Swim For Your Heart with Speedo & The British Heart Foundation Pitch

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swim for your with pitch documemt

oliver southall

introduction to speedo Speedo was originally founded 105 years ago by Alexander MacRae, a Scottish man with Australian heritage innovating the swimwear industry in the early 1900s. Speedo live on a century later to “remain at the forefront of swimwear and swimming accessories, unmatched by their competitors.” (SimplySwim, 2019). They’re the most renowned swimwear brand in the world, developing from basic swimwear in the early 20th century, to technologically advanced competitive swimwear and now into a fitness and lifestyle brand reaching a new demographic for the brand. Speedo work with NASA to develop technologies similar to space technology making them leading innovators in the swimwear industry. Speedo are also sponsoring the Tokyo 2020 olympics with all athletes competing in their advanced swimwear - this indicates their hierarchy in their competitive market. 2

market map I developed a market map defining the swimwear market and Speedo’s top competitors. The map showed me that their biggest competitors are Arena, Nike and Dolfin with Nike and Dolfin accessible for a cheaper price and Arena competing with their quality and popularity, Speedo need an edge. Working with a cause will be a great way for Speedo to build brand image and engage with their aware publics in order to compete with their main competitors.

perception audit With all of my research on Speedo I had a strong understanding of the brand, itís work and it’s history but I needed accurate public perceptions on Speedo to really understand the brand and it’s place in the present day. I asked 20 participants aged between 18-55 a series of questions about the brand and their physical activity. 56% of participants asked were physically active with only 20% of that being under the age of 20 and only 10% of all participants being active swimmers. This 10% were aged between 45-55 showing that the older demographic are the active swimmers in my perception audit - I wanted to change this. When asked about knowing any specific health benefits specifically from swimming I got many responses including improvements in mental health, blood pressure and cardio vascular endurance but what I found most interesting is how many people responded with how regular swimming can regulate your heart - this would typically be an issue with older

people but instead of preventing heart problems when they arise, with my campaign I could future prevent them by encouraging the younger generation to start swimming early. When asked whether they’d bought Speedo products before 50% responded yes and when asked if they would be a future customer 56% said yes. This statistic comes mainly from the older audiences again - investing more money into better quality products and perhaps having children wear Speedo products through school, leisure and holidays they have and will buy Speedo. 73% of my audience were not aware of Speedoís work with NASA developing their swimwear technology - this instantly boosted interest in the brand as it shows innovation for a swimwear brand. When asked about the British Heart Foundation 100% of participants knew of the charity with 60% being previous donors - this showed me a solid charity known nationwide through all ages that would be perfect to work with for the campaign.

working with the British Heart Foundation Working with the British Heart Foundation will be perfect for the campaign - it will reflect on Speedo as a brand very well as it shows brand ethics working with a charity and will work very well to bring the aware publics of both Speedo and British Heart Foundation together to start swimming again and as a result, donate. The British Heart Foundation really clicked with my cause as seen in my perception audit, everybody is aware of the charity and their work helping heart patients and feel their involvement in both the campaign and swimming events will encourage more people to get involved and as a result donate.

My goal collaborating with the British Heart Foundation is to use the charity to involve younger audiences using empathy and fear - if they are taught the benefits to swimming both short and long term and compare how their current lifestyles is leading their lives to how their future could be impacted if they started swimming again. This will ultimately result in donations to the charity because of their work and involvement as well as an increase in sales for Speedo with a new demographic buying products.



target demographic This perception audit directed my campaign towards the younger generation going into adulthood encouraging them to stay fit and healthy by swimming to future prevent issues with their heart. The campaign is specifically aimed at 18-25 year olds being young, typically into bad habits bad for their health like smoking and drinking and typically inactive shown from the perception audit. But theyíre also easily influenced - if there are enough people involved, everyone will get involved. And with the engulfment of social media in society, the campaign can be easily shared and everyone can get involved and make a difference.

marketing objectives To receive an increase in donations for The British Heart Foundation by 25% by the end of the campaign. With the campaign targeted at 18-25 year olds, new donors involved in the campaign will broaden The British Heart Foundationís demographic. Speedo sales will increase by at least 10% with the campaign will encourage a new demographic of younger people to purchase Speedo as well as returning customers buying more products to support the campaign. Speedo will offer a 10% donation to The British Heart Foundation on all products sold through the campaign. Stakeholders will be influenced to buy to automatically donate and raise awareness for both the charity and the campaign.

public relations objectives To increase Speedo’s social media interactions and following through the campaign engaging them with new audiences. To improve Speedo’s brand image and reputation. With Speedo working with a charity it shows good brand ethics and their involvement with their stakeholders shows their care for the swimming community To raise awareness for The British Heart Foundation through my campaign targeted at a wider audience of a younger generation to get more involved with the charity and their work.



Generation X are the active publics wearing, endorsing and recommending Speedo whether they swim personally for health or leisure or whether they’re a parent and endorse Speedo through their children being active swimmers. Generation Z are the aware publics knowing of and most likely wearing Speedo throughout their lives learning to swim but as adults no longer swim or have interest in the brand. With Speedo being a fitness and lifestyle brand now, I feel that this generation can engage with the brand a lot more than before because of it’s new demographic as well as factors like collaborations with designers making swimwear more stylish and popular. I want to reconnect Speedo with this generation and get them swimming again using the British Heart Foundation to raise more awareness for the campaign and encourage the growing generation to get involved and become donors.

strategy In order to connect with my target demographic, the campaign will be ran solely in the UK as 29% of all online traffic comes from the UK making it Speedo’s most popular country (Similar Web, 2019). The campaign will be advertised throughout towns and cities as well as a huge online presence using the internet and heavy social media coverage to engage with my specific audience. The campaign needs a strong visual identity to cohere with Speedo but needs to be and innovative and engaging in order to engage with my audience.


The campaign will run from the 1st to the 30th September. It will begin include environmental advertising techniques using billboards and posters throughout cities, public transport, colleges and universities along with both Speedo and the British Heart Foundation beginning their online campaign through their Instagram accounts. Campaign media will run through Spotify and Snapchat News in order to connect with my demographic through their daily social media habits. The campaign will use #swimforyourheart as the campaign message to connect the campaign to the public directly through social media. The message directly links with the campaign cause encouraging generation Z to get involved and save essentially their lives through swimming in Speedo.

online marketing digital advertising tactics instagram Speedo and The British Heart Foundation will both run sponsored posts using Instagram promoting the campaign throughout the month using both Speedo UK and the British Heart Foundation’s accounts aimed at young adult’s devices in the UK. With “64% of 18-29 year olds using Instagram” (Sprout Social, 2019) spending an average of 28 minutes a day on Instagram, (Hoote Suite, 2019) I felt this form of media would create the most engagement and growth. The accounts will post campaign media including campaign details, date reminders, how to get involved and how to donate. Using #swimforyourheart on all posts the campaign will easily grow in reach and awareness. A diverse range of Speedo and GB athletes from across the country will repost the media in the run up to the go swim day along with individual posts thanking everyone’s involvement in the campaign following the event.

spotify Spotify banner ads will run in the background of Spotify as well as pop up audio ads using the campaign message, go swim day and how to get involved to play between skips. This will engage with the nation across all digital platforms and will encourage word of mouth discussion of the campaign on the UK’s “best music streaming service.” (Good Housekeeping, 2019).

Using architecture to advertise, the Grand Central Station LCD screen “eye” to play a short banner advert as ambient advertising will again tap into the public’s subconscious using architecture they look at and use every day. Implementing this digital media nationwide in major cities will be very effective in terms of increasing awareness in major cities encouraging the public to discuss the campaign when they see the media.

promotional video I am also going to run a promotional video for the campaign using popular influencers as well as British athletes all wearing iconic red Speedo swimming caps promoting #swimforyourheart. The video will represent the nation standing proud in their Speedo swimwear changing perceptions of the brand with top influencers stood with elite athletes encouraging the nation to swim together and donate to save their lives. The video will play through Speedo’s YouTube and be promoted through Instagram with both Speedo and the British Heart Foundation posting a short video teaser to encourage plays on their YouTube account.

QR codes QR codes used on posters, billboards and ambient advertising will directly take the consumer to the site instantly generating an increase in web traffic for the Speedo site thus encouraging an increase in sales.

offline marketing tactics transport & stations

billboards & posters

Buses, taxis and trains throughout the UK will be used as marketing tools with 50 buses, 30 trains and 10 taxis per city being advertised on along with bus stops and transport stations being used for marketing media on a larger scale. Posters will run throughout stations, stops and the transport itself along with more detailed ambient media throughout transport in overhead luggage compartments and using handrails. Because of my demographic being mainly city based and most likely being students, public transport is the perfect method to reach my target audience directly through their daily commute.

Billboards and posters will run fluently throughout the country with the design pack of posters, banners and billboards being sent to every council to be positioned near colleges and universities and throughout cities. 20 billboards, 200 posters per city and 100 posters per town will be commissioned gradually through the month of the campaign to grow the campaign gradually nationwide. Campaign growth will naturally occur with the spreading of this media constantly reminding the public of the cause and how to get involved.

online public relations tactics webpage


snapchat news

Using the Speedo website, the campaign will have a home page connecting Speedo with the British Heart Foundation explaining their involvement, how to donate and how to get involved with the campaign locally to the consumer. This will be accessible through the Speedo home page and will be shared throughout social media in account bios and hyperlinked in post descriptions. QR codes used on billboards and ambient advertising will directly take the consumer to the site instantly generating an increase in web traffic for the Speedo site encouraging sales.

Both the Speedo and British Heart Foundation Instagram accounts will generate good PR for the campaign through interaction with the public reposting stories and posts from participants in the campaign using #swimforyourheart to spread awareness for the campaign along with building relationships with the consumers. The more engagement the accounts have with the public will result in a spark in interest and changes in perceptions of Speedo encouraging Speedo’s social media interactions and following.

With generation Z’s disconnection with printed media and mass digital consumption, the communication of news and media has become weak with the nation’s youth and I needed to connect the campaign using non-news outlets to report on the campaign with. Using Snapchat News, Vice will run a report in the weeks coming up to the events encouraging involvement and donations as well as a follow up report of the day’s events including interviews with the public, British Heart foundation and athletes. Using Snapchat instantly connects a huge demographic of young people already using the app to read the latest news and become involved in the campaign.

offline public relations tactics

PR stunt Go Swim Day

The 29th September marks the key day of the campaign with 3 events being run in Manchester, Birmingham and London with top British athletes along with nationwide involvement through councils running free swimming sessions all day throughout the country. The British Heart Foundation will be present at the events alongside the athletes proving information and advice on the cause and their work helping heart patients. This will encourage both donations and support for the charity reaching a younger demographic of new donors. The events will be reported on and filmed for a follow up video of the day’s events nationwide for both news and Instagram reaching target numbers of new followers as a result of the campaign.

speedo sculptures Local artists will be commissioned throughout the country to create innovative swimming sculptures wearing Speedo swimwear in red to support the British Heart Foundation. The sculptures are designed to pop up throughout the campaign in water features throughout cities, parks and universities designed to catch the publicís attention and get them talking about the campaign. The sculptures will have a Speedo plaque with a QR code on it next to each sculpture to take the consumer directly to the #swimforyourheart webpage instantly connecting them with the campaign.

marketing tactics timeline

public relations tactics timeline

web traffic Using Speedo’s web analytics, Speedo will be able to see site all views and clicks from the campaign in comparison to months leading up to the campaign. All statistics can be seen to compare sales from precampaign to post-campaign measuring to see if Speedo have increased sales by at least 10%. The British Heart Foundation will use their online account to check increases in donations and activity to measure if they reached a 25% increase in donations using a new demographic of donors.

marketing metrics social media Using Instagram analytics, Speedo will be able to see growth in reach, impressions and follows throughout the campaign evaluating the effectiveness of social marketing of the campaign and their growth socially as a brand influencing aware publics to become active through social media interaction.

public relations metrics survery

social media

A post-campaign survey will be ran through Instagram connecting with the target demographic directly getting feedback on the public’s change of perception of Speedo as a brand, whether they would be a Speedo customer post campaign, to see an increase in donors and people involved with the British Heart Foundation and to see a national increase in more young people being active swimmers.

Using Instagram analytics for both Speedo and the British Heart Foundation’s accounts, Speedo will be able to see all combined likes, follows, impressions and shares from each post and story throughout the campaign. Comparing these statistics to before the campaign will determine it’s social effectiveness. Comparing followers and interactions before the campaign will determine the growth effectiveness of the campaign in terms of people now following and having an interest in Speedo again.

customer retention Instagram Throughout the campaign of sponsored posts and promotion, Speedo’s engagement and following will increase and in order to keep the customers engaged, Speedo will post thank you posts as well as posting a highlight IGTV video on the day’s events with the athletes and the British Heart Foundation.

email subscriptions Customers who signed up to the email subscription through the events or the Speedo website will receive a thank you for their involvement email keeping them in the loop and will inform them on any upcoming news or events Speedo and the British Heart Foundation may have. This email will also include special offers like recommend a friend to both receive 10% discount because of their involvment. My campaign demographic will also be more likely to purchase Speedo products if they’re cheaper and this tactic will double sales.

donations Through the QR codes on all advertising in cities, transport and sculptures Speedo website viewers can easily sign up to donate monthly to the British Heart Foundation and Speedo’s email subscription for the latest news and offers.

PR output and outtakes

references 1 - Simply Swim, 2019, (https://www.simplyswim.com/collections/speedo) 2 - The One Off, Speedo, 2019, (www.theoneoff.com) 3 - Wikipedia, 6 November 2019, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Heart_ Foundation) 4 - Instagram, @Speedo, 23 May 2019, (https://www.instagram.com/speedo/) 5 - Jason Ierace, Speedo 90 Years Young, 2018, (https://www.jasonierace.com/ speedo-90yr/) 6 - Jonathan Armstrong, 2019, Speedo Brand Positioning, (https://www.behance.net) 7 - Similar web, 2019, (https://www.similarweb.com/website/speedo.com) 8 - Sprout Social, Social Media Demographics, 2019, (https://sproutsocial.com/ insights/new-social-media-demographics/#Instagram) 9 - Christina Newberry, Instagram Statistics, Hootsuite, 22 October 2019, (https://blog. hootsuite.com/instagram-statistics/) 10 - Carrie-Ann Skinner, The Best Music Streaming Apps, Good Housekeeping, 10 May 2019, (https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/product-reviews/tech/g685104/bestmusic-streaming-services/)

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