Facebook 2

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Facebook - the most popular social network in the world. It work began Feb. 4, 2004 as a network for students of some American universities.

Mark Zuckerberg is the author of this social network. learning the second year at Harvard University, wrote the site ÂŤFacemashÂť, Facebook'u predecessor, October 28, 2003.

Users of Facebook can make profiles with photos, lists of interests, contact details and different personal information. They can communicate with friends and different users through private or public messages and chat.

Most of their revenue the company receives from Facebook advertising. Corporation Microsoft - the only partner Facebook`s of placing banner ads.

According to the company comScore, which explores internet marketing, Facebook collects as much information from its users as google and Microsoft, but considerably less than yahoo !.

sCandals:  At the beginning of his Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg used the data user login to break down their e-mail  In October 2010, it was found that some developers of plug-ins for Facebook sell user data to outside companies  Independent Center protect the confidentiality of the federal state SchleswigHolstein (Germany) called located in this land owners Close fan pages and remove the social applications such as a button "I like» ( «Like»), and threatened them with fines up to 50 thousand. Euro for violation of German law and EU data protection because data on each visit to the page of the site without the consent of visitors sent to Facebook in the US for storage and individualized, and for registered users - personalized, processing information about the pages you visit.

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