Olive Juice Magazine

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Olive Juice Featured Bride:

Hannah Koshatka

On the Challenges of Choosing Accesories


Emergency Bridal Kit

Embarrassing Wedding Moments

You’re on the

Clock your timeline for getting wedding ready

$5.95 US May 2015 Issue

Contents 7.

Color Schemes

Ideas for your perfect summer colors without sticking to the basics.

10. Emergency Supplies To include in your DIY bridal emergency kit be wedding prepared.

12. Bridesmaid to Bride 02 Olive Juice / May 2015

Learn about Linley’s transition to White!


Military Bride

Making love work when the odds are against you.

18. Getting Wedding Ready Doesn’t follow your every day routine, use our clock to help you schedule.

20. Essential Accessories Follow our featured bride in her quest to find the items for her big day!


(Not So) Picture Perfect Let the stress go for a second and get a chuckle out of these wedding blooper moments. May 2015 / Olive Juice 3

Letter from the Edit r

Do what you need to to Enjoy Your Day!

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4 Olive Juice / May 2015

t’s time to kick off your heels, slide into your sweatpants and grab a cup of coffee. The stress that accompanies planning your dream wedding can obscure the purpose of your big day. It is important to learn ways to lessen your level of stress and make the most of your experience as a bride. This magazine strives to help you plan out your wedding with the least stress and with the most accuracy for how you envision your special day. From asking your wedding party to choosing your shoes, it is easy to forget important elements without the assistance of a guide or a wedding planner. Olive Juice is an all inclusive business to help provide brides with the best planning experience. We offer you with a variety of tips and creative ideas for making a unique and truly memorable day. I promise, as the Editor, to supply you with the most valuable information and most current trends for planning your wedding - all within the pages of this magazine. You could spend hours of your valuable time searching the web for new ideas - that 500 people have already done, or you can use the content within this magazine as a guide to creating a one of a kind experience for your guests and, more importantly, for yourself. Your possibilities are truly endless. Although it is important to consult friends for their opinions, at the end of the day it is you (and your lucky future spouse’s) day. Don’t let a nagging bridesmaid convince you that trying to cut your own straight bangs for the first time, the night before the wedding, is a good idea. And when your dad says that you don’t need make up to be beautiful - he is probably right, but the chances that you regret throwing on a touch of mascara to highlight your lovely lashes is pretty slim. If you decide you want to try an edgy new look or spend your day looking natural, we see nothing wrong with that - but please make these final decisions on your own. The main focus of a wedding should always be the union of two people in love - and your goal in planning should be keeping that as your focus. A table arrangement can be changed, your nails can be repainted, but your (first) wedding can never be recreated. The amount of time, effort and money that you put into your wedding planning process is based on your individual preference, but my request for you is to take it one day at a time, allow yourself to enjoy the experience, and never get too busy planning the celebration of your love that you forget to show love to your other half!

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Summer Color Schemes

06 Olive Juice / May 2015

May 2015 / Olive Juice 7

PetiteBrides of Malibu, California

It’s an Emergency

...emergency bridal kit that is!

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Pins: Bobbi Pins to secure loose hairs and hold the veil, and safety pins for unexpected mishaps and broken straps.

Band-aids: Self explanatory, as careful as you try to be - someone always ends up tripping down the steps or cutting themselves on a last minute shaving decision.


Mints: So back to that kiss PDA isn’t usually a one time thing on your wedding day. Every time someone tings their glass or rings the bell you will be kissin’ your man. Make sure each kiss is minty fresh!

Water: Avoid cramping up, feeling faint and the next day hangover with the most traditional cure of H2O. Water also gives your skin a natural, healthy glow. Sticking with this clear liquid is also the safest. Just don’t drink too much or you’ll spend the day on the pot. Almonds: Not a fan of nuts? Substitute this healthy and filling snack with something that is just as clean and convenient to munch on. A light snack will keep your belly full and dress loose. Hairspray: How long before the wedding did you get your hair done? That’s what I thought. The whole wedding party will probably need another application of this magic spray. Don’t over do it or you could have a constant glare on your head in pictures, but reapply appropriately.

10 Olive Juice / May 2015


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Floss: Talking about that smile - make sure to floss before the day begins and throughout as you eat to avoid that awkward moment when everyone sees it and no one says anything.

Clear nail polish: Not just for fixing a chipped nail, clear polish can serve as an adhesive in many situations and helps stop fraying fabric and runs in your tights.

Deoderant and Perfume: Your breath isn’t the only thing with the potential to smell. Most likely you will be nervous and we all know that equates to sweat and possibly a bad smell.


Chapstick : How can a groom kiss his bride if her lips are not silky smooth and ready to go? This will also come in handy for her picture perfect smile and keep her feeling comfortably flawless.

Sit back, relax and let the professionals worry about the details. Plan as much or as little of your service and travels as you would like with our variety of planning packages. We will fit your dream wedding into your dream budget. Call us today to talk with a consultant about your options. (384) 555-2713


I am no stranger to the sheer volume of work it takes to plan a wedding. Most guests show up to the finished product - a beautiful room, fun cocktails, delicious food and great music. It’s easy to forget the hours of time and thousands of dollars that go into a wedding. But, I’m an attention-to-detail lovin’ gal who has always admired the production of weddings. I’ve also been a bridesmaid six times and a personal attendant too - oh and a flower girl once, but that was over 20 years ago so we won’t touch on that. Through all of the weddings I’ve been a part of, I’ve seen a very wide range of brides. From the ones who say they aren’t “creative” so they pass the torch to their mom, wedding planner, or a close friend to the DIYers who craft away at every detail of their big day. For me, one of the best things about being a bridesmaid has been watching how each of my friends has utilized their personal style throughout their big day. When it came time for me to start planning my big day, which is now 199 days 23 hours and 55 minutes away (not that I’m counting or anything), I instantly reached out to a few of my closest friends who now tout the wonderful title of “wife” for their best advice.

Now that I’m in the midst of planning, I have been able to look back in awe at all that each of these brides has been able to accomplish. Between working full-time, volunteer activities, running my hobby design shop and trying to find time to spend with my hubby-to-be, it’s often hard to find space in the day to plan the details of our wedding. It has been such an honor to stand by the sides of some of my dearest friends as they say, “I do.” Now that I am in the shoes of the bride, I feel even more lucky to be surrounded by so much love. I am so very grateful to be surrounded by such amazing, talented, caring people in my life who are playing such a huge part in me saying “I do” too.

While my advice will probably change by the time November 7th is here, here’s my best take on advice for those transitioning from bridesmaid to bride: 1. Stay true to what you & your fiancé really want. Lots of people will offer up advice and ideas, but don’t let go of that perfect picturesque vision in your head. 2. This day will only come once so really make it the best day you’ll ever have. Be creative. Be different. 3. Make it fun! People remember experiences, not centerpieces. 4. Pick a few things that are non-negotiable to you and your fiancé. Splurge on these things and find ways to cut corners elsewhere. Maybe an open bar is a must have for you two, skip the country club venue then. 5. Don’t forget what your wedding day is truly about - a marriage, not a day. Don’t lose sight of that as you’re planning each and every detail.

May 2015 / Olive Juice 13

live Juice

Photography 14 Olive Juice / May 2015

(563) 379 - 1692 OliveJuicePhotography.com Say “I love you” in a new way! May 2015 / Olive Juice 17

Loving Against the Odds

One night, after a big fight with her boyfriend at the time, Alexy confided in Justin and he finally told her of his deeper feelings for her. Over the next few months she eased out of her relationship and slowly grew into her relationship with Justin. Their similarities led them into a fair amount of fights and disagreements, but at the end of each day they recognized that they didn’t want to be with anyone else. In April of their senior year, Justin enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Taking advantage of their time together, they struggled to part in September when Justin left for basic training. “The next thirteen weeks were the hardest and loneliest weeks I’ve ever had.” Alexy recalls that she lived on a letter maybe every two weeks and a total of two phone calls throughout the duration of his absence. When December came, Alexy traveled to California on her own, to attend Justin’s graduation. Upon her arrival, she was allowed to spend only five hours with Justin and his family. The following day, after his participation in the graduation ceremony, Alexy got to bring Justin home.

“The next thirteen weeks were the hardest and loneliest weeks I’ve ever had.”

As Told By: Jordan Bruess People claim that distance makes the heart grow fonder, but how much time and space can separate two people without destroying their relationship? Military relationships are among the top group of divorces, but their divorce rates have dropped to the lowest they have been in 10 years. Alexy Schweinfurth didn’t expect to spend the beginning years of her relationship separated by thousands of miles and an ocean, but when it became the deciding factor in whether or not to stay with the love of her life, Justin Hampton, there wasn’t even a question to ask. Alexy met Justin in the fifth grade when he began attending the same school she did, but it wasn’t until the seventh grade that became close friends. Trusting him with her most personal information, Alexy always felt comfortable around Justin and her feelings for him grew stronger. High school naturally drew the two apart and they fell into romantic relationships with other people. Currently in a mildly serious relationship, Alexy helped Justin get a job where she worked. Their friendship was slowly rebuilding when they were put on the same shift together.

16 Olive Juice / May 2015

Twenty-four days. Only 24 days before Justin would have to leave her again. Spending every possible moment together, they weren’t prepared for his return to California. Missing him every day after he left, Alexy jumped on a plane the weekend of Valentine’s Day to spend a few days together. They spent the holiday like many couples: a movie date followed by a romantic dinner and a walk on the beach. Then suddenly, in the midst of discussing their relationship, Justin got down on one knew and asked Alexy the question she waited years to hear. Unlike most couples, the two had to go their separate ways just two days after becoming engaged. Just a short month later Justin was reassigned to Oahu, Hawaii, no longer an easy weekend flight away. The struggles they have faces have been immeasurable, but the love they possess has overcome all odds. They know work hard to appreciate their minimal communication and remain positive about what the future holds for them. “This relationship is one of the hardest things I have ever been through, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things to be in love with the most amazing guy I have ever met.” They plan to marry on July 6th during her two week visit to Hawaii. The military benefits of marriage will allow her to live with him after she graduates from college next year. July 2019 will be their large celebration with their family, a date that follows the end of Justin’s military contract. **Photos Couresy of Alexy Schweinfurth May 2015 / Olive Juice 17

Tick Tock 12 11 1

11. Then throw the Bride in 10. Use free time her dress to relax & practice speeches

10 9

12. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures 1. Wake-up - all day! calls may be necessary


9. Have the Bride do her make-up next

2. Dress in easy to remove clothing

8. Add the veil when she is ready

3. Carpool to your get ready location


7. Save plenty of time for the Bride’s hair


6. Do the Bridesmaids’ make-up next


5. Provide light refreshments and caffeine

4. Have bridesmaids do their hair first



5 May 2015 / Olive Juice 19

Find your Diamond Amazing Ad 2 in the Rough Cost: $ Object Ad

May 2015 / Olive Juice 05



annah Koshatka is a 20 year old from Protivin, Iowa, a very small town in Northeast Iowa. She currently attends Coe College in Cedar Rapids, IA. This is where she met the love of her life and where their story first began. She came to Cedar Falls to meet up with her best friend and soon to be maid of honor to try on her dress and look at a variety of accessory items. She looked at many options before today, but knows the importance of trying them on with her dress.


any brides become over whelmed with the big elements of a wedding: the dress, venue, meal, etc. But a bride’s accessories are just as essential. The cut of a diamond, the lace trim on a veil and the height of a wedding day high heel can make or break a bride’s overall look. Take your time and make sure you are happy with every decision you make!


he decision between a bird cage and a tradition veil has become more common in the past few years as brides are more apt to follow this recurring trend. The choice between traditional and modern style weddings is greater than ever as the options brides are provided with continue to grow and expand in diversity.

May 2015 / Olive Juice 23



he cost of accessories is often underplayed when planning a bride’s budget. A normal pair of bridal high heels costs anywhere from $30-$100. For a better selection and a larger variety, it is best to search online for your wedding heels. Many stores won’t carry an extensive amount of silver, white or cream shoes. If you are planning to wear a colored pair, your options will still be greater online. When shopping for a veil or a bridal belt, I recommend the opposite: avoid shopping for these items online and stay loyal to your local bridal shop. Although the prices for a simple veil in-store will be upwards of $100, all veils and birdcages look different on. You will also be sure of the veil’s quality when purchasing in-store. The finer details of laced edges or beaded tulle will increase the cost, but will be worth it for the additional glam. Bridal belts can turn “just another dress” into “the one.” For a couple hundred dollars, you can accent the small of your waist and fall in love with the added sparkle. Jewelry can seem over priced at bridal shops, therefore it is beneficial to do your research and look around before buying. Whether you wear your mother’s necklace, real diamonds or fake pearls, make sure the type of necklace you buy compliments the neckline of your dress.

big part of the accessory experience is dependent upon the people you share it with. Some brides choose to bring their entire entourage which can include, but isn’t limited to: Maid of Honor, bridesmaids, mother of the bride and/or groom, personal attendance, and the list goes on. Hannah chose to bring her best friend and her, unannounced, maid of honor. Daron Wiltgen, high school classmate and best friend to Hannah, helped her to choose the accessories that not only complimented her dress the best, but also her personality. It will appear very disingenuine for a bride who is a naturally simple person to wear a dress and accessories that are over the top. Even though it is your “big day” it is important to still remain true to yourself and allow your personality to be reflected in the way you represent yourself. Carefully selected from the wide vareity of “Simply I Do’s” collection, this stunning necklace will direct the guests’ attention to Hannah’s dazzling blue eyes. Wendy, an assistant at “Simply I Do” helped Hannah to add a bling belt to her simple dress. Celebratig their day with a toast, Hannah and Daron knew that when the bride felt right it was time to call it a day. For most brides it is the veil that makes it feel all too real, but for Hannah it was the instant she held a prop boquet that she truly felt like a beautiful, blushing bride.

Laugh it Off

My son, Matt, interrupted our vows to tell me he was tired, then ran around my dress, fell and curled up ready to take a nap. The priest asked “Why aren’t you kissing?” But we were laughing too hard, so we just walked out. Lynette, 43, Protivin, IA

My 5 year old brother was in my cousin’s wedding and he had never worn a tux before. He was amazed at how many things came with the suit... even socks! At the reception, my mom tapped him on the butt for luck, then asked “Are you wearing any underwear?” He sheepishly replied, “No, the suit didn’t come with it...”

Jamie, 25, Omaha, NE

Joshua, 23, Independence, IA


Dropping more than Petals


e ors

26 Olive Juice / May 2015

I was so excited to be a flower girl in my aunt’s wedding that I peed on the alter in the middle of the ceremony. Then I had to wear boy’s Calvin Klein underwear the rest of the day because that is all my mom could find. Jordan, 21, Cedar Falls, IA

icture erfect

I was clearing food from the head table, slipped on a butter packet, and all of the plates went flying..I just got up, cried, and ran out! Macey, 20, Waucoma, IA

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It Didn’t Suit Him

k of

My boyfriend and I were buying a house and he had already asked a million questions, so I couldn’t help but get snippy when the realtor said “Any final questions?” He said. “Well, I do have one more question”. Wanting to de done, I rolled my eyes and give him the look. To which he proceeded to get down on one knee; asking THE QUESTION!

Not So

All Cramped Up

During the blessing, my hamstring cramped up. My foot shot out - people obviously noticed that something was wrong. As soon as father was done I stood up awkwardly and tried to stretch out my legs, then I reached down and tried to play it off like I was tying my (already tied) shoes. Shane, 26, Cedar Fall, IA

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When I was a flower girl, I threw up while walking down the aisle. Morgan, 20, Chicago, IL

A Great Flippin’ Speech

I finished my speech and went to sit down, but the boxes weren’t against the wall. One moved causing my chair leg to fall inbetween and resulted in me Flippin’ over backwards into the wall. Aaron, 30, Calmar, IA

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