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All systems go for 2022 National Olive Conference & Exhibition
It’s really happening this year! There’s just a month to go and it’s all systems go for the 2022 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition, the first face-to-face national olive industry event since 2019.
We’re all excited to finally be getting together again for the long-awaited event, being held from Friday, 14 October to Sunday, 16 October inclusive in the beautiful port city of Devonport, Tasmania.
From zero waste to 25kg/tree production
This year’s content covers a diverse range of timely and relevant topics, all targeted to increase the productivity and viability of your olive business. Focussing on everything from sustainability to profitability, presentations will take a practical - and often experiential – look at topics including zero waste, getting started in table olive production, Xylella fastidiosa, promotion and marketing, and business value-adding.
On the grove management side, highlights include insight and learnings from the Olives New Zealand Focus Grove Project (which has seen an increase in tree production from 5kg to 25kg+ in participating groves via a targeted practice program), mechanical harvesting of table olives, and a must-attend session looking at controlling biennial bearing.
Each session finishes with question time with the presenters, providing the opportunity for open discussion and clarification around your own issues and experiences.
Whether large or small, established or fledgling, it’s a program with something for every olive grower, producer, marketer and manager. You’ll find a wealth of information, advice and ideas to help grow your business, solve your problems, and do things better in your grove, all in just two jam-packed days!
conference & exhibition
Latest products and services; personalised, expert advice
An invaluable element of the annual national industry Conference is the Trade Exhibition, this year being held alongside the two-day plenary program.
Featuring a range of leading olive industry suppliers and service providers, the exhibition provides an unequalled opportunity to discuss your individual business needs, and grove or production issues, face-to-face and oneon-one with experts in their respective fields. It’s also a chance to learn about the latest innovations and opportunities available, and find a good fit for your business.
Along with solutions to many of those tricky problems, it’s a great chance to discover new ways to improve your grove and production practices … and business profitability.
You can find out more about this year’s exhibitors, and our generous event sponsors, in our listing on pages 20-22 of this edition.