Australian Packaging Covenant Member
Bicycles Online, now an Australian Packaging Covenant Member. Looking back it's hard to work out the precise point in time. Was it a benchmark in years? or perhaps the amount of bikes we had sold, but at some point, we became, well a minimum of by Australian standards, large. We had come from a little bike rental business and really had no thought that at some point we'd affect the bicycle industry in Australia, then it happened – perhaps it had been after 5 years, perhaps after we had our 100,000th order, or perhaps selling 30,000+ bikes a year. It dawned on us then, that alongside that came responsibility. Once you consider 30,000+ bikes coming into the country annually , there's also 30,000 corresponding boxes, manuals, staple sets,
stickers, tape, foam packaging and protection. If we weren’t considering the environmental impact of those , then who would? The sustainable nature of cycling has always appealed to us, it's partly what got us into the industry in the first place. So, it seems logical to use this same thinking to the packaging that comes with the bikes. Probably, many of my readers, even completely uninterested in a bicycle story, have even heard about Lance Armstrong and the doping scandal that erupted last year. We take care in how the bikes are packaged, how the materials are sourced and also how they will be recycled after transport. The Australian Packaging Covenant is a crucial organisation that aims to scale back and recycle packaging here in Australia.
The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is the principal national instrument to scale back the environmental impacts of consumer packaging. The Covenant aims to make sure 100% of Australia’s packaging are going to be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025 or earlier, whilst also seeking to scale back the utilization of packaging materials. It’s with some honour that we sit with 950 biggest retail and wholesale businesses in Australia in committing to reducing our waste to satisfy these targets. With the improved packaging, alongside reducing emissions through cycling, we feel we will have a positive impact within the society we live and add .