and activating young people.
Note: The elements in the triangle can be adjusted taking into consideration the local realities and context, e g , one of the triangles can be career counsellors or social enterprises Moreover, general group, young people, can be specified e.g. based on the age, or their backgrounds - vulnerable youth.
The activity can be done individually, e.g. representatives of youth organization reflects on their needs, interests and actions (in the terms of past actions and lessons learned, current ongoing actions and their challenges and also future actions that they would like to develop) Individual inputs can be put together and presented to the representatives of other groups to give their feedback. Other options is to create groups and each groups work on their triangle after they present to each other This way can be more challenging e g , if we plan to reach specific groups
Needs School
Young People
Youth Organization
This project has been funded with the support from the European Union. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the National Agency can be held responsible for them.