The Parent Guide - Summer '17

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summer 2017






OUR SECOND CENTURY Since 1907, young men and women have found their purpose and vocation at Olivet Nazarene University. Each year, new students fill the classrooms, laboratories and residence halls across campus to discover their life calling through "Education with a Christian Purpose." Burke Administration Building stands as a testament to Olivet’s rich history and bright future.



in this issue 6 VALUE & CULTURE

From the President


Advocates of an Olivet education


Headlines from the Olivet community

Welcome to The Parent Guide, a special issue of Olivet the Magazine, published by Olivet Nazarene University. This issue is designed specifically to assist you, the parents of future college students, in navigating the college search process alongside your child. Our aim is to provide information that will help you evaluate each college and university you want to explore. Choosing the right school is an extremely important process for students and families. In their book, “Packin’ Up and Headin’ Out,” Jill and John Bowling share thoughts about the importance of the college years. They write: “The impact of these years is immense and perhaps more dramatic and significant than any other period in life. Why? “Because during these years, besides getting an education that will provide one with an academic foundation for life, students will also: make the transition from living at home to living on their own, move from being under the nearly constant authority and supervision of parents to being independent, choose a career path, develop lifelong friendships, more formally establish your personality, and one may find a life mate.”

The college search process can be vast, complicated, time-consuming and even stressful at times, so we hope you find this issue informative, useful, inspiring and reassuring. We hope you embark on this journey with a sense of excitement and that you are startled by the grace and goodness of God at many stops along the way. No matter which colleges you are exploring, the entire Olivet community is with you in spirit and available to you should you have questions at any point. May God be with you and bless you! The Editorial Board

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OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

VOLUME 85 ISSUE 3 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2017 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345

EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group

PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min.

ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group DESIGN SUPPORT Donnie Johnson Monique Perry ’03 PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) Jones Foto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 M.B.A. Wes Taylor ’16 Joe Mantarian ’16 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Renee Gerstenberger ’85 Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited.


Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Olivet The Magazine is printed in Burlington, Vermont, by Lane Press. At every step in the production process, Lane Press emphasizes reuse and conservation of resources by reducing waste, recycling manufacturing material and adhering to strict environmental standards. Lane Press meets or exceeds State of Vermont and federal requirements for clean air operations, and complies with state laws that require detailed plans for reducing the generation and/or use of hazardous waste and toxic materials. Detailed environmental policy and practices information is available from Lane Press. Some material featured in this issue appeared in previous issues of Olivet The Magazine.

WHA PAR PARE TO D WHAT'S A PARENT TO DO? “Today, there are some 5,300 colleges and universities in the United States, everything from beauty schools to Harvard. How many colleges and universities do we really need?� - Jeffrey J. Selingo, The Washington Post


There is no shortage of options when you’re trying to help your child choose a place to pursue higher education. The real challenge is finding the right place — the college or university where each individual student will thrive. You and your child probably have some of the same concerns as you search for that right place. But most likely, you also have parental concerns.

No matter which schools you explore, this parent guide will be an invaluable help. It provides information that is widely applicable. It also provides some nice-to-know specifics about Olivet Nazarene University. The editors of Olivet The Magazine, as well as the University’s professional staff, are happy to field your questions and connect you with experts who can assist you. May you find guidance in these pages and joy in the process of discovery.




Raising children typically provides training in getting good value. Remember shopping for shoes or winter coats or bicycles? Did you ever lament buying toys/ clothes/electronic devices because they fell short of their promised value? The value mindset serves you well as you help your child find the right college. In this Q&A for Olivet The Magazine, Dr. John C. Bowling, president of Olivet Nazarene University, offers his perspective on the college value proposition.





Dr. John C. Bowling serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard

University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, he is a best-selling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is ‟ReVision: 13 Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life.ˮ

Olivet The Magazine: What should parents look for to help determine the promised value of any given college experience?

John C. Bowling: Look for the value proposition, the statement that summarizes why you should buy a certain product or use a certain service. In this case, it’s the experience at a particular college or university. The value proposition should communicate — in a phrase or a single sentence — what sets apart a specific institution. It is a promise of value. At Olivet, our value proposition is this: “We believe higher education should have a higher purpose.”

We are not merely a university whose task is to provide a set of courses leading to a degree. We do that, but that is not all we do, and it is certainly not our reason for existence. If all we do is give degrees, we have missed our calling. The good news is that our primary purpose is not education alone. It is also transformation. Olivet offers an exceptional academic program. In addition, we provide a place where young men and women learn to love God with all their minds, hearts and spirits, and to love others as themselves. OTM: With the escalating costs of higher education, is a university education really worth the investment? JCB: The cost of a university-level education must be viewed through the lens of investment, not just cost. What is the return on such an investment? The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics analyzes employee earnings data biennially according to education level.

These findings indicate that workers with college degrees earn significantly more than those without. They also emphasize how lower education levels tend to correspond with higher unemployment rates. In 2015, adults with bachelor's degrees took home more than those with high school diplomas. Degree holders earned $48,500 a year, while diploma holders earned $23,900.

But the value of a university degree goes well beyond the economic return. Attending a university broadens a person’s understanding of oneself and the world, and it enriches one’s life through the wide variety of experiences and relationships.

OTM: Over the course of your career, you have seen many students thrive and some fail. In your opinion, what is the basis for student success? JCB: Students sometimes come to school with unrealistic expectations. Some do not recognize the level of discipline it will take to complete four years of university-level studies. With that in mind, student success is best supported by creating a synergy among faculty, staff and families. Student success starts at home and continues through freshman orientation programs, student residential life, academic support, and — at Christian schools — the work of the chaplain’s office. At ONU, we are fully committed to help identify students who may be struggling and to provide those students with support. The Elwood Center for Student Success at Olivet leads this important initiative. OTM: "What if my daughter or son struggles in college?" It’s a question many parents ask. How do you respond?

JCB: It is important for parents to know that most students will struggle at some point during their college experience. It’s called “life.” Parents need not overreact. Yet, if a student’s struggles persist, parents should feel free to contact the university for help. At Olivet, there is a great system in place to assist students, and we are happy to provide support.

OTM: What is your best advice for parents of incoming freshmen? JCB: Start early to help your children develop an appropriate level of self-sufficiency before you send them off to college. Students must learn to take responsibility, to solve problems on their own and to become their own advocates.



OTM: How is the president of a university involved in influencing the campus culture and setting the tone of university life? What are some essential elements of a successful campus culture? JCB: First, let me say a word about the significance of a campus culture and ethos. I am convinced it is as important as the quality of the academic preparation an institution provides. The campus culture — values, traditions, standards, shared commitments and so on — is the primary shaping influence upon students. In his best-selling book, “The Advantage,” Patrick Lencioni writes, “The single greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health.” He writes about businesses, but the same is true for colleges and universities. Every school has its own personality. At the university level, the essential qualities that shape campus life include a strong sense of mission, clear values of respect for others, a positive outlook that pervades campus activities and objectives, a strong sense of community, a positive spiritual tone and joy. Getting a university education ought to be a joyful experience! Although fostering and maintaining a positive campus culture takes all of the faculty and staff, it must be publicly embodied and expressed by the university president. If he or she is passive or absent from this aspect of university life, the school’s potential will be significantly diminished. OTM: How is institutional culture built and sustained?

JCB: Institutional culture is built intentionally by clarifying the mission, celebrating community, fostering positive relationships, providing a set of campus traditions, and nurturing multidimensional positive support for students, faculty and staff. The culture is strengthened and sustained by open, honest communication and constructive problem solving. OTM: What is the mission of Olivet Nazarene University, and what is the Olivet ethos? JCB: Here is where one encounters the Olivet difference. Our mission statement addresses this very issue: “Our mission is to provide highquality academic instruction for the purpose of personal development, career and professional readiness, and the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity.” The threefold nature of this statement clearly indicates that the reason Olivet exists goes beyond professional preparation alone. While that aspect is important, our commitment is broader and deeper. Olivet does more than help our students know how to make a living. We also help them learn how to build a life of significance and purpose. Thus, Olivet offers more. Compared to most other universities, it has a strong value-added dimension.


FRIENDS FOR LIFE Olivet is a vibrant, thriving community of students, faculty and staff who live, study and worship together. Community is woven throughout the Olivet experience, creating bonds that last a lifetime.


DR. STEPHEN CASE ʼ05, is the director of Strickler Planetarium at Olivet Nazarene University and the associate director —

as well as a professor — of the faculty team for the Olivet Honors Program. He teaches and writes about the history of astronomy,

and his research has appeared in Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Mercury, Endeavour and Annals of Science. He holds

a doctorate in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Notre Dame. His website,, features samples of his writing, photography and other interests sparked by the fire of his liberal arts education.


THE CASE FOR LIBERAL ARTS A colleague’s email signature includes this quote often attributed

Yet the liberal arts are more than transcendent skill development.

the lighting of a fire.”

formation of persons. A liberal arts education allows human beings

to William Butler Yeats: “Education is not the filling of a pail. It is No one has been able to prove Yeats actually said those words.

But whoever spoke them was affirming Greek writer Plutarch,

who wrote nearly two millennia ago that the mind was “not a vessel to be filled but wood to be ignited.”

The idea that learning should go beyond professional or career

preparation to the shaping of the whole person — mind, body

and soul — is the touchstone of a liberal arts education. The acquisition of skills and accumulation of knowledge is certainly part of the educational endeavor, but it cannot be the only part.

A liberal arts education is the formation of personhood. It is the groundwork upon which all further learning — in career, graduate

school or life itself — is built. Career preparation is training for a job. Liberal arts education is preparation for a life.

The great Christian thinker G. K. Chesterton once said that tradition

was the truest democracy, because tradition is giving a vote to all

those who have gone before. A liberal arts education builds on the cumulative wisdom of the Western experience, a heritage of Christian culture in dialogue with the best of classical learning and continuing with development of the modern academic disciplines.

FOR THE MODERN WORLD Far from being an antiquated study of dusty topics, the liberal arts allow wide engagement with literature, arts, humanities,

the sciences and mathematics. They hone critical thinking and communication skills, develop cultural and scientific literacy, and

cultivate the ability to wrestle with ideas and engage differing points of view. These are exactly the skills most needed in our increasingly connected, diverse and technologically charged

world. In an environment where the average person will have

many different jobs in the course of a career, employers are beginning to recognize the value of skills that transcend the

Education does not exist primarily to serve industry. It exists for the to deeply perceive the world and humanity’s cultural heritage

within it. It provides — as described by Donald Schmeltekopf,

provost emeritus at Baylor University — an opportunity to explore the “formative and enduring ideas surrounding God, nature

and human life.” At Olivet, this means students become more engaged, more compassionate and better-rounded citizens.

John Herschel, the 19th-century British astronomer and polymath, said that “to the natural philosopher there is no natural

object unimportant or trifling ... he walks in the midst of wonders.” For the man or woman trained in the liberal arts, the world is

never something to exploit or take for granted. It is something to approach with humility and gratitude. It is something that forms a rich, interwoven tapestry with humanity’s cultural heritage.

Will studying astronomy — exploring the narrative of science and

what humanity has learned of our place in the universe — make better accountants or ministers or nurses? Will studying literature — learning how the greatest minds of the ages have expressed

themselves in verse and prose — make better engineers or doctors or teachers? Yes. Undoubtedly. More than this though, a liberal arts education is part of our heritage and charge as followers of Christ. The tradition of

Wesleyan holiness and the testimony of the Incarnation give us

confidence that, in the words of poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, “the world is charged with the grandeur of God.” Thus, a Christian

education is one that must encompass that world and humanity’s engagement with it as broadly as possible.

At Olivet Nazarene University, we aspire to such an endeavor with

the “deepest piety and the highest scholarship,” confident that the liberal arts are not only alive but also vital in this millennium.

particulars of professional preparation.



IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES On a busy, early September afternoon, I returned to my office after

Whether my son uses one of the many resources and tools

of letters to be signed. Starting in August, we receive countless

clicks for him while he’s in a class or in his Freshman Connections

a meeting with my staff in the Admissions Center to find a stack

applications from hopeful prospective students each day. My team works to immediately process and help qualify the group

of select young women and men — from across the country and

around the world — for enrollment at Olivet Nazarene University.

available through Olivet’s Career Services, or something just

group, or the Lord stirs his heart at Fall Revival, I know his future

path will be revealed in time. My job is to give him space so he can discover all that Olivet will lay out for him and to encourage his exploration.

Though I do this each day, I don’t take it lightly. I read each name,

My son has grown up amidst the culture of collegiate academia.

other prayers, prods, conversations and even anxiety as each

he digs deeper. At home, the kitchen counter gets covered each

praying for them collectively. I know there have been countless

student got to this point in his or her college search. But this day was different.

Yet, he still continues to discover more and more about Olivet as

day with scores of college materials from competing schools around the country.

On the top of this day’s pile was a fresh acceptance letter,

I have to admit that my husband and I took distinct pleasure when

Bourbonnais, Illinois. He’s my oldest son.

the house, dropped everything else, took the Viewbook to the

addressed to Britten Andrew Wolff, an incoming freshman from

I knew it was coming, but I must admit that it still startled me a bit. How did we get here? How is this possible? Just yesterday I was holding his hand and helping him onto the school bus. My biggest worry was that the bus driver would get him to and from school safely. Now this. College.

I knew life would be different from this point on.

the new, oversized ONU Viewbook arrived. Our son brought it in couch, and looked at every page in silence. As he closed the last page and looked at the student with the megaphone, he looked

up at us and said, “This is sick.” That’s a good thing. He has been on campus a million times and knows this place. That day, the excitement and possibility on his face revealed that “this place” was brand new for him and alive with endless opportunities.

Most comforting about his college choice is that I know Olivet is a

Each year at Freshman Orientation, I ask for a show of hands

safe place for him to explore and grow. The faculty and staff are

college. I joke about how we have additional counseling available

them, encouraging them, praying with them, shaping them,

from parents who are sending their first son or daughter to

experts devoted to assisting students on this journey — pushing

for those folks. But now this reality is mine, and the “hopes and

challenging them, and most important, loving them with a desire

fears” that I’ve often talked about are eerily real.

to see them succeed.

Like my son, many of the young men and women considering

My son is one of a few thousand students who will apply to Olivet

lean in a certain direction, they have not solidified their major.

own children and on to every student who chooses to make this

Olivet are ambiguous about what they will study. While they may

this year. The rich heritage of this University extends beyond my

That’s okay.

his or her college home. And that’s exactly what it is. A home. A

Approximately a third of all college students start without a

and spiritually.

focus or major, and over 50 percent change their major at least

place where family can mature together — socially, academically

once. It’s normal. At Olivet, we have decided to be proactive,

I am so grateful my son has chosen Olivet. And I am grateful Olivet

to begin “discovering” their concentration within a certain School

are now without number.

encouraging students to take core classes within a general area or College without the pressure of declaring a major.



has made a four-year commitment to my son. The possibilities


SUSAN WOLFF ’94/’99 is dean of undergraduate enrollment at Olivet Nazarene University. During her 23 years of service,

she has also provided leadership as director of alumni relations and special assistant to the president. Under her tenure, Olivet

has established an unparalleled culture of service and care for new students and their families. She holds a Master of Business Administration degree and resides in Bourbonnais, Illinois, with her husband, George ’93, and their sons, Britten,19, and Emmet,14.



PAUL KOCH, PH.D., is an expert economist, master teacher and member of the American Economic Association and

the Association of Christian Economists. As a member of the faculty for the International Business Institute program, he lectures nationally and internationally on economic issues and spends the summer months teaching in Europe. He holds a bachelor’s degree

from George Fox University and a master’s and doctorate degree from Illinois State University. A trusted professor of business and economics at Olivet since 1992, Dr. Koch is a recipient of Olivet’s Richard M. Jones Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.

D R . PA U L K O C H

COLLEGE IS NOT A COMMODITY In both my introductory and upper-division courses in economics,

Christian institutions, such as Olivet, are also particularly well-

“perfect competition.”

respond to the issues mentioned by David Brooks in his column,

we address a particular form of market structure that is known as This framework assumes that there are many producers of a virtually identical product, which means that no one firm has any

power over the market price. As a result, these enterprises are often characterized as “price takers” and are usually found in

sectors known as “extractive industries” or “commodity markets.” Examples such as agriculture and other natural resource markets come readily to mind, since those companies cannot differentiate

their product from the output of other firms in a way that would lead potential buyers to pay more.

During our present age, it has become fashionable, at least in

some quarters, to refer to a college education as a commodity, where the “product” is indistinguishable from one institution to

another. Upon further reflection, however, this assumption breaks down fairly quickly, for the following reasons:

Every university has a distinct mission and identity. For example, even colleges which might appear, at first glance, to have the same academic purpose are not going to be identical with

respect to the qualifications of their faculty, the specific nature of their programs, their physical facilities or their extra-curricular opportunities. No two teacher-education or land-grant institutions

are going to offer identical experiences to their students. The same can be said for schools that emphasize the liberal arts or pre-professional programs.

Every university has a distinct ethos and culture. If we look just within the realm of faith-based institutions, those colleges

sharing a common commitment to the integration of Christianity and learning across the various academic disciplines do not all

pursue this calling in the same way. The spirit of each Christian

positioned, within the marketplace of higher education, to

“The Big University,” which was published in the October 6, 2015,

edition of The New York Times. Brooks began his commentary by observing that “many American universities were founded as

religious institutions, explicitly designed to cultivate their students’ spiritual and moral natures.” After explaining the reasons why this emphasis has declined over time, he makes the following statement:

Universities are more professional and glittering than ever, but

in some ways there is emptiness deep down. Students are

taught how to do things, but many are not forced to reflect on why they should do them or what we are here for. They are given many career options, but they are on their own when it comes to developing criteria to determine which vocation would lead to the fullest life.

When I read Brooks’ words in the preceding paragraph, I think

of Dr. John C. Bowling’s frequent admonition to Olivet students: focus not just on making a living, but on making a life as well.

I also think of my favorite section of our University’s mission statement, which was first printed in our Catalog more than 100

years ago: “We seek the strongest scholarship and the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible (and) … a Christian environment … where not only knowledge but character is sought.”

One of the privileges of teaching at ONU for 25 years has been the opportunity of working alongside colleagues who are engaged in

the process of combining scholarship and knowledge, along with

piety and character, as they invest daily in the lives of students. That is the Olivet difference.

college is going to be influenced by the history and tradition of that

institution, and also by its theological commitments and the unique contributions of its faculty, staff, students and alumni over time.



SOUND CHOICES Olivet’s 175-member Tiger Marching Band is one of more than 95 clubs, ensembles and organizations in which students can participate. The corps-style band maintains a full schedule of home and away football games, parade appearances and music exhibitions.

STEM STUDIES Careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are projected to continue growing well into the 2020s. Olivet’s future engineers begin their education in the Martin D. Walker School of Engineering, where labs, tools and curriculum support the University’s world-class engineering program.

HIGHER PURPOSE Earning a bachelor’s degree at Olivet Nazarene University is the first step into a life filled with promise and success. Many students take the next step into earning a master’s or doctorate degree from Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, or other Universities worldwide. Olivet the Magazine recently spoke with four outstanding young alumni who are continuing to pursue a higher purpose in higher education.



Olivet Nazarene University: B.A. (Music), 2015; M.A. (Christian Thought), 2017 Yale Divinity School: Master’s program, beginning fall 2017 Married to alumna Christine (Caven) ’14/’16 M.A. You can get anywhere from Olivet Nazarene University, and Benjamin Geeding is proving that this year. “When I started my master’s program at Olivet, my professors encouraged me to look ahead to the next step,” Ben says. The professors in the School of Theology and Christian Ministry — and all Olivet professors — put the needs of their students first. From day one in any degree program, they are preparing students for success in their education, careers and lives. As Ben planned for his next steps after completing his Master of Christian Thought degree at Olivet, he evaluated all aspects of 25 of the top graduate programs in the country. He received acceptances and offers from Vanderbilt University, Duke University and Yale University. After prayer and consultation with his Olivet professors, he decided to attend Yale Divinity School. Beginning in fall 2017, he will pursue a Master of Arts in Religion degree there. “I’ve received an amazing education at Olivet,” Ben says. “I know I will be successful at Yale because of this.”


Olivet Nazarene University: B.A. (Biblical Studies, Intercultural Studies), 2013; M.A. (Christian Thought), 2015 University of Cambridge, England: Master of Philosophy degree, 2016 Married to alumna Andrea (Richardson) ’14 After earning a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees, Calum Samuelson accepted a position as project manager for Reformation 2017 with Jubilee Center in England. This campaign is crowdsourcing “95 ways to change the world,” a set of new theses to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. From his Olivet years to today, Calum enjoys the enrichment of interdisciplinary dialogue. His background in Biblical studies, intercultural studies and theology has prepared him to work closely with a wide range of academic disciplines, denominations and humanitarian organizations. Calum is active in volunteer service, university lecturing and has worked with hundreds of churches using his skills in music and preaching. He is also a lifelong competitive athlete in numerous sports — most recently rowing at Cambridge — and enjoys camping, hiking and slacklining. “My interests in academia, ministry and recreation help me interact with diverse groups and demographics,” Calum says. “As I’m developing my communication and leadership skills, I appreciate the opportunities I have to teach, inspire and influence others.”




Olivet Nazarene University: B.S. (Chemistry), 2017 Washington University: Ph.D. program (Chemistry), beginning fall 2017 Married to alumnus Samuel Sprunger ’17 “My undergraduate research experience at Olivet was very important in my being accepted into the Ph.D. program at Washington University,” says Macy Sprunger, who has set the goal of becoming a chemistry professor. While an Olivet student, Macy and her chemistry professor, Dr. Douglas Armstrong, received a Pence-Boyce research grant from Olivet — one of several such grants funded by Olivet alumni and available annually to STEM students. Macy began the research project at Olivet in summer 2016 and was able to continue it during the 2016–2017 academic year. During Scholar Week 2017, she presented some of her findings. “Getting in the lab that summer and doing this research project, eight hours a day for 10 weeks, showed me that graduate school would be a good fit for me,” she says. For her Ph.D., she will participate in a five-year program with some coursework and work as a teaching assistant for undergraduate courses. With three years of required research, she will have the opportunity to pursue her own questions within the context of a professor’s funded project. Her area of interest is neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.


Olivet Nazarene University: B.A. (Political Science), 2017 Pritzker School of Law, Northwestern University: J.D. program, beginning fall 2017 His strong interest in political science and legal studies is launching Joshua Dille into the next phase of career preparation. As an Honors Program graduate from Olivet, he landed a scholarship to attend one of the top 10 law schools in the United States and will begin there in fall 2017. His high score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) was another plus for his acceptance. While at Olivet, Joshua was named to the dean’s list every semester. He also designed and conducted his own capstone research project. During Olivet’s Scholar Week 2017, he presented his findings on the political psychology of undergraduate students. Dr. David Van Heemst, chair of Olivet’s Department of History and Political Science, served as his mentor for the project. Putting his knowledge to work, Joshua served as a judicial intern at the Kankakee County Courthouse and was one of the founding members of the first-ever ONU Mock Trial Team, the “Trial Tigers.” During the summer of 2016, he interned at a law firm with offices in Chicago and Washington, D.C. “Olivet prepared me academically for the rigors of law school and beyond,” Joshua says. “Olivet also provided me with practical experiences and opportunities to grow personally and find a life-giving community.”




My family has always valued education highly. I remember my mother telling me from a young age that she would take a second job scrubbing floors to make sure I had a college education. Her words became a strong visualization for me. Her words instilled in me the value of education and the commitment my family had to education and lifetime learning.

I discovered the value of my Olivet decision as my time at Olivet fueled my vocational interest and as I experienced learning and preparedness with a Christian worldview. For example, Dr. Koch encouraged me to undertake a program in Washington, D.C. This experience became a highlight of my learning about life, my vocation and what God was calling me to in my vocation.

Olivet Nazarene University became a natural choice.

In my life since Olivet, I have continued to witness the value of my education. I was well prepared for law school, for the M.B.A. program I attended and for my vocation after graduate school. My Olivet experience continues to positively influence my career as I rely on the base of Christian living and purpose that was fortified as a college student.

Olivet had a reputation of being a community of learning where students enjoyed relationships with professors furthering their individual growth. Olivet represented a choice that wrapped these favorable outcomes in a commitment to Christ and a foundation in Christian living. Olivet had a strong record of preparing its students for graduate school, the next step for me. Like everyone, I certainly had other choices, but I could not escape the clear tangible and intangible value of the Olivet experience. I knew the sacrifice of my parents would more than pay off in my preparedness for life – not to just succeed in a world that demands excellence, but to succeed as an individual committed to life with a Christian purpose. Early in my freshman year, I experienced the value of my Olivet education. I met individuals who had a profound, positive impact on my life, my vocational calling and my commitment to Jesus and His values. I quickly turned my goals into a career as an attorney using my interest in business.

My Olivet experience has paid dividends in the lives of my family members. My wife, Debbie, and I have a son who graduated from Olivet in 2017. Our eldest son earned his Olivet bachelor’s degree in 2012 and is about to complete his juris doctor at Harvard Law School. I have witnessed the Olivet value from a parent’s perspective, the way my parents saw it. Except that Olivet is even better now. I join my mother in saying that I would gladly take a second job scrubbing floors to make sure my children could attend college, especially at Olivet!

RICHARD R. DYKHOUSE, distinguished Olivet alumnus, trusted expert, and leader in business, media

and communications, currently serves as executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of the global communications company, Charter Communications, Inc. Frequently referenced in Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek, he received a bachelor's degree in finance from Olivet Nazarene University, M.B.A. from Indiana University and J.D. degree from Indiana University School of Law. He and his wife, Debbie, are the parents of Ryan ’12, Reagen ’17 and Megan.




Back row from left: Reagen ’17, Debbie, Rick ’85 and Megan Dykhouse. Front row from left: Ryan ’12, and Laura (Barbiea) Dykhouse





Katie Kalemkarian wanted to find a mid-size Christian university where she could study fashion design or fashion merchandising. She was accepted to Olivet Nazarene University and a university in Seattle, Wash. She visited the Seattle campus and immediately decided that was the place for her. But Katie’s father, George, offered some parental advice. He felt she owed it to herself to visit both schools before she made her decision. So Katie and her mother, June, headed for Olivet with a “this is a waste of time” mindset.

people we met made an indelible impression. Everyone was warm and accepting. As Katie and I walked the campus, we both felt God drawing us in and revealing that Olivet was actually the place He had for her.” Katie is a buyer for The TJX Companies, Inc., the global parent company of T.J. Maxx, HomeGoods, Marshalls, Sierra Trading Post and a number of retail outlets outside the United States. She has worked for the company in Boston, Mass.; London, England; and Los Angeles, Calif.





“Our thinking quickly shifted,” June recalls. “The first thing that surprised us was the admissions building. It was lovely and revealed that Olivet appreciates beauty and excellence. Next, the


BE OUR GUEST A campus visit is a crucial step in the college selection process. An Olivet visit includes a meeting with an admissions counselor plus a student-led tour, a meal in the dining hall, a classroom experience and any number of student activities. To schedule your campus visit, register at or telephone 800-648-1463.


UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL AID Your child’s college choice will be heavily influenced by how you and your student perceive cost and the financial aid process. Be sure you’re making decisions based on accurate information. You don’t want to rule out schools based on sticker shock when financial aid could bring those schools within reach. Here are some common concerns, addressed by Adam Banter, a former manager in the financial services industry who now provides financial aid counseling at Olivet Nazarene University.





File your FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid), and file it as early as possible. The FAFSA is the gateway to state and federal financial aid, and universities use this information to determine your student’s awards. The FAFSA can give access to grants as well as loans that tend to have lower interest rates with the most advantageous payback schedules. Some state grants have limited resources. It’s important to file as soon as possible to ensure you receive everything you are eligible for.



You can file the FAFSA at beginning October 1, 2017, for the 2018-19 school year. You previously had to wait until January 1, but the government moved up the filing date so you can have your financial aid picture sooner and longer to best prepare for the start of school. Another improvement: You will be able to electronically pull financial information from your 2016 taxes directly into your FAFSA form.



The FAFSA allows your student to select up to10 schools to automatically receive your family’s FAFSA information. Each school that your student has applied to and been accepted to will then send a financial aid award letter outlining all of the federal, state and institutional aid your student is eligible for.


It's important to find out how each admissions office handles test scores, as each school is different. If students take the ACT or SAT more than once (not required, but permitted by both testing organizations), some universities take the highest score while others take an average. A higher test score could improve an academic scholarship by thousands of dollars per year.


Some schools offer only academic scholarships. Most have additional opportunities. Like academic scholarships, most of the others are provided on the basis of merit and/or participation. At Olivet, there are scholarships for athletics, music (including marching band and orchestra), art, ministry and ROTC. 26



YES! Students should seek out local and national scholarships. Consider organizations your student has been a part of, businesses you frequent and your employer. Many offer scholarships. Just ask! For national scholarships, register at reputable websites such as, or, and begin applying as soon as possible. Never pay for scholarship searches. The reputable sources are always free.


The reality for most college students is that scholarships and government assistance alone do not fully cover tuition expenses. The remaining portion can be covered by parent loans, student loans or payment plans. There are many federal and private loan options. You should know that student loans require a co-signer. Payment plan options are unique to each institution. Financial aid is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ process, so work with your financial aid advisor to explore your best options.


This process can be overwhelming, so don’t be afraid to lean on financial aid advisors. They will work with you to find financial aid solutions based on your needs. Ask the tough questions and stay informed. The more involved you are, the easier it will be.

STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? At Olivet, the family advocates in the Office of Admissions are a great resource for families in every stage of the process. Call 800-648-1463 to arrange your personal Campus Visit and Financial Aid Consultation today.






Faced with $27,750 in student loan debt upon college graduation, Illinois native Megan (Sherman) Eilders had every reason to feel overwhelmed. “The number alone was daunting,” she admits. “But I decided I was going to hit the ground running.” With determination and confidence, Eilders saw and treated debt as a temporary and curable condition. “My parents had been through Financial Peace training by [financial consultant and author] Dave Ramsey, and I used to make fun of them about it,” Eilders said. “But they still had all the materials, and with their advice, I decided to go for it. I set a goal to pay off the balance.” Eilders was fortunate enough to graduate early, completing her business marketing and management degree in just three and one-half years. Just before commencement, she was hired into a full-time position in the Office of Admissions at her soon-to-be alma mater, Olivet Nazarene University. “While I was grateful for the job, my salary was modest,” Eilders explains. “But I was determined to ‘go big or go home.’ So it wasn’t unusual for me to be holding three jobs at any one time.” In her first years out of college, Eilders coached kids in swimming, worked as a lifeguard, babysat and served as a host at Chicago Bears Training Camp, held every summer on Olivet’s campus. The extra effort was worth it. In the span of just two years and eight months, Eilders’ loans were paid in full. She said she felt a great sense of accomplishment. “I didn’t want to pay extra interest,” she said. “I didn’t want it following me for a dozen years. The stubbornness in me — the determination, I guess — refused to accept it, though it’s commonly understood that student loans are good debt.” She says she willingly accepted the necessary sacrifices: “I missed some lunches with friends. I took no fancy vacations. And even though it was never easy, I knew I could hold strong." And the lesson she learned as a young grad will guide her for a lifetime. “Now, buying a house someday or purchasing a new car doesn’t seem impossible. I’ll save money to do it. But I refuse to go into long-term debt.” Throughout this financial journey, Eilders has remained steadfast in her commitment to God. “Tithing has always been a priority,” she said. “I never missed a tithe to my church. I’ve always believed — and my parents instilled in me — that if you give to God, He will bless you.” “I knew Olivet would cost more than a state school,” she explained. “But Olivet was such a blessing to my life that I knew I was willing to make the investment. I also had a clear sense that it was the right choice for me. “ Her advice to students who don’t have her confidence about clearing student loan debt? “Don’t listen to the naysayers. It’s possible. I am proof.”



ONU ON STAGE When the “Guys and Dolls� cast took the stage at Olivet in February 2017, audiences experienced the camaraderie and fun the actors shared together. In a rare appearance, University President John C. Bowling portrayed Arvide Abernathy.


Get all the news, scores and up-to-the-minute information about the Olivet Nazarene University Tigers at








HANDS ON Real-world experience, faculty mentoring and internships help propel Olivet students into their chosen careers. Industry experts impart their knowledge in and out of the classroom, empowering graduates to thrive in the marketplace.


STRONG COMMUNITY Opportunities abound for students to engage and grow outside Olivet’s classrooms. Strong community life allows students to connect on intramural fields, over a cup of coffee, on the rock wall and at various campus festivities throughout the year.



Scholar Week at Olivet showcases the recent achievements of more than 100 students and faculty members.

Leading the NAIA — Division I and Division II — is no easy feat. But that doesn’t stop Olivet’s Tigerball women’s basketball team from continuing to set records. The team leads women’s basketball programs in all NAIA, NCAA and NJCAA schools with an average of 111.3 points per game. In 2017, the team also broke the Olivet program record of 155 points scored in one game, setting a new program best.

The 2016–2017 IntelliSense® project is an excellent example of student research with real world applications. Working with Illinois’ Bimba Manufacturing Company, a team of three senior engineering students — Jack Salsgiver, Adam Dettman and Dalton Jordan — took on the assignment of building a selfhealing cylinder. Under the supervision of Dr. Shane Ritter, dean of Olivet’s Walker School of Engineering, they followed the company’s design criteria. As a team, they conducted computational and physical testing of their cylinder, generating a 60-page report that they presented to the company.







“I am incredibly proud of this team and how they stick with one another through the good and not-so-good times,” says Head Coach Lauren Stamatis ’09 M.O.L. “Because of this, I know we are better as people and as a team."







Competition is serious business for Olivet Nazarene University’s Enactus chapter. The 2016–2017 presentation team competed in the U.S. National Exposition, along with teams from 105 other schools. Olivet’s team placed second in its division, just behind the team that ultimately finished third in the nation.

Olivet’s first graduates from the two newest majors — the public relations and strategic communication major and the special education major — were among the 1,429 graduates in the Class of 2017.

Career outcomes for Olivet’s Class of 2016 are already exceeding the national average of all U.S. colleges and universities. With 95 percent of traditional undergraduates reporting, 92 percent are employed (full time or part time), serving in the military or missions, or in graduate school. Several of the University’s most popular majors — communication studies, economics/ finance, exercise science, intercultural studies and social work — report 100 percent career outcome rates. These results underscore the commitment of Olivet and its students to academic excellence and career preparation.

Olivet’s chapter ranked in the top 32 of 457 Enactus presentation teams in the nation, based on the team’s performance at regional and national competitions during the 2016-2017 academic year. The team’s winning presentation told the story of the more than 100 Olivet Enactus students who completed 13 entrepreneurial projects, directly impacting thousands of lives.

Dr. Shannon Bradshaw ’94, vice president of education for MongoDB, Inc., was the guest speaker for the 104th undergraduate Commencement ceremony. He leads a team of engineers responsible for the company’s online training portal, mobile apps for learning, and MongoDB documentation, which together serve more than 4 million users.










June 8, 2017. Just another workday for Major League Baseball (and former Olivet Tiger baseball) player Ben Zobrist ’04.

When a mission trip combines with an internship, the results benefit everyone involved. That proved true in Santa Barbara, Honduras, in summer 2017. Nine Olivet students did a summer internship there at The Garden of Love and Hope, an orphanage sponsored by Footsteps Missions. Their assignment was to continue the work of training, mentoring and preparing teenagers for future jobs and family responsibilities. While they were there, they helped the Honduran teens launch, manage and grow a pizza and coffee restaurant venture. In the process, they claimed one more victory in combating the issues of poverty, hunger and darkness in today’s world.

Olivet’s student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) welcomed 110 girls, sixth to eighth graders, to campus for the second annual “Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day” in April 2017. Hands-on experiments and activities, Q&A sessions with women working in STEM fields, a panel discussion about internships and a project fair were highlights of the day. Parents attended a special presentation about encouraging daughters to consider STEM careers and also enjoyed a campus tour.

This was Ben’s bobblehead night, and there was a pre-game surprise waiting for him. Olivet Nazarene University and the Chicago Cubs arranged that surprise. His name was Tom Zobrist, Ben’s dad, and he was there to throw the first pitch to Ben. “Just like old times but switched around,” Ben said to his dad after deftly catching the ball. There to witness this memorable event were Dr. John C. Bowling, University president; Julianna, Ben’s wife, and their three children; Cindi, Ben’s mother; and Noah, Ben’s brother. 38


“In our Olivet students, girls are seeing women who are committing to STEM and getting a college education,” said Professor Amanda Luby ’13 of Olivet’s Walker School of Engineering. “They realize that they can go into STEM, too.”


TWO MORE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Standing at the top of the podium gives champions a great view. Just ask the Olivet Nazarene University men's AND women’s swimming and diving teams. Both teams reached that pinnacle of success in the 2017 NAIA National Championships. In just five years of existence as a program, the Tigers used a core of experienced swimmers to anchor the victory and bring home the banners. Head Coach Scott Teeters received the Women’s Swimming and Diving Coach of the Year honor. Leading from start to finish, the Tiger women's swimming and diving team became just the second team in school history — and the first women's team ever — to achieve program success as NAIA National Champions. Olivet finished with 639 points, followed closely by the defending national champions from Savannah College of Art and Design with 632.5 points. No other team was even close to contending. Amanda Moran, a sophomore, was honored as the Swimmer of the Meet and led the Tigers in individual points with 57. She added the 200 backstroke title to her list of accomplishments for the competition. But just winning it wasn't enough. She smashed the NAIA record set in 2012, touching the wall in an astonishing 1:56.87. She also won this event in the 2016 Nationals. Vanessa VanOost, a sophomore, earned the honor of NAIA Diver of the Year. She placed first in both the women’s one-meter diving and women’s three-meter diving events. Tiger men’s swimming and diving team returned to the top step with a decisive win for 2017. The Tigers outscored their closest competition by 215.5 points, leading from the beginning and never looking back or letting up. Savannah College of Art and Design took second place with 443 points. Magnus Poulsen, a freshman from Denmark, placed first and set a new Olivet school record in the 200-yard butterfly. He also won the 100-yard backstroke and the 100-yard butterfly. The Triple Crown earned him the 2017 NAIA Swimmer of the Year award. He earned 60 points alone, enough to have beaten six teams. He finished with three individual All-American honors and four with relays. Magnus Andersen, a freshman from Denmark, captured the 200-yard backstroke in 1:46.94, setting a new school record for Olivet. He brought home five honors — two individual and three relay.



THE SENIOR YEAR The best way for your student to prepare for college is to make the most of senior year. Your daughter or son should dig into classes. Good study habits, focused determination and solid grades are the best preparation. She or he should invest in extracurricular activities that highlight athleticism, musical talent, leadership or public service. It will be a busy year, and graduation will be here before you know it. These steps, written for your student, will help your family navigate the enrollment process and get a head start on the college experience. 40





Visit! Fall is a great time to look at the schools on your college list. When classes are in session is the perfect time to connect with students and professors. Even sit in on a class or two. Olivet’s Purple and Gold Days (Fall Dates: Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17 and Dec.1) are ideal occasions to experience campus firsthand.

Follow up on applications. Verify with the guidance counselor that all forms are in order and have been sent to colleges.

Finalize a short list. Use the information gathered from college visits, interviews and research to determine where to apply. Compare and contrast schools on the short list to determine where they rank in priority. Stay on track with grades and activities. Colleges look at senior year, so stay focused on classes and maintain commitments to extracurricular activities. Take standardized tests. Register for and take the ACT, SAT or SAT Subject Tests as necessary. Add Olivet's school code so test scores are sent automatically. Keep track of deadlines. Sometimes it feels like all you are doing is paperwork. “Sign here. Fill this out. Send this in.” It may not be fun, but it is necessary. It is important to know what form is due when. Make a calendar showing the application deadlines for admission, financial aid and scholarships. Connect with a guidance counselor. Be sure the counselor knows where to send transcripts, score reports and letters of recommendation. Give counselors any necessary forms much earlier than the actual deadlines so they have time to complete them. Complete applications for schools on the short list. Make sure the guidance office has sent all necessary materials, including test scores, recommendations, transcripts and application essays. Plan to get all this done before winter break, so you won’t be rushed on deadlines. File the FAFSA! ‘No financial aid’ typically means ‘no college.’ Filing for the 2018-19 school year opens October 1, 2017. File as soon as possible to ensure access to eligible state and federal aid, as well as priority status for university scholarships (Olivet’s school code is 001741). Some state programs have limited resources and are first come, first served. File early! Continue your scholarship search. Apply for scholarships with approaching deadlines, and keep searching for more scholarship and grant opportunities. Using free online scholarship search tools is a great way to find potential aid. Ask colleges about their scholarship opportunities. Be sure to take this information into account when making a short list. A university’s sticker price can fluctuate greatly after financial aid and scholarships are applied. Talk specifically with a family advocate and enrollment advisor at Olivet to discover what scholarships are available and how competitive the financial package is.

Send mid-year grade reports. Ask the guidance counselor to send these reports to colleges on the short list. Remember, schools will continue to keep track of grades, so it’s important to keep working hard throughout senior year. Review college financial aid packages. Award letters should begin arriving at homes in late November for those who filed early. Though finances should never be the only factor in a decision, consider each package carefully, as not all colleges use the same format. Be sure to call your Olivet family advocate and enrollment advisor for further clarification (800.648.1463).

SPRING Prepare for any last standardized tests and ACT/ SAT retakes (statistically, students improve their score on the second or third attempt.). Take AP or CLEP tests to earn college credit as senior year winds down. Be sure to discuss these options with an enrollment advisor at each school on your short list, as every school awards college credit and academic scholarships differently. Make the final college decision. Notify all schools of your intentions by May 1. If still undecided, schedule campus visits to the schools being considered. Send in the enrollment deposit and have the guidance counselor send a final transcript upon graduation. Submit any other paperwork required by the university. Follow up on financial aid information. Be sure you have received a FAFSA confirmation and award letter. If necessary, explore and apply for loans. Maintain contact with the financial aid advisor to discuss the best options for paying for college. Interact with future classmates. Attend college events, check out class Facebook pages and finalize roommate selection.

SUMMER Attend new student summer orientation. Finalize course selections, choose a dorm room, meet freshman classmates, interact with faculty and staff, and begin the exciting experience of the next four years!



THE COLLEGE SEARCH IS ON You're juggling brochures, campus visits and application deadlines. Sometimes, certain schools rise to the top before all the variables have been discussed. That's okay. Here are some questions you may want to ask as you develop your short list.



Does the college offer your major? Are there ample areas of study? (In case the student changes majors.) Are the professors accessible in and out of the classroom? Are the professors renowned in their fields? Are the academic programs rigorous? What’s the classroom experience? How many students are in each class? Does the college have strong internship, co-op and study-abroad opportunities? Will the school offer financial aid by way of scholarships, grants or other means? After financial aid is awarded, how affordable is the school? Are there added-value opportunities and services? What is the campus city or town like? What’s the weather like? How important is distance from home? Is the school near metropolitan areas with additional internships, jobs and culture? Does the college have on- and off-campus guidelines for living? Do you value the school’s policies regarding residential life? What arts opportunities are there? Are there athletic teams to cheer on? What are all the on- and off-campus dining options? Are there fitness activities for students? Does the college offer off-campus living? What are some alumni success stories? Is there student support, such as academic tutoring and career counseling? What clubs, intramural sports, ministries, and service or volunteer activities exist? Is the school a good fit?





financial aid awarded to Olivet students last year


clubs, organizations and music ensembles


listeners of Shine.FM


religious denominations represented

fans attend Chicago Bears Training Camp each year


local ministries and global mission trip opportunities

Olivet alumni live in all 50 states and 57 world areas


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies

undergraduate and graduate students from 41 states and 17 countries


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA

Ollies Follies participants and spectators


intramural sports offered throughout the school year


students participated in mission trips


outbound and in-reach ministries


Tiger Marching Band members


study-abroad destinations


ROTC Cadets from the Roaring Tiger Batallion commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the U.S. Army


250,000 100,000 40,825 4,916 3,900



student-to-faculty ratio

percent of students receive financial aid



STUDENTS More than 4,900 — 3,000 of them undergrads — from nearly every U.S. State, 23 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ADMISSION Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 alumni living around the world. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study- abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.



million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students

ATHLETICS At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and track and field. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Master of Arts in Education: Ethical Building Leadership (Principal Preparation Program), Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist, Bilingual Endorsement, Driver’s Ed Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Paramedics, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-MSN), Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry


percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities


Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Drawing/Illustration Art - Digital Graphics Art - Painting Art - Photography Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biology Biology Teaching Business Administration Business Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Not-for-Profit/ Philanthropy Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Chemistry Teaching Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Communication Studies Communication Teaching Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Software English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Teaching English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Family Studies Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences Education Fashion Merchandising Finance French General Studies Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 3,490 participants each year

Literature Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - International Marketing - Management Marketing - Public Relations Mass Communications Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication Film Studies Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Management Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available

Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology Teaching Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation Recreation, Sport & Fitness Religion Religion - Biblical Studies Religion - Philosophy Religion - Theology Religious Studies Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Administration Sport Management Marketing Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900



HOPE AND A FUTURE Olivet students are inspired every day by their classmates, professors, coaches and mentors to live lives of higher purpose.

God of life and love, Yo u h a v e g i v e n m e t h i s c h i l d t o c a r e f o r t h i s l i t t l e w h i l e . My heart is welled with joy and thanksgiving, a n t i c i p a t i o n a n d a n x i e t y, a m i d s t a l o n g i n g t o b e t o g e t h e r a s w e h a v e b e e n t i l l n o w. T h e s e y e a r s o f g r o w i n g u p h a v e m o v e d s o q u i c k l y, so many things left undone, so much left unsaid, so much I still hope to give to my child who is taking this new step in the journey of life. Help us as we reshape our lives to reflect this new reality of college. Show us new ways to be present to each other in love and in trust. Give me patience and help me to remember that my child is establishing new routines in freedom, r o u t i n e s d i ff e r e n t f r o m m y r o u t i n e s . Calm my fears. Strengthen and protect my child in the midst of the challenges and temptations that surround all students. Grant greater courage that I myself may have had in s t a n d i n g f o r Yo u r t r u t h a g a i n s t c o m p r o m i s e s o f f a i t h . Provide good friends and worthy confidantes for my child during these college years. Help me to give support and confidence, t o d i s c e r n h o w I a m n e e d e d n o w, and to pass on, in my love, a measure of the strength and courage Yo u h a v e g i v e n m e i n t h e g i f t o f p a r e n t i n g . Amen. Author Unknown





PURPLE & GOLD DAYS 2017 A special Olivet visit event, individually designed for high school seniors and their parents.

REGISTER TODAY AT OLIVET.EDU THERE’S SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO! Your visit may include: Chicago sightseeing trip or campus event, meals with the student body, customized visits with faculty, guided campus and departmental facility tours, ONU Tiger athletic events, personal appointments with your admissions counselor and financial aid seminars, overnight housing in a residence hall with a current ONU student (don’t forget your sleeping bag!), and reduced lodging rates for parents at recommended area hotels!


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