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Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Afdeling Volwassenenonderwijs

Engels Grammatica niveau 4

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Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Afdeling Volwassenenonderwijs

Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0

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Inhoud The article (het lidwoord).............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 The definite article: the (het bepaald lidwoord: de / het).................................................. 5 1.2 The indefinite article: a, an (het onbepaald lidwoord: een).............................................. 6 2 The noun (het zelfstandig naamwoord) ....................................................................................... 7 2.1 The plural (het meervoud) ............................................................................................... 7 2.2 The genitive (de genitief, de naamval voor bezit)............................................................ 9 2.3 The noun: adjectives used as nouns (adjectieven gebruikt als substantief) ................... 9 2.4 The nouns: subject-verb agreement (overeenkomst onderwerp − werkwoord) ............ 10 3 The pronoun (het voornaamwoord) ........................................................................................... 12 3.1 The personal pronoun (het persoonlijk voornaamwoord) .............................................. 12 3.2 The possessive pronoun (het bezittelijk voornaamwoord) ............................................ 13 3.3 The reflexive pronoun (het wederkerend voornaamwoord)........................................... 13 3.4 The indefinite pronoun (het onbepaald voornaamwoord).............................................. 14 3.5 The demonstrative pronoun (het aanwijzend voornaamwoord) .................................... 16 3.6 The interrogative pronoun (het vragend voornaamwoord) ............................................ 17 3.7 The relative pronoun (het betrekkelijk voornaamwoord) ............................................... 18 4 The adjective (het bijvoeglijk naamwoord)................................................................................. 19 4.1 The adjective: general use (het algemene gebruik) ...................................................... 19 4.2 The comparative degree (de vergelijkende trap)........................................................... 20 4.3 The superlative degree (de overtreffende trap) ............................................................. 21 4.4 A lot (of), much, many (veel).......................................................................................... 22 5 The adverb (het bijwoord) .......................................................................................................... 23 5.1 The adverb: general use (het algemene gebruik).......................................................... 23 5.2 Position of adverbs (de positie van bijwoorden) ............................................................ 24 6 The prepositions (de voorzetsels) .............................................................................................. 26 6.1 Basic scheme (het basisschema) .................................................................................. 26 6.2 The prepositions of TIME (de voorzetsels van tijd) ...................................................... 27 6.3 The prepositions of PLACE (de voorzetsels van plaats) ............................................... 27 6.4 The prepositions for means of transport (de voorzetsels bij transportmiddelen) .......... 28 6.5 Fixed expressions (vaste uitdrukkingen) ....................................................................... 29 7 The numbers (de getallen) ......................................................................................................... 30 7.1 The cardinal numbers (de hoofdtelwoorden) ................................................................. 30 7.2 The ordinal numbers (de rangtelwoorden) .................................................................... 31 7.3 Calculating in English (rekenen in het Engels) .............................................................. 31 8 The verb in the present tense (de tegenwoordige tijd) .............................................................. 32 8.1 The simple present ........................................................................................................ 32 8.2 The present continuous ................................................................................................. 33 8.3 The imperative (de gebiedende wijs)............................................................................. 35 8.4 The present perfect continuous ..................................................................................... 36 8.5 The simple present expressing the future ..................................................................... 36 9 The future tense (de toekomende tijd) ....................................................................................... 38 9.1 The simple future ........................................................................................................... 38 10 The past tense (de verleden tijd) ............................................................................................... 39 10.1 The simple past.............................................................................................................. 39 10.2 The present perfect........................................................................................................ 40 10.3 The past participle (het voltooid deelwoord) .................................................................. 41 10.4 The simple past or the present perfect? ........................................................................ 42 10.5 Irregular verbs in the past tenses (de onregelmatige werkwoorden) ............................ 43 10.6 The past continuous ...................................................................................................... 45 10.7 The past perfect ............................................................................................................. 46 11 The gerund (de ing-vorm) .......................................................................................................... 47 11.1 The gerund: general use (de ing-vorm: algemeen gebruik) .......................................... 47 12 The infinitives (de infinitiefvormen) ............................................................................................ 48 12.1 Bare or unmarked infinitives .......................................................................................... 48 12.2 Nominal element + bare infinitive .................................................................................. 49 1

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12.3 To infinitives or marked infinitives.................................................................................. 50 13 The affirmative sentence (de bevestigende zin) ........................................................................ 53 13.1 The affirmative sentence: basic structure (de structuur van positieve zinnen) ............. 53 14 The negation (de ontkenning) .................................................................................................... 54 14.1 The negation: basic structure (de basisstructuur van negatieve zinnen) ...................... 54 14.2 Negative sentences with 'to be' and 'to have' (negatieve zinnen met de hulpwerkwoorden 'zijn' en 'hebben') .............................................................................. 54 14.3 Negative sentences with modal auxiliaries (negatieve zinnen met de modale hulpwerkwoorden).......................................................................................................... 55 15 The question (de vraag) ............................................................................................................. 57 15.1 The question: basic structure (de zinsstructuur van vragen)......................................... 57 15.2 The question words (de vraagwoorden) ........................................................................ 58 16 The modal auxiliaries (de modale hulpwerkwoorden) ............................................................... 59 16.1 Affirmative sentence, negation and question (bevestiging, ontkenning en vraag) ........ 59 17 Question-tags (vraagconstructie na een zin) ............................................................................. 61 17.1 Question-tags with auxiliaries or modal verbs (vraagconstructie met hulpwerkwoorden).......................................................................................................... 61 17.2 Question-tags with ordinary verbs (vraagconstructie met gewone werkwoorden) ........ 62 18 Short answers (korte antwoorden) ............................................................................................. 63 18.1 Positive short answers (positieve korte antwoorden) .................................................... 63 18.2 Negative short answers (negatieve korte antwoorden) ................................................ 63 19 Causative sentences (causatieve zinnen) ................................................................................. 64 19.1 Causative verbs 'to have, 'to make' and 'to get'............................................................. 64 20 Conjunctions (voegwoorden) ..................................................................................................... 65 20.1 Conjunctions co-ordination ............................................................................................ 65 20.2 Conjunctions subordination (voegwoorden voor onderschikking) ................................ 65 21 Relative clauses (de betrekkelijke bijzinnen) ............................................................................. 67 21.1 Defining and non-defining relative clauses .................................................................... 67 22 Conditional clauses (de voorwaardelijke bijzinnen) ................................................................... 68 22.1 Conditionals ................................................................................................................... 68 23 Pronunciation (uitspraak) ........................................................................................................... 70 23.1 The phonetic alphabet (het fonetisch alfabet) ............................................................... 70 23.2 Differences in stress (klemtoonverschillen) ................................................................... 71

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The article

(het lidwoord)

1.1 The definite article: the

(het bepaald lidwoord: de / het)

In English there is only one word for both de and het, namely the. Masculine Feminine Neutral

Singular the the the

Plural the the the

For example: the restaurant – the airport – the bistros –

het restaurant het vliegveld de bistro's

Note: a.

The is used before names of musical instruments, but NOT before names of sports. For example: to play the guitar, to play the piano, ... (gitaar spelen, piano spelen, ...) BUT to play tennis, to play football, … (tennis spelen, voetbal spelen, ...)


Don't use the before names of meals, except to talk about a particular meal. For example: Breakfast is at seven. (Het ontbijt is om zeven uur.) BUT The breakfast we had this morning was wonderful! (Het ontbijt dat we deze morgen kregen, was heerlijk!)


Don't use the before names of seasons, except to talk about a particular season. For example: In summer it's always hot. (In de zomer is het altijd warm.) BUT The summer of 1999 was rather cold. (In de zomer van 1999 was het vrij koud.)

d. Don't use the before abstract nouns such as love, nature, death, life, ... For example: Life is short. (Het leven is kort.)

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1.2 The indefinite article: a, an Masculine Feminine Neutral Before a vowel (a-, e-, i-, o-, u-)

Singular a a a an egg

(het onbepaald lidwoord: een) Plural -

Example a biscuit biscuits

– –

een koekje koekjes

an egg eggs

– –

een ei eieren

Note: a. A(n) can be used in expressions of speed, time and price (instead of per). For example: Twenty miles an hour (per hour). Twintig mijl per uur. Three days a week. Drie dagen per week. Once a month. Een maal per maand. It costs ten pounds a day (per day). Het kost tien pond per dag. b.

A(n) is used before names of professions but NOT before the name of a person. For example: I am a doctor. Ik ben dokter. I am Florence. Ik ben Florence. BUT I am Doctor Florence. Ik ben dokter Florence.

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The noun

2.1 The plural 2.1.1 car

2.1.2 bus boss wish church tax

2.1.3 tomato

2.1.4 penny country

2.1.5 leaf

2.1.6 child foot goose man mouse tooth woman person


(het zelfstandig naamwoord) (het meervoud)

Regular plurals: + S -






bussen bazen wensen kerken belastingen




pennies landen

Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x: + ES -

busses bosses wishes churches taxes

bus baas wens kerk belasting

Nouns ending in a consonant + -o: + ES -



Nouns ending in a consonant + -y: + IES -

pennies countries

penny land

Nouns ending in -f or -fe change the -f(e) into -VES -





kind voet gans man muis tand vrouw mens/persoon


kinderen voeten ganzen mannen muizen tanden vrouwen mensen

Irregular plurals -

children feet geese men mice teeth women people

No plural (= uncountable) + See note 1 for extra information

Many kinds of food: bread tea cheese jam soup Many kinds of materials: cotton soap snow water wood

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Vele soorten voeding: brood thee kaas jam soep Vele soorten materialen: katoen zeep sneeuw water hout

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Many abstract nouns: advice information knowledge news


Vele abstracte woorden: advies informatie kennis nieuws

Always plural

clothes jeans trousers shorts police stairs goods


kledingstuk jeans broek short politie trap goed


kleren jeans broeken shorts politie trappen goederen

Nouns with the same form in singular and plural + See note 2 for extra information

fish salmon deer sheep


fish salmon deer sheep

vis zalm hert schaap


vissen zalmen herten schapen

Note 1: Uncountable nouns (tea, chocolate, bread...) have no plural. They can be made countable by adding one of the following constructions: Food: a bar a cup a loaf a plate a slice a jar

one bar of chocolate two cups of tea three loaves of bread four plates of soup five slices of cheese six jars of jam

Materials: a bale a bar a bottle a pile a kind Abstract nouns: a piece a bit a part a chunk

Voeding: een reep een kopje een bord een snee een pot

één reep chocolade twee kopjes thee drie broden vier borden soep vijf sneetjes kaas zes potten jam

one bale of cotton several bars of soap many bottles of water numerous piles of wood four different kinds of snow

Materialen: een baal een stuk een fles een stapel een soort

één baal katoen verschillende stukken zeep veel flessen water talrijke stapels hout vier verschillende soorten sneeuw

a piece of advice all the bits of information parts of knowledge chunks of news

Abstracte substantieven: een stukje een advies een beetje lett: al de beetjes informatie een deel delen van kennis een brok brokken nieuws

The group of uncountables denoting objects which consist of two equal parts can be made countable by adding: 'a pair of'. For example: one pair of glasses, two pairs of spectacles, three pairs of trousers, etc.

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Note 2: The plural of 'fish' can actually be either 'fish' or 'fishes'. 'Fish' refers to one species of fish or to caught fish, whereas 'fishes' is used for live fish of several species. Accordingly, if you are talking about two salmon, you say 'two fish', but if you are talking about a salmon and a trout, you say 'two fishes'.

2.2 The genitive

(de genitief, de naamval voor bezit)

1. For nouns add + 'S For example: 1 sister: My sister's room is painted blue.

De kamer van mijn zus is blauw geschilderd.

2. For nouns ending in -s add + ' For example: 2 or more sisters: My sisters' room is painted blue.

De kamer van mijn zussen is blauw geschilderd.

3. For proper nouns (eigennamen) ending in an s-sound add + 'S For example: I have two of Dickens's books. Ik heb twee boeken van Dickens. Note: In English there is also a construction called the double genitive = of + a genitive For example: a. indefinite article + noun + of + a genitive Tony is a friend of mine. (NOT * 'of me') A poem of his was published recently. (NOT * 'of him')

Tony is een vriend van mij. Een gedicht van hem is net verschenen.

b. demonstrative pronoun + noun + of + a genitive That dog of the neighbour's is dangerous. That dog of the neighbours' is dangerous.

Die hond van de buurman is gevaarlijk. Die hond van de buren is gevaarlijk.

2.3 The noun: adjectives used as nouns

(adjectieven gebruikt als substantief)

1. Adjectives used as nouns refer to a specific quality shared by a group of people. For example: the rich de rijken the poor de armen the young de jongeren the unemployed de werklozen the wise de wijzen

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2. To use an adjective that refers to a human characteristic as a noun, add 'the' to the adjective. For example: The rich should help the poor. De rijken moeten de armen helpen. 'The good, the bad and the ugly' is a famous movie. 'De goeden, de slechten en de lelijkaards' is een bekende film. Note: Adjectives indicating a nationality can be used as a noun to refer to: a.

a person of that country (singular) or a group of persons of that country (plural): For example: A Mexican (man) – two Mexicans (Mexican men) A Japanese (woman) – two Japanese (women)


the whole nation (with or without plural 's' depending on the country): For example: without 's': the French, the Swiss, the English,... with 's': the Greeks, the Russians, the Belgians,...


the language of the country (singular - NO article): For example: Do you speak English? – No, but I speak French fluently.

Remember: Adjectives or nouns referring to nationalities have capital letters in English.

2.4 The nouns: subject-verb agreement

(overeenkomst onderwerp − werkwoord)

− Some collective nouns can only be used with plural verbs. These are: cattle, folk, gentry (lagere adel), people, police, royalty, vermin (ongedierte), clergy (geestelijkheid) and laity (leken). Be careful: in Dutch we usually use a singular verb! For example: The cattle are in the meadow. Some folk have all the luck. The police are looking for the burglar. These vermin in the kitchen are really annoying. − Some adjectives used as nouns which denote a collectivity can only be used with plural verbs. For example: The rich get everything. The sick were left to themselves. The young will get a better life. − Some plural nouns (in form) can only be used with a singular verb. For example: Some names of diseases: Measles ( mazelen) is a children's disease. Mumps ( de bof) is dangerous for pregnant women. Some names of games: Billiards is quite difficult. Darts goes back to the Middle Ages.

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Dominoes is played in many countries. Draughts (dammen) is usually played with black and white draught pieces. Names of disciplines ending in -ics: Athletics includes running, jumping, throwing etc. Economics wasn't part of our curriculum. Gymnastics is a beautiful sport. Mathematics is taught to all children. Politics influences a lot of people. ... Some towns or literary works: Brussels is the capital city of Belgium. Flanders is situated in the north of Belgium. The Canterbury Tales is a famous English book. The Times is an important British newspaper. ... − Many words denoting a group of people can be used with a singular or a plural verb. But there is a difference in meaning: when you use a singular verb, you refer to the group as a whole. When you use a plural verb, you refer to the individuals (several people) which form the group. For example: My family is everything to me. My family are always fighting among themselves. The group has split. The group have decided to go on. The personnel went on strike (in staking). (= De personeelsleden...) Personnel has lost my details (= De personeelsdienst heeft...)

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The pronoun

(het voornaamwoord)

3.1 The personal pronoun 3.1.1

As subject

I You He/she/it You We You They


(het persoonlijk voornaamwoord)

(Als onderwerp) go home. go home. goes home. go home. go home. go home. go home.

As direct object

Ik Jij Hij/zij/het U Wij Jullie Zij

(Als lijdend voorwerp)

(someone / something) Paul knows


(iemand / iets)

me. you. him/her/it. us. you. them.

As indirect object

Paul kent

He always buys

mij. jou. hem/haar/het. ons. jullie/u. hen.

(Als meewerkend voorwerp)

(to / for someone) Brian often gives

ga naar huis. gaat naar huis. gaat naar huis. gaat naar huis. gaan naar huis. gaan naar huis. gaan naar huis.

(aan / voor iemand) me you him/her/it us


Brian geeft

a drink.

Hij koopt

you them Brian gives the flowers to He buys a drink for

Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0

mij jou hem/haar ons jullie hen

me. you. him/her/it. us. you. them.

Brian geeft de bloemen aan Hij koopt een drankje voor

vaak bloemen. altijd een drankje.

mij. jou. hem/haar. ons. jullie. hen.

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3.2 The possessive pronoun This house is

mine. yours. his. hers. its.

(het bezittelijk voornaamwoord) Dit huis is van

ours. yours. theirs.

mij. jou. hem. haar. hem/haar. ons. jullie. hen.

Note: Possession can also be expressed with adjectives ( = possessive determiners). This is

my your his her its


Dit is

our your their

3.3 The reflexive pronoun I You You He/she We You


mijn jouw zijn haar zijn/haar


ons, onze jullie, uw hun

(het wederkerend voornaamwoord)

myself a jacket. yourself yourself himself/herself ourselves yourselves

Ik heb Jij hebt U heeft Hij/zij heeft Wij hebben Jullie hebben

mij je zich zich ons je

een jas


Note: a.

There is a difference between each other and themselves. For example: They have hurt themselves. = Ze hebben zich pijn gedaan. They have hurt each other. = Ze hebben elkaar pijn gedaan.


Not all verbs that are reflexive in Dutch are reflexive in English. For example:

to be mistaken <-> zich vergissen

Sorry, I was mistaken!

Sorry, ik heb me vergist!

to change <-> zich omkleden

I've still got to get changed.

Ik moet me nog omkleden.

to get dressed <-> zich (aan)kleden

I have to get dressed.

Ik moet me aankleden.

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to remember <-> zich herinneren

Now, I remember!

Nu herinner ik het me!

to shave <-> zich scheren

I shave every day.

Ik scheer me elke dag.

to wash <-> zich wassen

Have you washed?

Heb je je gewassen?

to worry <-> zich zorgen maken

We worry about you.

We maken ons zorgen over jou.

3.4 The indefinite pronoun

(het onbepaald voornaamwoord)

Indefinite pronouns refer to people and things in a more vague way. They can be used to avoid repetition. (gebruikt voor algemene verwijzingen en om herhaling te vermijden). The following indefinite pronouns are often used:


All, each

They are all coming. Each of us agrees.


Ze komen allemaal. Elk van ons gaat akkoord.

A lot, much, many

We go to the seaside a lot. I don't need much. How many are there?

Wij ga vaak naar de zee. Ik heb niet veel nodig. Hoeveel zijn er?

Note: a. Much and many are possible in + sentences after: too, as, so, very For example: I ate too much yesterday! Ik heb gisteren te veel gegeten. He hasn't spent as much as you. Hij heeft niet zoveel uitgegeven als jij. She worries so much that she can’t sleep Zij is zo bezorgd dat ze niet kan slapen. I like the holidays very much! Ik hou veel van vakantie. b. Much and many are also often used as adjectives, in combination with a noun. For example: I saw many friends yesterday! Ik heb gisteren veel vrienden gezien.


Plenty of

There’s plenty of snow!

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Er is meer dan genoeg (voldoende) sneeuw!

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Some, any

The forms some and any are used when a precise quantity is unknown. Can I get some? Kan ik een beetje krijgen? Did you buy any? No, there weren't any left. Heb je er gekocht? Neen, er waren er geen meer.



We are both coming!


Other, another

I prefer this wine to the other (one). Have another (one)! I know you like it.


Ik heb deze wijn liever dan die andere. Neem er nog een! Ik weet dat je het lekker vindt.


Do you want a copy? Yes, I want one.


We komen allebei!

Wil je een kopie? Ja, ik wil er een.

A little, a few

A little is used to indicate an uncountable quantity I don't have much time, I only have a little. Ik heb niet veel tijd, ik heb maar een beetje (tijd). A few is used to indicate a countable quantity Please, have a few more! Alsjeblieft, neem er nog wat!


Either, neither

I'm sorry, I can't help you either. Will you have tea or coffee? Neither, thanks.


Het spijt me, ik kan u ook niet helpen. Wil je thee of koffie? Geen van beide, dank u.

None (of)

Did you see any of them? No, none at all. I want none of your excuses!

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Heb je iemand van hen gezien? Nee, geen ĂŠĂŠn. Ik wil niets horen van je verontschuldigingen!

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3.5 The demonstrative pronoun

(het aanwijzend voornaamwoord)

Demonstrative pronouns like this, that, those and these are used to point out things.


This is used when the thing or person is close to the speaker.

For example: Here, this is what I was looking for!


That is used when the thing or person is further away from the speaker.

For example: There, that is what I was looking for!


Daar, dat is waar ik naar aan het zoeken was!

These is the plural of 'this'.

For example: No, you can't have these.


Hier, dit is waar ik naar aan het zoeken was!

Neen, je kunt deze niet hebben.

Those is the plural of 'that'.

For example: No, you can't have those.

Neen, je kunt die niet hebben.

Note: Adjectives (demonstrative determiners) can also be used to point out things. For example: I live here in this street. I live in that house over there.

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Ik woon hier in deze straat. Ik woon in dat huis daar.

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3.6 The interrogative pronoun 3.6.1


For example: What's that? What do you do?


Welke is van u? Welke van deze verkiest u?


For example: Who is there? Who asked that?


Wat is dat? Wat doet u?


For example: Which is yours? Which of these do you prefer?


(het vragend voornaamwoord)

Wie is daar? Wie heeft dat gevraagd?


For example: Whose is that letter?

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Van wie is die brief?

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3.7 The relative pronoun 3.7.1

(het betrekkelijk voornaamwoord)


Relative pronouns – refer to a word or phrase in the main clause (antecedent). – join two clauses together, namely the main clause and the defining or non-defining relative clause. (see the grammar scheme on relative clauses)



The following tables give an overview of which form you should use in which context:



Subject who

which that

DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Object Possessive who(m) whose that which that

of which whose


NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Subject Object Possessive , who… , , whom… , , whose… ,


, which… ,

, which… ,

,of which… , , whose… ,

Preposition for whom whom… for that… for ∅… for for which which… for that… for ∅… for

Preposition , for whom… , , whom… for, , for which… , , which… for,

Note: ∅ = a symbol that indicates that you do not have to write a relative pronoun there. For example: That's the man who won the race. = person, subject: He won it. She was a lady whom people really adored. = person, object: They really adored her. Our dog, which is still a puppy, escaped. = thing, subject: He (She) is still a puppy. The book that I've just read was a good one. = thing, object: I have just read it. The man, whose car was stolen, was very angry. = person, possessive: His car was stolen. That's a politician for whom I will never vote. = person, preposition: I will never vote for him. This is a jewel that people would kill for. = thing, preposition: They would kill for it. This is a jewel people would kill for. = thing, preposition, no relative pronoun: They would kill for it. red = subject (onderwerp) underlined = direct object (lijdend voorwerp)

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The adjective

(het bijvoeglijk naamwoord)

4.1 The adjective: general use

(het algemene gebruik)

In English adjectives have only one form. The position of adjectives in English sentences: - in front of a noun. - after verbs like to be, to seem, to look, to taste. For example: a happy boy the boy is happy

een blije jongen de jongen is blij

Note: a. Some adjectives are formed by adding -y to a noun. For example: wind → windy rain → rainy

wind regen

→ winderig → regenachtig

b. Adjectives are written with a capital letter when they refer to a nationality. For example: Belgian chips

Belgische frietjes

c. Use (not) as + adjective + as to compare two things or persons. For example: This tree is as old as that one. This tree is not as old as that one.

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Deze boom is even oud als die daar. Deze boom is niet zo oud als die daar.

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4.2 The comparative degree 4.2.1

(de vergelijkende trap)

General rule to form the comparative degree: ADJECTIVE + ER

For example: old → older


nice → nicer happy → happier

mooi → mooier gelukkig → gelukkiger

Some adjectives double the final consonant:

For example: big → bigger hot → hotter


→ ouder

If the adjective ends in -e or -y:

-e → only add +r -y → final -y becomes -i



That table is bigger. This plate is hotter.

Die tafel is groter. Dit bord is heter.

Adjectives of two syllables ending in -ful, -re or -ed and adjectives of three or more syllables: MORE + ADJECTIVE (+ than...)

For example Be more careful when driving! His job is more important (than yours)!

Wees voorzichtiger wanneer je rijdt! Zijn werk is belangrijker (dan het jouwe)!

Note: a.


There are some exceptions: - better good - worse bad - less little - more much - more many

- beter - slechter - minder - meer (ontelbaar) - meer (telbaar)

Use old, elder, eldest for comparison within a family. For example: my elder brother


goed slecht weinig veel veel

mijn oudere broer

Use less... than to make a comparison expressing the opposite of more. (minder dan) For example: That present is less expensive than this one.

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Dat cadeau is minder duur dan dit hier.

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4.3 The superlative degree 4.3.1

(de overtreffende trap)

General rule to form the superlative degree: ADJECTIVE + EST

For example: old → oldest



If the adjective ends in -e or -y:

-e → add +st -y → the -y changes to -i


nice → nicest happy → happiest

mooi → mooist(e) gelukkig → gelukkigst(e)

Some adjectives double the final consonant:

For example: big → biggest hot → hottest


→ oudst(e)

That's the biggest car. This is the hottest summer of all.

Dat is de grootste auto. Deze zomer is de warmste van al.

Adjectives of two syllables ending in -ful, -re or -ed and adjectives of three or more syllables: MOST + ADJECTIVE

For example: You're the most careful driver. This job is the most important (one)!

Je bent de voorzichtigste chauffeur. Dit werk is het belangrijkste (werk)!

Note: a. There are some exceptions: - worst bad - best good - least little - most much - most many - last / latest late

slecht goed weinig veel veel laat

- slechtst - best - minst - meest (ontelbaar) - meest (telbaar) - laatste

For example: my last and final decision the latest news

mijn laatste en finale beslissing het laatste (meest recente) nieuws

b. Use old, elder, eldest for comparison within a family: For example: my eldest brother

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mijn oudste broer

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4.4 A lot (of), much, many 4.4.1


A lot (of): before plural countable and uncountable nouns in + sentences.

For example: There are a lot of people today! We need a lot of tickets.


Much: before plural uncountable nouns in - sentences and questions.

For example: We haven't got much work today. Is there much cake left?


Er zijn veel mensen vandaag! We hebben veel tickets nodig.

We hebben niet zoveel werk vandaag. Is er veel cake over?

Many: before plural countable nouns in - sentences and questions.

For example: There aren't many volunteers. How many people are there?

Er zijn niet veel vrijwilligers. Hoeveel mensen zijn er?

Note: a. Countable nouns = nouns that can be counted; they have a plural form. For example: one car - two cars - many cars one house - two houses - many houses

één auto, twee auto's, meerdere auto's één huis, twee huizen, meerdere huizen

b. Uncountable nouns = nouns that cannot be counted; they are always singular. For example: Many kinds of food: bread, cheese, soup, tea Many kinds of materials: snow, wood, water, soap Many abstract nouns: news, information, advice

brood, kaas, soep, thee sneeuw, hout, water, zeep nieuws, informatie, advies

c. Much and many are possible in + sentences after: too, as, so, very. For example: I ate too much cake yesterday! I haven't got as much free time as you. He has so many books in his library! The actress gets very many letters.

Ik heb gisteren te veel cake gegeten! Ik heb niet zoveel vrijetijd als jij. Hij heeft zoveel boeken in zijn bibliotheek! The actrice ontvangt heel veel brieven.

d. Much and many are also often used as pronouns. For example: I don't need much. How many did you get?

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Ik heb niet veel nodig. Hoeveel heb je er gekregen?

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The adverb

(het bijwoord)

5.1 The adverb: general use 5.1.1

(het algemene gebruik)

An adverb is used:

- with a verb: This flower grows slowly. - with an adjective: This music is really good. - with another adverb: This man sings incredibly well.


General rule: word + ly = adverb

For example: soft → rapid →


Deze bloem groeit traag. Deze muziek is echt goed. Deze man zingt ongelooflijk goed.

softly rapidly

zacht snel

Additional changes in spelling if the word ends in:

-y vowel+ -l -le -able -ible -e

→ → → → → →

the -y changes to -i the -l is doubled the -le changes to -ly the -e is dropped the -e is dropped the -e is retained except:

happy final simple capable sensible extreme

→ → → → → →

happily finally simply capably sensibly extremely

gelukkig ten slotte eenvoudig in staat bewust extreem

true due whole

→ → →

truly duly wholly

waarlijk,echt behoorlijk, stipt compleet

Note: There are some exceptions: a. Adjective: good → adverb: well b. Words that don't change when used as adjectives or as adverbs: For example: daily, weekly, early, fast, hard, near, far, low, much, straight She's a fast runner. (adjective) Zij is een snelle loper. She runs fast. (adverb) Zij loopt snel. c. Words that get a different meaning when used as adverbs: For example: hard <> hardly He works hard. He hardly works.

(adjective) (adverb)

hard <> nauwelijks Hij werkt hard. Hij werkt weinig.

late <> lately It’s too late to visit him. Have you visited him lately?

(adjective) (adverb)

laat <> onlangs Het is te laat om hem te bezoeken. Heb je hem onlangs bezocht?

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5.2 Position of adverbs 5.2.1 


(de positie van bijwoorden)

Adverbs answering the question: How often? For example: I seldom phone my friends, but I often write them emails and they answer me regularly. (Ik bel mijn vrienden zelden, maar ik schrijf hen vaak e-mails en ze antwoorden me regelmatig.)

Adverbs answering the question: How? For example: Ze beantwoordde de vraag snel. She answered the question quickly. She quickly answered the question. Quickly she answered the question.


Adverbs answering the question: When? For example: Gisteren zag ik haar niet, maar ik zal haar morgen zien. I didn’t see her yesterday, but I will see her tomorrow. I didn’t see her yesterday, but tomorrow I will see her. Yesterday I didn’t see her, but I will see her tomorrow.


Adverbs answering the question: Where? are placed at the end of the sentence. For example: The box is here.


De doos staat hier.

Also is placed before the verb. Too is placed at the end of the sentence when it means ook BUT before the adjective when it means te. For example: Brian Jones also lives in Littleton. He has a cat and a dog too. Those animals make too much noise.


Brian Jones woont ook in Littleton. Hij heeft een kat en ook een hond. Die dieren maken teveel lawaai.

Either is placed at the end of a negative sentence. Neither is placed at the beginning of a negative sentence. (+ inversion: verb + subject). For example: I haven’t got one either. Neither do I.

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Ik heb er ook geen. Ik ook niet.

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Enough is placed before or after the word it describes. For example: Is the bath water hot enough? Do you have enough soap?


Fairly, quite and rather are placed before the word they describe. They have a similar meaning, but a varying degree of strength: rather is stronger than quite and quite is stronger than fairly For example: That’s a fairly good price. It’s quite expensive. That’s a rather cheap product.


Is het badwater warm genoeg? Heb je genoeg zeep?

Dat is een redelijk goede prijs. Het is vrij duur. Dat is een eerder goedkoop product.

Yet is used at the end of questions and in negative sentences. For example: Haven’t you heard the news yet? No, I haven’t heard it yet. No, I still haven’t heard the news. Yes, I have already heard it.

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Heb je het nieuws nog niet gehoord? Neen, ik heb het nog niet gehoord. Neen, ik heb het nog steeds niet gehoord. Jawel, ik heb het al gehoord.

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The prepositions

6.1 Basic scheme aan aan de andere kant van aan de overzijde achter als behalve beneden bij binnen boven buiten dankzij dicht bij door gedurende gezien in jegens langs met na naar naast nabij om om te ondanks onder op over per sedert sinds tegen tegenover ten opzichte van terwijl tijdens tot tussen uit van vanwege vanaf via volgens voor voorbij wegens zonder

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(de voorzetsels) (het basisschema) to to the other side of across behind if, as except under, beneath, below at in, into up, above out of, outside thanks to close to, by, near through, because of during given, considering, in view of in, inside towards, to, for along with after to, towards next to near to, around, round (=om de hoek) to in spite of under, below, underneath, among on over by, per since, for since, for against, by, towards, for opposite, in front of compared to while during till, until between out, out of from because of from, since via, through according for, in front of, before past because, because of without

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6.2 The prepositions of TIME

(de voorzetsels van tijd)

1. An exact time: AT At 12 o'clock I have lunch.

Ik lunch om 12 uur 's middags.

2. A certain day: ON On Sundays I watch television.

Op zondag kijk ik televisie.

3. A certain period: IN In summer they go to the seaside.

In de zomer gaan ze naar de zee.

4. Not later than: BY By next week you'll hear from us.

Tegen volgende week hoor je van ons.

5. Earlier than: BEFORE We will arrive before dinner.

We zullen voor het avondeten aankomen.

6. Later than: AFTER She doesn't go out after midnight.

Ze gaat niet buiten na middernacht.

7. Starting at a certain point in time: SINCE He has been here since lunch.

Hij is hier sinds het middagmaal.

8. During a period of time: FOR They have lived here for years.

Ze hebben hier jaren gewoond.

9. In the past, measured from the present: AGO I met her two months ago.

Ik heb haar twee maand geleden ontmoet.

6.3 The prepositions of PLACE

(de voorzetsels van plaats)

1. FROM -TO I moved from a village to a town.

Ik verhuisde van een dorp naar een stad.

2. AT Let's arrange to meet at the restaurant.

Laten we afspreken aan het restaurant.

3. IN a country, a town or a village. We live in Belgium.

We wonen in BelgiĂŤ.

4. TO He will drive you to the airport.

Hij zal jullie naar de luchthaven brengen.

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6.4 The prepositions for means of transport Usually: BY We go

BUT: ON We go

(de voorzetsels bij


by by by by by by

plane. boat. train. car. underground. bus.

Wij gaan

met het met de met de met de met de met de

vliegtuig. boot. trein. auto. metro. bus.

on on

foot. horseback.

Wij gaan

te te

voet. paard.

Note: a. IN, INTO or OUT OF a car, a taxi. For example: Get into the car, we're leaving. Get out of the taxi at the station.

Stap in de auto, we vertrekken. Stap uit de taxi aan het station.

b. ON, ONTO or OFF a bus, a train, a plane. For example: We got onto the train in Brussels and we got off in London.

We zijn op de trein gestapt in Brussel en we zijn uitgestapt in Londen.

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6.5 Fixed expressions

(vaste uitdrukkingen)

1. AT I'm good at tennis. Look at her! They live at no 37, Lakeside Road.

Ik ben goed in tennis. Kijk naar haar! Ze wonen op nr. 37 in de Oeverstraat.

2. BY I broke it by accident.

Ik heb het per ongeluk gebroken.

3. FOR This flat is for rent. Paul is too late for work.

Dit huis is te huur. Paul is te laat voor het werk

4. IN Are you interested in English books? He's in doubt about his decision. She will call in advance. Make sure you're in time for the plane! I'm in a hurry.

Ben je ge誰nteresseerd in Engelse boeken? Hij twijfelt aan zijn beslissing. Ze zal op voorhand bellen. Zorg dat je op tijd bent voor het vliegtuig! Ik ben gehaast.

5. OF We're tired of the noise. Relax, we've got plenty of time. I'm fond of my cat.

We zijn het geluid beu. Wees gerust, we hebben nog veel tijd. Ik ben erg gehecht aan mijn kat.

6. ON Florence is on call this weekend.

Florence is van wacht dit weekend.

7. TO Let's count from 1 to 10. That dog only listens to his master.

Laten we van 1 tot 10 tellen. Die hond luistert enkel naar zijn baasje.

8. WITH Are you still with me? His mother is angry with him. The children are bored with this game.

Ben je nog mee? (Kan je volgen?) Zijn moeder is boos op hem. De kinderen zijn dit spel beu.

Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and another word or phrase, often a preposition. This combination creates a new meaning, which can be very different from the original meaning of the verb. (Woordgroepen die als werkwoord dienst doen, bestaan uit een werkwoord en een ander woord of woordgroep, vaak een voorzetsel. Deze combinatie kan een heel andere betekenis hebben dan die van het oorspronkelijke werkwoord.) A complete list is to be found at: or use a search engine and type: Phrasal Verbs.

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The numbers

(de getallen)

7.1 The cardinal numbers

(de hoofdtelwoorden)


From 0 till 100

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

o, nought, zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine

30 31 32

thirty thirty-one thirty-two

60 61 62

sixty sixty-one sixty-two

90 91 92

ninety ninety-one ninety-two

40 41 42

forty forty-one forty-two

70 71 72

seventy seventy-one seventy-two

50 51 52

fifty fifty-one fifty-two

80 81 82

eighty eighty-one eighty-two


Above 100

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

one hundred, a hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred

101 105 110

one/a hundred and one one/a hundred and five one/a hundred and ten

236 568 897

two hundred and thirty-six five hundred and sixty-eight eight hundred and ninety-seven

1,000 1,526 5,000

one thousand, a thousand one thousand five hundred and twenty-six five thousand

10,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000

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ten thousand one million one billion

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7.2 The ordinal numbers 7.2.1

First, second, third,...

1st 2nd 3rd


(de rangtelwoorden)

first second third

20th 30th 40th

twentieth thirtieth fortieth

50th 60th 70th

fiftieth sixtieth seventieth

80th 90th

eightieth ninetieth

The general rule for ordinal numbers = cardinal numbers + th For example: 4th fourth 7th seventh 10th tenth 1,000th thousandth

Note: a. There are some exceptions: For example: five fifth twelve twelfth eight eighth nine ninth b. Only the last digit changes when a cardinal number becomes an ordinal number: For example: 101st one hundred and first 16,756th sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-sixth 20,231st twenty thousand two hundred and thirty-first c. Combinations with four (4): always with ou, except in forty (40) en fortieth (40th).

7.3 Calculating in English

(rekenen in het Engels)


Four plus four is eight. Four and four is eight.

an addition

– een optelling

15 – 5 = 10

Fifteen minus five is ten. Fifteen less five is ten. Fifteen take away five is ten.

a subtraction

– een aftrekking

3 x 4 = 12

Three times four is twelve. Three multiplied by four is twelve.

a multiplication – een vermenigvuldiging

20 : 2 = 10

Twenty divided by two is ten.

a division

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– een deling

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The verb in the present tense

(de tegenwoordige tijd)

8.1 The simple present 8.1.1

General use

- to express a habit, a repeated action or an unchanging situation. - to express a general truth. - to give directions or instructions. For example: They watch TV every Sunday evening. The sun shines often in summer. You take the first street on the right.

Ze kijken elke zondagavond naar TV. De zon schijnt vaak in de zomer. Je neemt de eerste straat rechtsaf.

Note: Use the present continuous (to be + verb + ing) to express actions happening NOW. For example: I'm going to the supermarket.


Ik ga naar de supermarkt.


I, you, we, they + infinitive (without to) he/she/it + infinitive (without to) +s I You He/she/it We You They

to play play play plays play play play


Ik Jij Hij/zij/het Wij Jullie Zij

spelen speel speelt speelt spelen spelen spelen


Note: a. Use do / does / did (not) + infinitive (without to) to make negative or interrogative sentences. For example: We don't visit them very often. We bezoeken hen niet zo vaak. Does he write to you every week? Schrijft hij je elke week? b. Some irregular verbs: to have I have You have He/she/it has We have You have They have

Ik Jij/u Hij/zij Wij Jullie Zij

Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0

hebben heb hebt heeft hebben hebben hebben

I You He/she/it We You They

to be am are is are are are

Ik Jij/u Hij/zij Wij Jullie Zij

zijn ben bent is zijn zijn zijn

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I You He/she/it We You They

to do do do does do do do

Ik Jij/u Hij/zij Wij Jullie Zij

doen doe doet doet doen doen doen

I You He/she/it We You They

to go go go goes go go go

Ik Jij/u Hij/zij Wij Jullie Zij

gaan ga gaat gaat gaan gaan gaan

I You He/she/it We You They

can can can can can can can

Ik Jij/u Hij/zij Wij Jullie Zij

kunnen kan kunt kan kunnen kunnen kunnen

I You He/she/it We You They

must must must must must must must

Ik Jij/u Hij/zij Wij Jullie Zij

moeten moet moet moet moeten moeten moeten

8.2 The present continuous 8.2.1

General use

- To describe an action that is going on at this moment or during a period of time. - To describe a more exceptional action or situation. (in contrast with habits). - To express movement and arrangements planned for the future. For example: He's reading the newspaper at the moment. Are you going home at six today? (exceptionally)


Hij is momenteel de krant aan het lezen. Ga je vandaag om zes uur naar huis?


The present continuous = the present form of to be + the present participle of the verb. The present participle = verb + -ing. For example: am I are You is He/she/it are We are You are They

studying working sending talking playing going

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English. too hard. a message. to you. the piano. on a holiday.

Ik ben Engels aan het studeren. Je bent te hard aan het werken. Hij is een bericht aan het sturen. We zijn tegen jou aan het spreken. Jullie zijn piano aan het spelen. Zij gaan op vakantie.

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Note: a. Some extra rules to form the present participle: Verbs ending in a silent -E: the -E is dropped to come → Are you coming?

Kom je? (ben aan het komen)

Verbs ending in -IE: the -IE becomes -Y to lie → The cat is lying in the grass.

De kat ligt in het gras. (is aan het liggen)

Verbs ending in a short vowel + a consonant and the stress on the last syllable: the consonant is doubled Het begint! (is aan het beginnen.) to begin → It is beginning! Verbs ending in -L: the -L is doubled to travel → We are travelling to Scotland.

Verbs ending in -IC: -C is followed by -K to picnic → They are picnicking along the canal.

We reizen naar Schotland. (zijn aan het reizen)

Ze picknicken langs het kanaal. (zijn aan het picknicken)

b. The following verbs are not used in the continuous tenses: Verbs of the senses : feel, hear, see, smell, but also notice and observe. Verbs expressing feelings and emotions : like, hate, love, prefer, want, hope, wish, ... But: when the verbs are used as deliberate actions, they can be put into continuous tenses. For example: see can mean 'visit' or 'meet by appointment' I am seeing London right now and it's fantastic! Ik bezoek net London en het is geweldig. I am seeing my sister today. Ik heb afgesproken met mijn zus vandaag. Verbs of mental activity: think (= having an opinion), understand, know, believe, mean, doubt, remember, suppose, imagine, realise, recognise, forget, interest Verbs of possession: belong, owe, possess. The auxiliaries (except be and have in certain cases).

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8.3 The imperative

(de gebiedende wijs)

1. The imperative is used to give orders, instructions or warnings. The form is very simple: the infinitive of the verb without to. For example: Go and get a doctor! Mind the step!

Ga een dokter halen! Pas op voor het trapje!

2. To form a negative imperative add do not / don't. For example: Do not touch it! Don't forget to post that letter!

Niet aanraken! Vergeet niet die brief te posten!

3. To make an order sound more polite: - use do before the imperative; - use please at the beginning or the end of the sentence; - add will you at the end of the sentence. For example: Do sit down, Sir. Sign here, please. Close the door, will you! 4.

Gaat u zitten, meneer. Hier even tekenen, alstublieft. Sluit the deur, alstublieft.

The imperative of to have can be used to formulate an invitation or an offer: For example: Have another drink! Have a seat!

Neem nog een drankje! Zet je gerust neer!

Note: a. Let... can be used to formulate an instruction. For example: Let him come in. Let her go home.

Laat hem binnen komen. Laat haar naar huis gaan.

b. Let us ... or Let's ... can be used to formulate an offer or suggestion. For example: Let's go for a walk.

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Laten we gaan wandelen.

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8.4 The present perfect continuous 8.4.1

General use

To describe an action that began in the past and is still going on or has been finished a short time ago. It emphasises the duration of the action. For example: He has been reading the newspaper for two hours.


Hij heeft twee uur lang de krant gelezen.


The present perfect continuous = the present perfect of to be + present participle present perfect of to be = have / has been present participle = verb + -ing For example: I You

have have

been been

singing trying





all morning. to get home all evening. all night peacefully.





since eleven o'clock.





for four hours now!





too hard lately.

Ik heb de hele morgen gezongen. Jij hebt de hele avond geprobeerd thuis te geraken. Hij/zij/het heeft de hele nacht vredig geslapen. We zijn sinds elf uur aan het dansen. Jullie zijn al vier uur aan het spelen! Ze hebben de laatste tijd te hard gewerkt.

Note: Have a look at the present continuous tense grammar scheme − for some extra rules on the present participle, − for a list of verbs that are normally not used in continuous tenses.

8.5 The simple present expressing the future 8.5.1

General use

− The simple present is sometimes used to express a planned future action which is an expected certainty. For example: I go home tomorrow. What time does the train arrive? − The simple present is used in subordinate clauses to talk about the future, after conjunctions of time and condition (as soon as, when, if, unless, until, before, etc). For example: I shall/will come as soon as I can. We shall/will keep our promise unless something unexpected happens.

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See simple present

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The future tense

(de toekomende tijd)

9.1 The simple future 9.1.1

General use The simple future is used to talk about the future, to predict something in the future. For example: One day, I'll build a house on this spot.

Ooit bouw ik een huis op deze plaats.

Note: a. The simple future is used with I or we to express a decision. For example: I'll drive you home.

Ik zal je wel naar huis brengen.

b. The simple future is used with you to invite somebody. For example: Will you dance with me?


Wil je met mij dansen?

Form: will (or the contracted form of 'll) + infinitive without to

For example: 'll ↓ 'll I 'll You 'll He/she/it 'll We 'll You 'll They

verb ↓ call get arrive write receive do

you. a nice present. soon. her a postcard. an invitation. their best.

Ik zal jou opbellen. Je zal een fijn cadeau krijgen. Hij zal binnenkort arriveren. We zullen haar een postkaartje schrijven. Jullie zullen een uitnodiging krijgen. Ze zullen hun best doen.

Note: a. The negative form of the simple future is won't. For example: I won't call you.

Ik zal je niet opbellen.

b. Shall is used instead of will to offer or suggest something. For example: Shall I get your coat? Shall we meet at eight o'clock?

Zal ik uw jas halen? Zullen we afspreken om acht uur?

c. The present continuous (to be + -ing-form) can also be used to express plans for the future. For example: When are you going on holiday? I'm leaving on Sunday.

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Wanneer ga je op vakantie? Ik vertrek op zondag.

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The past tense


The simple past


(de verleden tijd)

General use: The simple past is used for completed actions in the past.

For example: We worked hard yesterday. He visited us last week. Did you learn English last year?

We werkten hard gisteren. Hij bezocht ons vorige week Leerde jij Engels vorig jaar?

Note: The simple past is also used to talk about a past habit. For example: They never travelled by train. He always smiled at us.


Zij reisden nooit met de trein. Hij glimlachte altijd naar ons.


The simple past in affirmative sentences = infinitive without to + ED For example: invited I posted You

all my friends. the invitations.

Ik nodigde al mijn vrienden uit. Jij postte de uitnodigingen.

The simple past in negative or interrogative sentences = DID (NOT) + infinitive without to For example: didn't invite I Did you post

my friend. the invitations?

Ik heb mijn vriend niet uitgenodigd. Postte jij de uitnodigingen.

Note: Some extra rules to form the simple past: a. If the verb ends in: - e or ie → + d: - a, e, i, o, u + L → the -L is doubled -y → the -y changes to -i - ic → +ked:

smoke travel try picnic

=> smoked => travelled => tried => picnicked

b. Short verbs ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + a consonant (b, c, p, t, …) double this consonant. to stop => stopped c. Check the list of irregular verbs for the exceptions to these rules.

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10.2 10.2.1

The present perfect General use

- an action that started in the past and continues in the present or that is recently completed. - an action that was repeated in a period between the past and now. - the result of an action in the past. For example: to have ↓ have I have You has He/she/it have We have You have They


(just) ↓ (just) (just) (just) (just) (just) (just)

verb+ -ed ↓ arrived. recieved parked answered asked walked

an email. the car. the phone. a question. home.

Ik ben (net) aangekomen. Je hebt (net) een e-mail ontvangen. Hij heeft (net) de auto geparkeerd. Wij hebben (net) de telefoon beantwoord. Jullie hebben (net) een vraag gesteld. Zij zijn (net) naar huis gewandeld.


The present perfect Past participle

= HAS / HAVE + past participle = verb + ED

For example: to work → I have worked.

Ik heb gewerkt.

Note: Some extra rules to form the past participle: a. If the verb ends in: - e or ie - a, e, i, o, u + L -y - ic

→ + d: → the -L is doubled → the -y changes to -i → +ked:

smoke travel try picnic

=> smoked => travelled => tried => picnicked

b. Short verbs ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + a consonant (b, c, p, t, …) double this consonant. to stop => stopped c. Check the list of irregular verbs for the exceptions to these rules.

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The past participle

(het voltooid deelwoord)

General rule: verb + ed For example: to work → I have worked.

Ik heb gewerkt.

Note: Some extra rules to form the past participle: a. If the verb ends in: - e or ie → + d: - a, e, i, o, u + L → the -L is doubled -y → the -y changes to -i - ic → +ked:

smoke travel try picnic

=> smoked => travelled => tried => picnicked

b. Short verbs ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + a consonant (b, c, p, t, …) double this consonant. to stop => stopped c. Check the list of irregular verbs for the exceptions to these rules.

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The simple past or the present perfect?

simple past

present perfect

To talk about an action in the past

To talk about an action in the past

1. when the time is given.

- when the time is NOT given.

For example: You saw him yesterday. (Jij hebt hem gisteren gezien.) 2. hat happened some time ago in sentences with words such as: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last summer, ten years ago...

For example: I haven't seen him. (Ik hem hem niet gezien.) - that has only just finished but still has an actual or implied connection with the present with words such as: just, ever, never, yet, already, lately, recently,...

For example: I invited them three days ago. (Ik nodigde hem drie dagen geleden uit.)

For example: I have just phoned him. (Ik heb hem net gebeld.)

Last summer we were in France. (Vorige zomer waren we in Frankrijk.)

I have never been to New-Zealand. (Ik ben nog nooit in Nieuw Zeeland geweest.)

3. when the period of time is mentioned and is completed.

- when the period of time is mentioned and is still continuing.

For example: At 3 p.m.: I had three cups of tea this morning. (I don't drink tea in the afternoon) (Ik dronk 3 kopjes vanmorgen.)

For example: At 10 a.m.: I have had three cups of tea this morning. (So far, but there'll be more) (Ik heb (al) 3 kopjes gedronken vanmorgen.)

He worked here for two years. (but doesn't anymore) (Hij werkte hier twee jaar lang.)

He has worked here for two years. (and still does) (Hij heeft hier (al) twee jaar lang gewerkt.)

Note: Some examples of indications of time that ask for the present perfect: Just expresses a recently completed action. We have just landed in Paris.

We zijn net geland in Parijs.

Ever expresses an indefinite time in questions. Have you ever travelled to New Zealand?

Ben je ooit al naar Nieuw-Zeeland gereisd?

Never means: at no time up to now. I have never learned Italian.

Ik heb (tot nu toe) nooit Italiaans geleerd.

Lately / recently: a period of time that has only just finished or that is still going on. I have been very busy lately. Ik heb het erg druk gehad de laatste tijd. I have been ill recently. Ik ben onlangs ziek geweest.

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Yet is used to talk about things we expect to happen. Have you watched that programme yet?

Heb je al naar dat programma gekeken?

Already is used to talk about things that happened earlier than expected. Unbelievable! They have already arrived! Ongelofelijk! Ze zijn al aangekomen!


Irregular verbs in the past tenses

(de onregelmatige werkwoorden)


simple past

past participle


to awake to be to begin to break to bring to build to burn to buy can to choose to come to cost to cut to do to draw to drink to drive to eat to fall to feed to feel to find to fly to forbid to freeze to get to give to go to grow to hang to have to hear to hit to hold to hurt to keep to know to lay to lead to leave to lend to let to lie (liggen) to lie (liegen) to light

awoke was / were began broke brought built burnt / burned bought could chose came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt found flew forbade froze got gave went grew hung had heard hit held hurt kept knew laid led left lent let lay lied lit / lighted

awoken been begun broken brought built burnt / burned bought chosen come cost cut done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt found flown forbidden frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hit held hurt kept known laid led left lent let lain lied lit / lighted

wakker worden zijn beginnen breken brengen bouwen verbranden kopen kunnen kiezen komen kosten snijden doen trekken, tekenen drinken rijden eten vallen voeden (zich) voelen vinden vliegen verbieden bevriezen krijgen geven gaan groeien hangen hebben horen slaan houden pijn doen houden weten leggen leiden vertrekken lenen laten liggen liegen verlichten

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to lose to make may to mean to meet must to overtake to pay to put to read to rent to ride to ring to rise to run to say to see to sell to send to set to shake shall to shine to show to shut to sing to sink to sit to sleep to slide to smell to speak to spend to spill to split to spread to stand to steal to stick to sting to strike to swear to sweep to swell to swim to take to teach to tear to tell to think to throw to understand to wake to wear will to win to write

lost made might meant met had to overtook paid put read rent rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent set shook shone showed shut sang sank sat slept slid smelt spoke spent spilt / spilled split spread stood stole stuck stung struck swore swept swelled swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote

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lost made meant met overtaken paid put read rent ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent set shaken shone shown shut sung sunk sat slept slid smelt spoken spent spilt / spilled split spread stood stolen stuck stung struck sworn swept swollen / swelled swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written

verliezen maken mogen menen ontmoeten moeten inhalen, overvallen betalen zetten lezen huren rijden bellen opstaan rennen zeggen zien verkopen zenden zetten schudden zullen, moeten schijnen tonen sluiten zingen zinken zitten slapen glijden ruiken spreken uitgeven morsen splitsen spreiden staan stelen steken steken slaan zweren vegen zwellen zwemmen nemen onderwijzen scheuren zeggen denken gooien verstaan waken dragen willen, zullen winnen schrijven

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10.6 10.6.1

The past continuous General use

- To describe an action that was going on continuously in the past. (If another action suddenly takes place in this continuum, this verb will be in the simple past). - To describe two actions taking place and continuing at the same time in the past, for example with 'while'. - To express a feeling of irritation. The past continuous is then used with 'always' to express a frequently repeated action in the past. - To ask a question in a more polite or indirect way. For example: He was reading the newspaper when she called. She was talking while I was listening to the radio. He was always asking questions. I was wondering whether you could bring me home?


Hij was de krant aan het lezen toen zij belde. Ze was aan het praten terwijl ik naar de radio aan het luisteren was. Hij was altijd maar vragen aan het stellen. Ik vroeg me af of jij me misschien naar huis zou kunnen brengen?


The past continuous = the simple past of to be + present participle. The present participle = verb + -ing. For example: was I were You was He/she/it

studying working sending

English. too hard. a message.




to you.

You They

were were

playing listening

the piano. to the radio.

Ik was Engels aan het studeren. Je was te hard aan het werken. Hij/zij/het was een bericht aan het sturen. We waren tegen jou aan het spreken. Jullie waren piano aan het spelen. Zij waren naar de radio aan het luisteren.

Note: Have a look at the present continuous tense grammar scheme - for some extra rules on the present participle, - for a list of verbs that are normally not used in continuous tenses.

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The past perfect


General use

To describe an action in the past that happened before another action in the past. For example: to have I You He/she It We You They


had had had had had had had

adverb (optional) not yet just already already already

verb+ -ed arrived received parked stopped answered asked walked

when it started to rain. the email when he called. when he saw the parking-lot attendant. raining when they went out. the phone before she entered the room. questions before I began to speak. home before the sun rose in the east.


The past perfect Past participle For example: to work

= HAD + past participle = verb + ED I had worked.

Ik had gewerkt.

Note: Some extra rules to form the past participle: a. If the verb ends in: - e or ie - a, e, i, o, u + L -y - ic

+ d: the -L is doubled the -y changes to -i + ked:

smoke travel try picnic

=> smoked => travelled => tried => picnicked

b. Verbs ending in a stressed, single vowel (klinker) + a consonant (medeklinker): double the consonant to stop => stopped to occur => occurred BUT: to weaken => weakened (the stress is on the first syllable: to WEAken) to look => looked (two vowels) to save => saved (verb does not end in a consonant)

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The gerund


The gerund: general use


(de ing-vorm) (de ing-vorm: algemeen gebruik)

The general rule to form a gerund = infinitive without to + -ing.

For example: As subject: Walking on the lawn is forbidden. As object: I like singing in the rain.


Op het gazon lopen is verboden. Ik hou van zingen in de regen.

The gerund is also used in short prohibitions with No:

For example: No parking! No drinking!

Verboden te parkeren! Verboden te drinken!

Note: Some extra rules to form the gerund: a. Verbs ending in a silent -E: the -E is dropped to come → Coming home is always nice

Thuiskomen is altijd leuk.

b. Verbs ending in -IE: the -IE becomes -Y to lie → Lying in the sun is her hobby.

In de zon liggen is haar hobby.

c. Verbs ending in a short vowel + a consonant and where the stress is on the last syllable: the consonant is doubled Zwemmen is gezond! to swim → Swimming is healthy! d. Verbs ending in -L: the -L is doubled to travel → I enjoy travelling abroad.

Ik geniet van reizen naar het buitenland.

e. Verbs ending in -IC: -C is followed by -K to picnic → Picnicking in the park is forbidden.

Picknicken in het park is verboden.

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The infinitives


Bare or unmarked infinitives


(de infinitiefvormen)

General use and examples

- The bare infinitive is used - with modal verbs: shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, - in negative and interrogative sentences with dare and need and - with the auxiliary do. For example: You should see that film. He daren't touch it. Need I come right now? I don't want to pay for it. Note: Negative and interrogative sentences with need or dare can be regular (need / dare + to + infinitive) or irregular (need / dare + bare infinitive): For example: He daren't touch it. He doesn't dare to touch it. Need I come right now? Do I need to come right now?

(irregular: dare + bare infinitive) (regular: dare + to infinitive) (irregular: need + bare infinitive) (regular: need + to infinitive)

- The bare infinitive is also used - with would rather, would sooner and had better. For example: Are we staying? - No, I would rather go now. Blijven we? - Nee, ik zou nu liever doorgaan. Would you like to live here? - Never. I would sooner live in the city than in this village. Zou je hier graag wonen? - Nooit. Ik zou liever in de stad dan in dit dorp wonen. I think we'd better go home now. - Yes, most people have already left. Ik denk dat we nu beter naar huis zouden gaan. - Ja, de meeste mensen zijn doorgegaan. - And finally, the bare infinitive can be used - with help and a few expressions with let and make. For example: They have asked whether they could help organise the festival. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! - Yes, we shouldn't let it slip away. Let go of the dog! He'll drag you over the street! Let's make believe it's wonderful. There isn't much food in the fridge; we'll have to make do with what is left.



The bare infinitive = infinitive without to

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Nominal element + bare infinitive


General use and examples

- The nominal element + bare infinitive can be used - with the following verbs of perception: feel, hear, see, watch, notice, observe, perceive. For example: I felt the sun shine on my face. I saw a bird eat a cherry. I watched the bee climb into the flower. Note: You can also use the present participle instead of a bare infinitive. Then you say something about the action in progress and not about the whole action. I saw a bird eat a cherry. : the action (eat) is completed, i.e. the bird ate the cherry. I saw a bird eating a cherry. : the action is in progress, i.e. the bird was eating the cherry. - The nominal element + bare infinitive is also used with some verbs - expressing causation (make, have), - expressing experience (have, have known) - expressing permission (let, won't have, can't have). For example: The mother made the children go to bed early. They got / caused the mother to read a story. I have this happen to me also! (also: ...happening to me) I've known the children call me back if I forgot about it. They won't even let us leave. And the children won't have the babysitter do it! . - The nominal element + bare infinitive can also be used with help. - I'll help you get ready. - She helps me do the shopping.



The nominal element + bare infinitive Note: - The nominal element = a personal pronoun (me, you, him...), a demonstrative pronoun (this, that) or a noun (the children) functioning as an object. - The bare infinitive = infinitive without to

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To infinitives or marked infinitives


General use

- To infinitives can be the subject of a sentence. For example: To say such a thing would be lying. It would be stupid to read the end of the story first. Indeed, that's a strange thing to do. - To infinitives can be nominal predicate (= naamwoordelijk gezegde). For example: What I like most about being in nature is to live at my own pace. - To infinitives can be the object of a verb For example: I don't know how he manages to get free tickets every time. He asks me to accompany him whenever he wins. A list of verbs that can take a to infinitive as an object: agree aim appear arrange ask attempt (also + gerund) bear (also + gerund) beg begin (also + gerund) bother (also + gerund) care cease (also + gerund) choose claim come condescend consent continue (also + gerund) decide demand desire deserve determine disdain (also + gerund)

elect endeavour expect fail fear (also + gerund) forget (also + gerund) go on (also + gerund) guarantee happen hate (also + gerund) hesitate hope intend (also + gerund) learn like (also + gerund) long love (also + gerund) manage mean (also + gerund) offer omit (also + gerund) plan (also + gerund) prefer (also + gerund) prepare presume

pretend proceed profess promise propose (also + gerund) reckon refuse regret (also + gerund) remember (also+ gerund) request resolve seek seem start (also + gerund) swear tend threaten trouble try (also + gerund) undertake (beloven) venture volunteer vow want wish

(also + gerund): these verbs also take the gerund, but they get a different meaning. (See 2. Differences in meaning) For example: INF + to : He chose to ask me to accompany him. INF + To or GERUND + TO without difference in meaning (see also further) He started to go to the cinema when he was little. He started going to the cinema when he was little.

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INF + To or GERUND + TO with difference in meaning (see also further) He would love to see this film. (= particular occasion: this particular film) He loves seeing films. (= general) - The to infinitives are also used in combination with the following auxiliaries: to be to have

ought used

to dare to need

For example: We have to be there before 8 o'clock. We used to go to the cinema on Wednesdays. - To infinitives can be the adjunct to an adjective (which expresses a feeling or a state of mind). For example: They were glad to see us. - To infinitives can be adverbial adjuncts expressing purpose or result, sometimes even reason. For example: He listens to the radio from morning till evening to participate in all the quizzes. - The to infinitive is used after only to express disappointment. For example: He hurried to the shop only to find it closed. (He went there and was disappointed because it was already closed.) - The infinitive can be used after the first, the second, the last... For example: We were the first to taste the new flavour. - The infinitive after too: too + adjective/adverb + to infinitive For example: The soup is still too hot to eat. It is too soon (for me) to decide. - The infinitive after enough: adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive For example: This pot is large enough to cook spaghetti in it. The child behaves well enough to take it to a restaurant. - The infinitive after so... as: so + adjective + as + to infinitive For example: She was so naive as to believe everything he told her. (Ze was zo na誰ef dat ze alles geloofde wat hij zei.) - To infinitives are also used with how/what/when/where/which: verb + how/... + to inf (+ noun) For example: We discovered how to open oysters (oesters). - To infinitives are also used with whether: whether + to infinitive For example: We were wondering whether to chew (bijten) it or not. - To infinitives ar only used with to dread in combination with 'to think'. Otherwise 'to dread' is used with a gerund. For example: She dreads to think about what would happen to her. She dreads telling him the truth.

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Differences in meaning Verbs

+ to infinitive

+ gerund

To like, to love, to hate, to prefer...

a particular occasion

in general

To allow, to advise, to forbid, to permit, to recommend, to require

with a personal object

without personal object

To forget, to remember, to regret

future (or present) reference

past reference

To go on

"proceed-did next"


To mean

"intend to"

"result in"

To stop

"stopped in order to�


To try

"make an effort�


To consider


"thinking about"

To dread

only in 'to dread to think'

in other combinations

For example: I would like to go there. (= some day) I like going there. (= always) I can't allow you to smoke in a nonsmoker area. I can't allow smoking in a nonsmoking area. Did you remember to lock the door? (= future (in the past)) They fondly remember going to Brighton. (= past) First he showed some pictures and then he went on to talk. He didn't show any pictures, he just went on talking. I didn't mean to make her cry. If you take that job, it will mean getting home late every night. The tourists stopped to look at some wild animals. The tourists stopped looking for wild animals. (i.e. they ceased) I tried to stop smoking but I failed. Why don't you try stopping with the help of some medicine? He is considered to be a good doctor. (= people's opinion about him) He has considered going to the doctor. (= he has thought about it)

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The affirmative sentence

(de bevestigende zin)


The affirmative sentence: basic structure

(de structuur van positieve zinnen)

= subject + verb / verbal phrase + additional sentence parts ((in)direct object, complement,...) For example: shouts. He It is raining. live in London. I I am reading a book. You have listened to the radio.

Hij roept. Het is aan het regenen. Ik woon in Londen. Ik ben een boek aan het lezen. Je hebt naar de radio geluisterd.

Note: Adverbs and adverb phrases are sometimes used in the beginning, middle or end of the sentence. For example: Last week it rained a lot. He often visits us. I was still at home. We also watch television.

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Vorige week regende het veel. Hij bezoekt ons vaak. Ik was nog steeds thuis. Wij kijken ook naar de televisie.

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The negation

(de ontkenning)

14.1 The negation: basic structure I live in London.

(de basisstructuur van negatieve zinnen) Ik woon in Londen.

To make this sentence negative, add do, does of did + not in between subject and verb. I don’t (do not) live in London. He doesn’t (does not) have a job. We didn’t (did not) visit her.


Ik woon niet in Londen. Hij heeft geen werk. We zijn niet bij haar op bezoek geweest.

Negative sentences with 'to be' and 'to have' (negatieve zinnen met de hulpwerkwoorden 'zijn' en 'hebben')

To be and to have are auxiliaries (hulpwerkwoorden). They help to form the present continuous and present perfect tenses. For example: I am reading a book You have listened to the radio.

Ik ben een boek aan het lezen. Je hebt naar de radio geluisterd.

To formulate negative sentences, use the negative form of the auxiliary (= + not / -n't). For example: I am not reading. You haven't (have not) listened.

Ik ben niet aan het lezen. Je hebt niet geluisterd.

Note: The verb to have can be used as a main verb in the simple present or simple past. In this case the sentence is made negative with the auxiliary to do + not / -n't. For example: I have a cold. I don't have a cold. I had a bath every day. I didn't have a bath every day.

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Ik heb een verkoudheid. Ik heb geen verkoudheid. Ik nam elke dag een bad. Ik nam niet elke dag een bad.

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Negative sentences with modal auxiliaries

(negatieve zinnen met de modale hulpwerkwoorden)

The following verbs are modal auxiliaries - NO s in the 3rd person singular; - NO auxiliary do in negative sentences (and in questions). 1. can / could For example: I can't drive a bus.

kunnen Ik kan niet met een bus rijden.

2. dare For example: You daren't drive a bus.

durven Jij durft niet met een bus rijden.

3. may / might For example: He may not come.

mogen, mogelijk zijn Het is mogelijk dat hij niet komt.

4. must For example: She mustn't be here.

moeten Ze moet hier niet zijn.

5. need For example: We needn't worry.

nodig zijn, nodig hebben Het is niet nodig ons zorgen te maken.

6. ought to For example: They oughtn't to wait too long.

moeten (iemands mening) Ze mogen niet te lang wachten.

7. shall / should For example: You shouldn't hurry.

zullen, moeten Je zou je niet moeten haasten.

8. will / would For example: I won't tell him.

willen, zullen Ik zal het hem niet vertellen.

Note: a. May doesn't have a contracted form. Always use may not. b. Need can also be used as an 'ordinary' verb and then it takes don't, doesn't, didn't. For example: I need new glasses. Ik heb een nieuwe bril nodig. I don't need new glasses. Ik heb geen nieuwe bril nodig.

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c. Negative sentences with nobody / anybody Nobody has come. Niemand is gekomen. Use anybody if the sentence is already made negative with verb + not. Ik zie niemand. I don't see anybody. (= I do not see anybody.) d. Negative sentences with nothing Nothing will stop us. Niets zal ons stoppen. Use anything if the sentence is already made negative with verb + not. I haven't done anything! (= I have not done anything!) Ik heb niets gedaan! e. Negative sentences with never We never organise trips.

Wij organiseren nooit uitstappen.

f. Negative sentences with no... more There are no more. Er zijn er geen meer. Use anymore if the sentence is already made negative with verb + not. Aren’t you having anymore? Eet je nog wat? It's not hurting anymore. Het doet geen pijn meer. I'm not coming anymore. Ik kom niet meer.

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The question

(de vraag)


The question: basic structure

You come home at six o’clock. -

Je komt thuis om zes uur.

To form a question add do, does or did to the beginning of an affirmative sentence: For example: Do you come home at six o’clock? Does he play the guitar? Did they ask anything?


(de zinsstructuur van vragen)

Kom jij thuis om zes uur? Speelt hij gitaar? Hebben zij iets gevraagd?

Except when the verb in the sentence is a modal verb from the following list: can, could kunnen may, might mogen, mogelijk zijn must moeten shall, should zullen, moeten will, would willen, zullen ought to moeten (volgens iemand anders) need moeten (nodig zijn, nodig hebben) dare durven then don't use do, but put the verb before the subject. (inversion) For example: Can you speak French? Could we ask a question? Must I leave now? Should we tell her? Will they be there in time? Would you mind? Need I worry? Dare you go out alone?

Kun jij Frans spreken? Zouden we een vraag kunnen stellen? Moet ik nu weggaan? Zouden we het haar moeten vertellen? Zullen zij er op tijd zijn? Zouden jullie het erg vinden? Moet ik me zorgen maken? Durf jij alleen uitgaan?

Note: a. To need can also be used as an 'ordinary' verb and then it takes do, does, did. Do I need new glasses? Heb ik een nieuwe bril nodig? Do we need a passport? Hebben we een paspoort nodig? b. To dare can also be used as an 'ordinary' verb in combination with an infinitive (with or without to) and then it takes do, does, did. Do you dare to say hello to her? Durf jij haar goedendag te zeggen?

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The question words

Who? What? Which? Which one? Why? How? Where? How much? When?

Wie? Wat? Welk? (De)welke? Waarom? Hoe? Waar(heen)? Hoeveel? Wanneer?

Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0

(de vraagwoorden) Who is the eldest? What did you buy? Which shop sells bread? Which one do you prefer? Why can’t you stay? How do you do? Where do you live? How much time do we have? When do you leave?

Wie is de oudste? Wat heb je gekocht? Welke winkel verkoopt brood? (De)welke verkies / wenst u? Waarom kan je niet blijven? Hoe gaat het met u? Waar woon je? Hoeveel tijd hebben we? Wanneer vertrekt u?

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The modal auxiliaries

(de modale hulpwerkwoorden)


Affirmative sentence, negation and question

(bevestiging, ontkenning en vraag)

The following verbs are modal auxiliaries - NO s in the 3rd person singular; - NO auxiliary do in negative sentences or in questions. 1. can / could For example: I can speak English. I can't drive a bus. Can you ask it?

kunnen Ik kan Engels spreken. Ik kan niet met een bus rijden. Kan je het vragen?

2. dare For example: You dare speak English. You daren't drive a bus. Dare we ask it?

durven Jij durft Engels spreken. Jij durft niet met een bus rijden. Durven we het vragen?

3. may / might For example: He may have a ticket. He may not come. May I?

mogen, mogelijk zijn Mogelijk heeft hij een ticket. Het is mogelijk dat hij niet komt. Mag ik?

4. must For example: She must go now. She mustn't be here. Must they ask it?

moeten Ze moet nu gaan. Ze moet hier niet zijn. Moeten zij het vragen?

5. need For example: We need a dictionary. We needn't worry. Need I ask it?

nodig zijn, nodig hebben We hebben een woordenboek nodig. Het is niet nodig ons zorgen te maken. Is het nodig dat ik het vraag?

6. ought to For example: They ought to call the emergencies. They oughtn't to wait too long. Ought she ask it?

moeten (iemands mening) Ze moeten de hulpdiensten bellen. Ze mogen niet te lang wachten. Vind je dat zij het moet vragen?

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7. shall / should For example: You should ask her. You shouldn't hurry. Shall we go?

zullen, moeten Je zou het haar moeten vragen. Je zou je niet moeten haasten. Zullen we gaan?

8. will / would For example: I will show you. I won't tell him. Would he care?

willen, zullen Ik zal het je tonen. Ik zal het hem niet vertellen. Zou hij het zich aantrekken?

Note: a. May doesn't have a contracted form. Always use may not. b. Need can also be used as an 'ordinary' verb and then it takes don't, doesn't, didn't. For example: I need new glasses. Ik heb een nieuwe bril nodig. I don't need new glasses. Ik heb geen nieuwe bril nodig. Do you need new glasses? Heb je een nieuwe bril nodig?

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(vraagconstructie na een zin)


Question-tags with auxiliaries or modal verbs

(vraagconstructie met hulpwerkwoorden)

A question-tag is a short question at the end of a sentence to ask for confirmation (bevestiging). General rule: Repeat the auxiliary or modal verb (+ NOT) + the subject of the sentence. Note: a. Only if the sentence is affirmative, add NOT to the question-tag. b. There will be repeated as 'subject' in the question tag, if the sentence begins with there. c. For affirmative tag questions in the first person singular, you can use aren't I (contracted form) or am I not (full form) in the question tag: For example:


↓ I am old enough,


You can visit him, There were a lot of people, He has called us, We shall be famous, You will come to my party,

↓ aren't I? am I not? can't you? weren't there? hasn't he? shan't we? won't you?

Jij kan hem bezoeken, niet? Er waren veel mensen, niet? Hij heeft ons gebeld, is het niet? We zullen beroemd worden hé? Jullie komen toch naar mijn feestje, niet?

↓ I'm not old enough, You couldn't help it, She hadn't informed us about it, We shouldn't tell them, You wouldn't be pleased, They oughtn't be so rude,

↓ am I? could you? had she? should we? would you? ought they?

Ik ben niet oud genoeg, is het niet? Jij kon er niks aan doen, is het niet? Zij had ons niet verwittigd geloof ik. We zouden hen toch niet moeten vertellen? Jullie zouden er niet blij mee zijn, niet? Ze zouden niet zo brutaal mogen zijn, niet?


Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0


Ik ben oud genoeg, is het niet?

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Question-tags with ordinary verbs

(vraagconstructie met gewone werkwoorden)

General rule: do / does / did (+ NOT) + the subject of the sentence. For example:


↓ You live in a big city, He came home late yesterday,


↓ I didn't say anything wrong, She doesn't play the piano,


↓ don't you? didn't he?

Jij woont in een grote stad, niet? Hij kwam gisteren laat thuis, niet?


↓ did I? does she?

Ik heb toch niets verkeerd gezegd, of toch? Zij speelt geen piano, geloof ik?

Note: Only if the sentence is affirmative, add NOT to the question-tag.

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Short answers


Positive short answers

(korte antwoorden) (positieve korte antwoorden)

General rule: 1. Ordinary verbs: 'Yes,' + subject + DO, DOES or DID. For example: Do you know him? Yes, I do. Does he take the same bus? Yes, he does.

Ken je hem? Ja, (ik ken hem). Neemt hij dezelfde bus? Ja, (hij neemt dezelfde bus).

2. Auxiliary or modal verbs: 'Yes,' + subject + auxiliary or modal verb. For example: Is there going to be a lot of sun? Yes, there is. Will she call us? Yes, she will.

Zal er veel zon zijn? Ja, er zal veel zon zijn. Zal zij ons bellen? Ja, (zij zal ons bellen).

Note: There is always repeated in the answer.


Negative short answers

(negatieve korte antwoorden)

General rule: 1. Ordinary verbs: 'No,' + subject + DON'T, DOESN'T or DIDN'T. For example: Do you know him? No, I don't. (= do not) Does he take the same bus? Yes, he does.

Ken je hem? Neen, (ik ken hem niet). Neemt hij dezelfde bus? Neen, (hij neemt niet dezelfde bus).

2. Auxiliary or modal verbs: 'No,' + subject + auxiliary or modal verb + NOT. For example: Is there going to be a lot of rain? No, there isn't. (= is not) Will she call us? No, she won't. (= will not)

Gaat er veel regen zijn? Neen, (er gaat niet veel regen zijn). Zal zij ons bellen? Neen, (ze zal ons niet bellen).

Note: There is always repeated in the answer.

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Causative sentences


Causative verbs 'to have, 'to make' and 'to get'


(causatieve zinnen)

General use

− The causative verbs have, make and get are used to show that one person or thing causes another person to do something (hence causative). For example: She made me come home immediately. Ze liet me onmiddellijk naar huis komen. She had me lie down on the sofa. Ze deed me op de sofa neerliggen. She got me to calm down and rest. Ze kalmeerde me en deed me rusten. The examples show that causative constructions in Dutch are formed with laten or doen + infinitive. Note, however, that English let (the literal equivalent of Dutch 'laten') can absolutely NOT be used in a causative way: Some patients let doctors experiment on them. Sommige patiënten laten toe dat dokters op hen experimenten uitvoeren. (The patients allow doctors to experiment on them, they do not make them do so.)



− These are three frequently used causative constructions (active forms): have + object + bare infinitive (without to) For example: The children had me bake a cake.

De kinderen hebben me een cake doen bakken.

make + object + bare infinitive (without to) For example: They made me put a bean in it.

Ze hebben me er een boon in doen stoppen.

get + object + to infinitive For example: They got me to cut the cake in four.

Ze hebben me de cake in vier doen snijden.

Note: See also Nominal element + bare infinitive.



Causative constructions can also be used passively, with past participles instead of infinitives. Note that in sentences with get, the there is no 'to' in this case! For example: The doctor had her temperature taken. De dokter liet haar temperatuur opnemen. The patient made his grievances known. De patiënt maakte zijn klachten bekend. The nurse got the problem fixed all by herself. De verpleegster loste het probleem helemaal alleen op.

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Conjunctions are words that connect sentences.


Conjunctions co-ordination

1. And joins two main clauses For example: This bicycle is fast and it is very safe.

Deze fiets is snel en hij is erg veilig.

2. Or expresses an alternative For example: You can buy it or you can rent it.

Je kunt het kopen of je kunt het huren.

3. But expresses a contrast For example: He is not in here, but his colleague is here.

Hij is er niet, maar zijn collega is hier.

4. Either... or expresses a choice between two possibilities For example: You can either take the bus or go by train.

Je kan (of) de bus nemen of met de trein gaan.

5. Neither... nor can be used when none of the options is true or possible For example: She can neither call nor write him.


Conjunctions subordination

A reason: We can walk there as the weather is very nice. Take your hat because it is quite hot. I am working tomorrow so I'll have to leave now.

A contradiction: I want to buy it although it is expensive. A condition: If I come to your party, I will bring a present.

Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0

Ze kan hem (noch) bellen noch schrijven.

(voegwoorden voor onderschikking) We kunnen ernaartoe wandelen, aangezien het mooi weer is. Neem je hoed, want het is vrij heet. Ik moet morgen werken, dus ga ik nu vertrekken.

Ik wil het kopen ofschoon het duur is.

Als ik naar je feestje kom, breng ik een cadeau mee.

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Interrogatives: I don't know what I have to do! I feel happy when I'm walking. I don't know where I'm going on holiday yet. Tell me why you like Great Britain.

Others: I don't know how he did it. I know that you can do this exercise. We'll go on until it is finished.

Grammatica Engels Versie: 1.0

Ik weet niet wat ik moet doen! Ik voel me goed wanneer ik wandel. Ik weet nog niet waar ik op vakantie ga. Vertel me waarom je van GrootBrittanniĂŤ houdt.

Ik weet niet hoe hij het deed. Ik weet dat je deze oefening kunt doen. We gaan door tot het gedaan is.

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Relative clauses


Defining and non-defining relative clauses


(de betrekkelijke bijzinnen)

Defining relative clauses

Defining relative clauses (beperkende betrekkelijke bijzinnen) are essential to the meaning of the sentence. If the relative clause is left out, the sentence could be misunderstood. No commas are used.


Non-defining relative clauses

Non-defining relative clauses (uitbreidende betrekkelijke bijzinnen) are not strictly necessary to the meaning of the sentence. They merely contain additional information about the antecedent. Nondefining relative clauses are placed between commas. For example: (1) John has two sisters who are nurses. (= defining) (2) John has two sisters, who are nurses. (= non-defining) Sentence (1) can be paraphrased as 'John has several sisters, two of whom are nurses.' Sentence (2) means 'John has two sisters (not more), who are both nurses.' (3) The dog which Ron has adopted is really adorable. (= defining) (4) Our dog, which Ron took out for a walk, escaped. (= non-defining) In sentence (3) the relative clause 'which Ron has adopted' is necessary to understand the sentence correctly. It is not just any dog that is adorable, it is the dog which Ron has adopted that is adorable. In sentence (4) 'our dog' is sufficiently well defined without relative clause. The addressee (de geadresseerde) knows which dog is meant when the speaker says 'our dog'. That Ron took it out for a walk is merely additional information. (5) The man whose car was stolen was very angry. (= defining) (6) The man, whose car was stolen, was very angry. (= non-defining) Sentence (5) could be an answer to the question 'Which man was very angry?' Before this sentence is said, the addressee does not know which man is meant. Therefore, the information in the relative clause is new and necessary to understand the sentence correctly. When sentence (6) is said, the addressee already knows that the man's car was stolen. The relative clause contains additional information. Accordingly, the sentence could be paraphrased as: the man we have been talking about was very angry. (After all, his car had been stolen.)

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Conditional clauses



(de voorwaardelijke bijzinnen)

1. Sentences with a conditional clause (voorwaardelijke bijzin) consist of two parts: − the conditional clause, beginning with if, unless, as long as and − the main clause, (sometimes) beginning with then. For example: If I get the job, I'll phone you immediately.

Als ik de job krijg, bel ik je onmiddellijk.

2. There are three main types of conditionals: I: IF + simple present + (THEN) + shall/will This is the open conditional: it is possible that the condition will come true. II: IF + simple past + (THEN) + would This is the hypothetical conditional: it is unrealistic today or it is less probable that the condition will come true in the future. III: IF + past perfect + (THEN) + would have This is the closed conditional: it is impossible that the conditional will come true. For example: I: If I get the job, I'll phone you immediately. Als ik de job krijg, bel ik je onmiddellijk. II: If it snowed at Easter, the Easter eggs would keep for a long time. Indien het met Pasen sneeuwde, dan zouden de paaseieren lang goed blijven. III: If I had been a computer scientist, I would have had the job. Als ik een informaticus geweest was, had ik de job gekregen. Note: Instead of WILL or SHALL you can also use CAN, MAY or MIGHT. Can > may > might indicate decreasing levels of probability (afnemende graden van waarschijnlijkheid). For example: You can improve your cycle skills if you choose the correct lesson. (= je kan) You may improve your cycle skills if you choose the correct lesson. (= je kan of je zou kunnen - a bit less certain than 'can' that this will actually happen) You might improve your cycle skills if you chose the correct lesson. (= je zou kunnen - still less certain than 'may' that this will happen; a type II conditional)

3. The other types of conditionals: − To give advice: IF I WERE YOU, + WOULD For example: If I were you, I would not go alone. − To make a suggestion more polite: IF + simple past, + WOULD For example: I would be very happy, if you drove more slowly.

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− To make a request: IF + WOULD, + WOULD For example: I would be grateful if you would bring me home too. Note: Use this construction very sparingly (zuinig), if at all. In normal conditionals if + would is NOT correct! − To give an order: IF + present tense, + imperative For example: If it's cold, put on your jacket.

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The phonetic alphabet

(uitspraak) (het fonetisch alfabet)

The phonetic alphabet is used to explain the pronunciation of a word. Many letters of the phonetic alphabet resemble the normal alphabet, but some letters are different. This is necessary, because some letters can be pronounced in different ways. You probably remember this from the exercises: The word 'back': does it sound like 'baker' or like 'backstage' ? The answer is 'backstage'. Back should be pronounced as: /bæk/. These are the special signs we use:

Consonants: ð d   t  3

For example: then jam sing fish chewing gum thing pleasure

Vowels: a: æ ai ai au au e ei ei   e 3: i i: i o: Þ Þi Þi u u u u: u

For example: calm bad bite, buy tired now tower bed make player user but wear first in eat ear board body boil employer boat lower foot boomerang poor

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Differences in stress


It's important to put the stress right, otherwise words can be misunderstood.



In phonetic alphabet each stressed syllable is indicated with a quotation mark. As in Dutch the stress is usually on the first syllable in short words. For example: running = 'rni


As in Dutch a word can have more than one stressed syllable. For example: biographic = 'baif'grwfik




A word can have a different meaning when the stress is different. (Like in Dutch: 'verSPRINGEN' and 'VERspringen'.) For example: SUSpect to susPECT


verdacht verdenken

Varieties of English

Words can have differing stress patterns when they occur in different varieties of English. BE ciga’rette ‘brochure ad’dress (noun) la’boratory ‘garage ‘harassment

AE ‘cigarette bro’chure ‘address ‘laboratory ga’rage ha’rassment


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Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Afdeling Volwassenenonderwijs Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-Laan 15 – 1210 Brussel Tel. 02 553 97 85 – Fax 02 553 97 75

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