34 minute read
Research: The Market Town
The Camera Woman The Launderette Mafi a The Old Man The Kids Fruit and Veg Jack Smith Peter Oat 69 71 73 78 80 83 86
The Phone Stall 88
The Council Offi ces
89 The Purple One 95 The Girl with the name we can’t transcribe 96 Stephen Oliver: The Artist 97
Cast List
Interviewers I: Isabel Pitt-Watson Barnes S: Silvia Cherneva O: Oliver Baldock
Interviewees SH : Susan Howley RS : Random Stranger RH : Riadh Hussain DH : David Homewood CB : Chewbacca & Family JS : Jack Smith PO : Peter Oat CC : Claire Creighton CK : Carol Kenningfi elds G: Young Girl unnamed SO : Stephen Oliver
I: So do you live in Dartford?
SH: Yes I do, I’ve lived here about 40 odd years.
I: And how have you seen it changed whilst you’ve been living here?
SH: How have I seen it changed, ummm obviously there’s lots of new shops, B&Q and all that area around the other side of Dartford, ummm some of the shopping like the orchard has been new since I’ve been here, ummmm the market obviously being changed now to a Thursday in the town centre which seems to be really popular.
I: And is the council doing much, you said there’s lots of new shops, is the council doing much to support local businesses?
SH: Ummmm because I’m not really in business myself, I’m not really, I can’t really urrr say much about that. What I have noticed is there are quite a few shops empty and I think a lot of problems due to charges, taxes, different sorts of things that come into businesses otherwise they would be full, so that, seems to be perhaps a problem.
I: Is there anything in the market you would like to see here?
SH: No not really, I think it contains most of what people need, ummmm, so that really I’m not aware as I’m thinking to you that there could be urrr, anything else.
I: What is Dartford like as a place to live?
SH: I think it’s quite friendly otherwise I wouldn’t have live here for so many years, ummmm, yes I quite like it I suppose like most towns, it has a lot to offer, local areas with Bluewater, ummm the tunnel so your here there and everywhere in 25, so we’re really so central to so many things.
SH: Three words? Well, a lot of it is beautiful with the old church and the park as I say it’s friendly and obviously I love living here.
I: Thank you so much, and what’s your name?
SH: Susan Howley.
O: We’re doing a project, it’s kind of all theoretical, but we’re creating a new market hall over there.
RS: Oh, hope you’re not on a wanted poster! RH: You’ve got to be careful!
O: It’s all about how the market interacts with the high-street and just seeing, because I lived in Dartford for quite a while, so just seeing how it’s transformed over the past couple of years and what kind of state its in, and just seeing what you think of the area.
RH: What if you criticise the Dartford Borough Council is it alright then? Have a dig at them!
I: Even better! We’re not working with them! So what do you have to say about the council?
RH: Oh is it recording now then E: Yes, yes, go on then!
RH: Well, now they Could have handled this Tesco business a lot better, a lot better, let a lot of people down, then they fi nd excuses that its out of their control, at the end of the day it’s up to them what happens and what doesn’t happen in dartford and as for moving the market here on Thursday from there to here its a disaster! A lot of the Traders aren’t very happy,
I: Why’s that?
RH: I suppose the last couple of hundred years, the dartford market on a Thursday has been out the high-street, now its come to the high- street I suppose people aren’t use to it. As for me personally and my mate here its just a little walk round on a Saturday, Thursday afternoon, morning.
S: What do you do for a living?
RH: I’m on Dartford dry-cleaners on Lowfi eld street, so this business has affected us a lot, my friend here is another dry-cleaners in the high-street. Everybody’s drycleaners. Hahah. Anything else?
I: Three words to describe Dartford?
RH: At the moment, it could be a lot better, yeah, its all, at the moment its down, the only way up is, the only way going there is up, this is the lowest point I’ve seen Dartford, so I’ve been here more than 30 odd years.
I: Why is it so low?
RH: Everything has been knocked down and nothing been built up. We lost Marks and Spencers years and years ago, we lost the Co-op down the road years and years ago, 150 people used to work in there. There’s no reason people come in Dartford on these days, they wake up in the morning where shall we go, no Dartford 110%. They built Bluewater up the road, so there’s no reason to come in Dartford if you’re not coming to the post offi ce or anything else, or the pound shops or the funeral shops, haha.
S: Is there some kind of potential in the area?
RH: Well, now we have heard, Tescos have sold out to some German fi rm, 5 Lowfi eld street, and at the end of the months, Dartford borough council and them will have a meeting, so maybe, maybe, they may come to some sort of agreement, there will be more people in Dartford, and build it up quick, cos Dartford needs help I think, the traders need help from the Dartford Borough council, but we ain’t getting anything at the moment.
I: And what’s your names?
RH: My name is Riadh Hussain, they call me Ri Hussain, and my friend’s name is … Eddie.
Scene Three THE OLD MAN
DH: You’ll have to raise your voice, cos I’m....
S: Oh okay
DH: I struggle sometimes
S: Would you mind saying again the same thing you just said because she wasn’t...hehehehe...
DH: Hahahaha
S: Just that you’re not from dartford and you come here on thursday
DH: Come here on Thursday but on Saturdays we attend Dartford football club.
S: Oh I see
DH: So I come twice a week, but I don’t come to town on saturdays just to the football club.
S: So once you come for your wife and once you come for yourself
DH: Ah she comes to football as well and I just come here to be the donkey to carry the shopping. hahah.
S: And do you come here by train or do you drive
DH: Drive, it’s only four miles! where do you come from? O: Well I came from Hextable, but I live in Cambridge DH: Where abouts in Hextable?
DH: Oh yeah, I live in Lower road
I: So do you like Dartford
DH: I love Dartford, well the reason I love Dartford is because when I was a teenager I used to play football in Dartford so that’s when I got to know the town and then I boxed in Dartford in Lowfi eld street, so I boxed then I used to play football so that was my introduction to Dartford.
I: So how has it changed? How have you seen it change?
DH: Umm well, The town hasn’t changed too much has it? Other than the new supermarkets and the shopping centres, the roads are all still here , the factories gone obviosuly, the per mills went [indistinguishable],jamie halls went, vicars armstrong went, so wer’re a town of services now rather than industries. But everybody has settled into it so
S: In terms of the age of the population, like when you were playing football I can imagine it was place for young people
DH: Yeah yeah, its much bigger, and its funny you should say that I just
had a cup of coffee down there, and this cup of coffee, well I tell 7 you, when I fi rst started work I used to earn 2.50 a week, so that was a long time ago, 2.50 a week, I just bought a cup of coffee down there to drink in and it was 2.40 and I was sat there thinking I used to work a whole week for that cup of coffee, haha so yeah, things have changed. ahaha
O: Do you think the high street has got busier?
DH: Sorry?
O: Do you think Dartford has got busier over the years?
DH: Dartford? Oh no, once upon a time you couldn’t move in Dartford, I remember when Vicar Armstrong was in powder mill lane was it? At 4 o clock in the afternoon you’d see about 500 push bikes coming down out of there, and coming down through the town all going home to temple hill and places like that yeah, you don’t see the push bikes anymore but there were lots of them, and everybody used to come out of work about the same time, Jamie Halls and all that so it was a standstill, we used to have on golf corner used to be called, bottom of Lowfi eld street, we used to have a policeman on duty there cos traffi c used to come through, so yeah, traffi c all used to come through the high street there all the buses, trolley buses, they used to go round market street yeah it was a very busy town, well, it was a market town, so yeah, it was busy.
I: And how do you think the market has changed? Has it stayed the same?
DH: I think they made a mistake putting it in the high-street actually, but everybody else thinks differently, I think it was better cos it was undercover so on a Thursday now and a Saturday if its raining it defi nitely affect that market, whereas before it wouldn’t matter because it was in the car park at ummm Sainsbury’s.
I: Do you remember it from before it was in the car-park?
DH: Before it was behind ummm, which is now the ummm, what’s the name of the shopping centre around there ummm, begins with a p I think...
O: Priory
DH: Priory yeah, it used to be behind there didn’t it? Years ago in a old uh yeah, in fact the footpath is still there, if you go round to the priory, instead of going to the entrance just to the right, there a little gate, and that was the alleyway up to, up to the market
S: And there’s nothing there now,
DH: uh, yes, in fact, the Sainsburys is up there, and all the uh, shops backs up to it. But it was a good town, good for sports Dartford was I: And if you had three words to describe dartford what would they be? DH: Three what sorry?
I: Three words to describe Dartford?
DH: Three words, yeah, what would I say? Well, it was a happy town, yeah, really was a happy town, cos everybody knew each other, well, being in sport, everybody knew, and oh, I used to race cars as well, stock cars yeah, but that was at Crayford, just down the road in the old stadium, they’ve got a new stadium now, so yeah, it was all good fun, and oh, we had ummm snooker halls,we had two cinemas, one in Lowfi eld street one at the larden? Bingo halls, yeah it was good, all the pubs, in fact Ive got a map indoors, that maps every pub, I don’t drink anymore, it maps every pub in dartford, from just over the top of west hill to just over the top of east hill, 57 pubs. And I always remember its 57, cos I think of heinz, heinz baked beans.
S: So where did you get that map from? DH: Sorry?
S: Is it on a map?
DH: It’s just a map of Dartford and they just put a dot where all the pubs were.
S: That would be very interesting to see, do you reckon it could be bought from somewhere?
DH: I got it from my father -in-law Ian,
S: Oh, yeah I see
DH: So he gave it to me
S: Yeah that would be interesting to see
DH: Yeah, 57
I: So did you use to work in the area?
DH: Uh, no, only just come here to play sport, play snooker, play football and uhhh, box in wentworth, that was the name of the boxing club, an duh yeah, that was it.
I: Thank you very much can we take your name?
DH: Yes, Full name?
I: Please
DH: David Homewood That’s H O M E W -double O- D
Scene Four THE KIDS
CB: JK we’re going to be interviewed. Laughter We’ll do one at a time,
I: So do you live in dartford? CB: Yes!
I: So what’s the best thing about living in Dartford for you?
K: I love it!
CB: It’s not like too central but it’s also quite as well, that’s why I love Dartford so much.
O: Do you go to school in the area?
CB: Yeah, I go to Dartford Girls grammar school
O: Oh really? I went to the boys.
K: I go to the primary school!
I: So do you got to the markets often?
CB: Yeah I do.
I: Is it a good market?
CB: The foods are amazing and reasonably cheap in price. We bought something from the market K: I love strawberries! I: Is it better being on the main high-street now?
O: Do you got to Bluewater?
CB: All the time?
O: All the time, okay, more than Dartford? Do you prefer it?
CB: I wouldn’t say more than Dartford cos obviously I live here?
O: Okay, yeah, do you prefer it to....?
CB: Nods
I: So if you had three words to sum up Dartford what would they be?
K: Amazing brilliant spectacular
RS: Deez nuts
CB: ummmm, friendly, peaceful and ummm, I don’t know, nice, everyone’s just really nice here, all about the community and stuff.
O: And can we just grabs your names?
CB: Oh okay, Chewbacca, Chim, JP, Amelia, Michaela, Natya.
I: Are you only here on a Thursday?
SH1: Saturdays as well, we’ll be in the same place Saturday.
I: So what do you do for the rest of the week?
SH1: I don’t know, what do yo do the rest of the week, I’m available on Sundays, 9-5 love!
SH1: Tina, do you want to be in this? Inland Revenue.
I: So, how long have you been working in the stall?
SH1: Seven years now
I: So what has the move been like from the Sainsbury’s car park to here?
SH1: Well this goes on longer, we used to go away from there about 4 o’clock, we don’t get away here til 6, it’s a better position here.
I: Do you get more footfall?
I: Are you the only fruit and veg stall?
SH1: No, there’s usually another one up there, but it’s not out today.
I: And do you feel that the big Tesco is causing trouble?
SH1: Tesco’s? No I don’t think that’s been affecting us, it might do a little bit, but not a lot
I: So do you live in Dartford?
SH1: No…
SH2: I do!
SH2: So how have you seen Dartford change?
SH2: It’s got worse, I mean Tesco’s taken over there, and moving us away from the car park, where people can’t park and then take all their fruit and veg to the car easily is hard work for them, so the market has been going down hill really, I think.
SH1: Any bowl a pound!
I: And what’s it like here as a city, is it changing?
SH2: A city? It’s a town.
I: What’s it like as a town?
SH2: It’s alright, I’ve been here all my life I think it’s a good town to be honest with you, yeah
I: Is the council supporting you at all with the big Tesco’s coming in?
I: So the sign saying support your local businesses over there...
SH2: Yeah, we’re not getting any support here either, I’m not being funny, but there was a fruit and veg opening over there in the priory centre, and we got told nothing about it
I: And if you had three words to sum up Dartford? SH2: To sum up Dartford three words? Haha
SH1: [muttering about EDL]
SH2: Err, three words? Get out quick! hahaha
I: So have you lived in and around the Dartford area for long? JS: Seven or eight years
I: And what do you think of it?
JS: It’s alright, but it’s gone a bit downhill when you get the odd youngsters thinking that they’re older than the others, you get 13 and 14 year olds asking the older lot to go in the shop to buy them booze and fags which is a bit pain in the backside because I don’t really like doing that.
I: So has that changed from when you were a kid do you think?
JS: Yeah, and nowadays the police have got a lot stricter as well, from when I was little, when I was 13 hanging out on the street corner, they wouldn’t mind, but now if I’m out with my mates, they’ll always ask me what am I doing.
I: And why do you think that is?
JS: Probably because I’m older, probably might think I’m a trouble maker, and I always got stopped and searched, my bag, cause they always say I’ve got drugs on me, but when I give them my bag to search, they like, oh sorry, wrong person, and the same description, and I’m just thinking like, it’s a bit hard to fi nd someone who looks exactly like you wearing the same clothes, unless you got a twin brother or something, so
I: So do you work on the market?
JS: Yeah, I just work there, so,
I: So have you recently moved the Thursday market to here?
JS: Yeah, it’s been here about, about a year and a couple of months, but personally I preferred it when it was over in Sainsbury’s.
JS: Erm well, when it’s raining you’re under a shelter, and when it’s windy like today, the stall won’t blow down, because I’ve had an experience of a stall falling on me last year, so
I: And so, how much is there for young people to do? You say you hang around on street corners a lot
JS: Er, there’s a youth club in the YMCA which is by the church, erm and there;s a park, but rather than that there’s just a youth club really.
I: And what do you think there could be better?
JS: More youth clubs in the area for younger people, and a park where it can only be for little kids and big kids at the same time, because sometimes when I take my little brother to the park, the big kids always want to join in and kick the football in the river, and all the skate parks are like spitting on the slide and everything like that, it’s just I don’t like it
I: Do you know how the council supports the market stall holders, do they?
JS: I don’t know, I don’t know much about politics myself, it’s just they think it’s better here because they’ve got more people, but some people say they preferred it at Sainsbury’s which I can understand why. Because it’s easier to get to , and a lot of people with all the shops outside say it’s ruining their business as well, because I’ve got a mate who just works in there and he says when it’s market day it’s just absolutely appalling with customers so.
I: And what do you do with the stall when it’s not market day… like tomorrow?
JS: No, I just work Thursdays, sometimes there’s a farmers market on the Friday, but that’s only like 6/7 stalls, and it’s not like this, it’s like spread out a but as well, so
JS: It’s hard to describe because I want to swear but I don’t want to offend people. It needs tidying up a bit… a lot of homeless people on the streets which I don’t like to see.. and it should be more, like the park wise should be more child friendly rather than having graffi ti on the slides and all that and another words a swear word so I just think it’s stupid.
I: Is there anything else you’d like to say about Dartford?
JS: And another thing is that they really annoy me as well, when people ride their push bikes in the market, you’re not supposed to do it either, so I reckon they should have market police here… well not market police, but if you go up to Vauxhall market, they have marshals that say, if there’s a fi ght, they will escort them out, where as here you do have market managers, but they only pop their face in just to get the money then they’ll go away, so, that’s about it.
Scene Seven PETER OAT
I: So how has it changed?
PO: It’s gone a bit down hill to be honest with you, it’s gone down hill from what it used to be like. I mean it’s becoming a bit of a ghost town if you know what I mean, most of the shops, if you go up logan’s (?) street, a lot of the shops have been shut for 8 to 10 years now, to do with the Tesco thing
I: So the big shops come in, and you feel like they’ve pushed out?
PO: Well I think a lot of the old things have gone away, like years ago, we had… yeah you have a lot of paper mills and things years ago that are no longer here, you know what I mean… like [muttering] and a lot of the employment that used to be there is no longer there because the places are no longer there to employ them.
I: And have other jobs come in?
PO: Well I think you have more people coming into the country so there’s the jobs have got less because the people coming in.
I: So have you been working here for long?
PO: I’ve worked in Dartford in different jobs for about the last 10 or 12 years, but I’ve worked only 7 or 8 years in this sort of a bit more. I used to work in the centre, and before that Safeways which is no longer there
I: And how does the council support local businesses and local people?
PO: Yeah, I think they’re pretty good
I: If you could describe the town in three words, what would they be?
get on with everybody, people seem to get on with everybody, at least I’ve lived here all my life, I think it’s a nice place to live, but as I say, you need a lot more things built so there’s more jobs because I think there’s a lot of unemployment you know, you need jobs so that people can get back to work. Especially the youngsters lik yourselves because there’s nothing for a lot of youngsters and all they end up doing is turning to sort of drugs or something else don’t they, in my young days there was always plenty of work, you could go to a job and if you didn’t like the job you could go somewhere else and get another job, whereas today there’s only so many jobs but there’s so much more people that need jobs, so it’s they can pick you rather than you can pick a job in them days.
SH: Dartford market is OK, it’s not that good not that bad I: So is there a lot of business?
SH: No, not really, we gonna expect something next month because November, December, people waiting for Christmas, so you never know, you can’t say nothing now because the end
I: And so how long have you been coming to Dartford market?
SH: Almost a year now, not long
CC: We moved the market to the high street on a Thursday, it used to be in the car park, the Sainsbury’s car park, and its just been over a year now since we’ve moved it to the high street, and its much better, the businesses are happier, they have improved footfall some as much as 40%, the market is much livelier, we’ve got lots of people, we’ve got a list of people waiting to come on the market now that we’re on the high street and every Thursday it’s practically full. Today we’ve got a few people on holiday actually but generally it’s the busiest it has ever been. It’s really good, yeah.
I: And what about the Saturday market?
CC: The Saturday is still doing well actually our footfall on the high street is actually higher on a Thursday than it is on the Saturday because of the markets being moved across.
I: Is it similar things being sold on the market on the Thursday and the Saturday?
CC: Some people come on a Thursday and a Saturday, some traders just the Saturday, and others just a Thursday. So it’s some of the same traders both days but a mixture.
I: So how did you decide on the highstreet for the place to relocate, did they come to you and ask?
CC: It’s our decision because having the market in the car park was costing us a lot of money, so moving it to the high street has saved ourselves quite, several thousands, well, over one hundred thousand a year, so we can use some of that money to put back into the market, and yeah, it’s going really well.
I: Why was it in the car park in the fi rst place?
CC: You know what, I don’t actually know, it’s been there for quite a long time, originally probably thirty years ago it was based in where the back of Iceland and where the bus stops are, now market street and market place, and I can remember
that when I was little, and then I don’t know for what reason, it was moved to the Sainsbury’s car park.
I: So you’ve lived here your whole life?
CC: Yeah, I was born and bred
I: And so how has it changed?
CC: Oh my god so many changes, the high street, I remember the big the old toy shop right at the bottom of the high street, erm, where the tracer rell (?) is now, that used to be up where my nursery was, I used to play there, when I used to go to nursery I could smell the chips, lots of things, and the high street, you used to be able to drive right down west hill and go right through the high street and up east hill.
I: And then they pedestrianised it all?
CC: Yeah, and then a one way system, and yeah its changed, especially up temple hill, up there, and with them knocking down Glaxo (?), and new places going up, lots of change
-Oli on Glaxo Smith Kline-
I: So do you think good changes/ bad changes?
CC: Defi nitely, defi nitely good changes, and we got paramount being built soon, just up the road don’t we, in a few years, so that will treble house prices in Dartford. Dartford’s going to be the place to be.
I: And house prices increasing is a good thing, or…?
CC: Well it depends if you’re buying or selling, if you’ve already got one now it’ll be good, but if you’re planning on buying one in a few years time it won’t be.
CC: Yes, well we’ve got new owners of the Priory Centre, Vilandeye (?). So they’ve got some improvements going on and the orchard shopping centre, you know we’ve got Aldi now, so that’s been a great improvement for the town, and above Aldi, next month, we have the new 24 hour gym opening, so erm yeah quite a few positive changes happening in Dartford town centre.
I: There was meant to be a couple of years ago, Sainsburys, a big Sainsburys opening?
CC: No, we already have a Sainsbury’s
Oh, you were talking about Tesco’s, oh right, that’s not happening, but there’s some other… improvements on the horizon which I can’t go into, but they will be good for Dartford
I: So with the rents going up, is there anything in place to support the local businesses at the moment?
CC: You would have to speak to the business side of things, so I can’t really comment on that.
I: In terms of the people living in Dartford, has that changed in terms of age, are more younger people coming in?
CC: I believe so, I believe so, we have some more shops for younger people like Paris in Cuffs, I don’t know if you’ve seen that in the Orchard Shopping Centre? And we’ve got Autoskates skate shop, so we are getting more versatile things in Dartford, and we’ve got this project going on at the minute, its Schopp, it’s an app you can download on your phone, don’t know if you’ve seen it. I’ll get my phone and show you it, it’s a lot clearer….
Right, so, this is a free app to businesses and customers, I’m on here as a customer, so basically there are lots of shops in Dartford, lots of businesses, and they can all put
their deals on here, and what special offers they’ve got on, and then you can go in and redeem the offer…
Boss calling…
CC: Christmas lights will go on the 14th of November.. and theres so much.. and we’ve got a whole afternoon of entertainment, so there’ll be so much to organize
O: you got a special name?
CC: fl iers going out soon.. blabla erm and we have erm from the voice Jamie Johnson, and Lewis said ‘id love to work with you again if there’s anything you want to do’.
O: one other thing: how long have you worked for the council
CC: I’ve worked for the council for itll be 14yrs in jan, I used to work for the council tax dept so that was 10yrs and then I came here community safety sth … (what she worked for) I now do projects with Lewis and the markets
O: have you noticed effects from Bluewater
CC: Nah not really
I: Its not moved people away from coming into Dartford for shopping?
CC: Gosh bluewaters been here for what .. 15 years … Priory shopping centres been here for a long time.. interview the manager Debbie shed be happy to talk to you!
I: Support your local business? Is that part of a council campaign?
CC: Yes it is yes; just trying to revitalize the high street and shop local, support the businesses instead of going to Bluewater and the larger what to call it like .. blabla Costco so yeah and also I was telling you about this SCHOPP thing, this is all to do with the shop local and as I was saying theres lots of different shops we’ve got in Dartford.. its on there.. (showing app); Gym- weve got a new gym coming to Dartford.. so this
is really good for business cause it’s free for them to promote their special offi ce.. this was set up through the council and a guy called Ivan Scoric, the director of schopp.
O: and the Portas town? How did that go?
CC: pretty well, yeah, we met the Portas Town(?), she gave us some money, which we’ve used to do various things around town like the community shop pop up
O: Community meet
CC: yes sorry and some market and erm bursaries, we’ve given some people so many months free at the market, and (something) at half price and now two of them have got their own shops. So that’s doing really well.
I: how does that work (portas in the shopping centre)? Is it successful?
CC: it’s really successful. Its fully booked up. People get to use it for free and it ranges from book clubs to people with special needs to cactus society to all different things and again Debbie would be the person to update you with that really but again that really took off
I: and so you get a big range of ages and does that work of them having this kind of shop centre?
CC: yes, yes its really helped
I: and do they tend to be for weekly thing
CC: Some of them are booked like for the next 6months, same time same day each week, that’s really popular
I: And does the council use it for any kind of political engagement?
CC: Not political engagement no. we have used it in the past when we’ve had … we did have Gavin Johnson come down actually and we were showing them around the
markets… (someone interrupts with a question) sorry.. Gavin Johnson coming down to have look at the town and the market and what we’ve done with it.. we’ve had a few people from different businesses sth porta cabin and met up with them.
I: is there much political engagement in the community in general that you know of?
CC: Ah the head of the council is heavily involved in promoting the markets and the Dartford revival and we have entertainment on market days which he funds.. so yes he’s very into helping town.
S: Dartford in 3 words?
CC: Sorry just thinking.. 3 words god.. I’m trying to think the words in my head.. growing, two words – community orientated, and whats the word for like on the up.. Again: community orientated, thriving, and on the up
(asks random guy entering) – 3 words to describe dartford?
he replies: interesting, relentless, rewarding
I: So you work in Dartford did you say?
CK: Yeah, I work in the hospital just outside Dartford, but I live in Erith
I: So do you come in for the market?
CK: Come here for the bank, the market and for shopping in general
I: And what have you found with the move of the Thursday market to the high street?
CK: I think it’s a good idea because it was just getting smaller and smaller in the car park, and in the end no one was really going there, it was used more for a car park, and it brings more activity towards the town really, and it’s more convenient than walking all through shopping centres and into car parks
I: So how much do the council, do you know if they help the market, how much do you know about what the council does?
CK: I don’t really know anything about that I’m afraid
S: And in what sphere do you work?
CK: In lobotomy in Darent Valley hospital, it’s a little way out of the town
S: And so if you had three words to describe Dartford what would they be?
CK: Lively, it’s a good place to… well that’s more than three words… good. And, well, it’s okay.
I: So you live nearby, how often do you come to Dartford?
G: Quite often cause I go to college in Dartford, so I’m usually around here quite a lot.
I: Oh cool. What’s the shopping like, what’s the market, is it good, the shopping centres.
G: The shopping centre is good, shops like Primark are quite cheap, so I usually go there quite often.. erm I don’t really go to the market but it seems quite good from when I walk by and that kind of stuff
Voice in the background (talking to Oliver): it’s going down
I: What is there for young people to do in Dartford?
G: I don’t really know, there’s... apart from shopping there’s not really much.
I: Do you go to Bluewater more than you come here? G: Yes I would I: And have you lived in the area your whole life? G: No I moved here recently I: And do you have three words to describe Dartford?
G: Aaah.. friendly…
S: They don’t have to be positive
G: Eeerm.. can be slightly dirty sometimes.. and cheap, cause there’s cheap shops.
SO: Do you know about Lowfi eld str, tesco etc etc.. it’s not tesco anymore. The lowfi eld street area because you know that’s been sold by tesco and taken.. you probably know who the new developers are, but hopefully they’ll have the community a lot more in mind than just tesco’s block of supermarket
O: Have you seen much improvement over the past couple years in footfall?
SO: Yes. The footfall through here since Aldi have come and whether its because of that I don’t know but its certainly increased. Ummm I like to think I have a little input in this as well!
Generally from what people tell me sort of the general feeling within Dartford has improved.. as far as buildings etc. and generally the make up has still a long way to go.. I think its slowly improving
O: Do you have contact with the people who run this place (orchard) Do they sit down and have conversations with you..
SO: Not necessarily, we occasionally do meetings probably once maybe twice a year as to whats going on within the centre or potentially whats gonna be added to the centre and things like that.. am yes generally that’s it but I do get on very well with the management here.. they’re very good to me..
I: How have you seen the market outside changing?
SO: The market? How have I seen it changing? Its certainly become a little more, I think, a little more organized.. it used to spread wide at the high street which could be an obstruction to somebody who wanted to go straight through.. they have been told to move back off the pavement but I think (cant tell what he says).. so as far as that’s concerned, its improved. There was talk a while ago of being an antiques market on a Sunday; antiques and collectors fair market on a Sunday, the fi rst Sunday of every month, but that was about a year ago and it almost got there but it didn’t
98 happen, that’s a shame, it’s a terrible shame but generally the market, the whole of the high street is starting to turn around I think, very very slowly, certainly with the community. Structurally – not a lot different, but with the community – a lot different
I: So do you feel like businesses are supported?
SO: No I don’t know if they are supported but I get the feeling that they are encouraged , that’s just the feeling ive got, but certainly Dartford needs more and more opinion, a lot more in the small independent.
O: Do you speak to the people in the other units
SO: the other units? Some, not huge amount, but some. One or two cause I deliver the Dartford living, which is a magazine, so when that comes out, I deliver it to a few of the units so.. start to talk a little bit there and that in itself has got more readership
I: Do you have three words to describe Dartford?
SO: 3 words? Potential.. erm.. potentially exciting which is 2 words.. and hmm improving.. though those 3 words don’t go together but its improving yeah I suppose they’re all linked.. there’s certainly got a huge potential there, huge potential. Somewhere if you were to commit cause its never going to be as it was, the high street will never ever be as it was years and years ago but there’s the huge potential of becoming .. having the Margate effect if you like.. where it could be a cultural, an artistic destination.. cause its got so much going anyway with the theatre.. it’s all in my opinion joining up, talking to each other, and working more – not in each others pocket but working more together so its done as a whole rather that little individual pockets
What I’m also doing is.. a lot of people are doing community projects.. I’ve just fi nished being involved with the children from a primary school.. that’s all sticking out of my gallery, going out.. and the more people do that, the more people feel included I think, the colleges as well should stick out of their buildings and get involved with the community either through art or whatever it is they study.. rather than keep within their own canvas.. but they seem a bit reluctant to do this.