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at Olivet was heavily shaped by my peers and professors and the way they encouraged and challenged me. If it wasn’t for my fellow public relations girls encouraging me, I never would’ve been on the executive board for Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) or an account executive in Inspired Strategies Agency (ISA). Both PRSSA and ISA helped to build my resume with hands on experience and leadership opportunities. Of course, none of this would’ve been possible without my academic and Foundation scholarships. Being raised by a single mom, I wouldn’t have been able to attend Olivet without the generosity of those who donate.
Your annual giving allows students to thrive in their Olivet journeys and helps fulfill a vital mission — Education With a Christian Purpose. You strengthen the ONU experience through scholarship, academic and athletic support. Jordan, Class of 2025, says: “So many times across campus, I’ve heard, ‘I prayed with my mom or dad: if it’s God’s will for me to go to a Christian University, please let Olivet be affordable.’ I’ve prayed that! So, when you give and respond, you’re quite literally changing a life forever.” Jordan’s experience is one of thousands that is a direct result of your commitment. We are so grateful you continue to choose Olivet Nazarene University. Your investment transforms student lives.
“The internship experience impacted my life by confirming my vocation in the public relations and communication industry. The staff at Soul City was very encouraging and helped me to steward my gifts last summer. It helped me to grow in my faith by being in church more consistently than I have been and helped me to trust God’s plan for me. I stepped into a place where I didn’t know anybody, but where I did know that I was where God wanted me to be.”