IOC Newsletter December 2011

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MARK KET NEWSL LETTER No 56 – Decemb ber 2011

WORLD TA ABLE OLIVE MARKET f 2011/12 Estimates for The 2011/12 2 crop year opened o with an estimate ed 703 500 t in table olivve stocks. Fo orecasts put production at 2 565 000 0 t (+5%) while w consum mption is an nticipated to jump by 8% from the e level of 20 010/11 and imports and exports by 5% 5 and 28% %, respectively (see table). Overview of chief parameeters for 103 t) 2009/10 and 2010/11 (1

Ranking of table olive prroducing countries

Table olive es

2011/12 (estimate es) Country EU/27 Egypt Turkey Argentina Syria Algeria Morocco Peru Iran Chile Jordan Albania USA Tunisia Lebanon

2010 0/11 2011 1/12 (provissional (estim mates) figurres) 484 4.0 703 3.5 2 44 40.0 2 56 65.0

Volume ((1 000 t) Starting stockks Production

667 7.5 500 0.0 450 0.0 200 0.0 165 5.0 133 3.0 100 0.0 87.0 45.0 34.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 22.0 20.0


% % chaange 45 5.4 5.1 5

580 0.0

610 0.0

5.2 5

2 20 05.0

2 38 87.5

8.3 8


595 5.5

762 2.0

28 8.0

Ending stockss

703 3.5

729 9.0

3.6 3

Consumption n

Egypt E 20%

Syria 6%

Turkey 18%

Morocc co 4% Chile 1%

USA A 1% Argentin na 8%

Others 11%

Algeria A 5% EU/27 7 26%

ucing countriies Main produ

The Europea an Union exp pects to prod duce 667 500 0 t, representing 26% of all the table e olives produ uced in the world. When n broken do own by EU producer p cou untry, Spain comes first with 482 10 00 t – it is the t world’s second bigge est producerr after Egypt – followed by b Greece (1 110 000 t), Ittaly (60 200 t), Portugal (11 000 t), Cyprus (2 80 00 t) and Fra ance (1 300 t). t Malta and d Slovenia do o not produce e any table o olives. Egypt expects to produce 500 0 000 t (19% % of world pro oduction). Next in line arre Turkey witth 450 000 t (17%), Arge entina with 200 000 t (8 8%), Syria with w 165 000 t (6%), Alge eria with 133 000 t (5%) and Morocco o with 100 000 0 t (4%). The percenta age productiion shares off other counttries are liste ed in the rankking table ab bove. e olive consu umption World table

Turkey 12%

USA 10%

Peru 2%

EU27 26%

Other importers 3% Egypt 13%

Other producers11% p

Syyria 5%

Algeria 6%

Brazil 4 4%

Russia Mo orocco Iran 2% 3% 1%

Jordan Israeel 1% 1%

Consu umption for 2011/12

Source: Interna ational Olive Cou uncil

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MARKET NEWSLETTER No 56 – December 2011

Around 61% of world consumption of table olives is concentrated in four countries or customs unions (EU: 26%; Egypt: 13%; Turkey: 12%; USA:10%). Over the last 10 crop years, consumption has risen by 4% per crop year on average. Russia and Brazil stand out amongst the countries that are primarily table olive importers, recording respective average increases of 9% and 7% per crop year in the same time frame. Producer prices for table olives The next table comparing the producer prices paid for table olives in specific months on several markets shows a noteworthy fall in producer prices in Italy (-25%), Morocco (-11%) and Greece (-30%) from 2009 levels. Euro/kg

Table olives – average producer prices on main markets

Year 2009 2010 2011

Italy (Trapani) Month (Nocellara del Belice) November 0.80 December 0.80 March 0.80 November 0.80 December 0.80 January 0.60 February 0.60 March 0.60

Spain (Seville) (Manzanilla) 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60

Morocco (Picholine) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

Greece (Amphissa) 1.65 1.65 n.d. n.d. 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

Source: ISMEA


Between October 2010 and September 2011, i.e. in the 2010/11 crop year, aggregate imports by the six countries listed in the table below rose by 136 309.1 t (+9.4%) compared with the same period the season before (including intra-EU trading). This hike was driven by higher imports by Brazil (+20%), the EU (+11%, intra and extra EU imports), the USA (+7%) and Canada (+5%), which offset the fall in imports into Japan (-12%) and Australia (-10%).

MOVEMENTS IN PRODUCER PRICES Graphs 1 and 3 track the weekly movements in the producer prices paid for extra virgin olive oil and refined olive oil in the top EU producing countries. The monthly price movements for the same two grades of oil plus refined olive-pomace oils are shown in Graphs 2, 4 and 5 respectively.

Extra virgin olive oil: Comparison with the same period of the year before (Graph 1) shows that prices have dropped by 11% in Spain (€1.79/kg), 5% in Greece (€1.84/kg) and 18% in Italy (€2.43/kg). Most recently, the price gap has narrowed considerably between Italy on the one side, and Spain and Greece on the other, ever since prices in Italy peaked at €3.92/kg in Week 20. In point of fact, in early December 2011 prices in Italy had fallen to the level of late December 2009 and were below the flatline recorded between February and December 2010.

Source: International Olive Council

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MARKET NEWSLETTER No 56 – December 2011

Graph 1

Graph 2

Refined olive oil: Over the last 12 months, the prices of refined olive oil have fallen by 10% in Spain (€1.65/kg) and 9% in Italy (€1.79/kg) (Graph 3). No data are available for Greece. The gap between the prices of refined olive oil and extra virgin olive oil is currently around €0.14/kg in Spain and €0.67/kg in Italy.

Source: International Olive Council

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MARKET NEWSLETTER No 56 – December 2011

Graph 3

Graph 4

Source: International Olive Council

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MARKET NEWSLETTER No 56 – December 2011

Graph 5

Source: International Olive Council

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