Complex Situation
ach and every heating season in Ukraine puts the topic of energy onto the political agenda. The past autumn is no exception, provoking lots of talk regarding the availability of gas and coal at storages, record global gas prices, attempts to put Nord Stream 2 into commercial operation, challenges for generation capacities, emerging electricity imports from Belarus and the possibility of local blackouts. The key issues are the results of Russia’s geopolitical strategy to blackmail Europe. To be fair, a significant chunk of problems come from the Soviet legacy, as energy efficiency in the household sector was not properly reformed. In the final issue of 2021, our contributors have touched upon the issues of green hydrogen, potential of biomethane, and implementation of European regulations on the integrity and transparency of the wholesale energy market, which are known as REMIT. With the rapid increase in renewable energy projects in recent years, we still observe a crisis around the feed-in tariff and the state’s commitments. We discussed the situation on the electricity market, fate of existing renewable projects and restoring the confidence of investors with Ivan Bondarchuk, counsel at LCF Law Group. Given the big presence of the political factor in this issue, Ukraine finds itself in a complex situation, and not for the first time. It means that lots of work needs to be done, while postponements and delays merely equate to wastefulness. Season’s Greetings from the UJBL team!
The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law November — December 2021 Vol. 19 No.11-12 GENERAL DIRECTOR Rustam Kolesnik EDITORIAL
Oleksiy Didkovskiy (Asters) Sergei Konnov (Konnov & Sozanovsky) Sergii Koziakov (Sergii Koziakov & Partners) Oleg Makarov (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) Alexander Minin (KM Partners)
EDITORIAL TEAM Editor Olga Usenko Deputy Editor Alena Chernyavskaya Copy Editor Peter Dutczyn Observer Christina Chovgan Designer Mykola Tytarenko Photos Evgeniy Korol Advertising Vadim Shpachuk
Translation Task Force Translation Agency 10 Hoholivska Street, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine Tel.: +380 44 495-2727 Fax: +380 44 495-2777 editor@ujbl.info www.ujbl.info
Happy reading, Olga Usenko
Founded and published by Yuridicheskaya Practika Publishing
The Journal (ISSN 1726-3085) is published monthly by Yuridicheskaya Practika Publishing, 10 Hoholivska Street, Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine. Certificate of Registration No.6586 KB of 10 October 2002. Copyright © 2020 by Yuridicheskaya Practika Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrival system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publishers. Contents do not necessarily reflect the views of Yuridicheskaya Practika Publishing. Circulation: 1,000. Recommended retail price in Ukraine is UAH 100. Printed in Ukraine. The publisher and contributors are not responsible for the results of any actions (or lack thereof) taken on the basis of information in this publication. Readers should obtain advice from a qualified professional when dealing with specific situations. All translations are unofficial. Украинский журнал предпринимательского права. Учредитель и издатель — ПрАТ «Юридическая практика» (на английском языке). Український журнал підприємницького права. Засновник та видавець — ПрАТ «Юридична практика» (англійською мовою). Друк: ТОВ «РВС-ПРИНТ». юридична адреса: вул. Ялтинська, 5б, м. Київ. Замовлення № 18-2901. Підписано до друку 3 грудня 2021 року.
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November — December 2021 | The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law | www.ujbl.info