AIESEC in Finland Compendium Approved on 14.9.2014
AIESEC BRAND ................................................................................................................. 3
MEMBERSHIP .................................................................................................................... 3 2.1
FULL MEMBERS ......................................................................................................... 3
MEMBERS IN ALERT .................................................................................................. 5
EXPANSIONS ............................................................................................................. 6
DISBANDMENT PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 8
3 THE BOARD AND THE MEMBER COMMITTEE PRESIDENT ...........................................
THE BOARD ................................................................................................................ 8
MEMBER COMMITTEE PRESIDENT .......................................................................... 9
BOARD OF ADVISORS .............................................................................................. 10
ELECTING THE INSTITUTIONS ....................................................................................... 11 4.1
ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS ........................................................................... 11
ELECTION OF MEMBER COMMITTEE ..................................................................... 11
SELECTION WORKING GROUP ............................................................................... 11
SELECTION OF NATIONAL SUPPORT TEAMS ........................................................ 11
OTHER ELECTIONS AND VOTES ............................................................................. 12
FINANCE POLICIES .......................................................................................................... 12 5.1
FOLLOW-UP OF FINANCES ...................................................................................... 12
BUDGETING .............................................................................................................. 13
MEMBERSHIP FEES ................................................................................................. 13
FINANCIAL FOLLOW-UP OF PROJECTS ................................................................. 14
SALARY PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 15
CONTRACTS ............................................................................................................. 15
FUND-RAISING PRINCIPLES .................................................................................... 16
PROCEDURE FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES .................................................................. 16
OTHER EXPENSES ................................................................................................... 17
STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT FUND ..................................................................... 17
5.11 USAGE OF ASSOCIATION’S BANK AND CREDIT CARDS ................................... 5.12
INTERNAL AUDITING ............................................................................................. 18
5.13 LOCAL COMMITTEE TRAVEL COST SHARING FUND............................................ 19 6
PROJECT DIRECTIVES .................................................................................................... 19 6.1
AIESEC IN FINLAND PROJECT ................................................................................ 19
LOCAL PROJECTS .................................................................................................... 21
SHARED PROJECTS WITH OTHER STAKEHOLDERS ............................................ 21
1 AIESEC BRAND AIESEC in Finland is responsible for the international AIESEC brands in Finland, which are the AIESEC logo and name. AIESEC in Finland gives its member organisations and projects the right to use the AIESEC brand in Finland and makes sure that they are used in accordance with AIESEC principles. Member organisations have to follow the brand guidelines given by member committee of AIESEC in Finland, such as colours, official logos and external materials. Accordingly, member organisations have to approve any materials from member committee before using those to external purposes. The board of AIESEC in Finland has the right to give a warning to a member organisation or project when the guidelines are not being followed or in case of misuse of the brand. The board of AIESEC in Finland can also make a plan considering possible further disciplinary actions. AIESEC's international compendium defines the AIESEC principles, which AIESEC in Finland actively tries to follow in its activities. AIESEC in Finland has the full control and decision power on any of its own trademarks and brands. AIESEC in Finland board supervises the use of the AIESEC brand in Finland and reports to the General Assembly on any possible misuse.
2 MEMBERSHIP Membership issues are generally discussed in the winter General Assembly. The board of AIESEC in Finland provides the General Assembly up-to-date information on fulfilment of membership criteria after 1.12 and sends warnings to members who are in violation of these criteria. The warned member must provide the board and General Assembly with a report on the reasons behind the offense and a plan on how to correct the situation within a deadline set by the board. If the member has not fulfilled the membership criteria by the deadline the member is recommended to be disbanded. The General Assembly decides about disbandment. However the disbanded member has the right to apply for the status of a member in alert. The decision of the membership issues applies immediately after the General Assembly.
2.1 FULL MEMBERS In order to be a full member of AIESEC in Finland, a member organisation must fulfil the criteria stated in constitution. Below is more detailed description of the membership criteria: EXCHANGE PROGRAMME By fulfilling the minimum criteria for the exchange programme the member organisations make sure that AIESEC in Finland is executing its purpose and thus maintains its membership as a full member of AIESEC International. In order to fulfil the minimum criteria set for the exchange programme each local committee must send three degree students from a Finnish institution of higher education for an internship abroad and must receive three interns to local companies or the amount set by the AIESEC International between January 1st and December 31st. The greater amount applies. If a local committee has not fulfilled the minimum criteria by 1.12, the board will issue a warning to the local committee in question and if the goal is not reach by
31.12 the local committee can be disbanded in the in the winter General Assembly. Local committees need to follow the global Exchange Programme Policies (XPP) that can be found in detail in Member committee or an appointed body supervises the fulfilment of the exchange programme quality standards as outlined in the XPP. If a member neglects the exchange programme's quality standards despite a warning and thus notably endangers the AIESEC brand and reputation, the board may call for a General Assembly in which the member can be disbanded in accordance with normal procedures. MEMBERSHIP FEES Local committees are obliged to pay annual membership fee to AIESEC in Finland. The amount of membership fee is decided in autumn General Assembly. The membership fee consist of membership fee of the AIESEC in Finland towards AIESEC International, strategic development fund, the partial income received from incoming and outgoing exchange and also some other payments which are agreed (see the chapter 5.3. Membership fees). The membership fee is paid in two parts, by 31.12 and 30.6. In order to fulfil the membership criteria the local committee can’t have any membership fee debts towards AIESEC in Finland by 31.12. DOCUMENTATION In accordance with the constitution members must submit to AIESEC in Finland by 30.1 the term's action plan, budget and operational plan that is made according to the guidelines provided by the member committee. In addition members must also submit the previous term's approved annual report, profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and exchange report by 1.6. Member committee provides a template for the exchange report. Every quarter members must deliver the status reports required by member committee which are called internally SONA (State of National Association) within two weeks of the request. The member committee provides a template for the SONA that the member needs to follow. National and local project need a separate documentation that needs to follow the principles of which are defined in the section Project directives. GENERAL ASSEMBLIES The member must attend at least three out of four of the regular General Assemblies. The participation requires the physical attendance in order to be counted as fulfilment of the attendance criteria. However, the member has always a right to attend the General Assembly also virtually. The member needs to organise yearly at least one own General Assembly where they select a board and representatives for AIESEC in Finland´s General Assemblies. The signed meeting minutes of this regular General Assembly must to be sent to the board of AIESEC in Finland by December 31.
OTHER CRITERIA The member is not allowed to be under investigation due to the violation of the global or national Exchange Programme Policies between 1.1.-31.12. The member needs to send between 1.1.-31.12 at least one participant to at least one international conference organised by AIESEC. The following seminars are acceptable: Xpro, EuroCo, International Congress, WeGrow, WENA LDS and CEELDS The member needs to follow the constitution and this compendium.
2.2 MEMBERS IN ALERT In case the full member doesn’t fulfil membership criteria it may be disbanded. The member association may however apply for a member in alert status in the same General Assembly. Member in alert is obliged to pay the membership fees and strive for fulfilling all membership criteria. Members in alert are however restricted to the following: - Member in alert doesn’t have a right to vote in General Assemblies - Member in alert doesn’t have a right to apply for national awards and recognitions - Member in alert can’t take an expansion initiative under its operations - In selection process of member committee full members have the privilege to ask questions and to comment compared to members in alert Member in alert has the same right to participate in association’s exchange programmes as the full members and members in alert are bound to the same rules as other members. Member in alert has to submit every half year a report, determined by the board or member committee, about its operations and progress in fulfilment the membership criteria. Member association can operate as member in alert maximum for two years since the General Assembly that made the decision. During this time the board can give a motion to the General Assembly to promote the member to full membership in case it has shown a significant progress and fulfils all membership criteria. In case during these two years the member in alert hasn’t shown significant progress that would enable the promotion to the full membership, the member in alert will be disbanded from the membership and it has a right to apply for an expansion member in the same General Assembly.
2.3 EXPANSIONS Expansion members are the local committees that are newly established and have never been full members with exception of disbanded full members and local committees that have been previously expansion members. Expansion members must strive to become full members. In order to become the expansion member the organisation must first operate under a full member as expansion initiative which by its own is not part of AIESEC in Finland and therefore doesn’t have a right to participate independently in exchange programme, to sign contracts in AIESEC’s name or to use AIESEC’s brand. EXPANSION INITIATIVES Any organisation that supports AIESEC’s values and is aiming to become a full member of AIESEC in Finland’s can apply to become an expansion initiative. Before the initiative group can start a field research it must ask for permission from the board of AIESEC in Finland to do the research. After the permission is granted the initiative group must study if it is capable of fulfilling the expansion criteria and prepare an expansion plan, which are described below. After conducting the field research the initiative group may apply for expansion initiative. The board approves expansion initiatives. All expansion initiatives must operate under a full member of AIESEC in Finland. The partner local committee of expansion initiative is responsible of exchange activities, agreements and usage of AIESEC brand of the expansion initiative. The partner local committee is responsible of expansion initiative’s proportional amount of membership fee according to AIESEC in Finland’s model by including the realised exchanges in its own statistics. In contrary partner local committee is entitled to receive part of the profit generated from exchange during the partnership. More specific arrangements are agreed upon in the agreement between the partner local committee and the expansion initiative which shall be included in the expansion plan.
EXPANSION CRITERIA Prior to starting the operations as the expansion initiative the organisation has to have the following: • • • • • •
The official support of a University or another institution of higher education Students who have a suitable study background for AIESEC's exchange programme Local companies who are willing to accept AIESEC interns from abroad Financial and other resources to independently act at its college Potential partners and supporting organisations Support of full member of AIESEC in Finland
EXPANSION PLAN In order to become the expansion initiative the organisation must submit to the board an expansion plan which includes the following:
• • • •
Report about the expansion’s ability to fulfil expansion criteria and available resources List of companies and organisations that are willing to support the expansion Budget and action plan for the expansion period (maximum 2 years) List of responsible people in the board or similar body who are not a part of partner local committee’s board or similar body
Also the expansion plan must contain the agreement between the full member of AIESEC in Finland and the expansion initiative which contains the following: • •
Resources which the partner local committee invests in the expansion Principles about agreements and division of the income
The partner local committee is responsible of the following: •
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Supervising and supporting expansion’s operations so it would fulfil the acting principles of AIESEC and meet quality standards of exchange and would not act against AIESEC brand Signing the contracts on behalf of the expansion initiative and managing its finances unless otherwise agreed Giving the needed support so the expansion initiative could develop to full member
EXPANSION MEMBERS In order to be approved as an official expansion member the expansion initiative must register its association. Permission for registration must be asked from the General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland. Organisation that is a registered association and has operated for at least 11 months as expansion initiative can be accepted as expansion member. Official expansion members are approved by AIESEC in Finland’s General Assembly based on the application of the expansion initiative. The organisation can operate as an expansion member maximum for two years. After operating for at least three months and, upon a request, the expansion member can be accepted as a full member in case it meets all full membership criteria and it demonstrates the ability to fulfil them also in the upcoming terms. AIESEC in Finland’s board is giving its motion to the General Assembly about promotion to full membership based on the expansion member’s application. Expansion members don’t have rights to vote or to be present in the General Assemblies of the AIESEC in Finland. The General Assembly may separately give them the right to speak and to be present. During the expansion membership, the entity has to send reports to AIESEC in Finland’s board and to the General Assembly about the progress of the expansion. Reports have to be sent at least 4 weeks before summer and winter General Assemblies. Reports must be comprehensive and include at least the following matters:
Report about expansion’s progress in fulfilling the membership criteria
• • • •
List of available human resources in the expansion List of companies and organisations with whom expansion is co-operating at the moment Update about expansion's financial situation List of responsible people in the board or similar body who are not a part of partner local committee’s board or similar body
In case the organisation has operated earlier as a full member of AIESEC in Finland and meets all membership criteria it can apply directly for the full expansion membership without applying first for the expansion initiative status. After operating for at least 3 months as an expansion member and operating according to the constitution and compendium of AIESEC in Finland, expansion member can apply to become a full member after it has fulfilled the membership criteria with exception of exchange criteria that are to realise 5 outgoing and 3 incoming interns during 1.1-31.12 LOCAL EXTENSIONS Local extension is defined as a full member expanding within the city to another institution of education without trying to form another independent member organisation. The expanding members must inform the board with their actions in the new location but otherwise the directives about expansions don’t apply to local extensions.
2.4 DISBANDMENT PROCEDURE A member can be disbanded only in AIESEC in Finland General Assembly and the membership of all the members is revised annually in the winter General Assembly. If the member is not fulfilling the membership criteria the winter General Assembly votes for its disbandment. In other circumstances the board may call an addition General Assembly or bring up a member's disbandment in the spring, summer or autumn General Assembly. The disbandment procedure starts with a warning from the board, in which the member in question is informed of the failure and the instructions and deadline of the necessary actions and explanations are also given. The board discusses the members situation and decides on proceeding. If the board so decides, it will present the case to the General Assembly, which will decide based on the board's proposal on the disbandment or joining the member as an expansion of another member. If a member receives two warnings from the board within 12 months, the next General Assembly will automatically vote on the member's disbandment. The General Assembly can also disband a member without a separate warning if the misconduct is serious. Disbandment or joining as an expansion demands a 2/3 of the votes in the General Assembly. If the member has not paid the membership fee it can be automatically disbanded by the board´s motion.
The constitution defines the board as a supervising and governing body, that uses the executive power of the association. The board supervises the use of the association's wealth, cash, finances and the making of financial report and annual report. Member committee is responsible in preparing these documents. The board calls the association's General Assembly and prepares the agenda. Board, together with the member committee makes sure that the decisions made in the General Assembly are done by the responsible entity/entities. The board supervises the fulfilment of rules, regulations and the actions of the member committee. The board gives the motion for amount of member committee members to the winter General Assembly and, if needed, does changes the composition of the member committee. The board also suggest the composition of the national selection group as well as next board for the General Assembly which makes the decisions on these matters. The board defines the representatives of AIESEC in Finland for international legislative meetings. The board defines the fees for the international trainee programme and gives a motion about the strategic development fund's proportion of the membership fee. OTHER ACTIVITIES IN PRACTICE The board is operating actively, but as the national member committee takes care of the operative side, the board focuses on supervising and supporting the work of the member committee. The board follows the achievement of goals and the resources used for it. The member committee rapports the board through board meetings and other needed channels. The member committee is required to act upon the actions required by board decisions. The board supervises the fulfilment of made plans. The chairperson of the board prepares board meetings with the support of other members of the board. The member committee is required to deliver all necessary documents and reports at least one week before the meeting. The board must follow the national situation and the member committee's situation as well as the association financial situation in its meetings. The board is responsible for developing the governance of AIESEC in Finland.
3.2 MEMBER COMMITTEE PRESIDENT JOB DESCRIPTION Member committee president leads the member committee and is thus responsible for the decisions and actions of the member committee. Member committee president is required to report to the board on his or her activities as well as the activities of other members of the committee. Member committee president is responsible of the general development of the organisation. The responsibilities of the member committee president are: Member committee: Member committee president is leading the member committee, is responsible of their learning and is tracking and supporting their work. In addition member committee president is responsible for inducting the next member committee to their tasks.
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National level: Member committee president leads and coordinates a national team comprised of local committee presidents. In addition member committee president supports the local committee presidents to succeed in their role. International level: Member committee president takes care of tasks related to international responsibilities and the development of the organisation. Member committee president represents AIESEC in Finland in international seminars and is in charge of communication to the international level and for reporting on international activities to the board. Planning and execution of strategy: Member committee president is in charge of national planning process and preparing the yearly action plan. Also member committee president is responsible for tracking the plan and execution of it. In addition member committee president is responsible for execution of plans and board decisions. Legalities and Governance: Member committee president is responsible for compliance to the rules and compendium of AIESEC in Finland both on national and on local level. This includes also arranging General Assemblies and board meetings together with the chairman of the board. Member committee president is also responsible for the global membership criteria of AIESEC in Finland. Financial responsibility: Member committee president has the main responsibility on budgeting, budget follow up and the final responsibility on fund-raising. Other responsibilities: Member committee president can also have other responsibilities depending on the focuses of each member committee term. Member committee president is responsible for leading of the AIESEC way and culture in the national level. JURISDICTION The member committee president has authority to make decisions in international legislative meetings within the framework given by the board and budget. People who can sign in the name of the association are; chairperson of the board, vice-chairman of the board or member committee president together with one other member of the board or an official nominated by the board. Engagements of national projects and agreements of a value over 5.000,00 EUR are confirmed by the member committee president. All project engagements and agreements need to be made in writing. (See more information on Project directives)
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The board may nominate the board of advisors. Board of advisors’ role is to support and advice in strategic matters. Board of advisors does not hold any decision making power in the association but its members have a right to attend board meetings.
4 ELECTING THE INSTITUTIONS 4.1 ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS The responsibilities of the board of AIESEC in Finland are described in the constitution. The board consists of three to five members in addition to the member committee president. All members of the board must have a personal vice-member. The board positions are announced to be open in the AIESEC in Finland winter General Assembly. Anyone who doesn’t have an administrative position in AIESEC during the following term is eligible to apply. The board members or vice-members do not have to be or have been members of AIESEC. Board members and their personal vice-members are elected by the AIESEC in Finland spring General Assembly. Current board gives its suggestion about the amount of the following board members. The spring General Assembly also elects the vice-member for the member committee president. AIESEC in Finland board members are elected based on majority vote. In an election organised to take place in separate votes, via telecommunications link or with the help of other technical device or by mail, a proportional electoral system shall be followed.
4.2 ELECTION OF MEMBER COMMITTEE AIESEC in Finland member committee is elected by association's winter General Assembly. AIESEC in Finland board announces the open positions as applicable. A vote of confidence is performed on applicants to the member committee in the association's General Assembly. The applicant has a vote of confidence if she or he receives more than half of the local committees' votes. After the vote the selection working group chooses the members of the member committee from the applicants who received a vote of confidence so that the president is chosen first and then the other members. After the selection the selection working group proposes the composition of the member committee to the General Assembly, which decides on accepting it. In case there isn’t enough suitable candidates, only part of the positions are filled, and remaining positions are filled in the by-election later. The by-election is conducted according the same principles as the actual election.
4.3 SELECTION WORKING GROUP Board of AIESEC in Finland proposes the composition of the selection working group to the autumn General Assembly, which decides on accepting it. Selection working group comprises of a representative for the local committees, a member of the board, representative of the member committee, the president of the committee to be chosen, and two individuals who do personnel selection professionally or have similar experience.
The member committee may, if it so wishes, select individuals to voluntary national support teams, which are the National Support Team (NST) and the National Trainers Team (NTT) as well as other national support teams that can be nominated according to the focus areas of the term. The purpose of these teams is to assist the member committee in their tasks and to educate the members. Member committee must notify the board about the people selected in national support teams.
4.5 OTHER ELECTIONS AND VOTES The association aims to make decisions unanimously. If necessary, open vote is performed, in which the chairperson and tellers count the votes. A ballot vote is performed always when: • • • •
even one participant so demands in personal election deciding on a local committee's membership level deciding on some other major issue involving one or more local committees
For a ballot vote there is always a tellers’ report done and attached to the minutes of the meeting. In all voting cases the result is written on the minutes. Votes are done based on majority vote unless otherwise decided. In case of a draw, a re-vote is performed. In case of another draw, the decision is made by lottery.
5 FINANCE POLICIES 5.1 FOLLOW-UP OF FINANCES The member committee is given the mandate to take care of the associations finances. They also have been given the rights to all bank accounts of the association. All expenses and bills, that belong to the daily operations, are always approved by two different people; the member committee president and the financial responsible/the person making the payment. In case that the payment is made to member committee president or financial responsible, another person has to approve the bill. The bills are approved with a signature. In order to follow balance sheet and cash flow there will be cash flow plan and bookkeeping is done according to accrual accounting principles. In addition, the member committee shall prepare a financial update that includes comparison between budgeted and realised income and expenses for each board meeting. Once in three months the member committee prepares a broader financial report to the board, possibly with the external bookkeeper. This broader report shall include cash flow calculations, realised income and expenses compared to planned ones, updated balance sheet and financial statement and other matters requested by the board. Member committee and the board are together responsible of tracking the finances of the association. Financial statement must be done within three months of the end of accounting period and it has to be ready to be given to the local committees at least two weeks before the autumn
General Assembly. The financial statement is audited by an external auditor. In addition the General Assembly may appoint also internal auditors, who audit the financial statement before it is handed in for external auditor. The role of internal auditing is defined in more detail in the section “internal audit”. The board presents the financial statement to the autumn General Assembly, which then decides upon its approval and granting a discharge from liability to the all accountable officials.
5.2 BUDGETING The member committee of AIESEC in Finland prepares the budget for its term under the supervision of the board. Budget follows the member committee's goals and the activities defined in the national action plan. By approving the budget the board authorises the member committee to operate within the limits set in the budget. The board presents the approval of the budget to the spring General Assembly, which confirms the budget. The budget can be re-confirmed in the summer General Assembly if needed. AIESEC in Finland’s budget is dealing only income and expenses of the member committee and national training. Separate budget must be made for national projects. This budget follows the regulations set in the chapter 6. Project Directives. Changes can be made to the budget during the term with a decision by the board. These changes in the budget must be financially significant or more than 1000,00 EUR. The member committee is authorized to make changes which are small in relation to operations without having to get the budget re-approved at the General Assembly. The board will inform the General Assembly of any significant changes in the budget. Still, in all cases when there are changes or expected changes in the budget which are altogether more than 10.000,00 EUR, new budget needs to be approved in a General Assembly. The budget needs to be prepared structurally clearly and it needs to depict the operations as well as possible. Also the possible visa expenses need to be budgeted. To ease follow-up the budget and account scheme need to be compatible. In addition, the board of AIESEC in Finland needs to be updated on the realisation of the budget, as also all project budget realisations.
5.3 MEMBERSHIP FEES The membership fee collected from member organisations must be paid to the association so that half of the fee is paid by December 31st and the other half by June 30th. The amount and calculation model for local committee’s membership fee is confirmed by the autumn General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland. The purpose of the membership fee is to cover the financial and legal obligations of AIESEC in Finland to AIESEC International and pay for services provided by member committee. Membership fee consists of AIESEC International fee, expenses to cover 1 representative for both IC and IPM during the current term, exchange fee and contributions to strategic development fund and Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund. Amount of the AIESEC International fee is determined in the Global Compendium.
Exchange fee is charged per every Exchange Participant (EP) after successful AIESEC interview according to and per every Traineeship Nominee (TN) form matched. These amounts as well as exchange participation fee are decided by General Assembly and stated in the Appendix 2: Exchange fee. Strategic development fund fee is also collected from the members as part of membership fee. The payment is directed to the national development fund the purpose of which is defined in more detail in the section 5.10. Strategic development fund. The amount to be paid is decided annually by the autumn General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland as percentage of the AIESEC International fee amount. The board of AIESEC in Finland follows the development fund’s situation and based on that presents a recommendation for the amount of development fund fee for that term. Strategic development fund is also open for voluntary donations. Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund is also collected from the members as part of the membership fee. The payment is directed to the travel cost sharing fund the purpose of which is defined in more detail in the section 5.13 Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund. The amount to be paid is decided annually by the autumn General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland in a way which is defined in further detail in the section 5. 13 Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund. Travel Cost Sharing Fund is also open for voluntary donations. Membership fee is paid as follows: st
By 31.12 = 1 half of AIESEC International fee (as approved in autumn General Assembly) + st 1 half of the contribution to strategic development fund (as approved in autumn General Assembly) + exchange fee (as local committees’ exchange results happened from 1.5 to 31.10 according to the exchange fees defined in the compendium); nd
By 30.6 = 2 half of AIESEC International fee (as approved in autumn General Assembly) + nd 2 half of the contribution to strategic development fund (as approved in autumn General Assembly) + exchange fee (as local committees’ exchange results happened from 1.11 to 30.4 according to the exchange fees defined in the compendium). The General Assembly can in case of a need also collect an additional membership fee, which can at most be twice the amount of the regular membership fee to be used for a cause determined by the meeting. When the General Assembly takes a decision of disbandment of its member in debt, its financial obligations are distributed and added to the membership fee of all the remaining full members.
5.4 FINANCIAL FOLLOW-UP OF PROJECTS Project of AIESEC in Finland is defined in part Project directives. Project management team must present a project plan and a budget in the board meeting where the decision to start the project is discussed. Follow-up of project finances is conducted by the same principles as the association’s general finance follow-up. The board follows up on the project finances based on the finance reports provided to it. The board decides on the scale and frequency of project reporting case by case. During the project, its budgeting, bookkeeping and financial administration is followed by the financial responsible of the member committee or a responsible person specially appointed by the board.
Project's financial statement must be completed within three months of the project's ending date. The board accepts the financial statement and grants discharge from liability to the project team. In case the project continues to a second fiscal year, an interim financial statement is prepared when the financial year ends. Financial documentation is provided in good order to the member committee at the end of the project and prior to granting discharge from liability. After the project management has been granted discharge from liability any possible after-care of the project is the responsibility of a person specially named by the board.
5.5 SALARY PAYMENT The member committee salary is paid monthly, as well as work-related expenses are covered. In addition member committee receives daily allowances based on common Finnish procedures on expenses. Salaries and daily allowances are budgeted in the beginning of the term. When hiring additional member committee members, the board decides salary issues case by case. Salary and daily allowance amounts and procedures need to be reviewed yearly, always when planning a new budget and there should be a check-up based on the standard of living index. Only because of a verified reason the salary won’t change if the index changes. If member committee members owe any money to AIESEC in Finland at the end of their term, this amount will be deducted from their last salary, unless otherwise agreed.
5.6 CONTRACTS BASIC PRINCIPLES AIESEC does not sign partner contracts with companies or organisations that act against AIESEC principles or in any other way cause harm to the association’s reputation and brand. Only the member committee and people authorised by the General Assembly or the board may negotiate on behalf of AIESEC in Finland. National contracts are always verified by a person who has signing rights for the association. (See more under the section member committee president) The board needs to be notified of all long term national contracts. Contract is defined as long term if it binds the parties for more than a year. Members need to inform the member committee about local partner contracts. When consummating an agreement one must make sure that it does not lessen the position of another member of AIESEC in Finland. In unclear situations the AIESEC members must try to find a solution without bringing the company into it. In unresolved cases the decision is made by the General Assembly.
NATIONAL PARTNER CONTRACTS Always when the consummating party is the member committee or a national project, the partnership is national. Only the member committee and persons authorised by the board or the General Assembly can make contracts that are binding to the member committee. National contracts are always verified by a person who has signing rights for the association. (See more under the section member committee president) If the firm changes from a local partner to a national one with the consequence that the local partnership is terminated, the member committee will compensate the local committee in question 60% of the local partnership’s value for the first contract period.
5.7 FUND-RAISING PRINCIPLES CONTACTS WITH ORGANISATIONS AND COMPANIES 1. The aim is to only have one contact person to the company. 2. All contacts to firms must be documented in the association’s electronic CRM system (Sales Management System). 3. If AIESEC in Finland (member or local Committee) is negotiating with an external party, this party is not to be contacted without approval from the negotiator. Existing negotiations can be found from the national Sales Management System. INCOME DISTRIBUTION Outsourcing the interns receiving or selection When the seller transfers responsibility of the receiving or selection of inter to another party, this service provider is compensated with 150,00 EUR for the selection and 150,00 EUR one time compensation for the receiving services. The services must fulfil the national quality criteria for international exchange programme. Local partnerships When selling a partnership for another member or for a national project an approval for the sale must always be asked from the party in question. When the contract is done for another local committee the recommended income distribution is 40% for the executing and 60% for the selling party during the first contract period. National seminars and other partnerships When the seller is a local committee, the recommended income distribution is 40% to member committee and 60% to the local committee for the first contract period. If the contract ties national resources, the income distribution needs to be negotiated separately.
5.8 PROCEDURE FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES Travel expenses are paid only if they are related to activities of AIESEC in Finland. TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR THE MEMBER COMMITTEE The member committee´s travel is reimbursed based on the cheapest mode of public transportation. If the person is entitled for student discounts only the student price will be reimbursed. When the person is using travel card only the value of the travel card payment will be reimbursed not the single ticket. However intra-city travel is only compensated to the members of the member committee if it relates to work tasks. As the travel time increases also sleeper seats or airfare can be compensated if they will not cause significantly higher expenditures. Foreign travel is compensated primarily based on the cheapest public mode of transportation. When one-way travel lasts over eight (8) hours also airfare is compensated.
TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR NATIONAL SUPPORT PERSONEL Members of the National Support Team, National Trainer´s Team and other national support persons are reimbursed for travel expenses based on the member committee´s travel expenses practices. The amount of these reimbursements is defined in the budget. The expenses outside the budget are not reimbursed. KILOMETRE ALLOWANCE Travel expenses are primarily paid based on the cheapest public mode of transport. If a car is used, its use is reimbursed at maximum based on the costs of public mode of transportation. If the car has baggage or several passengers entitled to compensation for travel expenses, the tax administration´s chart is used. If compensation based on the chart is lower than one based on public transportation prices, then the chart is used. The kilometre distance of the trip is checked using an appropriate and reliable route service. Example: Helsinki-Tampere (177 km). One-way train ticket costs 32 EUR. Two passengers: Total train fare would be 64 EUR and car expenses 81 EUR. 64 EUR is reimbursed. Four passengers: Total train fare is 128 EUR and with a car 88 EUR. 88 EUR is reimbursed. BOARD MEETING EXPENSES Domestic travel is reimbursed to members of the board or their vice-members and representatives invited by the board based on the cheapest public transportation mode. Intra-city travel is reimbursed to board members if it is related to work tasks.
5.9 OTHER EXPENSES Principally AIESEC in Finland does not reimburse any expenses that are not mentioned in this compendium or budget. The member committee may approve exceptions to this principle if it will not cause significant financial risks to the realisation of the budget.
The strategic development fund is a national fund, to which money is collected from member organisations as part of the membership fee and free-will donations. The fund is governed by the board of AIESEC in Finland which decides on granting subsidies following the principles defined in this compendium. The purpose of the fund is to function as an external reserve to the member committee budget to be used in supporting the development of AIESEC in Finland and its local committees.
The board defines focus areas for the fund in the beginning of the term to guide the fund's governing. The board may also grant support to applications that are outside the focus areas. Strategic development fund support is applied for with a separate application. The board must provide feedback and a timetable for processing the application within two weeks of the application's arrival. Examples of purposeful targets for the fund's support include: delegate fees and transportation costs for international seminars, development activities of local committees (e.g. training visits, recruiting support etc.), start-up funding for projects, or covering surprising costs (e.g. accidents, legal fees, losses). More precise focus areas for each term are defined by the board. Money coming from the development fund should be invested in commercially feasible purposes and, for example, start-up money for projects should be budgeted to be paid back from the project's future income.
ISSUING The board may issue each member of the member committee the bank and credit card of AIESEC in Finland for the duration of their term. USAGE Members of the member committee are personally responsible for the use of the bank and credit cards. The cards may only be used to pay expenses related to the operations AIESEC in Finland. Collection of receipts must be done within two weeks of incurring the cost. Unexplained payments will be collected back.
Goals of internal auditing are: 1. Ensure that the goals and focus areas of the action plan correspond with the used and budgeted resources 2. Follow-up of national resource usage 3. Ensure that AIESEC in Finland follows its constitution and compendium 4. Observe and develop national bookkeeping and financial management processes and act as an advisor to the Vice President Finance of the member committee 5. Go through and review the meeting minutes of the AIESEC in Finland board meetings and General Assemblies 6. Check the financial statement and annual report prior to auditing 7. Research and report possible risks to the board of AIESEC in Finland Internal auditors are selected by the spring General Assembly. Internal auditors are being selected to one term. According to the objectives internal auditors follow AIESEC in Finland’s operations and finances during their term and report to the board of AIESEC in Finland of all the noticed defects and abuses. Besides this the internal auditors make sure that the operations of
AIESEC in Finland are run within a legal framework. They report every third month to the board about the matters they notice. The term of internal auditors ends when the auditing of the term has been finished and the General Assembly has approved the financial statement.
The Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund is a national fund to which money is collected from member organizations as part of the membership fee and free-will donations. The purpose of the fund is to function as an external reserve to the member committee budget to be used in supporting the transportation costs of delegates of full members and members in alert to participate in AIESEC national conferences. A
The number of delegates for which the travel costs are pooled into the fund is the same for all LCs and is to be decided in the autumn General Assembly of AIESEC in Finland for all the upcoming conferences.
The amount of travel costs per each delegate to be pooled into the fund is limited to the normal student price of a round-trip train ticket from the city where the Local Committee is located to the city where the conference is being held.
The number of delegates as decided in point A will be multiplied with the amount of travel costs per delegate as decided in point B and the total amount shall be divided equally among the full member and member in alert organizations. A full member can decide to pool in the costs of delegates coming from a city where the member is having an expansion initiative (EI). In this case the sum of the number of delegates from the full member LC and the number of delegates from the expansion initiative should be the same as the number of delegates decided in point A. The full member should specify how many delegates are coming from its LC and how many delegates are coming from its EI for each conference in the autumn GA of AIESEC in Finland. A full member or member in alert organization can draw the subsidies from the fund by billing AIESEC in Finland after each national conference, latest four weeks after the date when the conference has ended. The amount of the bill should be computed as follows: Bill of LC = actual number of delegates (if lower than the number decided in point A) x actual travel cost per delegate (if lower than the travel cost limit decided in point B) Example computations to illustrate the computation principles above are explained in Appendix 3 Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund Computations. Money left in the Travel Cost Sharing fund is transferred to the Strategic Development Fund.
6 PROJECT DIRECTIVES 6.1 AIESEC IN FINLAND PROJECT AIESEC in Finland project is a project conducted within the AIESEC in Finland framework and through AIESEC in Finland financial management and bookkeeping
STARTING A PROJECT The project is initiated by the board’s decision. Project's name and responsible individuals are marked in the meeting minutes. Project plan is attached to the minutes. Project plans must include the project's goals, timetable, necessary resources, budget and financial plan based on the project plan. CHOOSING THE PROJECT GROUP Project has to have appointed responsible person, who is accountable to the board for project activities and finances. The board of AIESEC in Finland appoints the operative executives for the projects. Appointment is done through a prepared proposal or an application process. Other members of the project group are appointed by the project operative executives. DIVIDING PROJECT RESPONSIBILITIES AND MONITORING Operative responsibility is on the operative executives. The operative executives are nominated for the project in its beginning and are approved by AIESEC in Finland. The operative executives are responsible for operating under the Finnish law and AIESEC in Finland constitution. The board oversees the project's operations and finances. The board may appoint one or several of its members to monitor the project's operative executives. PROJECT FUND-RAISING AND CONTRACTS Project fund-raising is to be done in cooperation with the project management and the member committee abiding to the general AIESEC in Finland fund-raising principles. Commitments and over 5.000,00 EUR deals are verified by the member committee president or the chair of the board of AIESEC in Finland. All project agreements and commitments must be done in writing, including the ones dealing with arrangements within the association. ENDING PROJECT AND DOCUMENTATION The board decides on a deadline for the final report and financial statement. Project financial statement must be finalized within three months of the project's end date. In addition to the actual final report, bookkeeping and financial statement also all the documentation and written agreements are to be delivered to the member committee in good order after the project is finished. The project is officially ended by the AIESEC in Finland board by accepting the documentation, auditing the financial statement and granting discharge from liability to the project's operative executives.
6.2 LOCAL PROJECTS A project is seen as local when it operates within the AIESEC in Finland organisational framework and uses the AIESEC brand but does not bind AIESEC in Finland financial or other resources. Local projects must follow AIESEC principles. The board may decline a local project the right to use AIESEC brand, if it feels the project is misusing it or if it is not following the AIESEC principles.
6.3 SHARED PROJECTS WITH OTHER STAKEHOLDERS In a shared project the responsibilities of different stakeholder groups need to be defined in writing and AIESEC in Finland can, for example, take part with its monetary share and take responsibility of losses based on its share. A shared project using the AIESEC brand must follow the AIESEC principles. In case the shared project compromises AIESEC brand and reputation, AIESEC in Finland must immediately withdraw from the project and deny the right to use the AIESEC brand in the project. A board member appointed by the board of AIESEC in Finland must be involved in the committee that is governing the cooperation project.
APPENDICES Appendix 1. Member list AIESEC in Finland member list 17.1.2014. Full members In parentheses the name used in internal communication AIESEC Aalto ry AIESEC-Helsingin yliopisto ry (aka AIESEC HY) AIESEC HAAGA-HELIA ry (aka AIESEC HH) AIESEC Jyväskylä ry AIESEC-Oulu ry AIESEC Saimaa ry AIESEC Tampere ry Members in Alert Expansion members Official Expansion of AIESEC Mikkeli (since 2.11.2012) Specialized Unit AIESEC Turku (since Aug.2013) Terminated AIESEC-Jappi ry (terminated 1994) AIESEC kytku ry (terminated 2007) AIESEC Lappi (terminated 1994) AIESEC-Waasa ry (terminated 2009) Merkantila Klubben rf (aka AIESEC Turku prev. AIESEC MK, AIESEC Åbo. terminated 2012) AIESEC-SHS rf (terminated 2014)
Appendix 2. AIESEC in Finland Exchange fees The following model applies after October 22, 2014 Programme participation fee
Special Discounts
Exchange fee as part of Membership fee
Global Internship Programme Incoming (TN)
1200 € + 100 € / month
1200 € for startups
300 € / match
Global Community Development Programme Incoming (TN)
Decided by MC for national projects and LC for local projects
100 € / match
Global Internship Programme Outgoing (EP)
100 € After successful AIESEC interview + 250 after company interview
100 € / After successful AIESEC interview
Global Community Development Programme Outgoing (EP)
250 € After successful AIESEC interview
50 € / After successful AIESEC interview
Appendix 3. Local Committee Travel Cost Sharing Fund Example Computations 1. Computing costs of each conference depending on its location assuming the number of delegates for all conferences has been set to 5 delegates and the ticket prices were as shown below:
Conference organized in Helsinki Local No. of Committee delegates AALTO 5 HH 5 HY 5 JYVASKYLA 5 OULU 5 SAIMAA 5 TAMPERE 5 Total: 35
Travel cost / delegate € -‐ € -‐ € -‐ € 70.00 € 100.00 € 50.00 € 40.00
Travel cost for whole LC € -‐ € -‐ € -‐ € 350.00 € 500.00 € 250.00 € 200.00 € 1,300.00
Conference organized in Jyvaskyla Local No. of Travel cost Travel cost Committee delegates / delegate for whole LC AALTO 5 € 70.00 € 350.00 HH 5 € 70.00 € 350.00 HY 5 € 70.00 € 350.00 JYVASKYLA 5 € -‐ € -‐ OULU 5 € 80.00 € 400.00 SAIMAA 5 € 75.00 € 375.00 TAMPERE 5 € 40.00 € 200.00 Total: 35 € 2,025.00 Conference organized in Tampere Local No. of Committee delegates AALTO 5 HH 5 HY 5 JYVASKYLA 5 OULU 5 SAIMAA 5 TAMPERE 5 Total: 35
Travel cost / delegate € 40.00 € 40.00 € 40.00 € 40.00 € 90.00 € 60.00 € -‐
Travel cost for whole LC € 200.00 € 200.00 € 200.00 € 200.00 € 450.00 € 300.00 € -‐ € 1,550.00 25
Conference organized in Lappeenranta Local Committee AALTO HH HY JYVASKYLA OULU SAIMAA TAMPERE Total:
No. of delegates 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35
Travel cost / Travel cost for delegate whole LC € 50.00 € 250.00 € 50.00 € 250.00 € 50.00 € 250.00 € 75.00 € 375.00 € 115.00 € 575.00 € -‐ € -‐ € 60.00 € 300.00 € 2,000.00
2. Computing the contribution of each member and member in alert organization to the Travel Cost Sharing Fund for the whole term (all conferences):
Location Helsinki Helsinki Jyvaskyla Tampere Lappeenranta Total: Bill / LC:
Cost € 1,300.00 € 1,300.00 € 2,025.00 € 1,550.00 € 2,000.00 € 8,175.00 € 1,167.86 to be paid 50% by 30.06. and 50% by 31.12.
3. Computing the bill that each member and member in alert organization will send to AIESEC in Finland
LC AALTO / HY / HH Conference Location ACCESS Helsinki NatConf Helsinki SUCCESS Jyvaskyla INPUT Tampere UNITE Lappeenranta Bill to MC:
Cost € -‐ € -‐ € 350.00 € 200.00 € 250.00 € 800.00 to be billed latest 4 weeks after each conference ends
LC SAIMAA Conference Location ACCESS Helsinki NatConf Helsinki SUCCESS Jyvaskyla INPUT Tampere UNITE Lappeenranta Bill to MC:
Cost € 250.00 € 250.00 € 375.00 € 300.00 € -‐ € 1,175.00 to be billed latest 4 weeks after each conference ends
LC JYVASKYLA Conference Location ACCESS Helsinki NatConf Helsinki SUCCESS Jyvaskyla INPUT Tampere UNITE Lappeenranta Bill to MC:
Cost € 350.00 € 350.00 € -‐ € 200.00 € 375.00 € 1,275.00 to be billed latest 4 weeks after each conference ends
LC TAMPERE Conference Location ACCESS Helsinki NatConf Helsinki SUCCESS Jyvaskyla INPUT Tampere UNITE Lappeenranta Bill to MC:
Cost € 200.00 € 200.00 € 200.00 € -‐ € 300.00 € 900.00 to be billed latest 4 weeks after each conference ends
LC OULU Conference Location ACCESS Helsinki NatConf Helsinki SUCCESS Jyvaskyla INPUT Tampere UNITE Lappeenranta Bill to MC:
Cost € 500.00 € 500.00 € 400.00 € 450.00 € 575.00 € 2,425.00 to be billed latest 4 weeks after each conference ends