Master plan of the Wall Using clay imprints collected from around the city we constructed a wall made out of plaster bricks. The blocks represented different areas of Newcastle and various time periods.The plan was to let the various groups add on the wall bit by bit, creating an almost dynamic and vibrant representation of Newcastle stretching across the room.
where the original is either precisely intentionally
copied or distorted in
order to make the copy appear correct to viewers
Placed, Displaced Site
Brandling, Newcastle
07.10.13 - 29.10.13
The Project The project focuses on the spatial and volumetric planning and design of small terraced houses, with the central idea being to generate, test and decaler a range of possible alternatives within a given, fixed volume Initial Idea The design is based around the use of angles to control the use of natural daylight within the house, despite being located in a row of houses.
Section A 1:50 Cardboard Model
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Front Elevation 1:50 Cardboard Model 15
• Hand drawn sketch: Internal perspective of lounge and kitchen
Key Aspects Even though it’s a small property, I have subtracted parts of the building in order to maximize soalr gain in internal spaces. By creating these “Angles of Light” all parts of the building will recieve natural daylight without compremising privacy. The building is designed around the individtual activities that take place in the building. By dividing the space into various compartments I have created exciting thresholds between indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as ensuring the each space serves a specific purpose.
Section A
Living on the Edge
Ouseburn Valley, Newcastle
30.10.13 - 11.12.13
The Project
Key Design Aspects
The design is meant to resolve the programmatic and contextual chal-
The narrow site located on outskirts of Newcastle City Centre is
langes asssociated with designing a small housing scheme in the heart
exposed to both traffic and the noise from the city. The inhabitatnts of the
of Newcastle. Foyers are integrated learning and accommodation centres
building seek shelter from their troubled life in hope of a new begin-
providing safe and secure housing, support and training for young peo-
ning. By keeping keeping the western side of the building soild and
ple aged 16-25. Young people entering a Foyer are expected to actively
folding over the structure, the building controls access and movement
engage in their own development and make a positive constribution to
achieving a greater sense of privacy . The Foyer will in other words protect the
their local community.
youth from the temptations of the city and keeps them away from the edge.
1 23
• Each bedroom has a secluded bed inside the wall for
• Boat building workshop with view from classroom. Old
• Sketch of the entrance foyer where you instantly get
an increased sense of safety and private balcony de-
boats enter throught the gate furthest back and move
an overview of the various activities in the building
signed in way the restricts any unwanted insight.
towards a full restoration along a conveyor-belt system.
Section S-1
Section S-4
Civic Centred Site
Tynemouth, Newcastle
27.01.14 - 11.03.14
Photography Study
A: Civic Centre and Leisure
Seperate the two very
Push both sections away
Completely seperate the two
Follow the angle of the pier
B: Cafe and Creche
different activities
from each other to create
buildings to allow for
for increased circulation and
sheltered outdoor spaces
vehicular access to both the
better view.
building and the pier
The cafe will have a framed
The two opposing activities
The Civic Centre is placed in
A ramp leading on top of
view of the pier, while the
are joined by the common
the back to minimize visual
the cafe and connecting to
“chopped� of part creates a
ground of the Moot Hall
impact on the site while en-
the exisitng pier allows for
shorter tunnel/passage way
- taking full advantage of
suring great views from the
universal access to both the
through the building
the sun to easily adapt to
formal entrance of the build-
various events that will take
ing and the lighthouse
place throughout each day
Sections Above: Ramp leading up has a slope of 1:12 making it accessible for wheelchari users. Right: The majority of the buildings mass is pushed back on the site, minemising the visual impact. The Civic Centre has three stories, with the mayor being the only one on the third floor, to ensure views and solar gain. Internal Rendering Page 37, top: Main entrance to Cafe Page 37, left: External, but sheltered climbing wall Page 37, right: View from the Mayor’s office
South Elevation
Crossover Site
12.03.14 - 29.04.14
Map of Sheffield and key points of interest and exisitng transportation used to tactically place bicycle hubs around the city.
Initial sketches
TRADA, in this inaugural competition, is bring-
and becoming increasingly so as clients place
Key Design Aspects:
ing together aspects of localism and sustainable
greater emphasis on sustainability, low carbon
We want the main hub to be composed of the smaller
living and asking you to design/devise a con-
construction and the use of natural, renewable
units placed around the city to make the project recog-
ceptual building using British timber to serve the
building materials.
nisable. By organising timber in a certain order we con-
cycling community in Sheffield. tTimber is an important material for construction
structed a variety of structures that held tegether without Timber is an important material for construction
any glue or metal fixtures. Our concept is based around a
and becoming increasingly so as clients place
self-suppoerting structure for a self-sustaining future.
A collection of reciprocal structures
Conceptual diagram explaing the layout of our design
First Floor
Ground Floor
Skylights in the roof of the bike storage is disigned to create the same sensation you get when you walk in a forrest and the sun shines through the leafs 48
Section S-3
Section S-1
Section S-2
Standard Assessment Procedure! Greenhouse Gas Emissions! The increasing rate of greenhouse gas emissions poses a great threat to our climate and the domestic sector is largely responsible. In 2012 the residential sector was accountable for about 15%1 of the total CO2 emissions in the UK, a 11.8% increase since 2011. Meeting our climate change targets is going to be impossible without tackling the emissions from our homes. ! ! The UK’s housing stock could be easily transformed into cheaper to run, low carbon homes by the end of the next decade. But, without a radical shift in Government policy, the UK is set to fall short of the Government’s own target for cutting household energy bills and reducing CO2 emissions by 80% in 2050.! ! ! Credit Rating!
DER/TER ! (%)!
CO2 Emissions (kg CO2/year)!
Energy Cost (£)!
Solar Gains (Watts)!
Internal Gains (Watts)!
! Before!
! After!
! !
! Standard Assessment Procedure! The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is adopted by Government as the UK methodology for calculating the energy performance of dwellings. The procedure is taking into account the variety of factors that contribute to energy efficiency and loss. The SAP scale ranges from one to a hundred, where a hundred represents zero energy costs. ! ! When designing new buildings, this method is used to determine the Dwelling CO2 Emission Rate (DER) and ensure that this is less than the Target CO2 Emission Rate (TER). The current standard is at Level 3, or a 25 DER/TER percentage. My initial design in a credit rating of one and according to the current code for sustainable homes this design would just be suitable for construction, but major improvements would be needed to reach current standards.! !
Findings! As explained in this report, the altered design resulted in a credit rating of 10, with a 53% improvement of DER over TER. This resulted in a drop of energy costs from £287,76 to £195,73 as well as increased solar gain. Due to the increased insulation of the boiler, the Internal Gain went down. The credit rating of 10 puts the building at level 4, which exceeds the mandatory values for dwellings stated in the Code for sustainable homes.! ! !
Structure Analysis!
Suspended Flooring! ! Floor Insulation! Product: Thickness: Conductivity:
Kingspan OPTIM-R Flooring System ! 20 - 100 mm ! 0.007 W/m.K !
! The tutors at is on the second oor eaning that the roo below will also be heated and he heat loss through ! the oor will therefor be reduced co pared to a nor al solid oor directly on the ground. The residents bedroo s are placed directly above, reducing the heat loss through the ceiling to a minimal as well. After researching insulation manufactures I discovered two major companies producing high quality products; Celotex and Kingspan. The OPTIMR from Kingspan is a brand new syste ade up of vacuu insulated panels and ther oset ďŹ ll providing an impressive thermal conductivity of 0.007 W/mK. sing the suspended oor calculator and a insulation thickness of 100mm the U-value comes to 0.067W/m2K. ! ! Structure Analysis!
Structure Analysis!
Timber Frame Wall with Ventilated Cladding!
Insulated Sheating on Steel Frame!
Timber Wall Insulation! Product: Kingspan THERMAwall TW55! Thickness: 80mm + 80mm! U-value: 0.14 W/m2K ! ! ! ! My design has a timber frame wall on ! the North and East facing walls, creating ! a more warmfeel in the space. The advantage ! of timber frame construction is that the insulation ! can be placed within the depth of the structure making the wall thinner compared to a masonry wall. Timber structures is also better at retaining heat, ensuring that the room heat up and cool down more quickly. By putting insulation both inside the frame and behind the cladding, the THERMA TW55 achieves a U-value of 0.14Wm2K. This ensures little heat loss and therefor lower energy costs. !
Steel Frame Insulation! Product: Kingspan KOOLtherm K12! Thickness: 120mm! U-value: 0.14 W/m2K ! ! ! The west facing wall stretches over four ! stories up and folds over as a roof, meaning ! that this structure requires more strength and ! e ibility than the other walls. was originally planning ! to use poured white concrete, but the negative environmental concerns and the heavy weight made me reconsider. Using a custom made steel frame would not only make the construction stronger but also i prove the energy efďŹ ciency. n the end achieved a U-value of 0.14 W/m2K by using a 100mm dense block, with a 10mm polymer rendering and 120mm thick KOOLtherm K12 insulating framing board. ! ! 57
Structure Analysis!
Structure Analysis!
Sustainable Glazing!
Passive House Front Door!
Glazing System! Product: Pilkington energiKare™ Triple ! Thickness: U-value: 0.7 W/m2K !
Front Door! Product: OptiWin Frostkroken! Thickness: 100mm! U-value: 0.72 W/m2K ! ! This is the first door in the world to ! meet the PassiveHaus requirements.! It’s designed to maintain a high surface! temperature inside and the lowest possible heat loss to exterior. The glazing in the door is triple glazed, creating a total U-value of 0.72 W/m2K. !
! ! Glazing is responsible for a large portion of the heat loss in a dwelling, but fortunately the industry has developed innovative new technology in the last couple of years. The Pilkington energiKare™ Triple reduces heat loss and still allows for solar gain. With a U-value of 0.7 W/m2K it meets the Code for Sustainable homes and far exceeds the BFRC WER A rating and PassivHaus requirement levels. It uses two different types of glass and the cavities are filled with either argon or krypton to ensure best performance. ! Glazing Analysis!
Daylight in Internal spaces using DiaLux! I used DiaLux, a computer software that generates Daylight data for internal spaces in order to deter ine if y design provided sufficient natural daylight inside the dwelling. I focused my analysis on the living space, as this is where the residents will spend most of their time during the day and natural daylight is crucial. This room also contains the largest amount of glazing, making it most vulnerable to heat loss. ! ! Initial Design! My initial design had two relatively large windows on the East-facing wall one to illu inate the kitchen worktops and one oor to ceiling window providing light for the lounge. Both are double-glazed with a uvalue of 1.6 W/m2K. Looking at the DiaLux Daylight colour rendering, there is not too many bright spots, meaning red or white areas that have a lux of 800 or above. The output data tells me that the average oor illu ination is at lu and it s evident that the space is too dark. This is mainly due to the fact that these windows are east facing, and doesn't maximize the use of solar gain from the south. ! 58
ontinuing fro
previous page.!
Altered Design! To i prove the energy efficiency of the space the first thing 2 . i prove ent was to insert triple gla ing with a u value of . This also eans that the light trans ission is reduced down to and therefor decreasing the a ount of direct sunlight. To illu inate the roo better increased the si e of the lounge window to include the entire sitting group. ! realise that this produces ! e tre ely high lu values! around the window but ! this can easily be avoided ! with blinds on particularly ! sunny days. !
Conclusion! y altered design gives an average ! lu value of which is perfectly ! within the reco ended value for a ! do estic space. ! ! y overall design of the dwelling ! doesn t allow for any south facing ! windows aking the solar gain less effective. The space will e perience direct sunlight fro early the orning and up to about idday and then nor al natural daylight for the rest of the evening. This is not an ideal option and ight have to reconsider the location of y tutors at within the overall structure to ensure even lighting conditions throughout the day. !
nergy Strategy!
overn ent Suggestions!
here do get my energy from?!
Sustainable housing and energy efficiency!
nergy in the co es ostly fro gas or coal industry producing dangerously a ounts of 2 and other greenhouse gases. ts ti e to change our attitude towards energy use and start to ove towards ore renewable energy sources. Solar Panels and wind ills are good solutions but they re uire wind and sun to produce energy. The cli ate in the doesn t t support this very well and perhaps energy fro waste and organic atter is a better and ore sustainable solution!
an reduction in residential e issions by would re uire upgrades like ! • full installation of cost effective easures such as loft and cavity wall insulation.! • the deploy ent of significant nu bers of solid wall insulation! • an uplift in the energy efficiency of household appliances ! • a significant reduction in the carbon content in electricity through i proved generating efficiencies! • increased large scale renewable energy generation! • the use of green gas fro waste or other organic atter! • i prove ent in people s behavior to further reduce ho e energy use! !
hen building a new ho e its i portant to take into account the cost of sustainable technology versus the value it saves in the long run. Today Solar Panels and other renewable technology is still relative e pensive and it takes years to to pay itself off. ut on the other hand this ight be an invest ent worth doing for the sake our global environ ent. ! 59
THE PLACE OF HOUSES POSTER Can the sensation of home exist beyond the domestic sphere?
The Place of Houses
Access for All •
Disabled Parking and Access The main vehicular access from Tynemouth to the building runs along the existing path leading to the site and ends in a underground parking garage on the east side of the building (see below for further explanation). Two disabled parking bays are provided 45 degrees of the main service road just by the main entrances. The parking is on the same level as the ground floor of the building and the main entrances, eliminating the need for a ramp. The disabled parking bays are at least 3300mm x 5200mm1 to allow for a unloading and safety zone around the vehicle when parked. In my design I’ve also included an entry for a potential underground parking garage to be used by the staff of the Civic Centre and visitors. Two parking bays for disabled will be provided close to the lift that runs through all the floors. My design is based around movement on the site, keeping accessibility to both the site and the pier in mind. Two elongated buildings with distinct different uses are joined by the Moot Hall on top, creating a “tunnel” running through the entire structure. This allows for emergency services to access the pier (in case of drowning accidents etc.) and also for vehicular access to the slipway for the transportation of boats. This access would also prove it easier for supplies to be carried to the lighthouse. The southern structure (See site map: Building B) is designed to create a 1:12 ramp creating universal access to the roof and to the formal entrance of the Moot Hall. This roof pathway also leads across the building and joins on to the highest level of the pier, creating the perfect slope and accessibility for wheelchairs, bikes, and strollers etc. to enjoy the lighthouse.
Access for Wheelchair Users to Main Entrances From the disabled parking the users will have two options to reach the main entrances: 1) Staying on the ground level, both wheelchair users and the general public can travel 32m on stable and slip resistant ground2 to reach to the two main entrances on the ground floor of the building. These are both located underneath, and sheltered by, the Moot Hall. All the external entrances (with the exception of the kitchen service entry) are 2000mm wide, with manually power controlled double sliding doors equipped with a clearly visible3 push pad (800mm from ground and 1400mm of the edge of the door4) 2) Wheelchair users and the general public can also travel up the ramp sloping up from the east side of the site leading on top of the café and to the first floor (3000m elevation) formal entrance to the Moot Hall. This ramp has a total length of 40,400mm, to allow for three landings (1800mm) along the ramp and thus creating four 8750mm intermediate ramps with a slope of 1:12. Access for Wheelchair Users within the Building Building B is a single storey structure allowing easy and universal access to the café, in addition to making the environment safer for the crèche. Building A is a three-storey building consisting of both the Leisure Centre and the Civic Centre. The passenger lift is located centrally and provides universal access to all the floors. The lifts internal measurements are 1580mm x 2100mm, with a door opening of 900mm, and all floors have a 1500mm x 1500mm clear landing area. Outside lift controls are set between +900mm and +1200mm, and 300mm from the door on the inside. The back wall are fitted with mirrors to allow wheelchair user to see the floor indicator. For the visually impaired and deaf, audible announcement together with visual indication declare each floor and the opening and closing of doors. A visual and audible two-way emergency communication system is used. Internal doors have a width of 900mm with at least 300mm clear space alongside leading edge of door. Doors leading into all areas (with the exception of WC and utility rooms) are fitted with glass panels to allow for a visual connection and prevent collision. All corridors comply with the dimensions regulations as stated in Part M being at least 1200mm. All toilets in the dwelling meet the Building Regulations when it comes to size and are at least 2200mm x 15000mm, with handrails (+800mm h) and emergency alarm system.
1 Baden-Powell, Hetreed, Ross. Architect’s Pocket Book, Fourth Edition. Architectural Press, 2011. Page 90. 2 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document M, 1.13 3 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document M, 2.19 4 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document M, 2.21
Means of Escape In the event of an emergency everybody inside the building must be able to evacuate by suitable means. An automatic fire alarm system will be installed in every room of the building5, detecting abnormal heat or CO2 levels. Manual switches would be placed on tactical location around the building to allow inhabitants to warn other in case of emergency. Audible warning sirens will sounds to alert the general public, while visual indicators such as flashing light will warn those with impaired hearing. For those with both visually and hearing difficulties a vibrating paging system would be used. Fire extinguishers will be placed on every floor along with fires hoses. Fire Exits and the route to the closest one will be clearly marked with lid-up displays or photoluminescent signs. Emergency Plans will be located on each floor and on tactical location to quickly demonstrate the means of escape and the nearest assembly point. Fire doors that automatically close are implemented to minimize the flow of oxygen in the even of a fire. Each floor ha at least two escape routes in case the other one is unavailable in the case of an emergency. Toilets and changing room not included because these spaces are not habitable. Stair Width from Table 6 and 7 in The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document Part B. Storey Ground Floor A Ground Floor B First Floor Second Floor
Room Bike Workshop Leisure Office Leisure Reception First Aid Fish Storage Reception Fish Storage Creche Creche Storage Boiler Room/Cleaning Waiting Area Cafe Food Storage Kitchen Classroom Moot Hall Archive Admin Office Interview Room (3) Moot Hall Waiting Waiting Area Mayor’s Office
Area (m2) 35.75 16.24 89.42 5.85 12.39 8.21 25.72 4.78 4.78 63.48 134.12 6.34 9.33 66.8 78.82 4.11 27.92 20.20 45.89 10.24 34.17
Floor Space Factor (m2/persons) 5 6 1.5 Fixed 1.5 30 1 30 30 1.5 1 30 7 Total 1 Fixed 30 6 6 1.5 Total 1.5 6 Total Grand Total
Occupant Capacity 7.15 2.71 59.61 2 8.26 0.27 25.72 0.16 0.16 42.32 134.12 0.21 1.33 284 66.80 42 0.14 4.65 3.37 30.59 147.55 6.83 5.70 13 444
Minimum Escape Route corridor and door opening width: Ground Floor A Min. Route Width Min Stair Width
80 ppl. 850mm N/A
Ground Floor B Min. Route Width Min. Stair Width
204 ppl. 1050mm 1600mm
First Floor Min. Route Width Min. Stair Width
148 ppl. 1050mm 1000mm
Second Floor Min Route Width Min. Stair Width
13 ppl. 750mm 1000mm
Minimum Width for Each Final Exit To work out the minimum width of the Ground Floor B final exit (W), we need the Occupant Capacity (N) and the width of the main stair (S): W = ((N / 2.5) + (60 x S)) / 80 W = ((204 / 2.5) + (60 x 1.6)) / 80 W = 2.22m In order to evacuate the building through the main entrance the door would need to be 2220mm wide.
5 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document Part B, 1.27
Access for All •
Disabled Parking and Access The main vehicular access from Tynemouth to the building runs along the existing path leading to the site and ends in a underground parking garage on the east side of the building (see below for further explanation). Two disabled parking bays are provided 45 degrees of the main service road just by the main entrances. The parking is on the same level as the ground floor of the building and the main entrances, eliminating the need for a ramp. The disabled parking bays are at least 3300mm x 5200mm6 to allow for a unloading and safety zone around the vehicle when parked. In my design I’ve also included an entry for a potential underground parking garage to be used by the staff of the Civic Centre and visitors. Two parking bays for disabled will be provided close to the lift that runs through all the floors. My design is based around movement on the site, keeping accessibility to both the site and the pier in mind. Two elongated buildings with distinct different uses are joined by the Moot Hall on top, creating a “tunnel” running through the entire structure. This allows for emergency services to access the pier (in case of drowning accidents etc.) and also for vehicular access to the slipway for the transportation of boats. This access would also prove it easier for supplies to be carried to the lighthouse. The southern structure (See site map: Building B) is designed to create a 1:12 ramp creating universal access to the roof and to the formal entrance of the Moot Hall. This roof pathway also leads across the building and joins on to the highest level of the pier, creating the perfect slope and accessibility for wheelchairs, bikes, and strollers etc. to enjoy the lighthouse.
Access for Wheelchair Users to Main Entrances From the disabled parking the users will have two options to reach the main entrances: 3) Staying on the ground level, both wheelchair users and the general public can travel 32m on stable and slip resistant ground7 to reach to the two main entrances on the ground floor of the building. These are both located underneath, and sheltered by, the Moot Hall. All the external entrances (with the exception of the kitchen service entry) are 2000mm wide, with manually power controlled double sliding doors equipped with a clearly visible8 push pad (800mm from ground and 1400mm of the edge of the door9) 4) Wheelchair users and the general public can also travel up the ramp sloping up from the east side of the site leading on top of the café and to the first floor (3000m elevation) formal entrance to the Moot Hall. This ramp has a total length of 40,400mm, to allow for three landings (1800mm) along the ramp and thus creating four 8750mm intermediate ramps with a slope of 1:12. Access for Wheelchair Users within the Building Building B is a single storey structure allowing easy and universal access to the café, in addition to making the environment safer for the crèche. Building A is a three-storey building consisting of both the Leisure Centre and the Civic Centre. The passenger lift is located centrally and provides universal access to all the floors. The lifts internal measurements are 1580mm x 2100mm, with a door opening of 900mm, and all floors have a 1500mm x 1500mm clear landing area. Outside lift controls are set between +900mm and +1200mm, and 300mm from the door on the inside. The back wall are fitted with mirrors to allow wheelchair user to see the floor indicator. For the visually impaired and deaf, audible announcement together with visual indication declare each floor and the opening and closing of doors. A visual and audible two-way emergency communication system is used. Internal doors have a width of 900mm with at least 300mm clear space alongside leading edge of door. Doors leading into all areas (with the exception of WC and utility rooms) are fitted with glass panels to allow for a visual connection and prevent collision. All corridors comply with the dimensions regulations as stated in Part M being at least 1200mm. All toilets in the dwelling meet the Building Regulations when it comes to size and are at least 2200mm x 15000mm, with handrails (+800mm h) and emergency alarm system. Stairs are all 34 degrees and is therefor also suitable for the elderly.
Baden-Powell, Hetreed, Ross. Architect’s Pocket Book, Fourth Edition. Architectural Press, 2011. Page 90. The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document M, 1.13 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document M, 2.19 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document M, 2.21
Means of Escape In the event of an emergency everybody inside the building must be able to evacuate by suitable means. An automatic fire alarm system will be installed in every room of the building10, detecting abnormal heat or CO2 levels. Manual switches would be placed on tactical location around the building to allow inhabitants to warn other in case of emergency. Audible warning sirens will sounds to alert the general public, while visual indicators such as flashing light will warn those with impaired hearing. For those with both visually and hearing difficulties a vibrating paging system would be used. Fire extinguishers will be placed on every floor along with fires hoses. Fire Exits and the route to the closest one will be clearly marked with lid-up displays or photoluminescent signs. Emergency Plans will be located on each floor and on tactical location to quickly demonstrate the means of escape and the nearest assembly point. Fire doors that automatically close are implemented to minimize the flow of oxygen in the even of a fire. Each floor has at least two escape routes in case the other one is unavailable in the case of an emergency. Toilets and changing room not included because these spaces are not habitable. Stair Width from Table 6 and 7 in The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document Part B. Storey Ground Floor A Ground Floor B First Floor Second Floor
Room Bike Workshop Leisure Office Leisure Reception First Aid Fish Storage Reception Fish Storage Creche Creche Storage Boiler Room/Cleaning Waiting Area Cafe Food Storage Kitchen Classroom Moot Hall Archive Admin Office Interview Room (3) Moot Hall Waiting Waiting Area Mayor’s Office
Area (m2) 35.75 16.24 89.42 5.85 12.39 8.21 25.72 4.78 4.78 63.48 134.12 6.34 9.33 66.8 78.82 4.11 27.92 20.20 45.89 10.24 34.17
Floor Space Factor (m2/persons) 5 6 1.5 Fixed 1.5 30 1 30 30 1.5 1 30 7 Total 1 Fixed 30 6 6 1.5 Total 1.5 6 Total Grand Total
Occupant Capacity 7.15 2.71 59.61 2 8.26 0.27 25.72 0.16 0.16 42.32 134.12 0.21 1.33 284 66.80 42 0.14 4.65 3.37 30.59 147.55 6.83 5.70 13 444
Minimum Escape Route corridor and door opening width: Ground Floor A Min. Route Width Min Stair Width
80 ppl. 850mm N/A
Ground Floor B Min. Route Width Min. Stair Width
204 ppl. 1050mm 1600mm
First Floor Min. Route Width Min. Stair Width
148 ppl. 1050mm 1000mm
Second Floor Min Route Width Min. Stair Width
13 ppl. 750mm 1000mm
Minimum Width for Each Final Exit To work out the minimum width of the Ground Floor B final exit (W), we need the Occupant Capacity (N) and the width of the main stair (S): W = ((N / 2.5) + (60 x S)) / 80 W = ((204 / 2.5) + (60 x 1.6)) / 80 W = 2.22m In order to evacuate the building through the main entrance the door would need to be 2220mm wide.
1 The Building Regulations 2010, Approved Document Part B, 1.27