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Comprehension mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe 8th Grade rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui III TERM opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd
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ALCANCE: Este documento es válido a partir de la fecha hasta nueva aprobación del Consejo Académico.
Introduction Reading Comprehension is the ability to understand a written passage of text. It‟s answering “yes” to the question, “Did you „get‟ what you read?” Reading comprehension is what allows the reader to interact with the text in a meaningful way. It‟s the bridge from passive reading to active reading -- from letters and words to characters and contexts. Reading comprehension is the crucial link to effective reading -- a strong factor in our educational and professional lives. For many, reading comprehension also unlocks the door to a lifetime of reading recreation and enjoyment. Every part of this module provides a variety of motivating activities (key words, introduction activity, learning activities) and invites students to practice, expressing their ideas and develop their creativity about a topic of high interest. Term I
Graphic Organizers
Term II
Types of paragraphs Identifying the Topic, Main Idea, Topic Sentence, and Details
Term III
Summary Strategies
Term IV
Meaning of unknown words from context
Definition Example Synonym Description
10 weeks
Reading Comprehension
Foreign Languages
To provide the environment and tools for students to acquire English as a second language through the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) necessary to engage other cultures as a world citizen.
To understand short and simple texts, to find specific information in ads, menus, schedules, and short letters.
To summarize the important information of different types of texts.
In other words…
Summary Strategies
To apply different strategies summarize different types of texts.
Comprendo relaciones de adición, contraste, orden temporal y espacial y causa-efecto entre enunciados sencillos.
1st – 3rd 1. To discuss different week strategies to summarize.
Class discussions
2. To practice reading and discussing important 4th - 5th week information.
Reading exercises
3. To make short summaries about different types of 6th - 7th texts. week 4. Incorporate new vocabulary through spelling and definition th 8 – 10th exercises week
Final exam
OUTCOME LEVELS Superior (S) Comprende y resume la información más importante en diferentes estilos de textos aplicando estrategias de lectura.
Alto (A)
Basico (Bs)
Identifica y Identifica abstrae la diferentes estilos información de textos, pero requerida en se le dificulta diferentes estilos abstraer la de textos información más aplicando importante de estrategias un texto. lectura.
Bajo (B) Se le dificulta comprender y abstraer la información requerida sobre un texto.
Table of Content
1. Shaping Up Review Strategy……………………………38 2. Shaping Up Review Practice ……………………………40 3. Spelling and Definition List………………………………41 4. Exit Slip Strategy ……………………………………………42 5. Exit Slip Strategy Practice ……………………………43 6. Spelling and Definition Exercise………………………44 7. Four-two-One Strategy……………………………………45 8. Four-two-One Strategy Practice……………………46 9. Spelling and Definition Exercise………………………47 10.
Learning Frames Strategy ………………………48
Learning Frames Practice ………………………50
Spelling and Definition Exercise………………52
Reading and Summarizing ………………………53
Strategy 1: Shaping Up Review Purpose: To engage in synthesizing major concepts in this summary strategy. Description: Using the Shaping Up Review strategy, you will synthesize major concepts from the lesson using four different shapes. By varying the manner in which you visually summarize your learning, retention of the information learned is increased. Procedure: 1. Look at the Shaping Up Review worksheet in the next page. 2. In the upper left-hand corner, "The Heart," write one thing that you loved learning about in the lesson being reviewed. 3. In the upper right-hand corner, "The Square," write four things that you feel are important concepts from the lesson being reviewed. One concept should be placed in each corner. 4. In the lower left-hand corner, "The Triangle," write the three most important facts you learned from lesson being reviewed. One fact should go in each corner. 5. In the lower right-hand corner, "The Circle," write one, allencompassing (global- like the circle) statement that summarizes all of the important concepts and facts learned in the lesson being reviewed.
Shaping Up Review
Activity 1: Shaping up Review Practice Read the following text. Do the vocabulary exercise in the next page. And then, on a separate sheet of paper, synthesize the information of the article by using the Shaping Up Review strategy. Finally, turn it in to the teacher.
Remembering Madiba By Jonathan de Bruin
Nelson Mandela was known to many as Tata Madiba, he touched the hearts and lives of thousands of people around the world with his love, compassion and understanding towards others. Especially children and the elderly. The 11th of February 1990 saw the dawn of a new era in South African politics, as Mandela was released from prison after serving 27 years for various crimes, such as leading the struggle against apartheid. The 10th of June 1994 saw the end of the apartheid reign and the beginning of a new South Africa, one of hope, dreams, and possibilities as Nelson Mandela was elected South Africa's very first black President, winning with over ninety thousand votes. Though Mandela was President for only five years he achieved more than what was expected of him, winning numerous awards such as the noble peace prize in 1993. Sadly I never had the opportunity of meeting Mr. Mandela, but for me personally he was more than just a President, he was my hero. And a true world icon. It is because of him that I can say I am proudly South African.
Activity 2: Spelling and Definition List Write the definition of the following list of words. Make sure the definition of a word is according to the context. Study and write a sentence with each word.
1. Understanding 2. Elderly 3. Towards 4. Though 5. Dawn 6. Release 7. Struggle 8. Apartheid 9. Reign 10. Achieve
Strategy 2: Exit Slip (Also called One Sentence Summaries)
Purpose: To engage in summarizing their learning. Description: Using this strategy, you will synthesize learned information, skills, and processes by writing an Exit Slip. An Exit Slip can be a One Sentence Summary of what you learned or can be used in a variety of other ways. Other uses are: to answer a review question, to pose a question related to the topic studied, to make a short list of facts learned, to set a learning goal for the next day, etc. Procedure: 1. Prior to using the Exit Slip as a summary activity in your classroom, decide upon its purpose (including whether or not it will be used as an assessment or evaluation tool). 2. Take out a half-sheet of paper and complete the assigned Exit Slip. 3. Turn in your Exit Slips as a pass out the door.
Activity 3: Exit Slip Practice Read the following text. Do the vocabulary exercise in the next page. And then, on a separate sheet of paper, synthesize the information of the article by using the Shaping Up Review strategy. Finally, turn it in to the teacher.
You don't need money to be rich Poem By Randy Johnson
You can be rich even if you have no money. If you have a loving family and friends, your days will be sunny. Just one year ago I was rich because I had my mother. She and I were both rich because we had each other.
My cousins have loving families, that makes them rich indeed. They don't require money to be rich, love is all that they need. Some people worship the almighty dollar, I think that's pretty rash. If you have loved ones, you're rich without having a lot of cash.
Activity 4: Spelling and Definition List Write the definition of the following list of words. Make sure the definition of a word is according to the context. Study and write a sentence with each word.
1. Even if 2. Both 3. Indeed 4. Require 5. Worship 6. Almighty 7. Rash 8. Cash 9. Without 10. Pretty
Strategy 3: Four-Two-One Purpose: To engage in reflecting, evaluating, and integrating your own learning into prior knowledge. Description: Four-Two-One uses learning partners or small teams to foster in-depth reflection and integration of significant information. Procedure: 1. You will individually generate four words that capture the most important aspects of the learning experience. 2. Share, with learning partners or in small teams, their four words and compile a list of the words they have in common. From this list, determine two words that they agree capture the most important aspects. 3. Determine the 1 word or big idea that best represents the most important learning of the experience. 4. Share the various lists generated by your group in order for the whole class to make as many learning connections as possible. Hint: As a variation of this activity, you can generate phrases or sentences instead of words.
Activity 5: Four-Two-One Practice Read the following text. Do the vocabulary exercise in the next page. And then, on a separate sheet of paper, synthesize the information of the article by using the Four Two One strategy. Finally, turn it in to the teacher.
TIME OUT FOR TREATMENT Ke$ha is learning to love herself again. The singer recently revealed that she's struggling with an eating disorder. Singer-songwriter Ke$ha is stepping away from the spotlight. Friday, she made a major announcement regarding her health. According to People, she's decided to enter rehab for treatment of an eating disorder. Apparently, she's checked herself in for a month long stay. Ke$ha released an official statement: "I'm a crusader for being yourself and loving yourself, but I've found it hard to practice. I'll be unavailable for the next 30 days, seeking treatment for my eating disorder... to learn to love myself again. Exactly as I am." Ke$ha will be recovering at Timberline Knolls, a facility just outside of Chicago. It's the same institute where Demi Lovato received treatment. Timberline Knolls helps patients with various disorders related to food, mood and stress. There's also help for alcohol and drug addiction. Recently, Ke$ha has appeared slightly thinner. Most of us assumed it was from her new workout plan courtesy of trainer Kit Rich. Kit Rich told E! News all about her exercise regimen, saying, "We've been doing a lot of circuit training and incorporating Pilates exercises with weights that heighten and shape the butt. Lunges, squats, stairs and isolated glute exercises." Ke$ha also began embracing healthier foods. She became a big juicer and incorporated juices into her daily diet. Obviously, there was something else going on beneath the surface. We're just happy she's facing her problems head-on.
Source: http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1027087/singer-keha-checks-in-torehab-for-eating-disorder
Activity 6: Spelling and Definition List Write the definition of the following list of words. Make sure the definition of a word is according to the context. Study and write a sentence with each word.
1. Reveal 2. Struggle 3. Step Away 4. Spotlight 5. Announcement 6. Crusader 7. Available 8. Recover 9. Assume 10. Heighten
Strategy 4: Learning Frames Purpose: To increase comprehension by focusing your learning within a controlled context. Description: Learning frames are a sequence of spaces connected by key language elements to help you focus your learning. The purpose is threefold: 1) to provide a framework to guide your' understanding and responding; 2) to give a structured format to follow for engaging in a writing activity; 3) to help you develop independent comprehension strategies. Procedure: 1. Look at the Learning Frame in the next page. This frame, like the frame of a new house, will allow you to fill the blanks with information from what you just learned. 2. Model the Learning Frame by filling in the frame using information learned in the day's lesson. 3. Read the frame aloud. 4. Next, use a blank Learning Frame to practice. 5. Fill out your Learning Frames in a manner which reflects what you learned from the day's lesson.
Sample Learning Frame for “The Internet� Today, I learned about the internet with my class. The first thing I learned was how to type in a web address . Next, I learned how to search the internet using a search engine and key words. Then, we tried a search for "North Carolina pirates." After that, we spent some time exploring the sites we found using our keyword search . I also learned that you have to use correct spelling when typing in your key words. The next time I study about the internet, I want to learn more about using the internet as a resource! Source: Instructional Strategies for Engaging Learners Guilford County Schools TF, 2002
Activity 8: Learning Frame Practice Read the following text. Do the vocabulary exercise in the next page. And then, on a separate sheet of paper, synthesize the information of the article by using the Four Two One strategy. Finally, turn it in to the teacher.
Paul Walker Autopsy Report Reveals Fractures, Burns in Graphic Detail by Free Britney at January 3, 2014 4:16 pm.
The autopsy report conducted on the late Paul Walker reveals in detail how horribly his body was broken and burned in the crash that took his life. The actor's entire body was charred through the skin and burned so badly that none of his organs were suitable for donation, according to TMZ. Walker's body was laying flat on his back in the passenger seat in a "pugilistic stance," or a defensive position, as if he were bracing himself for impact. The 40-year-old sustained multiple fractures on his body, including his jaw, collarbone, and left upper arm, along with various ribs and pelvic fractures. The report concludes that the actor's cause of death was "combined effects of traumatic and thermal injuries" sustained from the November 30 accident. Roger Rodas, the driver and Paul's good friend who was also killed, suffered major head trauma with the top of his skull fractured and his brain exposed. No alcohol or drug traces were found in either man's system. Investigators believe both men died almost instantly, despite reports of an escape attempt. Upon impact the Porsche GT spun 180 degrees, struck a tree and nearly tore in half before exploding in flames, claiming the lives of the two men. While various hoaxes have emerged, including a new one suggesting that Paul Walker faked his death, there is no merit to any of these theories. The star passed away, and tragically so, on that day, but hopefully fast enough that he didn't feel any pain. He is, and will be missed dearly R.I.P.
Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ________
Learning Frame Topic:____________________ Today, I learned about ___________________________________ with my class. The first thing I learned was _______________________________________________. Next,_____________________________________________________________________ _________ __________________________________. Then,____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________.
After that _______________________________________________________________.
I also learned that ________________________________________________________.
The next time I study ______________________________________________, I want to
learn more about ______________________________________________.
Activity 8: Spelling and Definition List Write the definition of the following list of words. Make sure the definition of a word is according to the context. Study and write a sentence with each word.
1. Detail 2. Entire 3. Charred 4. Suitable 5. Sustain 6. Brace 7. Fake 8. Expose 9. Trace 10. Hoax
Activity 9: Reading and Summarizing Read the following article carefully.
You may use your dictionary to find the
translation of unknown words. Make use you fully understand the ideas presented in the article. The make a summary using one the strategies you have learned.
THE 7 MOST SCANDALOUS CELEBRITY TWITTER FEUDS There have been many instances of celebrity Twitter feuds blowing up before the whole world and it’s been quite interesting to see them take jabs at each other, 140 characters at a time. We all love to see our favorite celebrities express themselves on Twitter and connect with their fans, but when things get heated… that’s when twitter gets REALLY interesting! Missed out on all the drama? Don’t worry! Here are 7 most scandalous celebrity Twitter feuds.
1. ONE DIRECTION VS. THE WANTED One of the most recent celebrity Twitter feuds was between One Direction and The Wanted, who couldn't find peace in boy band land after One Direction’s Zayn Malik called Max George a 'geek' on Twitter. From that moment, things began to blow up with members of the bands taking jabs at each other’s singing ability, looks, and careers. It got so bad that the Wanted suggested a boxing match between the bands!
2. RIHANNA VS. CIARA The feud between the two singers started when Ciara thought that Rihanna blew her off at a party in 2011. In response she blasted Rihanna on TV and tweeted, "Trust me Rihanna you don’t want to see me on or off stage." Rihanna did not sit quietly and replied with, 'Good luck booking that stage you speak of". Ouch! But don’t worry the two singers had a change of heart and made up through Twitter.
3. AMANDA BYNES VS THE WORLD It seems like nobody is safe from Amanda Bynes on Twitter anymore! We all have been aware of her recent downfall accompanied by irrational tweets, racy pictures and sudden change in her appearance. It even seems like she found a new hobby of attacking people like Miley
Cyrus, Barack Obama, Rihanna and many other Hollywood stars via Twitter. Somebody needs to get through to this girl!
4. CHERYL COLE VS CHER LLOYD Despite Cheryl Cole and Cher Llyod being inseparable on The X Factor, the two are now officially at war after Cher Lloyd criticized her mentor’s singing by accusing her of relying too much on auto-tune. Cheryl Cole sent a warning tweet saying, "Be careful who you kick on your way up… They kick you twice hard on your way back down." I’ll side with Cheryl Cole on this one!
5. JUSTIN BIEBER VS PATRICK CARNEY This Twitter war started when Patrick Carney said that the rich pop singer didn't need any Grammy awards. Justin Bieber didn’t hold back and tweeted to his millions of followers, "The Black Keys drummer should be slapped around haha". As you would expect, his followers decided to defend their idol and bombarded Patrick Carney with hateful tweets!
6. KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN VS FARRAH ABRAHAM Shortly after Kourtney Kardashian announced her pregnancy with her second child, the Teen Mom star tweeted, "I´m chocked Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant again, did she not learn anything from TEEN MOM? Maybe it’s fake pregnancy like Kim´s wedding SAD" Kourtney Kardashian retaliated with "Why would I have anything to do with teen mom? I’m 32 years old! I may look young honey, but don’t get it twisted" Yikes!
7. CHRIS BROWN VS RIHANNA We all know that Chris Brown and Rihanna have an ongoing abhorrent cycle of breaking up and making up. During their last break up Chris Brown took it upon himself to tweet, "She’s not mine if she’s everybody else’s." The accusation of Rihanna’s involvement with several other men offended the singer so she tweeted, "Got a thing for King, but you are not a King!!!." Maybe it’s time to end this noxious relationship for good?
Social media seems to be the center of attention when celebrities decide to take their fights public! What do you think is the most memorable celebrity Twitter fight so far?
Remember ‌.. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body!!!