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Olivia Muiùos’ portfolio
Design and engineering student
Since I was very little, I have always had a lot of intuition for the art referred matters. I like all kind of design but I am mostly passionate about product and space ones. I consider myself a person with lots of sensitivity, which I happen to find the best virtue in order to create. I like to think that there is nothing absolute or permanent, and that every designer threads his own reality inside one that unites all of us.
My name is Olivia. I was born in Barcelona in 1995 and I am studying design and engineering at Elisava.
I always get implied one more step beyond the simple briefing in all projects I make. Thanks to the experience I gathered working and designing, I have incorporated new fundamentals to my methodology and I hope it continues this way. Above all I search to design smart products in all senses, that’s why I started a second degree, engineering. In the end, creativity is the association of ideas, so, what better way does a designer has to enrich his knowledge? I do not have a style that I always follow, but I like to search for balanced, neat, and light designs. I try that everything I create floats in the space I place it. I value above everything the nature, and I think that it’s mandatory to respect it and to adapt ourselves to it.
E D U C AT I O N Elisava | Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona Undergraduate program “Simultaneous Studies Plane” where I am studying design and engineering. Jesuïtes Sarrià - Sant Ignasi High school Sagrado Corazón de Sarriá Middle school
SKILLS Languages
Native speaker of Spanish and Catalan Hold Cambridge Advanced English Certificate (C1)
Technical/Job-Related Skills
Practical experience in handing engine lathe, thermo machine and milling machine Knowledge of welding and model-making
Computer Skills Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Rhinoceros Solid Works AutoCAD
WORK EXPERIENCE Uniformes de Colegio Assistant to the manager
July 2015-present
• Graphic manager • Performed website maintenance • Worked one on one with clients
Coordonné Assistant to the grafic manager
Sept-January 2015
¡Siéntete radiante! Manual de salud natural para mujeres Illustrator
January-May 2014
• Designer of wallpapers collections • Designer of the calendar • Designer of the wellcome pack
d in
1 Closca 2 3V
3 Alicantinas Space
4 SĂştil
In these two projects I get inspiration from mathematic models that describe forms and phenomenas in nature: the fractals. I make an approximation to them creating infinite spaces and objects.
Creation of a space with an iconic catalan object: Alicantinas blinds.
First chair created and designed by me.
Experimentation on new materials: thermochromic pigments.
6 Wallpaper* Graphic
7 Skills
Creating a magazine based on Wallpaper* layout
Technical drawing, Rendering, Photoshop
F R A C TA L S After a brief market study, I concluded that the triangle is a figure that has not been worked very much, so I decided to work on it. The Triangle of Sierpinsky got my attention, a fractal that can be build from any equilateral triangle. Many designers try not to work with this type of figure because the edges of these can be a limitation. I designed a product and a space treating this formal aspect as an asset rather than a libility.
fractal Del lat. fractus, ‘broken’. (n.) a fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern that displays at every scale
3V How to be specific and generic altogether? 3V (3 Vertexs) is an object of storage that eases the work and order of the user who is used to work with a wide variety of tools, like architects or designers. It has a modular structure that can be repeated to acquire more capacity of storage.
Material: polypropylene, which has great resistance against various chemist solvents, as well as being light and resitant.
This drawer is to store pencils, markers or any other material. When the user grabs it, he lays it on his working area to easy acces to its content thanks to its triangular shape. Helps to create a tidy work environment. It’s a system that adapts to each user, because according to their activities, they can choose between one module or another one.
take it to your workplace
System with infinite possibilities of organitzation.
2 Closca This project is a spatial experiment in which “the box is broken� following the path a fractal would. The result is a irregular structure that is always perceived as organised because the triangle can be divided infinite times in the same way.
It is a structure thought for public places. According to the zone the user is placed, he is semi-exposed or totally exposed to the sun.
Parting from the reticle that the triangle offers, we can achieve very complex spaces, as well as harmonic.
Embed in the ground that supports it.
Building the structure respecting the order of the triangles of the fractal.
ALICANTINAS The “Alicantinas� blinds were and are an icon from the neighborhood of la Barceloneta and the entire Mediterranean coast in general. They were designed to protect from the sun and from the humidity the drying clothes. It has a simple mechanism and is assembled with basic materials. It consists on wooden panels placed one on top of the other, joined each other thanks to a filament.
Alicantina blind
We inspired ourselves in this iconic object to create our space with curvilinear modules.
This space is located in a sidewalk in Barceloneta, a few meters from the sea. The beach is a place where people tend to go and spend the whole day in summer, especially tourists. It’s usual to bring your own food and eat there on a towel surrounded by sand. We created an area for people who prefer to have lunch seated and on a table. It’s no bar nor restaurant. In this space there are provided seats, tables, lockers, microwaves and a place to prepare you lunch and also toilets and a space where people can shower or clean their feet. This hole space is designed to create a comfortable and refreshing experience by the sea.
The units are disposed in an irregular way to achieve a changing and dynamic space.
The arcs are made of vinyl clothing, which allows the light to pass, but only partially.
Fecha: 11 de Junio, 2015
Material: teca wood is resistant and long-lasting. Moreover, it’s finish is very stylish and of an excellent appearance.
Nombre: Olivia MuiĂąos y Alejandra Polo
Water zone
In the water zone the user can shower, clean their feet and wash their hands. It’s an immobile module that can also be taken to the outside, with more resistant materials.
The user can clean his hands. In this area the user can clean his feet.
Seat module This seating unit is composed by wood that create through curves an ergonomic form, that is used to rest, eat or lay down. These units are designed to transport them to the exterior too, because you can either use them inside an establishment, or used on the exterior, like on the beach sand.
Here the user can have a shower.
R2 R8 R5
The showering unit is inspired by the idea of a waterfall and a wave.
SÚTIL Sútil is a seat made with Okume plywood of one centimetre of thickness.The four pieces that compose it fit perfectly one with another, so there is no need of any external element besides the four parts. It’s core value, as it’s name in Spanish well suggests (sutil means subtile), is its subtlety. It is subtle because under it’s simple, elegant and delicate form lays a complex and clever development.
Sútil is composed by four pieces: a
back, a seat and two symmetric supports. The piece that is more important is the back, because it pierces the rest of unities with it’s diamond shape. As it has a degree superior to 90º, it’s not perpendicular to the ground, and the seat is more comfortable.
The supports are in an angle, this way there are only two instead of four. Also, these act at the same time as a support for the back. The back part creates an H thanks to the part that sticks out of the seat and that goes over the back. This detail makes it more resistant.
The holes of the back do not form a right angle, because the piece fits with the holes that do not cut it perpendicular.
Assemblying 1 1
I worked with a carpenter hand to hand to create this chair. We used a saw to cut, and a brush to polish certain edges that did not have a straight angle. To make the holes that are in the interior of the pieces, we used chisels rom all forms and sizes.
2 2 3
4 3 4
Thermochromic hair removing wax
Difficulties The wax is a material that is applied directly on the skin, thats why is very important to prevent being burnt if it’s very hot or pull overs if it gets cold to fast.
Voet The thermochromic pigments are composed by microcapsules in which the colour changes in a reversible or non reversible way, triggered by temperature change. After researching and understanding it’s properties, we applied this type of material to the hair removing wax. There are many kinds of waxes in the market, but we could mainly talk about cold and hot wax. There are many uses of cold wax, but in this project, I focused in the one that is applied on top of a hair removing band.
Thanks to the termochromic pigments, Voet is a hair removing wax that tells you at which temperature the wax is. The system of colours is an alarm system that warns you when you can apply the wax without burning yourself, and when you can apply the cold hair removing band.
Hot wax It is necessary to apply temperature for its usage. We find hot wax in a solid state at room temperature, and then it’s presented at orange colour. The hot wax gets warm for three minutes in the microwave to melt it.
Tablemat lid Hot wax packaging Instructions Label
1 We should not apply the wax when the colour is white because it means the product is hot and we can burn ourselves.
When the temperaure rises, the colour fades and we get a white colour. The range of temperatures: Reversibles: 5ºC to 50ºC
· 1 Tarro con cera termocrómica · 1 Espátula de madera · 1 Folleto de instrucciones
SELECCIÓN DE MATERIALES Elisava, Las Ramblas, 30-32, 08002 Barcelona
Irreversible: from 150ºC
· RETIRE SIEMPRE LA TAPA ANTES DE CALENTAR LA CERA · No caliente demasiado la cera. LA CERA DEMASIADO CALIENTE PUEDE CAUSAR QUEMADURAS. Siga los tiempos de calentamiento indicados. No tirar el folleto informativo hasta que el tarro no esté completamente vacío. · Le recomendamos no depilar la misma zona de piel dos veces durante una misma sesión depilatoria. · Después de depilarse no se rasque, ya que ello podría causar irritaciones en la piel.
The wax, when is in contact with the skin, changes coulour to strong orange.
Original color Temperture rises (color is fadeing)
INSTRUCCIONES DE USO. CÓMO CALENTAR LA CERA Retire la goma y la tapa de madera · RETIRE LA TAPA ANTES DE CALENTAR LA CERA · Use el microondas para calentar la cera. MICROONDAS. · Calienta la cera en el microondas durante 3 minutos. Después de calentar, éjela reposar dentro del microondas durante 1 minuto · IMPORTANTE: con cuidado retira el tarro del microondas sin inclinarlo. · Si el tarro se ha deformado o la cera se ha derramado, NO TOQUES EL TARRO y deja que se enfríe antes de retirarlo del microondas. En caso de quemadura, coloca la zona afectda bajo agua tibia durante 10 minutos y acude al médico inmediatamente. NO INTENTES RETIRAR LA CAPA DE CERA.
Temperture falls (brightly colored)
· Para mejores resultados, el vello tiene que tener al menos 5mm de largo · Es importante que APLIQUE LA CERA EN CAPAS FINAS con espátula. · Si no se ha depilado nunca antes con cera, recomendamos que empiece por depilarse el vello de las piernas. · Antes de cada uso, VERIFICA SIEMPRE LA REACCIÓN DE TU PIEL aplicando y retirando la cera en una pequeña parte de la zona que quieras depilar, siguiendo las instrucciones de uso. Si tras 24 HORAS no se produce ninguna reacción adversa, procede con la depilación.
When the covering of wax is all orange, it means that the wax is cold enough to be removed.
CÓMO VERIFICAR LA TEMEPERATURA DE LA CERA La cera a temperatura ambiente es de color naranja intenso. Después de calentarla 3 minutos en el microondas, pasa de ese color a un blanco anaranjado. No interesa aplicar la cera cuando es de este color porque significa que la temperatura a la que se encuentra es muy elevada y podría dañar a la piel. · Remueva la cera con la espátula. Si está demasiado líquida, DEJAR REPOSAR durante 1 minuto más.
CÓMO CALENTAR LA CERA: Calienta la cera en el microondas durante 3 minutos. Una vez caliente, dejarla reposar dentro del microondas durante 1 minuto.
CÓMO VERIFICAR LA TEMPERATURA DE LA CERA: La cera a temperatura ambiente es de color naranja intenso. Después de calentarla en el microondas, pasa de ese color a un blanco anaranjado. No interesa aplicar la cera cuando es de este color porque significa que la temperatura a la que se encuentra es muy elevada y podría dañar a la piel. Si está demasiado líquida, DEJAR REPOSAR durante 1 minuto más.
ESTE PACK CONTIENE: · Tarro de cera de 250 ml. · 1 espátula de madera · 1 folleto de instrucciones
CÓMO APLICAR LA CERA: Coge una cantidad abundante de cera con la espátula · Cuando la cera presente dificultades para removerla o empiece a volverse naranja, VOLVER A CALENTARLA en el microondas 1 o 2 minutos según, sea conveniente.
SELECCIÓN DE MATERIALES Elisava, Las Ramblas, 30-32, 08002 Barcelona
Voet hot wax label
Oil wipes
Wax strips Cold wax
You do not need to apply almost any temperature to use it. We find cold wax in hair removing bands, which we can rub with our hands to give them enough heat to be able to use them.
Thermochromic wax strips
Process 1 Through the heat produced by the rubbing of the hands, we heat the wax until the blue colour fades and becomes transparent.
2 Once we get the absence of colour, we split the waxing bands.
3 We apply the band on the areawe want to wax off.
When the thermochromic pigment is applicated to this wax, it changes from blue to white when achieving the 26ºC. It’s a fast method because with only the corporal heat we can get the colour change. It is oriented to sensible areas, such as earbrowns, moustaches or armpits.
Instructions of the wax strips
BANDAS DE CERA Contiene: · 12 bandas de cera depilatoria · 4 toallitas para un acabado perfecto · 1 Folleto de instrucciones
SELECCIÓN DE MATERIALES Elisava, Las Ramblas, 30-32, 08002 Barcelona
IMPORTANTE · Guarde las Bandas de Cera Veet EN UN LUGAR FRESCO Y SECO y evite que entren en contacto con el agua ya que perderían su eficacia. · Asegúrese de que la piel esté limpia, seca, sin restos de cremas o aceites y que no esté irritada. · Antes de cada uso, probar en una pequeña parte de la piel donde deseas aplicar. · Si no tiene experiencia en la depilación con cera, le recomendamos que empiece por depilarse el vello de las piernas. Sólo cuando tenga más experiencia pase a depilarse las zonas sensibles como axilas e inglés. Al utilizar este producto en dichas zonas sensibles, recomendamos no depilar la misma zona de la piel dos veces durante una sesión depilatoria.
TRUCOS IMPORTANTES PARA UN RESULTADO PERFECTO · Para unos resultados óptimos, el vello debe tener entre 2 y 5 mm de longitud. · Sigue las instrucciones del folleto y si no hay una reacción adversa en 24 horas, puedes continuar usando el producto. · Es normal que tras la depilación la piel enrojezca. · Después de depilarse, no se rasque ya que ello podría causar irritaciones en la piel.
Voet logo
· Siga los pasos de depilación con bandas de cera tal y como se muestra a continuación. Recuerde, si no tiene experiencia, empiece con una zona no sensible como las piernas.
Illustration of the depilatory strip shows the steps that the user has to do.
1. Caliente ligeramente las bandas de cera con las manos. Separe las bandas lentamente.
2. Aplique una banda de cera, alisándola con las manos sobre la piel durante unos segundos, en la dirección de crecimiento del vello (dependiendo de la zona corporal, consulte la imagen correspondiente).
3. Mientras con una mano mantiene la piel tirante, con la otra, mediante un movimiento rápido y decidido, retire inmediatamente la banda de cera en la dirección contraria al crecimiento del vello. Tire siempre de la banda tan cerca de la piel como sea posible, si no la depilación podría resultar dolorosa y menos eficaz.
Siga los pasos de depilación con bandas de cera tal y como se muestra a continuación. Recuerde, si no tiene experiencia, empiece con una zona no sensible como las piernas.
4 Finally, when the blue colour appears again, we remove the band. Lately, in the case that there is wax remaining on our skin, we clean the area with an oil washcloth.
BANDAS DE CERA Zona sensibles
Voet wax strips label
33 ESTE PACK CONTIENE: · 12 bandas de cera depilatoria. · 4 toallitas para un acabado perfecto · 1 folleto de instrucciones
SELECCIÓN DE MATERIALES Elisava, Las Ramblas, 30-32, 08002 Barcelona
Caliente ligeramente las bandas de cera con las manos. Separe las bandas lentamente.
Aplique una banda de cera, alisándola con las manos sobre la piel durante unos segundos, en la dirección de crecimiento del vello (dependiendo de la zona corporal, consulte la imagen correspondiente). Mientras con una mano mantiene la piel tirante, con la otra, mediante un movimiento rápido y decidido, retire rápidamente la banda de cera en la dirección contraria al crecimiento del vello. Tire siempre de la banda tan cerca de la piel como sea posible, si no la depilación podría resultar dolorosa y menos eficaz. La misma banda puede reutilizarse. Para ello, doble la banda y caliéntela entre sus manos.
Una vez finalizada la depilación, para eliminar cualquier posible resto de cera, limpie la piel con una toallita para un acabado perfecto.
As part of the subject Digital Lab, we had to design a Wallpaper* magazine following the original magazines aesthetics and graphic criteria. The content included in the magazine was created entirely by the students, including renders, illustrations and texts. By carrying out this exercise we learned how to properly design the layout of a magazine and how to capture the spirit of an already existing magazine.
BAUHAUS BAUHAUS CHEES CHEES Chees history How does it works? Berlin wall graphics
Wa l l p a p e r *
li i a v