Spain trip 2015

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Spain Trip 2015 – 5th-12th April Itinerary details •

Information gathered over 10 trips in 4 years

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of hours of extra reading and research

Itinerary isn’t comprehensive. It is open to change based on weather and group wishes

Key species lists based on my own observations over multiple visits, there is always surprises.

Previous April week long totals: 175 and 187.

When you arrive •

Depending on which terminal you arrive in will dictate which direction you will need to go

Regardless of this you will want to head out of baggage claim and head towards the front entrance of arrivals – It is near the Taxi symbol on the map above

If we all meet in front of arrivals then we will have everyone together. For those arriving later we will hopefully have the cars by then and will pick you up from here and head straight off.

What to bring •

Drivers – Driving license

Everyone         

Optics (No brainer Passport (No brainer) Drivers - Driving license (for the love of god PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THIS!!!) Something waterproof (April can be wet...giggidy) Comfortable walking footwear Light clothing (Can be up to 25oC in April) Something warm (Can be as low as 10oC if the winds going the wrong way) Euros (Best to get them changed before you get to the airport Remember to check in online and print your boarding passes off there

The Sites •

The next 4 slides show the full list of sites which are worth visiting.

We will obviously not visit them all but based on the desired species lists you have given me I will suggest the sites we should visit

However all sites will be detailed here so you can all choose your most desired ones

Sites – North Cadiz Province •


Sanlucar, Bonanza & Trebujena

Mesa de Asta Marsh


Laguna de los Tollos


Lagunas de Espera


Lagunas de Lebrija


Laguna de Medina


Lagunas de Puerto Real


Lagunas del Puerto de Santa Maria


El Puerto de Santa Maria – Bahia de Cadiz North


San Fernando Marshes – Bahia de Cadiz Central


Chiclana/Marismas de Santa Petri – Bahia de Cadiz South


** ***

Sites – South Cadiz Province •




Cape Trafalgar


Barbate Estuary


La Janda

Bolonia, Atlanterra – Sierra de la Plata


Tarifa – Playa de los Lances


Strait of Gibraltar


Punta Secreta & Carnero


Southern Alcornocales


Los Barrios


Vejer Area




Sites – East Cadiz Province •

Los Alcornocales (North)

Grazalema loop




Llanos de Libar

Jimena de la Frontera


Castillo de Castellar






Sites – South Seville Province •

Brazo del Este


Laguna de Mejorada


El Arahal-Marchena-Carmona



La Lantejuela



Itinerary Day 1 – La Janda, Tahivilla, Zahara area, Barbate, Cape Trafalgar, Cantarranas and Benalup (Maybe Bolonia after Tahivilla if time allows) Key species – Little Bustard, Spanish-Imperial Eagle, Black-Winged Kite, Pallid Harrier, Scops Owl, Red-Necked Nightjar, Bald Ibis, Eagle Owl, Purple Gallinule, Calandra Lark Habitats – Cliffs, woodland, open fields, rice paddies, olive groves All cars start at Benalup and finish at Cantarranas •

Sea watch at Trafalgar possible for those that want to, can assign people to cars based on what they want to do/see.

Start at Benalup for Little Bustard, Montagu’s Harrier and Black-Winged Kite

Finish at Cantarranas for Little Bustard, Scops Owl, Eagle Owl, Red-Necked Nightjar and Black-Winged Kite

La Janda a drive through site, a bit like Jurassic Park! Pallid Harrier and MANY raptors possible here, also good for Bluethroat, Ibis, Herons, Egrets, Purple Gallinule, Waders, Terns etc

Rough miles – 85


A/J – Alcala de los Gazules B – La Janda C – Tahivilla D – Zahara E – Barbate wetlands F – Cape Trafalgar G – Vejer H – Cantarranas I – Benalup

Day 2- 3 options available

1. La Lantejuela, Osun, Arahal triangle. If time allows Sierra Norte de Sevilla 2. La Lantejuela, Osun, Arahal triangle. If time allows sites south of Seville 3. La Lantejuela, Osun, Arahal triangle. Fuente di piedra if time allows Key species Route 1 (Bold long only) – Purple Swamphen, Black Stork, Orphean Warbler, Iberian Chiffchaff, Black-Shouldered Kite, Black Vulture, Golden Eagle, Bonelli’s Eagle, Eagle Owl, Little Bustard, Great Bustard, Black-Bellied Sandgrouse, Southern Grey Shrike, Roller, Golden Oriole, Great-Spotted Cuckoo, Azure-Winged Magpie, Rock Sparrow, Rock Bunting, Spanish Sparrow Route 2 (In addition to non bold from route 1) – Greater Flamingo, Herons, Ibis, Egrets, Waders, Slender-Billed Gull, Marbled Duck, Baillon’s Crake, Whiskered Tern, Lesser ShortToed Lark, Savi’s Warbler, Exotics (Yellow-Headed Weaver, Yellow-Crowned Bishop, Waxbill), Spectacled Warbler Route 3 (In addition to non bold from route 1) – Lesser Flamingo, White-Headed Duck,

Habitats – Steppes, wetlands, lakes, mountain forests Proper Steppe birding and a chance to explore a very under watched area. •

A lot of driving but regular stops can be had along the route as a lot of smaller sites of interest between Alcala and Osuna

Day of this may change depending on temperature. Cloudy/cooler day would be ideal for scanning for Lesser Flamingo at Fuente de Piedra.

Rough miles Route 1: 320 miles long, 250 miles short Route 2: 272 miles long, 250 miles short Route 3: 325 miles long, 250 miles short

Short Route A/E – Alcala de los Gazules B – Arahal Triangle C – La Lantejuela D – Osuna Triange

Long Route 1 A/F – Alcala de los Gazules B – Sierra Seville Norte C – La Lantejuela D – Osuna Triangle E – Arahal Triangle

Long Route 2 A/G – Alcala de los Gazules B – Brazo del Este south C – Brazo del Este north D – Arahal Triangle E – La Lantejuela F – Osuna Triangle

Long Route 3 A/F – Alcala de los Gazules B – Fuente de Piedra C – La Lantejuela D – Osuna Triangle E – Arahal Triangle

Day 3 - Day on the Straits. Bolonia, Los Lances etc. Whale Trip (To take place on 7th April) Key species – Ruppell’s Vulture, rarer falcons/Pallid Harrier, Migrating birds, Back-Eared Wheatear, Sharpe’s Woodpecker, Blue-Rock Thrush, Sea watching, Cetaceans, Audouin’s Gull, Lesser Crested Tern, Common Bulbul, European Chameleon, Oscillated Lizard Habitats – Beach, wetland, Woodland, Cliffs, Scrub •

Far more relaxing day.

Lots of good migration hopefully and some good sites to visit if it’s quiet (Will make sure we go a day when it isn’t).

Can split up and do different sites depending on what and where people want to do/go.

Chance to revisit La Janda etc if time allows and there has been a good movement of raptors/storks.

Rough miles – 120 Extra if time allows – Eastern Cadiz sites for birds and reptiles Key species – Reptiles, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Amphibians etc. Woodland bird species, migrants, birds of prey (Esp Short-Toed Eagle. Another chance for Bonelli’s Eagle/Black Wheatear/Red-Necked Nightjar. Habitats – Woodland, farmland, beach/coastal Rough Miles – 180


Route 1 A/E – Alcala de los Gazules B – Bolonia C – Tarifa/Strait of Gibraltar D – Los Barrios rubbish dump

Route 1 – Option 1 A/J – Alcala de los Gazules B – Bolonia C – Tarifa/Strait of Gibraltar D – Marchenilla West E – Marchenilla East F - San Martin G – Manilva H – Alcaidesa I – Los Barrios rubbish Dump

Day 4 – Grazalema, Llanos de Libar, Jimena de la Frontera. Option to visit vulture feeding station. Key species – Black Vulture, Golden Eagle, Black Wheatear, Rock Bunting, Rock Sparrow, Rock Thrush, Bonelli’s Eagle, Migrants, Wryneck, Short-Toed Treecreeper, Sylvias, Forest Warblers, Orchids, Ibex Habitats – Mountains, Forests, Farmland •

Mountain birding

Always a lot of species to see

Early morning excellent as cold start leads to confiding birds


Mountain butterflies and flowers

Can split up into groups to cover the best areas

Rough miles – 120 Map

Route 1 – Option 1 A/F – Alcala de los Gazules B – El Bosque C – Grazalema D – Llanos de Libar E – Ubrique

Day 5 – Bonanza, Chipionia, Rota, Cadiz lagunas Key species – Little Swift, White-Headed Duck, Marbled Duck, Azure-Winged Magpie, Ferruginous Duck, Photogenic waders, Spanish-Imperial Eagle, Breeding Booted Eagle, Crakes, Sandgrouses, Pratincoles, Marsh Tern breeding colony, chance of scarce waders and elusive warblers (Broad Billed Sand, Wilsons Phal, Savi’s Warb, Aquatic Warb) Habitats – Salinas, Woodland, Plains, farmland •

The other Donana, but better!

Huge range of species, 130+ in a day possible with luck

Great photo opportunities for those keen

Can split to cover every area throughout the day

European Chameleon possible

Huge outside chance of Rufous Bushchat and Western Olivaceous Warbler

Rough miles – 150 Route A/J – Alcala de los Gazules B – Mesas de Asta Marsh C – North Trebujena D – Algaida pine woods E – Bonanza Salt pans F – Chipionia G – Santa Maria lagunas H – Salinas Santa Maria I – Lagunas Puerto Real

Day 6 – Free Day Key species – Any we have missed. A free day to choose one last pop at a few things we may have missed. Habitats – Any •

If weather ruins one day we can try those sites again to try and get the species we hope for

This free day can be used as a rest day if the driver’s minds have totally gone to pieces with all the driving

Chance to explore the area around Alcala or spend the evening watching the Lesser Kestrel colony or maybe find the towns local Barn Owl!! (Might be the only one we see)

Rough miles – N/A Suggestions      

Day on the straits if one day looks particularly good Bird free day – Focus on the regions rarer Orchids/Reptiles/Insects Culture Day – Visit local towns (Ronda etc) Rest Day – Explore Alcala as above Repeat sites Gibraltar – Walk to the upper rock for Barbary Partridge and migrants. Sea watch from Europa Point.

Notes •

Maps and directions to be given to each car

Proposing petrol is paid by passenger of each car. Without the three drivers this trip would not be possible so I think its a fair exchange.

Accommodation should have Wifi but there is places for Wifi in the town.

Itinerary is not final. Decisions on site visits down to group majority.

Species Rarity A rough species list with difficulty highlighted based on my current Andalusian list. Green easiest, Red hardest. Yellow shouldn’t be a problem but may be if we’re unlucky. There is also a list of “others” that I have yet to see but we could come across.

Greylag Goose Common Shelduck Wigeon Gadwall Teal Mallard Pintail Garganey Shoveler Marbled Duck Red-Crested Pochard Pochard Ferruginous Duck Common Scoter White-Headed Duck Red-Legged Partridge Quail Pheasant Little Grebe Great Crested Grebe Black-Necked Grebe Cory's Shearwater Yelkouan Shearwater Balearic Shearwater Euro Storm Petrel Gannet Cormorant Shag Little Bittern Night Heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Little Egret Great Egret Grey Heron Purple Heron Black Stork White Stork Glossy Ibis Bald Ibis Spoonbill Greater Flamingo Honey Buzzard Black-Winged Kite Black Kite Red Kite Egyptian Vulture Griffon Vulture Black Vulture Short-Toed Eagle

Marsh Harrier Hen Harrier Pallid Harrier Montagu's Harrier Goshawk Sparrowhawk Buzzard Long-Legged Buzzard Spanish Imperial Eagle Golden Eagle Booted Eagle Bonelli's Eagle Osprey Lesser Kestrel Common Kestrel Hobby Peregrine Falcon Water Rail Moorhen Purple Swamphen Coot Red-Knobbed Coot Common Crane Little Bustard Great Bustard Oystercatcher Black-Winged Stilt Avocet Stone-Curlew Collared Pratincole Little-Ringed Plover Ringed Plover Kentish Plover Grey Plover Lapwing Knot Sanderling Little Stint Curlew Sandpiper Dunlin Snipe Woodcock Black-Tailed Godwit Bar-Tailed Godwit Whimbrel Curlew Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Greenshank Wood Sandpiper

Redshank Turnstone Black-Headed Gull Slender Billed Gull Mediterranean Gull Audouin's Gull Common Gull Lesser BB Gull Herring Gull Yellow-Legged Gull Gull-Billed Tern Caspian Tern Lesser Crested Tern Sandwich Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Little Tern Whiskered Tern Black Tern Razorbill Black-Bellied Sandgrouse Rock Dove Stock Dove Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Turtle Dove Rose-Ringed Parakeet Monk Parakeet Great Spotted Cuckoo Cuckoo Scops Owl Little Owl Nightjar Red-Necked Nightjar Common Swift Pallid Swift Alpine Swifft White-Rumped Swift Little Swift Kingfisher Bee-Eater Roller Hoopoe Wryneck Green Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker Calandra Lark Greater Short-Toed Lark Crested Lark Thekla Lark

Woodlark Skylark Sand Martin Crag Martin Swallow Red-Rumped Swallow House Martin Tawny Pipit Tree Pipit Meadow Pipit Yellow Wagtail Grey Wagtail White Wagtail Common Bulbul Wren Dunnock Rufous-Tailed Scrub Robin Robin Nightingale Black Redstart Redstart Whinchat Stonechat Wheatear Black-Eared Wheatear Black Wheatear Rock Thrush Blue Rock Thrush Ring Ouzel Blackbird Song Thrush Redwing Mistle Thrush Cetti's Warbler Fan-Tailed Warbler Olivaceous Warbler Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Melodious Warbler Dartford Warbler Spectacled Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Orphean Warbler Whitethroat Garden Warbler Blackcap Western Bonelli's Warbler Chiffchaff Iberian Chiffchaff

Willow Warbler Firecrest Spotted Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher Long-Tailed Tit Crested Tit Coal Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Nuthatch Short-Toed Treecreeper Golden Oriole Iberian Grey Shrike Woodchat Shrike Jay Azure-Winged Magpie Magpie Chough Jackdaw Raven Spotless Starling Common Starling House Sparrow Spanish Sparrow Tree Sparrow Rock Sparrow Common Waxbill Chaffinch Serin Greenfinch Goldfinch Linnet Crossbill Hawfinch Cirl Bunting Rock Bunting Reed Bunting Corn Bunting

Others to look for Ruddy Shelduck Tufted Duck Barbary Partridge Great Shearwater Eurasian Bittern Western Reef Heron Lesser Flamingo Ruppell's Vulture Greater Spotted Eagle Lesser Spotted Eagle Eleonora's Falcon Spotted Crake Cream-Coloured Courser Temminck's Stint Broad-Billed Sandpiper Ruff Red-Necked Phalarope Roseate Tern Puffin Barn Owl Eagle Owl Lesser Short-Toed Lark Citrine Wagtail Alpine Accentor Bluethroat Moussier's Redstart Savi's Warbler Sedge Warbler Penduline Tit Red Avadavat Ortolan Bunting

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