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The Olivet Foundation
The Olivet Foundation exists to secure, manage and distribute funds that assist ONU students.
Your investments from endowed gifts — and funds from other planned giving instruments — advance Olivet’s mission today and will benefit future generations of world-changers.
Faithful mission investors (like you) can take advantage of creative options:
• Gifts through your Will,
Gift Annuities, Life Insurance and other retirement assets • Gifts of cash, property, stock or other securities • Gifts in memory or honor of a loved one
Every endowed gift is directed by a Gift Agreement between the University and you, the investor. During fiscal year 2020, the Olivet Foundation provided $1,806,700 for scholarship awards and program distributions.
The Brenda S. Forshee (Starner) First Generation Scholarship The Raymon E. Baker Scholarship The Phyllis (Lukehart) Fuja Scholarship The Mary Jean Scott Memorial Scholarship The Schnicker-Garvin Scholarship The David and Ella Elwood Scholarship The Margaret and Claude Bazile Scholarship The Denise Stiles-Dickey Elementary Education Scholarship The Edgar E. and Muriel E. Scammahorn Memorial Scholarship The Buck and Carrie Stimson Scholarship The Dr. Carlton and Betty Hansen Scholarship The Gill Family Scholarship The Joy Love Johnston Memorial Scholarship The Wanda Winburn (Milner) Scholarship
Fiscal Year 2020 ONU Foundation Gifts: $2,443,678